Ejemplo n.º 1
def findStartingPlot(argsList):
    # This function is only called for Snaky Continents (or if an entire region should fail to produce a valid start plot via the regional method).
    [playerID] = argsList

    # Check to see if a region failed. If so, try the default implementation. (The rest of this process could get stuck in an infinite loop, so don't risk it!)
    global bSuccessFlag
    if bSuccessFlag == False:

    # Identify the best land area available to this player.
    global areas
    global area_values
    global iBestArea
    gc = CyGlobalContext()
    map = CyMap()
    iBestValue = 0
    iBestArea = -1
    areas = CvMapGeneratorUtil.getAreas()

    for area in areas:
        if area.isWater(): continue  # Don't want to start "in the drink"!
        iNumPlayersOnArea = area.getNumStartingPlots(
        ) + 1  # Number of players starting on the area, plus this player.

        iTileValue = area.calculateTotalBestNatureYield(
        ) + area.getNumRiverEdges(
        ) + 2 * area.countCoastalLand() + 3 * area.countNumUniqueBonusTypes()
        iValue = iTileValue / iNumPlayersOnArea
        if (iNumPlayersOnArea == 1):
            iValue *= 4
            iValue /= 3
        if (iValue > iBestValue):
            iBestValue = iValue
            iBestArea = area.getID()

    # Ensure that starting plot is in chosen Area and is along the coast.
    def isValid(playerID, x, y):
        global iBestArea
        pPlot = CyMap().plot(x, y)
        if pPlot.getArea() != iBestArea:
            return false
        pWaterArea = pPlot.waterArea()
        if (pWaterArea.isNone()):
            return false
        return not pWaterArea.isLake()

    return CvMapGeneratorUtil.findStartingPlot(playerID, isValid)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def findStartingPlot(argsList):
	# This function is only called for Snaky Continents (or if an entire region should fail to produce a valid start plot via the regional method).
	[playerID] = argsList

	# Check to see if a region failed. If so, try the default implementation. (The rest of this process could get stuck in an infinite loop, so don't risk it!)
	global bSuccessFlag
	if bSuccessFlag == False:
	# Identify the best land area available to this player.
	global areas
	global area_values
	global iBestArea
	gc = CyGlobalContext()
	map = CyMap()
	iBestValue = 0
	iBestArea = -1
	areas = CvMapGeneratorUtil.getAreas()
	for area in areas:
		if area.isWater(): continue # Don't want to start "in the drink"!
		iNumPlayersOnArea = area.getNumStartingPlots() + 1 # Number of players starting on the area, plus this player.
		iTileValue = area.calculateTotalBestNatureYield() + area.getNumRiverEdges() + 2 * area.countCoastalLand() + 3 * area.countNumUniqueBonusTypes()
		iValue = iTileValue / iNumPlayersOnArea
		if (iNumPlayersOnArea == 1):
			iValue *= 4; iValue /= 3
		if (iValue > iBestValue):
			iBestValue = iValue
			iBestArea = area.getID()

	# Ensure that starting plot is in chosen Area and is along the coast.
	def isValid(playerID, x, y):
		global iBestArea
		pPlot = CyMap().plot(x, y)
		if pPlot.getArea() != iBestArea:
			return false
		pWaterArea = pPlot.waterArea()
		if (pWaterArea.isNone()):
			return false
		return not pWaterArea.isLake()
	return CvMapGeneratorUtil.findStartingPlot(playerID, isValid)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def findStartingPlot(argsList):
    gc = CyGlobalContext()
    map = CyMap()
    dice = gc.getGame().getMapRand()
    iPlayers = gc.getGame().countCivPlayersEverAlive()
    areas = CvMapGeneratorUtil.getAreas()
    areaValue = [0] * map.getIndexAfterLastArea()

    isolatedStarts = false
    userInputLandmass = CyMap().getCustomMapOption(0)
    if (userInputLandmass == 4):  #                 "Islands"
        isolatedStarts = true

    if iPlayers < 2 or iPlayers > 18:
        bSuccessFlag = False

    for area in areas:
        if area.isWater(): continue
        )] = area.calculateTotalBestNatureYield() + area.getNumRiverEdges(
        ) + 2 * area.countCoastalLand() + 3 * area.countNumUniqueBonusTypes()

    # Shuffle players so the same player doesn't always get the first pick.
    player_list = []
    for plrCheckLoop in range(18):
        if CyGlobalContext().getPlayer(plrCheckLoop).isEverAlive():
    shuffledPlayers = []
    for playerLoop in range(iPlayers):
        iChoosePlayer = dice.get(len(player_list),
                                 "Shuffling Players - Highlands PYTHON")
        del player_list[iChoosePlayer]

    # Loop through players, assigning starts for each.
    for assign_loop in range(iPlayers):
        playerID = shuffledPlayers[assign_loop]
        player = gc.getPlayer(playerID)
        bestAreaValue = 0
        global bestArea
        bestArea = None
        for area in areas:
            if area.isWater(): continue
            players = 2 * area.getNumStartingPlots()
            #Avoid single players on landmasses:
            if (false == isolatedStarts and players == 0):
                if (assign_loop == iPlayers - 1):
                    players = 4
                    players = 2
            value = areaValue[area.getID()] / (1 +
                                               2 * area.getNumStartingPlots())
            if (value > bestAreaValue):
                bestAreaValue = value
                bestArea = area

        def isValid(playerID, x, y):
            global bestArea
            plot = CyMap().plot(x, y)
            if (plot.getArea() != bestArea):
                return false
            if (self.getLatitudeAtPlot(x, y) >= 75):
                return false
            return true

        findstart = CvMapGeneratorUtil.findStartingPlot(playerID, isValid)
        sPlot = map.plotByIndex(findstart)
        player.setStartingPlot(sPlot, true)

#	return None
    return CvMapGeneratorUtil.findStartingPlot(playerID, isValid)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def assignStartingPlots():
    gc = CyGlobalContext()
    dice = gc.getGame().getMapRand()
    global shuffle
    global shuffledTeams
    global assignedPlayers
    assignedPlayers = [0] * gc.getGame().countCivTeamsEverAlive()
    print assignedPlayers
    shuffle = gc.getGame().getMapRand().get(2,
                                            "Start Location Shuffle - PYTHON")
    if gc.getGame().countCivTeamsEverAlive() < 5:
        team_list = [0, 1, 2, 3]
        shuffledTeams = []
        for teamLoop in range(gc.getGame().countCivTeamsEverAlive()):
            iChooseTeam = dice.get(len(team_list),
                                   "Shuffling Regions - TBG PYTHON")
            del team_list[iChooseTeam]

    # For Lakes and Continents settings, ensure that starts are all placed on the biggest landmass on each side.
    global biggest_areas
    biggest_areas = []
    areas = CvMapGeneratorUtil.getAreas()
    area_sizes = [(area.getNumTiles(), area.getID()) for area in areas
                  if not area.isWater()]
    area_sizes.sort()  # sort by size -- biggest areas last.

    # pop the biggest two areas off the list.
    area_size, area_ID = area_sizes.pop()
    if area_sizes != []:
        area_size, area_ID = area_sizes.pop()

    # First check to see if teams chose to "Start Separated" or "Start Anywhere".
    map = CyMap()
    userInputProximity = map.getCustomMapOption(1)
    if userInputProximity == 1:  # Teams set to Start Separated. Use default impl.

    # Shuffle the players.
    global playersOnTeamOne
    global playersOnTeamTwo
    iPlayers = gc.getGame().countCivPlayersEverAlive()
    playersOnTeamOne = []
    playersOnTeamTwo = []

    player_list = []
    for plrCheckLoop in range(18):
        if CyGlobalContext().getPlayer(plrCheckLoop).isEverAlive():
    shuffledPlayers = []
    for playerLoopTwo in range(iPlayers):
        iChoosePlayer = dice.get(len(player_list),
                                 "Shuffling Player Order - Mirror PYTHON")
        del player_list[iChoosePlayer]

    if userInputProximity == 2:  # Teams set to Start Anywhere!

        def isValidToStartAnywhere(playerID, x, y):
            global biggest_areas
            global terrainRoll
            userInputTerrain = CyMap().getCustomMapOption(2)
            if userInputTerrain < 3 or (userInputTerrain == 5
                                        and terrainRoll < 6):
                pPlot = CyMap().plot(x, y)
                areaID = pPlot.getArea()
                if areaID not in biggest_areas:
                    return false
            return true

        # Since the default alternates by team, must use the shuffled players list to assign starting locs.
        # This will provide a truly random order, which may or may not be "fair". But hey, starting anywhere means ANYwhere. OK?
        for playerID in shuffledPlayers:
            player = gc.getPlayer(playerID)
            startPlot = CvMapGeneratorUtil.findStartingPlot(
                playerID, isValidToStartAnywhere)
            sPlot = map.plotByIndex(startPlot)
            player.setStartingPlot(sPlot, true)
        # All done.
        return None

    # OK, so the teams have chosen to Start Together.
    # Check for the special case of two teams with even players.
    # If found, force perfect mirrorization of start plots!
    # (This is necessary because the default start plot process
    # resolves "ties" differently on each side due to minor
    # differences in the order of operations. Odd but true!)
    iTeams = gc.getGame().countCivTeamsEverAlive()
    if iTeams != 2:
    team_one = gc.getTeam(0)
    team_two = gc.getTeam(1)
    if team_one.getNumMembers() != team_two.getNumMembers():

    # We are dealing with two teams who are evenly matched.
    # Assign all start plots for the first team, then mirrorize the locations for the second team!
    # Start by determining which players are on which teams.
    for iLoop in range(iPlayers):
        thisPlayerID = shuffledPlayers[iLoop]
        this_player = gc.getPlayer(thisPlayerID)
        teamID = gc.getPlayer(thisPlayerID).getTeam()
        print("Player: ", thisPlayerID, " Team: ", teamID)
        if teamID == 1:

    # Now we pick a team to assign to the left side and assign them there.
    userInputPlots = map.getCustomMapOption(0)
    iW = map.getGridWidth()
    iH = map.getGridHeight()
    if userInputPlots == 0:  # Reflection
        reflect_x = lambda x: iW - iX - 1
        reflect_y = lambda y: iY
    elif userInputPlots == 1:  # Inversion
        reflect_x = lambda x: iW - iX - 1
        reflect_y = lambda y: iH - iY - 1
    elif userInputPlots == 2:  # Copy
        reflect_x = lambda x: iX + (iW / 2)
        reflect_y = lambda y: iY
    else:  # userInputPlots == 3: Opposite
        reflect_x = lambda x: iX + (iW / 2)
        reflect_y = lambda y: iH - iY - 1

    def isValidForMirror(playerID, x, y):
        global biggest_areas
        global terrainRoll
        userInputTerrain = CyMap().getCustomMapOption(2)
        if userInputTerrain < 3 or (userInputTerrain == 5 and terrainRoll < 6):
            pPlot = CyMap().plot(x, y)
            areaID = pPlot.getArea()
            if areaID not in biggest_areas:
                return false

        userInputPlots = CyMap().getCustomMapOption(0)
        iPlayers = CyGlobalContext().getGame().countCivPlayersEverAlive()
        teamID = CyGlobalContext().getPlayer(playerID).getTeam()
        iW = CyMap().getGridWidth()

        # Two Evenly-Matched Teams, Start Together
        if iPlayers > 2 and userInputPlots <= 1 and x <= iW * 0.4:
            return true
        if iPlayers > 2 and userInputPlots >= 2 and x >= iW * 0.1 and x <= iW * 0.4:
            return true
        # 1 vs 1 game, so make sure the players start farther apart!
        if iPlayers == 2 and userInputPlots <= 1 and x <= iW * 0.2:
            return true
        if iPlayers == 2 and userInputPlots >= 2 and x >= iW * 0.2 and x <= iW * 0.3:
            return true
        # if not true, then false! (Duh? Well, the program still has to be told.)
        return false

    if shuffle:  # We will put team two on the left.
        teamOneIndex = 0
        for thisPlayer in playersOnTeamTwo:
            player = gc.getPlayer(thisPlayer)
            startPlot = CvMapGeneratorUtil.findStartingPlot(
                thisPlayer, isValidForMirror)
            sPlot = map.plotByIndex(startPlot)
            player.setStartingPlot(sPlot, true)
            iX = sPlot.getX()
            iY = sPlot.getY()
            mirror_x = reflect_x(iX)
            mirror_y = reflect_y(iY)
            opposite_player = gc.getPlayer(playersOnTeamOne[teamOneIndex])
            oppositePlot = map.plot(mirror_x, mirror_y)
            opposite_player.setStartingPlot(oppositePlot, true)
            teamOneIndex += 1
    else:  # will put team one on the left.
        teamTwoIndex = 0
        for thisPlayer in playersOnTeamOne:
            player = gc.getPlayer(thisPlayer)
            startPlot = CvMapGeneratorUtil.findStartingPlot(
                thisPlayer, isValidForMirror)
            sPlot = map.plotByIndex(startPlot)
            player.setStartingPlot(sPlot, true)
            iX = sPlot.getX()
            iY = sPlot.getY()
            mirror_x = reflect_x(iX)
            mirror_y = reflect_y(iY)
            opposite_player = gc.getPlayer(playersOnTeamTwo[teamTwoIndex])
            oppositePlot = map.plot(mirror_x, mirror_y)
            opposite_player.setStartingPlot(oppositePlot, true)
            teamTwoIndex += 1

    # All done.
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 5
def findStartingPlot(argsList):
	gc = CyGlobalContext()
	map = CyMap()
	dice = gc.getGame().getMapRand()
	iPlayers = gc.getGame().countCivPlayersEverAlive()
	areas = CvMapGeneratorUtil.getAreas()
	areaValue = [0] * map.getIndexAfterLastArea()	

	isolatedStarts = false
	userInputLandmass = CyMap().getCustomMapOption(0)
	if (userInputLandmass == 4):     #                 "Islands"
		isolatedStarts = true

	if iPlayers < 2 or iPlayers > 18:
		bSuccessFlag = False

	for area in areas:
		if area.isWater(): continue 
		areaValue[area.getID()] = area.calculateTotalBestNatureYield() + area.getNumRiverEdges() + 2 * area.countCoastalLand() + 3 * area.countNumUniqueBonusTypes()

	# Shuffle players so the same player doesn't always get the first pick.
	player_list = []
	for plrCheckLoop in range(18):
		if CyGlobalContext().getPlayer(plrCheckLoop).isEverAlive():
	shuffledPlayers = []
	for playerLoop in range(iPlayers):
		iChoosePlayer = dice.get(len(player_list), "Shuffling Players - Highlands PYTHON")
		del player_list[iChoosePlayer]

	# Loop through players, assigning starts for each.
	for assign_loop in range(iPlayers):
		playerID = shuffledPlayers[assign_loop]
		player = gc.getPlayer(playerID)
		bestAreaValue = 0
		global bestArea
		bestArea = None
		for area in areas:
			if area.isWater(): continue 
			players = 2*area.getNumStartingPlots()
			#Avoid single players on landmasses:
			if (false == isolatedStarts and players == 0):
				if (assign_loop == iPlayers - 1):
					players = 4
					players = 2
			value = areaValue[area.getID()] / (1 + 2*area.getNumStartingPlots() )
			if (value > bestAreaValue):
				bestAreaValue = value;
				bestArea = area
		def isValid(playerID, x, y):
			global bestArea
			plot = CyMap().plot(x,y)
			if (plot.getArea() != bestArea):
				return false
			if (self.getLatitudeAtPlot(x,y) >= 75):
				return false
			return true
		findstart = CvMapGeneratorUtil.findStartingPlot(playerID,isValid)
		sPlot = map.plotByIndex(findstart)
#	return None
	return CvMapGeneratorUtil.findStartingPlot(playerID, isValid)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def assignStartingPlots():
	gc = CyGlobalContext()
	dice = gc.getGame().getMapRand()
	global shuffle
	global shuffledTeams
	global assignedPlayers
	assignedPlayers = [0] * gc.getGame().countCivTeamsEverAlive()
	print assignedPlayers
	shuffle = gc.getGame().getMapRand().get(2, "Start Location Shuffle - PYTHON")
	if gc.getGame().countCivTeamsEverAlive() < 5:
		team_list = [0, 1, 2, 3]
		shuffledTeams = []
		for teamLoop in range(gc.getGame().countCivTeamsEverAlive()):
			iChooseTeam = dice.get(len(team_list), "Shuffling Regions - TBG PYTHON")
			del team_list[iChooseTeam]

	# For Lakes and Continents settings, ensure that starts are all placed on the biggest landmass on each side.
	global biggest_areas
	biggest_areas = []
	areas = CvMapGeneratorUtil.getAreas()
	area_sizes = [(area.getNumTiles(), area.getID()) for area in areas if not area.isWater()]
	area_sizes.sort() # sort by size -- biggest areas last.
	# pop the biggest two areas off the list.
	area_size, area_ID = area_sizes.pop()
	if area_sizes != []:
		area_size, area_ID = area_sizes.pop()

	# First check to see if teams chose to "Start Separated" or "Start Anywhere".
	map = CyMap()
	userInputProximity = map.getCustomMapOption(1)
	if userInputProximity == 1: # Teams set to Start Separated. Use default impl.

	# Shuffle the players.
	global playersOnTeamOne
	global playersOnTeamTwo
	iPlayers = gc.getGame().countCivPlayersEverAlive()
	playersOnTeamOne = []
	playersOnTeamTwo = []
	player_list = []
	for plrCheckLoop in range(18):
		if CyGlobalContext().getPlayer(plrCheckLoop).isEverAlive():
	shuffledPlayers = []
	for playerLoopTwo in range(iPlayers):
		iChoosePlayer = dice.get(len(player_list), "Shuffling Player Order - Mirror PYTHON")
		del player_list[iChoosePlayer]

	if userInputProximity == 2: # Teams set to Start Anywhere!
		def isValidToStartAnywhere(playerID, x, y):
			global biggest_areas
			global terrainRoll
			userInputTerrain = CyMap().getCustomMapOption(2)
			if userInputTerrain < 3 or (userInputTerrain == 5 and terrainRoll < 6):
				pPlot = CyMap().plot(x, y)
				areaID = pPlot.getArea()
				if areaID not in biggest_areas:
					return false
			return true

		# Since the default alternates by team, must use the shuffled players list to assign starting locs.
		# This will provide a truly random order, which may or may not be "fair". But hey, starting anywhere means ANYwhere. OK?
		for playerID in shuffledPlayers:
			player = gc.getPlayer(playerID)
			startPlot = CvMapGeneratorUtil.findStartingPlot(playerID, isValidToStartAnywhere)
			sPlot = map.plotByIndex(startPlot)
			player.setStartingPlot(sPlot, true)
		# All done.
		return None

	# OK, so the teams have chosen to Start Together.
	# Check for the special case of two teams with even players.
	# If found, force perfect mirrorization of start plots!
	# (This is necessary because the default start plot process 
	# resolves "ties" differently on each side due to minor
	# differences in the order of operations. Odd but true!)
	iTeams = gc.getGame().countCivTeamsEverAlive()
	if iTeams != 2:
	team_one = gc.getTeam(0)
	team_two = gc.getTeam(1)
	if team_one.getNumMembers() != team_two.getNumMembers():

	# We are dealing with two teams who are evenly matched.
	# Assign all start plots for the first team, then mirrorize the locations for the second team!
	# Start by determining which players are on which teams.
	for iLoop in range(iPlayers):
		thisPlayerID = shuffledPlayers[iLoop]
		this_player = gc.getPlayer(thisPlayerID)
		teamID = gc.getPlayer(thisPlayerID).getTeam()
		print("Player: ", thisPlayerID, " Team: ", teamID)
		if teamID == 1:
	# Now we pick a team to assign to the left side and assign them there.
	userInputPlots = map.getCustomMapOption(0)
	iW = map.getGridWidth()
	iH = map.getGridHeight()
	if userInputPlots == 0: # Reflection
		reflect_x = lambda x: iW - iX - 1
		reflect_y = lambda y: iY
	elif userInputPlots == 1: # Inversion
		reflect_x = lambda x: iW - iX - 1
		reflect_y = lambda y: iH - iY - 1
	elif userInputPlots == 2: # Copy
		reflect_x = lambda x: iX + (iW / 2)
		reflect_y = lambda y: iY
	else: # userInputPlots == 3: Opposite
		reflect_x = lambda x: iX + (iW / 2)
		reflect_y = lambda y: iH - iY - 1

	def isValidForMirror(playerID, x, y):
		global biggest_areas
		global terrainRoll
		userInputTerrain = CyMap().getCustomMapOption(2)
		if userInputTerrain < 3 or (userInputTerrain == 5 and terrainRoll < 6):
			pPlot = CyMap().plot(x, y)
			areaID = pPlot.getArea()
			if areaID not in biggest_areas:
				return false

		userInputPlots = CyMap().getCustomMapOption(0)
		iPlayers = CyGlobalContext().getGame().countCivPlayersEverAlive()
		teamID = CyGlobalContext().getPlayer(playerID).getTeam()
		iW = CyMap().getGridWidth()

		# Two Evenly-Matched Teams, Start Together
		if iPlayers > 2 and userInputPlots <= 1 and x <= iW * 0.4:
			return true
		if iPlayers > 2 and userInputPlots >= 2 and x >= iW * 0.1 and x <= iW * 0.4:
			return true
		# 1 vs 1 game, so make sure the players start farther apart!
		if iPlayers == 2 and userInputPlots <= 1 and x <= iW * 0.2:
			return true
		if iPlayers == 2 and userInputPlots >= 2 and x >= iW * 0.2 and x <= iW * 0.3:
			return true
		# if not true, then false! (Duh? Well, the program still has to be told.)
		return false

	if shuffle: # We will put team two on the left.
		teamOneIndex = 0
		for thisPlayer in playersOnTeamTwo:
			player = gc.getPlayer(thisPlayer)
			startPlot = CvMapGeneratorUtil.findStartingPlot(thisPlayer, isValidForMirror)
			sPlot = map.plotByIndex(startPlot)
			player.setStartingPlot(sPlot, true)
			iX = sPlot.getX()
			iY = sPlot.getY()
			mirror_x = reflect_x(iX)
			mirror_y = reflect_y(iY)
			opposite_player = gc.getPlayer(playersOnTeamOne[teamOneIndex])
			oppositePlot = map.plot(mirror_x, mirror_y)
			opposite_player.setStartingPlot(oppositePlot, true)
			teamOneIndex += 1
	else: # will put team one on the left.
		teamTwoIndex = 0
		for thisPlayer in playersOnTeamOne:
			player = gc.getPlayer(thisPlayer)
			startPlot = CvMapGeneratorUtil.findStartingPlot(thisPlayer, isValidForMirror)
			sPlot = map.plotByIndex(startPlot)
			player.setStartingPlot(sPlot, true)
			iX = sPlot.getX()
			iY = sPlot.getY()
			mirror_x = reflect_x(iX)
			mirror_y = reflect_y(iY)
			opposite_player = gc.getPlayer(playersOnTeamTwo[teamTwoIndex])
			oppositePlot = map.plot(mirror_x, mirror_y)
			opposite_player.setStartingPlot(oppositePlot, true)
			teamTwoIndex += 1
	# All done.
	return None
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def generateBonusDistributionList(self):
        "Displays Bonus Advisor Popup"
        d_TableData = {}

        map = CyMap()

        areas = CvMapGeneratorUtil.getAreas()
        area_sizes = [(area.getNumTiles(), area) for area in areas]
        area_sizes.sort()  # sort by size -- biggest area last
        area_sizes.reverse()  # biggest area first
        areas = [area for (area_size, area) in area_sizes]

        bonus_infos = [
            gc.getBonusInfo(i) for i in range(gc.getNumBonusInfos())
        title_list = [u"BonusDistro"] + [u"Area"] + [u"Size"] + [
            u"Starting Plots"
        ] + [u"Unique Bonus Types"] + [u"Total Bonuses"]

        bonusList = ""
        for bonus in bonus_infos:
            bonusList += bonus.getDescription()[0]
        title_list += bonusList

        d_TableData[0] = title_list

        total = 0
        loopRowData = []
        for i in range(len(areas)):
            area = areas[i]
            area_string = "%d" % area.getID()
            if area.isWater():
                area_string = "w" + area_string

            loopRowData.append("%d" % area.getNumTiles())
            start_plots = area.getNumStartingPlots()
            if start_plots > 0:
                loopRowData.append("%d" % start_plots)
            num_unique = area.countNumUniqueBonusTypes()
            if num_unique > 0:
                loopRowData.append("%d" % num_unique)

            total_in_area = area.getNumTotalBonuses()
            total += total_in_area
            loopRowData.append("%d" % total_in_area)

            for j in range(len(bonus_infos)):
                quantity = area.getNumBonuses(j)
                if quantity > 0:
                    loopRowData.append("%d" % quantity)
            d_TableData[i + 1] = loopRowData
            loopRowData = []

        # Add last row of totals:
        last_row = len(areas) + 1
        loopRowData.append("%d" % total)
        for j in range(len(bonus_infos)):
            quantity = map.getNumBonuses(j)
            if quantity > 0:
                loopRowData.append("%d" % quantity)
        iLastRow = len(d_TableData)
        d_TableData[iLastRow] = loopRowData

        #print d_TableData