Ejemplo n.º 1
 def show_planets(self):
     si_txt = Data_CONST.get_text_list('PLANET_SIZES')
     ty_txt = Data_CONST.get_text_list('PLANET_TYPES')
     mi_txt = Data_CONST.get_text_list('PLANET_MINERALS')
     te_txt = Data_CONST.get_text_list('PLANET_TERRAINS')
         "| planet_id | star            | position | size   | type          | minerals   | terrain  | food | max pop |"
     for i, p in self.d_planets.items():
             "| %9i | %15s | %8i | %6s | %13s | %10s | %8s | %4i | %7i |" %
             (i, self.d_stars[p.i_star_id].s_name, p.i_position,
              si_txt[p.i_size], ty_txt[p.i_type], mi_txt[p.i_minerals],
              te_txt[p.i_terrain], p.i_foodbase, p.i_max_population))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def show_stars(self):
     s_txt = Data_CONST.get_text_list('STAR_SIZES')
     c_txt = Data_CONST.get_text_list('STAR_CLASSES')
     print("| star_id | name            | coords     | class      | size   | obj 1 | obj 2 | obj 3 | obj 4 | obj 5 |")
     for i, s in self.d_stars.items():
         obj = s.v_object_ids
         print("| %7i | %15s | %4i, %4i | %10s | %6s | %5i | %5i | %5i | %5i | %5i |" % (i, s.s_name, s.i_x, s.i_y, c_txt[s.i_class], s_txt[s.i_size], obj[0], obj[1], obj[2], obj[3], obj[4]))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def show_planets(self):
     si_txt = Data_CONST.get_text_list('PLANET_SIZES')
     ty_txt = Data_CONST.get_text_list('PLANET_TYPES')
     mi_txt = Data_CONST.get_text_list('PLANET_MINERALS')
     te_txt = Data_CONST.get_text_list('PLANET_TERRAINS')
     print("| planet_id | star            | position | size   | type          | minerals   | terrain  | food | max pop |")
     for i, p in self.d_planets.items():
         print("| %9i | %15s | %8i | %6s | %13s | %10s | %8s | %4i | %7i |" % (i, self.d_stars[p.i_star_id].s_name, p.i_position, si_txt[p.i_size], ty_txt[p.i_type], mi_txt[p.i_minerals], te_txt[p.i_terrain], p.i_foodbase, p.i_max_population))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def show_ships(self):
        print("| ship_id | name             | owner           | status   | coords     | destination                | speed | turns |")
        for i, s in self.d_ships.items():
            if s.exists():
                i_dest_id          = s.i_dest_star_id
                o_dest_star        = self.d_stars[i_dest_id]
                s_dest_name        = o_dest_star.s_name
                i_dest_x, i_dest_y = o_dest_star.get_coords()
                o_owner            = self.d_players[s.i_owner_id]
                print("| %7i | %16s | %15s | %8s | %4i, %4i | [%3i, %3i] %15s | %5i | %5i |" % (i, s.s_name, o_owner.s_race_name, s.get_status_text(), s.i_x, s.i_y, i_dest_x, i_dest_y, s_dest_name, s.i_travelling_speed, s.i_turns_left))

        sp_txt = Data_CONST.get_text_list('SHIP_SPECIALS')

        for i, s in self.d_ships.items():
            d_design = s.d_design
            print("    === ship_id # %i ===" % i)
            for i_dev_id in d_design['special_devices']:
                txt = sp_txt[i_dev_id] if (i_dev_id < sp_txt.__len__()) else '<out-of-range>'
                print("        special device: %2i ... %s" % (i_dev_id, txt))
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def show_stars(self):
     s_txt = Data_CONST.get_text_list('STAR_SIZES')
     c_txt = Data_CONST.get_text_list('STAR_CLASSES')
         "| star_id | name            | coords     | class      | size   | obj 1 | obj 2 | obj 3 | obj 4 | obj 5 |"
     for i, s in self.d_stars.items():
         obj = s.v_object_ids
             "| %7i | %15s | %4i, %4i | %10s | %6s | %5i | %5i | %5i | %5i | %5i |"
             % (i, s.s_name, s.i_x, s.i_y, c_txt[s.i_class],
                s_txt[s.i_size], obj[0], obj[1], obj[2], obj[3], obj[4]))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def draw(self):
        self.fill((0, 0, 0))
        self.blit_image((0, 0),   'info_screen', 'panel'),
        self.blit_image((21, 50), 'info_screen', 'button', 'history_graph',   'off'),
        self.blit_image((21, 77), 'info_screen', 'button', 'tech_review',     'off'),
        self.blit_image((21, 102),'info_screen', 'button', 'race_statistics', 'off'),
        self.blit_image((21, 128),'info_screen', 'button', 'turn_summary',    'off'),
        self.blit_image((21, 154),'info_screen', 'button', 'reference',       'off'),

        # grid behind
        self.blit_image((433, 115), 'app_pic', 0)

        # app image
        self.blit_image((433, 115), 'app_pic', 155)

        tech_carets = []

        if self.__tech_review == "achievements":

            v_known_techs = self.get_me().v_known_techs

            # New Construction Types
            items = []
                if tech_id in v_known_techs:
            if len(items):
                tech_carets.append({'title': "New Construction Types", 'items': items})

            # Spies
            items = []
                if tech_id in v_known_techs:
            if len(items):
                tech_carets.append({'title': "Spies", 'items': items})

        y = 64
        for caret in tech_carets:
            if len(caret['items']):
                self.write_text(K_FONT4, K_PALETTE_TECH, 223, y, caret['title'], 2)
                y += 16
                for item in caret['items']:
                    text = Data_CONST.get_text_list('TECH_LIST')[item]['name']
                    self.write_text(K_FONT3, K_PALETTE_TECH, 233, y, text, 2)
                    y += 13
                y += 6
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def show_ships(self):
            "| ship_id | name             | owner           | status   | coords     | destination                | speed | turns |"
        for i, s in self.d_ships.items():
            if s.exists():
                i_dest_id = s.i_dest_star_id
                o_dest_star = self.d_stars[i_dest_id]
                s_dest_name = o_dest_star.s_name
                i_dest_x, i_dest_y = o_dest_star.get_coords()
                o_owner = self.d_players[s.i_owner_id]
                    "| %7i | %16s | %15s | %8s | %4i, %4i | [%3i, %3i] %15s | %5i | %5i |"
                    % (i, s.s_name, o_owner.s_race_name, s.get_status_text(),
                       s.i_x, s.i_y, i_dest_x, i_dest_y, s_dest_name,
                       s.i_travelling_speed, s.i_turns_left))

        sp_txt = Data_CONST.get_text_list('SHIP_SPECIALS')

        for i, s in self.d_ships.items():
            d_design = s.d_design
            print("    === ship_id # %i ===" % i)
            for i_dev_id in d_design['special_devices']:
                txt = sp_txt[i_dev_id] if (
                    i_dev_id < sp_txt.__len__()) else '<out-of-range>'
                print("        special device: %2i ... %s" % (i_dev_id, txt))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def draw(self):
        PLAYERS    = self.list_players()
        PLANETS    = self.list_planets()
        star       = self.o_star
        planet     = self.o_planet
        colony     = self.o_colony
        colony_id  = colony.i_id

        self.blit(self.get_image('background', 'starfield'), (0, 0))
        self.blit(self.get_planet_background(planet.i_terrain, planet.i_picture), (0, 0))
        self.blit(self.get_image('colony_screen', 'panel'), (0, 0))

        self.add_trigger({'action': "screen", 'screen': "colony_production", 'colony_id': colony_id, 'rect': pygame.Rect((519, 123), ( 61, 22))})

        ICON_AND_Y_OFFSET = { K_FARMER: (1,62), K_WORKER: (3,92), K_SCIENTIST: (5,122) }

        for i in range(K_MAX_STAR_OBJECTS):
            object_id = star.v_object_ids[i]
            if object_id != 0xFFFF:
                object = PLANETS[object_id]
                print "type: %i" % object.i_type

                if object.is_asteroid_belt():
                    x = 6
                    y = 22 + (24 * i)
                    self.blit(self.get_image('colony_screen', 'asteroids_scheme'), (x, y))
                    self.write_text(K_FONT2, K_PALETTE_SCHEMES_FONT, x + 29, y + 9, "Asteroids")

                if object.is_gas_giant():
                    x = 11
                    y = 27 + (24 * i)
                    self.blit(self.get_image('colony_screen', 'gasgiant_scheme'), (x, y))
                    write_text(K_FONT2, K_PALETTE_SCHEMES_FONT, x + 24, y + 4,  "Gas Giant -")
                    write_text(K_FONT2, K_PALETTE_SCHEMES_FONT, x + 24, y + 15, "uninhabitable")

                elif object.is_planet():
                    terrain = object.i_terrain
                    size = object.i_size
                    x = 10 + [6, 4, 3, 1, 0][size]
                    y = 26 + (24 * i) + [6, 4, 2, 1, 0][size]
                    self.blit(self.get_image('planet_scheme', terrain, size), (x, y))

            self.blit(self.get_image('colony_screen', 'scheme_arrow'), (6,  31 + (24 * i)))

        title_text    = "%s of %s" % (Data_CONST.get_text_list('COLONY_ASSIGNMENT')[colony.i_assignment], colony.s_name)
        title_surface = self.render(K_FONT5, K_PALETTE_TITLE, title_text, 2)
        (tw, th)      = title_surface.get_size()

        self.blit(title_surface, (320 - (tw / 2), 1))

    #    total_population = (1000 * colony['population']) + colony['pop_raised']
    #    print
    #    print "    Colony:     %s" % colony.name
    #    print "    Population: %i (+%i)" % (total_population, colony['pop_grow'])
    #    print "    Industry:   %i" % colony.industry()
    #    print "    Research:   %i" % colony.research()
    #    print "    Food (result):%i (%i)" % (colony.food(), colony.food() - colony.population)
    #    print "    Colonists:"

        player_government_id = PLAYERS[colony.i_owner_id].get_racepick_item('goverment')

        self.blit(self.get_image('government', 'icon', player_government_id), (310, 32))

        # TODO: implement negative morale
        self.repeat_draw(340, 35, self.get_image('morale_icon', 'good'), colony.i_morale // 10, 30, 7, 155)

        x = 10 + self.repeat_draw(128, 64, self.get_image('production_10food'), colony.i_food // 10, 20, 6, 98)
        self.repeat_draw(x, 64, self.get_image('production_1food'), colony.i_food % 10, 20, 6, 98)

        # industry icons
        number = (colony.i_industry // 10) + (colony.i_industry % 10)
        xx = min(int(round(160 / max(1, number))), 20)
        x = self.repeat_draw(128, 94, self.get_image('production_10industry'), colony.i_industry // 10, xx, 99, 162)
        self.repeat_draw(x, 94, self.get_image('production_1industry'), colony.i_industry % 10, xx, 99, 162)

        # research icons
        number = (colony.i_research // 10) + (colony.i_research % 10)
        xx = min(int(round(160 / max(1, number))), 20)
        #print "### colony_screen::draw ... research icons ... number = %i, xx = %i" % (number, xx)
        x = self.repeat_draw(128, 124,self.get_image('production_10research'), colony.i_research // 10, xx, 99, 162)
        self.repeat_draw(x, 124, self.get_image('production_1research'), colony.i_research % 10, xx, 99, 162)

        for t in (K_FARMER, K_WORKER, K_SCIENTIST):
            c = len(colony.d_colonists[t])
            xx = 30 if c < 7 else 190/c
            icon, y = ICON_AND_Y_OFFSET[t]

            for i in range(c):
                colonist = colony.d_colonists[t][i]
                race     = colonist['race']
                picture  = PLAYERS[race].i_picture
                x = 310 + xx * i
                self.blit(self.get_image('race_icon', picture, icon), (x, y))
                if i == (c - 1):
                    xx = 28 # enlarge the Rect of last icon (no other icon is drawn over it...)
                self.add_trigger({'action': "pick-colonist:%.2x:%i" % (t, (c - i)), 'rect': pygame.Rect((x, y), (xx, 28))})

        x = 0
        for i in range(colony.i_num_marines):
            self.blit_image((x, 450), 'race_icon', picture, 0x07)
            x += 30

        # TODO: count in all races not just owner!
        total_population   = (1000 * colony.total_population()) + sum(colony.v_pop_raised)
        pop_text           = "Pop %i,%.3i k (+%i)" % ((total_population // 1000), (total_population % 1000), sum(colony.v_pop_grow))
        population         = self.render(K_FONT3, K_PALETTE_POPULATION, pop_text, 2)
        (tw, th)           = population.get_size()

        self.blit(population, (529, 3))
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def draw(self):
        PLAYERS    = self.list_players()
        PLANETS    = self.list_planets()
        star       = self.o_star
        planet     = self.o_planet
        colony     = self.o_colony
        colony_id  = colony.i_id
        actual_pop = (1000 * colony.i_population) + sum(colony.v_pop_raised)

        print "    Colony:        %s" % colony.s_name
        print "    Population:    %i (+%i)" % (actual_pop, sum(colony.v_pop_grow))
        print "    Food (result): %i (%i)" % (colony.i_food, colony.i_food - actual_pop)
        print "    Industry:      %i" % colony.i_industry
        print "    Research:      %i" % colony.i_research

        self.add_trigger({'action': "screen", 'screen': "colony_production", 'colony_id': colony_id, 'rect': pygame.Rect((519, 123), ( 61, 22))})

        # Background and starfield
        self.blit(self.get_image('background', 'starfield'), (0, 0))
        self.blit(self.get_planet_background(planet.i_terrain, planet.i_picture), (0, 0))
        self.blit(self.get_image('colony_screen', 'panel'), (0, 0))

        # Solar system objects list
        for i in range(K_MAX_STAR_OBJECTS):
            self.blit(self.get_image('colony_screen', 'scheme_arrow'), (6,  31 + (24 * i)))
            object_id = star.v_object_ids[i]
            if object_id != 0xFFFF:
                o_object = PLANETS[object_id]

                if o_object.is_asteroid_belt():
                    x = 6
                    y = 22 + (24 * i)
                    self.blit(self.get_image('colony_screen', 'asteroids_scheme'), (x, y))
                    self.write_text(K_FONT2, K_PALETTE_SCHEMES_FONT, 40, y + 5, "Asteroids")

                if o_object.is_gas_giant():
                    x = 11
                    y = 27 + (24 * i)
                    self.blit(self.get_image('colony_screen', 'gasgiant_scheme'), (x, y))
                    self.write_text(K_FONT2, K_PALETTE_SCHEMES_FONT, 40, y + 5,  "Gas Giant")

                elif o_object.is_planet():
                    x = 10 + [6, 4, 3, 1, 0][o_object.i_size]
                    y = 26 + (24 * i) + [6, 4, 2, 1, 0][o_object.i_size]
                    self.blit(self.get_image('planet_scheme', o_object.i_terrain, o_object.i_size), (x, y))
                    self.write_text(K_FONT2, K_PALETTE_SCHEMES_FONT, 40, y + 5,  o_object.s_name)
                    ##JWL: TODO Also need triggers to switch view to this planet if it has a colony

        # Screen title / Population summary
        title_text    = "%s of %s" % (Data_CONST.get_text_list('COLONY_ASSIGNMENT')[colony.i_assignment], colony.s_name)
        title_surface = self.render(K_FONT5, K_PALETTE_TITLE, title_text, 2)
        (tw, th)      = title_surface.get_size()
        self.blit(title_surface, (320 - (tw / 2), 1))

        pop_text           = "Pop %i,%.3i k (%+i k)" % ((actual_pop // 1000), (actual_pop % 1000), sum(colony.v_pop_grow))
        population         = self.render(K_FONT3, K_PALETTE_POPULATION, pop_text, 2)
        (tw, th)           = population.get_size()
        self.blit(population, (520, 3))

        # government/morale icons
        player_government_id = PLAYERS[colony.i_owner_id].get_racepick_item('goverment')
        self.blit(self.get_image('government', 'icon', player_government_id), (310, 32))

        s_morale_type = 'good' if colony.i_morale > 100.0 else 'bad'
        i_morale_num = abs(colony.i_morale - 100.0) // 10
        self.repeat_draw(340, 35, self.get_image('morale_icon', s_morale_type), i_morale_num, 30, 7, 155)

        # Food icons
        #xx = 10
        number = (colony.i_food // 10) + (colony.i_food % 10)
        xx = min(int(round(160 / max(1, number))), 20)
        x  = self.repeat_draw(128, 64, self.get_image('production_10food'), colony.i_food // 10, xx, 99, 162) #6, 98)
        x  = self.repeat_draw(x,   64, self.get_image('production_1food'),  colony.i_food %  10, xx, 99, 162) #6, 98)
        # TODO missing (red outline) food

        # Industry icons
        number = (colony.i_industry // 10) + (colony.i_industry % 10)
        xx = min(int(round(160 / max(1, number))), 20)
        x  = self.repeat_draw(128, 94, self.get_image('production_10industry'), colony.i_industry // 10, xx, 99, 162)
        x  = self.repeat_draw(x,   94, self.get_image('production_1industry'),  colony.i_industry %  10, xx, 99, 162)

        # Research icons
        number = (colony.i_research // 10) + (colony.i_research % 10)
        xx = min(int(round(160 / max(1, number))), 20)
        x  = self.repeat_draw(128, 124, self.get_image('production_10research'), colony.i_research // 10, xx, 99, 162)
        x  = self.repeat_draw(x,   124, self.get_image('production_1research'),  colony.i_research %  10, xx, 99, 162)

        # Colonist icons
        ICON_AND_Y_OFFSET = { K_FARMER: (1,62), K_WORKER: (3,92), K_SCIENTIST: (5,122) }
        for t in (K_FARMER, K_WORKER, K_SCIENTIST):
            c = len(colony.d_colonists[t])
            xx = 30 if c < 7 else 190/c   # Adjust for normal versus overlapped colonist icons
            icon, y = ICON_AND_Y_OFFSET[t]

            for i in range(c):
                colonist = colony.d_colonists[t][i]
                picture  = PLAYERS[colonist.race].i_picture
                x = 310 + xx * i
                self.blit(self.get_image('race_icon', picture, icon), (x, y))
                if i == (c - 1):
                    xx = 28 # enlarge the Rect of last icon (no other icon is drawn over it...)
                self.add_trigger({'action': "pick-colonist:0x%.2x:%i" % (t, i), 'rect': pygame.Rect((x, y), (xx, 28))})

        # Marines / Armors / Mechs
        x = 0
        for i in range(colony.i_num_marines):
            self.blit_image((x, 450), 'race_icon', picture, 0x07)
            x += 30
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def get_status_text(self):
     return Data_CONST.get_text_list('SHIP_STATUS')[self.i_status]
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def draw(self):
        PLAYERS = self.list_players()
        PLANETS = self.list_planets()
        star = self.o_star
        planet = self.o_planet
        colony = self.o_colony
        colony_id = colony.i_id

        self.blit(self.get_image('background', 'starfield'), (0, 0))
            self.get_planet_background(planet.i_terrain, planet.i_picture),
            (0, 0))
        self.blit(self.get_image('colony_screen', 'panel'), (0, 0))

            'action': "screen",
            'screen': "colony_production",
            'colony_id': colony_id,
            'rect': pygame.Rect((519, 123), (61, 22))

        ICON_AND_Y_OFFSET = {
            K_FARMER: (1, 62),
            K_WORKER: (3, 92),
            K_SCIENTIST: (5, 122)

        for i in range(K_MAX_STAR_OBJECTS):
            object_id = star.v_object_ids[i]
            if object_id != 0xFFFF:
                object = PLANETS[object_id]
                print "type: %i" % object.i_type

                if object.is_asteroid_belt():
                    x = 6
                    y = 22 + (24 * i)
                        self.get_image('colony_screen', 'asteroids_scheme'),
                        (x, y))
                    self.write_text(K_FONT2, K_PALETTE_SCHEMES_FONT, x + 29,
                                    y + 9, "Asteroids")

                if object.is_gas_giant():
                    x = 11
                    y = 27 + (24 * i)
                        self.get_image('colony_screen', 'gasgiant_scheme'),
                        (x, y))
                    write_text(K_FONT2, K_PALETTE_SCHEMES_FONT, x + 24, y + 4,
                               "Gas Giant -")
                    write_text(K_FONT2, K_PALETTE_SCHEMES_FONT, x + 24, y + 15,

                elif object.is_planet():
                    terrain = object.i_terrain
                    size = object.i_size
                    x = 10 + [6, 4, 3, 1, 0][size]
                    y = 26 + (24 * i) + [6, 4, 2, 1, 0][size]
                    self.blit(self.get_image('planet_scheme', terrain, size),
                              (x, y))

            self.blit(self.get_image('colony_screen', 'scheme_arrow'),
                      (6, 31 + (24 * i)))

        title_text = "%s of %s" % (Data_CONST.get_text_list(
            'COLONY_ASSIGNMENT')[colony.i_assignment], colony.s_name)
        title_surface = self.render(K_FONT5, K_PALETTE_TITLE, title_text, 2)
        (tw, th) = title_surface.get_size()

        self.blit(title_surface, (320 - (tw / 2), 1))

        #    total_population = (1000 * colony['population']) + colony['pop_raised']
        #    print
        #    print "    Colony:     %s" % colony.name
        #    print "    Population: %i (+%i)" % (total_population, colony['pop_grow'])
        #    print "    Industry:   %i" % colony.industry()
        #    print "    Research:   %i" % colony.research()
        #    print "    Food (result):%i (%i)" % (colony.food(), colony.food() - colony.population)
        #    print "    Colonists:"

        player_government_id = PLAYERS[colony.i_owner_id].get_racepick_item(

        self.blit(self.get_image('government', 'icon', player_government_id),
                  (310, 32))

        # TODO: implement negative morale
        self.repeat_draw(340, 35, self.get_image('morale_icon', 'good'),
                         colony.i_morale // 10, 30, 7, 155)

        x = 10 + self.repeat_draw(128, 64, self.get_image('production_10food'),
                                  colony.i_food // 10, 20, 6, 98)
        self.repeat_draw(x, 64, self.get_image('production_1food'),
                         colony.i_food % 10, 20, 6, 98)

        # industry icons
        number = (colony.i_industry // 10) + (colony.i_industry % 10)
        xx = min(int(round(160 / max(1, number))), 20)
        x = self.repeat_draw(128, 94, self.get_image('production_10industry'),
                             colony.i_industry // 10, xx, 99, 162)
        self.repeat_draw(x, 94, self.get_image('production_1industry'),
                         colony.i_industry % 10, xx, 99, 162)

        # research icons
        number = (colony.i_research // 10) + (colony.i_research % 10)
        xx = min(int(round(160 / max(1, number))), 20)
        #print "### colony_screen::draw ... research icons ... number = %i, xx = %i" % (number, xx)
        x = self.repeat_draw(128, 124, self.get_image('production_10research'),
                             colony.i_research // 10, xx, 99, 162)
        self.repeat_draw(x, 124, self.get_image('production_1research'),
                         colony.i_research % 10, xx, 99, 162)

        for t in (K_FARMER, K_WORKER, K_SCIENTIST):
            c = len(colony.d_colonists[t])
            xx = 30 if c < 7 else 190 / c
            icon, y = ICON_AND_Y_OFFSET[t]

            for i in range(c):
                colonist = colony.d_colonists[t][i]
                race = colonist['race']
                picture = PLAYERS[race].i_picture
                x = 310 + xx * i
                self.blit(self.get_image('race_icon', picture, icon), (x, y))
                if i == (c - 1):
                    xx = 28  # enlarge the Rect of last icon (no other icon is drawn over it...)
                    "pick-colonist:%.2x:%i" % (t, (c - i)),
                    pygame.Rect((x, y), (xx, 28))

        x = 0
        for i in range(colony.i_num_marines):
            self.blit_image((x, 450), 'race_icon', picture, 0x07)
            x += 30

        # TODO: count in all races not just owner!
        total_population = (1000 * colony.total_population()) + sum(
        pop_text = "Pop %i,%.3i k (+%i)" % (
            (total_population // 1000),
            (total_population % 1000), sum(colony.v_pop_grow))
        population = self.render(K_FONT3, K_PALETTE_POPULATION, pop_text, 2)
        (tw, th) = population.get_size()

        self.blit(population, (529, 3))
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def get_status_text(self):
     return Data_CONST.get_text_list('SHIP_STATUS')[self.i_status]