Ejemplo n.º 1
def is_capturable(victim):
    "brute-force check of at least one possibility to capture the victim group, limited to groups under 10 liberties."
    victim = min(victim.group)
    if victim.color is None or len(victim.group.liberties)>10:
        return (False, None)
    exp = victim.grid.fork()
    colO = victim.color
    colP = colO is WHITE and BLACK or WHITE
    def status():
        if victim.color is None or len(victim.group.liberties)==0:
            return True
        if len(victim.group.liberties)>10:
            return False
        return explorer.CONTINUE
    evP = status
    evO = status
    def msP():
        return victim.group.liberties
    def msO():
        ret = group_union(victim.grid, (n.liberties for n in victim.group.neighbours if n.color not in (None, victim.color) and len(n.group.liberties)<2))
        return ret
    combP = lambda l: reduce(lambda a, b: a or b, l, False)
    combO = lambda l: reduce(lambda a, b: a and b, l, True)
    ret = explorer(victim.grid).explore(colP, colO, msP, msO, combP, combO, evP, evO)
    return ret, exp
Ejemplo n.º 2
def status(A, color=None, maxdepth=10):
    if color is None:
        return { BLACK:status(A, BLACK), WHITE:status(A, WHITE) }
    G = A.grid
    exp = G.fork()
    colP = color
    colO = color is BLACK and WHITE or BLACK
    player = lambda: group(G, (G.context_by_group[s.group] for s in A if s.color is colP))
    opponent = lambda: group(G, (G.context_by_group[s.group] for s in A if s.color is colO))
    aji = shape_tree()
    aji.from_strings(('f!',), None)
    aji.from_strings(('s!.',), None)
    aji.from_strings(('s!',' .'), None)
    def ms(col):
        #print "ms", col
        if col is None:
            return []
        #return filter(lambda x: i_can_play_there(x, col), A)
        return set((b for a,b,c in aji.match_all(ga)[col]))

    msP = lambda: ms(colP)
    msO = lambda: ms(colO)

    def evP():
        # return (player_is_alive, opponent_is_alive)
        pia = None
        oia = None
        p = player()
        pm = msP()
        if not (p and pm):
            pia = False
        pe = p.eyes
        pia = pia or len(pe)>=2
        o = opponent()
        om = msO()
        if not (o and om):
            oia = False
        po = o.eyes
        oia = oia or len(po)>=2
        if pia or oia:
            return (pia, oia)
        return explorer.CONTINUE
        #return (len(pe)>=2 or len(o)==0 or len(opponent().liberties)==1) and True or explorer.CONTINUE
    combP = lambda l: reduce(lambda a, b: a and b, l, True)
    combO = lambda l: reduce(lambda a, b: a or b, l, False)
    ret = explorer(G, maxdepth=maxdepth).explore(colP, colO, msP, msO, combP, combO, evP, evP)
    return ret, exp