def calculate(myarg): stack = list() for token in myarg.split(): try: token = int(token) stack.append(token) except ValueError: function = operators[token] arg2 = stack.pop() arg1 = stack.pop() text = colored(token, 'blue') arg2text = colored(arg2, 'white') arg1text = colored(arg1, 'white') if arg2 < 0: arg2text = colored(arg2, 'red') if arg1 < 0: arg1text = colored(arg1, 'red') result = function(arg1, arg2) stack.append(result) print(arg2text, text, arg1text, "=") print(stack) if len(stack) != 1: raise TypeError("Too many parameters") return stack.pop()
def execute_sql(): print('there are ' + ' ' + str(len(create_all_sql())) + ' ' + 'queries' + ' ' + 'to execute') import pandas as pd try: conn = MySQLdb.connect(passwd="tli00eNND2ROLm:d,cq-", db="dspe", host="", port=3306, user="******") engine = create_engine('mysql+pymysql://root:tli00eNND2ROLm:d,[email protected]:3306/dspe') sqls = create_all_sql() for sql in sqls: try: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql) res = (str(cur.fetchall()).strip("[],(),)' datetime.datetime(")) if int(res) > 0: print(colored("This test Passed::" + " "+ sql + res,'green')) else: print(colored("This test failed to collect any data::" + " " + sql + " " + res,'yellow')) except MySQLdb.DatabaseError as dataerror: print("table does not exist" + str(dataerror)) except MySQLdb.ProgrammingError as error: print("There was an error executing the query, Please check your queries" + error)
def test_fields(self): mydict = self.kafka_test()[0] mynewdict = (mydict) print(mydict) # # filename ="canonical_message" # mydata = pd.DataFrame((mydict),index=[0]) # mydata.to_csv(filename) # # data_to_test = [ 'Platform Item', 'externalAdvertiserId', 'externalCampaignId', 'externalPlatformItemId', 'platformItemName', 'active', 'code', 'timezone', 'vendorTimezone', 'dailyBudget', 'dailyBudget', 'overallBudget', 'overallBudget', 'dailyBudgetImpressions', 'overallBudgetImpressions', 'baseBid', 'minBid', 'maxBid', 'pacingType', 'pacingInterval', 'frequencyCap', 'frequencyInterval' ] dict = json.dumps( mydict) # k:v for k,v in (x.split(':') for x in mydict) } for data in data_to_test: if data in dict: print("This key is present in data" + " " + data) else: print( colored(data + " " + "is not present in this report", 'red')) pass
def play_menu(self): self.print_menu_op() self.process_op( Quiz.valid_negative_op( int( input( colored('white', QuizLabel.get_label('pergunta_op'), 'background_black', True)))))
def main_marquee(): content = '北京欢迎你,为你开天辟地。。。。。。。。' color = [ 'grey', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white' ] i = 0 while True: # 清理屏幕上的输出 os.system('cls') index = i % len(color) print(colored(content[i % len(content)], color[index])) print(colored(content, color[index])) # print(content) # 休眠 200 毫秒 time.sleep(0.1) content = content[1:] + content[0] i = i + 1
def print_header(self): """ Função que implemanta o cabeçalho do formulário Titulo:::::<nome> Status:::::self.is_status_finished """ text_finished = colored('red', QuizLabel.get_label('nao_finalizado')) print('self.is_status_finished', self.is_status_finished) if self.is_status_finished: text_finished = colored('green', QuizLabel.get_label('finalizado')) # Cabeçalho do questionario Helper.clear() print("{}::::::::{}".format(QuizLabel.get_label('titulo'), print("{}:::::::{}".format(QuizLabel.get_label('status'), text_finished)) Helper.new_line()
def answer_question(self, id_question): question = self.get_question(id_question) self.print_header_question(question) self.print_possible_answers(question) index_answer = int( input( colored('white', QuizLabel.get_label('pergunta_op'), 'background_black', True))) self.set_answer(id_question, index_answer)
def lap(self): self.__end = time.time() if self.__mode is 'fixed': self.__runLapSequence() elif self.__mode is 'indeterminate': pass else: raise InvalidArgumentError(colored('You provided an invalid input ' + \ 'for the mode argument, "' + self.mode + '". Your only options ' + \ 'are "fixed" or "indeterminate".','red')) self.__currentLap = self.__currentLap + 1
def start(self): self.__elapsedTime = time.time() if self.__mode is 'fixed': self.__start = time.time() self.__timings = deque([]) elif self.__mode is 'indeterminate': #self.__analyizeIndeterminateCodeInit() else: raise InvalidArgumentError(colored('You provided an invalid input ' + \ 'for the mode argument, "' + self.mode + '". Your only options ' + \ 'are "fixed" or "indeterminate".','red'))
def startchat(name, age, rating): showmenu = True #to display menu while showmenu: menuchoices = "What do you want to do?\n1) Add a status update\n" \ "2) Add a friend\n" \ "3) Send a secret message\n" \ "4) Read a secret message\n" \ "5) Read chats from a user\n" \ "6) Close the application\n" result = int(raw_input(menuchoices)) #validating the menuchoice if result == 1: statusmsg = addstatus() print colored("Your Current status is: " + statusmsg, 'green') elif result == 2: # action no_of_friends = add_friend() print colored("You have %d friends " % (no_of_friends), 'green') elif (result == 3): send_message() elif (result == 4): read_message() elif result == 5: read_chat() elif result == 6: showmenu = False else: print colored("Sorry invalid option ", 'red')
def _aligner(self, target, nontarget, evalue): blastn = NcbiblastnCommandline(query=target, db=nontarget, evalue=evalue, outfmt=6, perc_identity=100, # word_size=word, ungapped=True, penalty=-20, reward=1, ) stdout, stderr = blastn() sys.stdout.write('[%s] [%s/%s] ' % (time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), self.counter, t)) if not stdout: print colored("%s has no significant similarity to \"%s\"(%i) with an elimination E-value: %g" % (tname, ntname, allele, evalue), 'red') else: # music.load('/run/media/blais/blastdrive/coin.wav') # print colored("Now eliminating %s sequences with significant similarity to \"%s\"(%i) with an " "elimination E-value: %g" % (tname, ntname, allele, evalue), 'blue', attrs=['blink']) blastparse(stdout, target, tname, ntname)
def __init__(self, arm_vals, estimates, arm_vals_var=1): # If arm values not provided generate random values between [0,1] of length 10 if arm_vals == []: self.arm_values = np.random.normal( 0, 1, 10) # actual mean value of actions # mean reward else: self.arm_values = arm_vals self.k = len(self.arm_values) self.K = np.zeros(self.k) # number of actions self.arm_values_var = arm_vals_var if estimates == []: self.est_values = np.zeros( self.k) # estimated value of value of actions elif len(estimates) != self.k: print( colored( 'Size of estimates should be equal to size of arm values provided', 'red'))
zero_schools= [] for urn,trustname in zip(new_list,new_list2): inputElement = driver.find_element_by_id("SchoolOrCollegeNameId").click() inputElement = driver.find_element_by_id("FindByNameId").send_keys(urn) driver.find_element_by_name("searchtype").click() driver.implicitly_wait(0) try: nameOnPage = driver.find_element_by_xpath("/html/body/div/main/h1").text assert nameOnPage == str(trustname) number_of_pupils = driver.find_element_by_xpath("/html/body/div/main/div[2]/div[1]/div/dl/dd[5]").text try: if int(number_of_pupils) == 0: zero_schools.append((urn, nameOnPage)) print(number_of_pupils + " " + "Number of Pupils") print(colored(nameOnPage + " " + " On website Matches" + " " + str(trustname), ("green"))) number_or_urns -= 1 print(str(number_or_urns) + " " + "Schools Remaining") except ValueError: print("This is not a Valid Value") except AssertionError: did_not_match.append(urn) print(did_not_match) print(colored(nameOnPage + " " + " On website Does Not Match" + " " + str(trustname), ("red"))) # driver.find_element_by_class_name("home-link").click() except NoSuchElementException: unable_to_test.append(urn) print(colored("Unable to test LAESTAT number " + " " + str(urn) + " " + "Please do this manually",("red"))) pass driver.refresh() driver.find_element_by_class_name("home-link").click()
def yellow(string): string = colored(string, 'yellow', attrs=['bold']) return string
global population, population_male, population_female, y, n, spiders, lim, pf, bounds rand = random.random() # random [0,1] population = 30 population_female = int((0.9 - rand * 0.25) * population) population_male = population - population_female y = "-100*(z[1]-z[0]**2)**2 - (1 - z[0]**2)**2" n = 2 bounds = np.array([[-10, 10], [-10, 10]]) lim = 200 pf = 0.7 for test in range(10): test_3() best_fitness, best_s = social_spider_optimization() print('\n' + colored("Τest " + str(test + 1), 'blue') + '\n' + "f(max) = " + str(best_fitness) + " max = " + str(best_s)) # # Bukin function N.6 4 minimum = 0 (-10,1) # def test_(): # global population, population_male, population_female, y, n, spiders, lim, pf, bounds # rand = random.random() # random [0,1] # population = 100 # population_female = int((0.9 - rand * 0.25) * population) # population_male = population - population_female # y = "-100 * math.sqrt(abs(z[1]-0.01*z[0]**2)) - 0.01* abs(z[0]+10)" # n = 2 # bounds = np.array([[-1.5, -5], # [-3, 3]]) # lim = 200 # pf = 0.7
def cyan(string): string = colored(string, 'cyan', attrs=['bold']) return string
def setColor(message, bold=False, color=None, onColor=None): from termcolor import colored, cprint retVal = colored(message, color=color, on_color=onColor, attrs=("bold", )) return retVal
def red(string): string = colored(string, 'red', attrs=['bold']) return string
def green(string): string = colored(string, 'green', attrs=['bold']) return string
def __paintBar(self): if self.progressionInfo: self.__initPBTimer() formatting = '%0'+str(len(str(self.numberOfRuns)))+'.f' progress = '['+str(formatting % self.currentRunIndex)+' of '+str(formatting % self.numberOfRuns)+']' progLength = len(progress) if self.lengthOfPB < progLength and self.progressionInfo: raise InsufficientPrintBarSizeError(colored('The progress bar is of insufficient length to render properly. ' + \ 'Try setting the pregressionInfo argument for PB.repaintBar(), e.g. ProgressBar.repaintBar(progressionInfo=False), or '+\ 'increase the length of the ProgressBar to at least '+str(progLength)+', the minimum length for a the terminal value '+\ 'that your provided as an argument, i.e. numberOfRuns = '+str(numberOfRuns)+', by either instantiating a new instance '+\ 'of the ProgressBar with a sufficient length argument or modify your current ProgressBar instance, e.g. newPB = '+\ 'ProgressBar(length >= '+str(progLength)+') or currentPB.lengthOFPB = '+str(progLength)+' or greater.','red')) print('\n') if len(self.timings) <= 1: self.__initStatement() if self.numberOfRuns <= 0: self.barPercent = "Percentage Unknown..." self.percentageColor = 'red' else: self.barPercent = ((self.currentRunIndex/self.numberOfRuns)*100) self.percentageColor = 'white' if self.barPercent <= 30: self.percentageColor = 'red' elif self.barPercent > 30 and percentage < 80: self.percentageColor = 'yellow' else: self.percentageColor = 'green' cprint('\r%s' % '|', end='') startIndex = (self.lengthOfPB//2)-progLength//2 for x in range(1,self.lengthOfPB+1): character = ' ' if x >= startIndex and x < progLength+startIndex: character = str(progress[x-startIndex]) if ((x/self.lengthOfPB)*100) <= self.barPercent: cprint(character, attrs=['reverse'], end='') else: cprint(character,end='') cprint('|', end='') progress = ' '+str(round(self.barPercent))+'%' cprint(progress, self.percentageColor, end='') if self.progressionInfo and self.seconds() > 0: totalestimate = ' Total Time - ' + str('%02.i' % self.hours()) + ':' + str('%02.i' % self.minutes()) + \ ':' + str('%02.i' % self.seconds() ) + ':' + str('%03.i' % int(self.milliseconds() )) cprint(totalestimate,'green',end='') programEstimate = ' Program Time - ' + str('%04i' % (self.seconds()-self.secondsRemainingPB)) + ' ' + str(round(2,(self.seconds()-self.secondsRemainingPB)/self.seconds())) + '%' cprint(programEstimate,'cyan',end='') if ((self.secondsRemainingPB)/self.seconds()) > 0.30: color = 'red' elif ((self.secondsRemainingPB)/self.seconds()) <= 0.30: color = 'yellow' elif ((self.secondsRemainingPB)/self.seconds()) <= 0.10: color = 'green' else: color = 'magenta' PBEstimate = ' PB Time - ' + str('%04i' % (self.secondsRemainingPB)) + ' ' + str(round(2,((self.secondsRemainingPB)/self.seconds()))) + '%' cprint(PBEstimate,color,end='') else: estimateText = ' Program Time - ' + str('%02.i' % self.hours()) + ':' + str('%02.i' % self.minutes()) + \ ':' + str('%02.i' % self.seconds() ) + ':' + str('%03.i' % int(self.milliseconds() )) cprint(estimateText,self.percentageColor,end='') sys.stdout.flush() if self.currentRunIndex == self.numberOfRuns: self.__closingStatement() if self.progressionInfo: self.__terminatePBTimer()