def rgb_callback(self, data): img = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, desired_encoding="passthrough") img = cv2.resize(img, (320,240)) rows, cols, _ = img.shape M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cols / 2, rows / 2), 180, 1) img = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (cols, rows)) #img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) depth = cv2.resize(self.depth, (320,240)) depth = cv2.warpAffine(depth, M, (cols, rows)) depth = depth.astype(np.float32) / 1000 tf = transforms.ToTensor() source = tf(img) mask = (torch.sum(source[:3, :, :], 0) > 0).float().unsqueeze(0) source_depth = tf(np.expand_dims(depth, 2).astype(np.float32) / 128.0 * 255) mask =[source_depth, mask], 0) recon = self.model(self.imgv, self.maskv) goggle_img = (, 1).cpu().numpy()[0].transpose(1, 2, 0) * 255).astype(np.uint8) goggle_msg = self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(goggle_img, encoding="rgb8") self.image_pub.publish(goggle_msg) depth_msg = self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(depth, encoding="passthrough") self.depth_pub.publish(depth_msg)
def standarize_image(image): mean = (0.485, 0.456, 0.406) std = (0.229, 0.224, 0.225) tf = ToFloat(max_value=255.0) norm = Normalize(mean=mean, std=std, max_pixel_value=1.0) image = tf(image=image)['image'] image = norm(image=image)['image'] return image
def hmpatch_only_corners(x, y, alpha, edge, scale=1): tf1 = skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=[-x, -y]) tf2 = skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform(rotation=np.deg2rad(alpha)) tf3 = skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform(scale=scale) tf4 = skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform( translation=[+edge / 2, +edge / 2]) tf = (tf1 + (tf2 + (tf3 + tf4))).inverse corners = tf(np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [0.5, 0.5]]) * edge) return corners
def hmpatch(hm, x, y, alpha, edge, scale=1): tf1 = skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=[-x, -y]) tf2 = skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform(rotation=np.deg2rad(alpha)) tf3 = skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform(scale=scale) tf4 = skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform( translation=[+edge / 2, +edge / 2]) tf = (tf1 + (tf2 + (tf3 + tf4))).inverse corners = tf(np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [0.5, 0.5]]) * edge) patch = skimage.transform.warp(hm, tf, output_shape=(edge, edge), mode="edge") return patch, corners
def hmpatch_only_corners(x, y, alpha, edge, scale=1): # Cutout a patch from the image, centered on (x,y), rotated by alpha # degrees (0 means bottom in hm remains bottom in patch, 90 means bottom in hm becomes right in patch), # with a specified edge size (in pixels) and scale (relative). tf1 = skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=[-x, -y]) tf2 = skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform(rotation=np.deg2rad(alpha)) tf3 = skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform(scale=scale) tf4 = skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform( translation=[+edge / 2, +edge / 2]) tf = (tf1 + (tf2 + (tf3 + tf4))).inverse corners = tf(np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [0.5, 0.5]]) * edge) #patch = skimage.transform.warp(hm, tf,output_shape=(edge,edge),mode="edge") return corners
def sentences_intersection(self, sent1, sent2, content): # split the sentence into words/tokens total_score= 0 s1 = set(sent1.split(" ")) s2 = set(sent2.split(" ")) score = 0 # If there is not intersection, just return 0 if (len(s1) + len(s2)) == 0: return 0 common_words = s1.intersection(s2) list_words= list(common_words) for words in list_words: score = idf(words,content) * tf(words,content) total_score += score #print score # We normalize the result by the average number of words return total_score
def sentences_intersection(self, sent1, sent2, content): # split the sentence into words/tokens total_score = 0 s1 = set(sent1.split(" ")) s2 = set(sent2.split(" ")) score = 0 # If there is not intersection, just return 0 if (len(s1) + len(s2)) == 0: return 0 common_words = s1.intersection(s2) list_words = list(common_words) for words in list_words: score = idf(words, content) * tf(words, content) total_score += score #print score # We normalize the result by the average number of words return total_score
def test_fitted_model_full_map_stride_cnn(fitted, heightmap_png, edges, resize, rad_ori, stride): print("Generating traversability image for orientation " + str(rad_ori) + " rads") #hm=skimage.color.rgb2gray( #hm = hm * height_scale_factor hm = read_image(heightmap_png) X_mp = [] #y=[] hm_cols = int((np.shape(hm)[0] - edges) / stride) hm_rows = int((np.shape(hm)[1] - edges) / stride) full_data = pd.DataFrame() full_data["patch"] = range(0, hm_cols * hm_rows) full_data.set_index("patch") print("Filling patches (by stride)") full_data["hm_x"] = [ int((edges / 2) + (j * stride)) for i in range(0, hm_rows) for j in range(0, hm_cols) ] full_data["hm_y"] = [ int((edges / 2) + (i * stride)) for i in range(0, hm_rows) for j in range(0, hm_cols) ] full_data["G"] = [rad_ori for i in range(0, hm_cols * hm_rows)] total_samples = len(full_data.index) startTime = time.time() print("Cropping patches for feature extraction (only patch cropping)") if multiprocessing == False: for i, d in full_data.iterrows(): print("\rProcessing " + str(i) + "/" + str(total_samples), end='') patch = hmpatch(hm, d["hm_x"], d["hm_y"], np.rad2deg(d["G"]), edges, scale=1)[0] patch = transform_patch(patch, resize) X_mp.append(patch[:, :, np.newaxis]) print("\rProcessed " + str(total_samples) + "/" + str(total_samples)) else: print("\rProcessing " + str(total_samples) + " [multiprocessing]", end='') multiprocessing_hm = read_image(heightmap_png) X_mp = Parallel(n_jobs=4)(delayed(mc_extract_features_cnn)( d["hm_x"], d["hm_y"], np.rad2deg(d["G"]), edges, resize, scale=1) for idx, d in full_data.iterrows()) endTime = time.time() #calculate the total time it took to complete the work workTime = endTime - startTime print("-- time: " + str(workTime)) print("Estimating traversability for all the patches") startTime = time.time() X = np.array(X_mp).astype('float32') y_pred = fitted.predict(X) endTime = time.time() workTime = endTime - startTime print("-- time: " + str(workTime)) fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 9)) ax1.imshow(hm / height_scale_factor, cmap="viridis") #cmap="gray") fig.savefig(heightmap_png[:-4] + '_out_viridis_base' + '.png', dpi=fig.dpi) cax1 = ax1.imshow(hm / height_scale_factor, cmap="viridis") #cmap="gray") cbar = fig.colorbar( cax1, ticks=[round(np.amin(hm) + .01, 2), round(np.amax(hm), 2)]) fig.savefig(heightmap_png[:-4] + '_out_viridis__bar_base' + '.png', dpi=fig.dpi) fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 9)) ax1.imshow(hm / height_scale_factor, cmap="gray") fig.savefig(heightmap_png[:-4] + '_out_gray_base' + '.png', dpi=fig.dpi) #draw a white canvas for the traversability results # remove this if you want the overlay results #ax1.fill([0,0,np.shape(hm)[0],np.shape(hm)[0],0],[0,np.shape(hm)[1],np.shape(hm)[1],0,0],'w',alpha=1.0) # use a white skimage to draw traversabiliy results sk_hm = np.ones((np.shape(hm)[0], np.shape(hm)[1], 4), dtype='float64') sk_hm[:, :, 3] = np.zeros((np.shape(hm)[0], np.shape(hm)[1]), dtype='float64') print("Drawing predictions on patchs for current orientation") startTime = time.time() tf = skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform( translation=[edges / 2, edges / 2], rotation=-rad_ori) tf_sk = skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=[10, 10], rotation=-rad_ori) arrow_points = tf(np.array([[0, 0], [edges / 2, 0]])) arrow_points_sk = tf_sk(np.array([[-5, 0], [-10, 5], [5, 0], [-10, -5] ])) #15px arrowhead for skimage ploting ax1.arrow(arrow_points[0][0], arrow_points[0][1], arrow_points[1][0] - arrow_points[0][0], arrow_points[1][1] - arrow_points[0][1], length_includes_head=True, width=3) patches_squares = [] patches_colors = [] for i, d in full_data.iterrows(): print("\rProcessing " + str(i) + "/" + str(total_samples), end='') corners = hmpatch_only_corners(d["hm_x"], d["hm_y"], np.rad2deg(d["G"]), stride, scale=1) color_box_sk = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, y_pred[i][1]] # green with prob of non-trav in alpha # if we only want to draw the patch without its orientations, use this (avoids holes between patches) s_patch = skimage.draw.polygon([ corners[4, 1] - stride / 2, corners[4, 1] + stride / 2, corners[4, 1] + stride / 2, corners[4, 1] - stride / 2, corners[4, 1] - stride / 2 ], [ corners[4, 0] - stride / 2, corners[4, 0] - stride / 2, corners[4, 0] + stride / 2, corners[4, 0] + stride / 2, corners[4, 0] - stride / 2 ]) skimage.draw.set_color(sk_hm, (s_patch[0], s_patch[1]), color_box_sk) # for ploting with skimage sk_hm_pure = np.copy(sk_hm) s_patch = skimage.draw.polygon(arrow_points_sk[[0, 1, 2, 3, 0], 1], arrow_points_sk[[0, 1, 2, 3, 0], 0]) skimage.draw.set_color(sk_hm, (s_patch[0], s_patch[1]), [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]) ax1.imshow(sk_hm) #fig.savefig(heightmap_png[:-4] + '_out_' + ("%.3f" % rad_ori) + '.png', dpi=fig.dpi)[:-4] + '_out_' + ("%.3f" % rad_ori) + '.png', sk_hm_pure) #sk_hm if you want to save the arrows endTime = time.time() workTime = endTime - startTime print("\rProcessed " + str(total_samples) + "/" + str(total_samples)) print("-- time: " + str(workTime)) return sk_hm_pure
pass @LogFileWriter(ex) def hello(self, argument): with tf.Session() as s: tf.summary.FileWriter(argument, s.graph) @ex.main def run_experiment(_run): assert"tensorflow", None) is None foo = FooClass() with tf.Session() as s: swr = tf.summary.FileWriter(TEST_LOG_DIR, s.graph) assert swr is not None # Because FileWriter was not called in an annotated function assert"tensorflow", None) is None foo.hello(TEST_LOG_DIR2) # Because foo.hello was anotated assert["tensorflow"]["logdirs"] == [TEST_LOG_DIR2] with tf.Session() as s: swr = tf.summary.FileWriter(TEST_LOG_DIR, s.graph) # Nothing should be added, because FileWriter was again not called in an annotated function assert["tensorflow"]["logdirs"] == [TEST_LOG_DIR2] if __name__ == "__main__": test_log_file_writer(ex(), tf())
PoseStamped, self.publish, queue_size=1) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): pass def publish(self, data): broadcaster = tf2_ros.StaticTransformBroadcaster() static_transformStamped = TransformStamped() static_transformStamped.header.stamp = static_transformStamped.header.frame_id = 'station' static_transformStamped.child_frame_id = 'world' static_transformStamped.transform.translation.x = data.pose.position.x static_transformStamped.transform.translation.y = data.pose.position.y static_transformStamped.transform.translation.z = data.pose.position.z static_transformStamped.transform.rotation.x = data.pose.orientation.x static_transformStamped.transform.rotation.y = data.pose.orientation.y static_transformStamped.transform.rotation.z = data.pose.orientation.z static_transformStamped.transform.rotation.w = data.pose.orientation.w broadcaster.sendTransform(static_transformStamped) print 'spinning' rospy.spin() if __name__ == '__main__': tf()
def setup_model(args, phrase_plh, region_plh, train_phase_plh, labels_plh, num_boxes_plh, is_conf_plh, neg_region_plh, gt_plh): """Describes the computational graph and returns the losses and outputs. Arguments: args -- command line arguments passed into the main function phrase_plh -- tensor containing the phrase features region_plh -- tensor containing the region features train_phase_plh -- indicator whether model is in training mode labels_plh -- indicates positive (1), negative (-1), or ignore (0) num_boxes_plh -- number of boxes per example in the batch region_feature_dim -- dimensions of the region features Returns: total_loss -- weighted combination of the region and concept loss region_loss -- logistic loss for phrase-region prediction concept_loss -- L1 loss for the output of the concept weight branch region_prob -- each row contains the probability a region is associated with a phrase """ final_embed = args.dim_embed embed_dim = final_embed * 4 phrase_embed = embedding_branch(phrase_plh, embed_dim, train_phase_plh, 'phrase') input_region_feature = tf.concat([region_plh, neg_region_plh, gt_plh], 1) region_embed_raw = embedding_branch(input_region_feature, embed_dim, train_phase_plh, 'region') region_embed = region_embed_raw[:, :args.max_boxes, :] neg_region_embed = region_embed_raw[:, args.max_boxes:-1, :] gt_region_embed = region_embed_raw[:, -1, :] # dgt_p = tf.expand_dims(phrase_embed, 1) * tf.expand_dims(gt_region_embed, 1) # dp_neg = tf.expand_dims(phrase_embed, 1) dgt_p = tf(phrase_embed, gt_region_embed, is_conf_plh) dneg_p = cos_distance(tf.expand_dims(phrase_embed, 1), neg_region_embed, is_conf_plh) LossTrp = tf.maximum(0.00, 0.02 + dgt_p - dneg_p) concept_weights = embedding_branch(phrase_plh, embed_dim, train_phase_plh, 'concept_weight', do_l2norm=False, outdim=args.num_embeddings) concept_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.norm(concept_weights, axis=1, ord=1)) concept_weights = tf.nn.softmax(concept_weights) elementwise_prod = tf.expand_dims(phrase_embed, 1) * region_embed joint_embed_1 = add_fc(elementwise_prod, embed_dim, train_phase_plh, 'joint_embed_1') joint_embed_2 = concept_layer(joint_embed_1, final_embed, train_phase_plh, 1, concept_weights) for concept_id in range(2, args.num_embeddings + 1): joint_embed_2 += concept_layer(joint_embed_1, final_embed, train_phase_plh, concept_id, concept_weights) joint_embed_2 = tf.reshape( joint_embed_2, [tf.shape(joint_embed_2)[0], num_boxes_plh, final_embed]) joint_embed_3 = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected( joint_embed_2, 1, activation_fn=None, weights_regularizer=tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer(0.005), scope='joint_embed_3') joint_embed_3 = tf.squeeze(joint_embed_3, [2]) region_prob = 1. / (1. + tf.exp(-joint_embed_3)) ind_labels = tf.abs(labels_plh) num_samples = tf.reduce_sum(ind_labels) region_loss = tf.reduce_sum( tf.log(1 + tf.exp(-joint_embed_3 * labels_plh)) * ind_labels) / num_samples total_loss = region_loss + concept_loss * args.embed_l1 + LossTrp return total_loss, region_loss, concept_loss, region_prob, dneg_p, dgt_p, LossTrp, phrase_embed, gt_region_embed, neg_region_embed
def test_fitted_model_full_map_stride_cnn(fitted, heightmap_png, edges, resize, rad_ori, stride): # print("Generating traversability image for orientation " + str(rad_ori) + " rads") #hm=skimage.color.rgb2gray( #hm = hm * height_scale_factor hm = read_image(heightmap_png) X_mp = [] #y=[] hm_cols = int((np.shape(hm)[0] - edges) / stride) hm_rows = int((np.shape(hm)[1] - edges) / stride) full_data = pd.DataFrame() full_data["patch"] = range(0, hm_cols * hm_rows) full_data.set_index("patch") print("Filling patches (by stride)") full_data["hm_x"] = [ int((edges / 2) + (j * stride)) for i in range(0, hm_rows) for j in range(0, hm_cols) ] full_data["hm_y"] = [ int((edges / 2) + (i * stride)) for i in range(0, hm_rows) for j in range(0, hm_cols) ] full_data["G"] = [rad_ori for i in range(0, hm_cols * hm_rows)] total_samples = len(full_data.index) startTime = time.time() print("Cropping patches for feature extraction (only patch cropping)") if multiprocessing == False: for i, d in full_data.iterrows(): print("\rProcessing " + str(i) + "/" + str(total_samples), end='') patch = hmpatch(hm, d["hm_x"], d["hm_y"], np.rad2deg(d["G"]), edges, scale=1)[0] patch = transform_patch(patch, resize) #features=skimage.feature.hog(skimage.transform.resize(patch,(resize_patch_size,resize_patch_size))) X_mp.append(patch[:, :, np.newaxis]) print("\rProcessed " + str(total_samples) + "/" + str(total_samples)) else: print("\rProcessing " + str(total_samples) + " [multiprocessing]", end='') multiprocessing_hm = read_image(heightmap_png) X_mp = Parallel(n_jobs=4)(delayed(mc_extract_features_cnn)( d["hm_x"], d["hm_y"], np.rad2deg(d["G"]), edges, resize, scale=1) for idx, d in full_data.iterrows()) endTime = time.time() #calculate the total time it took to complete the work workTime = endTime - startTime print("-- time: " + str(workTime)) print("Estimating traversability for all the patches") startTime = time.time() X = np.array(X_mp).astype('float32') y_pred = fitted.predict(X) endTime = time.time() workTime = endTime - startTime print("-- time: " + str(workTime)) fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 9)) ax1.imshow(hm / height_scale_factor, cmap="rainbow") #cmap="gray") fig.savefig(heightmap_png[:-4] + '_out_rainbow_base' + '.png', dpi=fig.dpi) cax1 = ax1.imshow(hm / height_scale_factor, cmap="rainbow") #cmap="gray") cbar = fig.colorbar( cax1, ticks=[round(np.amin(hm) + .01, 2), round(np.amax(hm), 2)]) fig.savefig(heightmap_png[:-4] + '_out_rainbow__bar_base' + '.png', dpi=fig.dpi) fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 9)) ax1.imshow(hm / height_scale_factor, cmap="gray") fig.savefig(heightmap_png[:-4] + '_out_gray_base' + '.png', dpi=fig.dpi) # use a white skimage to draw traversabiliy results sk_hm = np.ones((np.shape(hm)[0], np.shape(hm)[1]), dtype='float64') sk_hm = skimage.color.gray2rgb(sk_hm) #to store only true traversability values (for using later in a visualization) true_t_hm = np.zeros((np.shape(hm)[0], np.shape(hm)[1]), dtype='float64') print("Drawing predictions on patchs for current orientation") startTime = time.time() ''' Description of SimilarityTransform states that the rotaiton angle is counter-clockwise, however it does not behave like so. Be aware of this issue and consider Angles from dataset are in radians and counter-clockwise so PI/2 means left orientation, while 3PI/2 means right orientation, if we do not invert the orientation, skimiage transformation does the opposite. gazebo orientation frame is different from vrep (sic), 0 degrees is at the right and goes up counter-clockwise ''' tf = skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform( translation=[edges / 2, edges / 2], rotation=-rad_ori) tf_sk = skimage.transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=[10, 10], rotation=-rad_ori) arrow_points = tf(np.array([[0, 0], [edges / 2, 0]])) arrow_points_sk = tf_sk(np.array([[-5, 0], [-10, 5], [5, 0], [-10, -5] ])) #15px arrowhead for skimage ploting # plot arrow_points ax1.arrow(arrow_points[0][0], arrow_points[0][1], arrow_points[1][0] - arrow_points[0][0], arrow_points[1][1] - arrow_points[0][1], length_includes_head=True, width=3) patches_squares = [] patches_colors = [] for i, d in full_data.iterrows(): print("\rProcessing " + str(i) + "/" + str(total_samples), end='') corners = hmpatch_only_corners(d["hm_x"], d["hm_y"], np.rad2deg(d["G"]), stride, scale=1) color_box = '#cc0000' #red color_box_sk = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] #red alpha_box = y_pred[i][0] if y_pred[i][1] > 0.5: color_box = '#73d216' #geen color_box_sk = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0] #geen alpha_box = y_pred[i][1] # plot the respective traversability patches on an image s_patch = skimage.draw.polygon([ corners[4, 1] - stride / 2, corners[4, 1] + stride / 2, corners[4, 1] + stride / 2, corners[4, 1] - stride / 2, corners[4, 1] - stride / 2 ], [ corners[4, 0] - stride / 2, corners[4, 0] - stride / 2, corners[4, 0] + stride / 2, corners[4, 0] + stride / 2, corners[4, 0] - stride / 2 ]) skimage.draw.set_color(sk_hm, (s_patch[0], s_patch[1]), color_box_sk, alpha=alpha_box) # for ploting with skimage sk_hm_pure = np.copy(sk_hm) s_patch = skimage.draw.polygon(arrow_points_sk[[0, 1, 2, 3, 0], 1], arrow_points_sk[[0, 1, 2, 3, 0], 0]) skimage.draw.set_color(sk_hm, (s_patch[0], s_patch[1]), [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], alpha=1.0) ax1.imshow(sk_hm) heightmap_png[:-4] + '_out_' + ("%.3f" % rad_ori) + '.png', sk_hm) endTime = time.time() workTime = endTime - startTime print("\rProcessed " + str(total_samples) + "/" + str(total_samples)) print("-- time: " + str(workTime)) return sk_hm_pure