Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, \
                 cl_ctx, \
                 eta0, hu0, hv0, Hi, \
                 nx, ny, \
                 dx, dy, dt, \
                 g, f, r, \
                 t=0.0, \
                 theta=1.3, rk_order=2, \
                 coriolis_beta=0.0, \
                 y_zero_reference_cell = 0, \
                 max_wind_direction_perturbation = 0, \
                 wind_stress=WindStress.NoWindStress(), \
                 boundary_conditions=Common.BoundaryConditions(), \
                 h0AsWaterElevation=False, \
                 reportGeostrophicEquilibrium=False, \
                 write_netcdf=False, \
                 ignore_ghostcells=False, \
                 offset_x=0, offset_y=0, \
                 block_width=16, block_height=16):
        Initialization routine
        eta0: Initial deviation from mean sea level incl ghost cells, (nx+2)*(ny+2) cells
        hu0: Initial momentum along x-axis incl ghost cells, (nx+1)*(ny+2) cells
        hv0: Initial momentum along y-axis incl ghost cells, (nx+2)*(ny+1) cells
        Hi: Depth from equilibrium defined on cell corners, (nx+5)*(ny+5) corners
        nx: Number of cells along x-axis
        ny: Number of cells along y-axis
        dx: Grid cell spacing along x-axis (20 000 m)
        dy: Grid cell spacing along y-axis (20 000 m)
        dt: Size of each timestep (90 s)
        g: Gravitational accelleration (9.81 m/s^2)
        f: Coriolis parameter (1.2e-4 s^1), effectively as f = f + beta*y
        r: Bottom friction coefficient (2.4e-3 m/s)
        t: Start simulation at time t
        theta: MINMOD theta used the reconstructions of the derivatives in the numerical scheme
        rk_order: Order of Runge Kutta method {1,2*,3}
        coriolis_beta: Coriolis linear factor -> f = f + beta*(y-y_0)
        y_zero_reference_cell: The cell representing y_0 in the above, defined as the lower face of the cell .
        max_wind_direction_perturbation: Large-scale model error emulation by per-time-step perturbation of wind direction by +/- max_wind_direction_perturbation (degrees)
        wind_stress: Wind stress parameters
        boundary_conditions: Boundary condition object
        h0AsWaterElevation: True if h0 is described by the surface elevation, and false if h0 is described by water depth
        reportGeostrophicEquilibrium: Calculate the Geostrophic Equilibrium variables for each superstep
        write_netcdf: Write the results after each superstep to a netCDF file

        ## After changing from (h, B) to (eta, H), several of the simulator settings used are wrong. This check will help detect that.
        if (np.sum(eta0 - Hi[:-1, :-1] > 0) > nx):
            assert (
            ), "It seems you are using water depth/elevation h and bottom topography B, while you should use water level eta and equillibrium depth H."

        assert (rk_order < 4 or rk_order > 0
                ), "Only 1st, 2nd and 3rd order Runge Kutta supported"

        if (rk_order == 3):
            assert (r == 0.0
                    ), "3rd order Runge Kutta supported only without friction"

        # Sort out internally represented ghost_cells in the presence of given
        # boundary conditions
        ghost_cells_x = 2
        ghost_cells_y = 2
        y_zero_reference_cell = 2 + y_zero_reference_cell

        # Boundary conditions
        self.boundary_conditions = boundary_conditions
        if (boundary_conditions.isSponge()):
            nx = nx + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[
                1] + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[3] - 2 * ghost_cells_x
            ny = ny + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[
                0] + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[2] - 2 * ghost_cells_y
            y_zero_reference_cell = boundary_conditions.spongeCells[
                2] + y_zero_reference_cell

        A = None
        self.max_wind_direction_perturbation = max_wind_direction_perturbation
        super(CDKLM16, self).__init__(cl_ctx, \
                                      nx, ny, \
                                      ghost_cells_x, \
                                      ghost_cells_y, \
                                      dx, dy, dt, \
                                      g, f, r, A, \
                                      t, \
                                      theta, rk_order, \
                                      coriolis_beta, \
                                      y_zero_reference_cell, \
                                      wind_stress, \
                                      write_netcdf, \
                                      ignore_ghostcells, \
                                      offset_x, offset_y, \
                                      block_width, block_height)

        #Get kernels
        self.kernel = Common.get_kernel(self.cl_ctx, "CDKLM16_kernel.opencl",
                                        block_width, block_height)

        #Create data by uploading to device
        self.cl_data = Common.SWEDataArakawaA(self.cl_ctx, nx, ny,
                                              ghost_cells_x, ghost_cells_y,
                                              eta0, hu0, hv0)

        ## Allocating memory for geostrophical equilibrium variables
        self.reportGeostrophicEquilibrium = np.int32(
        dummy_zero_array = np.zeros(
            (ny + 2 * ghost_cells_y, nx + 2 * ghost_cells_x),
        self.geoEq_uxpvy = Common.OpenCLArray2D(cl_ctx, nx, ny, ghost_cells_x,
        self.geoEq_Kx = Common.OpenCLArray2D(cl_ctx, nx, ny, ghost_cells_x,
                                             ghost_cells_y, dummy_zero_array)
        self.geoEq_Ly = Common.OpenCLArray2D(cl_ctx, nx, ny, ghost_cells_x,
                                             ghost_cells_y, dummy_zero_array)

        self.bathymetry = Common.Bathymetry(self.cl_ctx, self.cl_queue, nx, ny,
                                            ghost_cells_x, ghost_cells_y, Hi,
        self.h0AsWaterElevation = h0AsWaterElevation
        if self.h0AsWaterElevation:

        self.bc_kernel = Common.BoundaryConditionsArakawaA(self.cl_ctx, \
                                                           self.nx, \
                                                           self.ny, \
                                                           ghost_cells_x, \
                                                           ghost_cells_y, \
                                                           self.boundary_conditions, \

        if self.write_netcdf:
            self.sim_writer = SimWriter.SimNetCDFWriter(self, ignore_ghostcells=self.ignore_ghostcells, \
                                    offset_x=self.offset_x, offset_y=self.offset_y)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, \
                 cl_ctx, \
                 h0, hu0, hv0, \
                 Bi, \
                 nx, ny, \
                 dx, dy, dt, \
                 g, f, r, \
                 theta=1.3, use_rk2=True, \
                 wind_stress=WindStress.NoWindStress(), \
                 boundary_conditions=Common.BoundaryConditions(), \
                 h0AsWaterElevation=True, \
                 block_width=16, block_height=16):

        print("Using RECURSIVE CDKLM scheme!")
        self.cl_ctx = cl_ctx

        #Create an OpenCL command queue
        self.cl_queue = cl.CommandQueue(self.cl_ctx)

        #Get kernels
        self.kernel = Common.get_kernel(self.cl_ctx, "recursiveCDKLM16_kernel.opencl", defines={'block_width': block_width, 'block_height': block_height})

        # Boundary Conditions
        self.boundary_conditions = boundary_conditions
        self.boundaryType = np.int32(1)
        if (boundary_conditions.north == 2 and boundary_conditions.east == 2):
            self.boundaryType = np.int32(2)
        elif (boundary_conditions.north == 2):
            self.boundaryType = np.int32(3)
        elif (boundary_conditions.east == 2):
            self.boundaryType = np.int32(4)
        #Create data by uploading to device
        ghost_cells_x = 3
        ghost_cells_y = 3
        self.ghost_cells_x = 3
        self.ghost_cells_y = 3
        if (boundary_conditions.isSponge()):
            nx = nx + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[1] + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[3] - 2*self.ghost_cells_x
            ny = ny + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[0] + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[2] - 2*self.ghost_cells_y
            y_zero_reference = boundary_conditions.spongeCells[2]
        #Create data by uploading to device
        self.cl_data = Common.SWEDataArakawaA(self.cl_ctx, nx, ny, ghost_cells_x, ghost_cells_y, h0, hu0, hv0)

        self.bathymetry = Common.Bathymetry(self.cl_ctx, self.cl_queue, nx, ny, ghost_cells_x, ghost_cells_y, Bi, boundary_conditions)
        #Save input parameters
        #Notice that we need to specify them in the correct dataformat for the
        #OpenCL kernel
        self.nx = np.int32(nx)
        self.ny = np.int32(ny)
        self.dx = np.float32(dx)
        self.dy = np.float32(dy)
        self.dt = np.float32(dt)
        self.g = np.float32(g)
        self.f = np.float32(f)
        self.r = np.float32(r)
        self.theta = np.float32(theta)
        self.use_rk2 = use_rk2
        self.wind_stress = wind_stress
        self.h0AsWaterElevation = h0AsWaterElevation

        #Initialize time
        self.t = np.float32(0.0)
        #Compute kernel launch parameters
        self.local_size = (block_width, block_height) 
        self.global_size = ( \
                       int(np.ceil(self.nx / float(self.local_size[0])) * self.local_size[0]), \
                       int(np.ceil(self.ny / float(self.local_size[1])) * self.local_size[1]) \
        self.bc_kernel = Common.BoundaryConditionsArakawaA(self.cl_ctx, \
                                                           self.nx, \
                                                           self.ny, \
                                                           ghost_cells_x, \
                                                           ghost_cells_y, \
                                                           self.boundary_conditions, \

        if self.h0AsWaterElevation:
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, \
                 cl_ctx, \
                 eta0, Hi, hu0, hv0, \
                 nx, ny, \
                 dx, dy, dt, \
                 g, f=0.0, r=0.0, \
                 t=0.0, \
                 theta=1.3, use_rk2=True,
                 coriolis_beta=0.0, \
                 y_zero_reference_cell = 0, \
                 wind_stress=WindStress.NoWindStress(), \
                 boundary_conditions=Common.BoundaryConditions(), \
                 write_netcdf=False, \
                 ignore_ghostcells=False, \
                 offset_x=0, offset_y=0, \
                 block_width=16, block_height=16):
        Initialization routine
        eta0: Initial deviation from mean sea level incl ghost cells, (nx+2)*(ny+2) cells
        hu0: Initial momentum along x-axis incl ghost cells, (nx+1)*(ny+2) cells
        hv0: Initial momentum along y-axis incl ghost cells, (nx+2)*(ny+1) cells
        Hi: Depth from equilibrium defined on cell corners, (nx+5)*(ny+5) corners
        nx: Number of cells along x-axis
        ny: Number of cells along y-axis
        dx: Grid cell spacing along x-axis (20 000 m)
        dy: Grid cell spacing along y-axis (20 000 m)
        dt: Size of each timestep (90 s)
        g: Gravitational accelleration (9.81 m/s^2)
        f: Coriolis parameter (1.2e-4 s^1), effectively as f = f + beta*y
        r: Bottom friction coefficient (2.4e-3 m/s)
        t: Start simulation at time t
        theta: MINMOD theta used the reconstructions of the derivatives in the numerical scheme
        use_rk2: Boolean if to use 2nd order Runge-Kutta (false -> 1st order forward Euler)
        coriolis_beta: Coriolis linear factor -> f = f + beta*(y-y_0)
        y_zero_reference_cell: The cell representing y_0 in the above, defined as the lower face of the cell .
        wind_stress: Wind stress parameters
        boundary_conditions: Boundary condition object
        write_netcdf: Write the results after each superstep to a netCDF file
        ## After changing from (h, B) to (eta, H), several of the simulator settings used are wrong. This check will help detect that.
        if ( np.sum(eta0 - Hi[:-1, :-1] > 0) > nx):
            assert(False), "It seems you are using water depth/elevation h and bottom topography B, while you should use water level eta and equillibrium depth H."


        ghost_cells_x = 2
        ghost_cells_y = 2
        y_zero_reference_cell = 2.0 + y_zero_reference_cell
        # Boundary conditions
        self.boundary_conditions = boundary_conditions

        # Extend the computational domain if the boundary conditions
        # require it
        if (boundary_conditions.isSponge()):
            nx = nx + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[1] + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[3] - 2*ghost_cells_x
            ny = ny + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[0] + boundary_conditions.spongeCells[2] - 2*ghost_cells_y
            y_zero_reference_cell = boundary_conditions.spongeCells[2] + y_zero_reference_cell
        self.use_rk2 = use_rk2
        rk_order = np.int32(use_rk2 + 1)
        A = None
        super(KP07, self).__init__(cl_ctx, \
                                   nx, ny, \
                                   ghost_cells_x, \
                                   ghost_cells_y, \
                                   dx, dy, dt, \
                                   g, f, r, A, \
                                   t, \
                                   theta, rk_order, \
                                   coriolis_beta, \
                                   y_zero_reference_cell, \
                                   wind_stress, \
                                   write_netcdf, \
                                   ignore_ghostcells, \
                                   offset_x, offset_y, \
                                   block_width, block_height)
        #Get kernels
        self.kp07_kernel = Common.get_kernel(self.cl_ctx, "KP07_kernel.opencl", block_width, block_height)
        #Create data by uploading to device    
        self.cl_data = Common.SWEDataArakawaA(self.cl_ctx, nx, ny, ghost_cells_x, ghost_cells_y, eta0, hu0, hv0)
        self.bathymetry = Common.Bathymetry(self.cl_ctx, self.cl_queue, nx, ny, ghost_cells_x, ghost_cells_y, Hi, boundary_conditions)
        self.bc_kernel = Common.BoundaryConditionsArakawaA(self.cl_ctx, \
                                                           self.nx, \
                                                           self.ny, \
                                                           ghost_cells_x, \
                                                           ghost_cells_y, \
        if self.write_netcdf:
            self.sim_writer = SimWriter.SimNetCDFWriter(self, ignore_ghostcells=self.ignore_ghostcells, \
                                    offset_x=self.offset_x, offset_y=self.offset_y)