def genInfo(fname): notes = ebayTools.getConfig(LogReader.getModel(fname),"SpecialNotes") info = LogReader.genInfo(fname).replace(",\n","<br>"); info += "<br>" if notes is not None: info += "<br>{}".format(notes) return info
def addServer(worksheet, fname, index): global serverList serial = LogReader.getSerial(fname); index += 1; serverList.append([serial,LogReader.getAsset(serial),LogReader.getModel(fname)]+LogReader.genInfo(fname,True)+[LogReader.getFails(fname),]) if index == 1: print serverList
def default(argc): if argc.find(".txt") > 0: logFile = argc[0:argc.find(".txt")] + ".txt" else: logFile = argc + ".txt" if not AbsolutePath: logPath = LogReader.getLogPath(str(logFile)) else: logPath = argc if logPath is not None: if LogReader.getProcInfo(logPath) is None or LogReader.getTotalRam(logPath) is None: print("Something went wrong with {}. Skipping".format(logPath)) postItem(logPath) else: print("Could not find file {}".format(str(logFile)))
def getPrice(fname): components = getComponentList(fname) componentCounter = dict(Counter(components)) price = 0 db = sqlite3.connect(LogReader.getConfigValue("PriceDB")) cur = db.cursor() query = "SELECT * FROM prices" cur.execute(query) db.commit() rows = cur.fetchall() names = [desc[0] for desc in cur.description] nameIndex = names.index("name") priceIndex = names.index("price") for i in range(len(rows)): rName = rows[i][nameIndex] if isfloat(rName): rName = str(int(float(rows[i][nameIndex]))) for component in components: if tryMatch(component,rName.lower()): componentCounter[component] -= 1 price += float(rows[i][priceIndex]) for k,v in componentCounter.items(): if v > 0: print "Price for {} not found.".format(k) return price
def genTitle(fname): ramInfo = LogReader.getTotalRam(fname) procInfo = LogReader.getProcInfo(fname) HDinfo = LogReader.getHarddrives(fname) global failFlag if procInfo is None: failFlag = True return "-1" procTitle = ", "+" ".join(["{} x{}".format(k,v) for k,v in procInfo.items()]) procTitle = procTitle.replace("Intel(R)","") title = LogReader.getModel(fname) title += procTitle title += ", {} {}".format(ramInfo[0],ramInfo[1]) if HDinfo is not None: title += ", "+LogReader.getNumHarddrives(HDinfo) return title
def uploadPicture(fname): try: model = LogReader.getModel(fname) pictureList = getPictures(LogReader.getSerial(fname)) if len(pictureList) <= 0: pictureList = getPictures(model) pictureURLs = [] if len(pictureList) <= 0: return None for picture in pictureList: files = {'file': ('EbayImage', file(picture, 'rb'))} pictureData = { "WarningLevel": "High", "PictureName": model, "PictureSet":"Supersize" } response = api.execute('UploadSiteHostedPictures', pictureData, files=files) pictureURLs.append(response.dict()['SiteHostedPictureDetails']['FullURL']) return pictureURLs except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict())
def verifyPost(fname,postInfo,postTitle): model = LogReader.getModel(fname) pictures = getPictures(LogReader.getSerial(fname)) if len(pictures) <= 0: pictures = getPictures(LogReader.getModel(fname)) printLine() print("Picture #: {}".format(len(pictures))) print("TITLE:{}".format(postTitle)) print "Buy It Now Price: ${}".format(ebayTools.getConfig(model,"BuyItNowPrice")) print "Starting Price: ${}".format(ebayTools.getConfig(model,"StartPrice")) printLine() print("DESCRIPTION:\n{}".format(postInfo.replace("<br>","\n"))) while True: print("Is this ok? (y/n)") line = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip() if line.lower() == "y" or line.lower() == "yes": return elif line.lower() == "n" or line.lower() == "no": print("Skipping...") return -1 else: print("Invalid input")
def getSpecificPrice(name): db = sqlite3.connect(LogReader.getConfigValue("PriceDB")) cur = db.cursor() query = "SELECT * FROM prices" cur.execute(query) db.commit() rows = cur.fetchall() names = [desc[0] for desc in cur.description] nameIndex = names.index("name") score = [0,""] for row in rows: d = jwtools.stringScore(name,row[nameIndex]) if d > score[0]: score[0] = d score[1] = row[nameIndex] print "Best match for {} : {} with {}".format(name,score[1],score[0])
def getConfig(model,varName=None): try: configFile = file(LogReader.getConfigValue("EbayConfig"),"r") cValues = jwjson.loadJSON( configFile.close() #if cfgOverride.has_key(varName): # return cfgOverride[varName] if cValues.has_key(model): if varName is None: return cValues[model] if cValues[model].has_key(varName): print(cValues[model][varName]) if type(cValues[model][varName]) is str or type(cValues[model][varName]) is unicode: if cValues[model][varName][:2] == "./": realpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) return realpath + cValues[model][varName][1:] return cValues[model][varName] if cValues.has_key("default"): if varName is None: return cValues["default"] if cValues["default"].has_key(varName): if type(cValues["default"][varName]) is str or type(cValues["default"][varName]) is unicode: if cValues["default"][varName][:2] == "./": realpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) return realpath + cValues["default"][varName][1:] return cValues["default"][varName] print("Warning: Could not find any config for {}".format(varName)) return None except Exception as e: print("Warning: Could not load config file!") print(e) return None
def genItemSpecifics(fname): model = LogReader.getModel(fname) mConfig = ebayTools.getConfig(model,"ItemSpecifics") specList = [] specDict = {} if mConfig is not None: for k,v in mConfig.items(): addItemSpecific(k,v,specList) addItemSpecific("Memory (RAM) Capacity",LogReader.getTotalRam(fname)[0],specList) addItemSpecific("Model",model.split(" ")[-1],specList) addItemSpecific("Product Line",model.split(" ")[0],specList) addItemSpecific("MPN",model.split(" ")[-1],specList) addItemSpecific("CPU Cores",LogReader.getProcCores(fname),specList) addItemSpecific("Number of Processors",sum([v for k,v in LogReader.getProcInfo(fname).items()]),specList) addItemSpecific("Memory Type",LogReader.getTotalRam(fname)[1],specList) addItemSpecific("Processor Speed",LogReader.getProcSpeed(fname),specList) specDict["NameValueList"] = specList return specDict
def getComponentList(fname): components = [] model = LogReader.getModel(fname).split(" ")[-1] cpus = LogReader.getProcInfo(fname) hdds = LogReader.getHarddrives(fname,True) ram = LogReader.getTotalRam(fname) ramAmt = "".join(ram[3].split(" ")).split(",") components.append(model) components.append(LogReader.getCtlr(fname,True)) for k,v in cpus.items(): for x in range(0,int(v)): components.append(k) for hd in hdds: for x in range(0,int(hd[-2])): ff = hd[3] if len(ff) > 3: ff = ff[:3] components.append("{} {}-{}".format(hd[1],LogReader.getHDSpeed(hd[-1]),ff)) for r in ramAmt: rSplit = r.split("x") size = rSplit[0] amount = rSplit[1] for x in range(0,int(amount)): rString = "{}-{}".format(size,ram[1]) components.append(rString) #Append a form factor to the model if we can get one off of a harddrive if len(hdds) > 0: ff = hdds[0][3] if len(ff) > 3: components[components.index(model)] = "{}-{}".format(model,ff[:3]) for i in range(len(components)): components[i] = components[i].lower() return components
if len(assets) <= 0: print("Scan or type the serial numbers now. Return a blank line when finished") while True: line = sys.stdin.readline(); if line == '\n': break else: assets.add(line.rstrip() + ".txt"); workbook, ws = genXML(len(assets)); for x in assets: try: logpath = LogReader.getLogPath(x) if logpath is None: print("Error: {} not found.".format(x)) continue addServer(ws,logpath, index); index += 1; except Exception: print(traceback.print_exc()); print("Failed at S/N:"+x) getInfoFromXML() addInfoToXML(ws) genSingleXML()
def postItem(fname): try: global cfgOverride model = LogReader.getModel(fname) postTitle = genTitle(fname) postInfo = genInfo(fname) if dynamicPrice: price = prices.getPrice(fname) if ebayTools.getConfig(model,"ListingType") == "FixedPriceItem": cfgOverride["StartPrice"] = int(price) else: cfgOverride["BuyItNowPrice"] = int(price) cfgOverride["StartPrice"] = int(price / 7) if VerifyFlag: if verifyPost(fname,postInfo,postTitle) is not None: return pictureURLs = uploadPicture(fname) template = file(os.path.join(dn,"template.html"),"r") htmlData ="{{ title }}", postTitle) htmlData += "<!---SERVICETAG={}-----!>".format(LogReader.getSerial(fname)) if pictureURLs is not None: pictureHTML = "" for url in pictureURLs: pictureHTML += '<img src="{}" style="display:none;">'.format(url) htmlData = htmlData.replace("{{ image src }}",'{}'.format(pictureHTML)) else: htmlData = htmlData.replace("{{ image src }}","") #htmlData = htmlData.replace("{{ image src }}","<img src='$_1.JPG?set_id=8800005007'>") htmlData = htmlData.replace("{{ description }}",postInfo) myitem = { "Item": { "Title": genTitle(fname), "Description": "<![CDATA["+htmlData+"]]>", "ItemSpecifics": genItemSpecifics(fname), } } global failFlag if failFlag: print("Something went wrong, skipping {}".format(fname)) failFlag = False return if pictureURLs is not None: myitem["Item"]["PictureDetails"] = {"PictureURL": [x for x in pictureURLs]} myitem = setItemConfig(model,myitem) d = api.execute('AddItem', myitem).dict() itemURL = getItemURL(d["ItemID"]) if LogURL: urlLog = file("urlLog.txt","w") #urlLog.write() urlLog.close() printLine() print(itemURL) printLine() except ConnectionError as e: print(e) print(e.response.dict())