class make_coords:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        # Sets the value of myCoords[box_number]
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

# Initialize our data structure to store our x,y coordinates for each obstacle:
myCoords = {}

# Read from the .csv file:
dataFile = 'custom_world_coords.csv'
rawData = parseCSVstring(dataFile,
for i in range(0, len(rawData)):
    x = int(rawData[i][0])
    y = int(rawData[i][1])
    myCoords[i + 1] = make_coords(x, y)

# Open the outfile for writing:
outFile = open("", 'w')

preamble = """
<sdf version='1.4'>
  <world name='default'>
    <light name='sun' type='directional'>
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def readData(self, numUAVs):
		# b)  tbl_vehicles.csv
		tmpUAVs = 0
		rawData = parseCSVstring(self.vehiclesFile, returnJagged=False, fillerValue=-1, delimiter=',', commentChar='%')
		for i in range(0,len(rawData)):
			vehicleID 			= int(rawData[i][0])
			vehicleType			= int(rawData[i][1])
			takeoffSpeed		= float(rawData[i][2])
			cruiseSpeed			= float(rawData[i][3])
			landingSpeed		= float(rawData[i][4])
			yawRateDeg			= float(rawData[i][5])
			cruiseAlt			= float(rawData[i][6])
			capacityLbs			= float(rawData[i][7])
			launchTime			= float(rawData[i][8])	# [seconds].
			recoveryTime		= float(rawData[i][9])	# [seconds].
			serviceTime			= float(rawData[i][10])	# [seconds].
			batteryPower		= float(rawData[i][11])	# [joules].
			flightRange			= str(rawData[i][12])	# 'high' or 'low'
			if (vehicleType == TYPE_UAV):
				tmpUAVs += 1
				if (tmpUAVs <= numUAVs):
					self.vehicle[vehicleID] = make_vehicle(vehicleType, takeoffSpeed, cruiseSpeed, landingSpeed, yawRateDeg, cruiseAlt, capacityLbs, launchTime, recoveryTime, serviceTime, batteryPower, flightRange)
				self.vehicle[vehicleID] = make_vehicle(vehicleType, takeoffSpeed, cruiseSpeed, landingSpeed, yawRateDeg, cruiseAlt, capacityLbs, launchTime, recoveryTime, serviceTime, batteryPower, flightRange)

		if (tmpUAVs < numUAVs):
			print("WARNING: You requested %d UAVs, but we only have data on %d UAVs." % (numUAVs, tmpUAVs))
			print("\t We'll solve the problem with %d UAVs.  Sorry." % (tmpUAVs))

		# a)  tbl_locations.csv
		rawData = parseCSVstring(self.locationsFile, returnJagged=False, fillerValue=-1, delimiter=',', commentChar='%')
		for i in range(0,len(rawData)):
			nodeID 				= int(rawData[i][0])
			nodeType			= int(rawData[i][1])
			latDeg				= float(rawData[i][2])		# IN DEGREES
			lonDeg				= float(rawData[i][3])		# IN DEGREES
			altMeters			= float(rawData[i][4])
			parcelWtLbs			= float(rawData[i][5])
			if (len(rawData[i]) == 10):
				addressStreet	= str(rawData[i][6])
				addressCity		= str(rawData[i][7])
				addressST		= str(rawData[i][8])
				addressZip		= str(rawData[i][9])
				address			= '%s, %s, %s, %s' % (addressStreet, addressCity, addressST, addressZip)
				address 		= '' # or None?

			serviceTimeTruck	= self.vehicle[1].serviceTime
			if numUAVs > 0:
				serviceTimeUAV	= self.vehicle[2].serviceTime
				serviceTimeUAV = 0

			self.node[nodeID] = make_node(nodeType, latDeg, lonDeg, altMeters, parcelWtLbs, serviceTimeTruck, serviceTimeUAV, address)

		# c) tbl_truck_travel_data.csv
		if (os.path.isfile(self.distmatrixFile)):
			# Travel matrix file exists
			rawData = parseCSV(self.distmatrixFile, returnJagged=False, fillerValue=-1, delimiter=',')
			for i in range(0,len(rawData)):
				tmpi 	= int(rawData[i][0])
				tmpj 	= int(rawData[i][1])
				tmpTime	= float(rawData[i][2])
				tmpDist	= float(rawData[i][3])

				for vehicleID in self.vehicle:
					if (self.vehicle[vehicleID].vehicleType == TYPE_TRUCK):[vehicleID][tmpi][tmpj] = make_travel(0.0, tmpTime, 0.0, tmpTime, 0.0, tmpDist, 0.0, tmpDist)

			# Travel matrix file does not exist
			print("ERROR: Truck travel data is not available. Please provide a data matrix in the following format in a CSV file, and try again:\n")
			print("from node ID | to node ID | travel time [seconds] | travel distance [meters]\n")
Ejemplo n.º 3
village_sod_D= defaultdict(make_dict)
village_sod_P= defaultdict(make_dict)
village_cpd_M= defaultdict(make_dict)
village_cpd_D= defaultdict(make_dict)
village_cpd_P= defaultdict(make_dict)
village_visited = defaultdict(make_dict)
#sod_count_M = defaultdict(make_dict)

depot_lat_deg = 0.40
depot_long_deg = 32.48	


village_data = parseCSVstring(input_village_data, returnJagged=False, fillerValue=-1, delimiter=',')
for i in range(1,len(village_data)):
	if (len(village_data[i]) == 16):
		tmp_ID = int(village_data[i][0])		
		tmp_long_deg = float(village_data[i][1])
		tmp_lat_deg = float(village_data[i][2])
		tmp_D1 = int(village_data[i][3])
		tmp_D2 = int(village_data[i][4])
		tmp_D3 = int(village_data[i][5])
		tmp_E = int(village_data[i][6])
		tmp_ap_M = float(village_data[i][7])
		tmp_ap_D = float(village_data[i][8])
		tmp_ap_P = float(village_data[i][9])
		tmp_sod_M = float(village_data[i][10])
		tmp_sod_D = float(village_data[i][11])
		tmp_sod_P = float(village_data[i][12])
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self):

        # Need the user to specify the game to play:
        if (len(sys.argv) == 2):
            thisRace = str(sys.argv[1])
            print "Starting the game using the  %s  track" % (thisRace)
            print "You must provide a track name.  Sorry things didn't work out.  Bye."

        # Capture the parameters for this track:
        self.init_x = {}
        self.init_y = {}
        trackFile = "races/race_params_%s.txt" % (thisRace)
            rawInfo = parseCSVstring(trackFile,
            # Convert all values to floats
            for i in range(0, len(rawInfo)):
                rawInfo[i] = map(float, rawInfo[i])

            # 1) Verify the values in the race params file:
            #	a) 10 x's
            if (len(rawInfo[0]) != 10):
                print "Sorry, you need to provide exactly 10 x coordinates for the robot starting positions."

            #	b) 10 y's
            if (len(rawInfo[1]) != 10):
                print "Sorry, you need to provide exactly 10 y coordinates for the robot starting positions."

            #	c) either all x's are the same or all y's are the same.
            if ((min(rawInfo[0]) != max(rawInfo[0]))
                    and (min(rawInfo[1]) != max(rawInfo[1]))):
                print "Sorry, either all of the x or all of the y coordinates need to be the same."

            #	d) finish rectangle is properly defined.
            if (len(rawInfo[2]) != 2):
                print "Sorry, you need to provide 2 values for the x coordinates of the finish rectangle."
            if (len(rawInfo[3]) != 2):
                print "Sorry, you need to provide 2 values for the y coordinates of the finish rectangle."
            if (rawInfo[2][0] >= rawInfo[2][1]):
                print "Sorry, the max x value of the finish rectangle must be larger than the min x value."
            if (rawInfo[3][0] >= rawInfo[3][1]):
                print "Sorry, the max y value of the finish rectangle must be larger than the min y value."

            # 2) Get the x and y coordinates for 10 robots.
            #	 This info is in the first two lines of the file (rows 0 and 1, columns 0 through 9).
            for j in range(1, 10 + 1):
                self.init_x[j] = float(rawInfo[0][j - 1])
                self.init_y[j] = float(rawInfo[1][j - 1])

            # 3) Get the coordinates for the finish "rectangle".
            #	 This infor is in the 3rd and 4th lines of the file (rows 2 and 3)
            self.MIN_X = float(rawInfo[2][0])
            self.MAX_X = float(rawInfo[2][1])
            self.MIN_Y = float(rawInfo[3][0])
            self.MAX_Y = float(rawInfo[3][1])

            print "There was an error reading the %s track file.  Perhaps this file doesn't exist?" % (

        # In ROS, nodes are uniquely named. If two nodes with the same
        # node are launched, the previous one is kicked off. The
        # anonymous=True flag means that rospy will choose a unique
        # name for our 'listener' node so that multiple listeners can
        # run simultaneously.
        rospy.init_node('listener', anonymous=True)

        rate = rospy.Rate(10)  # Is 10 Hz fast enough?

        rospy.Subscriber("telem", telem, self.telemCallback)

        # Initialize our robotID counter:
        self.nextID = 0

        # Initialize our turtle data structure
        self.turtle = {}  # An empty Python dictionary

        # Initialize the race to be unstarted
        self.isRaceStarted = False

        # Define the publisher that will initiate the race:
        self.pub_start_race = rospy.Publisher('start_race',

        # Define the service that will provide ID numbers:
        print "Initializing 'get_id' service...",
        self.id_service = rospy.Service('get_id', get_id, self.get_id_callback)
        print "DONE"

        print '*****HIT ENTER TO RELEASE THE GAME*****'
        print 'HERE WE GO...'
        self.isRaceStarted = True

        # Establish the start time of the race:
        self.startTime = rospy.get_time()

        # Publish a message so our turtlebots will start the race.
        start_msg = start_race()

        start_msg.goal_x = [self.MIN_X, self.MAX_X]
        start_msg.goal_y = [self.MIN_Y, self.MAX_Y]


        # spin() simply keeps python from exiting until this node is stopped
# matrices that store the items that each picker and transporter should pick
picker_matrix = np.linspace(0,0,item_qty*picker_qty).reshape(picker_qty,item_qty).astype(int)
trans_matrix = np.linspace(0,0,item_qty*trans_qty).reshape(trans_qty,item_qty).astype(int)

# slot index is from 0 to slot_qty-1.
for i in range(picker_qty):
	picker_initial = random.choice(item_list)
	picker_matrix[i,0] = picker_initial

# get the warehouse distrance matrix
Distance_Matrix_File = '../testdata/distance.csv'
rawData = parseCSVstring(Distance_Matrix_File, returnJagged=True, fillerValue=-1, delimiter=',', commentChar='%')

# The list of expected travel distance for each picker [picker1,picker2,...,pickern] and each transporter [trans1,trans2,...transn]
picker_expect = np.linspace(0,0,picker_qty)
trans_expect = np.linspace(0,0,trans_qty)

# build item list for each picker
while (len(item_list)>0):
	minimal = float('inf')
	# find the next item and its picker
	for i in item_list:
		for j in range(picker_qty):
			current = np.max(np.nonzero(picker_matrix[j,:]))
			start = picker_matrix[j,current]
			new_tra = float(rawData[i][start])+ float(picker_expect[j])