Ejemplo n.º 1
from Berreman4x4 import c, pi
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot

n_i = 1.0  # incident medium is air
n_o = 2.0  # ordinary index of thin layer
n_e = 2.5  # extraordinary index of thin layer

# Setting up the structure

# Front half-space (air)
air = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(n_i)
front = Berreman4x4.IsotropicHalfSpace(air)

# Anisotropic substrate
uniaxialMaterialRef = Berreman4x4.UniaxialNonDispersiveMaterial(n_o, n_e)
back = Berreman4x4.HalfSpace()

s = Berreman4x4.Structure(front, [], back)

# We reproduce figure 6.16
print("\nWe reproduce results from section 6.4.1 in " +
      "'Spectroscopic Ellipsometry',\nby H. Fujiwara.\n")
print("*** Air / anisotropic sample ***")
print("We reproduce figure 6.16, p. 238...")

# Orientations of the anisotropic substrate
Φ_E = pi / 2  # 1st Euler angle
θ_E_list = [0, pi / 4, pi / 2]  # 2nd Eulet angle
Ejemplo n.º 2
We consider a birefringence Δn = 0.10 and a thickness d = 4.33 µm. The first
minimum should be at λ = 500 nm, or k0 = 1.257e7 m⁻¹.

Note: Gooch-Tarry law does not take into account interferences between the two
glass substrates. A glass with n = 1.55 minimizes the interferences.

# Materials
glass = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(1.55)
front = back = Berreman4x4.IsotropicHalfSpace(glass)

# Liquid crystal oriented along the x direction
(no, ne) = (1.5, 1.6)
Dn = ne - no
LC = Berreman4x4.UniaxialNonDispersiveMaterial(no, ne)
R = Berreman4x4.rotation_v_theta(e_y, pi / 2)
LC = LC.rotated(R)
d = 4.33e-6
TN = Berreman4x4.TwistedMaterial(LC, d)

# Inhomogeneous layer
IL = Berreman4x4.InhomogeneousLayer(TN)

# Structure
s = Berreman4x4.Structure(front, [IL], back)

# Normal incidence:
Kx = 0.0

# Calculation parameters