Beispiel #1
    def check(self):
        super(zstack_kvm_vm_snat_checker, self).check()
        vm = self.test_obj.vm
        host = test_lib.lib_get_vm_host(vm)

        vm_cmd_result = None
        vr_vms = test_lib.lib_find_vr_by_vm(vm)
        for vr_vm in vr_vms:
            test_util.test_logger("Begin to check [vm:] %s SNAT" % vm.uuid)
            nic = test_lib.lib_get_vm_nic_by_vr(vm, vr_vm)
            if not 'SNAT' in test_lib.lib_get_l3_service_type(nic.l3NetworkUuid):
                test_util.test_logger("Skip [VR:] %s, since it doesn't provide SNAT service" % vr_vm.uuid)

            ping_target = test_lib.test_config.pingTestTarget.text_
            #Check if there is a SG rule to block ICMP checking
            if test_lib.lib_is_sg_rule_exist(nic.uuid, None, None, inventory.EGRESS):
                if not test_lib.lib_is_sg_rule_exist(nic.uuid, inventory.ICMP, ping_target, inventory.EGRESS):
                    test_util.test_warn('Skip SNAT checker: because there is ICMP Egress Rule was assigned to [nic:] %s and the allowed target ip is not %s' % (nic.uuid, ping_target))
                    return self.judge(self.exp_result)

            guest_ip = nic.ip
            vm_command = 'ping -c 5 -W 5 %s >/tmp/ping_result 2>&1; ret=$?; cat /tmp/ping_result; exit $ret' % ping_target
            vm_cmd_result = test_lib.lib_ssh_vm_cmd_by_agent_with_retry(host.managementIp, nic.ip, test_lib.lib_get_vm_username(vm), test_lib.lib_get_vm_password(vm), vm_command, self.exp_result)
            if not vm_cmd_result:
                test_util.test_logger('Checker result: FAIL to ping [target:] %s from [vm:] %s .' % (ping_target, vm.uuid))
                if self.exp_result == True:
                    test_util.test_logger("network connection result is not expected pass, will print VR's network configuration:")
                return self.judge(False)
                test_util.test_logger('Checker result: SUCCEED to ping [target:] %s from [vm:] %s .' % (ping_target, vm.uuid))
                return self.judge(True)
    def check(self):
        super(zstack_kvm_vm_snat_checker, self).check()
        vm = self.test_obj.vm
        host = test_lib.lib_get_vm_host(vm)

        vm_cmd_result = None
        vr_vms = test_lib.lib_find_vr_by_vm(vm)
        for vr_vm in vr_vms:
            test_util.test_logger("Begin to check [vm:] %s SNAT" % vm.uuid)
            nic = test_lib.lib_get_vm_nic_by_vr(vm, vr_vm)
            if not 'SNAT' in test_lib.lib_get_l3_service_type(nic.l3NetworkUuid):
                test_util.test_logger("Skip [VR:] %s, since it doesn't provide SNAT service" % vr_vm.uuid)

            ping_target = test_lib.test_config.pingTestTarget.text_
            #Check if there is a SG rule to block ICMP checking
            if test_lib.lib_is_sg_rule_exist(nic.uuid, None, None, inventory.EGRESS):
                if not test_lib.lib_is_sg_rule_exist(nic.uuid, inventory.ICMP, ping_target, inventory.EGRESS):
                    test_util.test_warn('Skip SNAT checker: because there is ICMP Egress Rule was assigned to [nic:] %s and the allowed target ip is not %s' % (nic.uuid, ping_target))
                    return self.judge(self.exp_result)

            guest_ip = nic.ip
            vm_command = 'ping -c 5 -W 5 %s >/tmp/ping_result 2>&1; ret=$?; cat /tmp/ping_result; exit $ret' % ping_target
            vm_cmd_result = test_lib.lib_ssh_vm_cmd_by_agent_with_retry(host.managementIp, nic.ip, test_lib.lib_get_vm_username(vm), test_lib.lib_get_vm_password(vm), vm_command, self.exp_result)
            if not vm_cmd_result:
                test_util.test_logger('Checker result: FAIL to ping [target:] %s from [vm:] %s .' % (ping_target, vm.uuid))
                if self.exp_result == True:
                    test_util.test_logger("network connection result is not expected pass, will print VR's network configuration:")
                return self.judge(False)
                test_util.test_logger('Checker result: SUCCEED to ping [target:] %s from [vm:] %s .' % (ping_target, vm.uuid))
                return self.judge(True)
Beispiel #3
    def check(self):
        super(zstack_kvm_vm_network_checker, self).check()
        vm = self.test_obj.vm
        host = test_lib.lib_get_vm_host(vm)
        vr_vms = test_lib.lib_find_vr_by_vm(vm)
        if not vr_vms:
            test_util.test_warn('No Virtual Router was found for VM: %s. Skip testing.' % vm.uuid)
            return self.judge(self.exp_result)

        for vr_vm in vr_vms:
            nic = test_lib.lib_get_vm_nic_by_vr(vm, vr_vm)
            if not 'DHCP' in test_lib.lib_get_l3_service_type(nic.l3NetworkUuid):
                test_util.test_logger("Skip [VR:] %s, since it doesn't provide DHCP service" % vr_vm.uuid)

            guest_ip = nic.ip
            command = 'ping -c 5 -W 5 %s >/tmp/ping_result 2>&1; ret=$?; cat /tmp/ping_result; exit $ret' % guest_ip
            if not test_lib.lib_execute_sh_cmd_by_agent_with_retry(host.managementIp, command, self.exp_result):
                test_util.test_logger('Checker result: FAIL to ping [target:] %s [ip:] %s from [host:] %s' % (vm.uuid, guest_ip, host.uuid))

                if self.exp_result == True:
                    test_util.test_logger("network connection result is not expected pass, will print VR's network configuration:")
                return self.judge(False)
                test_util.test_logger('Checker result: SUCCESSFULLY ping [target:] %s [ip:] %s from [host:] %s' % (vm.uuid, guest_ip, host.uuid))

        test_util.test_logger("Checker result: ping target [vm:] %s from [host:] %s SUCCESS" % (vm.uuid, host.uuid))

        return self.judge(True)