def _getRequest(self, belief, array_slot_summary):
        #slots = Settings.ontology['system_requestable']

        # This is added for confreq.
        need_grounding = DMUtils.getTopBeliefs(belief, 0.8, domainUtil=self.domainUtil)

        for slot in self.domainUtil.sorted_system_requestable_slots:  #slots:
            summary = array_slot_summary[slot]
            (_, topprob) = summary['TOPTWO'][0]
            (_, secprob) = summary['TOPTWO'][1]

            if topprob < 0.8:
                # Add implicit confirmation (for confreq.)
                grounding_slots = copy.deepcopy(need_grounding)
                if slot in grounding_slots:
                    del grounding_slots[slot]

                grounding_result = []
                for grounding_slot in grounding_slots:
                    if len(grounding_result) < 3:
                        (value, prob) = grounding_slots[grounding_slot]
                        grounding_result.append('%s="%s"' % (grounding_slot, value))

                if not grounding_result or not self.use_confreq:
                    return True, 'request(%s)' % slot
                    return True, 'confreq(' + ','.join(grounding_result) + ',%s)' % slot

        return False, 'null()'
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _getRequest(self, belief, array_slot_summary):
        #slots = Settings.ontology['system_requestable']

        # This is added for confreq.
        need_grounding = DMUtils.getTopBeliefs(belief,

        for slot in self.domainUtil.sorted_system_requestable_slots:  #slots:
            summary = array_slot_summary[slot]
            (_, topprob) = summary['TOPTWO'][0]
            (_, secprob) = summary['TOPTWO'][1]

            if topprob < 0.8:
                # Add implicit confirmation (for confreq.)
                grounding_slots = copy.deepcopy(need_grounding)
                if slot in grounding_slots:
                    del grounding_slots[slot]

                grounding_result = []
                for grounding_slot in grounding_slots:
                    if len(grounding_result) < 3:
                        (value, prob) = grounding_slots[grounding_slot]
                        grounding_result.append('%s="%s"' %
                                                (grounding_slot, value))

                if not grounding_result or not self.use_confreq:
                    return True, 'request(%s)' % slot
                    return True, 'confreq(' + ','.join(
                        grounding_result) + ',%s)' % slot

        return False, 'null()'
def actionSpecificInformSummary(belief, numAccepted, domainUtil):
    '''count: # of entities matching with numAccepted slots in acceptance list.

        :param belief: (dict) full belief state
        :param numAccepted: (int) 
        :param informable_slots: (list)
        :returns: summary_array [count==0, count==1, 2<=count<=4, count>4, discriminatable] \  discriminatable: matching entities can be further discriminated
    acceptanceList = DMUtils.getTopBeliefs(belief, domainUtil=domainUtil)
    count = _countEntitiesForAcceptanceListPart(acceptanceList, numAccepted, domainUtil)
    discriminatable = _acceptanceListCanBeDiscriminated(acceptanceList, numAccepted, domainUtil)
    summary_array = [count == 0, count == 1, 2 <= count <= 4, count > 4, discriminatable]
    return summary_array
def actionSpecificInformSummary(belief, numAccepted, domainUtil):
    """count: # of entities matching with numAccepted slots in acceptance list.

        :param belief: (dict) full belief state
        :param numAccepted: (int) 
        :param informable_slots: (list)
        :returns: summary_array [count==0, count==1, 2<=count<=4, count>4, discriminatable] \  discriminatable: matching entities can be further discriminated
    acceptanceList = DMUtils.getTopBeliefs(belief, domainUtil=domainUtil)
    count = _countEntitiesForAcceptanceListPart(acceptanceList, numAccepted, domainUtil)
    discriminatable = _acceptanceListCanBeDiscriminated(acceptanceList, numAccepted, domainUtil)
    summary_array = [count == 0, count == 1, 2 <= count <= 4, count > 4, discriminatable]
    return summary_array
def globalSummary(belief, domainUtil):
    '''summary of global actions such as offer happened etc.

        :param belief: (dict) full belief state
        :returns: (dict) summary. dict keys are given by :meth:`global_summary_features` 
    topMethod, topMethodBelief = DMUtils.getTopBelief(belief['beliefs']['method'])
    topDiscourseAct, topDiscourseActBelief = DMUtils.getTopBelief(belief['beliefs']['discourseAct'])
    if topMethod == 'byconstraints':
        globalpoint = 'GLOBAL_BYCONSTRAINTS'
    elif topMethod == 'byalternatives':
        globalpoint = 'GLOBAL_BYALTERNATIVES'
    elif topMethod == 'byname':
        globalpoint = 'GLOBAL_BYNAME'
    elif topMethod == 'finished' and topMethodBelief > 0.5:
        globalpoint = 'GLOBAL_FINISHED'
    elif topMethod == 'restart' and topMethodBelief > 0.5:
        globalpoint = 'GLOBAL_RESTART'
        globalpoint = 'GLOBAL_BYCONSTRAINTS'

    if topDiscourseAct == 'repeat' and topDiscourseActBelief > 0.5:
        globalpoint = 'GLOBAL_REPEAT'
    elif topDiscourseAct == 'reqmore' and topDiscourseActBelief > 0.5:
        globalpoint = 'GLOBAL_REQMORE'
    elif topDiscourseAct == 'thankyou' and topDiscourseActBelief > 0.5:
        globalpoint = 'GLOBAL_THANKYOU'
    elif topDiscourseAct == 'ack' and topDiscourseActBelief > 0.5:
        globalpoint = 'GLOBAL_ACK'

    summaryArray = dict.fromkeys(global_summary_features, False)
    summaryArray[globalpoint] = True
    summaryArray['GLOBAL_COUNT80'] = len(DMUtils.getTopBeliefs(belief, domainUtil=domainUtil))
    summaryArray['GLOBAL_NAMENONE'] = belief['features']['lastActionInformNone']
    summaryArray['GLOBAL_OFFERHAPPENED'] = belief['features']['offerHappened']

    return summaryArray
def globalSummary(belief, domainUtil):
    """summary of global actions such as offer happened etc.

        :param belief: (dict) full belief state
        :returns: (dict) summary. dict keys are given by :meth:`global_summary_features` 
    topMethod, topMethodBelief = DMUtils.getTopBelief(belief["beliefs"]["method"])
    topDiscourseAct, topDiscourseActBelief = DMUtils.getTopBelief(belief["beliefs"]["discourseAct"])
    if topMethod == "byconstraints":
        globalpoint = "GLOBAL_BYCONSTRAINTS"
    elif topMethod == "byalternatives":
        globalpoint = "GLOBAL_BYALTERNATIVES"
    elif topMethod == "byname":
        globalpoint = "GLOBAL_BYNAME"
    elif topMethod == "finished" and topMethodBelief > 0.5:
        globalpoint = "GLOBAL_FINISHED"
    elif topMethod == "restart" and topMethodBelief > 0.5:
        globalpoint = "GLOBAL_RESTART"
        globalpoint = "GLOBAL_BYCONSTRAINTS"

    if topDiscourseAct == "repeat" and topDiscourseActBelief > 0.5:
        globalpoint = "GLOBAL_REPEAT"
    elif topDiscourseAct == "reqmore" and topDiscourseActBelief > 0.5:
        globalpoint = "GLOBAL_REQMORE"
    elif topDiscourseAct == "thankyou" and topDiscourseActBelief > 0.5:
        globalpoint = "GLOBAL_THANKYOU"
    elif topDiscourseAct == "ack" and topDiscourseActBelief > 0.5:
        globalpoint = "GLOBAL_ACK"

    summaryArray = dict.fromkeys(global_summary_features, False)
    summaryArray[globalpoint] = True
    summaryArray["GLOBAL_COUNT80"] = len(DMUtils.getTopBeliefs(belief, domainUtil=domainUtil))
    summaryArray["GLOBAL_NAMENONE"] = belief["features"]["lastActionInformNone"]
    summaryArray["GLOBAL_OFFERHAPPENED"] = belief["features"]["offerHappened"]

    return summaryArray