def cmdloop(self): while not self.flag: try: sys.stdout.write(self.prompt) sys.stdout.flush() # Wait for input from stdin & socket inputready, outputready,exceptrdy =[0, self.sock], [],[]) for i in inputready: if i == 0: data = sys.stdin.readline().strip() if data: send(self.sock, data) elif i == self.sock: data = receive(self.sock) if not data: print('Shutting down.') self.flag = True break else: sys.stdout.write(data + '\n') sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Interrupted.') self.sock.close() break
def signup(): data = request.get_json() appt_id = data["id"] name = data["name"] email = data["email"] phone = data["phone"] category = data["category"] position = data["position"] time = data["time"] appt = Appointment.query.get(appt_id) if (not appt) or appt.filled: return "Failed", 400 else: # Fill the appointment appt.filled = True = name appt.position = position appt.category = category = email = phone db.session.commit() send(name, position, time, appt.location, category, email, phone) # Notify me return "Success", 200
def test_send_disabled(self, mock_config): """ Ensure we bail out immediately if 'event_notifications_enabled' is False """ doc = mock.Mock() # NB: 'event_notifications_enabled' is the only config param found via # getboolean() in mock_config.getboolean.return_value = False send(doc) assert not doc.to_json.called
def test_send_unserializable(self, mock_config, mock_logger): """ Ensure we bail out if doc is not serializable """ doc = mock.Mock() doc.to_json.side_effect = TypeError("boom!") mock_config.getboolean.return_value = True send(doc) mock_logger.warn.assert_called_once_with('unable to convert document to JSON; ' 'event message not sent')
def test_send_unserializable(self, mock_config, mock_logger): """ Ensure we bail out if doc is not serializable """ doc = mock.Mock() doc.to_json.side_effect = TypeError("boom!") mock_config.getboolean.return_value = True send(doc) mock_logger.warn.assert_called_once_with( 'unable to convert document to JSON; ' 'event message not sent')
def main(): config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()"config.ini") smtpserver = config.get("mail", "smtpserver") smtpport = config.get("mail", "smtpport") secret_user = config.get("mail", "user") user = "" for i in range(0, len(secret_user)): user += chr(ord(secret_user[i]) ^ 7) secret_passwd = config.get("mail", "passwd") passwd = "" for i in range(0, len(secret_passwd)): passwd += chr(ord(secret_passwd[i]) ^ 5) autostart = config.get("settings", "autostart") startsend = config.get("settings", "startsend") delay = float(config.get("settings", "delay")) if startsend == "1": time.sleep(60 * delay) pc_name = socket.gethostname() current_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time())) url = "" try: page = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: pass else: text = if "<center>" in text and "</center>" in text: text = text[text.index("<center>") + 8 : text.index("</center>")] info_list = text.split(" ") ip = info_list[0] ip = ip[ip.index("[") + 1 :] ip = ip[: ip.index("]")] location = info_list[1] location = location[6:] title = "您的电脑当前有开机动作!" message = "<p>电脑名称:%s</p><p>开机时间:%s</p><p>IP地址:%s</p><p>地理位置:%s</p>" % ( pc_name, current_time, ip, location.decode("gb2312").encode("utf8"), ) send(smtpserver, smtpport, user, user, passwd, title=title, msg=message) try: os.startfile("Email My PC.exe") except: pass finally: sys.exit()
def gotoSendFile(pool, sMain): global currentPortAddress filepaths = askopenfilenames() num_files = len(filepaths) send(sMain, "Length" + SEPARATOR + str(num_files) + "\n", 'utf-8') print("send", num_files) #msg=receive(sMain,BUFFER_SIZE_VERY_SMALL,'utf-8') req = "" while True: msg = receive(sMain, 1, 'utf-8') print(msg, end="") if (msg != '\n'): req += msg else: req += msg break ports = [] if (req == RECEIVING_ACK): for filepath in filepaths: filename = os.path.basename(filepath) filesize = int((os.stat(filepath)).st_size) currentPortAddress += 2 fileInfo = filename + SEPARATOR + str(filesize) + SEPARATOR + str( currentPortAddress) + "\n" ports.append(currentPortAddress) send(sMain, fileInfo, 'utf-8') msg = receive(sMain, BUFFER_SIZE_SMALL, 'utf-8') if (msg == RECEIVING_ACK): #file data is sent, now send the files on separate threads i = 0 # print("its done ipto sending data") for filepath in filepaths: filesize = int((os.stat(filepath)).st_size) pool.apply_async(sendFile, args=( filepath, i, ports[i], filesize, )) i += 1 pool.close() pool.join() currentPortAddress -= 2 * num_files return True print("File cant be reached: FILEOPENERROR") return False
def set_absolute(self, x, y, player): x = float(x) / 100.0 * DISPLAY_WIDTH y = float(y) / 100.0 * DISPLAY_HEIGHT target_zone = self._target_zone if target_zone is not None: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = target_zone a = (xmax - xmin) / DISPLAY_WIDTH b = xmin x = int(a * x + b) a = (ymax - ymin) / DISPLAY_HEIGHT b = ymin y = int(a * y + b) else: x = int(x) y = int(y) send('cursor', action='send_mouse', sender=player, x=x, y=y) return None
def main(): config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()"config.ini") smtpserver = config.get("mail", "smtpserver") smtpport = config.get("mail", "smtpport") secret_user = config.get("mail", "user") user = "" for i in range(0,len(secret_user)): user += chr(ord(secret_user[i]) ^ 7) secret_passwd = config.get("mail", "passwd") passwd = "" for i in range(0,len(secret_passwd)): passwd += chr(ord(secret_passwd[i]) ^ 5) autostart = config.get("settings", "autostart") startsend = config.get("settings", "startsend") delay = float(config.get("settings", "delay")) if startsend == "1": time.sleep(60 * delay) pc_name = socket.gethostname() current_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time())) url = "" try: page = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: pass else: text = if "<center>" in text and "</center>" in text: text = text[text.index("<center>") + 8:text.index("</center>")] info_list = text.split(" ") ip = info_list[0] ip = ip[ip.index("[")+1:] ip = ip[:ip.index("]")] location = info_list[1] location = location[6:] title = "您的电脑当前有开机动作!" message = "<p>电脑名称:%s</p><p>开机时间:%s</p><p>IP地址:%s</p><p>地理位置:%s</p>" % (pc_name, current_time, ip, location.decode("gb2312").encode("utf8")) send(smtpserver, smtpport, user, user, passwd, title=title, msg=message) try: os.startfile("Email My PC.exe") except: pass finally: sys.exit()
def test_send(self, mock_exchange, mock_conn, mock_producer, mock_config): """ Test a successful send """ doc = mock.Mock() doc.to_json.return_value = '{"a": "B"}' mock_config.getboolean.return_value = True mock_config.get.return_value = "amqp://some.amqp.url/" mock_exchange_instance = mock.Mock() mock_exchange.return_value = mock_exchange_instance mock_producer_instance = mock.Mock() mock_producer.return_value = mock_producer_instance send(doc) mock_producer_instance.maybe_declare.assert_called_once_with(mock_exchange_instance) mock_producer_instance.publish.assert_called_once_with('{"a": "B"}', routing_key=None, exchange=mock_exchange_instance)
def test_send(self, mock_exchange, mock_conn, mock_producer, mock_config): """ Test a successful send """ doc = mock.Mock() doc.to_json.return_value = '{"a": "B"}' mock_config.getboolean.return_value = True mock_config.get.return_value = "amqp://some.amqp.url/" mock_exchange_instance = mock.Mock() mock_exchange.return_value = mock_exchange_instance mock_producer_instance = mock.Mock() mock_producer.return_value = mock_producer_instance send(doc) mock_producer_instance.maybe_declare.assert_called_once_with( mock_exchange_instance) mock_producer_instance.publish.assert_called_once_with( '{"a": "B"}', routing_key=None, exchange=mock_exchange_instance)
def gotoRecvFile(pool, sMain): msg = recvGetline(sMain) msg = msg.split(SEPARATOR) num_files = int(msg[1]) send(sMain, RECEIVING_ACK, 'utf-8') fileinfo = [] for i in range(num_files): fileinfo.append(recvGetline(sMain)) send(sMain, RECEIVING_ACK, 'utf-8') for i in range(num_files): f = fileinfo[i].split(SEPARATOR) filename = f[0] filesize = int(f[1]) port = int(f[2]) #create thread for each file pool.apply_async(receiveFile, args=(filename, filesize, port, i)) pool.close() pool.join() return True
def check_conn(s): send(s, CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED_SERVER, 'utf-8') ack = receive(s, BUFFER_SIZE_VERY_SMALL, 'utf-8') if (ack == RECEIVING_ACK): #the sent packet is acknowledged print("UPLOADING SUCCESS") globalUpl = 1 else: print("UPLOADING FAILED") globalUpl = 0 s.close() msg = receive(s, BUFFER_SIZE_VERY_SMALL, 'utf-8') if (msg == CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED_CLIENT): #the message is received send(s, RECEIVING_ACK, 'utf-8') print("DOWNLOADING SUCCESS") globalDown = 1 else: print("DOWNLOADING FAILED") globalDown = 0 s.close()
def __init__(self, name, host='', port=3490): = name # Quit flag self.flag = False self.port = int(port) = host # Initial prompt self.prompt='[' + '@'.join((name, socket.gethostname().split('.')[0])) + ']> ' # Connect to server at port try: self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.sock.connect((host, self.port)) print('Connected to chat server@%d' % self.port) # Send my name... send(self.sock,'NAME: ' + data = receive(self.sock) # Contains client address, set it addr = data.split('CLIENT: ')[1] self.prompt = '[' + '@'.join((, addr)) + ']> ' except socket.error, e: print('Could not connect to chat server @%d' % self.port) sys.exit(1)
def main(): config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()"config.ini") smtpserver = config.get("mail", "smtpserver") user = config.get("mail", "user") passwd = config.get("mail", "passwd") autostart = config.get("settings", "autostart") startsend = config.get("settings", "startsend") if autostart == "1" and startsend == "1": pc_name = socket.gethostname() current_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) url = "" try: page = urllib2.urlopen(url) except: pass else: text = if "<center>" in text and "</center>" in text: text = text[text.index("<center>") + 8:text.index("</center>")] info_list = text.split(" ") ip = info_list[0] ip = ip[ip.index("[") + 1:] ip = ip[:ip.index("]")] location = info_list[1] location = location[6:] title = "您的电脑当前有开机动作!" message = "电脑名称:%s\n开机时间:%s\nIP地址:%s\n地理位置:%s" % ( pc_name, current_time, ip, location.decode("gb2312").encode("utf8")) send(smtpserver, user, passwd, title=title, msg=message) try: os.startfile("Email My PC.exe") except: pass finally: sys.exit()
def receiveFile(filename, filesize, port, i): try: import os import socket from constants import BASEPATH, BUFFER_SIZE_MEDIUM, REQUEST_TO_SEND, SEPARATOR, ALLOW_TO_RECV from wifiUtils import getIpAddress from main import send, receive, recvGetline f = open(BASEPATH + filename, "wb") subSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) subSock.bind((getIpAddress(), port)) subSock.listen() print("Socket for ", i, " created") conn, addr = subSock.accept() print("connection created ", addr) #msg="REQUEST_TO_SEND"+SEPARATOR+str(i)+"\n" #send(conn,msg,'utf-8') msg = recvGetline(conn) #print(msg) msg = msg.split(SEPARATOR) msg[0] += "\n" if (msg[0] == REQUEST_TO_SEND and int(msg[1]) == i): print("Request arrived") msg = "ALLOW_TO_RECV" + SEPARATOR + str(i) + "\n" send(conn, msg, 'utf-8') iter = filesize print("iter", iter) while True: bytes_read = receive( conn, BUFFER_SIZE_MEDIUM) #conn.recv(BUFFER_SIZE_MEDIUM) iter -= len(bytes_read) f.write(bytes_read) if (iter <= 0): break print("File is saved ", i) subSock.close() except Exception as ex: print(ex)
def run(self): global queue for x in a: result = queue.get() user = c.user_select(result[0][8]) if result[0][4] != 'Yes': continue if result[1] == 0: if r.redis_select(result[0][0]) == 0: continue if r.redis_select(result[0][0]) < 3: r.redis_modify(result[0][0]) with open('/data/scripts/monitor/sms.txt', 'a+') as f: f.write('%s\t%s\t%s\n' % (result[0][1], result[0][2], result[0][3])) c.insert_log(result) else: content = '''Group: %s URL : %s 恢复正常''' % ( result[0][2], result[0][3]) title = 'URL恢复正常' send(title, content, user) r.redis_modify(result[0][0]) elif result[1] != 0: if r.redis_select(result[0][0]) < 3: r.redis_insert(result[0][0]) else: title = 'URL检测失败' if result[1] == 1: content = '''Group: %s URL : %s 关键字检测失败!!!''' % ( result[0][2], result[0][3]) send(title, content, user) c.update_time(result[0][0]) r.redis_insert(result[0][0]) elif result[1] == 2: content = '''Group: %s URL : %s 返回状态码错误!!!''' % ( result[0][2], result[0][3]) send(title, content, user) c.update_time(result[0][0]) r.redis_insert(result[0][0]) elif result[1] == 3: content = '''Group: %s URL : %s 超5s 没有返回数据!!!''' % ( result[0][2], result[0][3]) send(title, content, user) c.update_time(result[0][0]) r.redis_insert(result[0][0])
def sendFile(filepath, i, port, filesize): try: import socket import os from constants import BUFFER_SIZE_MEDIUM, SEPARATOR from wifiUtils import getIpAddress from main import send from main import receive print("Port :", port) subsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) subsock.bind((getIpAddress(), port)) subsock.listen() print("Waiting", i) conn, addr = subsock.accept() print("Connection established", i, addr) msg = "REQUEST_TO_SEND" + SEPARATOR + str(i) + "\n" send(conn, msg, 'utf-8') recv = "" while True: ch = receive(conn, 1, 'utf-8') if (ch != '\n'): recv += ch else: recv += ch break exp = "ALLOW_TO_RECV" + SEPARATOR + str(i) + "\n" if (recv == exp): print("request accepted", i) #sending file by bytes f = open(filepath, "rb") byte = count = 0 a = 0 print("Sending in progress", end=" ") while byte: send(conn, byte) byte = count += len(byte) #print(".",end="") rem = filesize % BUFFER_SIZE_MEDIUM byte = send(conn, byte) conn.close() else: print("receiving not allowed") conn.close() except Exception as ex: print(ex)
def run(self): global queue for x in a: result = queue.get() user = c.user_select(result[0][8]) if result[0][4] != 'Yes':continue if result[1] == 0: if r.redis_select(result[0][0]) == 0:continue if r.redis_select(result[0][0]) < 3: r.redis_modify(result[0][0]) with open('/data/scripts/monitor/sms.txt','a+') as f: f.write('%s\t%s\t%s\n' %(result[0][1],result[0][2],result[0][3])) c.insert_log(result) else: content = '''Group: %s URL : %s 恢复正常''' %(result[0][2],result[0][3]) title = 'URL恢复正常' send(title,content,user) r.redis_modify(result[0][0]) elif result[1] != 0: if r.redis_select(result[0][0]) < 3: r.redis_insert(result[0][0]) else: title = 'URL检测失败' if result[1] == 1: content = '''Group: %s URL : %s 关键字检测失败!!!''' %(result[0][2],result[0][3]) send(title,content,user) c.update_time(result[0][0]) r.redis_insert(result[0][0]) elif result[1] == 2: content = '''Group: %s URL : %s 返回状态码错误!!!''' %(result[0][2],result[0][3]) send(title,content,user) c.update_time(result[0][0]) r.redis_insert(result[0][0]) elif result[1] == 3: content = '''Group: %s URL : %s 超5s 没有返回数据!!!''' %(result[0][2],result[0][3]) send(title,content,user) c.update_time(result[0][0]) r.redis_insert(result[0][0])
#1.第一种使用方法 #import send #send.send() #2.第二种使用方法 from send import * send() sendmsg()
def main(): # 发女朋友 send() # 秀恩爱 show()
from send import * from utils import * if __name__ == "__main__": conf = load_config() if len(sys.argv) < 2: print( "you must set as first argument \"send\", \"receive\" or \"mitm\"") exit(0) elif sys.argv[1] == "send": if len(sys.argv) != 4: print( "send should have only two arguments: <destination> and <filename>" ) exit(0) send(conf, sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3]) elif sys.argv[1] == "receive": if len(sys.argv) != 4: print( "send should have only two arguments: <port> <recv_filename>") exit(0) receive(conf, sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3]) elif sys.argv[1] == "mitm": if len(sys.argv) != 6: print( "send should have only four arguments: <recv_port> <dest_ip> <dest_port> <recv_filename>" ) exit(0) mitm(conf, sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], sys.argv[5]) else: print(
# # Copyright 2010-2012, WyDev Team. # Author: Polo35 ([email protected]) # # Licenced under Academic Free License version 3.0 # Review WyGui README & LICENSE files for further details. nname: 0 n 0(None)[self._target_zone = target_zone ]: i: o: self.nodes: {0: <unpyclib.structure.node instance at 0xb756e54c>} nname: 188 n 188(None)[send('cursor', action='send_mouse', sender=player, x=x, y=y) return None ]: i: 61(), 163() o: nname: 163 n 163(None)[x = int(x) y = int(y) ]: i: 0(f) o: 188() nname: 61 n 61(None)[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = target_zone a = (xmax - xmin) / DISPLAY_WIDTH
#!/usr/bin/python import sys srom scapy.all import send, IP, ICMP if len(sys.argv) < 3: print sys.argv[0] + " <src_ip> <dst_ip>" sys.exit(1) packet = IP(src=sys.argv[1], dst=sys.argv[2]) / ICMP() answer = send(packet) if answer:
def swishlist(uid): user = db.session.query(User).filter_by(uid=uid).first() if request.method == "POST": lst = [] if not request.json: flash(str(user) + " Sorry but something is went wrong, our bad") abort(400) if user: if 'emails' in request.json: lst.append(request.json['email1']) lst.append(request.json['email2']) lst.append(request.json['email3']) if not lst: flash( str(user) + " Sorry but something is went wrong, our bad") abort(400) from_name = from_addr = Topic = "The best Wishlist" userpage = app.config["LINK"] message = "This was my wish list check it out and tell me what you think later! " + "" + userpage for i in lst: send(i,,, Topic, message) info = {'persons': lst} response = jsonify({ "error": None, "info": info, "message": "Success" }) return response else: flash( str(user) + " Sorry but we couldnt find you in our emails that were entered" ) abort(404) elif request.method == "GET": if user: wishlst = [] wishes = db.session.get_bind().execute(select, if wishes: for i in wishes: wish = { 'pid': i["pid"], 'name': i["name"], 'description': i["description"], 'url': i["url"], 'thumbnail_url': i["thumbnail"] } wishlst.append(wish) errors = None message = "Success" info = {"wishes": wishlst, "user":} else: errors = True message = "Something went wrong we couldnt find the wishes you were looking for" info = {"wishes": wishlst, "user":} return jsonify(error=errors, info=info, message=message) else: flash( str(user) + " Sorry but we couldn't find you in our database") abort(404)