Ejemplo n.º 1
def datacosel(indata, cocosel = None, coords = None, outcoords = None, \
              start= None,end= None,step = None,  \
              outstart = None, outend = None, outstep = None, \
              crop = False):
    ''' indata: input data
    if (cocosel == None):
        # if coordinates not given, make it from the start, end, step arguments
        if (coords == None):
            coords = dtrange(start, end, step)
        if (outcoords == None):
            if ((outstart != None) & (outend != None) ):
                if (outstep != None):
                    outcoords = dtrange(outstart, outend, outstep)
                    outcoords = coords[(coords >= outstart) & (coords <=outend)]
                outcoords = coords
        cocosel = cosel(coords = coords, outcoords = outcoords)
        if (outcoords == None):
            outcoords = cocosel

    # remove NA (None) values if specified
    # would be more elegant if we could simply do cosel = cosel[cosel!=None], but None inside [] does strange things
    if (crop == True):
        tempcosel = []
        tempoutcoords = []
        for icosel,ecosel in enumerate(cosel):
            if (ecosel != None):
        cocosel = array(tempcosel)
        outcoords = array(tempoutcoords)

    dataout = tile(nan,len(cocosel))
    #dataout = indata[cosel[cosel!=None]]
    #dataout[cosel==None] = nan
    #dataout[cosel!=None] = indata[cosel[cosel!=None]]
    for iel, el in enumerate(cocosel):
        if (el != None):
            dataout[iel] = indata[el]
            dataout[iel] = None
    return(list([array(dataout), array(outcoords)]))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def avgcycle(data, timeco = None, timewarp = None, cclose=False,skipnan=False):
    """ calculate averaged cycle
   data: input data
   timeco: data coordinates
   timewarp: length of the cycle
   skipnan: skip nan-values
   cclose: add an additional point at the end identical the beginning to close the cycle
 todo: add an option to count the amount of samples for each member of the cycle -> then crop in cosel should
 be set to True so that we still take the mean even though there is no data available.
    if (timeco == None):
        timeco = arange(len(data))
    if (timewarp == None):
        timewarp = timeco[1] - timeco[0]
    iscounted = tile(False,len(data))
    tempco = dtrange(timeco[0],timeco[len(timeco)-1],timewarp)
    dataout = []
    timecoout = []
    for idata in range(len(data)):
        if (iscounted[idata] == False):
            tempco2 = tempco + (timeco[idata] - timeco[0])
            #coordinates of data taken into account for this timestamp
            tempcosel = cosel(timeco,tempco2)
            # include some option to ignore the times on which there is no data
            # include some option to ignore the nan data
            # if some data could not be selected, a nan will be produced
            # in cosel, crop is left to False, because we want to discover whenever data is not available
            tdatacosel = datacosel(data,cocosel = tempcosel)[0]

            # we don't want to end up with an error if None is met: we just want a 'nan' from the mean.
            for edata in tdatacosel:
                if (edata == None):
                    edata = nan
            if skipnan:
                tdatacosel = array(tdatacosel)
                tdatacosel = tdatacosel[where(isnan(tdatacosel) == False)]
            #dataout.append(mean(scisel(data,timeco,tempco2) )
            #it would be much more elegant if we could simple do: iscounted[tempcosel] = True
            #but None inside [] does strange things,
            #          (tempcosel!=None : manually crop (same as if we did cosel(...,crop=True)))
            for etempcosel in tempcosel:
                if (etempcosel != None): # None inside [] does strange things
                    iscounted[etempcosel] = True
        # add an additional point to close the cycle
    if (cclose == True):
        timecoout.append(timeco[0]+ timewarp)