Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__ (self):
        CTK.Box.__init__ (self, {'id': 'support-box', 'class': 'sidebar-box'})

        qlist = CTK.List ()
        self += CTK.RawHTML('<h2>%s</h2>' % _('Support'))
        self += qlist

        # Help
        link = CTK.LinkWindow (LINK_HELP, CTK.RawHTML (_('Getting started')))
        qlist += link

        # Mailing List
        link = CTK.Link ('#', CTK.RawHTML (_('Subscribe to mailing lists')))
        dialog = MailingListDialog()

        link.bind ('click', dialog.JS_to_show())
        self += dialog
        qlist += link

        # Bug report
        link = CTK.LinkWindow (LINK_BUGTRACKER, CTK.RawHTML (_('Report a bug')))
        qlist += link

        # Commercial Support
        link = CTK.LinkWindow (LINK_SUPPORT, CTK.RawHTML (_('Purchase commercial support')))
        qlist += link

        # About..
        dialog = CTK.DialogProxyLazy (About.URL_ABOUT_CONTENT, {'title': _("About Cherokee"), 'width': 600})
        dialog.AddButton (_('Close'), 'close')
        self += dialog

        link = CTK.Link ('#', CTK.RawHTML (_('About Cherokee')))
        link.bind ('click', dialog.JS_to_show())
        qlist += link
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, title, headers=[], body_id=None, **kwargs):
        # Look for the theme file
        srcdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        theme_file = os.path.join(srcdir, 'theme.html')

        # Set up the template
        template = CTK.Template(filename=theme_file)
        template['title'] = title
        template['save'] = _('Save')
        template['home'] = _('Home')
        template['status'] = _('Status')
        template['general'] = _('General')
        template['vservers'] = _('vServers')
        template['sources'] = _('Sources')
        template['advanced'] = _('Advanced')
        template['help'] = _('Help')
        template['updating'] = _('Updating...')
        template['HELP_HTML'] = 'helps' in kwargs and HELP_HTML or ''
        template['HELP_JS'] = 'helps' in kwargs and HELP_JS or ''

        # <body> property
        if body_id:
            template['body_props'] = ' id="body-%s"' % (body_id)

        # Save dialog
        dialog = CTK.DialogProxyLazy(
            URL_SAVE, {
                'title': _(SAVED_NOTICE),
                'autoOpen': False,
                'draggable': False,
                'width': 500
        CTK.publish(URL_SAVE, Save, dialog=dialog)

        # Default headers
        heads = copy.copy(headers)
            '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/css/cherokee-admin.css" />'

        # Help translation
        if 'helps' in kwargs:
            helps = [(x[0], _(x[1])) for x in kwargs['helps']]
            kwargs['helps'] = helps

        # Parent's constructor
        CTK.Page.__init__(self, template, heads, **kwargs)

        # Add the 'Save' dialog
        js = SAVE_BUTTON % ({'show_dialog_js': dialog.JS_to_show()})
        if CTK.cfg.has_changed():
            js += ".removeClass('saved');"
            js += ".addClass('saved');"

        self += dialog
        self += CTK.RawHTML(js=js)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__ (self):
        CTK.Box.__init__ (self, {'id': 'proud-users', 'class': 'sidebar-box'})

        # Dialog
        dialog = CTK.DialogProxyLazy ('/proud/apply', {'title': _('Proud Cherokee User List Submission'), 'width': 480})
        dialog.AddButton (_('Close'), "close")

        self += CTK.RawHTML('<h2>%s</h2>' %(_('Proud Cherokee Users')))
        self += CTK.Box ({'id': 'proud-notice'}, CTK.RawHTML (_(PROUD_USERS_NOTICE)))
        self += CTK.Box ({'id': 'proud-link'},   CTK.RawHTML ('<a target="_blank" href="%s">%s</a> | <a id="proud-a">%s</a>' %(_(PROUD_USERS_WEB), _('View list…'), _('Send your domains'))))
        self += CTK.RawHTML (js=JS_PROUD %(dialog.JS_to_show()))
        self += dialog
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__ (self):
        CTK.Box.__init__ (self, {'id': 'sprint'})

        dialog = CTK.DialogProxyLazy (URL_LEARN_MORE)

        # Banner body
        box = CTK.Box ({'id': 'mainmsg'})
        box += CTK.RawHTML ('<h1>%s</h1>'%(self.H1))
        box += CTK.RawHTML ('<p>%s</p>'%(self.P1))

        # Download
        link = CTK.Link (None, props={'id': "overview"})
        link += CTK.RawHTML ("Learn More")
        link.bind ('click', dialog.JS_to_show())

        box += link
        self += box
        self += dialog