Beispiel #1
def is_volume_on_pvs(volume_path, pvUuids, includingMissing=True):
    files = linux.qcow2_get_file_chain(volume_path)
    if len(files) == 0:
        # could not read qcow2
        logger.debug("can not read volume %s, return true" % volume_path)
        return True
    pv_names = []
    for p in pvUuids:
        name = get_pv_name_by_uuid(p)
        if name != "":
            pv_names.append(get_pv_name_by_uuid(p) + "(")

    if includingMissing:
    for f in files:
        o = bash.bash_o(
            "timeout -s SIGKILL 10 lvs --noheading --nolocking %s -odevices" % f).strip().lower()  # type: str
        logger.debug("volume %s is on pv %s" % (volume_path, o))
        if len(filter(lambda n: o.find(n.lower()) > 0, pv_names)) > 0:
            logger.debug("lv %s on pv %s(%s), return true" % (volume_path, pvUuids, pv_names))
            return True
        if o == "" and includingMissing:
            logger.debug("pv of lv %s is missing, return true")
            return True
    return False
    def commit_to_imagestore(self, cmd, req):
        fpath = cmd.primaryStorageInstallPath

        # Synchronize cached writes for 'fpath''/bin/sync ' + fpath)

        # Add the image to registry
        cmdstr = '%s -json  -callbackurl %s -taskid %s -imageUuid %s add -desc \'%s\' -file %s' % (self.ZSTORE_CLI_PATH, req[http.REQUEST_HEADER].get(http.CALLBACK_URI),
                req[http.REQUEST_HEADER].get(http.TASK_UUID), cmd.imageUuid, cmd.description, fpath)

        logger.debug('adding %s to local image store' % fpath)"utf-8"))
        logger.debug('%s added to local image store' % fpath)

        name, imageid = self._get_image_reference(fpath)

        rsp = kvmagent.AgentResponse()
        rsp.backupStorageInstallPath = self._build_install_path(name, imageid)
        rsp.size = linux.qcow2_size_and_actual_size(cmd.primaryStorageInstallPath)[0]

        # we need to sum all the disk size within the chain ...
        chain = linux.qcow2_get_file_chain(cmd.primaryStorageInstallPath)
        rsp.actualSize = sum([ linux.qcow2_size_and_actual_size(f)[1] for f in chain ])

        return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)
Beispiel #3
def is_volume_on_pvs(volume_path, pvUuids, includingMissing=True):
    files = linux.qcow2_get_file_chain(volume_path)
    if len(files) == 0:
        # could not read qcow2
        logger.debug("can not read volume %s, return true" % volume_path)
        return True
    pv_names = []
    for p in pvUuids:
        name = get_pv_name_by_uuid(p)
        if name != "":
            pv_names.append(get_pv_name_by_uuid(p) + "(")

    if includingMissing:
    for f in files:
        o = bash.bash_o(
            "timeout -s SIGKILL 10 lvs --noheading --nolocking %s -odevices" %
            f).strip().lower()  # type: str
        logger.debug("volume %s is on pv %s" % (volume_path, o))
        if len(filter(lambda n: o.find(n.lower()) > 0, pv_names)) > 0:
            logger.debug("lv %s on pv %s(%s), return true" %
                         (volume_path, pvUuids, pv_names))
            return True
        if o == "" and includingMissing:
            logger.debug("pv of lv %s is missing, return true")
            return True
    return False
    def create_template_from_volume(self, req):
        cmd = jsonobject.loads(req[http.REQUEST_BODY])
        rsp = AgentRsp()
        volume_abs_path = translate_absolute_path_from_install_path(cmd.volumePath)
        install_abs_path = translate_absolute_path_from_install_path(cmd.installPath)

        if cmd.sharedVolume:
            lvm.do_active_lv(volume_abs_path, lvm.LvmlockdLockType.SHARE, True)

        with lvm.RecursiveOperateLv(volume_abs_path, shared=cmd.sharedVolume, skip_deactivate_tags=[IMAGE_TAG]):
            virtual_size = linux.qcow2_virtualsize(volume_abs_path)
            total_size = 0
            for qcow2 in linux.qcow2_get_file_chain(volume_abs_path):
                total_size += int(lvm.get_lv_size(qcow2))

            if total_size > virtual_size:
                total_size = virtual_size

            if not lvm.lv_exists(install_abs_path):
                lvm.create_lv_from_absolute_path(install_abs_path, total_size,
                                                 "%s::%s::%s" % (VOLUME_TAG, cmd.hostUuid, time.time()))
            with lvm.OperateLv(install_abs_path, shared=False, delete_when_exception=True):
                linux.create_template(volume_abs_path, install_abs_path)
                logger.debug('successfully created template[%s] from volume[%s]' % (cmd.installPath, cmd.volumePath))
                if cmd.compareQcow2 is True:
                    logger.debug("comparing qcow2 between %s and %s")
                    bash.bash_errorout("time qemu-img compare %s %s" % (volume_abs_path, install_abs_path))
                    logger.debug("confirmed qcow2 %s and %s are identical" % (volume_abs_path, install_abs_path))

        rsp.totalCapacity, rsp.availableCapacity = lvm.get_vg_size(cmd.vgUuid)
        return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)
    def commit_to_imagestore(self, cmd, req):
        fpath = cmd.primaryStorageInstallPath

        # Synchronize cached writes for 'fpath''/bin/sync ' + fpath)

        # Add the image to registry
        cmdstr = '%s -json  -callbackurl %s -taskid %s -imageUuid %s add -file %s' % (self.ZSTORE_CLI_PATH, req[http.REQUEST_HEADER].get(http.CALLBACK_URI),
                req[http.REQUEST_HEADER].get(http.TASK_UUID), cmd.imageUuid, fpath)

        logger.debug('adding %s to local image store' % fpath)
        logger.debug('%s added to local image store' % fpath)

        name, imageid = self._get_image_reference(fpath)

        rsp = kvmagent.AgentResponse()
        rsp.backupStorageInstallPath = self._build_install_path(name, imageid)
        rsp.size = linux.qcow2_size_and_actual_size(cmd.primaryStorageInstallPath)[0]

        # we need to sum all the disk size within the chain ...
        chain = linux.qcow2_get_file_chain(cmd.primaryStorageInstallPath)
        rsp.actualSize = sum([ linux.qcow2_size_and_actual_size(f)[1] for f in chain ])

        return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)
    def get_backing_chain(self, req):
        cmd = jsonobject.loads(req[http.REQUEST_BODY])
        rsp = GetBackingChainRsp()
        abs_path = translate_absolute_path_from_install_path(cmd.installPath)

        with lvm.RecursiveOperateLv(abs_path, shared=True, skip_deactivate_tags=[IMAGE_TAG], delete_when_exception=False):
            rsp.backingChain = linux.qcow2_get_file_chain(abs_path)

        rsp.totalCapacity, rsp.availableCapacity = lvm.get_vg_size(cmd.vgUuid)
        return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)
    def get_backing_chain(self, req):
        cmd = jsonobject.loads(req[http.REQUEST_BODY])
        rsp = GetBackingChainRsp()
        abs_path = translate_absolute_path_from_install_path(cmd.installPath)

        with lvm.RecursiveOperateLv(abs_path,
            rsp.backingChain = linux.qcow2_get_file_chain(abs_path)

        rsp.totalCapacity, rsp.availableCapacity = lvm.get_vg_size(cmd.vgUuid)
        return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)
    def create_template_from_volume(self, req):
        cmd = jsonobject.loads(req[http.REQUEST_BODY])
        rsp = AgentRsp()
        volume_abs_path = translate_absolute_path_from_install_path(
        install_abs_path = translate_absolute_path_from_install_path(

        if cmd.sharedVolume:
            lvm.do_active_lv(volume_abs_path, lvm.LvmlockdLockType.SHARE, True)

        with lvm.RecursiveOperateLv(volume_abs_path,
            virtual_size = linux.qcow2_virtualsize(volume_abs_path)
            total_size = 0
            compress = False
            for qcow2 in linux.qcow2_get_file_chain(volume_abs_path):
                if bash.bash_r("qemu-img check %s | grep compressed" %
                               volume_abs_path) == 0:
                    compress = True
                total_size += int(lvm.get_lv_size(qcow2))

            if total_size > virtual_size:
                total_size = virtual_size

            if bash.bash_r("qemu-img info --backing-chain %s | grep compress" %
                           volume_abs_path) == 0:
                compress = True

            if not lvm.lv_exists(install_abs_path):
                    install_abs_path, total_size,
                    "%s::%s::%s" % (VOLUME_TAG, cmd.hostUuid, time.time()))
            with lvm.OperateLv(install_abs_path,
                linux.create_template(volume_abs_path, install_abs_path,
                    'successfully created template[%s] from volume[%s]' %
                    (cmd.installPath, cmd.volumePath))
                if cmd.compareQcow2 is True:
                    logger.debug("comparing qcow2 between %s and %s")
                    bash.bash_errorout("time qemu-img compare %s %s" %
                                       (volume_abs_path, install_abs_path))
                    logger.debug("confirmed qcow2 %s and %s are identical" %
                                 (volume_abs_path, install_abs_path))

        rsp.totalCapacity, rsp.availableCapacity = lvm.get_vg_size(cmd.vgUuid)
        return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)
Beispiel #9
    def copy_bits_to_remote(self, req):
        cmd = jsonobject.loads(req[http.REQUEST_BODY])
        if cmd.dstUsername != 'root':
            raise Exception("cannot support migrate to non-root user host")

        chain = sum([linux.qcow2_get_file_chain(p) for p in cmd.paths], [])
        if cmd.sendCommandUrl:
            Report.url = cmd.sendCommandUrl

        report = Report(cmd.threadContext, cmd.threadContextStack)
        report.processType = "LocalStorageMigrateVolume"
        report.resourceUuid = cmd.volumeUuid

        PFILE ='mktemp /tmp/tmp-XXXXXX').strip()
        PASSWORD_FILE = linux.write_to_temp_file(cmd.dstPassword)

        start = 10
        end = 90
        if cmd.stage:
            start, end = get_scale(cmd.stage)

        total = 0
        for path in set(chain):
            total = total + os.path.getsize(path)

        written = 0

        def _get_progress(synced):
                "getProgress in localstorage-agent, synced: %s, total: %s" %
                (synced, total))
            if not os.path.exists(PFILE):
                return synced
            fpread = open(PFILE, 'r')
            lines = fpread.readlines()
            if not lines:
                return synced
            last = str(lines[-1]).strip().split('\r')[-1]
            if not last or len(last.split()) < 1:
                return synced
            line = last.split()[0]
            if not line.isdigit():
                return synced
            if total > 0:
                synced = long(line)
                if synced < total:
                    percent = int(
                            float(written + synced) / float(total) *
                            (end - start) + start))
                    report.progress_report(percent, "report")
                    synced = written
            return synced

        for path in set(chain):
            PATH = path
            USER = cmd.dstUsername
            IP = cmd.dstIp
            PORT = (cmd.dstPort and cmd.dstPort or "22")
            DIR = os.path.dirname(path)
            _, _, err = bash_progress_1(
                # Fixes ZSTAC-13430: handle extremely complex password like ~ ` !@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{}|?<>;:'"/ .
                'rsync -av --progress --relative {{PATH}} --rsh="/usr/bin/sshpass -f{{PASSWORD_FILE}} ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -p {{PORT}} -l {{USER}}" {{IP}}:/ 1>{{PFILE}}',
            if err:
                raise Exception('fail to migrate vm to host, because %s' %

            written += os.path.getsize(path)
                '/usr/bin/sshpass -f{{PASSWORD_FILE}} ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -p {{PORT}} {{USER}}@{{IP}} "/bin/sync {{PATH}}"'
            percent = int(
                round(float(written) / float(total) * (end - start) + start))
            report.progress_report(percent, "report")

        rsp = AgentResponse()
        rsp.totalCapacity, rsp.availableCapacity = self._get_disk_capacity(
        return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)
Beispiel #10
    def copy_bits_to_remote(self, req):
        cmd = jsonobject.loads(req[http.REQUEST_BODY])
        chain = sum([linux.qcow2_get_file_chain(p) for p in cmd.paths], [])
        if cmd.sendCommandUrl:
            Report.url = cmd.sendCommandUrl

        report = Report(cmd.threadContext, cmd.threadContextStack)
        report.processType = "LocalStorageMigrateVolume"
        report.resourceUuid = cmd.uuid
        PFILE ='mktemp /tmp/tmp-XXXXXX').strip()

        start = 10
        end = 90
        if cmd.stage:
            start, end = get_scale(cmd.stage)

        total = 0
        for path in set(chain):
            total = total + os.path.getsize(path)

        written = 0

        def _get_progress(synced):
            logger.debug("getProgress in localstorage-agent, synced: %s, total: %s" % (synced, total))
            if not os.path.exists(PFILE):
                return synced
            fpread = open(PFILE, 'r')
            lines = fpread.readlines()
            if not lines:
                return synced
            last = str(lines[-1]).strip().split('\r')[-1]
            if not last or len(last.split()) < 1:
                return synced
            line = last.split()[0]
            if not line.isdigit():
                return synced
            if total > 0:
                synced = long(line)
                if synced < total:
                    percent = int(round(float(written + synced) / float(total) * (end - start) + start))
                    report.progress_report(percent, "report")
                    synced = written
            return synced

        for path in set(chain):
            PATH = path
            PASSWORD = linux.shellquote(cmd.dstPassword)
            USER = cmd.dstUsername
            IP = cmd.dstIp
            PORT = (cmd.dstPort and cmd.dstPort or "22")
            DIR = os.path.dirname(path)

            if cmd.dstUsername == 'root':
                _, _, err = bash_progress_1(
                    'rsync -av --progress --relative {{PATH}} --rsh="/usr/bin/sshpass -p {{PASSWORD}} ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -p {{PORT}} -l {{USER}}" {{IP}}:/ 1>{{PFILE}}', _get_progress, False)

                if err:
                    raise Exception('fail to migrate vm to host, because %s' % str(err))
                raise Exception("cannot support migrate to non-root user host")
            written += os.path.getsize(path)
            bash_errorout('/usr/bin/sshpass -p {{PASSWORD}} ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -p {{PORT}} {{USER}}@{{IP}} "/bin/sync {{PATH}}"')
            percent = int(round(float(written) / float(total) * (end - start) + start))
            report.progress_report(percent, "report")

        if os.path.exists(PFILE):
        rsp = AgentResponse()
        rsp.totalCapacity, rsp.availableCapacity = self._get_disk_capacity(cmd.storagePath)
        return jsonobject.dumps(rsp)