def Generate_Shapes_AGOL():
    '''Generate preliminary shapes for each route by calculating the optimal
    route along the network using the ArcGIS Online route services.'''

    arcpy.AddMessage("Generating on-street route shapes via ArcGIS Online for routes of the following types, if they exist in your data:")
    for rtype in route_type_Street_textlist:
    arcpy.AddMessage("(This step may take a while for large GTFS datasets.)")

    global NoRouteGenerated
    NoRouteGenerated = []
    Too_Many_Stops = []
    global badStops

    # ----- Generate a route for each sequence -----

    arcpy.AddMessage("- Generating routes using ArcGIS Online")

    # Set up input parameters for route request
    service_params = {}
    service_params["travelMode"] = AGOLRouteHelper.travel_mode
    service_params["returnRoutes"] = True
    service_params["outputLines"] = "esriNAOutputLineTrueShapeWithMeasure"
    service_params["returnDirections"] = False
    service_params["outSR"] = WGSCoords_WKID
    # Create the output feature class, outRoutesfcName, "POLYLINE", '', '', '', WGSCoords), "Name", "TEXT")

    # Set up insertCursors for output shapes polylines and stop sequences
    # Have to open an edit session to have two simultaneous InsertCursors.
    edit = arcpy.da.Editor(outGDB)
    ucursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(outRoutesfc, ["SHAPE@", "Name"])
    cur = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(outSequencePoints, ["SHAPE@X", "SHAPE@Y", "shape_id", "sequence", "stop_id"])

    # Generate routes with AGOL for sequences we want to make street-based shapes for.
    sequences_Streets = []
    num_shapes = len(sequence_shape_dict)
    next_threshold = 10
    progress = 0.0
    num_routes_calculated = 0
    for sequence in sequence_shape_dict:
        # Print some progress indicators
        progress += 1
        percdone = (progress / num_shapes) * 100
        if percdone > next_threshold:
            last_threshold = percdone - percdone%10
            arcpy.AddMessage("%s%% finished" % str(int(last_threshold)))
            next_threshold = last_threshold + 10
        shape_id = sequence_shape_dict[sequence]
        route_id = sequence[0]
        route_type = RouteDict[route_id][4]
        if route_type not in route_types_Street:
        if len(sequence[1]) > AGOLRouteHelper.route_stop_limit:
            # There are too many stops in this route to solve with the online services.
        stopstring = ""
        sequence_num = 1
        pt = arcpy.Point()
        for stop in sequence[1]:
                stop_lat = stoplatlon_dict[stop][0]
                stop_lon = stoplatlon_dict[stop][1]
            except KeyError:
                sequence_num += 1
            # Add stop sequences to points fc for user to look at.
            pt.X = float(stop_lon)
            pt.Y = float(stop_lat)
            cur.insertRow((float(stop_lon), float(stop_lat), shape_id, sequence_num, stop))
            sequence_num = sequence_num + 1
            # Prepare string of stops to pass to AGOL
            stopstring += str(stop_lon) + ", " + str(stop_lat) + "; "
        service_params["stops"] = stopstring[:-2]
        routeshapes, errors = AGOLRouteHelper.generate_routes_from_AGOL_as_polylines(AGOLRouteHelper.token, service_params)
        if errors:
            if "User does not have permissions to access" in errors:
                arcpy.AddError("ArcGIS Online route generation failed. Please ensure that your ArcGIS Online account \
has routing privileges and sufficient credits for this analysis.")
                raise CustomError
            arcpy.AddWarning("ArcGIS Online route generation for shape_id %s failed. A straight-line shape will be generated for this shape_id instead. %s" % (shape_id, errors))
        for route in routeshapes: # actually, only one shape should be returned here, but loop just in case
            ucursor.insertRow((route, shape_id))
        num_routes_calculated += 1

    del ucursor
    del cur


    arcpy.AddMessage("Done generating route shapes with ArcGIS Online. Number of ArcGIS Online routes calculated: %s" % str(num_routes_calculated))

    if Too_Many_Stops:
        arcpy.AddWarning("On-street route shapes for the following shape_ids could \
not be generated because the number of stops in the route exceeds the ArcGIS Online \
service limit of %s stops.  Straight-line route shapes will be generated for these \
shape_ids instead:" % str(AGOLRouteHelper.route_stop_limit))
    NoRouteGenerated.append(shape for shape in Too_Many_Stops)
def RunStep1():
    '''Run Step 1 - Generate feature class of shapes for input to Step 2, which
    generates the actual GTFS shapes.txt file.'''

        # It's okay to overwrite stuff.
        orig_overwrite = arcpy.env.overwriteOutput
        arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
        # Check version
        if ArcVersion == "10.0":
            arcpy.AddError("You must have ArcGIS 10.2.1 or higher (or ArcGIS Pro) to run this \
tool. You have ArcGIS version %s." % ArcVersion)
            raise CustomError
        if ArcVersion in ["10.1", "10.2"]:
            arcpy.AddWarning("Warning!  You can run Step 1 of this tool in \
ArcGIS 10.1 or 10.2, but you will not be able to run Step 2 without ArcGIS \
10.2.1 or higher (or ArcGIS Pro).  You have ArcGIS version %s." % ArcVersion)
        if ProductName == "ArcGISPro" and ArcVersion in ["1.0", "1.1", "1.1.1"]:
            arcpy.AddError("You must have ArcGIS Pro 1.2 or higher to run this \
tool. You have ArcGIS Pro version %s." % ArcVersion)
            raise CustomError
        if useAGOL and ArcVersion in ["10.2.1", "10.2.2"]:
            arcpy.AddError("You must have ArcGIS 10.3 (or ArcGIS Pro) to run the ArcGIS Online \
version of this tool. You have ArcGIS version %s." % ArcVersion)
            raise CustomError

        # Check out the Network Analyst extension license
        if useNA:
            if arcpy.CheckExtension("Network") == "Available":
                arcpy.AddError("The Network Analyst license is unavailable.")
                raise CustomError
        if useAGOL:
            # Get the user's ArcGIS Online token. They must already be signed in to use this tool.
            # That way we don't need to collect a username and password.
            # But, you can't run this script in standalone python.
            if AGOLRouteHelper.token == None:
                arcpy.AddError("Unable to retrieve token for ArcGIS Online. To use this tool, \
you must be signed in to ArcGIS Online with an account that has routing privileges and credits. \
Talk to your organization's ArcGIS Online administrator for assistance.")
                raise CustomError
            arcpy.AddMessage("Successfully retrieved ArcGIS Online token.")

    # ----- Set up the run, fix some inputs -----

        # Input format is a string separated by a ; ("0 - Tram, Streetcar, Light rail;3 - Bus;5 - Cable car")
        global route_type_Straight_textlist, route_type_Street_textlist, route_types_Straight, route_types_Street
        if in_route_type_Street:
            route_type_Street_textlist = in_route_type_Street.split(";")
            route_type_Street_textlist = []
        if in_route_type_Straight:
            route_type_Straight_textlist = in_route_type_Straight.split(";")
            route_type_Straight_textlist = []
        route_types_Street = []
        route_types_Straight = []
        for rtype in route_type_Street_textlist:
            route_types_Street.append(int(rtype.split(" - ")[0].strip('\'')))
        for rtype in route_type_Straight_textlist:
            route_types_Straight.append(int(rtype.split(" - ")[0].strip('\'')))

        # Set curb approach based on side of road vehicles drive on
        global CurbApproach
        driveSide = "Right"
        if driveSide == "Right":
            CurbApproach = 1 #"Right side of vehicle"
            CurbApproach = 2 #"Left side of vehcle"

        # Uturn policy is explained here:
        global UTurns
        if UTurn_input == "Allowed anywhere":
            UTurns = "ALLOW_UTURNS"
        elif UTurn_input == "Allowed only at intersections and dead ends":
        elif UTurn_input == "Allowed only at dead ends":
            UTurns = "ALLOW_DEAD_ENDS_ONLY"
        elif UTurn_input == "Not allowed anywhere":
            UTurns = "NO_UTURNS"

        # Sometimes, when locating stops, they snap to the closest street, which is
        # actually a side street instead of the main road where the stop is really
        # located. The Route results consequently have a lot of little loops or
        # spikes sticking out the side.  Sometimes we can improve results by
        # locating stops on network junctions instead of streets. Sometimes this
        # messes up the results, however, but we allow the users to try.
        global search_criteria
        if useJunctions:
            search_criteria = []
            NAdesc = arcpy.Describe(inNetworkDataset)
            for source in NAdesc.sources:
                if source.sourceType in ["JunctionFeature", "SystemJunction"]:
                    search_criteria.append([, "SHAPE"])
                    search_criteria.append([, "NONE"])
            search_criteria = "#"

        # Initialize a list for shapes that couldn't be generated from the route solver
        global NoRouteGenerated
        NoRouteGenerated = []

        # Set up the outputs
        global outGDB, outSequencePoints, outRoutesfc, outRoutesfcName, SQLDbase, outGDBName
        if not outGDBName.lower().endswith(".gdb"):
            outGDBName += ".gdb"
        outGDB = os.path.join(outDir, outGDBName)
        outSequencePointsName = "Stops_wShapeIDs"
        outSequencePoints = os.path.join(outGDB, outSequencePointsName)
        outRoutesfcName = "Shapes"
        outRoutesfc = os.path.join(outGDB, outRoutesfcName)
        SQLDbase = os.path.join(outGDB, "SQLDbase.sql")

        # Create output geodatabase, outGDBName)

    # ----- Connect to the SQL database -----

        global c, conn
        conn = sqlite3.connect(SQLDbase)
        c = conn.cursor()

    # ----- SQLize the GTFS data -----

            arcpy.AddError("Error SQLizing the GTFS data.")

    # ----- Get lat/long for all stops and add to dictionary. Calculate location fields if necessary. -----

        arcpy.AddMessage("Collecting and processing GTFS stop information...")

        # Find all stops with lat/lon
        global stoplatlon_dict
        stoplatlon_dict = {}
        stoplatlonfetch = '''
            SELECT stop_id, stop_lat, stop_lon FROM stops
        stoplatlons = c.fetchall()
        for stop in stoplatlons:
            # Add stop lat/lon to dictionary
            stoplatlon_dict[stop[0]] = [stop[1], stop[2]]

        # Calculate location fields for the stops and save them to a dictionary.
        if useNA:

            # Temporary feature class of stops for calculating location fields
  , "TempStopswLocationFields", "POINT", "", "", "", WGSCoords)
            LocFieldStops = os.path.join(outGDB, "TempStopswLocationFields")
  , "stop_id", "TEXT")
            with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(LocFieldStops, ["SHAPE@X", "SHAPE@Y", "stop_id"]) as cur:
                for stop in stoplatlons:
                    # Insert stop into fc for location field calculation
                    cur.insertRow((float(stop[2]), float(stop[1]), stop[0]))

            # It would be easier to use CalculateLocations, but then we can't
            # exclude restricted network elements.
            # Instead, create a dummy Route layer and Add Locations
            RLayer =, "DummyLayer", impedanceAttribute,
            naSubLayerNames =
            stopsSubLayer = naSubLayerNames["Stops"]
            fieldMappings =, stopsSubLayer)
            fieldMappings["Name"].mappedFieldName = "stop_id"
  , stopsSubLayer, LocFieldStops, fieldMappings,
            if ProductName == "ArcGISPro":
                StopsLayer = RLayer.listLayers(stopsSubLayer)[0]
                StopsLayer = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(RLayer, stopsSubLayer)[0]

            # Iterate over the located stops and create a dictionary of location fields
            global stoplocfielddict
            stoplocfielddict = {}
            with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(StopsLayer, ["Name", "SourceID", "SourceOID", "PosAlong", "SideOfEdge"]) as cur:
                for stop in cur:
                    locfields = [stop[1], stop[2], stop[3], stop[4]]
                    stoplocfielddict[stop[0]] = locfields

    # ----- Make dictionary of route info -----

        arcpy.AddMessage("Collecting GTFS route information...")

        # GTFS route_type information
        #0 - Tram, Streetcar, Light rail. Any light rail or street level system within a metropolitan area.
        #1 - Subway, Metro. Any underground rail system within a metropolitan area.
        #2 - Rail. Used for intercity or long-distance travel.
        #3 - Bus. Used for short- and long-distance bus routes.
        #4 - Ferry. Used for short- and long-distance boat service.
        #5 - Cable car. Used for street-level cable cars where the cable runs beneath the car.
        #6 - Gondola, Suspended cable car. Typically used for aerial cable cars where the car is suspended from the cable.
        #7 - Funicular. Any rail system designed for steep inclines.
        route_type_dict = {0: "Tram, Streetcar, Light rail",
                            1: "Subway, Metro",
                            2: "Rail",
                            3: "Bus",
                            4: "Ferry",
                            5: "Cable car",
                            6: "Gondola, Suspended cable car",
                            7: "Funicular"}

        # Find all routes and associated info.
        global RouteDict
        RouteDict = {}
        routesfetch = '''
            SELECT route_id, agency_id, route_short_name, route_long_name,
            route_desc, route_type, route_url, route_color, route_text_color
            FROM routes
        routelist = c.fetchall()
        for route in routelist:
            # {route_id: [all route.txt fields + route_type_text]}
                route_type_text = route_type_dict[int(route[5])]
                route_type_text = "Other / Type not specified"
                route[5] = '100'
            RouteDict[route[0]] = [route[1], route[2], route[3], route[4], route[5],
                                     route[6], route[7], route[8],

    # ----- Match trip_ids with route_ids -----

        arcpy.AddMessage("Collecting GTFS trip information...")

        global trip_route_dict
        trip_route_dict = {}
        triproutefetch = '''
            SELECT trip_id, route_id FROM trips
        triproutelist = c.fetchall()
        for triproute in triproutelist:
            # {trip_id: route_id}
            trip_route_dict[triproute[0]] = triproute[1]

        # Find all trip_ids.
        triplist = []
        tripsfetch = '''
            SELECT DISTINCT trip_id FROM stop_times
        alltrips = c.fetchall()

    # ----- Create ordered stop sequences -----

        arcpy.AddMessage("Calculating unique sequences of stops...")

        # Select stops in that trip
        global sequence_shape_dict, shape_trip_dict
        sequence_shape_dict = {}
        shape_trip_dict = {}
        shape_id = 1
        for trip in alltrips:
            stopfetch = "SELECT stop_id, stop_sequence FROM stop_times WHERE trip_id='%s'" % trip[0]
            selectedstops = c.fetchall()
            # Sort the stop list by sequence.
            stop_sequence = ()
            for stop in selectedstops:
                stop_sequence += (stop[0],)
            route_id = trip_route_dict[trip[0]]
            sequence_shape_dict_key = (route_id, stop_sequence)
                sh = sequence_shape_dict[sequence_shape_dict_key]
                shape_trip_dict.setdefault(sh, []).append(trip[0])
            except KeyError:
                sequence_shape_dict[sequence_shape_dict_key] = shape_id
                shape_trip_dict.setdefault(shape_id, []).append(trip[0])
                shape_id += 1

        numshapes = shape_id - 1
        arcpy.AddMessage("Your GTFS data contains %s unique shapes." % str(numshapes))

    # ----- Figure out which routes go with which shapes and update trips table -----

        global shape_route_dict
        shape_route_dict = {}
        for shape in shape_trip_dict:
            shaperoutes = []
            for trip in shape_trip_dict[shape]:
                # Update the trips table with the shape assigned to the trip
                updatetripstablestmt = "UPDATE trips SET shape_id='%s' WHERE trip_id='%s'" % (shape, trip)
            shaperoutesset = set(shaperoutes)
            for route in shaperoutesset:
                shape_route_dict.setdefault(shape, []).append(route)

    # ----- Generate street and straight routes -----

        # Create a points feature class for the stops to input for Routes
        # We'll save this so users can see the stop sequences with the shape_ids., outSequencePointsName, "POINT", "", "", "", WGSCoords), "stop_id", "TEXT"), "shape_id", "LONG"), "sequence", "LONG"), "CurbApproach", "SHORT")
        if useNA:
  , "SourceID", "LONG")
  , "SourceOID", "LONG")
  , "PosAlong", "DOUBLE")
  , "SideOfEdge", "LONG")

        # Flag for whether we created the output fc in from Routes or if we need
        # to create it in the straight-line part
        Created_Street_Output = False

        # Generate shapes following the streets
        if route_types_Street:
            if useNA:
                Created_Street_Output = True
            elif useAGOL:
                Created_Street_Output = True

        # Generate routes as straight lines between stops
        if route_types_Straight or NoRouteGenerated:
        global badStops
        if badStops:
            badStops = sorted(list(set(badStops)))
            messageText = "Your stop_times.txt lists times for the following stops which are not included in your stops.txt file. These stops have been ignored. "
            if ProductName == "ArcGISPro":
                messageText += str(badStops)
                messageText += unicode(badStops)

    # ----- Add route information to output feature class -----

        arcpy.AddMessage("Adding GTFS route information to output shapes feature class")

        # Explicitly set max allowed length for route_desc. Some agencies are wordy.
        max_route_desc_length = 250, "shape_id", "LONG"), "route_id", "TEXT"), "route_short_name", "TEXT"), "route_long_name", "TEXT"), "route_desc", "TEXT", "", "", max_route_desc_length), "route_type", "SHORT"), "route_type_text", "TEXT")

        with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(outRoutesfc, ["Name", "shape_id", "route_id",
                      "route_short_name", "route_long_name", "route_desc",
                      "route_type", "route_type_text"]) as ucursor:
            for row in ucursor:
                shape_id = row[0]
                route_id = shape_route_dict[int(shape_id)][0]
                route_short_name = RouteDict[route_id][1]
                route_long_name = RouteDict[route_id][2]
                route_desc = RouteDict[route_id][3]
                route_type = RouteDict[route_id][4]
                route_type_text = RouteDict[route_id][8]
                row[0] = row[0]
                row[1] = shape_id
                row[2] = route_id
                row[3] = route_short_name
                row[4] = route_long_name
                row[5] = route_desc[0:max_route_desc_length] if route_desc else route_desc #logic handles the case where it's empty
                row[6] = route_type
                row[7] = route_type_text

    # ----- Finish things up -----

        # Add output to map.
        if useNA:
            arcpy.SetParameterAsText(11, outRoutesfc)
            arcpy.SetParameterAsText(12, outSequencePoints)
        elif useAGOL:
            arcpy.SetParameterAsText(5, outRoutesfc)
            arcpy.SetParameterAsText(6, outSequencePoints)
            arcpy.SetParameterAsText(6, outRoutesfc)
            arcpy.SetParameterAsText(7, outSequencePoints)

        arcpy.AddMessage("Output generated in " + outGDB + ":")
        arcpy.AddMessage("- Shapes")
        arcpy.AddMessage("- Stops_wShapeIDs")

    except CustomError:
        arcpy.AddError("Error generating shapes feature class from GTFS data.")


        arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = orig_overwrite