def get_positions(times, pass_obj): spacecraft = twoline2rv(pass_obj['TLE'][0], pass_obj['TLE'][1], wgs84) telescope_ecef = AF.lla_to_ecef(LAT, LON, ALT, geodetic=True) utc0 = pass_obj['EPOCH'] telescope_ecis = [] spacecraft_ecis = [] sun_ecis = [] for time in times: now = utc0 + datetime.timedelta(seconds=time) sun_vec = AF.vect_earth_to_sun(now) sc_eci, _ = spacecraft.propagate(now.year, now.month,, now.hour, now.minute, now.second) sc_eci = asarray(sc_eci) lst = AF.local_sidereal_time(now, LON) telescope_eci = AF.Cz(lst) @ telescope_ecef obs_vec = telescope_eci - sc_eci telescope_ecis.append(telescope_eci) spacecraft_ecis.append(sc_eci) sun_ecis.append(sun_vec) return vstack(spacecraft_ecis), vstack(telescope_ecis), vstack(sun_ecis)
def states_to_lightcurve(times, states, pass_obj, quats=False): lightcurve = [] spacecraft = twoline2rv(pass_obj['TLE'][0], pass_obj['TLE'][1], wgs84) telescope_ecef = AF.lla_to_ecef(LAT, LON, ALT, geodetic=True) utc0 = pass_obj['EPOCH'] for time, state in zip(times, states): now = utc0 + datetime.timedelta(seconds=time) sun_vec = AF.vect_earth_to_sun(now) sc_eci, _ = spacecraft.propagate(now.year, now.month,, now.hour, now.minute, now.second) sc_eci = asarray(sc_eci) # if AF.shadow(sc_eci,sun_vec): # #if the spacecraft is in shadow its brightness is zero # print("IN SHADOW") # lightcurve.append(0) # continue lst = AF.local_sidereal_time(now, LON) telescope_eci = AF.Cz(lst) @ telescope_ecef obs_vec = telescope_eci - sc_eci if quats: eta = state[0] eps = state[1:4] dcm_body2eci = R.from_quat(hstack([eps, eta])).as_dcm().T else: eulers = state[:3] dcm_body2eci = R.from_euler(ROTATION, eulers).as_dcm().T power = 0 for facet, area in zip(FACETS, AREAS): normal = dcm_body2eci @ facet if dot(normal, sun_vec) > 0 and dot(normal, obs_vec) > 0: power += phong_brdf(obs_vec, sun_vec, normal, area) lightcurve.append(power) lightcurve = hstack(lightcurve) return lightcurve
def measurement_function(state, time): print(state) eulers = state[:3] dcm_body2eci = R.from_euler(ROTATION, eulers).as_dcm().T power = 0 now = UTC0 + datetime.timedelta(seconds=time) sc_eci, _ = SPACECRAFT.propagate(now.year, now.month,, now.hour, now.minute, now.second) sc_eci = asarray(sc_eci) lst = AF.local_sidereal_time(now, LON) telescope_eci = AF.Cz(lst) @ TELESCOPE_ECEF obs_vec = telescope_eci - sc_eci sun_vec = AF.vect_earth_to_sun(now) for facet, area in zip(FACETS, AREAS): normal = dcm_body2eci @ facet power += phong_brdf(OBS_VEC, SUN_VEC, normal, area) return array([power])
def main(): angular_velocity0 = array([0, 0.1, 0]) # eta0 = 1 # eps0 = array([0,0,0]) q0 = R.random(random_state=1111).as_quat() eta0 = q0[3] eps0 = q0[0:3] eulers = array([0, 0, 0]) state0 = hstack([eta0, eps0, angular_velocity0]) solver = ode(propagate_quats) solver.set_integrator('lsoda') solver.set_initial_value(state0, 0) solver.set_f_params(INERTIA, False) newstate = [] time = [] tspan = PASS['TIME'][-1] while solver.successful() and solver.t < tspan: newstate.append(solver.y) time.append(solver.t) solver.integrate(solver.t + DT) newstate = vstack(newstate) time = hstack(time) #Generate lightcurve lightcurve = states_to_lightcurve(time, newstate, PASS, quats=True) #lightcurve += random.normal(0, MEASUREMENT_VARIANCE, size = lightcurve.shape) #Save Data save('true_lightcurve', lightcurve) save('true_states', newstate) save('time', time) sc_pos, tel_pos, sun_pos = get_positions(time, PASS) save('sc_pos', sc_pos) save('tel_pos', tel_pos) save('sun_pos', sun_pos) colors = [] for x, y in zip(sc_pos, sun_pos): if AF.shadow(x, y) == 0: colors.append('k') else: colors.append('b') fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) AP.plot_earth(ax) ax.scatter(sc_pos[:, 0], sc_pos[:, 1], sc_pos[:, 2], c=colors) AP.plot_orbit(ax, tel_pos) AP.scale_plot(ax) azimuth, elevation = AF.pass_az_el(tel_pos, sc_pos) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='polar') #matplotlib takes azimuth in radians and elevation in degrees for some reason :/ ax.scatter(radians(azimuth), 90 - elevation, c=colors) ax.set_ylim([0, 90]) plt.figure() plt.plot(time, lightcurve)
AREAS = ESTIMATE.AREAS OBS_VEC = ESTIMATE.OBS_VEC SUN_VEC = ESTIMATE.SUN_VEC INERTIA = ESTIMATE.INERTIA MEASUREMENT_VARIANCE = ESTIMATE.MEASUREMENT_VARIANCE ROTATION = VARIABLES.ROTATION DT = VARIABLES.DT LAT = VARIABLES.LATITUDE LON = VARIABLES.LONGITUDE ALT = VARIABLES.ALTITUDE PASS = VARIABLES.PASS SPACECRAFT = twoline2rv(PASS['TLE'][0], PASS['TLE'][1], wgs84) UTC0 = PASS['EPOCH'] TELESCOPE_ECEF = AF.lla_to_ecef(LAT, LON, ALT, geodetic=True) def main(): case = 0 for indx, arg in enumerate(sys.argv): if arg == '--2inertia': case = 1 print('Including Inertia into state') elif arg == '--fullinertia': case = 2 elif arg == '--inertialoffset': case = 3 print('Estimating inertial offset') elif arg == '--constomega':
Noise_STD = Simulation_Configuration['Sensor STD'] Directory = Simulation_Configuration['Directory'] Exposure_Time = Simulation_Configuration['Exposure Time'] Real_Data = Simulation_Configuration['Real Data'] date = Satellite.epoch - datetime.timedelta(hours=1) if not os.path.exists(Directory): os.makedirs(Directory) pass_list = [] mid_pass_flag = False max_el = 0 while len(pass_list) < num_passes: date += datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) lst = AF.local_sidereal_time(date, Lon) site = AF.observation_site(Lat, lst, Alt) sc_pos, sc_vel = Satellite.propagate(*date.timetuple()[0:6]) sc_pos = asarray(sc_pos) range_vec = sc_pos - site sun_vec = AF.vect_earth_to_sun(date) illuminated = AF.shadow(sc_pos, sun_vec) above_horizon = dot(range_vec, site) > 0 SPA_less_than_90 = dot(sun_vec, site - sc_pos) > 0 if above_horizon and illuminated and SPA_less_than_90: if mid_pass_flag == False: print('Pass encountered', date) mid_pass_flag = True current_pass = {'Date0': date}
positions = [] for t in times: date_t = date0 + datetime.timedelta(seconds=t) solver.set_initial_value(state0, 0) solver.integrate(t) positions.append(solver.y) obs_vecs = [] sun_vecs = [] sat_poss = [] site_poss = [] range_vecs = [] for t, state in zip(times, positions): date = date0 + datetime.timedelta(seconds=t) lst = AF.local_sidereal_time(date, LON) site = AF.observation_site(LAT, lst, ALT) #telescope_ecef = AF.lla_to_ecef(LAT, LON, ALT, geodetic = True) #site = AF.Cz(lst)@telescope_ecef sc_pos, sc_vel = Satellite.propagate(*date.timetuple()[0:6]) sc_pos = state[0:3] sc_pos = asarray(sc_pos) range_vec = sc_pos - site sun_vec = AF.vect_earth_to_sun(date) obs_vecs.append(site - sc_pos) sun_vecs.append(sun_vec) sat_poss.append(sc_pos) site_poss.append(site) range_vecs.append(range_vec)
positions = [] for t in times: date_t = date0 + datetime.timedelta(seconds = t) sc_pos, _ = Satellite.propagate(*date_t.timetuple()[0:6]) positions.append(sc_pos) obs_vecs = [] sun_vecs = [] sat_poss = [] site_poss = [] range_vecs = [] for t, state in zip(times, positions): date = date0 + datetime.timedelta(seconds = t) lst = AF.local_sidereal_time(date, LON) #site = AF.observation_site(LAT, lst, ALT) sc_pos, sc_vel = Satellite.propagate(*date.timetuple()[0:6]) #sc_pos = state[0:3] sc_pos = asarray(sc_pos) range_vec = sc_pos - site sun_vec = AF.vect_earth_to_sun(date) telescope_ecef = AF.lla_to_ecef(LAT, LON, ALT, geodetic = True) site = AF.Cz(lst)@telescope_ecef obs_vecs.append(site - sc_pos) sun_vecs.append(sun_vec) sat_poss.append(sc_pos) site_poss.append(site) range_vecs.append(range_vec)