Ejemplo n.º 1
def delete( where_dict ):
    if not chk(where_dict):
        return -1

    wheresql = ""
    for where_item in where_dict.keys():
        if table_dict[where_item] == 'S':
            wheresql = wheresql + where_item + " LIKE '" + where_dict[where_item] + "' and  "
            wheresql = wheresql + where_item + " = " + str(where_dict[where_item]) + " and "

    sql = "DELETE FROM rcc_ztcbka WHERE " + wheresql[0:-5]
    return AfaDBFunc.DeleteSql( sql )
Ejemplo n.º 2
def VouhTrans( ):
    sFlagContinue = ''
    #  判断库表中满足凭证状态为已发未领,地区号与签到柜员所在地区一致这几个条件的记录
    #  1)输入的起始号码与区间的起始号码相同. 2)输入的终止号码与区间的结束号码相同
    #  3)输入的起始号码和终止号码与区间起始和结束号码都相同. 4)输入的起止号码完全在区间之内
    #凭证号码之间的关系  1) 前连续 2)后连续  3)前后连续
    for i in range(TradeContext.sNum):
        #begin凭证优化201202 李利君
        Len = int(len(TradeContext.sStartNo[i]))
        sStartNoMulti = str(int( TradeContext.sStartNo[i] ) - 1).rjust(Len,'0')
        sEndNoAdd = str(int( TradeContext.sEndNo[i] ) + 1).rjust(Len,'0')
            from VOUH_REGISTER \
            where VOUHTYPE = '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i]+ "' \
            and BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sBesbNo + "'\
            and TELLERNO = '" + TradeContext.sTellerTailNo + "'\
            and CUR = '" + TradeContext.sCur + "'\
            and DEPOSITORY = '" + TradeContext.sExDepos + "'\
            and VOUHSTATUS = '" + TradeContext.sExStatus+ "' \
            and ( ENDNO >= '" + TradeContext.sEndNo[i] + "' and STARTNO <= '" + TradeContext.sStartNo[i] + "' )"
        records = AfaDBFunc.SelectSql( sqlStr )
        if( records == None ):          #查询凭证登记表异常
            if( i > 0 ):
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
            tradeExit('A005061', '查询[凭证登记表]操作异常!')
            raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
        elif( len( records ) == 0 ):    #如果凭证登记表中无对应记录
            if( i > 0 ):
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
            tradeExit('A005067', '凭证操作失败,凭证库中不存在本次操作的凭证!')
            raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
        else :
            records = AfaUtilTools.ListFilterNone( records )
            sTempStartNo = records[0][0]           #保存输入的凭证号码所在的区间起始凭证号码
            sTempEndNo   = records[0][1]           #保存输入的凭证号码所在的区间终止凭证号码
            sTempLstTrxDay   = records[0][2]       #保存输入的凭证号码所在的区间最后交易日期
            sTempLstTrxTime  = records[0][3]       #保存输入的凭证号码所在的区间最后交易时间
            sTempRivTeller   = records[0][4]       #保存输入的凭证号码所在的区间对方柜员
            sTempTellerNo   = records[0][5]        #保存输入的凭证号码所在的区间对方柜员
            sqlStr = "select STARTNO,ENDNO from VOUH_REGISTER \
                    where VOUHTYPE = '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i]+ "' \
                    and BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sInBesbNo + "'\
                    and TELLERNO = '" + TradeContext.sInTellerTailNo + "'\
                    and CUR = '" + TradeContext.sCur + "'\
                    and DEPOSITORY = '" + TradeContext.sDepository + "'\
                    and VOUHSTATUS = '"+ TradeContext.sVouhStatus+ "' \
                    and ( ENDNO = '" + sStartNoMulti + "' \
                    OR STARTNO = '" + sEndNoAdd + "' )"
            records = AfaDBFunc.SelectSql( sqlStr )
            records = AfaUtilTools.ListFilterNone( records )
            if( records == None ):          #查询凭证登记表异常
                if( i > 0 ):
                    AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                    AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                tradeExit('A005061', '查询[凭证登记表]操作异常!')
                raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
            elif( len( records ) == 0 ):
                if ( int( TradeContext.sEndNo[i] ) == int( sTempEndNo ) \
                    and int( TradeContext.sStartNo[i] ) == int( sTempStartNo ) ):
                    sqlStr = "update VOUH_REGISTER set \
                           DEPOSITORY = '"+TradeContext.sDepository+"',\
                           VOUHSTATUS = '"+ TradeContext.sVouhStatus+ "',\
                           BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sInBesbNo + "', \
                           TELLERNO = '" + TradeContext.sInTellerTailNo + "', \
                           RIVTELLER = '" + TradeContext.sTellerTailNo + "', \
                           LSTTRXDAY = '" + TradeContext.sLstTrxDay + "',\
                           LSTTRXTIME = '" + TradeContext.sLstTrxTime + "'"
                    sqlStr = sqlStr + " where STARTNO = '" + TradeContext.sStartNo[i] + "' \
                            and DEPOSITORY = '" + TradeContext.sExDepos + "'\
                            and BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sBesbNo + "'\
                            and TELLERNO = '" + TradeContext.sTellerTailNo + "'\
                            and VOUHSTATUS = '" + TradeContext.sExStatus+ "' \
                            and VOUHTYPE = '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i]+ "' \
                            and CUR = '"+ TradeContext.sCur+"'"
                    records = AfaDBFunc.UpdateSql( sqlStr )
                    if records == -1 or records == 0 :
                        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                        AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                        tradeExit('A005062', TradeContext.sTransType+'失败!')
                        raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                        tradeExit('0000', TradeContext.sTransType+'成功')
                elif ( int( TradeContext.sEndNo[i] ) == int( sTempEndNo ) ):
                    sqlStr = "update VOUH_REGISTER set \
                      VOUHNUM = '"+ ( str( int( TradeContext.sStartNo[i] ) - int( sTempStartNo ) ) )+ "',\
                      ENDNO = '" + sStartNoMulti + "'"
                    sqlStr = sqlStr + " where STARTNO = '" + sTempStartNo + "' \
                       and DEPOSITORY = '" + TradeContext.sExDepos + "'\
                       and BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sBesbNo + "'\
                       and TELLERNO = '" + TradeContext.sTellerTailNo + "'\
                       and VOUHSTATUS = '" + TradeContext.sExStatus+ "' \
                       and VOUHTYPE = '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i]+ "' \
                       and CUR ='"+ TradeContext.sCur+"'"
                    records = AfaDBFunc.UpdateSql( sqlStr )
                    if records == -1 or records == 0 :
                        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                        AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                        tradeExit('A005062', TradeContext.sTransType+'失败!')
                        raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                        sqlStr = "insert into VOUH_REGISTER \
                          values \
                          ('" + TradeContext.sInBesbNo + "',\
                           '" + TradeContext.sInTellerTailNo + "','"+TradeContext.sDepository+"','"+ TradeContext.sCur+"',\
                           '"+ TradeContext.sVouhType[i] + "',\
                           '" + TradeContext.sStartNo[i] + "','" + sTempEndNo + "',\
                           '" + TradeContext.sTellerTailNo +"','"+ TradeContext.sVouhStatus+ "',\
                           '" + TradeContext.sVouhNum[i] + "',\
                           '" + TradeContext.sLstTrxDay + "','" + TradeContext.sLstTrxTime + "')"
                        record = AfaDBFunc.InsertSql( sqlStr )
                        if record == -1 or record == 0:
                            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                            record = AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                            tradeExit('A005062', TradeContext.sTransType+'失败!')
                            raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                        else: #调配成功
                            tradeExit('0000', TradeContext.sTransType+'成功')
                elif ( int( TradeContext.sStartNo[i] ) == int( sTempStartNo ) ):
                    sqlStr = "update VOUH_REGISTER set \
                        VOUHNUM = '" + str( int( sTempEndNo ) - int ( TradeContext.sEndNo[i] ) )+ "',\
                        STARTNO = '" + sEndNoAdd + "'"
                    sqlStr = sqlStr + " where ENDNO = '" + sTempEndNo + "' \
                        and DEPOSITORY = '" + TradeContext.sExDepos + "'\
                        and BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sBesbNo + "'\
                        and TELLERNO = '" + TradeContext.sTellerTailNo + "'\
                        and VOUHSTATUS = '" + TradeContext.sExStatus+ "' \
                        and VOUHTYPE = '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i]+ "' \
                        and CUR ='"+ TradeContext.sCur+"'"
                    records = AfaDBFunc.UpdateSql( sqlStr )
                    if records == -1 or records == 0 :
                        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                        record = AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                        tradeExit('A005062', TradeContext.sTransType+'失败!')
                        raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                        sqlStr = "insert into VOUH_REGISTER \
                            values \
                            ('" + TradeContext.sInBesbNo + "',\
                             '" + TradeContext.sInTellerTailNo + "','"+TradeContext.sDepository+"',\
                             '" + TradeContext.sCur+"',\
                             '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i]+"',\
                             '" + sTempStartNo + "',\
                             '" + TradeContext.sEndNo[i] + "','"+TradeContext.sTellerTailNo+"',\
                             '" + TradeContext.sVouhStatus+ "','" + TradeContext.sVouhNum[i] + "',\
                             '" + TradeContext.sLstTrxDay + "',\
                             '" + TradeContext.sLstTrxTime + "')"
                        record = AfaDBFunc.InsertSql( sqlStr )
                        if record == -1 or record == 0 :
                            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                            record = AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                            tradeExit('A005062', TradeContext.sTransType+'失败!')
                            raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                        else: #调配成功
                            tradeExit('0000', TradeContext.sTransType+'成功')
                    sqlStr = "update VOUH_REGISTER set \
                       VOUHNUM = '" + str( int( TradeContext.sStartNo[i] ) - int( sTempStartNo ) ) + "',\
                       ENDNO = '" + sStartNoMulti + "'"
                    sqlStr = sqlStr + " where STARTNO = '" + sTempStartNo + "' \
                        and DEPOSITORY = '" + TradeContext.sExDepos + "'\
                        and BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sBesbNo + "'\
                        and TELLERNO = '" + TradeContext.sTellerTailNo + "'\
                        and VOUHSTATUS = '" + TradeContext.sExStatus+ "' \
                        and VOUHTYPE = '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i]+ "' \
                        and CUR ='"+ TradeContext.sCur+"'"
                    records = AfaDBFunc.UpdateSql( sqlStr )
                    if records == -1 or records == 0 :
                        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                        record = AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                        tradeExit('A005062', '新增[凭证登记表]基本信息失败!')
                        raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                    sqlStr = "insert into VOUH_REGISTER \
                        values \
                        ('" + TradeContext.sInBesbNo + "',\
                         '" + TradeContext.sInTellerTailNo + "','"+TradeContext.sDepository+"',\
                         '" + TradeContext.sCur+"',\
                         '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i]+"',\
                         '" + TradeContext.sStartNo[i] + "',\
                         '" + TradeContext.sEndNo[i] + "','"+TradeContext.sTellerTailNo+"',\
                         '" + TradeContext.sVouhStatus+ "','" + TradeContext.sVouhNum[i] + "',\
                         '" + TradeContext.sLstTrxDay + "',\
                         '" + TradeContext.sLstTrxTime + "')"
                    record = AfaDBFunc.InsertSql( sqlStr )
                    if record == -1 or record == 0 :
                        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                        record = AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                        tradeExit('A005062', TradeContext.sTransType+'失败!')
                        raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                    sqlStr = "insert into VOUH_REGISTER \
                       values \
                       ('" + TradeContext.sBesbNo + "',\
                        '" + sTempTellerNo + "','"+TradeContext.sExDepos+ "','"+TradeContext.sCur+"',\
                        '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i]+"',\
                        '" + sEndNoAdd + "',\
                        '" + sTempEndNo + "','"+sTempRivTeller+"',\
                        '"+ TradeContext.sExStatus+ "',\
                        '" + str( int( sTempEndNo ) - int ( TradeContext.sEndNo[i] ) )+ "',\
                        '" + sTempLstTrxDay + "',\
                        '" + sTempLstTrxTime + "')"
                    record = AfaDBFunc.InsertSql( sqlStr )
                    if record == -1 or record == 0 :
                        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                        record = AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                        tradeExit('A005062', TradeContext.sTransType+'失败!')
                        raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                    tradeExit('0000', '操作成功')
            else:      #判断前后连续关系
                for x in range( len(records) ):
                    if ( ( int( TradeContext.sStartNo[i] ) - 1 )  == int( records[x][1] ) ): #前连续
                        sTempStart = records[x][0] #records[x][0]:数据库中满足查询条件的凭证起始号码
                        if ( sFlagContinue == 'BackContinue' ):
                            sFlagContinue = 'Continue'
                            sFlagContinue = 'FrontContinue'
                    if ( (int( TradeContext.sEndNo[i]) + 1 )  == int( records[x][0] ) ):  #后连续
                        sTempEnd   = records[x][1] #records[x][1]:数据库中满足查询条件的凭证终止号码
                        if ( sFlagContinue == 'FrontContinue' ):
                            sFlagContinue = 'Continue'
                            sFlagContinue = 'BackContinue'
                if (  sFlagContinue == 'BackContinue' ):
                    sqlStr = "update VOUH_REGISTER set \
                      VOUHNUM = '" + str( int( sTempEnd ) - int( TradeContext.sStartNo[i] ) + 1 ) + "',\
                      LSTTRXDAY = '" + TradeContext.sLstTrxDay + "',\
                      LSTTRXTIME = '" + TradeContext.sLstTrxTime + "',\
                      STARTNO = '" + TradeContext.sStartNo[i] + "'"
                    sqlStr = sqlStr + " where STARTNO = '" + sEndNoAdd  + "'\
                      and TELLERNO = '" + TradeContext.sInTellerTailNo + "' \
                      and BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sInBesbNo + "'\
                      and CUR = '" + TradeContext.sCur + "'\
                      and DEPOSITORY = '" + TradeContext.sDepository + "'\
                      and VOUHSTATUS = '"+ TradeContext.sVouhStatus+ "' \
                      and VOUHTYPE = '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i]+ "'"
                    records = AfaDBFunc.UpdateSql( sqlStr )
                    if records == -1 or records == 0 :
                        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                        record = AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                        tradeExit('A005062', TradeContext.sTransType+'失败!')
                        raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                    if ( int( sTempStartNo ) == int( TradeContext.sStartNo[i] ) ) :
                        sqlDel = "delete from VOUH_REGISTER \
                            where STARTNO = '" + sTempStartNo + "' \
                            and DEPOSITORY = '" + TradeContext.sExDepos + "'\
                            and BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sBesbNo + "'\
                            and TELLERNO = '" + TradeContext.sTellerTailNo + "'\
                            and VOUHSTATUS = '" + TradeContext.sExStatus+ "' \
                            and VOUHTYPE = '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i]+ "' \
                            and CUR ='"+ TradeContext.sCur+"'"
                        record = AfaDBFunc.DeleteSql( sqlDel )
                        if record == -1 or record == 0 :
                            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                            record = AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                            tradeExit('A005062', TradeContext.sTransType+'失败!')
                            raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                            tradeExit('0000', TradeContext.sTransType+'成功')
                        sqlStr = "update VOUH_REGISTER set \
                          VOUHNUM = '" + str( int( TradeContext.sStartNo[i] ) - int( sTempStartNo ) )+ "',\
                          LSTTRXDAY = '" + TradeContext.sLstTrxDay + "',\
                          LSTTRXTIME = '" + TradeContext.sLstTrxTime + "',\
                          ENDNO = '" +  sStartNoMulti  + "'"
                        sqlStr = sqlStr + " where ENDNO = '" + TradeContext.sEndNo[i] + "' \
                            and DEPOSITORY = '" + TradeContext.sExDepos + "'\
                            and BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sBesbNo + "'\
                            and TELLERNO = '" + TradeContext.sTellerTailNo + "'\
                            and VOUHSTATUS = '" + TradeContext.sExStatus+ "' \
                            and VOUHTYPE = '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i]+ "' \
                            and CUR ='"+ TradeContext.sCur+"'"
                        record = AfaDBFunc.UpdateSql( sqlStr )
                        if record == -1 or record == 0:
                            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                            record = AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )  #回滚
                            tradeExit('A005062', TradeContext.sTransType+'失败!')
                            raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                            tradeExit('0000', '操作成功')
                elif ( sFlagContinue == 'FrontContinue' ):
                    sqlStr = "update VOUH_REGISTER set \
                       VOUHNUM = '" + str( int( TradeContext.sEndNo[i] ) - int( sTempStart ) + 1 ) + "',\
                       LSTTRXDAY = '" + TradeContext.sLstTrxDay + "',\
                       LSTTRXTIME = '" + TradeContext.sLstTrxTime + "',\
                       ENDNO = '" + ( TradeContext.sEndNo[i] ) + "'"
                    sqlStr = sqlStr + " where ENDNO = '" + sStartNoMulti + "'\
                        and TELLERNO = '" + TradeContext.sInTellerTailNo + "' \
                        and BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sInBesbNo + "'\
                        and CUR = '" + TradeContext.sCur + "'\
                        and DEPOSITORY = '" + TradeContext.sDepository + "'\
                        and VOUHSTATUS = '"+ TradeContext.sVouhStatus+ "' \
                        and VOUHTYPE = '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i]+ "'"
                    records = AfaDBFunc.UpdateSql( sqlStr )
                    if records == -1 or records == 0 :
                        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                        AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )  #回滚
                        tradeExit('A005062', TradeContext.sTransType+'失败!')
                        raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                    if ( int( sTempEndNo ) == int( TradeContext.sEndNo[i] ) ) :
                        sqlDel = "delete from VOUH_REGISTER \
                            where STARTNO = '" + sTempStartNo + "' \
                            and DEPOSITORY = '" + TradeContext.sExDepos + "'\
                            and BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sBesbNo + "'\
                            and TELLERNO = '" + TradeContext.sTellerTailNo + "'\
                            and VOUHSTATUS = '" + TradeContext.sExStatus+ "' \
                            and VOUHTYPE = '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i]+ "' \
                            and CUR ='"+ TradeContext.sCur+"'"
                        record = AfaDBFunc.DeleteSql( sqlDel )
                        if record == -1 or record == 0 :
                            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                            record = AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                            tradeExit('A005062', TradeContext.sTransType+'失败!')
                            raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                        else:    #更新成功
                            tradeExit('0000', '操作成功')
                        sqlStr = "update VOUH_REGISTER set \
                           VOUHNUM = '" + str( int( sTempEndNo ) - int( TradeContext.sEndNo[i] ) ) + "',\
                           LSTTRXDAY = '" + TradeContext.sLstTrxDay + "',\
                           LSTTRXTIME = '" + TradeContext.sLstTrxTime + "',\
                           STARTNO = '" + sEndNoAdd  + "'"
                        sqlStr = sqlStr + " where STARTNO = '" + TradeContext.sStartNo[i] + "' \
                           and DEPOSITORY = '" + TradeContext.sExDepos + "'\
                            and BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sBesbNo + "'\
                            and TELLERNO = '" + TradeContext.sTellerTailNo + "'\
                            and VOUHSTATUS = '" + TradeContext.sExStatus+ "' \
                            and VOUHTYPE = '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i]+ "' \
                            and CUR ='"+ TradeContext.sCur+"'"
                        record = AfaDBFunc.UpdateSql( sqlStr )
                        if record == -1 or record == 0 :
                            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                            record = AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                            tradeExit('A005062', TradeContext.sTransType+'失败!')
                            raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                        else:   #更新成功
                            tradeExit('0000', '操作成功')
                elif (  sFlagContinue == 'Continue' ):
                    sTemVouhNum = str( int(sTempEnd) - int(sTempStart) + 1 )
                    sqlStr = "update VOUH_REGISTER set \
                       ENDNO = '" + sTempEnd + "', \
                       VOUHNUM = '" + sTemVouhNum + "',\
                       LSTTRXDAY = '" + TradeContext.sLstTrxDay + "',\
                       LSTTRXTIME = '" + TradeContext.sLstTrxTime + "'"
                    sqlStr = sqlStr + " where STARTNO = '" + sTempStart + "' \
                       and TELLERNO = '" + TradeContext.sInTellerTailNo + "' \
                        and BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sInBesbNo + "'\
                        and CUR = '" + TradeContext.sCur + "'\
                        and DEPOSITORY = '" + TradeContext.sDepository + "'\
                        and VOUHSTATUS = '"+ TradeContext.sVouhStatus+ "' \
                        and VOUHTYPE = '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i]+ "'"
                    records = AfaDBFunc.UpdateSql( sqlStr )
                    if records == -1 or records == 0 :
                        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                        record = AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                        tradeExit('A005062', TradeContext.sTransType+'失败!')
                        raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                    sqlDel = "delete from VOUH_REGISTER \
                       where STARTNO = '" + TradeContext.sStartNo[i] + "' \
                            and DEPOSITORY = '" + TradeContext.sExDepos + "'\
                            and BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sBesbNo + "'\
                            and TELLERNO = '" + TradeContext.sTellerTailNo + "'\
                            and VOUHSTATUS = '" + TradeContext.sExStatus+ "' \
                            and VOUHTYPE = '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i]+ "' \
                            and CUR ='"+ TradeContext.sCur+"'"
                    record = AfaDBFunc.DeleteSql( sqlDel )
                    if record == -1 or record == 0 :
                        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                        record = AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                        tradeExit('A005062', TradeContext.sTransType+'失败!')
                        raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                    # 3
                    sqlDel = "delete from VOUH_REGISTER \
                      where STARTNO = '" + sEndNoAdd + "' \
                        and TELLERNO = '" + TradeContext.sInTellerTailNo + "' \
                        and BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sInBesbNo + "'\
                        and CUR = '" + TradeContext.sCur + "'\
                        and DEPOSITORY = '" + TradeContext.sDepository + "'\
                        and VOUHSTATUS = '"+ TradeContext.sVouhStatus+ "' \
                        and VOUHTYPE = '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i]+ "'"
                    record = AfaDBFunc.DeleteSql( sqlDel )
                    if record == -1 or record == 0 :
                        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                        record = AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                        tradeExit('A005062', TradeContext.sTransType+'失败!')
                        raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                    tradeExit('0000', '操作成功')
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
def backupdb(tbName,clName,backupDate):
    AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo(">>>>开始统计表[" + tbName + "]" + backupDate + "]需备份数据")
    sql = "select count(*) from " + tbName + " where " + clName + " < '" + backupDate + "'"
    rec = AfaDBFunc.SelectSql(sql)
    if rec == None:
        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo(">>>>统计表[" + tbName + "][" + backupDate + "]需备份数据异常")
        rccpsCronFunc.cronExit("S999","统计表[" + tbName + "][" + backupDate + "]需备份数据异常")
    if len(rec) <= 0:
        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo(">>>>统计表[" + tbName + "][" + backupDate + "]需备份数据异常")
        rccpsCronFunc.cronExit("S999","统计表[" + tbName + "][" + backupDate + "]需备份数据异常")
    if rec[0][0] <= 0:
        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo(">>>>表[" + tbName + "][" + backupDate + "]无需备份数据")
        #rccpsCronFunc.cronExit("S999","实时汇兑登记簿[" + backupDate + "]无需备份数据")
        file = path + "/" + tbName + ".del"
        if not os.path.exists(file):
            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo(">>>>开始导出表[" + tbName + "][" + backupDate + "]数据至文件")
            cmd = "db2 \"export to '" + file + "' of del select * from " + tbName + " where " + clName + " < '" + backupDate + "'\""
            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo(">>>>结束导出表[" + tbName + "][" + backupDate + "]数据至文件")
            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo(">>>>表[" + tbName + "][" + backupDate + "]数据文件已存在")
        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo(">>>>开始导出表[" + tbName + "][" + backupDate + "]数据至历史表")
        sql = ""
        sql = sql + "insert into " + tbName + "_his "
        sql = sql + "(select * from " + tbName + " where " + clName + " < '" + backupDate + "')"
        rec = AfaDBFunc.InsertSql(sql)
        if (rec < 0):
            rccpsCronFunc.cronExit("S999","导出表[" + tbName + "][" + backupDate + "]数据至历史表异常")
        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo(">>>>结束导出表[" + tbName + "][" + backupDate + "]数据至历史表")
        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo(">>>>开始删除表[" + tbName + "][" + backupDate + "]数据")
        sql = ""
        sql = sql + "delete from " + tbName + " where " + clName + " < '" + backupDate + "'"
        rec = AfaDBFunc.DeleteSql(sql)
        if (rec < 0):
            rccpsCronFunc.cronExit("S999","删除表[" + tbName + "][" + backupDate + "]数据异常")
        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo(">>>>结束删除表[" + tbName + "][" + backupDate + "]数据")
        if not AfaDBFunc.CommitSql():
        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo(">>>>开始重整表[" + tbName + "]")
        cmd = "db2 \"reorg table " + tbName + "\" "
        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo(">>>>结束重整表[" + tbName + "]")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def SubModuleMainFst( ):

    TradeContext.__agentEigen__  = '0'   #从表标志

    AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( "中台单位编码信息维护开始" )

    if TradeContext.opType == '1':
        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( "新增" )

        sqlstr  =   "select * from fs_businoinfo where busino='" + TradeContext.busiNo + "'"
        sqlstr  =   sqlstr + " and bankno = '" + TradeContext.bankbm + "'"

        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo('>>>sql=' + sqlstr)

        records = AfaDBFunc.SelectSql( sqlstr )
        if records == None :
            TradeContext.errorCode  =   "0001"
            TradeContext.errorMsg   =   "查找单位编码信息异常"
            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( TradeContext.errorMsg )
            return False

        if len(records) >=1 :
            TradeContext.errorCode  =   "0001"
            TradeContext.errorMsg   =   "已经查找到单位编码信息,不能再次新建"
            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( TradeContext.errorMsg )
            return False

        sqlstr  =   "select accno,businame from abdt_unitinfo where appno ='" + TradeContext.appNo + "' and busino='" + TradeContext.busiNo + "'"
        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo('>>>sql=' + sqlstr)

        records = AfaDBFunc.SelectSql( sqlstr )
        if( records == None or len( records)==0 ):
            TradeContext.errorCode  =   "0001"
            TradeContext.errorMsg   =   "没有查找到单位编码账户信息"
            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( TradeContext.errorMsg )
            return False
            if records[0][0].strip() != TradeContext.accno  or records[0][1].strip() and records[0][1].strip() != TradeContext.name :
                TradeContext.errorCode  =   "0001"
                TradeContext.errorMsg   =   "单位编码账户信息不符"
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( TradeContext.errorMsg )
                return False

        sqlstr  =   "select afa102 from fs_fa22 where afa101='" + TradeContext.bankNo + "'"

        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo('>>>sql=' + sqlstr)

        records = AfaDBFunc.SelectSql( sqlstr )
        if( records == None ):
            TradeContext.errorCode  =   "0001"
            TradeContext.errorMsg   =   "查找到单位编码账户信息异常"
            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( TradeContext.errorMsg )
            return False

        if len(records) == 0:
            TradeContext.errorCode  =   "0001"
            TradeContext.errorMsg   =   "银行编码不存在"
            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( TradeContext.errorMsg )
            return False
            #=====刘雨龙  20080815  新增关于处理银行编码相同多条记录的处理====
            for i in range(0,len(records)):
                if records[i][0].strip() != TradeContext.bankName :
                    TradeContext.errorCode = '0011'
                    TradeContext.errorMsg  = '银行编码与银行名称不符'
                    if int(len(records)-1) == i:
                        return False

            #if records[0][0].strip() != TradeContext.bankName :
            #    TradeContext.errorCode  =   "0001"
            #    TradeContext.errorMsg   =   "银行编码与银行名字不符"
            #    AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( TradeContext.errorMsg )
            #    return False

        sqlstr  =   "select aaa012 from fs_aa11 where aaa010='" + TradeContext.AAA010 + "'"

        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo('>>>sql=' + sqlstr)

        records = AfaDBFunc.SelectSql( sqlstr )
        if( records == None ):
            TradeContext.errorCode  =   "0001"
            TradeContext.errorMsg   =   "查找到单位编码财政区划信息异常"
            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( TradeContext.errorMsg )
            return False

        if len(records) == 0:
            TradeContext.errorCode  =   "0001"
            TradeContext.errorMsg   =   "财政区划内码不存在"
            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( TradeContext.errorMsg )
            return False
            if records[0][0].strip() != TradeContext.AAA012 :
                TradeContext.errorCode  =   "0001"
                TradeContext.errorMsg   =   "财政区划内码与财政区划名称不符"
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( TradeContext.errorMsg )
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( records[0][0].strip() )
                return False


        sqlstr  =   sqlstr + "'" + TradeContext.busiNo      + "',"
        sqlstr  =   sqlstr + "'" + TradeContext.accno       + "',"
        sqlstr  =   sqlstr + "'" + TradeContext.name        + "',"
        sqlstr  =   sqlstr + "'" + TradeContext.AAA010      + "',"
        sqlstr  =   sqlstr + "'" + TradeContext.AAA012      + "',"
        sqlstr  =   sqlstr + "'" + TradeContext.bankNo      + "',"
        sqlstr  =   sqlstr + "'" + TradeContext.bankName    + "',"
        sqlstr  =   sqlstr + "'" + TradeContext.busiNo[0:10]+ "',"
        sqlstr  =   sqlstr + "'" + TradeContext.brno        + "',"
        sqlstr  =   sqlstr + "'" + TradeContext.teller      + "',"
        sqlstr  =   sqlstr + "'" + TradeContext.workDate    + "',"
        sqlstr  =   sqlstr + "'" + TradeContext.workTime    + "',"
        sqlstr  =   sqlstr + "'',"
        sqlstr  =   sqlstr + "'')"

        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo('>>>sql=' + sqlstr)

        if( AfaDBFunc.InsertSql( sqlstr ) < 1 ):
                AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                TradeContext.errorCode,TradeContext.errorMsg    =   "0001",'插入单位编码信息表失败' + sqlstr
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( TradeContext.errorMsg )
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( AfaDBFunc.sqlErrMsg )
                return False

        AfaDBFunc.CommitSql( )

    elif TradeContext.opType == '2':
        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( "修改" )

        sqlstr  =   "update fs_businoinfo set accno='" + TradeContext.accno + "',name='" + TradeContext.name + "',"  + \
        "aaa010='" + TradeContext.AAA010 + "',aaa012='" + TradeContext.AAA012 + "',date='" + TradeContext.workDate + "'," + \
        "time='" + TradeContext.workTime + "',brno='" + TradeContext.brno + "',teller='" + TradeContext.teller + "'," + \
        "bankno = '" + TradeContext.bankNo + "' where busino='" + TradeContext.busiNo + "'"
        #=====刘雨龙 20080821 新增修改参数====

        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo('>>>sql=' + sqlstr)

        if( AfaDBFunc.UpdateSql( sqlstr ) < 1 ):
                AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                TradeContext.errorCode,TradeContext.errorMsg    =   "0001",'更新单位编码信息表失败' + sqlstr
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( TradeContext.errorMsg )
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( AfaDBFunc.sqlErrMsg )
                return False

        AfaDBFunc.CommitSql( )

    elif TradeContext.opType == '3':
        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( "删除" )

        sqlstr = "delete from fs_businoinfo where busino='" + TradeContext.busiNo + "'"

        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo('>>>sql=' + sqlstr)

        if( AfaDBFunc.DeleteSql( sqlstr ) < 1 ):
                AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                TradeContext.errorCode,TradeContext.errorMsg    =   "0001",'删除单位编码信息表失败' + sqlstr
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( TradeContext.errorMsg )
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( AfaDBFunc.sqlErrMsg )
                return False

        AfaDBFunc.CommitSql( )

    TradeContext.errorCode,TradeContext.errorMsg    =   "0000",'操作单位编码信息表成功'
    AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( "********************中台单位编码信息维护结束***************" )
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main():
    AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '凭证中心参数维护['+TradeContext.TemplateCode+']进入' )
    #TradeContext.sBesbNo                                 机构号
    #TradeContext.sTellerNo                               柜员号
    #TradeContext.opeType                                 操作类型
    #TradeContext.sVouhType                               凭证种类
    #TradeContext.sVouhName                               凭证名称
    #TradeContext.sNum                                    重复次数

    TradeContext.sLstTrxDay  = AfaUtilTools.GetSysDate( )
    TradeContext.sLstTrxTime = AfaUtilTools.GetSysTime( )
        HostContext.I1OTSB = TradeContext.sBesbNo         #机构号
        HostContext.I1SBNO = TradeContext.sBesbNo         #机构号
        HostContext.I1USID = TradeContext.sTellerNo       #柜员号
        HostContext.I1WSNO = TradeContext.sWSNO           #终端号
        if(not VouhHostFunc.CommHost('2001')):
            VouhFunc.tradeExit( TradeContext.errorCode, TradeContext.errorMsg )
            raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
        if(TradeContext.errorCode == '0000'):
            SBNO = HostContext.O1SBCH
            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( SBNO )
        #begin凭证优化更改LLJ  201109     
        HostContext.I1SBNO = TradeContext.sBesbNo         #机构号
        HostContext.I1USID = TradeContext.sTellerNo       #柜员号
        HostContext.I1WSNO = TradeContext.sWSNO           #终端号
        HostContext.I1EDDT = TradeContext.sLstTrxDay      #终止日期
        HostContext.I1TELR = TradeContext.sTellerNo       #柜员代号
        if(not VouhHostFunc.CommHost('0104')):
            VouhFunc.tradeExit( TradeContext.errorCode, TradeContext.errorMsg )
            raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
        if(TradeContext.errorCode == '0000'):
            TradeContext.sTellerTailNobak = HostContext.O2CABO
            TradeContext.sTellerTailNo    = TradeContext.sTellerTailNobak[0]                 #柜员尾箱号TradeContext.sTellerTailNo
            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '柜员尾箱号:' + TradeContext.sTellerTailNo )   
        TradeContext.tradeResponse = []
            TradeContext.sVouhType = VouhFunc.DelSpace(TradeContext.sVouhType.split("|"))
            TradeContext.sNum = len(TradeContext.sVouhType)
            TradeContext.sVouhName  = VouhFunc.DelSpace(TradeContext.sVouhName.split("|"))
        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '=================='+str(TradeContext.sNum) )
        # 1 新增,2 删除, 3 修改, 4 查询
        if( not TradeContext.existVariable( "opeType" ) ):
            tradeExit( 'A005060', '操作类型[opeType]值不存在!' )
            raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )

        if TradeContext.opeType == '1': #新增
            if(SBNO <> '33' and SBNO <> '02' ):
                tradeExit( 'A0001', '该机构柜员不能进行此操作!' )
                raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
            for i in range(TradeContext.sNum):
                sqlStr = "select VOUHTYPE from VOUH_PARAMETER \
                     where VOUHTYPE = '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i] + "'\
                     and BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sBesbNo + "'"
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( 'sql = ' + sqlStr )
                records = AfaDBFunc.SelectSql( sqlStr )
                if( records == None ):
                        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                        AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                    tradeExit( 'A005052', '查询[凭证参数维护表]操作异常!' )
                    raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                elif( len( records )!=0 ):
                        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                        AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                    tradeExit( 'A005053', '凭证种类已存在!' )
                    raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                sqlStr = "select VOUHNAME from VOUH_PARAMETER \
                     where trim(VOUHNAME) = trim('" + TradeContext.sVouhName[i] + "')\
                     and BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sBesbNo + "'"
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( 'sql = ' + sqlStr )
                records = AfaDBFunc.SelectSql( sqlStr )
                if( records == None ):
                        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                        AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                    tradeExit( 'A005052', '查询[凭证参数维护表]操作异常!' )
                    raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                elif( len( records )!=0 ):
                        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                        AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                    tradeExit( 'A005053', '凭证名称已存在!' )
                    raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( sqlStr )
                records = AfaDBFunc.InsertSql( sqlStr )
                if records < 0 :
                    AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                    AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                    tradeExit( 'A005054', '新增[凭证号码表]基本信息失败!' )
                    raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '------------数据库提交' )
            AfaDBFunc.CommitSql( )
            TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['sNum',str(TradeContext.sNum)] )
            TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['sLstTrxDay',TradeContext.sLstTrxDay] )
            TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['sLstTrxTime',TradeContext.sLstTrxTime] )
            TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['errorCode','0000'] )
            TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['errorMsg','交易成功'] )

        if TradeContext.opeType == '3':  #删除
            if(SBNO <> '33' and SBNO <> '02' ):
                tradeExit( 'A0001', '该机构柜员不能进行此操作!' )
                raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
            n = 0
            for i in range(TradeContext.sNum):
                sqlStr = "select * from VOUH_REGISTER \
                     where VOUHTYPE = '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i]+ "' \
                     and VOUHSTATUS <> '6' \
                     and BESBNO = '"+TradeContext.sBesbNo+"'"
                records = AfaDBFunc.SelectSql( sqlStr )
                if( records == None ):
                        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                        AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                    tradeExit( 'A005060', '查询[凭证登记表]操作异常!'  )
                    raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                elif( len( records ) > 0 ):
                        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                        AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                    tradeExit( 'A005061', '不能删除存在有效凭证的凭证参数!' )
                    raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                sqlStr = "DELETE  FROM  VOUH_PARAMETER WHERE VOUHTYPE = '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i]+ "'\
                     and BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sBesbNo+ "'"
                records = AfaDBFunc.DeleteSql( sqlStr )
                if records == -1:
                    AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                    AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                    tradeExit( 'A005055', '删除[凭证参数维护表]操作异常!' )
                    raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                if records == 0:
                    AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                    AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                    tradeExit( 'A005056', '[凭证参数维护表]内无对应记录可被删除!' )
                    raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '------------数据库提交' )
            AfaDBFunc.CommitSql( )
            TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['sNum',str(TradeContext.sNum)] )
            TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['sLstTrxDay',TradeContext.sLstTrxDay] )
            TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['sLstTrxTime',TradeContext.sLstTrxTime] )
            TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['errorCode','0000'] )
            TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['errorMsg','交易成功'] )

        if TradeContext.opeType == '2':#修改
            if(SBNO <> '33' and SBNO <> '02' ):
                tradeExit( 'A0001', '该机构柜员不能进行此操作!' )
                raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
            for i in range(TradeContext.sNum):

                sqlStr = "select VOUHNAME from VOUH_PARAMETER \
                     where trim(VOUHNAME) = trim('" + TradeContext.sVouhName[i] + "')\
                     and BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sBesbNo + "'"
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( 'sql = ' + sqlStr )
                records = AfaDBFunc.SelectSql( sqlStr )
                if( records == None ):
                        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                        AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                    tradeExit( 'A005052', '查询[凭证参数维护表]操作异常!' )
                    raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                elif( len( records )!=0 ):
                        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                        AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                    tradeExit( 'A005053', '凭证名称已存在!' )
                    raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                sqlStr = "UPDATE VOUH_PARAMETER set \
                  VOUHNAME = '"+ TradeContext.sVouhName[i] + "'"
                sqlStr = sqlStr +" WHERE VOUHTYPE = '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i] + "'\
                and BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sBesbNo+ "'"
                records = AfaDBFunc.UpdateSql( sqlStr )
                if records==-1 :
                    AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                    AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                    tradeExit( 'A005057', '更新[凭证参数维护表]信息异常!' )
                    raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                elif records==0 :
                    AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                    AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                    tradeExit( 'A005058', '修改[凭证参数维护表]基本信息失败!' )
                    raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '------------数据库提交' )
            AfaDBFunc.CommitSql( )
            TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['sNum',str(TradeContext.sNum)] )
            TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['sLstTrxDay',TradeContext.sLstTrxDay] )
            TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['sLstTrxTime',TradeContext.sLstTrxTime] )
            TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['errorCode','0000'] )
            TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['errorMsg','交易成功'] )

        if TradeContext.opeType == '4':#查询
            sqlStr = "SELECT VOUHTYPE,VOUHNAME,BESBNO FROM VOUH_PARAMETER WHERE (SUBSTR(BESBNO,1,6) = '"+ (TradeContext.sBesbNo)[:6] +"' \
                    or BESBNO ='3400008887')"
            if (len(TradeContext.sVouhType)!=0 and len(TradeContext.sVouhType[0])!=0):
                sqlStr = sqlStr + " AND VOUHTYPE = '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[0] + "' AND STATUS = '1'"
            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( 'sqlStr = ' + sqlStr )
            records = AfaDBFunc.SelectSql( sqlStr )
            if( records == None ):
                TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['retCount','0'] )
                tradeExit( 'A005052', '查询[凭证参数维护表]操作异常!'  )
                raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
            elif( len( records )==0 ):
                TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['retCount','0'] )
                tradeExit( 'A005059', '查询[凭证参数维护表]基本信息不存在!' )
                raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                records=AfaUtilTools.ListFilterNone( records )

                sTotal=len( records )
                sVouhType = ''
                sVouhName = ''
                sBESBNO = ''
                for i in range( 0, len( records ) ):
                    if( i <> 0):
                        strSplit = '|'
                        strSplit = ''
                    sVouhType = sVouhType + strSplit + records[i][0]
                    sVouhName = sVouhName + strSplit + records[i][1]
                    sBESBNO = sBESBNO + strSplit + records[i][2]
                TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['sVouhType',sVouhType] )
                TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['sVouhName',sVouhName] )
                TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['sBESBNO',sBESBNO] )
                TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['sLstTrxDay',TradeContext.sLstTrxDay] )
                TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['sLstTrxTime',TradeContext.sLstTrxTime] )
                TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['sTotal',str(sTotal)] )
                TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['errorCode','0000'] )
                TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['errorMsg','查询成功'] )

                tradeExit('0000', '查询成功')


        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '凭证中心参数维护['+TradeContext.TemplateCode+']退出' )
    except AfaFlowControl.flowException, e:
        AfaFlowControl.exitMainFlow( )
Ejemplo n.º 6
def SubModuleMainFst( ):

    TradeContext.__agentEigen__  = '0'   #从表标志

    tmpDataList             =   [k for k in TradeContext.AFC001.split(':') if k]     #将前台上送字段AFC001,可能为 1::::2::::3这样的结构,这两行代码将空的去掉,最终变成1:2:3这样的结构
    TradeContext.AFC001     =   ':'.join(tmpDataList)

    tmpDataList             =   [k.strip() for k in TradeContext.NOFEE.split(':') if ( k.strip() != '0.00' and k.strip() != '' )]     #将前台上送字段AFC001,可能为 1::::2::::3这样的结构,这两行代码将空的去掉,最终变成1:2:3这样的结构
    TradeContext.NOFEE      =   ':'.join(tmpDataList)

    tmpDataList             =   [k for k in TradeContext.AFC401.split(':') if k]     #将前台上送字段AFC001,可能为 1::::2::::3这样的结构,这两行代码将空的去掉,最终变成1:2:3这样的结构
    TradeContext.AFC401     =   ':'.join(tmpDataList)

    tmpDataList             =   [k.strip() for k in TradeContext.AFC011.split(':') if ( k.strip() != '0.00' and k.strip() != '' )]     #将前台上送字段AFC001,可能为 1::::2::::3这样的结构,这两行代码将空的去掉,最终变成1:2:3这样的结构
    TradeContext.AFC011      =   ':'.join(tmpDataList)

    AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '缴款书编号:' + TradeContext.AFC001 )
    AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '缴款书金额:' + TradeContext.NOFEE )

    AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '流水号码:' + TradeContext.AFC401 )
    AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '流水金额:' + TradeContext.AFC011 )

    sqlstr      =   "select brno from abdt_unitinfo where appno='" + TradeContext.appNo + "' and busino='" + TradeContext.busiNo + "' and brno='" + TradeContext.brno + "'"
    records = AfaDBFunc.SelectSql( sqlstr )
    if records == None:
        TradeContext.errorCode  =   "0001"
        TradeContext.errorMsg   =   "操作数据库异常"
        return False

    if( len( records)==0 ):
        TradeContext.errorCode  =   "0001"
        TradeContext.errorMsg   =   "不是主办行,不能做此交易"
        return False

    #if ( not TradeContext.AFC401 ):
    #    TradeContext.errorCode,TradeContext.errorMsg    =   "0002","流水号码不能空"
    #    return False

    AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( "********************中台勾对开始***************" )

    for item in TradeContext.AFC401.split(":"):
        sqlstr  =   "select * from fs_fc74 where afc401 like '%" + item + "%' and flag ='*' and afc015='" + TradeContext.AFC015 + "' and BUSINO='" + TradeContext.busiNo + "'"

        sqlstr  =   sqlstr + " and afa101 = '" + TradeContext.bankbm + "'"

        records = AfaDBFunc.SelectSql( sqlstr )
        if records == None:
            TradeContext.errorCode  =   "0001"
            TradeContext.errorMsg   =   "操作数据库异常"
            return False

        if( len( records)>0 ):
            TradeContext.errorCode  =   "0001"
            TradeContext.errorMsg   =   "流水号%s没有做清分不能勾对" %item
            return False

    AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '判断缴款书编号是否缴过费' )
    for item in TradeContext.AFC001.split(":"):
        sqlstr  =   "select flag from fs_fc76 where afc001='" + item + "'"

        sqlstr  =   sqlstr + " and afc153 = '" + TradeContext.bankbm + "'"

        records = AfaDBFunc.SelectSql( sqlstr )
        if ( len(records) == 0 ):
            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( "缴款书编号没有缴费%s可以勾对" %item )
            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( sqlstr )
            if records[0][0]   ==  '0':
                TradeContext.errorCode,TradeContext.errorMsg  =   '0001','交款书编号%s已经缴费不能勾对' %item
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( TradeContext.errorMsg )
                return False

    if TradeContext.opType == '1':
        for item in TradeContext.AFC401.split(":"):
            sqlstr = "select afc001 from fs_fc74 where afc401 = '" + item + "' and afc015='" + TradeContext.AFC015 + "' and BUSINO='" + TradeContext.busiNo +  "' and length(afc001)=0 and flag!='*'"

            sqlstr  =   sqlstr + " and afa101 = '" + TradeContext.bankbm + "'"

            records = AfaDBFunc.SelectSql( sqlstr )

            if( records == None ):
                TradeContext.errorCode  =   "0001"
                TradeContext.errorMsg   =   "数据库异常:待查表"
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( TradeContext.errorMsg )
                return False

            if(  len( records)==0 ):
                TradeContext.errorCode  =   "0001"
                TradeContext.errorMsg   =   "流水号码%s已经勾对过" %item
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( TradeContext.errorMsg )
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( sqlstr )
                return False

        for payNo in TradeContext.AFC001.split(':'):
            sqlstr = "select afc001 from fs_fc74 where afc001 like '%" + payNo + "%' and flag!='*' and BUSINO='" + TradeContext.busiNo +  "'"

            sqlstr  =   sqlstr + " and afa101 = '" + TradeContext.bankbm + "'"

            records = AfaDBFunc.SelectSql( sqlstr )

            if( records == None ):
                TradeContext.errorCode  =   "0001"
                TradeContext.errorMsg   =   "数据库异常:待查表"
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( TradeContext.errorMsg )
                return False

            if(  len( records)>0 ):
                TradeContext.errorCode  =   "0001"
                TradeContext.errorMsg   =   "缴款书编号%s已经勾对过" %payNo
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( TradeContext.errorMsg )
                return False

        for item in TradeContext.AFC401.split(":"):
            sqlstr      =   "update fs_fc74 set afc001='" + TradeContext.AFC001  + "',nofee='" + TradeContext.NOFEE + "',flag='0' where afc401='" + item + "' and afc015='" + TradeContext.AFC015 + "' and BUSINO='" + TradeContext.busiNo +  "'"

            sqlstr  =   sqlstr + " and afa101 = '" + TradeContext.bankbm + "'"

            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( sqlstr )
            if( AfaDBFunc.UpdateSql( sqlstr ) < 1 ) :
                TradeContext.errorCode, TradeContext.errorMsg='0001', '更新待查数据表失败'
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( sqlstr+AfaDBFunc.sqlErrMsg )
                return False

            AfaDBFunc.CommitSql( )

    elif TradeContext.opType == '2':

        for item in TradeContext.AFC401.split(":"):
            sqlstr      =   "update fs_fc74 set afc001='',nofee='',flag='1' where afc401='" + item + "' and afc015='" + TradeContext.AFC015 + "'"

            sqlstr  =   sqlstr + " and afa101 = '" + TradeContext.bankbm + "'"

            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( sqlstr )
            if( AfaDBFunc.UpdateSql( sqlstr ) < 1 ) :
                TradeContext.errorCode, TradeContext.errorMsg='0001', '更新待查数据表失败'
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( sqlstr+AfaDBFunc.sqlErrMsg )
                return False

            AfaDBFunc.CommitSql( )

        sqlstr  =   "select afc401,date from fs_fc84 where afc001='"

        for payNo in TradeContext.AFC001.split(':'):
            sqlstr      =   "select afc401,date from fs_fc84 where"
            condition   =    " afc001='" + payNo + "'"

            for serNo in TradeContext.AFC401.split(':'):
                condition  =   condition + " and afc401 like '%" + serNo + "%'"
            #begin 20100625 蔡永贵增加查询条件 
            condition   = condition + " and afa101 = '" + TradeContext.bankbm + "'"
            sqlstr      =   sqlstr + condition

            #sqlstr  =   sqlstr + " and afa101 = '" + TradeContext.bankbm + "'"

            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( sqlstr )
            records = AfaDBFunc.SelectSql( sqlstr )
            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库长度:' + str( len(records) ) )

            if len(records) == 0:
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '没有查找到补录信息不用删除' )

            if records[0][1].strip() < TradeContext.workDate :
                TradeContext.errorCode,TradeContext.errorMsg    =   '0001','该数据已经上传不能删除'
                return False

            if( len( records) == 1 ):

                sqlstr  =   "delete from fs_fc84 where " + condition

                #sqlstr  =   sqlstr + " and afa101 = '" + TradeContext.bankbm + "'"

                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( sqlstr )
                if( AfaDBFunc.DeleteSql( sqlstr ) < 1 ) :
                    TradeContext.errorCode, TradeContext.errorMsg='0001', '删除补录数据失败'
                    AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( sqlstr+AfaDBFunc.sqlErrMsg )
                    return False

                AfaDBFunc.CommitSql( )
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '删除补录数据成功,该缴款书编号:%s' %payNo )

            elif len( records) > 1 :
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '补录数据错误,缴款书编号,流水号码对应了两条以上记录' )
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '缴款书编号' + payNo )
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '流水号码' + TradeContext.AFC401 )
                TradeContext.errorCode, TradeContext.errorMsg='0000', '勾对删除失败'
                return False
        TradeContext.errorCode, TradeContext.errorMsg='0001', '操作类型异常'
        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( sqlstr+AfaDBFunc.sqlErrMsg )
        return False

    TradeContext.errorCode, TradeContext.errorMsg='0000', '勾对数据成功'
    AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( "********************中台勾对结束***************" )
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 7
def main( ):
    AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '凭证入库['+TradeContext.TemplateCode+']进入' )

    #TradeContext.sBesbNo                                 机构号
    #TradeContext.sCur                                    货币代码
    #TradeContext.sTellerNo                               柜员号
    #TradeContext.sVouhType                               凭证种类
    #TradeContext.sVouhName                               凭证名称
    #TradeContext.sStartNo                                起始号码
    #TradeContext.sEndNo                                  终止号码
    #TradeContext.sRivTeller                              对方柜员
    #TradeContext.sVouhStatus                             凭证状态
    #TradeContext.sVouhNum                                凭证数量
    #TradeContext.sLstTrxDay                              最后交易日期
    #TradeContext.sLstTrxTime                             最后交易时间
    #TradeContext.sDepository                             库箱标志
    #TradeContext.sVouhName                               凭证名称
        TradeContext.sVouhType = VouhFunc.DelSpace(TradeContext.sVouhType.split("|")) 
        TradeContext.sVouhName = VouhFunc.DelSpace(TradeContext.sVouhName.split("|"))
        TradeContext.sStartNo  = VouhFunc.DelSpace(TradeContext.sStartNo.split("|"))
        TradeContext.sEndNo    = VouhFunc.DelSpace(TradeContext.sEndNo.split("|"))
        TradeContext.sVouhNum  = VouhFunc.DelSpace(TradeContext.sVouhNum.split("|"))
        TradeContext.sNum      = len(TradeContext.sVouhType)
        TradeContext.rVouhType = VouhFunc.AddSplit(TradeContext.sVouhType)
        TradeContext.rVouhName = VouhFunc.AddSplit(TradeContext.sVouhName)
        TradeContext.rStartNo  = VouhFunc.AddSplit(TradeContext.sStartNo)
        TradeContext.rEndNo    = VouhFunc.AddSplit(TradeContext.sEndNo)
        TradeContext.rVouhNum  = VouhFunc.AddSplit(TradeContext.sVouhNum)
        TradeContext.tradeResponse = []
        TradeContext.sVouhSerial = VouhFunc.GetVouhSerial( )

        TradeContext.sLstTrxDay  = AfaUtilTools.GetSysDate( )
        TradeContext.sLstTrxTime = AfaUtilTools.GetSysTime( )

        TradeContext.sDepository  = '1' #库箱标志   1.分行管理库 2.支行管理库 3.网点管理库 4.柜员凭证箱
        TradeContext.sExDepos     = ' ' #原库箱标志
        TradeContext.sVouhStatus  = '0' #状态       0.已入未发 
        TradeContext.sExStatus    = ' ' #原状态
        TradeContext.sRivTeller   = '   '     #对方柜员
        TradeContext.sTransType    = '凭证入库'
        HostContext.I1SBNO = TradeContext.sBesbNo         #机构号
        HostContext.I1USID = TradeContext.sTellerNo       #柜员号
        HostContext.I1WSNO = TradeContext.sWSNO           #终端号
        HostContext.I1EDDT = TradeContext.sLstTrxDay      #终止日期
        HostContext.I1TELR = TradeContext.sTellerNo       #柜员代号
        if(not VouhHostFunc.CommHost('0104')):
            VouhFunc.tradeExit( TradeContext.errorCode, TradeContext.errorMsg )
            raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
        if(TradeContext.errorCode == '0000'):
            TradeContext.sTellerTailNobak = HostContext.O2CABO
            TradeContext.sTellerTailNo    = TradeContext.sTellerTailNobak[0]                 
            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '柜员尾箱号:' + TradeContext.sTellerTailNo ) 
        for i in range(TradeContext.sNum):

            sFlagBack   = '0'     #入库凭证终止号码与库中凭证的起始号码是否存在连续关系,'1':是;'0':否
            sFlagFront  = '0'     #入库凭证起始号码与库中凭证的终止号码是否存在连续关系,'1':是;'0':否

            #============= 判断入库的起始号码是否小于等于终止号码============================
            if(int(TradeContext.sStartNo[i]) > int(TradeContext.sEndNo[i]) ):
                tradeExit('A005066', '入库起始号码不能大于终止号码!')
                raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
            #============= 查询分行凭证库中的凭证号段============================
            #+ TradeContext.sVouhType[i] + "' and BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sBesbNo + "' and CUR = '" + TradeContext.sCur+"'"
            sqlStr = "select STARTNO,ENDNO ,VOUHSTATUS from VOUH_REGISTER where VOUHTYPE ='" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i] + "'" 
            sqlStr = sqlStr + " and VOUHSTATUS != '1' and BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sBesbNo + "' and CUR = '" + TradeContext.sCur+"'"
            records = AfaDBFunc.SelectSql( sqlStr )
            if( records == None ):
                tradeExit('A005061', '查询[凭证登记表]操作异常!')
                raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
            elif( len( records ) == 0 ):    #如果数据库中无对应记录则直接插入
                sqlStr = "insert into VOUH_REGISTER \
                values \
                records = AfaDBFunc.InsertSql( sqlStr )
                if records == -1 :
                    AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                    AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                    tradeExit('A005062', '凭证入库失败,凭证数据库操作失败!')
                    raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                    tradeExit('0000', '凭证入库成功')       
            else :
                for x in range( len(records) ):
                    sTmpStartNo  = records[x][0]
                    sTmpEndNo    = records[x][1]
                    sTmpVouhStat = records[x][2]
                    if ((int(TradeContext.sEndNo[i])<=int(sTmpEndNo) and int(TradeContext.sEndNo[i])>=int(sTmpStartNo)) \
                    or (int(TradeContext.sStartNo[i])>=int(sTmpStartNo) and int(TradeContext.sStartNo[i])<=int(sTmpEndNo)) \
                    or ( int(TradeContext.sEndNo[i])>=int(sTmpEndNo) and int(TradeContext.sStartNo[i])<=int(sTmpStartNo))):
                        if( n > 1 ):
                            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                            AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                        tradeExit('A005063', '凭证入库失败,凭证库中存在本次入库的凭证!')
                        raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                    elif ((int(TradeContext.sEndNo[i]) == (int(sTmpStartNo)-1)) and sTmpVouhStat == '0'):
                        sFlagBack = '1'          #无交集且后连续,置后连续标识
                        sOperDelNo = records[x][0]
                        sOperEndNo = records[x][1]
                    elif ((int(TradeContext.sStartNo[i]) == (int(sTmpEndNo)+1)) and sTmpVouhStat == '0'):
                        sFlagFront = '1'         #无交集且前连续,置前连续标识
                        sOperStartNo = records[x][0]
                if (  sFlagBack == '1' and sFlagFront == '0'):
                    sTmpVouhNum = str( int(sTmpEndNo) - int(TradeContext.sStartNo[i]) + 1 )
                    sqlStr = "update VOUH_REGISTER set \
                    STARTNO = '" + TradeContext.sStartNo[i] + "', \
                    VOUHNUM = '"+ sTmpVouhNum + "',\
                    TELLERNO = '" + TradeContext.sTellerTailNo + "',\
                    LSTTRXDAY = '"+ TradeContext.sLstTrxDay + "',\
                    LSTTRXTIME = '" + TradeContext.sLstTrxTime + "'\
                    where ENDNO = '" + sOperEndNo + "' AND VOUHSTATUS = '"+TradeContext.sVouhStatus+"' \
                    AND VOUHTYPE = '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i]+ "' AND BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sBesbNo+ "' \
                    AND CUR = '" + TradeContext.sCur+"'"
                    records = AfaDBFunc.UpdateSql( sqlStr )
                    if records == -1 :
                        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                        AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                        tradeExit('A005064', '凭证入库失败,凭证数据库操作异常!')
                        raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                    elif records == 0 :
                        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                        AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                        tradeExit('A005062', '凭证入库失败,凭证数据库操作失败!')
                        raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                        tradeExit('0000', '凭证入库成功')
                elif (  sFlagFront == '1' and sFlagBack == '0' ):
                    sTmpVouhNum = str( int(TradeContext.sEndNo[i]) - int(sOperStartNo) + 1 )
                    sqlStr = "update VOUH_REGISTER set \
                    ENDNO = '" + TradeContext.sEndNo[i] + "', \
                    VOUHNUM = '" + sTmpVouhNum + "',\
                    TELLERNO = '" + TradeContext.sTellerTailNo+ "',\
                    LSTTRXDAY = '" + TradeContext.sLstTrxDay + "',\
                    LSTTRXTIME = '" + TradeContext.sLstTrxTime + "'\
                    where STARTNO = '" + sOperStartNo + "' AND VOUHSTATUS = '"+TradeContext.sVouhStatus+"' \
                    AND VOUHTYPE = '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i]+ "' AND BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sBesbNo + "' \
                    AND CUR ='"+ TradeContext.sCur+"'"
                    records = AfaDBFunc.UpdateSql( sqlStr )
                    if records == -1 :
                        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                        AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                        tradeExit('A005064', '凭证入库失败,凭证数据库操作异常!')
                        raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                    elif records == 0 :
                        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                        AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                        tradeExit('A005062', '凭证入库失败,凭证数据库操作失败!')
                        raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                        tradeExit('0000', '凭证入库成功')
                elif (  sFlagBack == '1' and sFlagFront == '1' ):
                    sTmpVouhNum = str( int(sOperEndNo) - int(sOperStartNo) + 1 )
                    sqlStr = "update VOUH_REGISTER set \
                    ENDNO = '" + sOperEndNo + "', VOUHNUM = '" + sTmpVouhNum + "',\
                    TELLERNO = '" + TradeContext.sTellerTailNo + "',\
                    LSTTRXDAY = '" + TradeContext.sLstTrxDay + "',\
                    LSTTRXTIME = '" + TradeContext.sLstTrxTime + "'\
                    where STARTNO = '" + sOperStartNo + "' AND VOUHSTATUS = '"+TradeContext.sVouhStatus+"' \
                    AND VOUHTYPE = '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i]+ "' AND BESBNO = '" + TradeContext.sBesbNo + "' \
                    AND CUR = '"+ TradeContext.sCur+"'"
                    records = AfaDBFunc.UpdateSql( sqlStr )
                    if records == -1 or records == 0 :
                        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                        AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                        tradeExit('A005062', '凭证入库失败,凭证数据库操作失败!')
                        raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                    else:      #归并成功后,删除归并后其余一条
                        sqlDel = "delete from VOUH_REGISTER \
                        where STARTNO = '" + sOperDelNo + "' AND VOUHSTATUS = '"+TradeContext.sVouhStatus+"' \
                        AND VOUHTYPE = '" + TradeContext.sVouhType[i]+ "' AND BESBNO ='"+ TradeContext.sBesbNo+"' \
                        AND CUR = '"+ TradeContext.sCur+"'"
                        record = AfaDBFunc.DeleteSql( sqlDel )
                        if record == -1 or record == 0 :
                            AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                            record = AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                            tradeExit('A005062', '凭证入库失败,凭证数据库操作失败!')
                            raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                            tradeExit('0000', '凭证入库成功')
                    sqlStr = "insert into VOUH_REGISTER \
                    values \
                    ('" + TradeContext.sBesbNo + "','" + TradeContext.sTellerTailNo + "',\
                    '"+TradeContext.sDepository+ "','" + TradeContext.sCur+"','"+ TradeContext.sVouhType[i]+"',\
                    '" + TradeContext.sStartNo[i] + "','" + TradeContext.sEndNo[i] + "','" + TradeContext.sRivTeller +"',\
                    '"+TradeContext.sVouhStatus+"','" + TradeContext.sVouhNum[i] + "',\
                    '" + TradeContext.sLstTrxDay + "','" + TradeContext.sLstTrxTime + "')"
                    records = AfaDBFunc.InsertSql( sqlStr )
                    if records == -1 :
                        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
                        AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
                        tradeExit('A005062', '凭证入库失败,凭证数据库操作失败!')
                        raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                        tradeExit('0000', '凭证入库成功')

        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '------------更新凭证变更登记表' )
        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '------------数据库提交' )
        AfaDBFunc.CommitSql( )
        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '------------主机记账' )
        TradeContext.sOperSty = '0'
        TradeContext.sTranStatus = '0'
        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '=======================12'+TradeContext.errorCode )
        #TradeContext.errorCode = '0000'
        if(TradeContext.errorCode <> '0000'):
            tmpErrorCode= TradeContext.errorCode
            tmpErrorMsg = TradeContext.errorMsg
            TradeContext.sDepository  = '1' #库箱标志   1.分行管理库 2.支行管理库 3.网点管理库 4.柜员凭证箱
            TradeContext.sExDepos     = '1' #原库箱标志
            TradeContext.sVouhStatus  = '9' #状态       0.已入未发 9.欲出库
            TradeContext.sExStatus    = '0' #原状态
            TradeContext.sRivTeller   = '   '     #对方柜员
            TradeContext.sTransType    = '冲正'
            TradeContext.sInTellerTailNo  = TradeContext.sTellerTailNo
            TradeContext.sInBesbNo    = TradeContext.sBesbNo

            AfaDBFunc.CommitSql( )
            sqlDel = "delete from VOUH_REGISTER where VOUHSTATUS = '9'"
            record = AfaDBFunc.DeleteSqlCmt( sqlDel )
            if record == -1 or record == 0 :
                tradeExit('A005062', '冲正失败,凭证数据库操作失败!')
                raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
                AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '============================自动冲正!' )
            TradeContext.sTranStatus = '1'
            if(not TradeContext.existVariable( "HostSerno" )):
                TradeContext.HostSerno = ''    
            tradeExit(tmpErrorCode, tmpErrorMsg)
            raise AfaFlowControl.flowException( )
        TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['sVouhSerial',TradeContext.sVouhSerial] )
        TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['sVouhType',TradeContext.rVouhType] )
        TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['sVouhName',TradeContext.rVouhName] )
        TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['sStartNo',TradeContext.rStartNo] )
        TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['sEndNo',TradeContext.rEndNo] )
        TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['sVouhNum',TradeContext.rVouhNum] )
        TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['sLstTrxDay',TradeContext.sLstTrxDay] )
        TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['sLstTrxTime',TradeContext.sLstTrxTime] )
        TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['sNum',str(TradeContext.sNum)] )
        TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['errorCode','0000'] )
        TradeContext.tradeResponse.append( ['errorMsg','查询成功'] )

        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '凭证入库['+TradeContext.TemplateCode+']退出' )
    except AfaFlowControl.flowException, e:
        AfaLoggerFunc.tradeInfo( '数据库回滚' )
        AfaDBFunc.RollbackSql( )
        AfaFlowControl.exitMainFlow( )