def sendStories(listOfFeeds):
    """(API) Send the stories in the list of feeds to the subscribers

    For each of the listOfFeeds, sendStories will pull a list of users 
    who subscribe to that feed. Then, it will send the stories to users
    based on the receiver's perfer receiving method.
    for feed in listOfFeeds:
        # Rename variables 
        feedURL = feed[0]
        entries_URL = feed[1]
        entries_titles = feed[2]
        entries_contents = feed[3]
        listOfUsers = Database.getUsersBySourceURL(feedURL)
        print 'LC DEBUG EM 158, LIST OF USERS: '
        print str(listOfUsers), '\n'
        for user in listOfUsers:

            # Rename variables
            username = user[0]
            emailAddr = user[1]
            phone = user[2]
            carrier = user[3]
            send_method = user[4] 

            # Check the users' status
            emailStatusList = Database.getEmailStatusByUsername(username)
            emailStatus = emailStatusList[0][0] 

            textStatusList = Database.getPhoneStatusByUsername(username)
            textStatus = textStatusList[0][0]
            # Send stories based on user's prefer method
            if emailStatus != 0:
                print 'LC DEBUG EM 178, emailStatus != 0, NO SENT for ', username, ' ||| '

            if send_method == "email" and emailStatus == 0:
                print 'LC DEBUG EM 181, sending email to ', username, ' ||| '
                message = formatEmail(feed, emailAddr)
                sendAsEmail(emailAddr, message)

            if send_method == "sms_text" and textStatus == 0:
                print 'LC DEBUG EM 186, sending text sms to ', username, ' ||| '
                sendFeedAsSMS(feed, user)

            if send_method == "sms_link" and textStatus == 0:
                print 'LC DEBUG EM 190, sending link sms to ', username, ' ||| '
                sendFeedAsSMS(feed, user)