Ejemplo n.º 1
def bubblexnortho(n,h,kappa2,alpha,p,nel):
    xwr = gauss(r_jacobi(n+2*alpha+2))
    xwl = gauss(r_jacobi(n+2*alpha))

    X = linspace(-mpf(0.5)*h,mpf(0.5)*h,nel+1)
    Chat = [ppoly() for i in range(n)]
    for k in range(n):
        C = polyaff(conv(bw(alpha),mon(k)),-mpf(0.5)*h,mpf(0.5)*h,mpf(-1),mpf(1))
        els,G,x,phi = fea1dh(X, lagrangecheby(p), kappa2, 0, [mpf(0),mpf(0)], rhsbubble(C, h, kappa2, xwl))
        ppsol = ppolyfea1sol(els,G,x,phi)
        Chat[k] = ppolyaxpy(mpf(-1),polytoppoly(C,ppsol.intv),ppsol)
        h1ni = mpf(1)/sqrt(ppolyh1norm2(Chat[k],xwl))
        Chat[k] = ppolyscale(Chat[k],h1ni)

    # Execute Gram-Schmidt
    D = []
    for k in range(n):
        Dk = Chat[k]
        for l in range(k):
            aCkDl = ppolyh1inner(Chat[k], D[l], xwl, kappa2)
            aDlDl = ppolyh1inner(D[l], D[l], xwl, kappa2)
            Dk = ppolyaxpy(-aCkDl/aDlDl, D[l], Dk)

    Dinner = zeros(1,n)
    for k in range(n):
        Dinner[k] = ppolyh1inner(D[k], D[k], xwl, kappa2)

    return D,Dinner
Ejemplo n.º 2
def iapbuba(els,G,x,phi,kappa2,rhs,iapp):
    nel = len(els)
    uh = ppolyfea1sol(els,G,x,phi)
    duh = ppolyder(uh)
    res = ppolyaxpy(-kappa2,uh,ppolyder(duh)) # u_h''-kappa2 u_h
    p = phi.cols

    # Precompute bubble functions
    mp.dps = 30
    alpha = p/2+1

    h = (els[0][1]-els[0][0]) # ASSUME UNIFORM ELEMENTS
    nbub = iapp

    xwl = gauss(r_jacobi(nbub+2*alpha))
    P = prebub(nbub,h,kappa2,alpha,xwl)
    bub = []
    for i in range(P.rows):
        bub.append(polytoppoly(P[i,:], [(-0.5*h, 0.5*h)]))
    degbub = len(bub[0].poly[0])
    # for the quadrature of the residual
    xwl = gauss(r_jacobi(max(degbub,p)))


    mp.dps = 15

    h1norm2 = []
    eh = ppoly()

    t1 = time.time()

    k = 0
    for el in els:
        # Translate bubbles to the element
        tbub = []
        for b in bub:
            bt = ppolytrans(b, 0.5*(el[0]+el[1]))

        # Execute bubble kernel
        erhs = lambda phii, el0, el1 : rhs(phii, el0, el1, el0, el1) +\
               0.5*(el1-el0) * quadpqab(phii,res.poly[k],el0,el1, xwl)
        G,x = iapbubaker(tbub, erhs)
        eeh = ppolyiapbubsol(G,x,tbub)
        ppolyext(eh, eeh)

        k += 1
    return eh,h1norm2,time.time()-t1
Ejemplo n.º 3
def ppolyfea1sol(els,G,x,phi):
    pp = ppoly(els)
    e = 0
    for el in els:
        q = zeros(1)
        for p in range(phi.rows):
            i = G[e][p]
            if i != -1:
                q = polyaxpy(x[i],polyaff(phi[p,:],el[0],el[1],-1,1),q)
        pp.poly[e] = q
        e += 1
    return pp
Ejemplo n.º 4
def bubblexn(n,h,kappa2,alpha,p,nel):
    xwr = gauss(r_jacobi(n+2*alpha+2))
    xwl = gauss(r_jacobi(n+2*alpha))

    X = linspace(-mpf(0.5)*h,mpf(0.5)*h,nel+1)
    Chat = [ppoly() for i in range(n)]
    for k in range(n):
        C = polyaff(conv(bw(alpha),mon(k)),-mpf(0.5)*h,mpf(0.5)*h,mpf(-1),mpf(1))
        els,G,x,phi = fea1dh(X, lagrangecheby(p), kappa2, 0, [mpf(0),mpf(0)], rhsbubble(C, h, kappa2, xwl))
        ppsol = ppolyfea1sol(els,G,x,phi)
        Chat[k] = ppolyaxpy(mpf(-1),polytoppoly(C,ppsol.intv),ppsol)
        h1ni = mpf(1)/sqrt(ppolyh1norm2(Chat[k],xwl))
        Chat[k] = ppolyscale(Chat[k],h1ni)

    return Chat
Ejemplo n.º 5
def ppolyfea1solpp(els,G,x,phi):
    pp = ppoly()
    r0 = phi[0].intv[0][0]
    r1 = phi[0].intv[-1][1]

    e = 0
    for el in els:
        qq = ppolyaff(ppolyzero(phi[0].intv), r0, r1, el[0], el[1])

        for p in range(len(phi)):
            if G[e][p] != -1:
                qq = ppolyaxpy(x[G[e][p]], ppolyaff(phi[p],el[0],el[1],r0,r1), qq)

        e += 1
    return pp
Ejemplo n.º 6
def iapneu(els,G,x,phi,kappa2,rhs,duX,iapnel,iapp):
    nel = len(els)
    uh = ppolyfea1sol(els,G,x,phi)
    duh = ppolyder(uh)
    res = ppolyaxpy(-kappa2,uh,ppolyder(duh)) # u_h''-kappa2 u_h

    xwl = gauss(r_jacobi(phi.cols+iapp))

    h1norm2 = []
    eh = ppoly()

    k = 0
    for el in els:
        psi = lagrangecheby(iapp)
        # Approximate derivatives on the boundaries
        if duX is None:
            A = 0 if k == 0 else 0.5*(polyval(duh.poly[k],el[0])-polyval(duh.poly[k-1],el[0]))
            B = 0 if k == nel-1 else 0.5*(polyval(duh.poly[k],el[1])-polyval(duh.poly[k+1],el[1]))
            A = duX[k]-polyval(duh.poly[k],el[0])
            B = duX[k+1]-polyval(duh.poly[k],el[1])

        #print "Ae={0:s}, Be={0:s}".format(nstr(Ae),nstr(Be))
        erhs = lambda phii, r0, r1, el0, el1 : rhs(phii, r0, r1, el0, el1) +\
                0.5*(el1-el0) * quadpq(phii,polyaff(res.poly[k],mpf(-1),mpf(1),el0,el1), xwl)

        Xs = linspace(el[0],el[1],iapnel+1)
        subels = zip(Xs[0:iapnel], Xs[1:iapnel+1])

        eels,eG,ex,epsi = fea1dapel1(subels, psi, kappa2, 1, [A, B], erhs)

        eeh = ppolyfea1sol(eels,eG,ex,epsi)
        ppolyext(eh, eeh)

        k += 1

    return eh, h1norm2
Ejemplo n.º 7
def bubble(n,h,kappa2,alpha,p,nel):
    xwr = gauss(r_jacobi(n+2*alpha+2))
    xwl = gauss(r_jacobi(n+2*alpha))
    P = prebub(n,h,kappa2,alpha,xwl)

    X = linspace(-mpf(0.5)*h,mpf(0.5)*h,nel+1)
    Chat = [ppoly() for i in range(n)]
    for k in range(n):
        els,G,x,phi = fea1dh(X, lagrangecheby(p), kappa2, 0, [mpf(0),mpf(0)], rhsbubble(P[k,:], h, kappa2, xwl))
        ppsol = ppolyfea1sol(els,G,x,phi)
        Chat[k] = ppolyaxpy(mpf(-1),polytoppoly(P[k,:],ppsol.intv),ppsol)
        h1ni = mpf(1)/sqrt(ppolyh1norm2(Chat[k],xwl))
        Chat[k] = ppolyscale(Chat[k],h1ni)

        #xx,yy = polyvalres(P[k,:],-mpf(0.5)*h,mpf(0.5)*h,100)

        #xx,yy = ppolyvalres(ppsol,100)

    return Chat
Ejemplo n.º 8
def iapbub(els,G,x,phi,kappa2,rhs,iapnel,iapp,sobolev=True):
    nel = len(els)
    uh = ppolyfea1sol(els,G,x,phi)
    duh = ppolyder(uh)
    res = ppolyaxpy(-kappa2,uh,ppolyder(duh)) # u_h''-kappa2 u_h
    p = phi.cols

    #print ">>>> iapbub on", els

    # Precompute bubble functions
    mp.dps = 20
    alpha = p/2+1

    h = (els[0][1]-els[0][0]) # ASSUME UNIFORM ELEMENTS
    nbub = iapp
    if sobolev == True:
        bub = bubble(nbub,h,kappa2,alpha,p,iapnel)
        bub = bubblexn(nbub,h,kappa2,alpha,p,iapnel)
    degbub = len(bub[0].poly[0])

    # Determine local matrix
    xw = gauss(r_jacobi(degbub))
    dbub = [ppolyder(b) for b in bub]
    loc = zeros(nbub)
    for k,l in product(range(nbub),range(nbub)):
        loc[k,l] = kappa2*quadppqq(bub[k], bub[l], xw) + quadppqq(dbub[k], dbub[l], xw)

    # for the quadrature of the residual
    xwl = gauss(r_jacobi(max(degbub,p)))


    mp.dps = 15

    h1norm2 = []
    eh = ppoly()

    t1 = time.time()

    k = 0
    for el in els:
        # Translate bubbles to the element
        tbub = []
        for b in bub:
            bt = ppolytrans(b, 0.5*(el[0]+el[1]))

        # Execute bubble kernel
        erhs = lambda phii, el0, el1 : rhs(phii, el0, el1, el0, el1) +\
               0.5*(el1-el0) * quadpqab(phii,res.poly[k],el0,el1, xwl)
        G,x = iapbubker(tbub, loc, erhs)
        eeh = ppolyiapbubsol(G,x,tbub)
        ppolyext(eh, eeh)

        k += 1
    return eh,h1norm2,time.time()-t1
Ejemplo n.º 9
def ppolyiapbubsol(G,x,bub):
    pp = ppoly(bub[0].intv)
    for i in G[0]:
        pp = ppolyaxpy(x[G[0][i]], bub[i], pp)
    return pp
Ejemplo n.º 10
def ppolytrans(pp, a):
    qq = ppoly()
    for i in range(len(pp.intv)):
        qq.intv.append((pp.intv[i][0]+a, pp.intv[i][1]+a))
        qq.poly.append(polycomp(pp.poly[i], poly([1, -a])))
    return qq
Ejemplo n.º 11
def iapbubspread(els,G,x,phi,kappa2,rhs,iapnel,iapp,sobolev=True):
    nel = len(els)
    uh = ppolyfea1sol(els,G,x,phi)
    duh = ppolyder(uh)
    res = ppolyaxpy(-kappa2,uh,ppolyder(duh)) # u_h''-kappa2 u_h
    p = phi.cols

    #print ">>>> iapbub on", els

    # Precompute bubble functions
    mp.dps = 20
    alpha = p/2+1


    h1 = (els[0][1]-els[0][0]) # element size
    h = iapnel*h1  # spread size
    nbub = iapp
    spread = (iapnel-1)/2
    if sobolev == True:
        bub1 = bubble(nbub,h1,kappa2,alpha,p,iapnel)
        bub = bubble(nbub,h,kappa2,alpha,p,iapnel)
        bub1 = bubblexn(nbub,h1,kappa2,alpha,p,iapnel)
        bub = bubblexn(nbub,h,kappa2,alpha,p,iapnel)
    degbub = len(bub[0].poly[0])

    # Determine local matrices
    xw = gauss(r_jacobi(degbub))
    dbub1 = [ppolyder(b) for b in bub1]
    dbub = [ppolyder(b) for b in bub]
    loc1 = zeros(nbub)
    loc = zeros(nbub)
    for k,l in product(range(nbub),range(nbub)):
        loc1[k,l] = kappa2*quadppqq(bub1[k], bub1[l], xw) + quadppqq(dbub1[k], dbub1[l], xw)
        loc[k,l] = kappa2*quadppqq(bub[k], bub[l], xw) + quadppqq(dbub[k], dbub[l], xw)

    # for the quadrature of the residual
    xwl = gauss(r_jacobi(max(degbub,p)))


    mp.dps = 15

    h1norm2s = []
    eh = ppoly()

    t1 = time.time()

    k = 0
    for el in els:
        spreadels = []

        # Only use spreaded bubbles if the whole spread interval is in the domain
        if k-spread < 0 or k+spread >= nel:
            # Fall back to 0 spread case
            # Translate bubbles to the element
            tbub = []
            for b in bub1:
                bt = ppolytrans(b, 0.5*(el[0]+el[1]))

            erhs = lambda phii, el0, el1 : rhs(phii, el0, el1, el0, el1) +\
                   0.5*(el1-el0) * quadpqab(phii,res.poly[k],el0,el1, xwl)
            G,x = iapbubker(tbub, loc1, erhs)
            eeh = ppolyiapbubsol(G,x,tbub)
            ppolyext(eh, eeh)
            # Multiple element support
            tbub = []
            for b in bub:
                bt = ppolytrans(b, 0.5*(el[0]+el[1]))
#                    xx,yy = ppolyvalres(bt, 100)
#                    pl.plot(xx,yy,label="spread",linewidth=1.5)

            erhs = lambda phii, l, el0, el1 : rhs(phii, el0, el1, el0, el1) +\
                   0.5*(el1-el0) * quadpqab(phii,res.poly[k-spread+l],el0,el1, xwl)
            G,x = iapbubspreadker(tbub, loc, erhs)
            eeh = ppolyiapbubsol(G,x,tbub)

            # We are only concerened with the restriction to the current element
            #xx,yy = polyvalres(eeh.poly[spread], eeh.intv[spread][0], eeh.intv[spread][1], 1000)
            #xx,yy = ppolyvalres(eeh, 1000)

        k += 1
    return eh,h1norm2s,time.time()-t1