Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():

    # mainThread = Thread.currentThread()
    st = stats_tracker.StatsTracker()
    stats = st.getInstance()

    opts = options.parseOptions()
        arch = Architecture.Architecture(opts.sslFilename)
    except OSError as e:
        logger.critical('Unable to open SSL file!', e)
        logger.critical('Error parsing SSL file!', e)

    overallStartTime = time.time()
    _program = program.create_program(arch)
    mainfile = os.path.abspath(opts.mainFilename)

    basefilename = None


        logger.warning("Parsing " + opts.mainFilename + "...")

        if basefilename == None:
            basefilename = get_base_filename(mainfile)

    except OSError as e:
        logger.critical('File not found: ', e)

    except IOError as e:
        logger.critical('IOException while parsing executable!', e)

    except Exception as e:
        logger.critical('Error during parsing', e)

    logger.info('Finished parsing executable')

    if opts.startAddress > 0:
        logger.log("Setting start address to 0x" + hex(opts.startAddress))
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Shemas:
    ipgen = Architecture()
    shema1 = [["1", "2"]]

    shema2 = [["1", "3"], ["3", "2"]]

    shema3 = [["1", "2", "4"], ["2", "3", "5"], ["4", "5", "6", "7"]]

    shema4 = [["1", "2", "4"], ["2", "3", "6"], ["4", "5", "7"], ["8", "5", "6"]]

    shemaIp1 = ipgen.architecture("", "300,25")
    shemaIp2 = ipgen.architecture("","200,30,2")
    shemaIp3 = ipgen.architecture("", "500,400,350,200,2,2,2")
    shemaIp4 = ipgen.architecture("", "1000,700,300,80,2,2,2,2")
    def setUp(self):
        self.arch1 = Architecture("AVR8")
        self.arch2 = Architecture("AVR8")
        self.arch3 = Architecture("x86")

Ejemplo n.º 4
from Architecture import *

if __name__ == '__main__':
    process = Architecture()

Ejemplo n.º 5
   def __init__(self):
      self.ImmediateCode          = [] # unoptimized immediate code
      self.ImmediateCodeOptimized = [] # optimized immediate code
      self.Variables              = []

      self.ArchOutput = Architecture()

      # type:

      # while       begin of a while loop
      #             statement    statement of the header
      #             body         the body of the while loop (is a list)

      # number      (statement) only a number
      #             value        the value of the number

      # TODO< remove this >
      # assigment   asign a new value to a number
      #             variable     the name of the target variable
      #             statement    a statement for the assigment of a new value

      # assigment2       assign the right side to the left
      #                  left          leftside
      #                  right         rightside

      # minusAssigment   -=
      #                  left          leftside
      #                  right         rightside

      # variable         access a variable
      #                  name          the name of the variable

      # mul              multiplication
      #                  left          leftside
      #                  right         rightside

      # div              division
      #                  left          leftside
      #                  right         rightside

      # add              addition
      #                  left          leftside
      #                  right         rightside

      # sub              subtraction
      #                  left          leftside
      #                  right         rightside

      # if               if thing
      #                  statement     the statement
      #                  block         the contained block
      #                  else          None or another block with the else part

      # true             (statement)

      # false            (statement)

      # greaterEqual     (statement)
      #                  left          leftside
      #                  right         rightside

      # TODO< smallerEqual, Equal, Unequal, Smaller, Greater >

      # break            break expression

      # postinc          (statement)
      #                  statement

      # preinc           (statement)
      #                  statement

      # postdec          (statement)
      #                  statement

      # preinc           (statement)
      #                  statement

      # return           (statement)
      #                  expression       is the expression that have to be avaluated, can also be not set (None)
      #                  expressionSet    was the Expression set (True or False)

      # newConstArray    creates a new constant unchangable array
      #                  name             is the name of the array
      #                  info             Typeinformation, is a 'Datatype' Object

      # newVar2          allocates space for a new (scoped) variable
      #                  name             is the Variablename
      #                  info             Typeinformation, is a 'Datatype' Object
      # constantFloat    is a contant float
      #                  value            is the floatingpoint value

      self.Root = [
         {"type":"newVar", "name":"Counter", "dataType":0,"bits":32},
         {"type":"assigment2", "left":{"type":"variable", "name":"Counter"}, "right":{"type":"number", "value":20}},
         {"type":"newVar", "name":"Xn", "dataType":0, "bits":32},
         {"type":"assigment2", "left":{"type":"variable", "name":"Xn"}, "right":{"type":"number", "value":5}},
         {"type":"newVar", "name":"Number", "dataType":0, "bits":32},
         {"type":"assigment2", "left":{"type":"variable", "name":"Number"}, "right":{"type":"number", "value":500}},

         {"type":"while", "statement":{"type":"number", "value":1}, "body":[
            {"type":"minusAssignment", "left":{"type":"variable", "name":"Counter"}, "right":{"type":"number", "value":1}},
            {"type":"assigment2", "left":{"type":"variable", "name":"Xn"}, "right":{
               "type":"div", "left":{"type":"add", "left":{"type":"variable", "name":"Xn"}, "right":{"type":"div", "left":{"type":"variable", "name":"Number"}, "right":{"type":"variable", "name":"Xn"}}}, "right":{"type":"number", "value":2}

      # algorithm for calculating of the sqrt

      # (examples/calc my sqrt)
      # (is a serial code)
      # works


      Type1 = Datatype(Datatype.EnumBasetype.UNSIGNED)
      Type1.Bits = 32

      Type2 = Datatype(Datatype.EnumBasetype.UNSIGNED)
      Type2.Bits = 32

      Type3 = Datatype(Datatype.EnumBasetype.UNSIGNED)
      Type3.Bits = 32

      self.Root = [
         {"type":"newVar2", "name":"Input", "info":Type1},
         {"type":"assigment2", "left":{"type":"variable", "name":"Input"}, "right":{"type":"number", "value":29}},
         {"type":"newVar2", "name":"Counter", "info":Type2},
         {"type":"assigment2", "left":{"type":"variable", "name":"Counter"}, "right":{"type":"number", "value":0}},
         {"type":"newVar2", "name":"Old", "info":Type3},
         {"type":"assigment2", "left":{"type":"variable", "name":"Old"}, "right":{"type":"number", "value":0}},
         {"type":"while", "statement":{"type":"true"}, "body":[
            {"type":"assigment2", "left":{"type":"variable", "name":"Old"}, "right":{
               "type":"add", "left":{"type":"variable", "name":"Old"}, "right":{
                  "type":"add", "left":{"type":"mul", "left":{"type":"number", "value":2}, "right":{"type":"variable", "name":"Counter"}}, "right":{"type":"number", "value":1}

               "statement":{"type":"greaterEqual", "left":{"type":"variable", "name":"Old"}, "right":{"type":"variable", "name":"Input"}},

               "statement":{"type":"variable", "name":"Counter"}


      # cordic algorithm

      const fixed6p12 ATanTable[1] = [0.7853981633974483 , 0.4636476090008061,
                                0.24497866312686414, 0.12435499454676144,
                                0.06241880999595735, 0.031239833430268277,

      Type1 = Datatype(Datatype.EnumBasetype.FIXEDPOINT) # fixedpoint Datatype
      Type1.PrePointBits = 6
      Type1.PostPointBits = 12
      Type1.IsArray = True
      Type1.IsConst = True
      Type1.ArrayValues = [0.7853981633974483 , 0.4636476090008061, 0.24497866312686414, 0.12435499454676144, 0.06241880999595735, 0.031239833430268277, 0.015623728620476831]

      Type2 = Datatype(Datatype.EnumBasetype.FIXEDPOINT) # fixedpoint Datatype
      Type2.PrePointBits = 6
      Type2.PostPointBits = 12

      Type3 = Datatype(Datatype.EnumBasetype.FIXEDPOINT) # fixedpoint Datatype
      Type3.PrePointBits = 6
      Type3.PostPointBits = 12

      Type4 = Datatype(Datatype.EnumBasetype.FIXEDPOINT) # fixedpoint Datatype
      Type4.PrePointBits = 6
      Type4.PostPointBits = 12

      self.Root = [
         {"type":"newConstArray", "name":"ATanTable", "info":Type1},
         {"type":"newVar2", "name":"X", "info":Type2},
         {"type":"assigment2", "left":{"type":"variable", "name":"X"}, "right":{"type":"constantFloat", "value":4.0}},
         {"type":"newVar2", "name":"Y", "info":Type3},
         {"type":"assigment2", "left":{"type":"variable", "name":"Y"}, "right":{"type":"constantFloat", "value":1.0}},
         {"type":"newVar2", "name":"Phi", "info":Type4},
         {"type":"assigment2", "left":{"type":"variable", "name":"Phi"}, "right":{"type":"constantFloat", "value":0.907571}}

      # Testcode for the parallelistation code

      Type1 = Datatype(Datatype.EnumBasetype.UNSIGNED)
      Type1.Bits = 32

      Type2 = Datatype(Datatype.EnumBasetype.UNSIGNED)
      Type2.Bits = 32

      Type3 = Datatype(Datatype.EnumBasetype.UNSIGNED)
      Type3.Bits = 32

      self.Root = [
         {"type":"newVar2", "name":"A", "info":Type1},
         {"type":"newVar2", "name":"B", "info":Type2},
         {"type":"newVar2", "name":"C", "info":Type3},
         {"type":"assigment2", "left":{"type":"variable", "name":"A"}, "right":{
            "type":"add", "left":{"type":"variable", "name":"A"}, "right":{"type":"add", "left":{"type":"variable", "name":"B"}, "right":{"type":"variable", "name":"C"}}

      self.ImmediateCodeObj = ImmediateCode()