Ejemplo n.º 1
    def createRoom(self):

        habitacion = room()
        roomNumber = int(input('Enter the new room number : '))

        while validateNumber(self.__rooms, roomNumber) == False:
                roomNumber = int(input('Enter the new room number : '))
                print('Only numbers accepted.\n')

        self.__rooms[roomNumber] = habitacion
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def generate_rooms_items(self):

                                item("ID Card","id1"),
                                item("Large Log","lg1")],
                                {"Reception":["Front door","Window"]},
                                {"Front door": True,"Window": True},
                                {"Front door":"id1","Window":["rk1","lg1"]}))

        self.rooms.append(room("Waiting room",
                                ["Reception","Storage closet"],
                                {"Reception":["Door"],"Storage closet":["Door"]},
                                {"Door": True,"Door":True},

                                ["Waiting room","Toilet"],
                                {"Waiting room":["Door"],"Toilet":["Door"]},
                                {"Door": True,"Door":True},
                               [item("Toilet Brush","th1"),
        self.rooms.append(room("Storage closet",
                                item("Drain Unblocker","dr1"),
                                ["Waiting room"],
                                {"Waiting room":["Door"]},
                               [item("Sunflower Kirill","sl1")],

        self.current_room = self.rooms[0]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def mainFunc():
  #--- --- --- --- --- --- Instantiating Player --- --- --- --- --- ---
  prot = player(requestString("Please enter your character name."))
  #--- --- --- --- --- --- Instantiating Items --- --- --- --- --- ---
  itemKnife = item(1,"Knife", "A long jagged knife stained with blood from previous uses!")
  itemKey = item(2,"Key","A key which glows bright red.\nIt might fit that lock in the main room!")

  #--- --- --- --- --- --- Instantiating Rooms --- --- --- --- --- ---
  # Entrance
  roomEntrance = room("Empty Room","To the north you spot a decrepit door sitting in the pale light of a dying torch. " + \
                      "As you approach, the smell of decay intensifies and you can't help but fear what may be waiting " + \
                      "for you on the other side. With no other exits in sight, do you choose to move forward?")
  # Inner Chamber
  roomChamber = room("Inner Chamber", "Upon entering the room the smell of decaying flesh burns through your nose and fills your " + \
                 "lungs like a fire consuming a house. In the center of the room stands a single lamp, giving off an eerie " + \
                 "red glow. The lamp appears to cast living shadows upon the walls. As you cautiously approach the light you " + \
                 "can't help but notice a faint thump getting louder as the lamp gets closer. Upon reaching the lamp you realize " + \
                 "the cause of the thumping sound is liquid dripping on to the lamp. You reach and touch the lamp only to " + \
                 "increased your own dread; the lamp is soaked in blood. With your heart pounding you take swift look around and " + \
                 "notice there are three doors, all leading in opposite directions. Which door do you choose to open first: " + \
                 "north, east, or west?") 
  # Secret Room
  roomSecret = room("The Pit", "You have found some sort of a hidden room behind the painting; hope begins to build that this could " + \
                    "lead to a way out of this nightmare. After completely entering the room you realize there is no " + \
                    "source of light other than what is bleeding in from the fire behind you. You step to the side to allow more light in " + \
                    "to penetrate the darkness and lose your footing. As you had hoped this room was the end to the nightmare... Just not the " + \
                    "end you were praying for. You have fallen to your death.")
  # Knife Room
  roomKnifeBaseDescription = "You immediately notice the warmth of a fire upon your skin as you walk through the door's threshold. " + \
                   "You begin to feel yourself naturally relax as a result of the fire. This quickly dissipates as you take a look around " + \
                   "to see the room is decorated with devices that could serve no other purpose than torture. Directly across from you to " + \
                   "the west, next to the fire, is a single table lined with assorted tools. Looking to the north you notice yet another " + \
                   "door, meaning a continuation to the nightmare."
  roomKnife = room("Torture Chamber", roomKnifeBaseDescription + " To the south nothing immediately catches your eye; however, after a " + \
                   "second look you can't help but notice an elaborate painting of a lovely woman dancing under a pale moon's light.")
  # Developer Credits Room
  roomCredits = room("Developer's Shrine", "In the back wall of the room to the North, you see some sort of strange writing. As you approach, " + \
                     "your heart begins to drop and you feel sick to your stomach as you find that your earlier assumption was correct; you are " + \
                     "part of a sinister game. All is not lost... if this is a game then there must be a way to win!") 
  # Bear Room
  roomBearBaseDescription = "Natural light seems for fill this room and you hope this is your exit. You follow the light to find the source is " + \
                            "an opening high in the ceiling, but you see no way to climb up to it."
  roomBear = room("Guardian's Quarters",roomBearBaseDescription + " Directly across from you to the east, you see a door which " + \
                  "appears to be blocked by a monstrous bear. To your relief the animal is asleep, but you will need some sort of weapon to get " + \
                  "past. To the north you spot a small opening which may contain an answer.")  
  # Riddle Room
  roomRiddle = room("Prisoner's Cell", "You enter what appears to be a forgotten room. Old spider webs fill the dark crevices and thick carpet of dust " + \
                    "has collected on the stone floor. On the far wall you see an odd plaque with something written on it but you cannot make out " + \
                   "what written from this distance. Perhaps you should take a closer look.")              
  # Password Room
  roomPassword = room("Chamber of Whispers", "You finally reach an opening after what seemed to be an eternity traveling through a lightless tunnel. " + \
                      "A soft glow radiates from the center of the room with no obvious cause as to where the source of the light is. You slowly " + \
                      "and very cautiously approach. Once at the soft glow you are able to look at the rest of the room more clearly. " + \
                      "All around the room you see the remains of what appears to be those that have come before for you. Nothing else stands out, " + \
                      "so perhaps you should inspect the light further.")
  # Victory Room
  roomVictoryBaseDescription = "After placing the key in the lock, the door seems to have taken a hold of it on its own. It's as if it has been " + \
                     "waiting for this moment for an eternity, like a hungry animal that has been given a scrap of food."
  roomVictory = room("Exit", roomVictoryBaseDescription + " Speaking of hungry animals, it seems the bear in the next room has awoken. You are not " + \
                     "able to get the door open before the ravenous bear is upon you.")
  #--- --- --- --- --- --- Add Inspectable Items --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
  # Bear in Guardian's Quarters; inspecting will kill the bear if the player has a knife, creating an East door; also updates victory text
  def bearDoor():
    if prot.searchInventory(1) == true :
      roomBear.setExit("EAST", roomRiddle)
      roomBear.setDescription(roomBearBaseDescription + " To the east, there is the carcass of a bear near a door. " + \
                              "To the north you spot a small opening.")
      roomVictory.setDescription(roomVictoryBaseDescription + " You hear several clicks and slowly the door creeps open. A light so bright " + \
                                 "you have to shield your eyes consumes to blood red glow of the room. Within a couple of seconds you can see " + \
                                 "clearly and walk up long stair case where an open field greets you at the top. You feel the warmth of the " + \
                                 "afternoon sun on your face and realize you have made it out alive.")
      roomBear.setInspect("BEAR","The bear is quite dead.")
  roomBear.setInspect("BEAR","The bear sleeps in front of a door and you cannot go through without disturbing it. You need something to kill it.", bearDoor)
  # Knife on table in Torture Room; inspecting gives the player a knife and changes the bear interaction
  def tableKnife():
    if not prot.searchInventory(itemKnife.getId()):
      roomBear.setInspect("BEAR","You remember the knife in your pocket and quickly use it to kill the sleeping bear. The way east is now clear.",bearDoor)
  roomKnife.setInspect("TABLE","At the end of the table you spot a long jagged dagger which could be useful in a dangerous situation. You take it.",tableKnife)
  # Painting on wall of Torture Chamber; inspecting creates a South door
  def paintingDoor():
    roomKnife.setExit("SOUTH", roomSecret)
    roomKnife.setDescription(roomKnifeBaseDescription + " To the south, behind an elaborate painting of a lovely woman dancing under a pale moon's light, " + \
                             "there is another door.")
  roomKnife.setInspect("PAINTING","Upon closer examination you see that the painting is wavering ever so slightly. You step a bit closer " + \
                      " and feel a cool breeze and the smell of fresh air. You've found a door hidden behind the painting.",paintingDoor)
  # Inscription on wall in Developer's Shrine
  roomCredits.setInspect("WALL","The wall reads:\nMatthew Mason - Spinner of Yarns and explorer of Russia\n" + \
                         "Heather McCabe - Heroine of the Storm and leader of our company\n" + \
                         "Jason Lloyd - Slayer of Pythons and master of all things logistical\n" + \
                         "Brett Hansen - He's pretty cool too I guess")                    
  # Plaque in Prisoner's Cell; inspecting prompts the player to solve a riddle
  def riddle():
    printNow("The plaque reads: 'It has a white light at the end of it and can be over in the blink of an eye. If you have seen " + \
                        "our secret, you know its value. What do I speak of?")
    riddleGuess = requestString("Speak the answer to the riddle: ")
    if riddleGuess == None: # Cancel
      printNow(">> Unsure, you step away from the plaque.")
    elif riddleGuess.upper() == "LIFE": # Correct answer
      printNow(">> You speak confidently: 'LIFE'")
      printNow("You are suddenly certain that the phrase 'password1234' is important.")
    else: # Incorrect answer
      printNow(">> You speak confidently: '" + riddleGuess.upper() + "'")
      printNow ("Nothing happens. Your answer must have been incorrect.")
  roomRiddle.setInspect("PLAQUE", "", riddle)     
  # Light in Chamber of Whispers; inspecting prompts the player to provide the password which will give player a key
  def password():
    printNow("Suddenly, hundreds of voices begin to talk all at the same time. Through the commotion you cannot make out what they are saying. " + \
             "Just before it goes silent you hear a whisper: 'Give us the password to receive our treasure...'")
    passwordGuess = requestString("State the password:"******">> Unsure, you back away slowly.")
    elif passwordGuess == "password1234": # Correct answer
      printNow(">> You speak confidently: '" + passwordGuess + "'")
      printNow( "A key suddenly appears in your pocket.")
    else: # Incorrect answer
      printNow(">> You speak confidently: '" + passwordGuess + "'")
      printNow ("The voices shriek: 'Leave us and return when you know the password!'")
  roomPassword.setInspect("LIGHT", "", password)  
  #--- --- --- --- --- --- Add Initial Exits --- --- --- --- --- ---
  # Empty Room
  roomEntrance.setExit("NORTH", roomChamber)
  # Inner Chamber
  roomChamber.setExit("EAST", roomBear)
  roomChamber.setExit("SOUTH", roomEntrance)
  roomChamber.setExit("WEST", roomKnife)
  roomChamber.setExit("NORTH", roomVictory)
  # Torture Chamber
  roomKnife.setExit("NORTH", roomCredits)
  roomKnife.setExit("EAST", roomChamber)
  # Developer's Shrine
  roomCredits.setExit("SOUTH", roomKnife)
  # Guardian's Quarters
  roomBear.setExit("WEST", roomChamber)
  roomBear.setExit("NORTH", roomPassword)
  # Chamber of Whispers
  # Prisoner's Cell
  roomRiddle.setExit("WEST", roomBear)
  #--- --- --- --- --- --- Add Map Print Function --- --- --- --- ---
  # Get list of room names
  roomList = [roomEntrance.getName(), roomKnife.getName(),roomChamber.getName(),roomBear.getName(), roomRiddle.getName(),
              roomCredits.getName(), roomVictory.getName(),roomPassword.getName()]
  #set flags for rooms visited
  roomFlags = [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false]  
  # Print map of dungeon; [_] indicates visited room, [X] indicates current location
  def printMap():
    # Map lines with northern-most point at level three
    levelOne = ""
    levelTwo = ""
    levelThree = ""
    # Loop through flags list, setting lines to print for all levels
    for key in range(0, len(roomFlags)):
      # Level one is southern-most point and single room set (special case) 
      if key in range(0,1):
        if currRoom.getName() == roomList[key]:
          levelOne = "    [X]"
        elif roomFlags[key] == true:
          levelOne = "    [_]"
      # Level two is comprised of middle rooms
      elif key in range(1, 5):
        if currRoom.getName() == roomList[key]:
          levelTwo += "[X]"
        elif roomFlags[key] == true:
          levelTwo += "[_]"
          levelTwo += "    "
      # Level three is comprised of northern-most rooms
      elif key in range(5,len(roomFlags)):
         if currRoom.getName() == roomList[key]:
           levelThree += "[X]"
         elif roomFlags[key] == true:
           levelThree += "[_]"
           levelThree += "    "
    # Print map by line with northern-most point at level three
    printNow("----- MAP -----\n" + levelThree+"\n"+levelTwo+"\n"+levelOne)    
  #--- --- --- --- --- --- Add Directions Function --- --- --- --- ---
  def getDirections():
    directionString = "You may move in these directions: "
    if (currRoom.getExit("NORTH")!= false):
      directionString = directionString + "[NORTH]  "
    if (currRoom.getExit("EAST")!= false):
      directionString = directionString + "[EAST]  "
    if (currRoom.getExit("SOUTH")!= false):
      directionString = directionString + "[SOUTH]  "
    if (currRoom.getExit("WEST")!= false):
      directionString = directionString + "[WEST]  "
    return directionString
  #--- --- --- --- --- --- Main Code Segment --- --- --- --- --- ---
  # Global variable initialization
  victoryFlag = false # This flag will be flipped when player reaches victory room
  currRoom = roomEntrance # currRoom contains current location of player character
  # Print starting Description
  lineSeparator = "===============================================\n"
  printNow("You awaken from a dream you cannot remember in an unfamiliar setting. As you wait for your eyes to " + \
           "adjust you can't help but notice the pungent sent of decay lingering in the air. You immediately begin " + \
           "to feel a chill running down your spine as the realization hits that you may be part of some sinister game.")
  printNow("(type HELP if you have any questions)\n")
  printNow("Current Location: " + roomEntrance.getName())
  # Main game loop; will loop until the player dies, exits, or reaches victory room
  while(victoryFlag == false):

    # Set victory flag and break if the player is in the victory room
    if (currRoom.getName() == roomVictory.getName() and prot.searchInventory(2) == True):
      # Only win if the bear isn't alive still
      if roomBear.getExit("EAST") != False:
        victoryFlag = True
    # Break if the player is in the secret room
    elif (currRoom.getName() == roomSecret.getName()):
    # Get player command input
    (cmd, args) = getUserInput()
    # Handle MOVE command
    if (cmd == "MOVE"):
      nextRoom = currRoom.getExit(args)
      # Invalid direction/no room in that direction
      if (nextRoom == false):
        printNow("That's not a valid direction. " + getDirections())
      # Victory room is locked
      elif (nextRoom.getName() == roomVictory.getName() and prot.searchInventory(2) == false):
        printNow("You don't have the key for that door.")
      # Change room, update map and print new description
        # Set flag for room visited
        for i in range(0,len(roomList)):
          if currRoom.getName() == roomList[i]:
            roomFlags[i] = true
        # Print description and map
        printNow(">> You boldly move " + args.lower() + " into the next room.")
        currRoom = nextRoom
        printNow("Current Location: " + currRoom.getName())
    # Handle LOOK command (currently disabled)
    #elif (cmd == "LOOK"):    
      #printNow(">> You look to the " + args.lower() + ".")
    # Handle INSPECT command
    elif (cmd == "INSPECT"):
      printNow(">> You inspect the " + args.lower() + ".")
      inspectDescription = currRoom.getInspect(args)
      if inspectDescription != "":
    # Handle TAKE command
    elif (cmd == "TAKE"):
      canTakeItem = currRoom.takeItem(args)
      if canTakeItem:
        printNow(">> You take the " + args.lower() + ".")
        printNow("You can't take that.")
    # Handle DIRECTIONS command
    elif (cmd == "DIRECTIONS"):
    # Handle EXIT and HELP requests
    elif (cmd == "MENU"):
      if (args == "EXIT"):
        printNow("\nA grue sneaks up from behind and eats you.")
      elif (args == "HELP"):
        printNow("\n# Commands:")
        printNow("# MOVE: Lets you move in the cardinal directions. Must be followed by north, south, east or west. Usage: 'move <direction>'")
        printNow("# INSPECT: Take a closer look at an item. Usage: 'inspect <item>'")
        printNow("# DIRECTIONS: Get a list of room exits. Usage: 'directions'")
        #printNow("# LOOK: Take a closer look in a direction. Usage: 'look <direction>'")
        #printNow("# TAKE: Take an item into your inventory. Usage: 'take <item>'")
        #printNow("# USE: Use an item in your inventory. Usage: 'use <item>'")
        printNow("# EXIT: Give up and end your adventure prematurely. Usage: 'exit'")
        #printNow("# HELP: Bring up this lovely menu. Usage: You really should know this one by now!")
    # Handle anything else
      printNow("That's not a valid command.")
  # Declare victory or loss upon exit from the game loop.
  if (victoryFlag == true): #win
    showInformation("Way to go, %s!" %prot.getName())
  else: #loss
    showInformation("%s, you are a disgrace to adventurers everywhere!\nThis dungeon is saddened by your patheticness!" %prot.getName())
Ejemplo n.º 4
    identity(50, "", "of slow monster ", 0),
    identity(45, "", "of kill monster ",0),
    identity( 8, "", "of invisibility ",0),
    identity(55, "", "of polymorph ",0),
    identity( 2, "", "of haste monster ",0),
    identity(25, "", "of put to sleep ",0),
    identity( 0, "", "of do nothing ",0)

# object.c
screen = [[0] * SCOLS for i in range(SROWS)]

rogue = fighter()

# room.c
rooms = [room() for i in range(MAXROOMS)]

# all global variables are collected in `g` so that I don't have to use "global"
class G:

g = G()

del G

# hit.py
g.fight_monster = None # todo used only in hit.py
g.detect_monster = 0
g.hit_message = ""
Ejemplo n.º 5
    import os
    from constants import *
    from socket import *
    from pygame.locals import *
    from map_gen import *
    from room import *
    from room_gen import *
except ImportError as err:
    print("A module cannot be loaded")

array_of_char = []
array_of_room = []

room_genenerator = room_gen_options(10, 10, 1, 6, "square")
room = room(array_of_char, room_genenerator)

map_generator = map_gen_options(9, 10, 1, 6)
my_map = map(array_of_room, map_generator)

array_of_char = get_RoundRoom(50, 90)  # pos x
array_of_char = floor_filling(array_of_char)

# Create the window
fenetre = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT))
pygame.display.set_caption("Project Caerbannog")

# function scan - Return the total amount of the target item
Ejemplo n.º 6
import pymongo
from room import *
client = pymongo.MongoClient("", 27017)
db = client.poker

objroom = room(db)
objroom.id = 2
objroom.smallblind = 2
objroom.bigblind = 4
objroom.buysmallchips = 20
objroom.buybigchips = 40
objroom.maxnumber = 10
objroom.start = 0

#print n

print a[1]
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def generate_rooms_items(self):

                "Courtyard", [
                        "Rock", "rk1",
                        "A large and jagged rock, you might hurt yourself with it if you’re not careful"
                        "ID Card", "id1",
                        "An ID card, its a bit bent and the picture is faded, but you can see the words “Researcher” and “Access” on it"
                    item("Large Log", "lg1",
                         "A big, mossy log. You can barely carry it"),
                        "Birth certificate", "be1",
                        "A tattered old birth certificate for someone called Kirril, with two r's and one l. "
                ], ["Reception"], {"Reception": ["Front door", "Window"]}, {
                    "Front door": True,
                    "Window": True
                }, {
                    "Front door": "id1",
                    "Window": ["rk1", "lg1"]
                """                                    You scope out your location. Seeing the signs of decay all around, you gather that the asylum has been abandoned,
                                    or maybe severly neglected,for quite some time. Prepared to run if necessary.
                                    you start to look around for potential threats and items that may be useful. You see a group of old decaying cars,
                                    which have broken windows and open doors. You can spot an open waste bin further alongdoors.
                                    \n                                    The door appears to be locked and requires some sort of card,
                                    and besides it a window can be reached but is fully intact. You spot some sort of white card
                                    under one of the cars next to some sort of document that seems very official except for the picture of a baby attached to it,
                                    a pile of large logs off to the side, and a massive pile of palm-sized rocks. Maybe something will help you get in?"""

                "Waiting room", [
                        "Flashlight", "ft1",
                        "A heavy black flashlight that constantly flickers on and off, maybe it needs new batteries? "
                ], ["Reception", "Storage closet"], {
                    "Reception": ["Door"],
                    "Storage closet": ["Door"]
                }, {
                    "Door": True,
                    "Door": True
                }, {"Door": ["id1", "sr1"]},
                """Upon entering this room you get a cold shiver all over your body, every single chair in the room has been torn apart and thrown around
                                the room, it’s a complete mess.The sun is peeking through the blinds that are withering away.
                                \nThere is only one other exit at the opposite side of the room which appears locked,
                                and a light flickers on and off underneath one of the torn chairs."""

                "Reception", [
                        "Screwdriver", "sr1",
                        "You find an old rusty screwdriver, with a blunt end like it’s been used to puncture something."
                ], ["Waiting room", "Toilet", "Hallway"], {
                    "Waiting room": ["Door"],
                    "Toilet": ["Door"],
                    "Hallway": ["Door"]
                }, {
                    "Door": True,
                    "Door": True,
                    "Door": True
                }, {"Door": ["id1", "sr1"]},
                """Entering the room, you are greeted with dizzyingly awful stench and a feeling of dread.
                                You barely make out the words “Welcome to Ainsworth Asylum" on a worn out sign located above a dusty wooden counter covered in old
                                leaflets and ripped paper. Time has made sure the writing is illegible.
                                The sound of dripping distracts emanating from there making you gag.
                                You stay away from it. You spot all the open drawers behind the desk, as if someone had left in a hurry.
                                Looking around, you see an old backpack hanging from the coat hook.\nYou can spot a sink behind one of the doors,
                                another door seems to lead to a bigger room
                                with a lot of chairs while the third door leads deeper into the building. There seems to be some
                                kind of tool-box with a couple of items in the backpack, maybe something will help you get in somewhere.
                                Or maybe something will help you light the way."""

                "Toilet", [
                        "Toilet Brush", "th1",
                        "A dirty yellow toilet brush propped up against the toilet in a cracked holder."
                        "Bandage", "be1",
                        "An unused bandage is found in an open first aid box that is spilled onto the floor."
                    item("Toothpaste", "te1",
                         "An old and half-filled tube of toothpaste. Minty."),
                        "Tonail clippings", "ts1",
                        "A baggie of small, razor sharp tonail clippings covered in dirt and possibly mold."
                ], ["Reception"], {"Reception": ["Door"]}, {"Door": True},
                {"Door": ["sr1", "id1"]},
                """Going from one awfully smelling room to another, the smell of old, unflushed excrement assault your nostrils.
                                The damp, moldy walls make you cover your nose and mouth to prevent ingesting anything permeating from them.
                                You look down to see a cracked toilet
                                fading into the vegetation growing through the walls. A shine catches your eye, you spot that there is a broken mirror above the sink.\nThe cleaning tools for the toilet are clearly still there, there seems to be some kind of personal hygienekit on one of the broken sinks and a first aid kit lying on the floor, most of the contents unusable, and what seems to be tonails in a bag?"""

                "Storage closet", [
                    item("Mop", "mp1", "A mop. A very wet and stinky mop."),
                        "Drain Unblocker", "dr1",
                        "On the top shelf you find a sealed bottle of drain unblocker."
                        "Newspaper", "nr1",
                        "A faded yellow newspaper, with water stains ruining the text"
                        "Bucket", "bt1",
                        "A large stainless steel bucket, perfect for any spills you need cleaning up, works well with a mop. "
                ], ["Waiting room"], {"Waiting room": ["Door"]},
                {"Door": True}, {"Door": ["sr1", "id1"]},
                """Entering this room is problematic by itself, the cramped room with lots of stuff left to decay over time. Spiders and cockroaches
                        rush out and you try to ignore them as they crawl all over your shoes and hair to get out of the closet.
                        There are no windows, so you can barely make out anything.\nYou can feel some rustling under your foot, as if there were some paper under it.There seems to be some unopened drain unblocker here, along with some cleaning tools. Some of them are wet, not sure you want to know with what. A bucket and mop"""

                "Morgue", [
                        "Lock of hair", "lr1",
                        "A lock of blonde, straw-like hair, bundled together with a hairband tied up half a dozen times. "
                ], ["Hallway"], {"Hallway": ["Door"]}, {"Door": True}, {},
                """Corpses litter the room, some laying on tables while others are simply pilled on top of each other in the corners of the room. If you thought the smell at the reception and the bathroom were bad, the smeel of rotting corpses was quickly changing your mind. They seem almost alive by the movement coming from the exaggerated amount of maggots inside the bodies.\nSome of these seem to have been used for research, or maybe experimentation. There is a surgical table with only a scalp, some hair hanging loosely off of it, and at the other end of the table some small, white crescent shaped objects"""

                "Hallway", [
                        "Sunflower Kirill", "sl1",
                        "What looks like a normal sundeprived sunflower, you actually discover to be a flower made of tiny Kirill faces."
                ], ["Reception", "Morgue"], {
                    "Reception": ["Door"],
                    "Morgue": ["Door"]
                }, {"Door": True}, {"Door": ["sr1", "id1"]},
                """You see a long cold corridor with hard oak floor and dark wallpapered walls. As you step forwards the floor begins to creek.\nBesides the unkept sunflower and the ominous door with the letter "M" on it, there doesn't seem to be much here"""

        self.current_room = self.rooms[0]
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def generate_rooms_items(self):

                "Courtyard", [
                    item("Rock", "rk1"),
                    item("ID Card", "id1"),
                    item("Large Log", "lg1")
                ], ["Reception"], {"Reception": ["Front door", "Window"]}, {
                    "Front door": True,
                    "Window": True
                }, {
                    "Front door": "id1",
                    "Window": ["rk1", "lg1"]
                """You scope out your location. Seeing the signs of decay all around, you gather that ## has been abandoned, or maybe severly neglected, for quite some time.
                                Prepared to run if necessary. you start to look around for potential threats and items that may be useful. You see a group of old decaying cars, which have broken windows and open doors. You can spot an open waste bin further along"""

            room("Waiting room", [item("Flashlight", "ft1")],
                 ["Reception", "Storage closet"], {
                     "Reception": ["Door"],
                     "Storage closet": ["Door"]
                 }, {
                     "Door": True,
                     "Door": True
                 }, {"Door": ["id1", "sr1"]}))

                "Reception", [item("Screwdriver", "sr1")],
                ["Waiting room", "Toilet"], {
                    "Waiting room": ["Door"],
                    "Toilet": ["Door"]
                }, {
                    "Door": True,
                    "Door": True
                }, {"Door": ["id1", "sr1"]},
                """Entering the room, you are greeted with dizzyingly awful stench and a feeling of dread. You barely make out the words “Welcome to ##" on a worn out sign located above a dusty wooden counter covered in old leaflets and ripped paper. Time has made sure the writing is illegible. The sound of dripping distracts emanating from there making you gag. You stay away from it.
                                You spot all the open drawers behind the desk, as if someone had left in a hurry. Looking around, you see an old backpack hanging from the coat hook."""

                "Toilet", [
                    item("Toilet Brush", "th1"),
                    item("Bandage", "be1"),
                    item("Toothpaste", "te1")
                ], ["Reception"], {"Reception": ["Door"]}, {"Door": False}, {},
                """Going from one awfully smelling room to another, the smell of old, unflushed excrement assault your nostrils. The damp, moldy walls make you cover your nose and mouth to prevent ingesting anything permeating from them. You look down to see a cracked toilet fading into the vegetation growing through the walls. A shine catches your eye, you spot that there is a broken mirror above the sink. 

            room("Storage closet", [
                item("Mop", "mp1"),
                item("Drain Unblocker", "dr1"),
                item("Newspaper", "nr1")
            ], ["Waiting room"], {"Waiting room": ["Door"]}, {"Door": True},
                 {"Door": "sr1"}))

                "Hallway", [item("Sunflower Kirill", "sl1")], [None],
                {None: [None]}, {}, [],
                """You see a long cold corridor with hard oak floor and dark wallpapered walls. You step forwards  the floor begins to creek.

        self.current_room = self.rooms[0]