Ejemplo n.º 1
def _HourlyStat(cur):
  with Cons.MT("Hourly stat ..."):
    Cons.P("# Left set of columns are for RocksDB, right one is for Mutant")
    Cons.P("# J: all jobs")
    Cons.P("# JR: recovery jobs")
    Cons.P("# JF: flush jobs")
    Cons.P("# JC: compaction jobs")
    Cons.P("#   JCL: compaction jobs. leveled organization triggered")
    Cons.P("#     SCL: sstables created. leveled organization triggered")
    Cons.P("#       SPJCL: sstables created / job. leveled organization triggered")
    Cons.P("#     SSCL: sum of the sstable sizes created. leveled organization triggered. In GB.")
    Cons.P("#     SCLR: sstables created. leveled organization triggered. regular compactions")
    Cons.P("#     SCLCM: sstables created. leveled organization triggered. compaction-migrations")
    Cons.P("#   JCT: compaction jobs. temperature-triggered single-sstable migration")
    Cons.P("#     SSCT: sum of the sstable sizes created. temperature-triggered single-sstable migration. In GB.")

    fmt = "%1d" \
        " %2d %1d %1d %2d %2d" \
          " %3d %5.3f %4.0f %3d %3d %2d %4.0f" \
        " %6d %1d %1d %3d %3d" \
          " %3d %5.3f %4.0f %3d %3d %3d %4.0f"
    Cons.P(Util.BuildHeader(fmt, "hour" \
        " J JR JF JC JCL" \
        " J JR JF JC JCL" \

    for hour in range(10):
      j = {}
      j_r = {}
      j_f = {}
      j_c = {}
      j_c_l = {}
      s_c_l = {}
      spj_c_l = {}
      ss_c_l = {}
      s_c_l_r = {}
      s_c_l_cm = {}
      j_c_t = {}
      ss_c_t = {}
      for db_type in ["R", "M"]:
        db_type_str = "RocksDB" if db_type == "R" else "Mutant"
        cur.execute("SELECT count(distinct(job_id)) as cnt FROM sst_creation_info WHERE hour=%d and db_type='%s'" % (hour, db_type_str))
        j[db_type] = cur.fetchone()["cnt"]
        cur.execute("SELECT count(distinct(job_id)) as cnt FROM sst_creation_info WHERE hour=%d and db_type='%s' and creation_reason='R'" % (hour, db_type_str))
        j_r[db_type] = cur.fetchone()["cnt"]
        cur.execute("SELECT count(distinct(job_id)) as cnt FROM sst_creation_info WHERE hour=%d and db_type='%s' and creation_reason='F'" % (hour, db_type_str))
        j_f[db_type] = cur.fetchone()["cnt"]
        cur.execute("SELECT count(distinct(job_id)) as cnt FROM sst_creation_info WHERE hour=%d and db_type='%s' and creation_reason='C'" % (hour, db_type_str))
        j_c[db_type] = cur.fetchone()["cnt"]

        cur.execute("SELECT count(distinct(job_id)) as cnt FROM sst_creation_info" \
            " WHERE hour=%d and db_type='%s' and creation_reason='C' and temp_triggered_single_sst_migr=0"
            % (hour, db_type_str))
        j_c_l[db_type] = cur.fetchone()["cnt"]

        cur.execute("SELECT count(sst_id) as cnt FROM sst_creation_info" \
            " WHERE hour=%d and db_type='%s' and creation_reason='C' and temp_triggered_single_sst_migr=0"
            % (hour, db_type_str))
        s_c_l[db_type] = cur.fetchone()["cnt"]
        spj_c_l[db_type] = 0 if j_c_l[db_type] == 0 else (float(s_c_l[db_type]) / j_c_l[db_type])

        cur.execute("SELECT sum(sst_size) as v FROM sst_creation_info" \
            " WHERE hour=%d and db_type='%s' and creation_reason='C' and temp_triggered_single_sst_migr=0"
            % (hour, db_type_str))
        ss_c_l[db_type] = cur.fetchone()["v"]
        if ss_c_l[db_type] is None:
          ss_c_l[db_type] = 0
        ss_c_l[db_type] = float(ss_c_l[db_type]) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024

        cur.execute("SELECT count(sst_id) as cnt FROM sst_creation_info" \
            " WHERE hour=%d and db_type='%s' and creation_reason='C' and temp_triggered_single_sst_migr=0 and migr_dirc IN ('-', 'N')"
            % (hour, db_type_str))
        s_c_l_r[db_type] = cur.fetchone()["cnt"]

        cur.execute("SELECT count(sst_id) as cnt FROM sst_creation_info" \
            " WHERE hour=%d and db_type='%s' and creation_reason='C' and temp_triggered_single_sst_migr=0 and migr_dirc IN ('S', 'F')"
            % (hour, db_type_str))
        s_c_l_cm[db_type] = cur.fetchone()["cnt"]

        cur.execute("SELECT count(distinct(job_id)) as cnt FROM sst_creation_info" \
            " WHERE hour=%d and db_type='%s' and creation_reason='C' and temp_triggered_single_sst_migr=1"
            % (hour, db_type_str))
        j_c_t[db_type] = cur.fetchone()["cnt"]

        cur.execute("SELECT sum(sst_size) as v FROM sst_creation_info" \
            " WHERE hour=%d and db_type='%s' and creation_reason='C' and temp_triggered_single_sst_migr=1"
            % (hour, db_type_str))
        ss_c_t[db_type] = cur.fetchone()["v"]
        if ss_c_t[db_type] is None:
          ss_c_t[db_type] = 0
        ss_c_t[db_type] = float(ss_c_t[db_type]) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024

      Cons.P(fmt % (hour
        , j["R"], j_r["R"], j_f["R"], j_c["R"], j_c_l["R"]
          , s_c_l["R"], spj_c_l["R"], ss_c_l["R"], s_c_l_r["R"], s_c_l_cm["R"], j_c_t["R"], ss_c_t["R"]
        , j["M"], j_r["M"], j_f["M"], j_c["M"], j_c_l["M"]
          , s_c_l["M"], spj_c_l["M"], ss_c_l["M"], s_c_l_r["M"], s_c_l_cm["M"], j_c_t["M"], ss_c_t["M"]
Ejemplo n.º 2
  def __init__(self, p):
    self.fn_out = "%s/ycsb-by-time-%s" % (Conf.GetOutDir(), p.exp_dt)
    if os.path.isfile(self.fn_out):

    fn_in = "%s/%s/ycsb/%s-%s" % (p.dn_base, p.job_id, p.exp_dt, p.workload)

    with Cons.MT("Generating ycsb time-vs-metrics file for plot ..."):
      # Unzip when the file is not there
      if not os.path.exists(fn_in):
        fn_zipped = "%s.bz2" % fn_in
        if not os.path.exists(fn_zipped):
          raise RuntimeError("Unexpected: %s" % fn_in)
        Util.RunSubp("cd %s && bzip2 -dk %s > /dev/null" % (os.path.dirname(fn_zipped), os.path.basename(fn_zipped)))
      if not os.path.exists(fn_in):
        raise RuntimeError("Unexpected")

      mo_list = []
      line_params = None
      line_run = None
      with open(fn_in) as fo:
        for line in fo:
          # 2017-10-13 20:41:01:258 2 sec: 34 operations; 34 current ops/sec; est completion in 68 days 1 hours [READ: Count=28, Max=46943, Min=33,
          # Avg=32239.54, 90=45343, 99=46943, 99.9=46943, 99.99=46943] [INSERT: Count=8, Max=9343, Min=221, Avg=4660.88, 90=8695, 99=9343, 99.9=9343,
          # 99.99=9343]
          mo = re.match(r"\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\d (?P<rel_time>\d+) sec: \d+ operations; " \
              "(?P<db_iops>(\d|\.)+) current ops\/sec; .*" \
              "\[READ: Count=(?P<r_cnt>\d+), Max=(?P<r_max>\d+), Min=(?P<r_min>\d+), Avg=(?P<r_avg>(\d|\.)+)," \
              " 90=(?P<r_90>\d+), 99=(?P<r_99>\d+), 99.9=(?P<r_999>\d+), 99.99=(?P<r_9999>\d+)\] " \
              "\[INSERT: Count=(?P<w_cnt>\d+), Max=(?P<w_max>\d+), Min=(?P<w_min>\d+), Avg=(?P<w_avg>(\d|\.)+)," \
              " 90=(?P<w_90>\d+), 99=(?P<w_99>\d+), 99.9=(?P<w_999>\d+), 99.99=(?P<w_9999>\d+)\] " \
              , line)

          if mo is not None:
            total_seconds = int(mo.group("rel_time"))
            s = total_seconds % 60
            total_seconds -= s
            total_mins = total_seconds / 60
            m = total_mins % 60
            total_mins -= m
            h = total_mins / 60
            rel_time = "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, s)
            mo_list.append((rel_time, mo))

          if line.startswith("params = {"):
            line_params = line

          if line.startswith("run = {"):
            line_run = line
      if len(mo_list) == 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Unexpected. Check file [%s]" % fn_in)

      cnt = 0
      db_iops = []
      r_cnt = 0
      r_avg = 0.0
      r_min = 0
      r_max = 0
      r_90  = 0
      r_99  = 0
      r_999 = 0
      r_9999 = 0
      w_cnt = 0
      w_avg = 0.0
      w_min = 0
      w_max = 0
      w_90  = 0
      w_99  = 0
      w_999 = 0
      w_9999 = 0
      for e in mo_list:
        rel_time = e[0]
        mo = e[1]
        r_cnt   += int(mo.group("r_cnt"))
        r_avg   += float(mo.group("r_avg"))
        r_min   += int(mo.group("r_min"))
        r_max   += int(mo.group("r_max"))
        r_90    += int(mo.group("r_90"))
        r_99    += int(mo.group("r_99"))
        r_999   += int(mo.group("r_999"))
        r_9999  += int(mo.group("r_9999"))
        w_cnt   += int(mo.group("w_cnt"))
        w_avg   += float(mo.group("w_avg"))
        w_min   += int(mo.group("w_min"))
        w_max   += int(mo.group("w_max"))
        w_90    += int(mo.group("w_90"))
        w_99    += int(mo.group("w_99"))
        w_999   += int(mo.group("w_999"))
        w_9999  += int(mo.group("w_9999"))
        cnt += 1

      db_iops_stat = Stat.Gen(db_iops)

      with open(self.fn_out, "w") as fo_out:
        fo_out.write("# %s" % line_params)
        fo_out.write("# %s" % line_run)
        fo_out.write("#   db_iops.avg= %14f\n" % db_iops_stat.avg)
        fo_out.write("#   db_iops.min= %14f\n" % db_iops_stat.min)
        fo_out.write("#   db_iops.max= %14f\n" % db_iops_stat.max)
        fo_out.write("#   db_iops._25= %14f\n" % db_iops_stat._25)
        fo_out.write("#   db_iops._50= %14f\n" % db_iops_stat._50)
        fo_out.write("#   db_iops._75= %14f\n" % db_iops_stat._75)
        fo_out.write("#   r_cnt  = %14f\n" % (float(r_cnt ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   r_avg  = %14f\n" % (float(r_avg ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   r_min  = %14f\n" % (float(r_min ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   r_max  = %14f\n" % (float(r_max ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   r_90   = %14f\n" % (float(r_90  ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   r_99   = %14f\n" % (float(r_99  ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   r_999  = %14f\n" % (float(r_999 ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   r_9999 = %14f\n" % (float(r_9999) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   w_cnt  = %14f\n" % (float(w_cnt ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   w_avg  = %14f\n" % (float(w_avg ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   w_min  = %14f\n" % (float(w_min ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   w_max  = %14f\n" % (float(w_max ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   w_90   = %14f\n" % (float(w_90  ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   w_99   = %14f\n" % (float(w_99  ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   w_999  = %14f\n" % (float(w_999 ) / cnt))
        fo_out.write("#   w_9999 = %14f\n" % (float(w_9999) / cnt))

        fmt = "%8s" \
            " %9.2f" \
            " %6d %8.2f %3d %6d" \
            " %6d %6d %6d %6d" \
            " %6d %8.2f %3d %6d" \
            " %6d %6d %6d %6d"
        header = Util.BuildHeader(fmt, "rel_time" \
              " db_iops" \
              " read_cnt read_lat_avg read_lat_min read_lat_max" \
              " read_lat_90p read_lat_99p read_lat_99.9p read_lat_99.99p" \
              " write_cnt write_lat_avg write_lat_min write_lat_max" \
              " write_lat_90p write_lat_99p write_lat_99.9p write_lat_99.99p" \

        i = 0
        for e in mo_list:
          rel_time = e[0]
          mo = e[1]
          if i % 40 == 0:
            fo_out.write(header + "\n")
          fo_out.write((fmt + "\n") % (
            , float(mo.group("db_iops"))
            , int(mo.group("r_cnt")) , float(mo.group("r_avg")) , int(mo.group("r_min")) , int(mo.group("r_max"))
            , int(mo.group("r_90")) , int(mo.group("r_99")) , int(mo.group("r_999")) , int(mo.group("r_9999"))
            , int(mo.group("w_cnt")) , float(mo.group("w_avg")) , int(mo.group("w_min")) , int(mo.group("w_max"))
            , int(mo.group("w_90")) , int(mo.group("w_99")) , int(mo.group("w_999")) , int(mo.group("w_9999"))
          i += 1
      Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (self.fn_out, os.path.getsize(self.fn_out)))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, dn_log_job, exp_dt):
        self.fn_out = "%s/rocksdb-by-time-%s" % (Conf.GetOutDir(), exp_dt)
        if os.path.isfile(self.fn_out):

        # These classes rely on the global data structures, thus not thread-safe. Fine for now.

        with Cons.MT("Generating rocksdb time-vs-metrics file for plot ..."):
            fn_log_rocksdb = "%s/rocksdb/%s" % (dn_log_job, exp_dt)

            if not os.path.exists(fn_log_rocksdb):
                fn_zipped = "%s.bz2" % fn_log_rocksdb
                if not os.path.exists(fn_zipped):
                    raise RuntimeError("Unexpected: %s" % fn_log_rocksdb)
                    "cd %s && bzip2 -dk %s > /dev/null" %
                    (os.path.dirname(fn_zipped), os.path.basename(fn_zipped)))
            if not os.path.exists(fn_log_rocksdb):
                raise RuntimeError("Unexpected")

            with open(fn_log_rocksdb) as fo:
                for line in fo:

                    # 2018/01/05-08:10:30.085011 7f40083d8700   migrate_sstables: 0
                    if "   migrate_sstables: " in line:
                        mo = re.match(
                            r"(?P<ts>(\d|\/|-|:|\.)+) .*   migrate_sstables: (?P<v>\d).*",
                        if mo is None:
                            raise RuntimeError("Unexpected: [%s]" % line)
                        self.migrate_sstables = (mo.group("v") == "1")
                        SstEvents.migrate_sstables = self.migrate_sstables
                        HowCreated.migrate_sstables = self.migrate_sstables

                    # 2017/10/13-20:41:54.872056 7f604a7e4700 EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1507927314871238, "cf_name": "usertable", "job": 3, "event":
                    # "table_file_creation", "file_number": 706, "file_size": 258459599, "path_id": 0, "table_properties": {"data_size": 256772973, "index_size": 1685779,
                    # "filter_size": 0, "raw_key_size": 6767934, "raw_average_key_size": 30, "raw_value_size": 249858360, "raw_average_value_size": 1140,
                    # "num_data_blocks": 54794, "num_entries": 219174, "filter_policy_name": "", "reason": kFlush, "kDeletedKeys": "0", "kMergeOperands": "0"}}
                    elif "\"event\": \"table_file_creation\"" in line:

                    # 2018/01/01-05:33:49.183505 7f97d0ff1700 EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1514784829183496, "job": 6, "event": "table_file_deletion", "file_number": 21}
                    elif "\"event\": \"table_file_deletion\"" in line:

                    # 2018/01/23-00:13:13.593310 7fa321da9700 EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1516666393593302, "mutant_calc_out_sst_path_id": {"in_sst": "(sst_id=16
                    # temp=57.189 level=0 path_id=0 size=258425431 age=30)", "in_sst_temp": "57.188590", "sst_ott": 3176.66, "out_sst_path_id": 1,
                    # "temp_triggered_single_sst_compaction": 1}}
                    elif "\"mutant_calc_out_sst_path_id\"" in line:

                    # Figure out how an SSTable is created
                    # (a) start building CompInfo
                    # 2018/01/05-08:40:21.078219 7fd13ffff700 EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1515141621078214, "mutant_sst_compaction_migration": {"in_sst": "(sst_id=16
                    # temp=57.345 level=0 path_id=0 size=258423184 age=30) (sst_id=13 temp=3738.166 level=0 path_id=1 size=118885 age=440)", "out_sst_path_id": 1,
                    # "temp_triggered_single_sst_compaction": 1}}
                    # Some SSTables are created without this log, meaning not going through _CalcOutputPathId(). Use the other one.
                    #elif "mutant_sst_compaction_migration" in line:
                    #  if not self.migrate_sstables:
                    #    continue
                    #  CompInfo.Add(line)

                    # Build CompInfo
                    #   We manually parse this just because there are multiple keys with "files_L0" and json would probably not be able to parse it
                    #   2018/01/05-08:40:21.078303 7fd13ffff700 EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1515141621078294, "job": 5, "event": "compaction_started", "files_L0": [16,
                    #   13], "files_L0": [16, 13], "score": 0, "input_data_size": 517084138}
                    elif "compaction_started" in line:

                    # (c) Assign out_sst_info to CompInfo using job_id. It is done when parsing table_file_creation above.

Ejemplo n.º 4
def GetData():
	fn_hm = "%s/sst-heatmap-by-time-%s" % (Conf.dn_result, Conf.Get("simulation_time_begin"))
	fn_vl = "%s/sst-heatmap-by-time-vertical-lines-%s" % (Conf.dn_result, Conf.Get("simulation_time_begin"))
	if os.path.isfile(fn_hm) and os.path.isfile(fn_vl):
		return (fn_hm, fn_vl, _MaxHeatFromHeatmapByTimeData(fn_hm))

	# {sst_id, SstLife()}
	sst_lives = RocksdbLogReader.GetSstLives()

	with Cons.MT("Generating Sst heatmap by time ..."):
		# Gather temperature info at n different times
		num_times = Conf.heatmap_by_time_num_times

		# Set start and end times
		# Start time is when the first Sstable is created, not the simulation_time_begin, when no SSTable exists yet.
		#   Exp start time:          160927-143257.395
		#   First Sstable open time: 160927-143411.273
		min_sst_opened = None
		for sst_gen, sl in sorted(sst_lives.iteritems()):
			min_sst_opened = sl.TsCreated() if min_sst_opened is None else min(min_sst_opened, sl.TsCreated())
		st = min_sst_opened
		et = SimTime.SimulationTimeEnd()
		dur = (et - st).total_seconds()

		# { t0: {HeatBoxes} }
		time_heatboxes = {}
		max_temperature = None
		for i in range(0, num_times):
			t0 = st + datetime.timedelta(seconds=(float(dur) * i / num_times + time_offset_in_sec))
			t1 = st + datetime.timedelta(seconds=(float(dur) * (i+1) / num_times + time_offset_in_sec))

			# Sort boxes by their temperature. Heights are proportional to their sizes.
			boxes = []
			for sst_gen, sl in sorted(sst_lives.iteritems()):
				temp = sl.TempAtTime(t0)
				if max_temperature is None:
					max_temperature = temp
					max_temperature = max(max_temperature, temp)
				if temp is None:
				boxes.append(_Box(sl, t0, t1, temp))
			boxes.sort(key=lambda b: b.temp, reverse=True)
			time_heatboxes[t0] = boxes

			Cons.Pnnl("%4d/%4d" % (i + 1, num_times))
		print ""

		for t, boxes in sorted(time_heatboxes.iteritems()):
			for b in boxes:

		# Set y-coordinate of each box
		for t, boxes in sorted(time_heatboxes.iteritems()):
			total_size = 0
			for b in boxes:
				total_size += b.sl.Size()
			s = 0
			for b in boxes:
				b.y0 = float(s) / total_size
				s += b.sl.Size()
				b.y1 = float(s) / total_size

		# Convert to simulated time
		# { t0: {HeatBoxes} }
		time_heatboxes1 = {}
		for t, boxes in sorted(time_heatboxes.iteritems()):
			t1 = SimTime.ToSimulatedTime(t)
			for b in boxes:
				b.t0 = SimTime.ToSimulatedTime(b.t0)
				b.t1 = SimTime.ToSimulatedTime(b.t1)
			time_heatboxes1[t1] = boxes

		# Make leftmost time to 0.
		t_first = None
		#t_base = datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1)
		vertical_lines = []
		for t, boxes in sorted(time_heatboxes1.iteritems()):
			if t_first is None:
				t_first = t
			vl = None
			for b in boxes:
				#b.t0 = t_base + (b.t0 - t_first)
				#b.t1 = t_base + (b.t1 - t_first)
				b.t0 = (b.t0 - t_first).total_seconds()
				b.t1 = (b.t1 - t_first).total_seconds()
				vl = b.t1
		del vertical_lines[-1]

		fmt = "%4d %1d" \
				" %8d %8d" \
				" %6.4f %6.4f" \
				" %8.3f %11.6f %8d %6s"
		with open(fn_hm, "w") as fo:
			fo.write("# max_temperature=%f\n" % max_temperature)

			# y0 is smaller than y1 (y0 is placed higher in the plot than y1).
			fo.write("%s\n" % Util.BuildHeader(fmt, \
					"sst_gen level t0 t1 y0 y1" \
					" temp temp_relative temp_color heat_color_hex"))

			for t, boxes in sorted(time_heatboxes1.iteritems()):
				for b in boxes:
					fo.write((fmt + "\n") % ( \
							b.sl.Id(), b.sl.Level()
							#, b.t0.strftime("%y%m%d-%H%M%S.%f")[:-3], b.t1.strftime("%y%m%d-%H%M%S.%f")[:-3]
							, b.t0, b.t1
							, b.y0, b.y1
							, b.temp, (float(b.temp) / max_temperature)
							, b.temp_color, ("%0.6X" % b.temp_color)
		Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (fn_hm, os.path.getsize(fn_hm)))

		with open(fn_vl, "w") as fo:
			for vl in vertical_lines:
				#fo.write("%s\n" % vl.strftime("%y%m%d-%H%M%S.%f")[:-3])
				fo.write("%8d\n" % vl)
		Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (fn_vl, os.path.getsize(fn_vl)))
	return (fn_hm, fn_vl, max_temperature)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main():
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options]",
                                   version="%prog 0.1")
    parser.add_option("--encoded_params", help="Encoded parameters")

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    if len(args) != 0:
        parser.error("wrong number of arguments")

    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler)

    params = json.loads(
    # Cons.P(pprint.pformat(params))
    # {u'cache_filter_index_at_all_levels': u'false',
    #     u'db_path': u'/mnt/local-ssd1/rocksdb-data/quizup',
    #     u'db_stg_devs': [[u'/mnt/local-ssd0/rocksdb-data/ycsb/t0', 0.528],
    #       [u'/mnt/ebs-st1/rocksdb-data-t1', 0.045]],
    #     u'evict_cached_data': u'true',
    #     u'exp_desc': u'Mutant_QuizUp',
    #     u'memory_limit_in_mb': 5120.0,
    #     u'migrate_sstables': u'true',
    #     u'migration_resistance': 0.05,
    #     u'monitor_temp': u'true',
    #     u'record_size': 5000,
    #     u'simulation_time_dur_in_sec': 600,
    #     u'target_cost': 0.4,
    #     u'use_90p_loaded_db': u'false',
    #     u'workload_time_range': [0.0, 0.9]}

    with Cons.MT("Building ..."):
        Util.RunSubp("make -j16")

    if ("use_90p_loaded_db"
            in params) and (params["use_90p_loaded_db"].lower() == "true"):
        raise RuntimeError("Implement!")
        # cmd = "aws s3 sync --delete s3://rocksdb-data/%s %s" % (r["load"]["use_90p_loaded_db"][0], params["db_path"])
        # # aws s3 sync fails sometimes when pounded with requests and it seems that it doesn't tell you whether it succeeded or not.
        # #   Repeat many times. It fixed the issue.
        # #   A better approach would be running a checksum. Oh well.
        # for i in range(5):
        #   Util.RunSubp(cmd, measure_time=True, shell=True, gen_exception=False)
        # if 2 <= len(r["load"]["use_90p_loaded_db"]):
        #   cmd = "aws s3 sync --delete s3://rocksdb-data/%s %s" % (r["load"]["use_90p_loaded_db"][1], params["db_stg_devs"][1][0])
        #   for i in range(5):
        #     Util.RunSubp(cmd, measure_time=True, shell=True, gen_exception=False)
        # Util.RunSubp("sync", measure_time=True, shell=True, gen_exception=False)

        # # Re-create the directories when a preloaded DB is not specified.
        # paths = params["db_stg_devs"]
        # for i in range(len(r["load"]["use_90p_loaded_db"]), len(paths)):
        #   Util.RunSubp("rm -rf %s || true" % paths[i][0])
        #   Util.MkDirs(paths[i][0])

    # Load the database from the scratch
        # Delete existing data
        Util.RunSubp("sudo rm -rf %s || true" % params["db_path"])

        for p in params["db_stg_devs"]:
            Util.RunSubp("rm -rf %s || true" % p[0])

        # One experiment per machine instance. We don't do multiple experiments, since it's bad for the EBS rate limiting.

        if False:
            # The ycsb log directory contains 2 files when the load phase is included. 1, otherwise.
            cur_datetime = datetime.datetime.now().strftime(
            fn_ycsb_log = "%s/%s-%s" % (_dn_log_root_ycsb, cur_datetime,
            cmd = "cd %s && bin/ycsb load rocksdb %s -m %s > %s 2>&1" % (
                _dn_ycsb, ycsb_params, mutant_options, fn_ycsb_log)
            Cons.P("Created %s %d" %
                   (fn_ycsb_log, os.path.getsize(fn_ycsb_log)))
            # No need to upload these to S3
            #Util.RunSubp("pbzip2 -k %s" % fn_ycsb_log)
            #UploadToS3("%s.bz2" % fn_ycsb_log)

            # Archive rocksdb log
            fn1 = "%s/%s" % (_dn_log_rocksdb, cur_datetime)
            cmd = "cp %s/LOG %s" % (params["db_path"], fn1)
            #Util.RunSubp("pbzip2 -k %s" % fn1)
            #UploadToS3("%s.bz2" % fn1)

    if params["evict_cached_data"].lower() == "true":


    cmd = "stdbuf -i0 -o0 -e0 ./quizup --encoded_params=%s" % options.encoded_params

    if params["memory_limit_in_mb"] == 0:
        Util.RunSubp("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s/work/mutant/rocksdb %s" \
            % (os.path.expanduser("~"), cmd), shell=True, gen_exception=False)
        fn_cgconfig = "%s/cgconfig.conf" % os.path.dirname(__file__)
        Util.RunSubp("sed -i 's/" \
            "^    memory\.limit_in_bytes = .*" \
            "/    memory\.limit_in_bytes = %d;" \
            "/g' %s" % (int(float(params["memory_limit_in_mb"]) * 1024 * 1024), fn_cgconfig))
        Util.RunSubp("sudo cgconfigparser -l %s" % fn_cgconfig)
        Util.RunSubp("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s/work/mutant/rocksdb cgexec -g memory:small_mem %s" \
            % (os.path.expanduser("~"), cmd), shell=True, gen_exception=False)


    # Draw attention if there is any WARN or ERROR in the RocksDB log

    if ("upload_result_to_s3"
            in params) and (params["upload_result_to_s3"].lower() == "true"):
Ejemplo n.º 6
def DeleteQ(q):
    with Cons.MT("Deleting queue ..."):
        response = _bc.delete_queue(QueueUrl=q._url)
        Cons.P(pprint.pformat(response, indent=2))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def SetEc2Tags(v):
    global _ec2_tags
    _ec2_tags = json.loads(v)
    Cons.P("_ec2_tags: %s" % pprint.pformat(_ec2_tags))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _BuildSstLives(self):
        with Cons.MT("Building sst lives ..."):
            self.sst_lives = {}

            dn = "%s/work/mutant/misc/rocksdb/log/rocksdb" % os.path.expanduser(
            fn = "%s/%s" % (dn, self.simulation_time_begin)
            if not os.path.isfile(fn):
                fn_7z = "%s.7z" % fn
                if not os.path.isfile(fn_7z):
                    raise RuntimeError("Unexpected")
                Util.RunSubp("cd %s && 7z e %s" % (dn, fn_7z))
            if not os.path.isfile(fn):
                raise RuntimeError("Unexpected")

            # For setting SSTable levels
            #{ job_id: dest_level }
            self.jobid_destlevel = {}

            line_no = 0
            with open(fn) as fo:
                for line in fo:
                    line_no += 1

                    # 2016/12/21-01:27:40.840324 7f702dffb700 EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros":
                    # 1482301660840289, "cf_name": "default", "job": 4, "event":
                    # "table_file_creation", "file_number": 15, "file_size": 67569420,
                    # "path_id": 0, "table_properties": {"data_size": 67110556, "index_size": 458020,
                    # "filter_size": 0, "raw_key_size": 1752468, "raw_average_key_size": 25,
                    # "raw_value_size": 65132550, "raw_average_value_size": 966,
                    # "num_data_blocks": 16857, "num_entries": 67425, "filter_policy_name":
                    # "", "reason": kCompaction, "kDeletedKeys": "0", "kMergeOperands": "0"}}
                    mo = re.match(r"(?P<ts>\d\d\d\d/\d\d/\d\d-\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d\d\d\d\d)" \
                      ".+ EVENT_LOG_v1 {\"time_micros\": (?P<time_micros>\d+)" \
                      ", \"cf_name\": \"default\"" \
                      ", \"job\": (?P<job>\d+)" \
                      ", \"event\": \"table_file_creation\"" \
                      ", \"file_number\": (?P<file_number>\d+)" \
                      ", \"file_size\": (?P<file_size>\d+)" \
                      ", \"path_id\": (?P<path_id>\d+)" \
                      ".+" \
                      ", \"reason\": (?P<reason>\w+)" \
                      , line)
                    if mo is not None:

                    # 2016/12/21-02:15:58.341853 7f702dffb700 EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros":
                    # 1482304558341847, "job": 227, "event": "table_file_deletion",
                    # "file_number": 1058}
                    mo = re.match(r"(?P<ts>\d\d\d\d/\d\d/\d\d-\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d\d\d\d\d)" \
                      ".+ EVENT_LOG_v1 {\"time_micros\": (?P<time_micros>\d+)" \
                      ", \"job\": \d+" \
                      ", \"event\": \"table_file_deletion\"" \
                      ", \"file_number\": (?P<file_number>\d+)" \
                      "}" \
                      , line)
                    if mo is not None:

                    # 2017/01/20-23:03:00.960592 7fc8037fe700 EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros":
                    # 1484971380960590, "mutant_trivial_move": {"in_sst": "sst_id=145
                    # level=1 path_id=0 temp=20.721", "out_sst_path_id": 0}}
                    mo = re.match(r"(?P<ts>\d\d\d\d/\d\d/\d\d-\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d\d\d\d\d)" \
                      ".+ EVENT_LOG_v1 {\"time_micros\": (?P<time_micros>\d+)" \
                      ", \"mutant_trivial_move\": {" \
                      "\"in_sst\": \"" \
                      "sst_id=(?P<in_sst_id>\d+)" \
                      " level=(?P<in_level>\d+)" \
                      " path_id=(?P<in_path_id>\d+)" \
                      " temp=(?P<in_temp>(\d|\.)+)" \
                      "\", \"out_sst_path_id\": (?P<out_path_id>\d+)}}" \
                      , line)
                    if mo is not None:

                    # These two are to get SSTable levels. From compactions or trivial
                    # moves.
                    # 2017/02/10-01:05:17.199656 7fa0f17fa700 [default] [JOB 225]
                    # Compacting 1@1 + 3@2 files to L2, score 1.01
                    mo = re.match(r"(?P<ts>\d\d\d\d/\d\d/\d\d-\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d\d\d\d\d)" \
                      ".+ \[(\w|\d)+\] \[JOB (?P<job_id>\d+)\]" \
                      " Compacting \d+@\d+( \+ \d+@\d+)* files" \
                      " to L(?P<dest_level>\d), score (\d|\.)+" \
                      , line)
                    if mo is not None:

                    # 2017/02/09-20:07:08.521173 7fa0f37fe700 (Original Log Time
                    # 2017/02/09-20:07:08.519960) [default] Moving #56 to level-2
                    # 67579565 bytes
                    mo = re.match(r"(?P<ts>\d\d\d\d/\d\d/\d\d-\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d\d\d\d\d)" \
                      ".+ \[(\w|\d)+\] Moving #(?P<sst_id>\d+) to level-(?P<level>\d) \d+ bytes" \
                      , line)
                    if mo is not None:

                Cons.P("Processed %d lines" % line_no)

            deleted = 0
            not_deleted = 0
            for sst_id, sl in self.sst_lives.iteritems():
                if sl.TsDeleted() is None:
                    not_deleted += 1
                    deleted += 1
            Cons.P("Created %d SstLives. %d not-deleted, %d deleted" %
                   (len(self.sst_lives), not_deleted, deleted))
def YcsbLoad(params, r):
    with Cons.MT("Loading the YCSB workload ..."):
        global _dn_log_root
        _dn_log_root = "%s/ycsb/%s" % (Conf.GetDir("log_archive_dn"),

        global _dn_log_root_ycsb
        _dn_log_root_ycsb = "%s/ycsb" % _dn_log_root

        global _dn_log_rocksdb
        _dn_log_rocksdb = "%s/rocksdb" % _dn_log_root

        if ("use_preloaded_db" in r["load"]) and (r["load"]["use_preloaded_db"]
                                                  is not None):
            cmd = "aws s3 sync --delete s3://rocksdb-data/%s %s" % (
                r["load"]["use_preloaded_db"][0], params["db_path"])
            # aws s3 sync fails sometimes when pounded with requests and it seems that it doesn't tell you whether it succeeded or not.
            #   Repeat many times. It fixed the issue.
            #   A better approach would be running a checksum. Oh well.
            for i in range(5):
            if 2 <= len(r["load"]["use_preloaded_db"]):
                cmd = "aws s3 sync --delete s3://rocksdb-data/%s %s" % (
                for i in range(5):

            # Re-create the directories when a preloaded DB is not specified.
            paths = params["db_stg_devs"]
            for i in range(len(r["load"]["use_preloaded_db"]), len(paths)):
                Util.RunSubp("rm -rf %s || true" % paths[i][0])
            # Delete existing data
            Util.RunSubp("sudo rm -rf %s || true" % params["db_path"])

            for p in params["db_stg_devs"]:
                Util.RunSubp("rm -rf %s || true" % p[0])

            ycsb_params = \
                " -s" \
                " -P workloads/workload%s" \
                " -p rocksdb.dir=%s" \
                " -threads 100" \
                " -p status.interval=1" \
                " -p fieldcount=10" \
                " -p fieldlength=100" \
                " %s" \
                % (params["workload_type"], params["db_path"], r["load"]["ycsb_params"])

            # -P file        Specify workload file
            # -cp path       Additional Java classpath entries
            # -jvm-args args Additional arguments to the JVM
            # -p key=value   Override workload property
            # -s             Print status to stderr
            # -target n      Target ops/sec (default: unthrottled)
            # -threads n     Number of client threads (default: 1)

            mutant_options = base64.b64encode(

            # The ycsb log directory contains 2 files when the load phase is included. 1, otherwise.
            cur_datetime = datetime.datetime.now().strftime(
            fn_ycsb_log = "%s/%s-%s" % (_dn_log_root_ycsb, cur_datetime,
            cmd = "cd %s && bin/ycsb load rocksdb %s -m %s > %s 2>&1" % (
                _dn_ycsb, ycsb_params, mutant_options, fn_ycsb_log)
            Cons.P("Created %s %d" %
                   (fn_ycsb_log, os.path.getsize(fn_ycsb_log)))
            # No need to upload these to S3
            #Util.RunSubp("pbzip2 -k %s" % fn_ycsb_log)
            #UploadToS3("%s.bz2" % fn_ycsb_log)

            # Archive rocksdb log
            fn1 = "%s/%s" % (_dn_log_rocksdb, cur_datetime)
            cmd = "cp %s/LOG %s" % (params["db_path"], fn1)
            #Util.RunSubp("pbzip2 -k %s" % fn1)
            #UploadToS3("%s.bz2" % fn1)

        # Stop after loading the DB. Useful for taking a snapshot.
        if ("stop_after_load" in r["load"]) and (r["load"]["stop_after_load"]
                                                 == "true"):
Ejemplo n.º 10
def _Log(msg):
    Cons.P("%s: %s" % (time.strftime("%y%m%d-%H%M%S"), msg))
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def _CalcNumSSTablesSizeAtEachLevelOverTime(self):
        if self.sst_lives is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Unexpected")

        # Sort them by ts_cd and, to break ties, by sst_id
        # {ts_created_or_deleted: sst_id}
        class TscdSstid:
            def __init__(self, sim_time, ts, event, sst_id):
                self.ts = ts
                if ts is not None:
                    self.ts = sim_time.ToSimulatedTime(self.ts)

                # "C"reated or "D"eleted
                self.event = event
                self.sst_id = sst_id

                if self.ts is not None:
                    if sim_time.SimulatedTimeEnd() < self.ts:
                        # This happens. Tolerate ts no bigger than sim_time.SimulatedTimeEnd()
                        # by 5 minutes, which is small compared with the 14 day time
                        # interval.
                        if (self.ts - sim_time.SimulatedTimeEnd()
                            ).total_seconds() > 300:
                            raise RuntimeError(
                                "Unexpected: sim_time.SimulatedTimeEnd()=%s self.ts=%s"
                                % (sim_time.SimulatedTimeEnd(), self.ts))

                if self.event == "D" and self.ts is None:
                    self.ts = sim_time.SimulatedTimeEnd()

                if self.ts is None:
                    raise RuntimeError("Unexpected")

            def __str__(self):
                return "(%s %s %d)" % (self.ts, self.event, self.sst_id)

            def __repr__(self):
                return self.__str__()

            def Cmp(a, b):
                if a.ts < b.ts:
                    return -1
                elif a.ts > b.ts:
                    return 1
                    # Breaking tie. The order is not important.
                    return (a.sst_id - b.sst_id)

        tscd_sstid = []
        for sst_id, sl in self.sst_lives.iteritems():
                TscdSstid(self.sim_time, sl.TsCreated(), "C", sst_id))
                TscdSstid(self.sim_time, sl.TsDeleted(), "D", sst_id))

        tscd_sstid = sorted(tscd_sstid, cmp=TscdSstid.Cmp)

        # Calculate the number of SSTables and size at each level
        cur_num_ssts_by_level = [0, 0, 0]
        cur_size_by_level = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        # Size*time in byte*sec up to now
        cumulative_numssts_time_by_level = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        cumulative_size_time_by_level = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

        cur_num_ssts_by_pathid = [0, 0, 0, 0]
        cur_size_by_pathid = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        cumulative_numssts_time_by_pathid = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        cumulative_size_time_by_pathid = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

        # Init to simulated_time_begin
        ts_prev = self.sim_time.SimulatedTimeBegin()

        dn = "%s/.output" % os.path.dirname(__file__)
        fn = "%s/num-sstables-size-at-each-level-over-time-%s" % (
            dn, self.simulation_time_begin)
        with open(fn, "w") as fo:
            # 160727-122652.458
            # 12345678901234567
            fmt = "%17s %17s %5d" \
              " %2d %2d %2d" \
              " %2d %2d %2d" \
              " %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f" \
              " %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f"
            header = Util.BuildHeader(fmt \
              , "ts0 ts1 ts_dur" \
              " prev_num_ssts_L0 prev_num_ssts_L1 prev_num_ssts_L2" \
              " cur_num_ssts_L0 cur_num_ssts_L1 cur_num_ssts_L2" \
              " prev_size_L0_in_MB prev_size_L1_in_MB prev_size_L2_in_MB" \
              " cur_size_L0_in_MB cur_size_L1_in_MB cur_size_L2_in_MB" \

            i = 0
            for e in tscd_sstid:
                if i % 30 == 0:
                    fo.write("%s\n" % header)
                i += 1

                if self.simulated_time_95 is None:
                    if e.ts < self.sim_time.SimulatedTimeBegin():
                        Cons.P("e.ts %s < self.sim_time.SimulatedTimeBegin() %s. Adjusting to the latter. This happens." \
                          % (e.ts, self.sim_time.SimulatedTimeBegin()))
                        e.ts = self.sim_time.SimulatedTimeBegin()
                    if e.ts < self.simulated_time_95:
                        e.ts = self.simulated_time_95

                prev_num_ssts_by_level = cur_num_ssts_by_level[:]
                prev_size_by_level = cur_size_by_level[:]
                prev_num_ssts_by_pathid = cur_num_ssts_by_pathid[:]
                prev_size_by_pathid = cur_size_by_pathid[:]

                for j in range(3):
                    cumulative_numssts_time_by_level[j] += (
                        cur_num_ssts_by_level[j] *
                        (e.ts - ts_prev).total_seconds())
                    cumulative_size_time_by_level[j] += (
                        cur_size_by_level[j] *
                        (e.ts - ts_prev).total_seconds())
                for j in range(4):
                    cumulative_numssts_time_by_pathid[j] += (
                        cur_num_ssts_by_pathid[j] *
                        (e.ts - ts_prev).total_seconds())
                    cumulative_size_time_by_pathid[j] += (
                        cur_size_by_pathid[j] *
                        (e.ts - ts_prev).total_seconds())

                level = self.sst_lives[e.sst_id].Level()
                if level is None:
                    # Ignore those in the beginning
                    if self.simulated_time_95 is None:
                        if (e.ts - self.sim_time.SimulatedTimeBegin()
                            ).total_seconds() < 1.0:
                            ts_prev = e.ts
                        if e.ts <= self.simulated_time_95:
                            ts_prev = e.ts
                    raise RuntimeError("Unexpected: sst_id=%d level is not defined yet. ts_prev=%s ts=%s ts_dur=%d" \
                      % (e.sst_id, ts_prev, e.ts, (e.ts - ts_prev).total_seconds()))
                pathid = self.sst_lives[e.sst_id].PathId()
                size = self.sst_lives[e.sst_id].Size()

                if e.event == "C":
                    cur_num_ssts_by_level[level] += 1
                    cur_size_by_level[level] += size
                    cur_num_ssts_by_pathid[pathid] += 1
                    cur_size_by_pathid[pathid] += size
                elif e.event == "D":
                    cur_num_ssts_by_level[level] -= 1
                    cur_size_by_level[level] -= size
                    cur_num_ssts_by_pathid[pathid] -= 1
                    cur_size_by_pathid[pathid] -= size
                    raise RuntimeError("Unexpected")

                # We'll see if you need by_pathid stat here
                fo.write((fmt + "\n") %
                          (e.ts - ts_prev).total_seconds(),
                          prev_num_ssts_by_level[0], prev_num_ssts_by_level[1],
                          prev_num_ssts_by_level[2], cur_num_ssts_by_level[0],
                          cur_num_ssts_by_level[1], cur_num_ssts_by_level[2],
                          (prev_size_by_level[0] / (1024.0 * 1024)),
                          (prev_size_by_level[1] / (1024.0 * 1024)),
                          (prev_size_by_level[2] / (1024.0 * 1024)),
                          (cur_size_by_level[0] / (1024.0 * 1024)),
                          (cur_size_by_level[1] / (1024.0 * 1024)),
                          (cur_size_by_level[2] / (1024.0 * 1024))))

                ts_prev = e.ts
            # Don't bother with printing the last row. Quite a lot of the last rows
            # have the same timestamps.

            self.avg_numssts_by_level = {}
            for j in range(3):
                    j] = cumulative_numssts_time_by_level[
                        j] / self.sim_time.SimulatedTimeDur().total_seconds()
            self.avg_sizetime_by_level = {}
            for j in range(3):
                self.avg_sizetime_by_level[j] = cumulative_size_time_by_level[
                    j] / (1024.0 * 1024 * 1024) / (3600.0 * 24 * 365.25 / 12)

            self.avg_numssts_by_pathid = {}
            for j in range(4):
                    j] = cumulative_numssts_time_by_pathid[
                        j] / self.sim_time.SimulatedTimeDur().total_seconds()
            self.avg_sizetime_by_pathid = {}
            for j in range(4):
                    j] = cumulative_size_time_by_pathid[j] / (
                        1024.0 * 1024 * 1024) / (3600.0 * 24 * 365.25 / 12)

            stat_str = []
            stat_str.append("Average number of SSTables:")
            for j in range(3):
                stat_str.append("  L%d: %9.6f" %
                                (j, self.avg_numssts_by_level[j]))
            stat_str.append("SSTable size-time (GB*Month):")
            for j in range(3):
                stat_str.append("  L%d: %f" %
                                (j, self.avg_sizetime_by_level[j]))

            for s in stat_str:
                fo.write("# %s\n" % s)
        Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (fn, os.path.getsize(fn)))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def PlotSstAccfreqAtSpecificTime(at_simulated_time):
    in_fn = RocksDbLogReader.GetSstAccFreqAtSpecificTime(at_simulated_time)
    out_fn = "%s.pdf" % in_fn
    out_fn2 = "%s-2.pdf" % in_fn

    with Cons.MT("Plotting SSTable access frequencies at specific time ..."):
        env = os.environ.copy()
        env["IN_FN"] = in_fn
        env["OUT_FN"] = out_fn
        env["OUT_FN2"] = out_fn2
        Util.RunSubp("gnuplot %s/sst-accfreq-at-specific-time.gnuplot" %
        Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (out_fn, os.path.getsize(out_fn)))
        Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (out_fn2, os.path.getsize(out_fn2)))

        # TODO: plot by rank, sst, age, level and (sst or age) and explain why none of them works perfectly.
        # this motivates the needs for direct sstable access monitoring
        # - also, good for guaranteeing latency SLOs, since we are directly working on the access frequencies, rather than indiret metrics.


    with Cons.MT("Plotting SSTable access frequencies at specific time ..."):

        # Plot for all levels. Stop when there is no sstable at a level.
        level = 0
        while True:
            env["LEVEL"] = str(level)
            sst_lives = RocksDbLogReader.GetSstAccFreqByAgeDataFiles(level)
            if len(sst_lives) == 0:
            env["SST_IDS"] = " ".join(str(sl.Id()) for sl in sst_lives)
            env["SST_SIZES"] = " ".join(str(sl.Size()) for sl in sst_lives)

            age_deleted = []
            for sl in sst_lives:
                        (sl.TsDeleted() - sl.TsCreated()).total_seconds()))
            env["AGE_DELETED"] = " ".join(str(i) for i in age_deleted)

            # Age deleted max. Round up with an hour granularity.
            age_deleted_max = max(age_deleted)
            age_deleted_max = math.ceil(age_deleted_max / 3600.0) * 3600
            env["AGE_DELETED_MAX"] = str(age_deleted_max)

            accfreq_max_all_sst_in_level = 0.0
            temp_max_all_sst_in_level = 0.0
            accfreq_max_list = []
            temp_max_list = []
            for sl in sst_lives:
                accfreq_max = 0.0
                temp_max = 0.0
                for accfreq in sl.AgeAccfreq():
                    accfreq_max_all_sst_in_level = max(
                        accfreq_max_all_sst_in_level, accfreq[4])
                    temp_max_all_sst_in_level = max(temp_max_all_sst_in_level,
                    accfreq_max = max(accfreq_max, accfreq[4])
                    temp_max = max(temp_max, accfreq[5])

            Cons.P("Level          : %d" % level)
            Cons.P("Max acc freq   : %f" % max(accfreq_max_list))
            Cons.P("Max temperature: %f" % max(temp_max_list))

            env["ACCFREQ_MAX_ALL_SST_IN LEVEL"] = str(
            env["TEMP_MAX_ALL_SST_IN_LEVEL"] = str(temp_max_all_sst_in_level)
            env["ACCFREQ_MAX"] = " ".join(str(e) for e in accfreq_max_list)
            env["TEMP_MAX"] = " ".join(str(e) for e in temp_max_list)

            out_fn = "%s/L%d.pdf" % (dn_out, level)
            env["OUT_FN"] = out_fn

            with Cons.MT("Plotting level %d ..." % level):
                    "gnuplot %s/sst-accfreq-by-age-multiplot-by-level.gnuplot"
                    % os.path.dirname(__file__),
                Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (out_fn, os.path.getsize(out_fn)))

            level += 1
Ejemplo n.º 13
def PlotSstAccfreqByAgeIndividualMultiplot():
    with Cons.MT(
            "Plotting individual SSTable access frequencies by their ages ..."
        dn_out = "%s/%s/sst-age-accfreq-plot" % (
            Conf.Get("dn_result"), Conf.Get("simulation_time_begin"))

        env = os.environ.copy()
        dn = "%s/%s/sst-age-accfreq-data" % (Conf.Get("dn_result"),
        env["IN_DN"] = dn

        # Plot for all levels. Stop when there is no sstable at a level.
        level = 0
        while True:
            env["LEVEL"] = str(level)
            sst_lives = RocksDbLogReader.GetSstAccFreqByAgeDataFiles(level)
            if len(sst_lives) == 0:
            env["SST_IDS"] = " ".join(str(sl.Id()) for sl in sst_lives)
            env["SST_SIZES"] = " ".join(str(sl.Size()) for sl in sst_lives)

            age_deleted = []
            for sl in sst_lives:
                        (sl.TsDeleted() - sl.TsCreated()).total_seconds()))
            env["AGE_DELETED"] = " ".join(str(i) for i in age_deleted)

            # Age deleted max. Round up with an hour granularity.
            age_deleted_max = max(age_deleted)
            age_deleted_max = math.ceil(age_deleted_max / 3600.0) * 3600
            env["AGE_DELETED_MAX"] = str(age_deleted_max)

            accfreq_max_all_sst_in_level = 0.0
            temp_max_all_sst_in_level = 0.0
            accfreq_max_list = []
            temp_max_list = []
            for sl in sst_lives:
                accfreq_max = 0.0
                temp_max = 0.0
                for accfreq in sl.AgeAccfreq():
                    accfreq_max_all_sst_in_level = max(
                        accfreq_max_all_sst_in_level, accfreq[4])
                    temp_max_all_sst_in_level = max(temp_max_all_sst_in_level,
                    accfreq_max = max(accfreq_max, accfreq[4])
                    temp_max = max(temp_max, accfreq[5])

            Cons.P("Level          : %d" % level)
            Cons.P("Max acc freq   : %f" % max(accfreq_max_list))
            Cons.P("Max temperature: %f" % max(temp_max_list))

            env["ACCFREQ_MAX_ALL_SST_IN LEVEL"] = str(
            env["TEMP_MAX_ALL_SST_IN_LEVEL"] = str(temp_max_all_sst_in_level)
            env["ACCFREQ_MAX"] = " ".join(str(e) for e in accfreq_max_list)
            env["TEMP_MAX"] = " ".join(str(e) for e in temp_max_list)

            out_fn = "%s/L%d.pdf" % (dn_out, level)
            env["OUT_FN"] = out_fn

            with Cons.MT("Plotting level %d ..." % level):
                    "gnuplot %s/sst-accfreq-by-age-multiplot-by-level.gnuplot"
                    % os.path.dirname(__file__),
                Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (out_fn, os.path.getsize(out_fn)))

            level += 1
Ejemplo n.º 14
def _OverallStat(cur, fn0, fn1):
  with Cons.MT("Overall stat ..."):
    for db_type in ["RocksDB", "Mutant"]:
      fn = fn0 if db_type == "RocksDB" else fn1
      Cons.P("# %s" % db_type)
      Cons.P("#   fn=%s" % fn)

      cur.execute("SELECT count(distinct(job_id)) as cnt FROM sst_creation_info WHERE db_type='%s'" % db_type)
      r = cur.fetchone()
      Cons.P("#   num_jobs=%d" % r["cnt"])

      cur.execute("SELECT count(distinct(job_id)) as cnt FROM sst_creation_info WHERE db_type='%s' and creation_reason='R'" % db_type)
      Cons.P("#   num_jobs_recovery=%d" % cur.fetchone()["cnt"])

      cur.execute("SELECT count(distinct(job_id)) as cnt FROM sst_creation_info WHERE db_type='%s' and creation_reason='F'" % db_type)
      Cons.P("#   num_jobs_flush=%d" % cur.fetchone()["cnt"])

      cur.execute("SELECT count(distinct(job_id)) as cnt FROM sst_creation_info WHERE db_type='%s' and creation_reason='C'" % db_type)
      num_comp_jobs_all = cur.fetchone()["cnt"]
      Cons.P("#   num_jobs_comp_all=%d" % num_comp_jobs_all)

      cur.execute("SELECT count(distinct(job_id)) as cnt FROM sst_creation_info" \
          " WHERE db_type='%s' and creation_reason='C' and temp_triggered_single_sst_migr=0"
          % db_type)
      num_jobs_comp_level_triggered = cur.fetchone()["cnt"]
      Cons.P("#   num_jobs_comp_level_triggered=%d" % num_jobs_comp_level_triggered)

      cur.execute("SELECT count(distinct(sst_id)) as cnt FROM sst_creation_info" \
          " WHERE db_type='%s' and creation_reason='C' and temp_triggered_single_sst_migr=0"
          % db_type)
      num_outssts_comp_level_triggered = cur.fetchone()["cnt"]
      Cons.P("#     num_outssts_comp_level_triggered=%d" % num_outssts_comp_level_triggered)
      Cons.P("#     num_outssts_comp_level_triggered_per_job=%f" % (float(num_outssts_comp_level_triggered) / num_jobs_comp_level_triggered))

      # Distribution of the number of output SSTables per job
      cur.execute("SELECT job_id, count(distinct(sst_id)) as num_ssts FROM sst_creation_info" \
          " WHERE db_type='%s' and creation_reason='C' and temp_triggered_single_sst_migr=0" \
          " GROUP BY job_id ORDER BY job_id"
          % db_type)
      numssts_cnt = {}
      for r in cur.fetchall():
        c = r["num_ssts"]
        if c not in numssts_cnt:
          numssts_cnt[c] = 1
          numssts_cnt[c] += 1
      Cons.P("#       %s" % numssts_cnt)

      cur.execute("SELECT count(distinct(sst_id)) as cnt FROM sst_creation_info" \
          " WHERE db_type='%s' and creation_reason='C' and temp_triggered_single_sst_migr=0 and migr_dirc IN ('-', 'N')"
          % db_type)
      Cons.P("#     num_outssts_comp_level_triggered_regular_compaction=%d" % cur.fetchone()["cnt"])

      cur.execute("SELECT count(distinct(sst_id)) as cnt FROM sst_creation_info" \
          " WHERE db_type='%s' and creation_reason='C' and temp_triggered_single_sst_migr=0 and migr_dirc IN ('S', 'F')"
          % db_type)
      Cons.P("#     num_outssts_comp_level_triggered_compaction_migration=%d" % cur.fetchone()["cnt"])

      if True:
        # From the SSTables created from compaction-migrations
        #   There are more SSTables that get migrated to the slow storage than to the fast storage. Makes sense, since they get old in general.
        cur.execute("SELECT count(distinct(sst_id)) as cnt FROM sst_creation_info" \
            " WHERE db_type='%s' and creation_reason='C' and temp_triggered_single_sst_migr=0 and migr_dirc IN ('S')"
            % db_type)
        Cons.P("#     num_outssts_comp_level_triggered_compaction_migration_to_slow_storage=%d" % cur.fetchone()["cnt"])

        if False:
          cur.execute("SELECT job_id, count(distinct(sst_id)) as num_ssts FROM sst_creation_info" \
              " WHERE db_type='%s' and creation_reason='C' and temp_triggered_single_sst_migr=0 and migr_dirc IN ('S')" \
              " GROUP BY job_id ORDER BY job_id"
              % db_type)
          for r in cur.fetchall():
            Cons.P("#       job_id=%d num_ssts=%d" % (r["job_id"], r["num_ssts"]))

        cur.execute("SELECT count(distinct(sst_id)) as cnt FROM sst_creation_info" \
            " WHERE db_type='%s' and creation_reason='C' and temp_triggered_single_sst_migr=0 and migr_dirc IN ('F')"
            % db_type)
        Cons.P("#     num_outssts_comp_level_triggered_compaction_migration_to_fast_storage=%d" % cur.fetchone()["cnt"])

        if False:
          cur.execute("SELECT job_id, count(distinct(sst_id)) as num_ssts FROM sst_creation_info" \
              " WHERE db_type='%s' and creation_reason='C' and temp_triggered_single_sst_migr=0 and migr_dirc IN ('F')" \
              " GROUP BY job_id ORDER BY job_id"
              % db_type)
          for r in cur.fetchall():
            Cons.P("#       job_id=%d num_ssts=%d" % (r["job_id"], r["num_ssts"]))

      cur.execute("SELECT count(distinct(job_id)) as cnt FROM sst_creation_info" \
          " WHERE db_type='%s' and creation_reason='C' and temp_triggered_single_sst_migr=1"
          % db_type)
      Cons.P("#   num_jobs_comp_temp_triggered_migr=%d" % cur.fetchone()["cnt"])

      if False:
        # With a temperature-triggered single-sstable migration, there is always a single input sstable, but there can be multiple output sstables.
        #   Interesting.
        #   All of those happened with a 256MB L0 SSTable in the fast storage becoming cold and being migrated to the slow storage,
        #     making 4 64MB L0 SSTables in the slow storage.
        #   I don't think there is any harm there. It's just the output file is splitted into 4 small ones.
        #   Count each of them as a single migration.
        cur.execute("SELECT count(distinct(sst_id)) as cnt FROM sst_creation_info" \
            " WHERE db_type='%s' and creation_reason='C' and temp_triggered_single_sst_migr=1"
            % db_type)
        Cons.P("#     num_outssts_comp_temp_triggered_migr=%d" % cur.fetchone()["cnt"])

        cur.execute("SELECT job_id, count(distinct(sst_id)) as num_ssts FROM sst_creation_info" \
            " WHERE db_type='%s' and creation_reason='C' and temp_triggered_single_sst_migr=1" \
            " GROUP BY job_id ORDER BY job_id"
            % db_type)
        for r in cur.fetchall():
          if 1 < r["num_ssts"]:
            Cons.P("#       job_id=%d num_ssts=%d" % (r["job_id"], r["num_ssts"]))
Ejemplo n.º 15
def GetMutantCostLatencyDataFile():
    dn = "%s/.output" % os.path.dirname(__file__)
    fn = "%s/mutant-cost-latency" % dn
    if os.path.exists(fn):
        return fn

    stg_sizetime_cost_by_sst_mig_temp_thresholds = StgSizeCost.StgSizetimeCostMutant(

    exps_root = Conf.Manifest.Get(
        "2-level Mutant latencies by SSTable migration temperature thresholds")

    # { metadata_caching: { sst_mig_temp_threshold: Latency() } }
    mdcaching_smtt_latexps = {}

    for md_caching, exps in {True: exps_root["Mutant"]["MetadataCachingOn"] \
      , False: exps_root["Mutant"]["MetadataCachingOff"]}.iteritems():
        #Cons.P("%s %s" % (md_caching, exps))

        for sst_mig_temp_threshold, v in exps.iteritems():
            sst_mig_temp_threshold = float(sst_mig_temp_threshold)
            for simulation_time_begin in v:
                if md_caching not in mdcaching_smtt_latexps:
                    mdcaching_smtt_latexps[md_caching] = {}

                if sst_mig_temp_threshold not in mdcaching_smtt_latexps[
                        sst_mig_temp_threshold] = Latency()

    with open(fn, "w") as fo:
        fmt = "%1s %17s" \
          " %8.5f" \
          " %10.3f %10.3f %10.3f" \
          " %10.3f %10.3f %10.3f"
        fo.write("%s\n" % Util.BuildHeader(fmt, \
          "md_caching sst_mig_temp_threshold" \
          " cost_$" \
          " lat_put_avg_avg_in_ms lat_put_avg_min_in_ms lat_put_avg_max_in_ms" \
          " lat_get_avg_avg_in_ms lat_get_avg_min_in_ms lat_get_avg_max_in_ms"
        for md_caching, v in mdcaching_smtt_latexps.iteritems():
            for sst_mig_temp_threshold, lat in sorted(v.iteritems()):
                fo.write((fmt + "\n") % (
                    ("T" if md_caching else "F"),
                    # Average cost
    Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (fn, os.path.getsize(fn)))

    # Mutant latency individual. Useful for filtering out outliers
    # TODO: work on this
    # TODO: do the same thing with unmodified RocksDB
    #	fn_lat_individual = "%s/mutant-latency-individual" % fn
    #	with open(fn_lat_individual, "w") as fo:
    #		fmt = "%17s" \
    #				" %28s %1s %17s" \
    #				" %10.3f %10.3f"
    #				#" %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f" \
    #		fo.write("%s\n" % Util.BuildHeader(fmt, \
    #				"simulation_time_begin" \
    #				" system metadata_caching SSTable_migration_temperature_threshold"
    #				" Lat_put_in_ms Lat_get_in_ms"
    #				))
    #		for stg_dev, exps in sorted(rocks_dev_exps.iteritems(), reverse=True):
    #			for e in exps.Exps():
    #				fo.write((fmt + "\n") % (
    #					e[0].simulation_time_begin
    #					, ("UnmodifiedRocksDB_%s" % stg_dev)
    #					, "-"
    #					, "-"
    #					, e[0].put_avg
    #					, e[0].get_avg
    #					))
    #		for md_caching, v in sorted(mu_mdcaching_smtt_exps.iteritems()):
    #			for sst_mig_temp_threshold, mu_exps in sorted(v.iteritems()):
    #				for e in mu_exps.Exps():
    #					fo.write((fmt + "\n") % (
    #						e[0].simulation_time_begin
    #						, "Mutant"
    #						, ("T" if md_caching else "F")
    #						, sst_mig_temp_threshold
    #						, e[1].avg_numssts_by_level[0]
    #						, e[1].avg_numssts_by_level[1]
    #						, e[1].avg_numssts_by_level[2]
    #						#, e[1].avg_sizetime_by_level[0]
    #						#, e[1].avg_sizetime_by_level[1]
    #						#, e[1].avg_sizetime_by_level[2]
    #						, e[1].avg_numssts_by_pathid[0]
    #						, e[1].avg_numssts_by_pathid[1]
    #						, e[1].avg_numssts_by_pathid[2]
    #						, e[1].avg_numssts_by_pathid[3]
    #						, e[0].put_avg
    #						, e[0].get_avg
    #						))
    #	Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (fn_lat_individual, os.path.getsize(fn_lat_individual)))

    return fn
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def MayPrintNewlines(self):
     with self.msg_lock:
         if self.lines_printed > 0:
             self.lines_printed = 0
             self.msg = ""
Ejemplo n.º 17
def GetPlotDataMutant(workload_type, dev_type, dn):
    fn_out = "%s/ycsb-%s-%s" % (_dn_output, workload_type, dev_type)
    fn_out_ind = "%s/ycsb-%s-%s-individual" % (_dn_output, workload_type,
    if os.path.isfile(fn_out) and os.path.isfile(fn_out_ind):
        return (fn_out, fn_out_ind)

    with Cons.MT("Generating plot data for %s ..." % dev_type):
        dn = dn.replace("~", os.path.expanduser("~"))
        fn_manifest = "%s/manifest.yaml" % dn
        sstott_targetiops_exps = None
        with open(fn_manifest) as fo:
            sstott_targetiops_exps = yaml.load(fo)
        #Cons.P(pprint.pformat(sstott_targetiops_exps, width=230))

        exp_ycsblog = {}
        with Cons.MT("Parsing YCSB log files ..."):
            for sst_ott, v in sstott_targetiops_exps.iteritems():
                for ti, exps in v.iteritems():
                    for e in exps:
                        fn = "%s/%s" % (dn, e)
                        if not os.path.exists(fn):
                            Util.RunSubp("pbzip2 -k -d %s.bz2" % fn)
                        ycsb_log = YcsbLog(fn)
                        exp_ycsblog[e] = ycsb_log

        with Cons.MT("Gen individual/avg stat by target IOPSes ..."):
            # Gen individual stat
            fmt = "%9.4f %6d %17s %5.0f" \
                " %5.0f %2.0f %8.0f %2.0f %2.0f %2.0f %4.0f %6.0f %6.0f %7.0f %8.0f" \
                " %5.0f %3.0f %8.0f %2.0f %2.0f %3.0f %5.0f %6.0f %6.0f %7.0f %7.0f"
            header = Util.BuildHeader(fmt, "sst_ott target_iops exp_dt iops" \
                " r_avg r_min r_max r_1 r_5 r_50 r_90 r_95 r_99 r_99.9 r_99.99" \
                " w_avg w_min w_max w_1 w_5 w_50 w_90 w_95 w_99 w_99.9 w_99.99")
            with open(fn_out_ind, "w") as fo:
                fo.write("# Latency in us\n")
                i = 0
                for sst_ott, v in sorted(sstott_targetiops_exps.iteritems()):
                    for ti, exps in sorted(v.iteritems()):
                        for e in exps:
                            if i % 40 == 0:
                                fo.write(header + "\n")
                            y = exp_ycsblog[e]
                            fo.write((fmt + "\n") %
                                     (sst_ott, ti, y.exp_dt, y.op_sec, y.r_avg,
                                      y.r_min, y.r_max, y.r_1, y.r_5, y.r_50,
                                      y.r_90, y.r_95, y.r_99, y.r_999,
                                      y.r_9999, y.w_avg, y.w_min, y.w_max,
                                      y.w_1, y.w_5, y.w_50, y.w_90, y.w_95,
                                      y.w_99, y.w_999, y.w_9999))
                            i += 1
            Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (fn_out_ind, os.path.getsize(fn_out_ind)))

            # Gen average stat
            with open(fn_out, "w") as fo:
                fmt = "%9.4f %6d %6.0f" \
                    " %5.0f %2d %8d %2d %2d %2d %4d %5d %6d %7d %7d" \
                    " %4.0f %2d %8d %2d %2d %3d %4d %5d %5d %7d %7d" \
                    " %1d"
                header = Util.BuildHeader(fmt, "sst_ott target_iops iops" \
                    " r_avg r_min r_max r_1p r_5p r_50p r_90p r_95p r_99p r_99.9p r_99.99p" \
                    " w_avg w_min w_max w_1p w_5p w_50p w_90p w_95p w_99p w_99.9p w_99.99p" \
                    " num_exps" \
                fo.write("# Latency in us\n")

                i = 0
                for sst_ott, v in sorted(sstott_targetiops_exps.iteritems()):
                    for ti, exps in sorted(v.iteritems()):
                        if i % 40 == 0:
                            fo.write(header + "\n")
                        yas = YcsbAvgStat()
                        for e in exps:
                            (fmt + "\n") %
                            (sst_ott, ti, yas.op_sec, yas.r_avg, yas.r_min,
                             yas.r_max, yas.r_1, yas.r_5, yas.r_50, yas.r_90,
                             yas.r_95, yas.r_99, yas.r_999, yas.r_9999,
                             yas.w_avg, yas.w_min, yas.w_max, yas.w_1, yas.w_5,
                             yas.w_50, yas.w_90, yas.w_95, yas.w_99, yas.w_999,
                             yas.w_9999, len(yas.logs)))
                        i += 1
            Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (fn_out, os.path.getsize(fn_out)))
            return (fn_out, fn_out_ind)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def YcsbRun(params, r):
    global _ycsb_run_dt
    _ycsb_run_dt = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%y%m%d-%H%M%S.%f")[:-3]
    fn_ycsb_log = "%s/%s-%s" % (_dn_log_root_ycsb, _ycsb_run_dt,

    ycsb_params = \
        " -s" \
        " -P workloads/workload%s" \
        " -p rocksdb.dir=%s" \
        " -threads 100" \
        " -p status.interval=1" \
        " -p fieldcount=10" \
        " -p fieldlength=100" \
        " -p readproportion=0.95" \
        " -p insertproportion=0.05" \
        " %s" \
        % (params["workload_type"], params["db_path"], r["run"]["ycsb_params"])
    # YCSB raw output shouldn't go to the root file system, which is heavily rate limited.
    #   -p measurement.raw.output_file=/tmp/ycsb-lat-raw
    # Disabled for now. It takes up too much memory. Causing the file system cache size to shrink.
    #    " -p measurementtype=raw" \
    #    " -p measurement.raw.output_file=/mnt/local-ssd0/ycsb-lat-raw" \

    mutant_options = base64.b64encode(
    cmd0 = "cd %s && bin/ycsb run rocksdb %s -m %s > %s 2>&1" % (
        _dn_ycsb, ycsb_params, mutant_options, fn_ycsb_log)
    cmd1 = "bin/ycsb run rocksdb %s -m %s > %s 2>&1" % (
        ycsb_params, mutant_options, fn_ycsb_log)

    if ("memory_limit_in_mb"
            in r["run"]) and (r["run"]["memory_limit_in_mb"] != 0):
        # Just setting memory limit with cgroup seems to be worknig fine. I was wondering if I needed to set the same with JVM.
        fn_cgconfig = "%s/cgconfig.conf" % os.path.dirname(__file__)
        Util.RunSubp("sed -i 's/" \
            "^    memory\.limit_in_bytes = .*" \
            "/    memory\.limit_in_bytes = %d;" \
            "/g' %s" % (int(float(r["run"]["memory_limit_in_mb"]) * 1024 * 1024), fn_cgconfig))
        Util.RunSubp("sudo cgconfigparser -l %s" % fn_cgconfig)
        Util.RunSubp("cd %s && cgexec -g memory:small_mem %s" %
                     (_dn_ycsb, cmd1),
        Util.RunSubp(cmd0, measure_time=True, shell=True, gen_exception=False)

    # Append parameters. Useful for post processing.
    with open(fn_ycsb_log, "a") as fo:
        fo.write("params = %s\n" % params)
        fo.write("run = %s\n" % r)
    Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (fn_ycsb_log, os.path.getsize(fn_ycsb_log)))

    Util.RunSubp("pbzip2 -k %s" % fn_ycsb_log)
    UploadToS3("%s.bz2" % fn_ycsb_log)

    # Archive rocksdb log
    fn1 = "%s/%s" % (_dn_log_rocksdb, _ycsb_run_dt)
    cmd = "cp %s/LOG %s" % (params["db_path"], fn1)
    Util.RunSubp(cmd, measure_time=True, shell=True, gen_exception=False)
    Util.RunSubp("pbzip2 -k %s" % fn1)
    UploadToS3("%s.bz2" % fn1)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def GenDataThrpVsLat():
    fn_out = "%s/mutant-ycsb-thrp-vs-lat-by-costslos" % Conf.GetOutDir()
    if os.path.exists(fn_out):
        return fn_out

    # {clst_slo: {target_iops: YcsbLogReader}}
    costslo_tio_ylr = {}

    with Cons.MT("Generating thrp vs lat data file ..."):
        conf_root = Conf.Get("mutant")
        dn_base = conf_root["dn_base"].replace("~", os.path.expanduser("~"))

        for k, v in sorted(conf_root["by_cost_slos"].iteritems()):
            # k: "0.1, 0.1":
            mo = re.match(
                r"(?P<cost_slo>(\d|.)+), ?(?P<cost_slo_epsilon>(\d|.)+)", k)
            cost_slo = float(mo.group("cost_slo"))
            # This is not used for now
            cost_slo_epsilon = float(mo.group("cost_slo_epsilon"))
            if cost_slo not in costslo_tio_ylr:
                costslo_tio_ylr[cost_slo] = {}

            #Cons.P("%f %f" % (cost_slo, cost_slo_epsilon))
            for target_iops, v1 in sorted(v.iteritems()):
                fn = "%s/%s" % (dn_base, v1["fn"])
                # 01:30:00-04:00:00
                t = v1["time"].split("-")
                time_begin = t[0]
                time_end = t[1]
                # Not sure if you want to parallelize this. This whole thing takes only about 6 secs.
                costslo_tio_ylr[cost_slo][target_iops] = YcsbLogReader(
                    fn, time_begin, time_end)

        conf_root = Conf.Get("rocksdb")
        dn_base = conf_root["dn_base"].replace("~", os.path.expanduser("~"))
        cost_ebsst1 = 0.045
        cost_localssd = 0.528

        cost_slo = cost_localssd
        costslo_tio_ylr[cost_slo] = {}
        for target_iops, v1 in sorted(conf_root["local-ssd"].iteritems()):
            fn = "%s/%s" % (dn_base, v1["fn"])
            t = v1["time"].split("-")
            time_begin = t[0]
            time_end = t[1]
            costslo_tio_ylr[cost_slo][target_iops] = YcsbLogReader(
                fn, time_begin, time_end)

        cost_slo = cost_ebsst1
        costslo_tio_ylr[cost_slo] = {}
        for target_iops, v1 in sorted(conf_root["ebs-st1"].iteritems()):
            fn = "%s/%s" % (dn_base, v1["fn"])
            t = v1["time"].split("-")
            time_begin = t[0]
            time_end = t[1]
            costslo_tio_ylr[cost_slo][target_iops] = YcsbLogReader(
                fn, time_begin, time_end)

    with open(fn_out, "w") as fo:
        fmt = "%6.3f %7s %6.0f %6.0f" \
            " %8.2f %8.2f %9.2f %10.2f %10.2f" \
            " %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %9.2f %9.2f"
        fo.write("%s\n" % Util.BuildHeader(fmt, "cost_slo cost_slo_label target_iops iops" \
            " r_avg r_90 r_99 r_99.9 r_99.99" \
            " w_avg w_90 w_99 w_99.9 w_99.99"
        for cost_slo, v in sorted(costslo_tio_ylr.iteritems()):
            last_tio = sorted(v.keys())[-1]
            for tio, ylr in sorted(v.iteritems()):
                # Too much info
                #cost_slo_label = ("\"%s $%s\"" % ("R" if cost_slo in [cost_localssd, cost_ebsst1] else "M", ("%f" % cost_slo).rstrip("0").rstrip("."))) \
                #    if tio == last_tio \
                #    else "\"\""
                cost_slo_label = ("\"%s\"" % ("%f" % cost_slo).rstrip("0").rstrip(".")) \
                    if tio == last_tio \
                    else "\"\""

                    (fmt + "\n") %
                    (cost_slo, cost_slo_label, tio, ylr.db_iops_stat.avg,
                     ylr.r_avg, ylr.r_90, ylr.r_99, ylr.r_999, ylr.r_9999,
                     ylr.w_avg, ylr.w_90, ylr.w_99, ylr.w_999, ylr.w_9999))
    Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (fn_out, os.path.getsize(fn_out)))
    return fn_out
Ejemplo n.º 20
def PrepareBlockDevs():
    with Cons.MT("Preparing block storage devices ..."):
        # Make sure we are using the known machine types
        inst_type = Util.RunSubp(
            "curl -s",

        # {dev_name: directory_name}
        # ext4 label is the same as the directory_name
        blk_devs = {"xvdb": "local-ssd0"}
        # All c3 types have 2 SSDs
        if inst_type.startswith("c3."):
            blk_devs["xvdc"] = "local-ssd1"
        elif inst_type in [
                "r3.large", "r3.xlarge", "r3.2xlarge", "r3.4xlarge",
            raise RuntimeError("Unexpected instance type %s" % inst_type)
        if os.path.exists("/dev/xvdd"):
            blk_devs["xvdd"] = "ebs-gp2"
        if os.path.exists("/dev/xvde"):
            blk_devs["xvde"] = "ebs-st1"
        if os.path.exists("/dev/xvdf"):
            blk_devs["xvdf"] = "ebs-sc1"

        # Init local SSDs
        # - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/disk-performance.html
        if inst_type.startswith("c3."):
            Util.RunSubp("sudo umount /dev/xvdb || true")
            Util.RunSubp("sudo umount /dev/xvdc || true")

            if Ec2InitUtil.GetParam(["erase_local_ssd"]) == "true":
                # tee has a problem of not stopping. For now, you can give up on ssd1.
                # - https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=89224
                # "count" one less than what it says below: 81909 - 1
                # 81908+0 records in
                # 81908+0 records out
                # 85886763008 bytes (86 GB) copied, 1631.16 s, 52.7 MB/s
                # 1683187 ms = 28 mins

                # temporary comment for fast debuging
                    "sudo sh -c \"dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=81908 | tee /dev/xvdb > /dev/xvdc\"",

            # sudo dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M of=/dev/xvdb || true
            #   dd: error writing '/dev/xvdb': No space left on device
            #   81910+0 records in
            #   81909+0 records out
            #   85887811584 bytes (86 GB) copied, 1394.5 s, 61.6 MB/s
            #   1394510 ms = 23 mins
            #Util.RunSubp("sudo dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M of=/dev/xvdb || true", measure_time=True)

            # Test with virtual block devices
            #   $ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/run/dev0-backstore bs=1M count=100
            #   $ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/run/dev1-backstore bs=1M count=100
            #   $ grep loop /proc/devices
            #   7 loop
            #   $ sudo mknod /dev/fake-dev0 b 7 200
            #   $ sudo losetup /dev/fake-dev0  /run/dev0-backstore
            #   $ sudo mknod /dev/fake-dev1 b 7 201
            #   $ sudo losetup /dev/fake-dev1  /run/dev1-backstore
            #   $ lsblk
            #   - http://askubuntu.com/questions/546921/how-to-create-virtual-block-devices
            #   - You can use /dev/full too, which is easier.
            #Util.RunSubp("sudo umount /dev/loop200 || true")
            #Util.RunSubp("sudo umount /dev/loop201 || true")
            #Util.RunSubpStopOn("sudo sh -c \"dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M | tee /dev/loop200 > /dev/loop201\"", measure_time=True)
            #Util.RunSubp("sudo dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M of=/dev/loop201 || true", measure_time=True)

        Util.RunSubp("sudo umount /mnt || true")
        for dev_name, dir_name in blk_devs.iteritems():
            Cons.P("Setting up %s ..." % dev_name)
            Util.RunSubp("sudo umount /dev/%s || true" % dev_name)
            Util.RunSubp("sudo mkdir -p /mnt/%s" % dir_name)

            # Prevent lazy Initialization
            # - "When creating an Ext4 file system, the existing regions of the inode
            #   tables must be cleaned (overwritten with nulls, or "zeroed"). The
            #   "lazyinit" feature should significantly accelerate the creation of a
            #   file system, because it does not immediately initialize all inode
            #   tables, initializing them gradually instead during the initial mounting
            #   process in background (from Kernel version 2.6.37)."
            #   - https://www.thomas-krenn.com/en/wiki/Ext4_Filesystem
            # - Default values are 1s, which do lazy init.
            #   - man mkfs.ext4
            # nodiscard is in the documentation
            # - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ssd-instance-store.html
            # - Without nodiscard, it takes about 80 secs for a 800GB SSD.
            # Could be parallelized
            #   local-ssd0   9,799 ms
            #   ebs-gp2     11,728 ms
            #   ebs-st1     68,082 ms
            #   ebs-sc1    207,481 ms
                "sudo mkfs.ext4 -m 0 -E nodiscard,lazy_itable_init=0,lazy_journal_init=0 -L %s /dev/%s"
                % (dir_name, dev_name),

            # Some are already mounted. I suspect /etc/fstab does the magic when the
            # file system is created. Give it some time and umount
            Util.RunSubp("sudo umount /dev/%s || true" % dev_name)

            # -o discard for TRIM
            Util.RunSubp("sudo mount -t ext4 -o discard /dev/%s /mnt/%s" %
                         (dev_name, dir_name))
            Util.RunSubp("sudo chown -R ubuntu /mnt/%s" % dir_name)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def GenPlotData():
    with Cons.MT("Generating plot data ..."):

        global _fn_stat
        _fn_stat = "%s/%s" % (_dn_stat, _log_id)
        if os.path.isfile(_fn_stat):
            Cons.P("%s already exists" % _fn_stat)

        fn_log = "%s/%s" % (_dn_ycsb_log, _log_id)
        sps = []

        with open(fn_log) as fo:
            # h0: header 0
            # h1: header 1
            # body : body
            loc = "h0"

            for line in fo.readlines():
                if loc == "h0":
                    #Cons.P("%s" % line)
                    if line.startswith("+ bin/ycsb run"):
                        loc = "h1"
                elif loc == "h1":
                    if line.startswith(
                            "DBWrapper: report latency for each error is false and specific error codes to track for latency are:"
                        loc = "body"
                elif loc == "body":
                    if line.startswith("[OVERALL]"):
                        loc = "tail"

        timerange = sps[-1].timestamp - sps[0].timestamp

        # Reduce the output file size by skipping points that would overwrite on
        # existing points. For those points, the values are set to -1.
        # Points within 1/400 of x-axis are considered to be too close.
        TIME_GRANULARITY_IN_SEC = int(timerange / 400)

        # We don't need separate IOPSes for read and write.
        #for i in range(len(sps)):
        #	if (i < TIME_GRANULARITY_IN_SEC):
        #		continue
        #	if sps[i].read_iops > 0:
        #		cur_read_iops = math.log(sps[i].read_iops, 10)
        #		for j in range(1, TIME_GRANULARITY_IN_SEC):
        #			if sps[i - j].read_iops > 0:
        #				if math.fabs(cur_read_iops - math.log(sps[i - j].read_iops, 10)) < IOPS_GRANULARITY_IN_LOG_E:
        #					sps[i].read_iops = -1
        #					break
        #	if sps[i].ins_iops > 0:
        #		cur_ins_iops = math.log(sps[i].ins_iops, 10)
        #		for j in range(1, TIME_GRANULARITY_IN_SEC):
        #			if sps[i - j].ins_iops > 0:
        #				if math.fabs(cur_ins_iops - math.log(sps[i - j].ins_iops, 10)) < IOPS_GRANULARITY_IN_LOG_E:
        #					sps[i].ins_iops = -1
        #					break

        iops_max = 0
        for s in sps:
            iops_max = max(iops_max, s.iops)
        IOPS_GRANULARITY = int(iops_max / 200)

        for i in range(len(sps)):
            if (i < TIME_GRANULARITY_IN_SEC):
            if sps[i].iops > 0:
                for j in range(1, TIME_GRANULARITY_IN_SEC):
                    if sps[i - j].iops > 0:
                        if math.fabs(sps[i].iops -
                                     sps[i - j].iops) < IOPS_GRANULARITY:
                            sps[i].iops = -1

        # Reduce overlapped points - latency
        # Calculate max latency manually. There were 3 outliers as big as 350 ms.
        #lat_max = 0
        #for s in sps:
        #	lat_max = max(lat_max, s.read_lat_avg, s.ins_lat_avg)
        lat_max = 70000
        LAT_GRANULARITY = int(lat_max / 100)

        for i in range(len(sps)):
            if (i < TIME_GRANULARITY_IN_SEC):
            if sps[i].read_lat_avg > 0:
                for j in range(1, TIME_GRANULARITY_IN_SEC):
                    if sps[i - j].read_lat_avg > 0:
                        if math.fabs(sps[i].read_lat_avg -
                                     sps[i -
                                         j].read_lat_avg) < LAT_GRANULARITY:
                            sps[i].read_lat_avg = -1
            if sps[i].ins_lat_avg > 0:
                for j in range(1, TIME_GRANULARITY_IN_SEC):
                    if sps[i - j].ins_lat_avg > 0:
                        if math.fabs(sps[i].ins_lat_avg -
                                     sps[i - j].ins_lat_avg) < LAT_GRANULARITY:
                            sps[i].ins_lat_avg = -1

        with open(_fn_stat, "w") as fo:
            for s in sps:
                fo.write("%s\n" % s)

        Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (_fn_stat, os.path.getsize(_fn_stat)))
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def Write(fn):
        fmt = "%12s %12s %7.3f %4d %4d %7.3f %7.3f" \
            " %4s %9s %4s %1s %1s %1s"
        header = Util.BuildHeader(fmt, "rel_ts_HHMMSS_begin" \
            " rel_ts_HHMMSS_end" \
            " ts_dur" \
            " num_sstables_begin" \
            " num_sstables_end" \
            " sstable_size_sum_in_gb_begin" \
            " sstable_size_sum_in_gb_end" \
            " end_sst_id" \
            " end_sst_size" \
            " end_sst_creation_jobid" \
            " end_sst_creation_reason" \
            " end_sst_temp_triggered_single_migr" \
            " end_sst_migration_direction")
        i = 0
        with open(fn, "w") as fo:
            if i % 40 == 0:
                fo.write(header + "\n")
            i += 1
            ts_prev = datetime.timedelta(0)
            ts_str_prev = "00:00:00.000"
            num_ssts_prev = 0
            total_sst_size_prev = 0
            for ts, num_ssts in sorted(SstEvents.ts_numssts.iteritems()):
                ts_str = _ToStr(ts)
                total_sst_size = SstEvents.ts_sstsize[ts]
                sst_id = "-"
                sst_size = "-"
                job_id = "-"
                creation_reason = "-"
                # Temperature-triggered single-sstable migration
                temp_triggered_migr = "-"
                migr_dirc = "-"
                if ts in SstEvents.createts_sstid:
                    sst_id = SstEvents.createts_sstid[ts]
                    sst_size = SstEvents.sstid_size[sst_id]
                    hc = HowCreated.Get(sst_id)
                    job_id = hc.JobId()
                    creation_reason = hc.Reason()
                    temp_triggered_migr = "T" if CompInfo.TempTriggeredSingleSstMigr(
                        job_id) else "-"
                    if SstEvents.migrate_sstables:
                        if creation_reason == "C":
                            migr_dirc = CompInfo.MigrDirc(job_id, sst_id)

                fo.write((fmt + "\n") %
                         (ts_str_prev, ts_str,
                          (ts.total_seconds() - ts_prev.total_seconds()),
                          num_ssts_prev, num_ssts,
                          (float(total_sst_size_prev) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024),
                          (float(total_sst_size) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024), sst_id,
                          sst_size, job_id, creation_reason,
                          temp_triggered_migr, migr_dirc))
                ts_str_prev = ts_str
                ts_prev = ts
                num_ssts_prev = num_ssts
                total_sst_size_prev = total_sst_size
        Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (fn, os.path.getsize(fn)))
def Boxes(n, m):
	# TODO: clean up
	#if Conf.Get("simulation_time_begin") is None:
	#	#MutantLogReader.Get()
	#	RocksdbLogReader.Get()

	dn = "%s/sst-by-level-by-ks-range-with-temperature" % Conf.dn_result
	fn_boxes = "%s/%s-boxes-%d" % (dn, Conf.Get("simulation_time_begin"), n)
	fn_level_info = "%s/%s-level-info-%d" % (dn, Conf.Get("simulation_time_begin"), n)
	if os.path.isfile(fn_boxes) and os.path.isfile(fn_level_info):
		return (fn_boxes, fn_level_info)

	# {sst_id, SstLife()}
	sst_lives = RocksdbLogReader.GetSstLives()

	with Cons.MT("Generating SSTables by level by ks range with temperature at specific time n=%d m=%s ..." % (n, m)):

		t0 = sst_lives[n].TsCreated() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=m)

		# May or may not want to use the rectangle height proportional to the
		# SSTable size. We'll see. Log-scale height might be better.
		# Boxes representing SSTables
		boxes = []

		for sst_gen, sl in sorted(sst_lives.iteritems()):
			temp = sl.TempAtTime(t0)
			if temp is None:
			boxes.append(_Box(sl, temp))

		# Sort boxes by level acendening, sst_gen decending. At the same level, the
		# younger SSTables (with bigger sst_gen number) tend to be hotter.
		boxes.sort(key=lambda b: b.sst_life.Id(), reverse=True)
		boxes.sort(key=lambda b: b.sst_life.Level())

		level_labels_y = [box_height / 2.0]
		level_separators_y = []

		# Set y0 of each box
		cur_y0_max = - (box_height + y_spacing)
		prev_level = None
		for b in boxes:
			if b.sst_life.level == 0:
				b.y0 = cur_y0_max + box_height + y_spacing
				cur_y0_max = b.y0
				if b.sst_life.level == prev_level:
					b.y0 = cur_y0_max
					b.y0 = cur_y0_max + box_height + 2*y_spacing
					sep = cur_y0_max + box_height + y_spacing
					level_labels_y.append(sep + y_spacing + box_height / 2.0)
					cur_y0_max = b.y0
			prev_level = b.sst_life.level
		global max_plot_height
		max_plot_height = cur_y0_max + box_height + y_spacing if max_plot_height is None \
				else max(max_plot_height, cur_y0_max + box_height + y_spacing)

		fn_boxes = "%s/%s-boxes-%d" % (dn, Conf.Get("simulation_time_begin"), n)
		with open(fn_boxes, "w") as fo:
			fmt = "%3d %1d %9d %6.2f %8d %6s %20d %20d %5.1f"
			fo.write("%s\n" % Util.BuildHeader(fmt, "sst_gen level size temperature(reads_per_sec_per_mb)" \
					" temperature_color temperature_color_hex" \
					" ks_first ks_last box_y0"))
			for b in boxes:
				fo.write((fmt + "\n") % (b.sst_life.Id()
					, b.sst_life.Level()
					, b.sst_life.Size()
					, b.temp
					, b.color, "%0.6X" % b.color
					# This is the problem. RocksDB log doesn't have SSTable keyrange. Oh
					# well. Let's use the Cassandra log and come back.
					, b.sst_life.key_range[0]
					, b.sst_life.key_range[1]
					, b.y0
		Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (fn_boxes, os.path.getsize(fn_boxes)))

		with open(fn_level_info, "w") as fo:
			fmt = "%5s %5s"
			fo.write("%s\n" % Util.BuildHeader(fmt, "level_label_y level_separator_y"))
			for i in range(max(len(level_labels_y), len(level_separators_y))):
				l = "-"
				if i < len(level_labels_y):
					l = "%5.1f" % level_labels_y[i]
				s = "-"
				if i < len(level_separators_y):
					s = "%5.1f" % level_separators_y[i]
				fo.write((fmt + "\n") % (l, s))
		Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (fn_level_info, os.path.getsize(fn_level_info)))

	return (fn_boxes, fn_level_info)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def GetFnCostSloEpsilonVsMetrics():
    fn_out = "%s/cost-slo-epsilon-vs-metrics" % Conf.GetOutDir()
    if os.path.isfile(fn_out):
        return (fn_out, _GetLinearRegErrorBoundParams(fn_out))

    dn_base = Conf.GetDir("dn_base")
    # {cost_slo_epsilon: fn}
    cse_fn = {}
    for cost_slo_epsilon, fn0 in Conf.Get("by_cost_slo_epsilons").iteritems():
        fn = "%s/%s" % (dn_base, fn0)
        cse_fn[cost_slo_epsilon] = fn

    params = []
    for cost_slo_epsilon, fn_ycsb_log in sorted(cse_fn.iteritems()):

    parallel_processing = True
    if parallel_processing:
        with terminating(Pool()) as pool:
            result = pool.map(GetFnTimeVsMetrics, params)
        result = []
        for p in params:

    cse_outfn = {}
    i = 0
    for cost_slo_epsilon, fn_ycsb_log in sorted(cse_fn.iteritems()):
        cse_outfn[cost_slo_epsilon] = result[i]
        i += 1

    with open(fn_out, "w") as fo:
            "# Linear regression coefficients of CSE vs storage cost = [%s]\n"
            % " ".join(str(i) for i in _CalcUpperBound(cse_outfn)))
        fo.write("# CSE: Storge cost SLO epsilon\n")
        fo.write("# JR: jobs_recovery\n")
        fo.write("# JF: jobs_flush\n")
        fo.write("# JC: jobs_compaction\n")
        fo.write("#   JCL: jobs_comp_leveled_organization_triggered\n")
        fo.write("#   SSCL: total_sst_size_comp_level_triggered_in_gb\n")
            "#   SSCLCM: total_sst_size_comp_level_triggered_comp_migrs_in_gb\n"
            "#     SSCLCMS: total_sst_size_comp_level_triggered_comp_migrs_to_slow_in_gb\n"
            "#     SSCLCMF: total_sst_size_comp_level_triggered_comp_migrs_to_fast_in_gb\n"
        fo.write("# JCT: jobs_comp_temp_triggered_migr\n")
        fo.write("#   SSCT: total_sst_size_comp_temp_triggered_migr_in_gb\n")
        fo.write("#     SSCTS: To slow storage\n")
        fo.write("#     SSCTF: To fast storage\n")

        fmt = "%4.2f %8.6f %8.6f %8.6f %8.6f %1d %2d %4d" \
            " %4d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f" \
            " %4d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f"
        header = Util.BuildHeader(fmt, "CSE" \
            " stg_unit_cost_$_gb_month" \
            " stg_cost_$" \
            " fast_stg_cost_$" \
            " slow_stg_cost_$" \
            " JR" \
            " JF" \
            " JC" \
              " JCL" \
              " SSCL" \
              " SSCLCM" \
                " SSCLCMS" \
                " SSCLCMF" \
            " JCT" \
              " SSCT" \
                " SSCTS" \
                " SSCTF" \
        fo.write(header + "\n")

        for cost_slo_epsilon, fn1 in sorted(cse_outfn.iteritems()):
            kvs = [
                ["total_stg_unit_cost", None], ["total_stg_cost", None],
                ["fast_stg_cost", None], ["slow_stg_cost", None],
                ["num_jobs_recovery", None], ["num_jobs_flush", None],
                ["num_jobs_comp_all", None],
                ["num_jobs_comp_level_triggered", None],
                ["total_sst_size_comp_level_triggered_in_gb", None],
                ["total_sst_size_comp_level_triggered_comp_migrs_in_gb", None],
                ], ["num_jobs_comp_temp_triggered_migr", None],
                ["total_sst_size_comp_temp_triggered_migr", None],
                ["total_sst_size_comp_temp_triggered_migr_to_slow", None],
                ["total_sst_size_comp_temp_triggered_migr_to_fast", None]

            with open(fn1) as fo1:
                for line in fo1:
                    if not line.startswith("#"):

                    for kv in kvs:
                        k = kv[0]
                        mo = re.match(r".+%s=(?P<v>(\d|\.)+)" % k, line)
                        if mo:
                            kv[1] = float(mo.group("v"))

                    (fmt + "\n") %
                    (cost_slo_epsilon, kvs[0][1], kvs[1][1], kvs[2][1],
                     kvs[3][1], kvs[4][1], kvs[5][1], kvs[6][1], kvs[7][1],
                     kvs[8][1], kvs[9][1], kvs[10][1], kvs[11][1], kvs[12][1],
                     kvs[13][1], kvs[14][1], kvs[15][1]))
            except TypeError as e:
                raise e

    Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (fn_out, os.path.getsize(fn_out)))
    return (fn_out, _GetLinearRegErrorBoundParams(fn_out))
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def __init__(self, dn_log_job, exp_dt):
        self.fn_out = "%s/rocksdb-by-time-%s" % (Conf.GetOutDir(), exp_dt)
        if os.path.isfile(self.fn_out):

        self.exp_begin_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(exp_dt,

        with Cons.MT("Generating rocksdb time-vs-metrics file for plot ..."):
            fn_log_rocksdb = "%s/rocksdb/%s" % (dn_log_job, exp_dt)

            if not os.path.exists(fn_log_rocksdb):
                fn_zipped = "%s.bz2" % fn_log_rocksdb
                if not os.path.exists(fn_zipped):
                    raise RuntimeError("Unexpected: %s" % fn_log_rocksdb)
                    "cd %s && bzip2 -dk %s > /dev/null" %
                    (os.path.dirname(fn_zipped), os.path.basename(fn_zipped)))
            if not os.path.exists(fn_log_rocksdb):
                raise RuntimeError("Unexpected")

            # Histogram with 1 second binning
            # {rel_ts: [file_size]}
            ts_size = {}
            with open(fn_log_rocksdb) as fo:
                for line in fo:
                    if "\"event\": \"table_file_creation\"" in line:
                        # 2017/10/13-20:41:54.872056 7f604a7e4700 EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1507927314871238, "cf_name": "usertable", "job": 3, "event": "table_file_creation", "file_number": 706, "file_size": 258459599, "path_id": 0, "table_properties": {"data_size": 256772973, "index_size": 1685779, "filter_size": 0, "raw_key_size": 6767934, "raw_average_key_size": 30, "raw_value_size": 249858360, "raw_average_value_size": 1140, "num_data_blocks": 54794, "num_entries": 219174, "filter_policy_name": "", "reason": kFlush, "kDeletedKeys": "0", "kMergeOperands": "0"}}
                        mo = re.match(
                            r"(?P<ts>(\d|\/|-|:|\.)+) .+EVENT_LOG_v1 (?P<json>.+)",
                        if mo is None:
                            raise RuntimeError("Unexpected: [%s]" % line)

                        ts = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                            mo.group("ts"), "%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S.%f")
                        ts_rel = ts - self.exp_begin_dt

                        # Fix the illegal json format
                        j = mo.group("json").replace("kFlush",
                            j1 = json.loads(j)
                        except ValueError as e:
                            Cons.P("%s [%s]" % (e, line))

                        # You may be able to use path_id later
                        sst_size = int(j1["file_size"])
                        #Cons.P("%s %d" % (ts_rel, sst_size))

                        total_s = ts_rel.total_seconds()
                        s = total_s % 60
                        total_s -= s
                        total_m = total_s / 60
                        m = total_m % 60
                        total_m -= m
                        h = total_m / 60

                        ts1 = "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, s)
                        if ts1 not in ts_size:
                            ts_size[ts1] = []

            fmt = "%8s %2d %9d"
            with open(self.fn_out, "w") as fo:
                        fmt, "rel_ts_HHMMSS num_sstables sum_sst_sizes") +
                for ts, sizes in sorted(ts_size.iteritems()):
                    fo.write((fmt + "\n") % (ts, len(sizes), sum(sizes)))
            Cons.P("Created %s %d" %
                   (self.fn_out, os.path.getsize(self.fn_out)))
Ejemplo n.º 26
def _BuildMemtSstLives():
    with Cons.MT("Building memt and sst lives ..."):
        #global _memt_lives
        global _sst_lives
        #_memt_lives = {}
        _sst_lives = {}

        dn = "%s/work/mutant/misc/rocksdb/log/rocksdb" % os.path.expanduser(
        fn = "%s/%s" % (dn, Conf.Get("simulation_time_begin"))
        if not os.path.isfile(fn):
            fn_7z = "%s.7z" % fn
            if not os.path.isfile(fn_7z):
                raise RuntimeError("Unexpected")
            Util.RunSubp("cd %s && 7z e %s" % (dn, fn_7z))
        if not os.path.isfile(fn):
            raise RuntimeError("Unexpected")

        line_no = 0
        with open(fn) as fo:
            for line in fo:
                line_no += 1
                # It's fast enough and often times excuted in parallel. No need to show the progress.
                if False:
                    if line_no % 100 == 0:
                        Cons.Pnnl("Processing line %d" % line_no)

                # Not needed for storage cost calculation
                # 2016/12/21-02:17:14.329266 7f702d7fa700 EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros":
                # 1482304634329023, "mutant_table_acc_cnt": {"memt":
                # "0x7f69fc00c350:51723 0x7f6bec011200:26942", "sst": "1069:0:30.123:20.123
                # 1059:980:30.123:20.123"}
                #mo = re.match(r".+ EVENT_LOG_v1 {\"time_micros\": (?P<time_micros>\d+)" \
                #		", \"mutant_table_acc_cnt\": {(\"memt\": \"(?P<memt_acc_cnt>(\w|\d|:| )+)\")?" \
                #		"(, )?" \
                #		"(\"sst\": \"(?P<sst_acc_cnt>(\w|\d|:|-|\.| )+)\")?" \
                #		"}" \
                #		".*"
                #		, line)
                #if mo is not None:
                #	_SetTabletAccess(mo)
                #	continue

                # 2016/12/21-01:27:40.840324 7f702dffb700 EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros":
                # 1482301660840289, "cf_name": "default", "job": 4, "event":
                # "table_file_creation", "file_number": 15, "file_size": 67569420,
                # "path_id": 0, "table_properties": {"data_size": 67110556, "index_size": 458020,
                # "filter_size": 0, "raw_key_size": 1752468, "raw_average_key_size": 25,
                # "raw_value_size": 65132550, "raw_average_value_size": 966,
                # "num_data_blocks": 16857, "num_entries": 67425, "filter_policy_name":
                # "", "reason": kCompaction, "kDeletedKeys": "0", "kMergeOperands": "0"}}
                mo = re.match(r"(?P<ts>\d\d\d\d/\d\d/\d\d-\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d\d\d\d\d)" \
                  ".+ EVENT_LOG_v1 {\"time_micros\": (?P<time_micros>\d+)" \
                  ", \"cf_name\": \"default\"" \
                  ", \"job\": (?P<job>\d+)" \
                  ", \"event\": \"table_file_creation\"" \
                  ", \"file_number\": (?P<file_number>\d+)" \
                  ", \"file_size\": (?P<file_size>\d+)" \
                  ", \"path_id\": (?P<path_id>\d+)" \
                  ".+" \
                  ", \"reason\": (?P<reason>\w+)" \
                  , line)
                if mo is not None:

                # 2016/12/21-02:15:58.341853 7f702dffb700 EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros":
                # 1482304558341847, "job": 227, "event": "table_file_deletion",
                # "file_number": 1058}
                mo = re.match(r"(?P<ts>\d\d\d\d/\d\d/\d\d-\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d\d\d\d\d)" \
                  ".+ EVENT_LOG_v1 {\"time_micros\": (?P<time_micros>\d+)" \
                  ", \"job\": \d+" \
                  ", \"event\": \"table_file_deletion\"" \
                  ", \"file_number\": (?P<file_number>\d+)" \
                  "}" \
                  , line)
                if mo is not None:

                # 2017/01/20-23:03:00.960592 7fc8037fe700 EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros":
                # 1484971380960590, "mutant_trivial_move": {"in_sst": "sst_id=145
                # level=1 path_id=0 temp=20.721", "out_sst_path_id": 0}}
                mo = re.match(r"(?P<ts>\d\d\d\d/\d\d/\d\d-\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d\d\d\d\d)" \
                  ".+ EVENT_LOG_v1 {\"time_micros\": (?P<time_micros>\d+)" \
                  ", \"mutant_trivial_move\": {" \
                  "\"in_sst\": \"" \
                  "sst_id=(?P<in_sst_id>\d+)" \
                  " level=(?P<in_level>\d+)" \
                  " path_id=(?P<in_path_id>\d+)" \
                  " temp=(?P<in_temp>(\d|\.)+)" \
                  "\", \"out_sst_path_id\": (?P<out_path_id>\d+)}}" \
                  , line)
                if mo is not None:

                # You can check out the other events here. All useful ones were covered above.
            Cons.P("Processed %d lines" % line_no)

        deleted = 0
        not_deleted = 0
        for sst_id, sl in _sst_lives.iteritems():
            if sl.TsDeleted() is None:
                not_deleted += 1
                deleted += 1
        Cons.P("Created %d SstLives. %d not-deleted, %d deleted" %
               (len(_sst_lives), not_deleted, deleted))
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def __init__(self, dn_log_job, exp_dt):
        self.fn_out = "%s/rocksdb-by-time-%s" % (Conf.GetOutDir(), exp_dt)
        if os.path.isfile(self.fn_out):

        self.sst_events = SstEvents(self, exp_dt)
        self.sst_info = SstInfo()
        self.comp_info = CompInfo(self)
        self.stg_cost = StgCost.StgCost(exp_dt)

        with Cons.MT("Generating rocksdb time-vs-metrics file for plot ..."):
            fn_log_rocksdb = "%s/rocksdb/%s" % (dn_log_job, exp_dt)

            if not os.path.exists(fn_log_rocksdb):
                fn_zipped = "%s.bz2" % fn_log_rocksdb
                if not os.path.exists(fn_zipped):
                    raise RuntimeError("Unexpected: %s" % fn_log_rocksdb)
                    "cd %s && bzip2 -dk %s > /dev/null" %
                    (os.path.dirname(fn_zipped), os.path.basename(fn_zipped)))
            if not os.path.exists(fn_log_rocksdb):
                raise RuntimeError("Unexpected")

            with open(fn_log_rocksdb) as fo:
                for line in fo:

                    # 2018/01/05-08:10:30.085011 7f40083d8700   migrate_sstables: 0
                    if "   migrate_sstables: " in line:
                        mo = re.match(
                            r"(?P<ts>(\d|\/|-|:|\.)+) .*   migrate_sstables: (?P<v>\d).*",
                        if mo is None:
                            raise RuntimeError("Unexpected: [%s]" % line)
                        self.migrate_sstables = (mo.group("v") == "1")

                    # Storage pricing. Fast and slow.
                    #   We parse the 2 storage configuration for now.
                    #   You don't need this for the baseline, unmodified DB, since the unit cost is always the same.
                    # 2018/01/23-22:53:48.875126 7f3300cd8700   stg_cost_list: 0.528000 0.045000
                    elif "   stg_cost_list: " in line:

                    # 2018/01/23-22:53:48.875128 7f3300cd8700   stg_cost_slo: 0.300000
                    elif "   stg_cost_slo: " in line:

                    # 2018/01/23-22:53:48.875130 7f3300cd8700   stg_cost_slo_epsilon: 0.020000
                    elif "   stg_cost_slo_epsilon: " in line:

                    # 2018/02/27-17:27:33.745680 7fcbc1536700 EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1519752453745660, "Set target_cost to ": 0.2}
                    elif "Set target_cost to" in line:

                    # 2018/02/27-16:49:17.959334 7ff0ed2b2700 EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1519750157959324, "mutant_sst_opened": {"file_number": 2274, "file_size":
                    # 10950641, "path_id": 0, "level": 1}}
                    elif "\"mutant_sst_opened\": " in line:

                    # 2017/10/13-20:41:54.872056 7f604a7e4700 EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1507927314871238, "cf_name": "usertable", "job": 3, "event":
                    # "table_file_creation", "file_number": 706, "file_size": 258459599, "path_id": 0, "table_properties": {"data_size": 256772973, "index_size": 1685779,
                    # "filter_size": 0, "raw_key_size": 6767934, "raw_average_key_size": 30, "raw_value_size": 249858360, "raw_average_value_size": 1140,
                    # "num_data_blocks": 54794, "num_entries": 219174, "filter_policy_name": "", "reason": kFlush, "kDeletedKeys": "0", "kMergeOperands": "0"}}
                    elif "\"event\": \"table_file_creation\"" in line:

                    # 2018/01/01-05:33:49.183505 7f97d0ff1700 EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1514784829183496, "job": 6, "event": "table_file_deletion", "file_number": 21}
                    elif "\"event\": \"table_file_deletion\"" in line:

                    # 2018/01/23-00:13:13.593310 7fa321da9700 EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1516666393593302, "mutant_calc_out_sst_path_id": {"in_sst": "(sst_id=16
                    # temp=57.189 level=0 path_id=0 size=258425431 age=30)", "in_sst_temp": "57.188590", "sst_ott": 3176.66, "out_sst_path_id": 1,
                    # "temp_triggered_single_sst_compaction": 1}}
                    elif "\"mutant_calc_out_sst_path_id\"" in line:

                    # Figure out how an SSTable is created
                    # (a) start building CompInfo
                    # 2018/01/05-08:40:21.078219 7fd13ffff700 EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1515141621078214, "mutant_sst_compaction_migration": {"in_sst": "(sst_id=16
                    # temp=57.345 level=0 path_id=0 size=258423184 age=30) (sst_id=13 temp=3738.166 level=0 path_id=1 size=118885 age=440)", "out_sst_path_id": 1,
                    # "temp_triggered_single_sst_compaction": 1}}
                    # Some SSTables are created without this log, meaning not going through _CalcOutputPathId(). Use the other one.
                    #elif "mutant_sst_compaction_migration" in line:
                    #  if not self.migrate_sstables:
                    #    continue
                    #  self.comp_info.Add(line)

                    # Build CompInfo
                    #   We manually parse this just because there are multiple keys with "files_L0" and json would probably not be able to parse it
                    #   2018/01/05-08:40:21.078303 7fd13ffff700 EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1515141621078294, "job": 5, "event": "compaction_started", "files_L0": [16,
                    #   13], "files_L0": [16, 13], "score": 0, "input_data_size": 517084138}
                    elif "compaction_started" in line:

                    # (c) Assign out_sst_info to CompInfo using job_id. It is done when parsing table_file_creation above.

Ejemplo n.º 28
def _CalcStorageCost():
    global _sst_lives
    if _sst_lives is None:
        raise RuntimeError("Unexpected")

    # Sort them by ts_cd and, to break ties, by sst_id
    # {ts_created_or_deleted: sst_id}
    class TscdSstid:
        def __init__(self, ts, event, sst_id):
            self.ts = ts
            if ts is not None:
                self.ts = SimTime.ToSimulatedTime(self.ts)

            # "C"reated or "D"eleted
            self.event = event
            self.sst_id = sst_id

            if self.ts is not None:
                if SimTime.SimulatedTimeEnd() < self.ts:
                    # This happens. Tolerate ts no bigger than SimTime.SimulatedTimeEnd()
                    # by 5 minutes, which is small compared with the 14 day time
                    # interval.
                    if SimTime.SimulatedTimeEnd() < self.ts:
                        Cons.P("SimTime.SimulatedTimeEnd() %s < self.ts %s. event=%s. It's okay. Adjust to the former" \
                          % (SimTime.SimulatedTimeEnd(), self.ts, event))
                        self.ts = SimTime.SimulatedTimeEnd()

            if self.event == "D" and self.ts is None:
                self.ts = SimTime.SimulatedTimeEnd()

            if self.ts is None:
                raise RuntimeError("Unexpected")

        def __str__(self):
            return "(%s %s %d)" % (self.ts, self.event, self.sst_id)

        def __repr__(self):
            return self.__str__()

        def Cmp(a, b):
            if a.ts < b.ts:
                return -1
            elif a.ts > b.ts:
                return 1
                # Breaking tie. The order is not important.
                return (a.sst_id - b.sst_id)

    tscd_sstid = []
    for sst_id, sl in _sst_lives.iteritems():
        tscd_sstid.append(TscdSstid(sl.TsCreated(), "C", sst_id))
        tscd_sstid.append(TscdSstid(sl.TsDeleted(), "D", sst_id))

    tscd_sstid = sorted(tscd_sstid, cmp=TscdSstid.Cmp)

    # Make output dn
    dn = "%s/%s" % (Conf.GetDir("dn_result"),

    # Calculate current storage size by scanning them from the oldest to the
    # newest. We have 4 storage devices.
    cur_size = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    cur_num_ssts = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    # Size * time in byte * sec up to now
    cumulative_size_time = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    # Init to simulated_time_begin
    ts_prev = SimTime.SimulatedTimeBegin()
    stat = []

    # Store to a file to that you can plot time vs storage size plot.
    fn = "%s/data-size-by-stg-devs-by-time" % dn
    with open(fn, "w") as fo:
        # 160727-122652.458
        # 12345678901234567
        fmt = "%17s %17s %5d" \
          " %2d %2d %2d %2d" \
          " %2d %2d %2d %2d" \
          " %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f" \
          " %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f" \
          " %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f"
        header = Util.BuildHeader(fmt
          , "ts0 ts1 ts_dur" \
            " prev_num_ssts_0 prev_num_ssts_1 prev_num_ssts_2 prev_num_ssts_3" \
            " cur_num_ssts_0 cur_num_ssts_1 cur_num_ssts_2 cur_num_ssts_3" \
            " prev_size_0_in_MB" \
            " prev_size_1_in_MB" \
            " prev_size_2_in_MB" \
            " prev_size_3_in_MB" \
            " prev_size_sum_in_MB" \
            " cur_size_0_in_MB" \
            " cur_size_1_in_MB" \
            " cur_size_2_in_MB" \
            " cur_size_3_in_MB" \
            " cur_size_sum_in_MB" \
            " cumulative_size_time_0_in_GB*month" \
            " cumulative_size_time_1_in_GB*month" \
            " cumulative_size_time_2_in_GB*month" \
            " cumulative_size_time_3_in_GB*month" \
            " cumulative_size_time_sum_in_GB*month"
        i = 0
        for e in tscd_sstid:
            if i % 40 == 0:
                fo.write("%s\n" % header)
            i += 1

            if e.ts < SimTime.SimulatedTimeBegin():
                Cons.P("e.ts %s < SimTime.SimulatedTimeBegin() %s. Adjusting to the latter. This happens." \
                  % (e.ts, SimTime.SimulatedTimeBegin()))
                e.ts = SimTime.SimulatedTimeBegin()

            prev_size = cur_size[:]
            prev_num_ssts = cur_num_ssts[:]

            for j in range(4):
                cumulative_size_time[j] += (cur_size[j] *
                                            (e.ts - ts_prev).total_seconds())

            path_id = _sst_lives[e.sst_id].PathId()
            size = _sst_lives[e.sst_id].Size()

            if e.event == "C":
                cur_size[path_id] += size
                cur_num_ssts[path_id] += 1
            elif e.event == "D":
                cur_size[path_id] -= size
                cur_num_ssts[path_id] -= 1
                raise RuntimeError("Unexpected")

                (fmt + "\n") %
                 (e.ts - ts_prev).total_seconds(), prev_num_ssts[0],
                 prev_num_ssts[1], prev_num_ssts[2], prev_num_ssts[3],
                 cur_num_ssts[0], cur_num_ssts[1], cur_num_ssts[2],
                 cur_num_ssts[3], (prev_size[0] / (1024.0 * 1024)),
                 (prev_size[1] / (1024.0 * 1024)),
                 (prev_size[2] / (1024.0 * 1024)), (prev_size[3] /
                                                    (1024.0 * 1024)),
                 (sum(prev_size) / (1024.0 * 1024)), (cur_size[0] /
                                                      (1024.0 * 1024)),
                 (cur_size[1] / (1024.0 * 1024)), (cur_size[2] /
                                                   (1024.0 * 1024)),
                 (cur_size[3] / (1024.0 * 1024)), (sum(cur_size) /
                                                   (1024.0 * 1024)),
                 (cumulative_size_time[0] / (1024.0 * 1024 * 1024) /
                  (3600.0 * 24 * 365.25 / 12)),
                 (cumulative_size_time[1] / (1024.0 * 1024 * 1024) /
                  (3600.0 * 24 * 365.25 / 12)), (cumulative_size_time[2] /
                                                 (1024.0 * 1024 * 1024) /
                                                 (3600.0 * 24 * 365.25 / 12)),
                 (cumulative_size_time[3] / (1024.0 * 1024 * 1024) /
                  (3600.0 * 24 * 365.25 / 12)), (sum(cumulative_size_time) /
                                                 (1024.0 * 1024 * 1024) /
                                                 (3600.0 * 24 * 365.25 / 12))))

            ts_prev = e.ts
        # Don't bother with printing the last row. Quite a lot of the last rows
        # have the same timestamps.

        stat.append("Data size-time (GB*Month):")
        stat.append("  Local SSD   : %f" %
                    (cumulative_size_time[0] / (1024.0 * 1024 * 1024) /
                     (3600.0 * 24 * 365.25 / 12)))
        stat.append("  EBS SSD     : %f" %
                    (cumulative_size_time[1] / (1024.0 * 1024 * 1024) /
                     (3600.0 * 24 * 365.25 / 12)))
        stat.append("  EBS Mag     : %f" %
                    (cumulative_size_time[2] / (1024.0 * 1024 * 1024) /
                     (3600.0 * 24 * 365.25 / 12)))
        stat.append("  EBS Mag Cold: %f" %
                    (cumulative_size_time[3] / (1024.0 * 1024 * 1024) /
                     (3600.0 * 24 * 365.25 / 12)))
        stat.append("  Sum         : %f" %
                    (sum(cumulative_size_time) / (1024.0 * 1024 * 1024) /
                     (3600.0 * 24 * 365.25 / 12)))

        stat.append("Storage cost ($):")
        stat.append("  Local SSD   : %f" %
                    (_storage_cost[0] * cumulative_size_time[0] /
                     (1024.0 * 1024 * 1024) / (3600.0 * 24 * 365.25 / 12)))
        stat.append("  EBS SSD     : %f" %
                    (_storage_cost[1] * cumulative_size_time[1] /
                     (1024.0 * 1024 * 1024) / (3600.0 * 24 * 365.25 / 12)))
        stat.append("  EBS Mag     : %f" %
                    (_storage_cost[2] * cumulative_size_time[2] /
                     (1024.0 * 1024 * 1024) / (3600.0 * 24 * 365.25 / 12)))
        stat.append("  EBS Mag Cold: %f" %
                    (_storage_cost[3] * cumulative_size_time[3] /
                     (1024.0 * 1024 * 1024) / (3600.0 * 24 * 365.25 / 12)))
        stat.append("  Sum         : %f" %
                    ((_storage_cost[0] * cumulative_size_time[0] +
                      _storage_cost[1] * cumulative_size_time[1] +
                      _storage_cost[2] * cumulative_size_time[2] +
                      _storage_cost[3] * cumulative_size_time[3]) /
                     (1024.0 * 1024 * 1024) / (3600.0 * 24 * 365.25 / 12)))

        for l in stat:
            fo.write("# %s\n" % l)
    Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (fn, os.path.getsize(fn)))

    for l in stat:
Ejemplo n.º 29
def Init(simulation_time_begin):
    with Cons.MT("Init Conf ...", print_time=False):
        global _simulation_time_begin
        global _simulation_time_end
        global _simulated_time_begin
        global _simulated_time_end
        _simulation_time_begin = None
        _simulation_time_end = None
        _simulated_time_begin = None
        _simulated_time_end = None

        dn = "%s/client" % Conf.GetDir("log_dir")
        fn = "%s/%s" % (dn, simulation_time_begin)
        if not os.path.isfile(fn):
            fn_7z = "%s.7z" % fn
            if not os.path.isfile(fn_7z):
                raise RuntimeError("File not found: %s" % fn_7z)
            Util.RunSubp("cd %s && 7z e %s" % (dn, fn_7z))
        if not os.path.isfile(fn):
            raise RuntimeError("Unexpected")

        with Cons.MT("Parsing simulated/simulation time from %s ..." % fn,
            with open(fn) as fo:
                for line in fo:
                    # simulation_time_end  : 161227-162418.288
                    mo = re.match(
                        r"# simulation_time_begin: (?P<dt>\d\d\d\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d\d\d\.\d\d\d)",
                    if mo is not None:
                        _simulation_time_begin = mo.group("dt")
                        if _simulation_time_begin != simulation_time_begin:
                            raise RuntimeError("Unexpected")
                        _simulation_time_begin = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                            _simulation_time_begin, "%y%m%d-%H%M%S.%f")

                    mo = re.match(
                        r"# simulation_time_end  : (?P<dt>\d\d\d\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d\d\d\.\d\d\d)",
                    if mo is not None:
                        _simulation_time_end = mo.group("dt")
                        _simulation_time_end = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                            _simulation_time_end, "%y%m%d-%H%M%S.%f")

                    mo = re.match(
                        r"# simulated_time_begin : (?P<dt>\d\d\d\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d\d\d\.\d\d\d)",
                    if mo is not None:
                        _simulated_time_begin = mo.group("dt")
                        _simulated_time_begin = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                            _simulated_time_begin, "%y%m%d-%H%M%S.%f")

                    mo = re.match(
                        r"# simulated_time_end   : (?P<dt>\d\d\d\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d\d\d\.\d\d\d)",
                    if mo is not None:
                        _simulated_time_end = mo.group("dt")
                        _simulated_time_end = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                            _simulated_time_end, "%y%m%d-%H%M%S.%f")
                        # Got all you needed. break to save time

            Cons.P("simulation_time_begin: %s" % _simulation_time_begin)
            Cons.P("simulation_time_end  : %s" % _simulation_time_end)
            Cons.P("simulated_time_begin : %s" % _simulated_time_begin)
            Cons.P("simulated_time_end   : %s" % _simulated_time_end)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def Heatmap():
    # Set Conf.ExpStartTime(), if not already set.
    if Conf.ExpStartTime() is None:

    fn_hm = "%s/sst-heatmap-by-time-%s" % (Conf.dn_result, Conf.ExpStartTime())
    fn_vl = "%s/sst-heatmap-by-time-vertical-lines-%s" % (Conf.dn_result,
    if os.path.isfile(fn_hm) and os.path.isfile(fn_vl):
        return (fn_hm, fn_vl, _MaxHeatFromHeatmapByTimeData(fn_hm))

    sst_lives = MemtSstLife.GetSstLives()

    with Cons.MT("Generating Sst heatmap by time ..."):
        # Gather heat info at n different times
        num_times = Conf.heatmap_by_time_num_times

        if Conf.ExpFinishTime() is None:

        min_sst_opened = None
        for sst_gen, sl in sorted(sst_lives.iteritems()):
            min_sst_opened = sl.Opened() if min_sst_opened is None else min(
                min_sst_opened, sl.Opened())

        # Start time is when the first Sstable is opened, not the experiment start
        # time, when no SSTable exists yet.
        #   Exp start time:          160927-143257.395
        #   First Sstable open time: 160927-143411.273
        #st = datetime.datetime.strptime(Conf.ExpStartTime(), "%y%m%d-%H%M%S.%f")
        st = datetime.datetime.strptime(min_sst_opened, "%y%m%d-%H%M%S.%f")
        et = datetime.datetime.strptime(Conf.ExpFinishTime(),
        dur = (et - st).total_seconds()

        # { t0: {HeatBoxes} }
        time_heatboxes = {}
        vertical_lines = []
        for i in range(0, num_times):
            t0 = st + datetime.timedelta(seconds=(float(dur) * i / num_times +
            t1 = st + datetime.timedelta(seconds=(float(dur) *
                                                  (i + 1) / num_times +

            # Heat boxes are sorted by their heat and plotted with the heights
            # proportional to the size.
            boxes = []
            for sst_gen, sl in sorted(sst_lives.iteritems()):
                h = sl.HeatAtTime(t0)
                if h is None:
                boxes.append(_Box(sl, t0, t1, h))
            boxes.sort(key=lambda b: b.heat, reverse=True)
            time_heatboxes[t0] = boxes

            Cons.Pnnl("%4d/%4d" % (i + 1, num_times))
        print ""
        del vertical_lines[-1]

        # Set y-coordinate of each box
        for t, boxes in sorted(time_heatboxes.iteritems()):
            total_size = 0
            for b in boxes:
                total_size += b.sl.Size()
            s = 0
            for b in boxes:
                b.y0 = float(s) / total_size
                s += b.sl.Size()
                b.y1 = float(s) / total_size

        # Make leftmost time to 0.
        t_first = None
        t_base = datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1)
        for t, boxes in sorted(time_heatboxes.iteritems()):
            if t_first is None:
                t_first = t
            for b in boxes:
                b.t0 = t_base + (b.t0 - t_first)
                b.t1 = t_base + (b.t1 - t_first)
        for i in range(len(vertical_lines)):
            vertical_lines[i] = t_base + (vertical_lines[i] - t_first)

        fmt = "%4d %1d %17s %17s %6.4f %6.4f" \
          " %8.3f %8d %6s"
        with open(fn_hm, "w") as fo:
            fo.write("# heat_max=%f\n" % MemtSstLife.SstLife.max_heat)

            # y0 is smaller than y1 (y0 is placed higher in the plot than y1).
            fo.write("%s\n" % Util.BuildHeader(fmt, \
              "sst_gen level t0 t1 y0 y1" \
              " heat heat_color heat_color_hex"))

            for t, boxes in sorted(time_heatboxes.iteritems()):
                for b in boxes:
                    fo.write((fmt + "\n") % ( \
                      b.sl.sst_gen, b.sl.level
                      , b.t0.strftime("%y%m%d-%H%M%S.%f")[:-3], b.t1.strftime("%y%m%d-%H%M%S.%f")[:-3]
                      , b.y0, b.y1
                      , b.heat, b.heat_color, ("%0.6X" % b.heat_color)
        Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (fn_hm, os.path.getsize(fn_hm)))

        with open(fn_vl, "w") as fo:
            for vl in vertical_lines:
                fo.write("%s\n" % vl.strftime("%y%m%d-%H%M%S.%f")[:-3])
        Cons.P("Created %s %d" % (fn_vl, os.path.getsize(fn_vl)))
    return (fn_hm, fn_vl, MemtSstLife.SstLife.max_heat)