Ejemplo n.º 1
    def parseProcess(self, process):
        Converts a psutil process into a BrewPiProcess object by parsing the
        config file it has been called with.
            :Params:    A psutil.Process object
            :Returns:   A BrewPiProcess object
        bp = BrewPiProcess()
            bp.pid = process._pid
            cfg = [s for s in process.cmdline()
                   if '.cfg' in s]  # get config file argument
            # Get brewpi.py file argument so we can grab path
            bps = [s for s in process.cmdline() if 'brewpi.py' in s]
        except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
            # process no longer exists
            return None

        if cfg:
            cfg = cfg[0]  # add full path to config file
            # Get path from arguments and use that to build default path to config
            cfg = os.path.dirname(str(bps)).translate(
                str.maketrans('', '', r"[]'")) + '/settings/config.cfg'
        bp.cfg = util.readCfgWithDefaults(cfg)
        if bp.cfg['port'] is not None:
            bp.port = bp.cfg['port']
        bp.sock = BrewPiSocket.BrewPiSocket(bp.cfg)
        return bp
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def parseProcess(self, process):
        Converts a psutil process into a BrewPiProcess object by parsing the config file it has been called with.
        Params: a psutil.Process object
        Returns: BrewPiProcess object
        bp = BrewPiProcess()
        bp.pid = process._pid

        cfg = [s for s in process.cmdline if '.cfg' in s]  # get config file argument
        if cfg:
            cfg = cfg[0]  # add full path to config file
        bp.cfg = util.readCfgWithDefaults(cfg)

        bp.port = bp.cfg['port']
        bp.sock = BrewPiSocket.BrewPiSocket(bp.cfg)
        return bp
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def parseProcess(self, process):
        Converts a psutil process into a BrewPiProcess object by parsing the config file it has been called with.
        Params: a psutil.Process object
        Returns: BrewPiProcess object
        bp = BrewPiProcess()
        bp.pid = process._pid

        cfg = [s for s in process.cmdline
               if '.cfg' in s]  # get config file argument
        if cfg:
            cfg = cfg[0]  # add full path to config file
        bp.cfg = util.readCfgWithDefaults(cfg)

        bp.port = bp.cfg['port']
        bp.sock = BrewPiSocket.BrewPiSocket(bp.cfg)
        return bp
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def parseProcess(self, process):
     Converts a psutil process into a BrewPiProcess object by parsing the config file it has been called with.
     Params: a psutil.Process object
     Returns: BrewPiProcess object
     bp = BrewPiProcess()
         bp.pid = process._pid
         cfg = [s for s in process.cmdline() if '.cfg' in s]  # get config file argument
     except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
         # process no longer exists
         return None
     if cfg:
         cfg = cfg[0]  # add full path to config file
         # use default config file location
         cfg = util.scriptPath() + "/settings/config.cfg"
     bp.cfg = util.readCfgWithDefaults(cfg)
     bp.port = bp.cfg['port']
     bp.sock = BrewPiSocket.BrewPiSocket(bp.cfg)
     return bp
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def parseProcess(self, process):
     Converts a psutil process into a BrewPiProcess object by parsing the config file it has been called with.
     Params: a psutil.Process object
     Returns: BrewPiProcess object
     bp = BrewPiProcess()
         bp.pid = process._pid
         cfg = [s for s in process.cmdline()
                if '.cfg' in s]  # get config file argument
     except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
         # process no longer exists
         return None
     if cfg:
         cfg = cfg[0]  # add full path to config file
         # use default config file location
         cfg = util.scriptPath() + "/settings/config.cfg"
     bp.cfg = util.readCfgWithDefaults(cfg)
     bp.port = bp.cfg['port']
     bp.sock = BrewPiSocket.BrewPiSocket(bp.cfg)
     return bp
Ejemplo n.º 6
import os
import simplejson as json
import expandLogMessage
import BrewPiUtil as util

# Read in command line arguments
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print >> sys.stderr, 'Using default config path ./settings/config.cfg, to override use : %s <config file full path>' % sys.argv[0]
    configFile = util.addSlash(sys.path[0]) + 'settings/config.cfg'
    configFile = sys.argv[1]

if not os.path.exists(configFile):
    sys.exit('ERROR: Config file "%s" was not found!' % configFile)

config = util.readCfgWithDefaults(configFile)

print "***** BrewPi Windows Test Terminal ****"
print "This simple Python script lets you send commands to the Arduino."
print "It also echoes everything the Arduino returns."
print "On known debug ID's in JSON format, it expands the messages to the full message"
print "press 's' to send a string to the Arduino, press 'q' to quit"

ser = 0

# open serial port
    ser = serial.Serial(config['port'], 57600, timeout=1)
except (OSError, serial.SerialException) as e:
    print e
Ejemplo n.º 7
sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/..")
import expandLogMessage
import BrewPiUtil as util

# Read in command line arguments
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print >> sys.stderr, 'Using default config path ./settings/config.cfg, to override use : %s <config file full path>' % sys.argv[
    configFile = util.addSlash(sys.path[0]) + '../settings/config.cfg'
    configFile = sys.argv[1]

if not os.path.exists(configFile):
    sys.exit('ERROR: Config file "%s" was not found!' % configFile)

config = util.readCfgWithDefaults(configFile)

print "***** BrewPi Windows Test Terminal ****"
print "This simple Python script lets you send commands to the Arduino."
print "It also echoes everything the Arduino returns."
print "On known debug ID's in JSON format, it expands the messages to the full message"
print "press 's' to send a string to the Arduino, press 'q' to quit"

# open serial port
ser = util.setupSerial(config)

if not ser:

while 1:
    if msvcrt.kbhit():
Ejemplo n.º 8
def updateFromGitHub(userInput, beta, useDfu, restoreSettings=True, restoreDevices=True):
    import BrewPiUtil as util
    from gitHubReleases import gitHubReleases
    import brewpiVersion
    import programController as programmer

    configFile = util.scriptPath() + "/settings/config.cfg"
    config = util.readCfgWithDefaults(configFile)

    printStdErr("Stopping any running instances of BrewPi to check/update controller...")

    hwVersion = None
    shield = None
    board = None
    family = None
    ser = None

    ### Get version number
    printStdErr("\nChecking current firmware version...")
        ser = util.setupSerial(config)
        hwVersion = brewpiVersion.getVersionFromSerial(ser)
        family = hwVersion.family
        shield = hwVersion.shield
        board = hwVersion.board

        printStdErr("Found " + hwVersion.toExtendedString() + " on port " + ser.name + "\n")
        if hwVersion is None:
                "Unable to receive version from controller.\n"
                "Is your controller unresponsive and do you wish to try restoring your firmware? [y/N]: "
            choice = raw_input()
            if not any(choice == x for x in ["yes", "Yes", "YES", "yes", "y", "Y"]):
                printStdErr("Please make sure your controller is connected properly and try again.")
                return 0
            port, name = autoSerial.detect_port()
            if not port:
                printStdErr("Could not find compatible device in available serial ports.")
                return 0
            if "Particle" in name:
                family = "Particle"
                if "Photon" in name:
                    board = "photon"
                elif "Core" in name:
                    board = "core"
            elif "Arduino" in name:
                family = "Arduino"
                if "Leonardo" in name:
                    board = "leonardo"
                elif "Uno" in name:
                    board = "uno"

            if board is None:
                printStdErr("Unable to connect to controller, perhaps it is disconnected or otherwise unavailable.")
                return -1
                printStdErr("Will try to restore the firmware on your %s" % name)
                if family == "Arduino":
                        "Assuming a Rev C shield. If this is not the case, please program your Arduino manually"
                    shield = "RevC"
                        "Please put your controller in DFU mode now by holding the setup button during reset, until the LED blinks yellow."
                    printStdErr("Press Enter when ready.")
                    choice = raw_input()
                    useDfu = True  # use dfu mode when board is not responding to serial

    if ser:
        ser.close()  # close serial port
        ser = None

    if hwVersion:
        printStdErr("Current firmware version on controller: " + hwVersion.toString())
        restoreDevices = False
        restoreSettings = False

    printStdErr("\nChecking GitHub for available release...")
    releases = gitHubReleases("https://api.github.com/repos/BrewPi/firmware")

    availableTags = releases.getTags(beta)
    stableTags = releases.getTags(False)
    compatibleTags = []
    for tag in availableTags:
        url = None
        if family == "Arduino":
            url = releases.getBinUrl(tag, [board, shield, ".hex"])
        elif family == "Spark" or family == "Particle":
            url = releases.getBinUrl(tag, [board, "brewpi", ".bin"])
        if url is not None:

    if len(compatibleTags) == 0:
        printStdErr("No compatible releases found for %s %s" % (family, board))
        return -1

    # default tag is latest stable tag, or latest unstable tag if no stable tag is found
    default_choice = next((i for i, t in enumerate(compatibleTags) if t in stableTags), compatibleTags[0])
    tag = compatibleTags[default_choice]

    if userInput:
        print("\nAvailable releases:\n")
        for i, menu_tag in enumerate(compatibleTags):
            print("[%d] %s" % (i, menu_tag))
        print("[" + str(len(compatibleTags)) + "] Cancel firmware update")
        num_choices = len(compatibleTags)
        while 1:
                choice = raw_input(
                    "Enter the number [0-%d] of the version you want to program [default = %d (%s)]: "
                    % (num_choices, default_choice, tag)
                if choice == "":
                    selection = int(choice)
            except ValueError:
                print("Use the number! [0-%d]" % num_choices)
            if selection == num_choices:
                return False  # choice = skip updating
                tag = compatibleTags[selection]
            except IndexError:
                print("Not a valid choice. Try again")
        printStdErr("Latest version on GitHub: " + tag)

    if hwVersion is not None and not hwVersion.isNewer(tag):
        if hwVersion.isEqual(tag):
            printStdErr("You are already running version %s." % tag)
            printStdErr("Your current version is newer than %s." % tag)

        if userInput:
                "If you are encountering problems, you can reprogram anyway."
                " Would you like to do this?"
                "\nType yes to reprogram or just press enter to keep your current firmware: "
            choice = raw_input()
            if not any(choice == x for x in ["yes", "Yes", "YES", "yes", "y", "Y"]):
                return 0
            printStdErr("No update needed. Exiting.")

    if hwVersion is not None and userInput:
        printStdErr("Would you like me to try to restore you settings after programming? [Y/n]: ")
        choice = raw_input()
        if not any(choice == x for x in ["", "yes", "Yes", "YES", "yes", "y", "Y"]):
            restoreSettings = False
        printStdErr("Would you like me to try to restore your configured devices after programming? [Y/n]: ")
        choice = raw_input()
        if not any(choice == x for x in ["", "yes", "Yes", "YES", "yes", "y", "Y"]):
            restoreDevices = False

    printStdErr("Downloading firmware...")
    localFileName = None
    system1 = None
    system2 = None

    if family == "Arduino":
        localFileName = releases.getBin(tag, [board, shield, ".hex"])
    elif family == "Spark" or family == "Particle":
        localFileName = releases.getBin(tag, [board, "brewpi", ".bin"])
        printStdErr("Error: Device family {0} not recognized".format(family))
        return -1

    if board == "photon":
        if hwVersion:
            oldVersion = hwVersion.version.vstring
            oldVersion = "0.0.0"
        latestSystemTag = releases.getLatestTagForSystem(prerelease=beta, since=oldVersion)
        if latestSystemTag is not None:
            printStdErr("Updated system firmware for the photon found in release {0}".format(latestSystemTag))
            system1 = releases.getBin(latestSystemTag, ["photon", "system-part1", ".bin"])
            system2 = releases.getBin(latestSystemTag, ["photon", "system-part2", ".bin"])
            if system1:
                printStdErr("Downloaded new system firmware to:\n")
                if system2:
                    printStdErr("Error: system firmware part2 not found in release")
                    return -1
            printStdErr("Photon system firmware is up to date.\n")

    if localFileName:
        printStdErr("Latest firmware downloaded to:\n" + localFileName)
        printStdErr("Downloading firmware failed")
        return -1

    printStdErr("\nUpdating firmware...\n")
    result = programmer.programController(
        config, board, localFileName, system1, system2, useDfu, {"settings": restoreSettings, "devices": restoreDevices}
    util.removeDontRunFile(config["wwwPath"] + "/do_not_run_brewpi")
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 9
def updateFromGitHub(userInput,
    import BrewPiUtil as util
    from gitHubReleases import gitHubReleases
    import brewpiVersion
    import programController as programmer

    configFile = util.scriptPath() + '/settings/config.cfg'
    config = util.readCfgWithDefaults(configFile)

        "Stopping any running instances of BrewPi to check/update controller..."

    hwVersion = None
    shield = None
    board = None
    family = None

    ### Get version number
    printStdErr("\nChecking current firmware version...")
    bg_ser = BackGroundSerial(config.get('port', 'auto'))
    hwVersion = brewpiVersion.getVersionFromSerial(bg_ser)

    if hwVersion is not None:
        family = hwVersion.family
        shield = hwVersion.shield
        board = hwVersion.board
            "Unable to receive version from controller.\n"
            "Is your controller unresponsive and do you wish to try restoring your firmware? [y/N]: "
        choice = raw_input()
        if not any(choice == x
                   for x in ["yes", "Yes", "YES", "yes", "y", "Y"]):
                "Please make sure your controller is connected properly and try again."
            return 0
        port = autoSerial.detect_port()
        if not port:
                "Could not find compatible device in available serial ports.")
            return 0
        name = autoSerial.recognized_device_name(port)
        if "Particle" in name:
            family = "Particle"
            if "P1" in name:
                board = 'p1'
            elif "Photon" in name:
                board = 'photon'
            elif "Core" in name:
                board = 'core'
        elif "Arduino" in name:
            family = "Arduino"
            if "Leonardo" in name:
                board = 'leonardo'
            elif "Uno" in name:
                board = 'uno'

        if board is None:
                "Unable to connect to controller, perhaps it is disconnected or otherwise unavailable."
            return -1
            printStdErr("Will try to restore the firmware on your %s" % name)
            if family == "Arduino":
                    "Assuming a Rev C shield. If this is not the case, please program your Arduino manually"
                shield = 'RevC'
                    "Please put your controller in DFU mode now by holding the setup button during reset, until the LED blinks yellow."
                printStdErr("Press Enter when ready.")
                choice = raw_input()
                useDfu = True  # use dfu mode when board is not responding to serial

    del bg_ser

    if hwVersion:
        printStdErr("Current firmware version on controller: " +
        restoreDevices = False
        restoreSettings = False

    printStdErr("\nChecking GitHub for available release...")
    releases = gitHubReleases("https://api.github.com/repos/BrewPi/firmware")

    availableTags = releases.getTags(beta)
    stableTags = releases.getTags(False)
    compatibleTags = []
    for tag in availableTags:
        url = None
        if family == "Arduino":
            url = releases.getBinUrl(tag, [board, shield, ".hex"])
        elif family == "Spark" or family == "Particle":
            url = releases.getBinUrl(tag, [board, 'brewpi', '.bin'])
        if url is not None:

    if len(compatibleTags) == 0:
        printStdErr("No compatible releases found for %s %s" % (family, board))
        return -1

    # default tag is latest stable tag, or latest unstable tag if no stable tag is found
    default_choice = next(
        (i for i, t in enumerate(compatibleTags) if t in stableTags), 0)
    tag = compatibleTags[default_choice]

    if userInput:
        print("\nAvailable releases:\n")
        for i, menu_tag in enumerate(compatibleTags):
            print("[%d] %s" % (i, menu_tag))
        print("[" + str(len(compatibleTags)) + "] Cancel firmware update")
        num_choices = len(compatibleTags)
        while 1:
                choice = raw_input(
                    "Enter the number [0-%d] of the version you want to program [default = %d (%s)]: "
                    % (num_choices, default_choice, tag))
                if choice == "":
                    selection = int(choice)
            except ValueError:
                print("Use the number! [0-%d]" % num_choices)
            if selection == num_choices:
                return False  # choice = skip updating
                tag = compatibleTags[selection]
            except IndexError:
                print("Not a valid choice. Try again")
        printStdErr("Latest version on GitHub: " + tag)

    if hwVersion is not None and not hwVersion.isNewer(tag):
        if hwVersion.isEqual(tag):
            printStdErr("You are already running version %s." % tag)
            printStdErr("Your current version is newer than %s." % tag)

        if userInput:
                "If you are encountering problems, you can reprogram anyway."
                " Would you like to do this?"
                "\nType yes to reprogram or just press enter to keep your current firmware: "
            choice = raw_input()
            if not any(choice == x
                       for x in ["yes", "Yes", "YES", "yes", "y", "Y"]):
                return 0
            printStdErr("No update needed. Exiting.")

    if hwVersion is not None and userInput:
            "Would you like me to try to restore you settings after programming? [Y/n]: "
        choice = raw_input()
        if not any(choice == x
                   for x in ["", "yes", "Yes", "YES", "yes", "y", "Y"]):
            restoreSettings = False
            "Would you like me to try to restore your configured devices after programming? [Y/n]: "
        choice = raw_input()
        if not any(choice == x
                   for x in ["", "yes", "Yes", "YES", "yes", "y", "Y"]):
            restoreDevices = False

    printStdErr("Downloading firmware...")
    localFileName = None
    system1 = None
    system2 = None

    if family == "Arduino":
        localFileName = releases.getBin(tag, [board, shield, ".hex"])
    elif family == "Spark" or family == "Particle":
        localFileName = releases.getBin(tag, [board, 'brewpi', '.bin'])
        printStdErr("Error: Device family {0} not recognized".format(family))
        return -1

    if board == "photon" or board == "p1" and useDfu:
        if hwVersion:
            oldVersion = hwVersion.version.vstring
            oldVersion = "0.0.0"
        latestSystemTag = releases.getLatestTagForSystem(board,
        if latestSystemTag is not None:
                "Updated system firmware for the {0} found in release {1}".
                format(board, latestSystemTag))
            system1 = releases.getBin(latestSystemTag,
                                      [board, 'system-part1', '.bin'])
            system2 = releases.getBin(latestSystemTag,
                                      [board, 'system-part2', '.bin'])
            if system1:
                printStdErr("Downloaded new system firmware to:\n")
                if system2:
                        "Error: system firmware part2 not found in release")
                    return -1
            printStdErr("Photon system firmware is up to date.\n")

    if localFileName:
        printStdErr("Latest firmware downloaded to:\n" + localFileName)
        printStdErr("Downloading firmware failed")
        return -1

    printStdErr("\nUpdating firmware...\n")
    result = programmer.programController(config, board, localFileName,
                                          system1, system2, useDfu, {
                                              'settings': restoreSettings,
                                              'devices': restoreDevices
    util.removeDontRunFile(config['wwwPath'] + "/do_not_run_brewpi")
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 10
def updateFromGitHub(userInput = False, restoreSettings = True, restoreDevices = True):
    import BrewPiUtil as util
    from gitHubReleases import gitHubReleases
    import brewpiVersion
    import programController as programmer

    configFile = util.scriptPath() + '/settings/config.cfg'
    config = util.readCfgWithDefaults(configFile)

    printStdErr("Stopping any running instances of BrewPi to check/update controller...")

    hwVersion = None
    shield = None
    board = None
    boardName = None
    family = None
    ser = None

    ### Get version number
    printStdErr("\nChecking current firmware version...")
        ser = util.setupSerial(config)
        hwVersion = brewpiVersion.getVersionFromSerial(ser)
        family = hwVersion.family
        shield = hwVersion.shield
        board = hwVersion.board
        boardName = hwVersion.boardName()
        printStdErr("Unable to connect to controller, perhaps it is disconnected or otherwise unavailable.")
        return -1

    if ser:
        ser.close()  # close serial port
        ser = None

    if not hwVersion:
        printStdErr("Unable to retrieve firmware version from controller")
        printStdErr("If your controller has not been programmed with an earlier version of BrewPi,"
                    " follow these instructions:")
        printStdErr("\n If you have an Arduino:")
        printStdErr("Please go to https://github.com/BrewPi/firmware/releases to download"
                    "the firmware and upload via the BrewPi web interface")
        printStdErr("\n If you have a Spark Core:")
        printStdErr("Put it in DFU mode and run: sudo /home/brewpi/utils/flashDfu.py")
        printStdErr("Current firmware version on controller: " + hwVersion.toString())

    printStdErr("\nChecking GitHub for latest release...")
    releases = gitHubReleases("https://api.github.com/repos/BrewPi/firmware")
    latest = releases.getLatestTag()
    printStdErr("Latest version on GitHub: " + latest)
    if hwVersion.isNewer(latest):
        printStdErr("\nVersion on GitHub is newer than your current version, downloading new version...")

        printStdErr("\nYour current firmware version is up-to-date. There is no need to update.")
        if userInput:
            printStdErr("If you are encountering problems, you can reprogram anyway."
                        " Would you like to do this?"
                        "\nType yes to reprogram or just press enter to keep your current firmware: ")
            choice = raw_input()
            if not any(choice == x for x in ["yes", "Yes", "YES", "yes", "y", "Y"]):
                return 0
            printStdErr("Would you like me to try to restore you settings after programming? [Y/n]: ")
            choice = raw_input()
            if not any(choice == x for x in ["", "yes", "Yes", "YES", "yes", "y", "Y"]):
                restoreSettings = False
            printStdErr("Would you like me to try to restore your configured devices after programming? [Y/n]: ")
            choice = raw_input()
            if not any(choice == x for x in ["", "yes", "Yes", "YES", "yes", "y", "Y"]):
                restoreDevices = False
            return 0

    printStdErr("Downloading latest firmware...")
    localFileName = None
    if family == "Arduino":
        localFileName = releases.getBin(latest, [boardName, shield, ".hex"])
    elif family == "Spark":
        localFileName = releases.getBin(latest, [boardName, ".bin"])

    if localFileName:
        printStdErr("Latest firmware downloaded to " + localFileName)
        printStdErr("Downloading firmware failed")
        return -1

    result = programmer.programController(config, board, localFileName,
                                          {'settings': restoreSettings, 'devices': restoreDevices})
    util.removeDontRunFile(config['wwwPath'] + "/do_not_run_brewpi")
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 11
def updateFromGitHub(userInput=False,
    import BrewPiUtil as util
    from gitHubReleases import gitHubReleases
    import brewpiVersion
    import programController as programmer

    configFile = util.scriptPath() + '/settings/config.cfg'
    config = util.readCfgWithDefaults(configFile)

        "Stopping any running instances of BrewPi to check/update controller..."

    hwVersion = None
    shield = None
    board = None
    boardName = None
    family = None
    ser = None

    ### Get version number
    printStdErr("\nChecking current firmware version...")
        ser = util.setupSerial(config)
        hwVersion = brewpiVersion.getVersionFromSerial(ser)
        family = hwVersion.family
        shield = hwVersion.shield
        board = hwVersion.board
        boardName = hwVersion.boardName()

        printStdErr("Found " + hwVersion.toExtendedString() + \
               " on port " + ser.name + "\n")
            "Unable to connect to controller, perhaps it is disconnected or otherwise unavailable."
        return -1

    if ser:
        ser.close()  # close serial port
        ser = None

    if not hwVersion:
        printStdErr("Unable to retrieve firmware version from controller")
            "If your controller has not been programmed with an earlier version of BrewPi,"
            " follow these instructions:")
        printStdErr("\n If you have an Arduino:")
            "Please go to https://github.com/BrewPi/firmware/releases to download"
            "the firmware and upload via the BrewPi web interface")
        printStdErr("\n If you have a Spark Core:")
            "Put it in DFU mode and run: sudo /home/brewpi/utils/flashDfu.py")
        printStdErr("Current firmware version on controller: " +

    printStdErr("\nChecking GitHub for latest release...")
    releases = gitHubReleases("https://api.github.com/repos/BrewPi/firmware")
    tag = releases.getLatestTag()
    printStdErr("Latest version on GitHub: " + tag)

    if hwVersion.isNewer(tag):
            "\nVersion on GitHub is newer than your current version, downloading new version..."
            "\nYour current firmware version is up-to-date. There is no need to update."
        if userInput:
                "If you are encountering problems, you can reprogram anyway."
                " Would you like to do this?"
                "\nType yes to reprogram or just press enter to keep your current firmware: "
            choice = raw_input()
            if not any(choice == x
                       for x in ["yes", "Yes", "YES", "yes", "y", "Y"]):
                return 0
                "Would you like me to try to restore you settings after programming? [Y/n]: "
            choice = raw_input()
            if not any(choice == x
                       for x in ["", "yes", "Yes", "YES", "yes", "y", "Y"]):
                restoreSettings = False
                "Would you like me to try to restore your configured devices after programming? [Y/n]: "
            choice = raw_input()
            if not any(choice == x
                       for x in ["", "yes", "Yes", "YES", "yes", "y", "Y"]):
                restoreDevices = False
            return 0

    printStdErr("Downloading latest firmware...")
    localFileName = None
    system1 = None
    system2 = None

    if family == "Arduino":
        localFileName = releases.getBin(tag, [boardName, shield, ".hex"])
    elif family == "Spark" or family == "Particle":
        localFileName = releases.getBin(tag, [boardName, 'brewpi', '.bin'])
        printStdErr("Error: Device family {0} not recognized".format(family))
        return -1

    if boardName == "Photon":
        latestSystemTag = releases.getLatestTagForSystem()
        if hwVersion.isNewer(latestSystemTag):
                "Updated system firmware for the photon found in release {0}".
            system1 = releases.getBin(latestSystemTag,
                                      ['photon', 'system-part1', '.bin'])
            system2 = releases.getBin(latestSystemTag,
                                      ['photon', 'system-part2', '.bin'])
            if system1:
                printStdErr("Downloaded new system firmware to:\n")
                printStdErr("{0} and\n".format(system1))
                if not system2:
                        "Error: system firmware part2 not found in release")
                    return -1

    if localFileName:
        printStdErr("Latest firmware downloaded to " + localFileName)
        printStdErr("Downloading firmware failed")
        return -1

    printStdErr("\nUpdating firmware over Serial...\n")
    result = programmer.programController(config, board, localFileName,
                                          system1, system2, {
                                              'settings': restoreSettings,
                                              'devices': restoreDevices
    util.removeDontRunFile(config['wwwPath'] + "/do_not_run_brewpi")
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 12
        git_dict['commit_author_email'] = self.get_commit_author_email()
        git_dict['commit_hash'] = self.get_commit_hash()
        git_dict['commit_hash_short'] = self.get_commit_hash(7)
        git_dict['commit_message'] = self.get_commit_message()
        return git_dict

    def get_git_json(self, ind=None) -> str:
        if ind == None:
            json_str = json.dumps(self.get_git_dict())
            json_str = json.dumps(self.get_git_dict(), indent=ind)
        return json_str

if __name__ == "__main__":
    config = util.readCfgWithDefaults()
    path_list = [config['toolPath'], config['scriptPath'], config['wwwPath']]
    for path in path_list:
        # need path
        gi = GitInfo(path)
        print("Testing git information for {}".format(path))
        print("Repo = {}".format(gi.get_git_root()))
        print("Tag = {}".format(gi.get_git_tag()))
        print("Branch = {}".format(gi.get_git_branch()))
        print("Commit Hash = {}".format(gi.get_commit_hash()))
        print("Short Commit Hash = {}".format(gi.get_commit_hash(7)))
        print("Commit Author = {}".format(gi.get_commit_author()))
        print("Commit Author Email = {}".format(gi.get_commit_author_email()))
        print("Commit Message = {}".format(gi.get_commit_message()))
        print("Dict object:")