Ejemplo n.º 1
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import DISC

# Prototype for writing discussion group spreadsheets.
# Make a new copy of this file for each discussion board

# Enter values for XXX and NAME below
url = 'https://docushare.tmt.org/docushare/dsweb/View/BulletinBoard-XXX'
htmlfile = 'NAME.html'
xlsfile = 'NAME.xlsx'

# Call get_discussion
# The htmlfile will be stored in the dccfilepath directory and the
# xlsfile will be stored in the current directory

DISC.get_discussion(url, htmlfile, xlsfile)
Ejemplo n.º 2
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# My modules
import DCC
import DISC
import Config as cf

# First go to DCC and save discussion as .html local file
# Locations
url = 'https://docushare.tmt.org/docushare/dsweb/View/BulletinBoard-302?init=true'
htmlfile = 'STR_FDRP2.html'
xlsfile = 'FDRP2.xlsx'

# Call get_discussion
# The htmlfile will be stored in the dccfilepath directory and the
# xlsfile will be stored in the current directory

DISC.get_discussion_rowcol(url, htmlfile, xlsfile, 4, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 3
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import DISC

# Prototype for writing discussion group spreadsheets.
# Make a new copy of this file for each discussion board

# url is the html address of the Bulletein Board
# htmlfile is the name of the file you are going to save to extract data from
# xlsfile is the name of the spreadsheet that will be created

# Prerequisite:
# 	Have the URL existing discussion board in which you would like to make a excel and html file of

# Expected Output:
# 	As the program runs, all postings within the discussion board will be displayed, while
# 	simultaneously  a html file file will be created and stored in the dccfilepath
#	directory. The excel file will be stored in the current working directory.

url = 'https://docushare.tmt.org/docushare/dsweb/View/BulletinBoard-354?init=true'
htmlfile = 'CRYO CoDR Review Comments Action Items 20151118.html'
xlsfile = 'CRYO CoDR Review Comments Action Items 20151118.xlsx'

# Call get_discussion

DISC.get_discussion(url, htmlfile, xlsfile)