Ejemplo n.º 1
import numpy as np

import guiOut as go
import DataSet as dt
import Algorithm as ag
import CPU as ai

if __name__ == "__main__":
    gamemode = int(input("Play against human[1] or CPU[2]? :"))

    # Creates a board
    board = np.zeros((6, 7))
    # Creates a CPU
    if gamemode == 2: cpu = ai.AI(2)

    play = True
    player = 1

    while play:
        if player == 2 and gamemode == 2:
            _in = cpu.play(board)
            _in = int(input("In:"))
            if gamemode == 2: cpu.updatemap([0, _in, -1], 1)

        oldBoard = board.copy()
        board = dt.update(
            _in, player,
            board)  # Updates the board to user's input, returns new board
        go.boardAni(oldBoard, board)