Ejemplo n.º 1
	def hunt(self, limit):
		lowest = 999999
		weakest = 0
		for index in range(1,7):
			num_hills = len(self.game_state.enemy_hills[index])
			if num_hills > 0:
				num_ants = len(self.game_state.enemy_ants[index])
				if num_ants < lowest:
					lowest = num_ants
					weakest = index
		if weakest != 0:
			#self.logger.debug("weak hill %d, %s", weakest, self.game_state.enemy_hills[weakest])
			for loc in self.game_state.enemy_hills[weakest]:
				hill_loc = loc 

			#self.logger.debug("ant_dist %s", ant_dist)
			for ant_loc in self.game_state.movable.copy():
				path = self.pathfinder.a_star(ant_loc, hill_loc, 200)
				if path:
					#self.logger.debug("adding path to path list %s", path)
					self.add_path(path, target(HILL_VALUE, hill_loc))
				# check if we still have time left to calculate more orders
				if self.ants.time_remaining() < limit:
					#self.logger.debug("Out of time... Hunt... break count")
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def get_targets(self):
     targets = []
     id_name_regex = 'id\:\s*([0-9]+)\s*or\s*"([^"]+)"'
     proc = os.popen(self.cfg.android_cmd + ' list target')
         line = proc.readline()
         while len(line) > 0:
             line = line.replace("\n", "")
             id_matches = re.search(id_name_regex, line)
             if id_matches:
                 line = proc.readline()
                 tg = target(self.cfg)
                 tg.Id = int(id_matches.group(1))
                 tg.str_id = id_matches.group(2)
                 target.str_id = id_matches.group(2)
                 name  = ''
                 value = ''
                 while len(line) > 0:
                     line = line.replace("\n", "")
                     if len(line) == line.count("-"):
                         # ignore -------- after target ABIs
                         line = proc.readline()
                     matches = re.search(id_name_regex, line)
                     if matches:
                         id_matches = matches
                         if len(name) > 0:
                             tg.set_value(name, value)
                     matches = re.search("\s*([^\:]+)\:(.*)", line)
                     if matches:
                         if len(name) > 0:
                             tg.set_value(name, value)
                         name  = matches.group(1)
                         value = matches.group(2)
                         value += line.replace("\t", "")
                     line = proc.readline()
                 line = proc.readline()
         if len(name) > 0:
             tg.set_value(name, value)
         if len(tg.name) > 0:
     except error as err:
         raise err
     return targets
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def find_food(self, limit):
		#self.logger.debug("Find Food")
		ant_dist = []
		# Check the distance for each ant
		for ant_loc in self.game_state.movable:		
			# Start with a really high number for comparisions
			lowest = 999999
			low_ant = (0,0)
			low_food = (0,0)
			for food_loc in self.game_state.food:
				if self.ants.time_remaining() < limit:
					self.logger.debug("Out of time... Food... break count")
				dist = self.ants.distance(ant_loc, food_loc)
				# If shorter distance then before record it
				if dist < lowest and dist != 0:
					lowest = dist
					low_ant = ant_loc
					low_food = food_loc
			# If a lower distance then the starting value is found then append it
			if lowest != 999999:
				ant_dist.append((lowest, low_ant, low_food))

		#self.logger.debug("ant_dist %s", ant_dist)
		for dist, ant_loc, food_loc in ant_dist:
			# check if we still have time left to calculate more orders
			if self.ants.time_remaining() < limit:
				self.logger.debug("Out of time... Food... break count")
			path = self.pathfinder.a_star(ant_loc, food_loc, FOOD_MOVE_LIMIT)
			if path:
				#self.logger.debug("adding path to path list %s", path)
				self.add_path(path, target(FOOD_VALUE, food_loc))
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def hunt(self, limit):
		lowest = 999999
		weakest = 0
		for index in range(1,7):
			num_hills = len(self.game_state.enemy_hills[index])
			if num_hills > 0:
				num_ants = len(self.game_state.enemy_ants[index])
				if num_ants < lowest:
					lowest = num_ants
					weakest = index
		if weakest != 0:
			#self.logger.debug("weak hill %d, %s", weakest, self.game_state.enemy_hills[weakest])
			for loc in self.game_state.enemy_hills[weakest]:
				hill_loc = loc 

			#self.logger.debug("ant_dist %s", ant_dist)
			attack_num = int(len(self.game_state.movable) * ATTACK_RATIO)
			count = 0
			for ant_loc in self.game_state.movable.copy():
				# check if we still have time left to calculate more orders
				if self.ants.time_remaining() < limit:
					self.logger.debug("Out of time... Hunt... break count")
				count = count + 1
				if count > attack_num:
					self.logger.debug("Attack limit... Hunt... break count")
				path = self.pathfinder.a_star(ant_loc, hill_loc, ATTACK_MOVE_LIMIT)
				if path:
					#self.logger.debug("adding path to path list %s", path)
					self.add_path(path, target(HILL_VALUE, hill_loc))
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def explore(self, limit):	
		desired = []
		size = self.game_state.size
		half = int(size / 2)
		for y in range(self.game_state.bucket_rows):
			# check if we still have time left to calculate more orders
			for x in range(self.game_state.bucket_cols):
				if self.ants.time_remaining() < limit:
					self.logger.debug("Out of time... Explore... break count")

				loc = ((y * size) + half, (x * size) + half)
				#if not self.game_state.bucket_map[x][y].my_ants:
				#	for offset_y in range(size - 1):
				#		for offset_x in range(size - 1):
				#			loc = ((y * size) + offset_y, (x * size) + offset_x)
				#			passable = self.ants.passable(loc)
				#			if passable: 
				#				break
				#		if passable:		
				#			break								

				dist = 0
				for hill_loc in self.game_state.my_hills:
					dist = dist + self.ants.distance(hill_loc, loc)
					dist = dist + (len(self.game_state.bucket_map[x][y].enemy_ants) * ENEMY_ANT_SCORE)
				desired.append((dist, loc))
		#self.logger.debug("Desired %s", desired)
		desired_density = int(self.game_state.num_my_ants * DENSE_RATIO) + 1
		ant_dist = []
		for ant_loc in self.game_state.movable:	
			row, col = ant_loc
			col = int(col / self.game_state.size)
			row = int(row / self.game_state.size)
			if len(self.game_state.bucket_map[col][row].my_ants) > desired_density:
				lowest = 999999
				low_ant = (0,0)
				low_food = (0,0)
				save_dist = 0
				# Check the distance for each ant
				for dist, land_loc in desired:
					# check if we still have time left to calculate more orders
					if self.ants.time_remaining() < limit:
						self.logger.debug("Out of time... Explore... break count")
					test = self.ants.distance(ant_loc, land_loc)
					# If shorter distance then before record it
					if test < lowest and test != 0:
						lowest = test
						save_dist = dist
						low_ant = ant_loc
						low_land = land_loc
				# If a lower distance then the starting value is found then append it
				if lowest != 999999:
					ant_dist.append((lowest, low_ant, low_land))
					desired.remove(( save_dist, low_land ))	
		#self.logger.debug("ant_dist %s", ant_dist)
		for dist, ant_loc, land_loc in ant_dist:
			# check if we still have time left to calculate more orders
			if self.ants.time_remaining() < limit:
				self.logger.debug("Out of time... Explore... break count")
			path = self.pathfinder.a_star(ant_loc, land_loc, EXPLORE_MOVE_LIMIT)
			if path:
				#self.logger.debug("adding path to path list %s", path)
				self.add_path(path, target(LAND_VALUE, land_loc))
Ejemplo n.º 6
	def hunt(self, limit):
		#self.logger.debug("----------------- Hunt Phase -----------------")
		lowest = 999999
		weakest = 0
		for index in range(1,7):
			num_hills = len(self.game_state.enemy_hills[index])
			if num_hills > 0:
				num_ants = len(self.game_state.enemy_ants[index])
				if num_ants < lowest:
					lowest = num_ants
					weakest = index
		#self.logger.debug("weakest enemy %d", weakest)
		if weakest != 0:
			attack_loc = (-1,-1)			
			if self.game_state.enemy_hills[weakest]:
				for loc in self.game_state.enemy_hills[weakest]:
					attack_loc = loc
				size = self.game_state.size
				half = int(size / 2)
				highest = 0 
				for y in range(self.game_state.bucket_rows):
					# check if we still have time left to calculate more orders
					for x in range(self.game_state.bucket_cols):
						if self.ants.time_remaining() < limit:
							#self.logger.debug("Lowest bucket... Hunt... break count")

						if self.game_state.bucket_map[x][y].num_enemy_ants != 0:
							ant_ratio = self.game_state.bucket_map[x][y].num_my_ants / self.game_state.bucket_map[x][y].num_enemy_ants
							if highest < ant_ratio:
								highest = ant_ratio
								attack_loc = self.game_state.bucket_map[x][y].enemy_ants[0]
			if attack_loc == (-1,-1):
				#self.logger.debug("No one to attack... Hunt... break count")
			ant_dist = []
			for ant_loc in self.game_state.movable:
				# check if we still have time left to calculate more orders
				if self.ants.time_remaining() < limit:
					#self.logger.debug("Out of time... Hunt... break count")
				dist = self.ants.distance(ant_loc, attack_loc)
				ant_dist.append((dist, ant_loc))

			attack_num = int(self.game_state.num_my_ants * ATTACK_RATIO)
			#self.logger.debug("Attack ratio %s location %s", attack_num, attack_loc)
			count = 0
			for dist, ant_loc in ant_dist:
				# check if we still have time left to calculate more orders
				if self.ants.time_remaining() < limit:
					#self.logger.debug("Distance... Hunt... break count")
				count = count + 1
				if count > attack_num:
					#self.logger.debug("Attack limit... Hunt... break count")
				path = self.pathfinder.a_star(ant_loc, attack_loc, ATTACK_MOVE_LIMIT)
				if path:
					#self.logger.debug("adding path to path list %s", path)
					self.add_path(path, target(HILL_VALUE, attack_loc))
Ejemplo n.º 7
	def explore(self, limit):	
		desired = []
		size = self.game_state.size
		half = int(size / 2)
		for y in range(self.game_state.bucket_rows):
			for x in range(self.game_state.bucket_cols):
				if not self.game_state.bucket_map[x][y].my_ants:
					for offset_y in range(size - 1):
						for offset_x in range(size - 1):
							loc = ((y * size) + offset_y, (x * size) + offset_x)
							passable = self.ants.passable(loc)
							if passable: 
						if passable:		

					dist = 0
					for hill_loc in self.game_state.my_hills:
						dist = dist + self.ants.distance(hill_loc, loc)
					desired.append((dist, loc))
			# check if we still have time left to calculate more orders
			if self.ants.time_remaining() < limit:
				#self.logger.debug("Out of time... Explore... break count")
		#self.logger.debug("Desired %s", desired)
		ant_dist = []
		for ant_loc in self.game_state.movable:	
			row, col = ant_loc
			col = int(col / self.game_state.size)
			row = int(row / self.game_state.size)
			if len(self.game_state.bucket_map[col][row].my_ants) > 1:
				lowest = 999999
				low_ant = (0,0)
				low_food = (0,0)
				save_dist = 0
				# Check the distance for each ant
				for dist, land_loc in desired:
					test = self.ants.distance(ant_loc, land_loc)
					#ant_dist.append((test, ant_loc, land_loc))
					#test = len(self.pathfinder.a_star(ant_loc, land_loc, 50))
					# If shorter distance then before record it
					if test < lowest and test != 0:
						lowest = test
						save_dist = dist
						low_ant = ant_loc
						low_land = land_loc
				# If a lower distance then the starting value is found then append it
				if lowest != 999999:
					ant_dist.append((lowest, low_ant, low_land))
					desired.remove(( save_dist, low_land ))
				# check if we still have time left to calculate more orders
				if self.ants.time_remaining() < limit:
					#self.logger.debug("Out of time... Explore... break count")
		#self.logger.debug("ant_dist %s", ant_dist)
		for dist, ant_loc, land_loc in ant_dist:
			path = self.pathfinder.a_star(ant_loc, land_loc, 50)
			if path:
				#self.logger.debug("adding path to path list %s", path)
				self.add_path(path, target(LAND_VALUE, land_loc))
			# check if we still have time left to calculate more orders
			if self.ants.time_remaining() < limit:
				#self.logger.debug("Out of time... Explore... break count")