def runFilter(self,accMeas,gyroMeas,otherMeas,dT):

        #spool up after initialization
        if (self.timeConstant < self.tcTarget) :
 	   self.timeConstant += .0001*(self.tcTarget - self.timeConstant) + .001
        # integrate angular velocity to get 
        omega = gyroMeas - self.gyroBias;
        # get the magnitude of the angular velocity
        magOmega = np.linalg.norm(omega)
        # recover the axis around which it's spinning
        axis = omega/(magOmega + 1e-13)
        # calculate the angle through which it has spun
        angle = magOmega*dT
        # make a quaternion
        deltaAttPredict = AQ.quatFromAxisAngle(axis,angle)
        # integrate attitude
        self.attitudeEstimate = deltaAttPredict*self.attitudeEstimate
        # unpack attitude into Eulers
        r,p,y = self.attitudeEstimate.asEuler
        # Do we have magnetometer information?
        for ii in otherMeas:
            if (ii[0]=='mag'):
                 # rotate magnetometer reading into earth reference frame
                 magReadingInEarth =,ii[1])
                 # expected magnetometer reading.
                 # Declination can be determined if you know your GPS coordinates. 
                 # The code in Arducopter does this.
                 #earthMagReading = np.array([[.48407,.12519,.8660254]]).T # corresponds to 14.5deg east, 60deg downward inclination 
                 earthMagReading = ii[2] # corresponds to 14.5deg east, 60deg downward inclination 
                 # the z-component of the cross product of these two quantities is proportional to the sine of the yaw error,
                 # for small angles, sin(x) ~= x
                 yawErr = np.cross(magReadingInEarth.T,earthMagReading.T)
                 # update yaw
                 y = y + 180./np.pi*yawErr[0][2]
        # do first slerp for yaw
        updateQuat = AQ.Quaternion(np.array([r,p,y]))
        newAtt = AQ.slerp(self.attitudeEstimate, updateQuat, min(20*dT/(self.timeConstant+dT),.5) )
        # process accel data (if magnitude of acceleration is around 1g)
        r,p,y = newAtt.asEuler
        if (abs(np.linalg.norm(accMeas) - grav) < .5):
             # incorporate accelerometer data
             #updateQuat = attFromAccel(y,accMeas)
             deltaA = np.cross((newAtt.asRotMat*(-gravity)).T,accMeas.T)
             dMagAcc = np.linalg.norm(deltaA)
             if (dMagAcc != 0):
               axisAcc = (1./dMagAcc)*deltaA
               axisAcc = np.array([[1.,0.,0.]])
             updateQuat = AQ.quatFromAxisAngle(axisAcc,dMagAcc)
             # rebuild attitude estimate. May have no change, but 'y' may have magnetometer info incorporated into it, which doesn't care if we're accelerating.
             updateQuat = AQ.Quaternion(np.array([r,p,y]))

        # slerp between integrated and measured attitude
        newAtt = AQ.slerp(newAtt,updateQuat, dT/(self.timeConstant+dT) )
        # calculate difference between measurement and integrated for bias calc
        errorQuat = (newAtt*self.attitudeEstimate.inv()).q
        # calculate bias derivative
        # if we think of a quaternion in terms of the axis-angle representation of a rotation, then
        # dividing the vector component of a quaternion by its scalar component gives a vector proportional
        # to tan(angle/2). For small angles this is pretty close to angle/2.

        biasDot =[[self.Kbias,0,0],[0, self.Kbias,0],[0,0,self.Kbias]]),(1./errorQuat[3])*np.array([[errorQuat[0]],[errorQuat[1]],[errorQuat[2]]]))

        # Update gyro bias
        self.gyroBias = self.gyroBias + dT*biasDot
        # update attitude
        self.attitudeEstimate = newAtt
        return [self.attitudeEstimate, self.gyroBias]
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def runFilter(self, accMeas, gyroMeas, otherMeas, dT):

        #spool up after initialization
        if (self.timeConstant < self.tcTarget):
            self.timeConstant += .0001 * (self.tcTarget -
                                          self.timeConstant) + .001
        # integrate angular velocity to get
        omega = gyroMeas - self.gyroBias
        # get the magnitude of the angular velocity
        magOmega = np.linalg.norm(omega)
        # recover the axis around which it's spinning
        axis = omega / (magOmega + 1e-13)
        # calculate the angle through which it has spun
        angle = magOmega * dT
        # make a quaternion
        deltaAttPredict = AQ.quatFromAxisAngle(axis, angle)
        # integrate attitude
        self.attitudeEstimate = deltaAttPredict * self.attitudeEstimate
        # unpack attitude into Eulers
        r, p, y = self.attitudeEstimate.asEuler
        # Do we have magnetometer information?
        for ii in otherMeas:
            if (ii[0] == 'mag'):
                # rotate magnetometer reading into earth reference frame
                magReadingInEarth =,
                # expected magnetometer reading.
                # Declination can be determined if you know your GPS coordinates.
                # The code in Arducopter does this.
                #earthMagReading = np.array([[.48407,.12519,.8660254]]).T # corresponds to 14.5deg east, 60deg downward inclination
                earthMagReading = ii[
                    2]  # corresponds to 14.5deg east, 60deg downward inclination
                # the z-component of the cross product of these two quantities is proportional to the sine of the yaw error,
                # for small angles, sin(x) ~= x
                yawErr = np.cross(magReadingInEarth.T, earthMagReading.T)
                # update yaw
                y = y + 180. / np.pi * yawErr[0][2]
        # do first slerp for yaw
        updateQuat = AQ.Quaternion(np.array([r, p, y]))
        newAtt = AQ.slerp(self.attitudeEstimate, updateQuat,
                          min(20 * dT / (self.timeConstant + dT), .5))
        # process accel data (if magnitude of acceleration is around 1g)
        r, p, y = newAtt.asEuler
        if (abs(np.linalg.norm(accMeas) - grav) < .5):
            # incorporate accelerometer data
            #updateQuat = attFromAccel(y,accMeas)
            deltaA = np.cross((newAtt.asRotMat * (-gravity)).T, accMeas.T)
            dMagAcc = np.linalg.norm(deltaA)
            if (dMagAcc != 0):
                axisAcc = (1. / dMagAcc) * deltaA
                axisAcc = np.array([[1., 0., 0.]])
            updateQuat = AQ.quatFromAxisAngle(axisAcc, dMagAcc)
            # rebuild attitude estimate. May have no change, but 'y' may have magnetometer info incorporated into it, which doesn't care if we're accelerating.
            updateQuat = AQ.Quaternion(np.array([r, p, y]))

        # slerp between integrated and measured attitude
        newAtt = AQ.slerp(newAtt, updateQuat, dT / (self.timeConstant + dT))
        # calculate difference between measurement and integrated for bias calc
        errorQuat = (newAtt * self.attitudeEstimate.inv()).q
        # calculate bias derivative
        # if we think of a quaternion in terms of the axis-angle representation of a rotation, then
        # dividing the vector component of a quaternion by its scalar component gives a vector proportional
        # to tan(angle/2). For small angles this is pretty close to angle/2.

        biasDot =
            np.array([[self.Kbias, 0, 0], [0, self.Kbias, 0],
                      [0, 0, self.Kbias]]), (1. / errorQuat[3]) *
            np.array([[errorQuat[0]], [errorQuat[1]], [errorQuat[2]]]))

        # Update gyro bias
        self.gyroBias = self.gyroBias + dT * biasDot
        # update attitude
        self.attitudeEstimate = newAtt

        return [self.attitudeEstimate, self.gyroBias]