Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, filePath=None):
		 Constructor - Reads the pass process model from the file. The filePath can
		 either be a local path or an absolute path in the internet, specifing the uri
		 where the model to load is defined. In the current Implementation the namespace
		 is cut off for certain namespaces and a local search is performed!
		 If no filePath is given a new model is created

		@param string filePath : (Absolute) path to the file to read the pass process model from
		@return  :
        self._resources = []
        self._classMapper = ClassMapper()
        self._attrMapper = AttributeMapper()
        self._filePath = None
        self._changeListeners = []
        self._currentlyLoading = False
        self._model = None
        #Now decide whether to load a model or create a new one
        if (filePath is None):
            #Import here because is only needed here (to prevent loops)
            from PASSProcessModel import *
            from BaseLayer import *
            self._model = PASSProcessModel(self)
            layer = BaseLayer(self)
            #========= Load a model =======

            #Check the type of the path and whether the path exists
            isString = isinstance(filePath, str)
            if (not isString):
                raise Exception("Parameter \"filePath\" must be of type str!")
            #If the basepath is used to define the uri delete it an replace it with a relative path
            filePath = filePath.replace(ModelManager.DEFAULT_BASE_URI, "./")
            hasWriteAccess = os.access(os.path.dirname(filePath), os.W_OK)
            validExtension = os.path.splitext(
                filePath)[-1] in ModelManager.POSSIBLE_EXTENSIONS
            #Raise exceptions if above restrictions are not valid
            if (not hasWriteAccess):
                raise Exception(
                    "Parameter \"filePath\" must point to a valid file address!"
            if (not validExtension):
                raise Exception(
                    "Parameter \"filePath\" must have a valid extension!")

            #========= Continue if everything is alright ========
            #Set the variable to not fire change events currently
            self._currentlyLoading = True

            #Set the file path
            self._filePath = filePath
            #========= Now load the model =========
            storage = RDF.MemoryStorage()
            if storage is None:
                raise Exception(
                    "Failed to create storage for reading from the file!")
            model = RDF.Model(storage)
            if (model is None):
                raise Exception(
                    "Faile to create model for reading from the file!")
            #========= Now start parsing =========
            #Select parser by file type
            if (os.path.splitext(filePath)[-1] == ".nt"):
                parser = RDF.NTriplesParser()
                parser = RDF.Parser("raptor")
            #Read from file
            uri = RDF.Uri(string="file:" + filePath)
            for statement in parser.parse_as_stream(uri, uri):
            #Get all class types of each subject node by rdf:type and store them all in the classTypes dict
            typeQuery = RDF.Query(
                "SELECT ?s ?o WHERE { ?s <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> ?o }"
            classTypes = {}
            for result in typeQuery.execute(model):
                #Check the type of s
                if (result["s"].is_resource()):
                    subjectString = str(result["s"].uri)
                elif (result["s"].is_blank()):
                    subjectString = str(result["s"].blank_identifier)
                    raise Exception(
                        "Received a RDFNode that is a subject and neither of type normal nor blank!"
                #Now insert it into dict and append type
                if (not (subjectString in classTypes)):
                    classTypes[subjectString] = []
            #Now generate the instances depending on their rdf:type links stored in the classTypes dict
            ownClasses = {}
            for (key, value) in list(classTypes.items()):
                className = self._classMapper.getClassName(value)
                #Do a dynamic import of the missing class
                exec(str("from " + className + " import *"), globals())
                classConstructor = globals()[className]
                if (key.startswith("http://")):
                    newClass = classConstructor(self, uri=key)
                    newClass = classConstructor(self,
                #Set the PASSProcessModel-Reference
                if (className == "PASSProcessModel"):
                    if (self._model is not None):
                            "WARNING! Two Process Models were read from the file while only one can be instanciated!"
                    self._model = newClass
                ownClasses[key] = newClass
            #Go through all triples with the component id and perform them before the others to set the right ids on the PASSProcessModelElements
            tripleQuery = RDF.Query(
                "SELECT ?s ?o WHERE { ?s <http://www.imi.kit.edu/abstract-pass-ont#hasModelComponentID> ?o }"
            for result in tripleQuery.execute(model):
                    result, ownClasses,
            #Go through all triples and include them - Eventually generate additional class instances or literals if this object has not been created yet
            tripleQuery = RDF.Query("SELECT ?s ?a ?o WHERE { ?s ?a ?o }")
            for result in tripleQuery.execute(model):
                self._convertTriples(result, ownClasses)
            #Finished loading
            self._currentlyLoading = False
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def __init__(self, filePath = None):
		 Constructor - Reads the pass process model from the file. The filePath can
		 either be a local path or an absolute path in the internet, specifing the uri
		 where the model to load is defined. In the current Implementation the namespace
		 is cut off for certain namespaces and a local search is performed!
		 If no filePath is given a new model is created

		@param string filePath : (Absolute) path to the file to read the pass process model from
		@return  :
		self._resources = []
		self._classMapper = ClassMapper()
		self._attrMapper = AttributeMapper()
		self._filePath = None
		self._changeListeners = []
		self._currentlyLoading = False
		self._model = None
		#Now decide whether to load a model or create a new one
		if(filePath is None):
			#Import here because is only needed here (to prevent loops)
			from PASSProcessModel import *
			from BaseLayer import *
			self._model = PASSProcessModel(self)
			layer = BaseLayer(self)
			#========= Load a model =======
			#Check the type of the path and whether the path exists
			isString = isinstance(filePath, str)
			if(not isString):
				raise Exception("Parameter \"filePath\" must be of type str!")
			#If the basepath is used to define the uri delete it an replace it with a relative path
			filePath = filePath.replace(ModelManager.DEFAULT_BASE_URI, "./")
			hasWriteAccess = os.access(os.path.dirname(filePath), os.W_OK)
			validExtension = os.path.splitext(filePath)[-1] in ModelManager.POSSIBLE_EXTENSIONS
			#Raise exceptions if above restrictions are not valid
			if(not hasWriteAccess):
				raise Exception("Parameter \"filePath\" must point to a valid file address!")
			if(not validExtension):
				raise Exception("Parameter \"filePath\" must have a valid extension!")
			#========= Continue if everything is alright ========
			#Set the variable to not fire change events currently
			self._currentlyLoading = True
			#Set the file path
			self._filePath = filePath
			#========= Now load the model =========
			storage = RDF.MemoryStorage()
			if storage is None:
				raise Exception("Failed to create storage for reading from the file!")
			model = RDF.Model(storage)
			if(model is None):
				raise Exception("Faile to create model for reading from the file!")
			#========= Now start parsing =========
			#Select parser by file type
			if(os.path.splitext(filePath)[-1] == ".nt"):
				parser = RDF.NTriplesParser()
				parser = RDF.Parser("raptor")
			#Read from file
			uri = RDF.Uri(string="file:" + filePath)
			for statement in parser.parse_as_stream(uri, uri):
			#Get all class types of each subject node by rdf:type and store them all in the classTypes dict
			typeQuery = RDF.Query("SELECT ?s ?o WHERE { ?s <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> ?o }")
			classTypes = {}
			for result in typeQuery.execute(model):
				#Check the type of s
					subjectString = str(result["s"].uri)
					subjectString = str(result["s"].blank_identifier)
					raise Exception("Received a RDFNode that is a subject and neither of type normal nor blank!")
				#Now insert it into dict and append type
				if (not (subjectString in classTypes)):
					classTypes[subjectString] = []
			#Now generate the instances depending on their rdf:type links stored in the classTypes dict
			ownClasses = {}
			for (key, value) in list(classTypes.items()):
				className = self._classMapper.getClassName(value)
				#Do a dynamic import of the missing class
				exec(str("from " + className + " import *"), globals())
				classConstructor = globals()[className]
					newClass = classConstructor(self, uri = key)
					newClass = classConstructor(self, isBlank = True, blankNodeId = key)
				#Set the PASSProcessModel-Reference
				if(className == "PASSProcessModel"):
					if(self._model is not None):
						print("WARNING! Two Process Models were read from the file while only one can be instanciated!")
					self._model = newClass
				ownClasses[key] = newClass
			#Go through all triples with the component id and perform them before the others to set the right ids on the PASSProcessModelElements
			tripleQuery = RDF.Query("SELECT ?s ?o WHERE { ?s <http://www.imi.kit.edu/abstract-pass-ont#hasModelComponentID> ?o }")
			for result in tripleQuery.execute(model):
				self._convertTriples(result, ownClasses, "http://www.imi.kit.edu/abstract-pass-ont#hasModelComponentID")
			#Go through all triples and include them - Eventually generate additional class instances or literals if this object has not been created yet
			tripleQuery = RDF.Query("SELECT ?s ?a ?o WHERE { ?s ?a ?o }")
			for result in tripleQuery.execute(model):
				self._convertTriples(result, ownClasses)
			#Finished loading
			self._currentlyLoading = False
Ejemplo n.º 3
class ModelManager(object):
	 Class to manage the process model. Is responsible for holding the line to the
	 rdfs ontology and (de)serializing all the stuff.

	:version: 2012-12-04
	:author: Lukas Block

	 The base uri where models that are locally stored should be appended to.


	 The possible extensions like *.owl or *.xml for the file format


	 The default extension for saving and reading from file


	 Representing the file path the pass process model was loaded from or last saved
	 to. If model manager was initialized using the default constructor this
	 attribute is empty. (Is a property - only get allowed.)

	filePath  (public)

	_filePath  (private)

	 The name of this file (the filename without extension). Is a property - only get
	 is allowed.

	name  (public)

	 Reference to the pass process model this manager is responsible for. Property -
	 Only get is allowed

	model  (public)

	_model  (private)

	 Link to the attribute mapper. For further information see documentation of class
	 AttributeMapper. Is a property - Only get is allowed.

	attrMapper  (public)

	_attrMapper  (private)

	 Instance to the class mapper of this manager. See ClassMapper documentation for
	 further information. Is a property - onyl get is allowed.

	classMapper  (public)

	_classMapper  (private)

	 Containing all resources that are attachted to this controller and should be
	 serialized when storing.

	_resources  (private)

	 The array of listener functions to be called whenever a value of a
	 PASSProcessModelElement changes.

	_changeListeners  (private)


    POSSIBLE_EXTENSIONS = [".owl", ".nt"]
    DEFAULT_BASE_URI = "http://www.imi.kit.edu/passModelInstances/"

    def __init__(self, filePath=None):
		 Constructor - Reads the pass process model from the file. The filePath can
		 either be a local path or an absolute path in the internet, specifing the uri
		 where the model to load is defined. In the current Implementation the namespace
		 is cut off for certain namespaces and a local search is performed!
		 If no filePath is given a new model is created

		@param string filePath : (Absolute) path to the file to read the pass process model from
		@return  :
        self._resources = []
        self._classMapper = ClassMapper()
        self._attrMapper = AttributeMapper()
        self._filePath = None
        self._changeListeners = []
        self._currentlyLoading = False
        self._model = None
        #Now decide whether to load a model or create a new one
        if (filePath is None):
            #Import here because is only needed here (to prevent loops)
            from PASSProcessModel import *
            from BaseLayer import *
            self._model = PASSProcessModel(self)
            layer = BaseLayer(self)
            #========= Load a model =======

            #Check the type of the path and whether the path exists
            isString = isinstance(filePath, str)
            if (not isString):
                raise Exception("Parameter \"filePath\" must be of type str!")
            #If the basepath is used to define the uri delete it an replace it with a relative path
            filePath = filePath.replace(ModelManager.DEFAULT_BASE_URI, "./")
            hasWriteAccess = os.access(os.path.dirname(filePath), os.W_OK)
            validExtension = os.path.splitext(
                filePath)[-1] in ModelManager.POSSIBLE_EXTENSIONS
            #Raise exceptions if above restrictions are not valid
            if (not hasWriteAccess):
                raise Exception(
                    "Parameter \"filePath\" must point to a valid file address!"
            if (not validExtension):
                raise Exception(
                    "Parameter \"filePath\" must have a valid extension!")

            #========= Continue if everything is alright ========
            #Set the variable to not fire change events currently
            self._currentlyLoading = True

            #Set the file path
            self._filePath = filePath
            #========= Now load the model =========
            storage = RDF.MemoryStorage()
            if storage is None:
                raise Exception(
                    "Failed to create storage for reading from the file!")
            model = RDF.Model(storage)
            if (model is None):
                raise Exception(
                    "Faile to create model for reading from the file!")
            #========= Now start parsing =========
            #Select parser by file type
            if (os.path.splitext(filePath)[-1] == ".nt"):
                parser = RDF.NTriplesParser()
                parser = RDF.Parser("raptor")
            #Read from file
            uri = RDF.Uri(string="file:" + filePath)
            for statement in parser.parse_as_stream(uri, uri):
            #Get all class types of each subject node by rdf:type and store them all in the classTypes dict
            typeQuery = RDF.Query(
                "SELECT ?s ?o WHERE { ?s <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> ?o }"
            classTypes = {}
            for result in typeQuery.execute(model):
                #Check the type of s
                if (result["s"].is_resource()):
                    subjectString = str(result["s"].uri)
                elif (result["s"].is_blank()):
                    subjectString = str(result["s"].blank_identifier)
                    raise Exception(
                        "Received a RDFNode that is a subject and neither of type normal nor blank!"
                #Now insert it into dict and append type
                if (not (subjectString in classTypes)):
                    classTypes[subjectString] = []
            #Now generate the instances depending on their rdf:type links stored in the classTypes dict
            ownClasses = {}
            for (key, value) in list(classTypes.items()):
                className = self._classMapper.getClassName(value)
                #Do a dynamic import of the missing class
                exec(str("from " + className + " import *"), globals())
                classConstructor = globals()[className]
                if (key.startswith("http://")):
                    newClass = classConstructor(self, uri=key)
                    newClass = classConstructor(self,
                #Set the PASSProcessModel-Reference
                if (className == "PASSProcessModel"):
                    if (self._model is not None):
                            "WARNING! Two Process Models were read from the file while only one can be instanciated!"
                    self._model = newClass
                ownClasses[key] = newClass
            #Go through all triples with the component id and perform them before the others to set the right ids on the PASSProcessModelElements
            tripleQuery = RDF.Query(
                "SELECT ?s ?o WHERE { ?s <http://www.imi.kit.edu/abstract-pass-ont#hasModelComponentID> ?o }"
            for result in tripleQuery.execute(model):
                    result, ownClasses,
            #Go through all triples and include them - Eventually generate additional class instances or literals if this object has not been created yet
            tripleQuery = RDF.Query("SELECT ?s ?a ?o WHERE { ?s ?a ?o }")
            for result in tripleQuery.execute(model):
                self._convertTriples(result, ownClasses)
            #Finished loading
            self._currentlyLoading = False

    def _convertTriples(self, result, ownClasses, alternativeAttrUri=None):
		Internal method to make loading from file easier!
		@return  :
        #Rest subject string
        subjectString = None

        #Attribute is always a node with uris => Automatically get the attribute name
        if (("a" in result) and (result["a"] is not None)):
            attrName = self.attrMapper.getAttributeName(str(result["a"].uri))
            attrName = self.attrMapper.getAttributeName(alternativeAttrUri)

        #Now check of what type the subject is
        if (result["s"].is_resource()):
            subjectString = str(result["s"].uri)
        elif (result["s"].is_blank()):
            subjectString = str(result["s"].blank_identifier)
            raise Exception(
                "Received a RDFNode that is a subject and neither of type normal nor blank!"

        #Insert the subject if not already in class list
        if (not (subjectString in ownClasses)):
            #Do a dynamic import of the missing class
            exec(str("from " + ClassMapper.DEFAULT_CLASS + " import *"))
            classConstructor = globals()[ClassMapper.DEFAULT_CLASS]
            if (subjectString.startswith("http://")):
                ownClasses[subjectString] = classConstructor(self,
                ownClasses[subjectString] = classConstructor(
                    self, isBlank=True, blankNodeId=subjectString)
        #Get the subject class
        subjectClass = ownClasses[subjectString]

        #Now check of what type the object is
        objectIsLiteral = False
        if (result["o"].is_resource()):
            objectString = str(result["o"].uri)
        elif (result["o"].is_blank()):
            objectString = str(result["o"].blank_identifier)
            #It is a literal
            objectIsLiteral = True
            literalValues = result["o"].literal_value
            if (literalValues["datatype"] is not None):
                dt = str(literalValues["datatype"])
                dt = None
            objectClass = Resource.castLiteralToType(literalValues["string"],
        #Now go on depending the object type
        if (not objectIsLiteral):
            #Insert the object if not already in class list
            if (not (objectString in ownClasses)):
                #Do a dynamic import of the missing class
                exec(str("from " + ClassMapper.DEFAULT_CLASS + " import *"))
                classConstructor = globals()[ClassMapper.DEFAULT_CLASS]
                if (objectString.startswith("http://")):
                    ownClasses[objectString] = classConstructor(
                        self, uri=objectString)
                    ownClasses[objectString] = classConstructor(
                        self, isBlank=True, blankNodeId=objectString)
            #Get the object class
            objectClass = ownClasses[objectString]

        #Now take the classes and reference the object in the subjects attribute depending on the multiplicity
        multiplicity = subjectClass.getAttrMultiplicity(attrName)
        if (multiplicity == AttributeMultiplicity.UNKNOWN):
            if (not hasattr(subjectClass, attrName)):
                setattr(subjectClass, attrName,
                        ListenerList([], subjectClass, str(attrName)))
            getattr(subjectClass, attrName).append(objectClass)
        elif (multiplicity == AttributeMultiplicity.UNIQUE):
            setattr(subjectClass, attrName, objectClass)
            raise Exception(
                "Unknown attribute multiplicity set to attribute " + attrName)

    def model(self):
        return self._model

    def filePath(self):
        return self._filePath

    def attrMapper(self):
        return self._attrMapper

    def classMapper(self):
        return self._classMapper

    def name(self):
        if (self._filePath is not None):
            return os.path.basename(self._filePath)
            return "Unnamed Model"

    def resources(self):
        #Clean up list of dead references
        self._resources[:] = [
            x for x in self._resources
            if not ((type(x) is weakref.ref) and (x() is None))

        result = []
        for r in self._resources:
            if (type(r) is weakref.ref):
                #It is a weak reference
                o = r()
                if (o is not None):
                    #The object is still alive, append it

        return result

    def save(self):
		 Saves the pass process modell to a file using the given file path. If no file
		 path is given, an error is thrown.

		@return  :
        if (self._filePath is not None):
            #Create the needed datatypes (storage and model) for rdf
            storage = RDF.MemoryStorage()
            if (storage is None):
                raise Exception(
                    "Failed to create storage for saving the model!")
            #The model
            model = RDF.Model(storage)
            if (model is None):
                raise Exception("Failed to creat a new RDF model for saving!")

            #Now request all statements from the resources and add them to the model
            for resource in self.resources:
                for statement in resource.serialize():

            #Now serialize to file
            #Get right type of serializer depending on the ending
            fileExtension = os.path.splitext(self._filePath)[-1]
            name = None
            mimeType = None
            if (fileExtension == ".nt"):
                name = "ntriples"
                #By default use the default serialize
            #Now serialize
            serializer = RDF.Serializer(name=name, mime_type=mimeType)
            serializer.serialize_model_to_file(self.filePath, model)
            print(("INFO! Saving model to file \"" + self.filePath +
                   "\" was successfull!"))
            #No file path is currently set
            raise Exception(
                "Cannot save a file directly that has never been saved before. Use \"saveAs(self, filePath)\" instead "

    def saveAs(self, filePath):
		 Saves the current model to the given filepath and/or to the given type.

		@param string filePath : The (absolute) path to the file where this model should be stored. The extension must fit to one of the possible extensions. Serialization to the right format is done automatically.
		@return  :
        #Check the type of the path and whether the path exists
        hasWriteAccess = os.access(os.path.dirname(filePath), os.W_OK)
        isString = isinstance(filePath, str)
        validExtension = os.path.splitext(
            filePath)[-1] in ModelManager.POSSIBLE_EXTENSIONS
        #Raise exceptions if above restrictions are not valid
        if (not isString):
            raise Exception("Parameter \"filePath\" must be of type str!")
        elif (not hasWriteAccess):
            raise Exception(
                "Parameter \"filePath\" must point to a valid file address!")
        elif (not validExtension):
            raise Exception(
                "Parameter \"filePath\" must have a valid extension!")
            #Otherwise set the filepath and save
            self._filePath = filePath

    def registerResource(self, resource):
		 The model manager only takes care of all resources that are registered to it.
		 E.g. the model manager only saves the resources that are registered.

		@param Resource resource : The resource that should be registered so that the model manager can take care of it.
		@return  :
        if (isinstance(resource, Resource)):
            if (type(resource) is not Resource):
                #It is a subclass of resource that is managed by this model. Only keep it alive it is needed elsewhere
                r = weakref.ref(resource)
                #It is a normal Resource class that should be appended
            raise Exception(
                "Only instances of type \"Resource\" can be registered at the ModelManager!"

    def releaseResource(self, resource):
		 Invers function of registerResource.

		@param Resource resource : The resource that should be released from the model manager.
		@return  :
        if (isinstance(resource, Resource)):
            #Check whether resource is stored as a weak ref
            for value in self._resources:
                if ((type(value) is weakref.ref) and ((value() is resource))):
                    isWeakRef = True
                elif (value is resource):
                    isWeakRef = False

            #Now delete it depending on the type
            if (not isWeakRef):
                self._resources[:] = [
                    x for x in self._resources
                    if not ((type(x) is weakref.ref) and (x() is resource))
            raise Exception(
                "Only instances of type \"Resource\" can be registered at the ModelManager!"

    def getBaseUri(self):
		 Function to return the base uri this file represents. Takes the DEFAULT_BASE_URI
		 attribute and appends the filename to it. All other process model elements
		 should use the return value of this uri to create their uri by appending "#" +

		@return string :
        if (self._filePath is None):
            raise Exception(
                "Cannot return a base uri because this model is currently not saved to any file!"
            return (ModelManager.DEFAULT_BASE_URI + self.name)

    def addChangeListener(self, listenerFunction):
		 Adds a change listener to this model. Whenever a PASSProcessModelElement
		 changes, the given function is called.

		@param undef listenerFunction : A function with exactly one parameter representing the PASSProcessModelElement that has changed.
		@return  :
        listenerFunction(self.model, None)

    def removeChangeListener(self, listenerFunction):
		 Removes a already registered listener from this model.

		@param undef listenerFunction : The function to remove from listening.
		@return  :

    def fireChangeEvent(self, changedElement, attrName):
		 Fires a change event to all registered change listeners.

		@param PASSProcessModelElement changedElement : The element that has changed.
		@param string attrName : The name of the attribute that has changed.
		@return  :
        #Only fire if we are not loading anything currently
        if (not self._currentlyLoading):
            for func in self._changeListeners:
                func(changedElement, attrName)

    def getParent(self, childElement, classType=None, recursionDepth=1):
		 Returns the parent for a given Resource instance or None if none could be found.
		 The parent is thereby defined as the first class found that points to the childElement
		 instance. If classType is specified with a certain class type it can be searched for parents
		 that are of a specified type.

		@param PASSProcessModelElement changedElement : The element that has changed.
		@return  :
        #Iterate over all avaiable resources
        for resource in self.resources:
            if (resource is not None):
                #Check if it is in the child resource
                if (childElement in resource.childResources):
                    #Check if resource if of right type
                    if ((classType is None)
                            or isinstance(resource, classType)):
                        return resource
                    elif (recursionDepth > 0):
                        #Otherwise search for the parent of this resource to receive the variable
                        self.getParent(resource, classType, recursionDepth - 1)
        #We reached here we are not able to find anything
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 4
class ModelManager(object):

	 Class to manage the process model. Is responsible for holding the line to the
	 rdfs ontology and (de)serializing all the stuff.

	:version: 2012-12-04
	:author: Lukas Block


	 The base uri where models that are locally stored should be appended to.


	 The possible extensions like *.owl or *.xml for the file format


	 The default extension for saving and reading from file


	 Representing the file path the pass process model was loaded from or last saved
	 to. If model manager was initialized using the default constructor this
	 attribute is empty. (Is a property - only get allowed.)

	filePath  (public)

	_filePath  (private)

	 The name of this file (the filename without extension). Is a property - only get
	 is allowed.

	name  (public)

	 Reference to the pass process model this manager is responsible for. Property -
	 Only get is allowed

	model  (public)

	_model  (private)

	 Link to the attribute mapper. For further information see documentation of class
	 AttributeMapper. Is a property - Only get is allowed.

	attrMapper  (public)

	_attrMapper  (private)

	 Instance to the class mapper of this manager. See ClassMapper documentation for
	 further information. Is a property - onyl get is allowed.

	classMapper  (public)

	_classMapper  (private)

	 Containing all resources that are attachted to this controller and should be
	 serialized when storing.

	_resources  (private)

	 The array of listener functions to be called whenever a value of a
	 PASSProcessModelElement changes.

	_changeListeners  (private)

	POSSIBLE_EXTENSIONS = [".owl", ".nt"]
	DEFAULT_BASE_URI = "http://www.imi.kit.edu/passModelInstances/"

	def __init__(self, filePath = None):
		 Constructor - Reads the pass process model from the file. The filePath can
		 either be a local path or an absolute path in the internet, specifing the uri
		 where the model to load is defined. In the current Implementation the namespace
		 is cut off for certain namespaces and a local search is performed!
		 If no filePath is given a new model is created

		@param string filePath : (Absolute) path to the file to read the pass process model from
		@return  :
		self._resources = []
		self._classMapper = ClassMapper()
		self._attrMapper = AttributeMapper()
		self._filePath = None
		self._changeListeners = []
		self._currentlyLoading = False
		self._model = None
		#Now decide whether to load a model or create a new one
		if(filePath is None):
			#Import here because is only needed here (to prevent loops)
			from PASSProcessModel import *
			from BaseLayer import *
			self._model = PASSProcessModel(self)
			layer = BaseLayer(self)
			#========= Load a model =======
			#Check the type of the path and whether the path exists
			isString = isinstance(filePath, str)
			if(not isString):
				raise Exception("Parameter \"filePath\" must be of type str!")
			#If the basepath is used to define the uri delete it an replace it with a relative path
			filePath = filePath.replace(ModelManager.DEFAULT_BASE_URI, "./")
			hasWriteAccess = os.access(os.path.dirname(filePath), os.W_OK)
			validExtension = os.path.splitext(filePath)[-1] in ModelManager.POSSIBLE_EXTENSIONS
			#Raise exceptions if above restrictions are not valid
			if(not hasWriteAccess):
				raise Exception("Parameter \"filePath\" must point to a valid file address!")
			if(not validExtension):
				raise Exception("Parameter \"filePath\" must have a valid extension!")
			#========= Continue if everything is alright ========
			#Set the variable to not fire change events currently
			self._currentlyLoading = True
			#Set the file path
			self._filePath = filePath
			#========= Now load the model =========
			storage = RDF.MemoryStorage()
			if storage is None:
				raise Exception("Failed to create storage for reading from the file!")
			model = RDF.Model(storage)
			if(model is None):
				raise Exception("Faile to create model for reading from the file!")
			#========= Now start parsing =========
			#Select parser by file type
			if(os.path.splitext(filePath)[-1] == ".nt"):
				parser = RDF.NTriplesParser()
				parser = RDF.Parser("raptor")
			#Read from file
			uri = RDF.Uri(string="file:" + filePath)
			for statement in parser.parse_as_stream(uri, uri):
			#Get all class types of each subject node by rdf:type and store them all in the classTypes dict
			typeQuery = RDF.Query("SELECT ?s ?o WHERE { ?s <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> ?o }")
			classTypes = {}
			for result in typeQuery.execute(model):
				#Check the type of s
					subjectString = str(result["s"].uri)
					subjectString = str(result["s"].blank_identifier)
					raise Exception("Received a RDFNode that is a subject and neither of type normal nor blank!")
				#Now insert it into dict and append type
				if (not (subjectString in classTypes)):
					classTypes[subjectString] = []
			#Now generate the instances depending on their rdf:type links stored in the classTypes dict
			ownClasses = {}
			for (key, value) in list(classTypes.items()):
				className = self._classMapper.getClassName(value)
				#Do a dynamic import of the missing class
				exec(str("from " + className + " import *"), globals())
				classConstructor = globals()[className]
					newClass = classConstructor(self, uri = key)
					newClass = classConstructor(self, isBlank = True, blankNodeId = key)
				#Set the PASSProcessModel-Reference
				if(className == "PASSProcessModel"):
					if(self._model is not None):
						print("WARNING! Two Process Models were read from the file while only one can be instanciated!")
					self._model = newClass
				ownClasses[key] = newClass
			#Go through all triples with the component id and perform them before the others to set the right ids on the PASSProcessModelElements
			tripleQuery = RDF.Query("SELECT ?s ?o WHERE { ?s <http://www.imi.kit.edu/abstract-pass-ont#hasModelComponentID> ?o }")
			for result in tripleQuery.execute(model):
				self._convertTriples(result, ownClasses, "http://www.imi.kit.edu/abstract-pass-ont#hasModelComponentID")
			#Go through all triples and include them - Eventually generate additional class instances or literals if this object has not been created yet
			tripleQuery = RDF.Query("SELECT ?s ?a ?o WHERE { ?s ?a ?o }")
			for result in tripleQuery.execute(model):
				self._convertTriples(result, ownClasses)
			#Finished loading
			self._currentlyLoading = False

	def _convertTriples(self, result, ownClasses, alternativeAttrUri = None):
		Internal method to make loading from file easier!
		@return  :
		#Rest subject string
		subjectString = None
		#Attribute is always a node with uris => Automatically get the attribute name
		if(("a" in result) and (result["a"] is not None)):
			attrName = self.attrMapper.getAttributeName(str(result["a"].uri))
			attrName = self.attrMapper.getAttributeName(alternativeAttrUri)
		#Now check of what type the subject is
			subjectString = str(result["s"].uri)
			subjectString = str(result["s"].blank_identifier)
			raise Exception("Received a RDFNode that is a subject and neither of type normal nor blank!")
		#Insert the subject if not already in class list
		if (not (subjectString in ownClasses)):
			#Do a dynamic import of the missing class
			exec(str("from " + ClassMapper.DEFAULT_CLASS + " import *"))
			classConstructor = globals()[ClassMapper.DEFAULT_CLASS]
				ownClasses[subjectString] = classConstructor(self, uri = subjectString)
				ownClasses[subjectString] = classConstructor(self, isBlank = True, blankNodeId = subjectString)
		#Get the subject class
		subjectClass = ownClasses[subjectString]
		#Now check of what type the object is
		objectIsLiteral = False
			objectString = str(result["o"].uri)
			objectString = str(result["o"].blank_identifier)
			#It is a literal
			objectIsLiteral = True
			literalValues = result["o"].literal_value
			if(literalValues["datatype"] is not None):
				dt = str(literalValues["datatype"])
				dt = None
			objectClass = Resource.castLiteralToType(literalValues["string"], dt)
		#Now go on depending the object type
		if(not objectIsLiteral):
			#Insert the object if not already in class list
			if (not (objectString in ownClasses)):
				#Do a dynamic import of the missing class
				exec(str("from " + ClassMapper.DEFAULT_CLASS + " import *"))
				classConstructor = globals()[ClassMapper.DEFAULT_CLASS]
					ownClasses[objectString] = classConstructor(self, uri = objectString)
					ownClasses[objectString] = classConstructor(self, isBlank = True, blankNodeId = objectString)
			#Get the object class
			objectClass = ownClasses[objectString]
		#Now take the classes and reference the object in the subjects attribute depending on the multiplicity
		multiplicity = subjectClass.getAttrMultiplicity(attrName)
		if(multiplicity == AttributeMultiplicity.UNKNOWN):
			if (not hasattr(subjectClass, attrName)):
				setattr(subjectClass, attrName, ListenerList([], subjectClass, str(attrName)))
			getattr(subjectClass, attrName).append(objectClass)
		elif(multiplicity == AttributeMultiplicity.UNIQUE):
			setattr(subjectClass, attrName, objectClass)
			raise Exception("Unknown attribute multiplicity set to attribute " + attrName)

	def model(self):
		return self._model

	def filePath(self):
		return self._filePath

	def attrMapper(self):
		return self._attrMapper

	def classMapper(self):
		return self._classMapper

	def name(self):
		if(self._filePath is not None):
			return os.path.basename(self._filePath)
			return "Unnamed Model"
	def resources(self):
		#Clean up list of dead references
		self._resources[:] = [x for x in self._resources if not ((type(x) is weakref.ref) and (x() is None))]
		result = []
		for r in self._resources:
			if(type(r) is weakref.ref):
				#It is a weak reference
				o = r()
				if(o is not None):
					#The object is still alive, append it
		return result

	def save(self):
		 Saves the pass process modell to a file using the given file path. If no file
		 path is given, an error is thrown.

		@return  :
		if(self._filePath is not None):
			#Create the needed datatypes (storage and model) for rdf
			storage = RDF.MemoryStorage()
			if(storage is None):
				raise Exception("Failed to create storage for saving the model!")
			#The model
			model = RDF.Model(storage)
			if(model is None):
				raise Exception("Failed to creat a new RDF model for saving!")
			#Now request all statements from the resources and add them to the model
			for resource in self.resources:
				for statement in resource.serialize():
			#Now serialize to file
			#Get right type of serializer depending on the ending
			fileExtension = os.path.splitext(self._filePath)[-1]
			name = None
			mimeType = None
			if(fileExtension == ".nt"):
				name = "ntriples"
				#By default use the default serialize
			#Now serialize
			serializer = RDF.Serializer(name=name, mime_type=mimeType)
			serializer.serialize_model_to_file(self.filePath, model)
			print(("INFO! Saving model to file \"" + self.filePath + "\" was successfull!"))
			#No file path is currently set
			raise Exception("Cannot save a file directly that has never been saved before. Use \"saveAs(self, filePath)\" instead ")

	def saveAs(self, filePath):
		 Saves the current model to the given filepath and/or to the given type.

		@param string filePath : The (absolute) path to the file where this model should be stored. The extension must fit to one of the possible extensions. Serialization to the right format is done automatically.
		@return  :
		#Check the type of the path and whether the path exists
		hasWriteAccess = os.access(os.path.dirname(filePath), os.W_OK)
		isString = isinstance(filePath, str)
		validExtension = os.path.splitext(filePath)[-1] in ModelManager.POSSIBLE_EXTENSIONS
		#Raise exceptions if above restrictions are not valid
		if(not isString):
			raise Exception("Parameter \"filePath\" must be of type str!")
		elif(not hasWriteAccess):
			raise Exception("Parameter \"filePath\" must point to a valid file address!")
		elif(not validExtension):
			raise Exception("Parameter \"filePath\" must have a valid extension!")
			#Otherwise set the filepath and save
			self._filePath = filePath

	def registerResource(self, resource):
		 The model manager only takes care of all resources that are registered to it.
		 E.g. the model manager only saves the resources that are registered.

		@param Resource resource : The resource that should be registered so that the model manager can take care of it.
		@return  :
		if(isinstance(resource, Resource)):
			if(type(resource) is not Resource):
				#It is a subclass of resource that is managed by this model. Only keep it alive it is needed elsewhere
				r = weakref.ref(resource)
				#It is a normal Resource class that should be appended
			raise Exception("Only instances of type \"Resource\" can be registered at the ModelManager!")

	def releaseResource(self, resource):
		 Invers function of registerResource.

		@param Resource resource : The resource that should be released from the model manager.
		@return  :
		if(isinstance(resource, Resource)):
			#Check whether resource is stored as a weak ref
			for value in self._resources:
				if((type(value) is weakref.ref) and ((value() is resource))):
					isWeakRef = True
				elif(value is resource):
					isWeakRef = False
			#Now delete it depending on the type
			if(not isWeakRef):
				self._resources[:] = [x for x in self._resources if not ((type(x) is weakref.ref) and (x() is resource))]
			raise Exception("Only instances of type \"Resource\" can be registered at the ModelManager!")

	def getBaseUri(self):
		 Function to return the base uri this file represents. Takes the DEFAULT_BASE_URI
		 attribute and appends the filename to it. All other process model elements
		 should use the return value of this uri to create their uri by appending "#" +

		@return string :
		if(self._filePath is None):
			raise Exception("Cannot return a base uri because this model is currently not saved to any file!")
			return (ModelManager.DEFAULT_BASE_URI + self.name)

	def addChangeListener(self, listenerFunction):
		 Adds a change listener to this model. Whenever a PASSProcessModelElement
		 changes, the given function is called.

		@param undef listenerFunction : A function with exactly one parameter representing the PASSProcessModelElement that has changed.
		@return  :
		listenerFunction(self.model, None)

	def removeChangeListener(self, listenerFunction):
		 Removes a already registered listener from this model.

		@param undef listenerFunction : The function to remove from listening.
		@return  :

	def fireChangeEvent(self, changedElement, attrName):
		 Fires a change event to all registered change listeners.

		@param PASSProcessModelElement changedElement : The element that has changed.
		@param string attrName : The name of the attribute that has changed.
		@return  :
		#Only fire if we are not loading anything currently
		if(not self._currentlyLoading):
			for func in self._changeListeners:
				func(changedElement, attrName)
	def getParent(self, childElement, classType = None, recursionDepth = 1):
		 Returns the parent for a given Resource instance or None if none could be found.
		 The parent is thereby defined as the first class found that points to the childElement
		 instance. If classType is specified with a certain class type it can be searched for parents
		 that are of a specified type.

		@param PASSProcessModelElement changedElement : The element that has changed.
		@return  :
		#Iterate over all avaiable resources
		for resource in self.resources:
			if(resource is not None):
				#Check if it is in the child resource
				if (childElement in resource.childResources):
					#Check if resource if of right type
					if((classType is None) or isinstance(resource, classType)):
						return resource
					elif(recursionDepth > 0):
						#Otherwise search for the parent of this resource to receive the variable
						self.getParent(resource, classType, recursionDepth-1)
		#We reached here we are not able to find anything
		return None