def str(self, cfg): func = cfg[self.subname('func')] if func == FUNC_ROOT: ans = '%s.root()' % elif func == FUNC_INLINE: return '' #'%s.inline()' % else: raise ValueError('Unknown func schedule %d' % func) for i in range(len(self.vars)): var = cfg[self.subname('var%d'%i)] if var == VAR_SERIAL: pass elif var in [VAR_VECTORIZE, VAR_UNROLL]: ans += '.%s(%s, %d)' % ('vectorize' if var == VAR_VECTORIZE else 'unroll', self.vars[i], cfg[self.subname('var%d_arg0'%i)]) elif var == VAR_PARALLEL: ans += '.parallel(%s)' % (self.vars[i]) else: raise ValueError('Unknown var schedule %d' % var) transpose = cfg[self.subname('transpose')] if transpose > 0: #print transpose, self.vars, permutation(self.vars, transpose) #assert self.vars == ['x', 'y'], self.vars for (a, b) in pairwise_swaps(self.vars, permutation(self.vars, transpose)): ans += '.transpose(%s,%s)' % (a, b) return ans + ';'
def main(): print("Welcome to Harrison Pickett's Computer Security Assignment 1 solution.") print("What encryption algorithm would you like to use?") algorithm = raw_input("[V]igenere, [P]ermutation").lower() file_name = raw_input("Input File Path: ").lower() out_file = raw_input("Output File Path: ").lower() key = raw_input("Key: ").lower() en_de_code = raw_input("[E]ncoding or [D]ecoding: ").lower() spaces = raw_input("[K]eeping or [R]emoving Spaces: ").lower() if ((en_de_code == "d") or (en_de_code == "decoding")): decode = True en_de_code = "Decoding" else: decode = False en_de_code = "Encoding" if ((spaces == "k") or (spaces == "keeping")): keep_spaces = True spaces = "Keep" else: keep_spaces = False spaces = "Omit" if (file_name == ""): file_name = "./input.txt" if (out_file == ""): out_file = "./output.txt" str_text = read_file(file_name) if ((algorithm == "v") or (algorithm == "vigenere")): algorithm = "Vigenere" r_val = vigenere(key, str_text, decode, keep_spaces) elif ((algorithm == "p") or (algorithm == "permutation")): algorithm = "Permutation" key = key_to_list(key) r_val = permutation(key, str_text, decode, keep_spaces) write_file(out_file, [ "Algorithm: ", algorithm, "Key: ", str(key), en_de_code, spaces, "Generated Text: ", r_val, "Original Text: ", str_text]) return
def largestNthPendigital(n): p_list = map(lambda n: int(n), permutation(str(n))) for n in p_list: if isprime(n): return n