Beispiel #1
  o `exceptions` has the interface-defined exceptions

  o `interfaces` contains a list of all public interfaces for this package.

  o `verify` has utilities for verifying implementations of interfaces.

See the module doc strings for more information.
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

from zope.interface.interface import Interface
from zope.interface.interface import _wire

# Need to actually get the interface elements to implement the right interfaces
del _wire

from zope.interface.declarations import Declaration
from zope.interface.declarations import alsoProvides
from zope.interface.declarations import classImplements
from zope.interface.declarations import classImplementsOnly
from zope.interface.declarations import classProvides
from zope.interface.declarations import directlyProvidedBy
from zope.interface.declarations import directlyProvides
from zope.interface.declarations import implementedBy
from zope.interface.declarations import implementer
from zope.interface.declarations import implementer_only
from zope.interface.declarations import implements
from zope.interface.declarations import implementsOnly
from zope.interface.declarations import moduleProvides
Beispiel #2
  o `exceptions` has the interface-defined exceptions

  o `interfaces` contains a list of all public interfaces for this package.

  o `verify` has utilities for verifying implementations of interfaces.

See the module doc strings for more information.

$Id: 105433 2009-11-02 08:33:25Z ctheune $
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

from zope.interface.interface import Interface, _wire

# Need to actually get the interface elements to implement the right interfaces
del _wire

from zope.interface.interface import Attribute, invariant, taggedValue

from zope.interface.declarations import providedBy, implementedBy
from zope.interface.declarations import classImplements, classImplementsOnly
from zope.interface.declarations import directlyProvidedBy, directlyProvides
from zope.interface.declarations import alsoProvides, implementer
from zope.interface.declarations import implements, implementsOnly
from zope.interface.declarations import classProvides, moduleProvides
from zope.interface.declarations import noLongerProvides, Declaration
from zope.interface.exceptions import Invalid

# The following are to make spec pickles cleaner
from zope.interface.declarations import Provides