Ejemplo n.º 1
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):
    listOfPossiblePlates = []  # this will be the return value
    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape
    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)
    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = preprocess(imgOriginalScene)
    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:  # for each group of matching chars
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(
            imgOriginalScene, listOfMatchingChars)  # attempt to extract plate

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:  # if plate was found
                possiblePlate)  # add to list of possible plates
        # end if
    # end for

    #print("\n" + str(len(listOfPossiblePlates)) + " possible plates found")  # 13 with MCLRNF1 image

    return listOfPossiblePlates
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):
    possiblePlates = []

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)


    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(imgOriginalScene)

    possibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)

    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(possibleCharsInScene)

    for matchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(imgOriginalScene, matchingChars)

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:

    print "\n" + str(len(possiblePlates)) + " possible plates found"

    return possiblePlates
Ejemplo n.º 3
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginal):
    possiblePlates = []  # this will be the return value

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginal.shape

    frameThresh = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    frameContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)


    frameThresh = filter.threshold(imgOriginal)

    # find all possible chars in the scene,
    # this function first finds all contours, then only includes contours that could be chars (without comparison to other chars yet)
    possibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(frameThresh)

    # given a list of all possible chars, find groups of matching chars
    # in the next steps each group of matching chars will attempt to be recognized as a plate
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(

    # for each group of matching chars
    for matchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
        # attempt to extract plate
        plate = extractPlate(imgOriginal, matchingChars)
        # if plate was found
        if plate.plateCrop is not None:
            # add to list of possible plates
    return possiblePlates
Ejemplo n.º 4
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):
    listOfPossiblePlates = []  # this will be the return value

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(
        imgOriginalScene)  # preprocess to get grayscale and threshold images

    # find all possible chars in the scene,
    # this function first finds all contours, then only includes contours that could be chars (without comparison to other chars yet)
    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)

    # given a list of all possible chars, find groups of matching chars
    # in the next steps each group of matching chars will attempt to be recognized as a plate
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:  # for each group of matching chars
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(
            imgOriginalScene, listOfMatchingChars)  # attempt to extract plate

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:  # if plate was found
                possiblePlate)  # add to list of possible plates
        # end if
    # end for

    #print("\n" + str(len(listOfPossiblePlates)) + " possible plates found")          # 13 with MCLRNF1 image

    return listOfPossiblePlates
Ejemplo n.º 5
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):
    listOfPossiblePlates = []

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)


    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(imgOriginalScene)

    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)

    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(listOfPossibleCharsInScene)

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(imgOriginalScene, listOfMatchingChars)

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None: 

    print ("\n" + str(len(listOfPossiblePlates)) + " possible plates found")

    return listOfPossiblePlates
Ejemplo n.º 6
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):
    listOfPossiblePlates = []

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

    # cv2.destroyAllWindows()

    # 1. Przetworzenie zdjecia
    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(
        imgOriginalScene)  # preprocess to get grayscale and threshold images

    # 2. Znajdywanie potencjalnego tekstu na zdjeciu - wycwiczona funkcja porownuje zdjecie ze zbiorem znakow, grupuje je
    # find all contours, then only include contours that could be chars
    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)

    # 3. Za krotkie ciagi sa odrzucane, reszta traktowana jako potencjalne tablice.
    # given a list of all possible chars, find groups of matching chars
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:  # for each group of matching chars
        possiblePlate = rotatePlate(
            imgOriginalScene, listOfMatchingChars)  # attempt to extract plate

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:  # if plate was found
                possiblePlate)  # add to list of possible plates

    print("\n" + str(len(listOfPossiblePlates)) + " possible plates found")
    return listOfPossiblePlates
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene, debug=True):
    if debug:
        imgDebug = copy.copy(imgOriginalScene)
    listOfPossiblePlates = []  # this will be the return value

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(
        imgOriginalScene)  # preprocess to get grayscale and threshold images

    # find all possible chars in the scene,
    # this function first finds all contours, then only includes contours that could be chars (without comparison to other chars yet)
    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(
    )  # Here we get a list of all the contours in the image that may be characters.

    # given a list of all possible chars, find groups of matching chars
    # in the next steps each group of matching chars will attempt to be recognized as a plate
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(

    #lista de listas :V
    if debug:
        contador = 0
        if (len(listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene) > 0):
            for lists in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
                for chars in lists:
                    (x, y) = chars.intBoundingRectX, chars.intBoundingRectY
                        w, h
                    ) = chars.intBoundingRectWidth, chars.intBoundingRectHeight
                    cv2.rectangle(imgDebug, (x, y), (x + w, y + h),
                                  colors[contador % 3], 2)
                    #font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX
                    #cv2.putText(imgDebug, str(contador), (x, y), font, 1, (0, 0, 0), 1,cv2.LINE_AA)
                    contador += 1
            cv2.imwrite("imgDebug.jpg", imgDebug)

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:  # for each group of matching chars
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(
            imgOriginalScene, listOfMatchingChars)  # attempt to extract plate

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:  # if plate was found
                possiblePlate)  # add to list of possible plates

    return listOfPossiblePlates
Ejemplo n.º 8
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):

    # Niz sa potencijalnim tablicama, isti kao u Main.py
    listOfPossiblePlates = []

    # Ddređivanje visine, širine i broja kanala originalne slike
    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape
    # Prazne matrice u koje se sprema obrađena slika.
    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)
    # Uništavanje prozora

    # -----------------------------    PREOBRADA SLIKE - PREPROCESS  ( 1 ) --------------------------------------------------

    # Pozivanje druge skripte i istoimene funkcije u njoj Preprocess
    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(
        imgOriginalScene)  # PROMJENA      Preprocess.py
    # Vraćanje iz Preprocess skripte sa dvije matrice, imgGrayscale i imgTresh

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # -----------------------------       TRAŽENJE ZNAKOVA   ( 2 )  -------------------------------------------------------------

    # Funkcija koristi matricu   imgTreshScene ( crno-bijela slika bez šuma ) - binarna slika
    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(
        imgThreshScene)  # LOKALNA PROMJENA
    # Dobivene su konture koju su najvjerojantije znak, jer su mjerene dimenzije

    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(
        listOfPossibleCharsInScene)  # PROMEJNA
    # Vraća listulistaMogucih znakova

    #  Traženje tablice medju mogucim tablicama
    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(imgOriginalScene,
                                     listOfMatchingChars)  # LOKALNA PROMJENA
        # Došla possible plate iz funcije extract plate

        # Ukoliko tablica postoji, dodajes se u listu tablica
        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:

    # Ispis na konzoli : broj pronađenih tablica
    print("\n" + str(len(listOfPossiblePlates)) + " possible plates found")

    # Vraća broj mogucih tablica
    return listOfPossiblePlates
Ejemplo n.º 9
def detectPlatesInScene(input_image):
    Possible_Plates = []

    height, width, Channels = input_image.shape

    threshold_image = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    grayscale_image, threshold_image = Preprocess.preprocess(input_image)
    # cv2.imshow("grayscale", grayscale_image)
    # cv2.imshow("threshold", threshold_image)

    #finds all contours, then only includes contours that could be chars (without comparison to other chars yet)
    Possible_Chars = get_Possible_Chars_in_input_image(threshold_image)

    # given a list of all possible chars, find groups of matching chars
    Matching_Chars = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(Possible_Chars)
    for listOfMatchingChars in Matching_Chars:
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(input_image, listOfMatchingChars)
        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:

    return Possible_Plates
Ejemplo n.º 10
def detect_plate(imgOriginalScene):
    possible_plates = []                   # this will be the return value

    # extracint values, like height, width, and number of hannels
    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    # Initialization
    GrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    ThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)


    #First, calling the preprocess function
    GrayscaleScene, ThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(imgOriginalScene)

    # find all possible chars in the scene,
    # this function first finds all contours, then only includes contours that could be chars (without comparison to other chars yet)
    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = find_char(ThreshScene)
    #After this function returns we have a list of contous that are possibile to be characters.

    # This function find groups of matching chars
    # in the next steps each group of matching chars will attempt to be recognized as a plate
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(listOfPossibleCharsInScene)

    #For each group, extract the plate
    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
        possiblePlate = plate_extraction(imgOriginalScene, listOfMatchingChars)

        #if plate is foun, add it to the list
        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:

    return possible_plates
Ejemplo n.º 11
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene,type):
    listOfPossiblePlates = []     # Dönüş değeri olacak
    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape
    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8) #matris olusturma
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(imgOriginalScene,type)  # Gri tonlamalı ve eşikli görüntüler elde etmek için ön işlem
    # Sahnedeki tüm olası karakterleri bul
    # Bu işlev ilk önce tüm konturları bulur, ardından sadece karakter olabilecek kontürleri içerir (henüz diğer karakterlerle karşılaştırılmadan)

    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)
    # Olası tüm karakterlerin bir listesi verildiğinde eşleşen karakter gruplarını bulun
    # Sonraki adımlarda, eşleşen her karakter grubu bir plaka olarak tanınmaya çalışacaktır
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(listOfPossibleCharsInScene)

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:             # Eşleşen karakter grubunun her biri için
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(imgOriginalScene, listOfMatchingChars)   # Plaka çıkarma girişimi
        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:          # Eğer plaka bulunursa
            listOfPossiblePlates.append(possiblePlate)  # Olası plakalar listesine ekle
    return listOfPossiblePlates
Ejemplo n.º 12
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):  #单个单个char组成的list
    listOfPossiblePlates = []

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape


    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(imgOriginalScene)

    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(imgOriginalScene, listOfMatchingChars)
        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:

    print("\n" + str(len(listOfPossiblePlates)) + " possible plates found")
    return listOfPossiblePlates
Ejemplo n.º 13
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):

    listOfPossiblePlates = []

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

    #grayscale and threshold images preprocessing
    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(imgOriginalScene)

    # find all possible chars in the scene,
    # this function first finds all contours, then only includes contours that could be chars (without comparison to other chars yet)
    # Here we get a list of all the contours in the image that may be characters.
    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)

    # given a list of all possible chars, find groups of matching chars
    # in the next steps each group of matching chars will attempt to be recognized as a plate
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(listOfPossibleCharsInScene)

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(imgOriginalScene, listOfMatchingChars)

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:

    return listOfPossiblePlates
Ejemplo n.º 14
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):
    listOfPossiblePlates = []                   # this will be the return value

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)


    if Main.showSteps == True: # show steps #######################################################
        cv2.imshow("0", imgOriginalScene)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(imgOriginalScene)         # preprocess to get grayscale and threshold images

    if Main.showSteps == True: # show steps #######################################################
        cv2.imshow("1a", imgGrayscaleScene)
        cv2.imshow("1b", imgThreshScene)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

            # find all possible chars in the scene,
            # this function first finds all contours, then only includes contours that could be chars (without comparison to other chars yet)
    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)

    if Main.showSteps == True: # show steps #######################################################
        print "step 2 - len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene) = " + str(len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene))         # 131 with MCLRNF1 image

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        contours = []

        for possibleChar in listOfPossibleCharsInScene:
        # end for

        cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, Main.SCALAR_WHITE)
        cv2.imshow("2b", imgContours)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

            # given a list of all possible chars, find groups of matching chars
            # in the next steps each group of matching chars will attempt to be recognized as a plate
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(listOfPossibleCharsInScene)

    if Main.showSteps == True: # show steps #######################################################
        print "step 3 - listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene.Count = " + str(len(listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene))    # 13 with MCLRNF1 image

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
            intRandomBlue = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomGreen = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomRed = random.randint(0, 255)

            contours = []

            for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:
            # end for

            cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, (intRandomBlue, intRandomGreen, intRandomRed))
        # end for

        cv2.imshow("3", imgContours)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:                   # for each group of matching chars
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(imgOriginalScene, listOfMatchingChars)         # attempt to extract plate

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:                          # if plate was found
            listOfPossiblePlates.append(possiblePlate)                  # add to list of possible plates
        # end if
    # end for

    print "\n" + str(len(listOfPossiblePlates)) + " possible plates found"          # 13 with MCLRNF1 image

    if Main.showSteps == True: # show steps #######################################################
        print "\n"
        cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

        for i in range(0, len(listOfPossiblePlates)):
            p2fRectPoints = cv2.boxPoints(listOfPossiblePlates[i].rrLocationOfPlateInScene)

            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)

            cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

            print "possible plate " + str(i) + ", click on any image and press a key to continue . . ."

            cv2.imshow("4b", listOfPossiblePlates[i].imgPlate)
        # end for

        print "\nplate detection complete, click on any image and press a key to begin char recognition . . .\n"
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    return listOfPossiblePlates
Ejemplo n.º 15
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):  #Orjinal resmi aldı
    listOfPossiblePlates = [
    ]  # this will be the return value                 #Muhtemel plaka boş listesi

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape  #O.R. Şekillendirildi

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)


    if Main.showSteps == True:
        cv2.imshow("0", imgOriginalScene)

    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(
        imgOriginalScene)  #Resim gray ve threshe çevrildi.
    # preprocess to get grayscale and threshold images

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        cv2.imshow("1a", imgGrayscaleScene)
        cv2.imshow("1b", imgThreshScene)

    # find all possible chars in the scene,
    # this function first finds all contours, then only includes contours that could be chars (without comparison to other chars yet)
    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)
    #findPossibleCharsInScene fonksiyoununa Thresh resmi verildi.       ---> findPossibleCharsInScene

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        print("step 2 - len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene) = " +
              str(len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene)))  # 131 with MCLRNF1 image

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)
        contours = []

        for possibleChar in listOfPossibleCharsInScene:  #

        cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, Main.SCALAR_WHITE)
        cv2.imshow("2b", imgContours)

        # given a list of all possible chars, find groups of matching chars
        # in the next steps each group of matching chars will attempt to be recognized as a plate
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        print("step 3 - listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene.Count = " + str(
            len(listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene)))  # 13 with MCLRNF1 image

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
            intRandomBlue = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomGreen = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomRed = random.randint(0, 255)

            contours = []

            for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:

            cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1,
                             (intRandomBlue, intRandomGreen, intRandomRed))

        cv2.imshow("3", imgContours)


    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:  # for each group of matching chars
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(
            imgOriginalScene, listOfMatchingChars)  # attempt to extract plate

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:  # if plate was found
                possiblePlate)  # add to list of possible plates

    print("\n" + str(len(listOfPossiblePlates)) +
          " plaka olması muhtemel görüntü bulundu.")  # 13 with MCLRNF1 image

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

        for i in range(0, len(listOfPossiblePlates)):
            p2fRectPoints = cv2.boxPoints(

            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)

            cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

            print("possible plate " + str(i) +
                  ", click on any image and press a key to continue . . .")

            cv2.imshow("4b", listOfPossiblePlates[i].imgPlate)

            "\nplate detection complete, click on any image and press a key to begin char recognition . . .\n"

    return listOfPossiblePlates
Ejemplo n.º 16
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):
    listOfPossiblePlates = []

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)


    if Main.showSteps == True:
        cv2.imshow("0", imgOriginalScene)

    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(
        imgOriginalScene)  # tiền xử lý đưa ảnh sang thang màu xám

    if Main.showSteps == True:  # show quá trình thực hiện
        cv2.imshow("1a", imgGrayscaleScene)
        cv2.imshow("1b", imgThreshScene)

        # Tìm tất cả các ký tự có trong ảnh
        # tìm các đường viền trong hình và bao quanh các đường viền đó không  phân biệt đó có phải là ký tự hay không
    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        print("step 2 - len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene) = " +

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        contours = []

        for possibleChar in listOfPossibleCharsInScene:

        cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, Main.SCALAR_WHITE)
        cv2.imshow("2b", imgContours)

    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        print("step 3 - listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene.Count = " +

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
            intRandomBlue = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomGreen = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomRed = random.randint(0, 255)

            contours = []

            for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:

            cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1,
                             (intRandomBlue, intRandomGreen, intRandomRed))

        cv2.imshow("3", imgContours)

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(imgOriginalScene, listOfMatchingChars)

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:  # nếu thìm thấy biển số

    print("\n" + str(len(listOfPossiblePlates)) + " possible plates found")

    if Main.showSteps == True:

        cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

        for i in range(0, len(listOfPossiblePlates)):
            p2fRectPoints = cv2.boxPoints(

            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)

            cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

            print("possible plate " + str(i) +
                  ", click on any image and press a key to continue . . .")

            cv2.imshow("4b", listOfPossiblePlates[i].imgPlate)

            "\nplate detection complete, click on any image and press a key to begin char recognition . . .\n"

    return listOfPossiblePlates
Ejemplo n.º 17
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):
    listOfPossiblePlates = []  # este será el valor de retorno

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)


    if Main.showSteps == True:  # mostrar pasos
        cv2.imshow("0", imgOriginalScene)
    # end if # mostrar pasos

    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(
    )  # preproceso para obtener imágenes en escala de grises y umbral
    if Main.showSteps == True:  # mostrar pasos
        cv2.imshow("1a", imgGrayscaleScene)
        cv2.imshow("1b", imgThreshScene)
    # end if # ,ostrar pasos

    # encuentra todos los caracteres posibles en la escena,
    #Esta función primero encuentra todos los contornos, luego solo incluye los contornos que podrían ser caracteres (sin comparación con otros caracteres aún)
    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)

    if Main.showSteps == True:  # mostrar pasos
        print("step 2 - len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene) = " +
              str(len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene)))  # 131 con imagen MCLRNF1

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        contours = []

        for possibleChar in listOfPossibleCharsInScene:
        # end for

        cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, Main.SCALAR_WHITE)
        cv2.imshow("2b", imgContours)
    # end if # mostrar pasos

    # dada una lista de todos los caracteres posibles, encuentre grupos de caracteres coincidentes
    # En los próximos pasos, cada grupo de caracteres coincidentes intentará ser reconocido como una placa
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(

    if Main.showSteps == True:  # mostrar pasos
        print("step 3 - listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene.Count = " + str(
            len(listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene)))  # 13 con MCLRNF1 image

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
            intRandomBlue = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomGreen = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomRed = random.randint(0, 255)

            contours = []

            for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:
            # end for

            cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1,
                             (intRandomBlue, intRandomGreen, intRandomRed))
        # end for

        cv2.imshow("3", imgContours)
    # end if # mostrar pasos

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:  # para cada grupo de caracteres coincidentes
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(
            listOfMatchingChars)  # para cada grupo de caracteres coincidentes

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:  # si se encontró placa
                possiblePlate)  # añadir a la lista de posibles platos
        # end if
    # end for

    print("\n" + str(len(listOfPossiblePlates)) +
          " posibles placas encontradas")  # 13 con MCLRNF1 image

    if Main.showSteps == True:  # mostrar pasos
        cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

        for i in range(0, len(listOfPossiblePlates)):
            p2fRectPoints = cv2.boxPoints(

            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)

            cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

                "posible placa " + str(i) +
                ", haga clic en cualquier imagen y presione una tecla para continuar . . ."

            cv2.imshow("4b", listOfPossiblePlates[i].imgPlate)
        # end for

            "\nplate detection complete, click on any image and press a key to begin char recognition . . .\n"
    # end if # mostrar pasos

    return listOfPossiblePlates
Ejemplo n.º 18
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):
    listOfPossiblePlates = []                   # this will be the return value

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        input('Press any key to continue...')

    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(imgOriginalScene)         

    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)

    if Main.showSteps == True:

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        contours = []

        for possibleChar in listOfPossibleCharsInScene:

        cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, Main.SCALAR_WHITE)
        input('Press any key to continue...')
        # This is for the boxing of all the contours
        for possibleChar in listOfPossibleCharsInScene:
            cv2.rectangle(imgContours,(possibleChar.intBoundingRectX,possibleChar.intBoundingRectY),(possibleChar.intBoundingRectX+possibleChar.intBoundingRectWidth,possibleChar.intBoundingRectY+possibleChar.intBoundingRectHeight),(0.0, 255.0, 255.0),1)

            # given a list of all possible chars, find groups of matching chars
            # in the next steps each group of matching chars will attempt to be recognized as a plate
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(listOfPossibleCharsInScene)
    if Main.showSteps == True: # show steps #######################################################
        print("step 3 - listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene.Count = " + str(len(listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene)))    # 13 with MCLRNF1 image

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
            intRandomBlue = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomGreen = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomRed = random.randint(0, 255)

            #imgContours2 = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

            contours = []

            for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:
            # end for

            #cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, (255, 255, 255))
            cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, (intRandomBlue, intRandomGreen, intRandomRed))
        # end for

            #imgContours = Image.fromarray(imgContours,'RGB').show()

    # end if # show steps #########################################################################
    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:                   # for each group of matching chars
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(imgOriginalScene, listOfMatchingChars)         # attempt to extract plate

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:                          # if plate was found
            listOfPossiblePlates.append(possiblePlate)                  # add to list of possible plates

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        print("\n" + str(len(listOfPossiblePlates)) + " possible plates found")
    if Main.showSteps == True: # show steps #######################################################

        input('Press any key to continue...')
        for i in range(0, len(listOfPossiblePlates)):
            p2fRectPoints = cv2.boxPoints(listOfPossiblePlates[i].rrLocationOfPlateInScene)

            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)

            #cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

            print("possible plate " + str(i) + ", click on any image and press a key to continue . . .")

        # end for
        print("\nplate detection complete, press a key to begin char recognition . . .\n")
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    return listOfPossiblePlates
Ejemplo n.º 19
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):
    listOfPossiblePlates = []                   

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

    if Main.showSteps == True: 
        cv2.imshow("0", imgOriginalScene)

    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(imgOriginalScene)        

    if Main.showSteps == True:  
        cv2.imshow("1a", imgGrayscaleScene)
        cv2.imshow("1b", imgThreshScene)
    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)

    if Main.showSteps == True:  
        print "step 2 - len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene) = " + str(len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene))         

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        contours = []

        for possibleChar in listOfPossibleCharsInScene:

        cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, Main.SCALAR_WHITE)
        cv2.imshow("2b", imgContours)
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(listOfPossibleCharsInScene)

    if Main.showSteps == True:  
        print "step 3 - listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene.Count = " + str(len(listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene))    

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
            intRandomBlue = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomGreen = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomRed = random.randint(0, 255)

            contours = []

            for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:

            cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, (intRandomBlue, intRandomGreen, intRandomRed))

        cv2.imshow("3", imgContours)

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:                    
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(imgOriginalScene, listOfMatchingChars)         

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:                          

    if Main.showSteps == True:  
        print "\n"
        cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

        for i in range(0, len(listOfPossiblePlates)):
            p2fRectPoints = cv2.boxPoints(listOfPossiblePlates[i].rrLocationOfPlateInScene)

            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)

            cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

            print "possible plate " + str(i) + ", click on any image and press a key to continue . . ."

            cv2.imshow("4b", listOfPossiblePlates[i].imgPlate)
        print "\nplate detection complete, click on any image and press a key to begin char recognition . . .\n"

    return listOfPossiblePlates
def detectPlatesInScene(img):
    listOfPossiblePlates = []                 

    height, width, numChannels = img.shape

    imgGray = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThresh = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)


    if Main.showSteps == True: 
        cv2.imshow("0", img)

    imgGray, imgThresh = Preprocess.preprocess(img)         # preprocess to get grayscale and threshold images

    if Main.showSteps == True: 
        cv2.imshow("Gray SCale Image", imgGray)
        cv2.imshow("Image threshold", imgThresh)

    # find all possible chars in the scene,
    # this function first finds all contours, then only includes contours that could be chars (without comparison to other chars yet)
    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThresh)

    if Main.showSteps == True: #
        print("step 2 - len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene) = " + str(len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene))) 

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        contours = []

        for possibleChar in listOfPossibleCharsInScene:

        cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, Main.SCALAR_WHITE)
        cv2.imshow("2b", imgContours)

     # given a list of all possible chars, find groups of matching chars
     # in the next steps each group of matching chars will attempt to be recognized as a plate
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(listOfPossibleCharsInScene)

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        print("step 3 - listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene.Count = " + str( len(listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene)))  

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
            RandomBlue = random.randint(0, 255)
            RandomGreen = random.randint(0, 255)
            RandomRed = random.randint(0, 255)

            contours = []

            for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:

            cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, (RandomBlue, RandomGreen, RandomRed))
        cv2.imshow("Image Contours", imgContours)

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:                  
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(img, listOfMatchingChars)         

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:                        

    print("\n" + str(len(listOfPossiblePlates)) + " possible plates found") 

    if Main.showSteps == True: 
        cv2.imshow("Image Contours", imgContours)

        for i in range(0, len(listOfPossiblePlates)):
            p2fRectPoints = cv2.boxPoints(listOfPossiblePlates[i].rrLocationOfPlateInScene)

            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)

            cv2.imshow("Image Contpurs", imgContours)

            print("possible plate " + str(i) + ", click on any image and press a key to continue . . .")

            cv2.imshow("List of Possible plates", listOfPossiblePlates[i].imgPlate)

        print("\nplate detection complete, click on any image and press a key to begin char recognition . . .\n")
    return listOfPossiblePlates
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):
    listOfPossiblePlates = []  # this will be the return value

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)


    # Verifica se esta no modo debug
    if Main.showSteps:
        cv2.imshow("0", imgOriginalScene)

    # Executa o pré-processamento para recuperar as imagens de escala de cinza e binária
    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(imgOriginalScene)

    if Main.showSteps:
        cv2.imshow("1a", imgGrayscaleScene)
        cv2.imshow("1b", imgThreshScene)

    # Encontra todos os possiveis caracteres na cena
    # Esta funcao primeiramente encontra todos os contornos e inclui apenas os contornos que podem ser um caracter (sem comparar por enquanto)
    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)

    if Main.showSteps:
        print "step 2 - len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene) = " + str(
            len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene))  # 131 with MCLRNF1 image

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        contours = []

        for possibleChar in listOfPossibleCharsInScene:

        cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, Main.SCALAR_WHITE)
        cv2.imshow("2b", imgContours)
    # end if

    # A partir da lista de todos os possiveis caracteres, encontre grupos de caracteres semelhantes
    # No proximo passo cada grupo tentará ser reconhecido como uma placa
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(

    if Main.showSteps:
        print "step 3 - listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene.Count = " + str(

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
            intRandomBlue = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomGreen = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomRed = random.randint(0, 255)

            contours = []

            for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:
            # end for

            cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1,
                             (intRandomBlue, intRandomGreen, intRandomRed))
        # end for

        cv2.imshow("3", imgContours)
    # end if

    # Itera sobre cada grupo de caracteres
    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
        # Tenta reconhecer a placa
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(imgOriginalScene, listOfMatchingChars)

        # Verifica se foi encontrada
        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:
            # Adiciona na lista de possiveis placas
        # end if
    # end for

    print "\n" + str(
        len(listOfPossiblePlates)) + " possíveis placas encontradas"

    if Main.showSteps:
        print "\n"
        cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

        for i in range(0, len(listOfPossiblePlates)):
            p2fRectPoints = cv2.boxPoints(

            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), Main.SCALAR_GREEN, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), Main.SCALAR_GREEN, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), Main.SCALAR_GREEN, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), Main.SCALAR_GREEN, 2)

            cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

            print "possível placa " + str(
            ) + ". Clique em qualquer imagem e pressione uma tecla para continuar."

            cv2.imshow("4b", listOfPossiblePlates[i].imgPlate)
        # end for

        print "\nDetecção de placa completada. Clique on qualquer imagem e pressione uma tecla para iniciar o reconhecimento de caracteres.\n"
    # end if

    return listOfPossiblePlates
Ejemplo n.º 22
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):
    listOfPossiblePlates = []

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)


    if Main.showSteps == True:
        cv2.imshow("0", imgOriginalScene)

    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(imgOriginalScene)

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        cv2.imshow("1a", imgGrayscaleScene)
        cv2.imshow("1b", imgThreshScene)

    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        print("step 2 - len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene) = " + str(

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        contours = []

        for possibleChar in listOfPossibleCharsInScene:

        cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, Main.SCALAR_WHITE)
        cv2.imshow("2b", imgContours)

    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(listOfPossibleCharsInScene)

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        print("step 3 - listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene.Count = " + str(

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
            intRandomBlue = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomGreen = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomRed = random.randint(0, 255)

            contours = []

            for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:

            cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, (intRandomBlue, intRandomGreen, intRandomRed))

        cv2.imshow("3", imgContours)

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(imgOriginalScene, listOfMatchingChars)

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

        for i in range(0, len(listOfPossiblePlates)):
            p2fRectPoints = cv2.boxPoints(listOfPossiblePlates[i].rrLocationOfPlateInScene)

            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)

            cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

            cv2.imshow("4b", listOfPossiblePlates[i].imgPlate)

        print("\nplate detection complete, click on any image and press a key to begin char recognition . . .\n")

    return listOfPossiblePlates
Ejemplo n.º 23
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):
    listOfPossPlates = []
    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape
    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)


    if Main.showSteps == True:
        cv2.imshow("0", imgOriginalScene)
    # end if

    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(
        imgOriginalScene)  # za grayscale i detekciju rubova

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        cv2.imshow("1a", imgGrayscaleScene)
        cv2.imshow("1b", imgThreshScene)
    # end if

    # funkcija prvo pronalazi sve konture, a zatim uključuje samo obrise koji bi mogli biti karakteri (bez usporedbe s ostalim značajkama)
    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        print("step 2 - len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene) = " +

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)
        contours = []

        for possibleChar in listOfPossibleCharsInScene:
        # end for

        cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, Main.SCALAR_WHITE)
        cv2.imshow("2b", imgContours)
    # end if

    # od popisa svih mogućih znakova, pronalazi grupe podudaranja - svaka će skupina podudarnih znakova pokušati biti prepoznata kao oznaka
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        print("step 3 - listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene.Count = " +

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
            intRandomBlue = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomGreen = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomRed = random.randint(0, 255)

            contours = []

            for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:
            # end for

            cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1,
                             (intRandomBlue, intRandomGreen, intRandomRed))
        # end for

        cv2.imshow("3", imgContours)
    # end if

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:  # za svaku grupu vezanih karaktera pokušat izdvojiti oznaku
        possPlate = extractPlate(imgOriginalScene, listOfMatchingChars)

        if possPlate.imgPlate is not None:  # ako je oznaka nađena dodaje se listi mogućih
        # end if
    # end for

    print("\n" + str(len(listOfPossPlates)) +
          " moguće oznake nađene")  # vrati koliko je mogucih oznaka nadeno

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

        for i in range(0, len(listOfPossPlates)):
            p2fRectPoints = cv2.boxPoints(

            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)

            cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

            print("moguća oznaka " + str(i) +
                  ", klikni na sliku i pritisni bilo koju tipku za nastavak")

            cv2.imshow("4b", listOfPossPlates[i].imgPlate)
        # end for

            "\ndetekcija dovrsena, klikni na sliku i pritisni tipku za nastavak\n"
    # end if
    return listOfPossPlates
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene, location):
    listOfRawPossiblePlates = []                   

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)


    if Main.showSteps == True: 
        cv2.imshow("0", imgOriginalScene)

    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(imgOriginalScene)         # preprocess to get grayscale and threshold images

    if Main.showSteps == True: # show steps #######################################################
        cv2.imshow("1a", imgGrayscaleScene)
        cv2.imshow("1b", imgThreshScene)

    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)
    listOfPossibleCharsInScene.sort(key = lambda Char: Char.intCenterX)

    if Main.showSteps == True: # show steps #######################################################
        print("step 2 - len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene) = " + str(len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene)))         # 131 with MCLRNF1 image

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        contours = []

        for possibleChar in listOfPossibleCharsInScene:
        # end for

        cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, Main.SCALAR_WHITE)
        cv2.imshow("2b", imgContours)

    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(listOfPossibleCharsInScene)

    if Main.showSteps == True: # show steps #######################################################
        print("step 3 - listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene.Count = " + str(len(listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene)))    # 13 with MCLRNF1 image

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
            intRandomBlue = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomGreen = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomRed = random.randint(0, 255)

            contours = []

            for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:

            cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, (intRandomBlue, intRandomGreen, intRandomRed))

        cv2.imshow("3", imgContours)

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:                   # for each group of matching chars
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(listOfMatchingChars)         # attempt to extract plate
        listOfRawPossiblePlates.append(possiblePlate)                  # add to list of possible plates

    listOfPossiblePlates = groupPossiblePlates(imgOriginalScene, listOfRawPossiblePlates)
    print("\n" + str(len(listOfPossiblePlates)) + " possible plates found")          # 13 with MCLRNF1 image

    if Main.showSteps == True: # show steps #######################################################
        cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

        for i in range(0, len(listOfPossiblePlates)):
            p2fRectPoints = cv2.boxPoints(listOfPossiblePlates[i].rrLocationOfPlateInScene)

            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)

            cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

            print("possible plate " + str(i) + ", click on any image and press a key to continue . . .")

            cv2.imshow("4b", listOfPossiblePlates[i].imgPlate)
        # end for

        print("\nplate detection complete, click on any image and press a key to begin char recognition . . .\n")

    if Main.save == True:
        for i in range(0, len(listOfPossiblePlates)):
            # save plate
            fileName = location.split("/")[-1].split(".")
            plateFolder = "outputs/" + fileName[0]

            if not os.path.isdir(plateFolder):
            extractedPlateName = fileName[0] + "/plate_" + str(i) + "." + fileName[1]
            resized_plate = cv2.resize(listOfPossiblePlates[i].imgPlate, SHAPE_OF_POSSIBLE_PLATE)
            cv2.imwrite("outputs/" + extractedPlateName, resized_plate)

    return listOfPossiblePlates
Ejemplo n.º 25
def detectPlates(imgOriginal):
    listOfPossiblePlates = []

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginal.shape
    imgGray = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThresh = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)


    if Main.showstep_plate:
        cv2.imshow("0", imgOriginal)

    imgGray, imgThresh = preprocess(imgOriginal)

    # imgCanny not used at this point for comparison

    # imgCanny = cv2.Canny(imgThresh.copy(), CANNY_THRESHOLD1,CANNY_THRESHOLD2,CANNY_APPERTURE_SIZE)
    # imgSuzuki, contours, npaHierarchy = cv2.findContours(imgThresh.copy(), cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)   # find all contours

    if Main.showstep_plate:
        # cv2.imshow("suzuki85", imgSuzuki)
        # cv2.imshow('Canny Edge',imgCanny)

        cv2.imshow('1', imgGray)
        cv2.imshow('2', imgThresh)

    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThresh)
    if Main.showstep_plate:
        print("step 2 - len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene) = " +

    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

    contours = []

    for possibleChar in listOfPossibleCharsInScene:
    # end for

    cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, Main.SCALAR_WHITE)

    if Main.showstep_plate:
        cv2.imshow("2b", imgContours)


    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(

    if Main.showstep_plate:
        print("step 3 - listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene.Count = " + str(
            len(listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene)))  # 13 with MCLRNF1 image

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
            intRandomBlue = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomGreen = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomRed = random.randint(0, 255)

            contours = []

            for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:
            # end for

            cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1,
                             (intRandomBlue, intRandomGreen, intRandomRed))
        # end for
        cv2.imshow("3", imgContours)

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:  # for each group of matching chars
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(
            imgOriginal, listOfMatchingChars)  # attempt to extract plate

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:  # if plate was found
                possiblePlate)  # add to list of possible plates
        # end if
    # end for
    if Main.showstep_plate:
        print("\n" + str(len(listOfPossiblePlates)) + " possible plates found")

    if Main.showstep_plate:
        cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

        for i in range(0, len(listOfPossiblePlates)):
            p2fRectPoints = cv2.boxPoints(

            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)

            cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

            print("possible plate " + str(i) +
                  ", click on any image and press a key to continue . . .")

            # cv2.imshow("4b", listOfPossiblePlates[i].imgPlate)
        # end for

        # print("\nplate detection complete, click on any image and press a key to begin char recognition . . .\n")

    if Main.showstep_plate:


    return listOfPossiblePlates
Ejemplo n.º 26
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):
    listOfPossiblePlates = []  # danh sách khả năng là biển số

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)


    if Main.showSteps == True:
        cv2.imshow("0", imgOriginalScene)

    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(
        imgOriginalScene)  # tiền xử lý ảnh đầu vào

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        cv2.imshow("1a", imgGrayscaleScene)
        cv2.imshow("1b", imgThreshScene)

        # tìm tất cả nơi có khả năng có kí tự
        # Tìm tất cả các đường viền -> tìm các đường viền có khả năng làm kí tự
    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        # print("step 2 - len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene = " + str(len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene)))

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        contours = []

        for possibleChar in listOfPossibleCharsInScene:  # thêm các đường viền có thể là kí tự vào contour[]
        # end for

        cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1,
                         Main.SCALAR_WHITE)  # vẽ các đường viền trên ảnh
        cv2.imshow("2b", imgContours)

        # đưa ra một danh sách tất cả các ký tự có thể, tìm các nhóm ký tự phù hợp
        # trong các bước tiếp theo, mỗi nhóm ký tự phù hợp sẽ cố gắng được công nhận là một tấm
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        print("step 3 - listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene.Count = " +

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
            contours = []

            for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:
            # end for
            cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, Main.SCALAR_WHITE)
        # end for

        cv2.imshow("3", imgContours)
    # # end if

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:  # duyệt mỗi nhóm kí tự khớp
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(imgOriginalScene,
                                     listOfMatchingChars)  # trích xuất tấm

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:  # nếu tấm không được tìm thấy
            listOfPossiblePlates.append(possiblePlate)  #
        # end if
    # end for

    # print("\n" + str(len(listOfPossiblePlates)) + " possible plates found")

    if Main.showSteps == True:  #
        cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

        # đánh dấu viền đổ cho mỗi tấm được tìm thấy

        for i in range(0, len(listOfPossiblePlates)):
            # toa do goc cua tấm
            p2fRectPoints = cv2.boxPoints(

            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)

            cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

            print("Tấm được tìm thấy " + str(i) + ", click tiếp")

            cv2.imshow("4b", listOfPossiblePlates[i].imgPlate)
        # end for

        print("\nHoàn thành, click tiếp để tiếp tục nhận dạng\n")
    # end if
    return listOfPossiblePlates
Ejemplo n.º 27
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):
    listOfPossiblePlates = []  # this will be the return value

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)


    if Main.showSteps == True:  # show steps #######################################################
        cv2.imshow("0", imgOriginalScene)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(
        imgOriginalScene)  # preprocess to get grayscale and threshold images

    if Main.showSteps == True:  # show steps #######################################################
        cv2.imshow("1a", imgGrayscaleScene)
        cv2.imshow("1b", imgThreshScene)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    # find all possible chars in the scene,
    # this function first finds all contours, then only includes contours that could be chars (without comparison to other chars yet)
    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)

    if Main.showSteps == True:  # show steps #######################################################
        print("step 2 - len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene) = " +
              str(len(listOfPossibleCharsInScene)))  # 131 with MCLRNF1 image

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        contours = []

        for possibleChar in listOfPossibleCharsInScene:
        # end for

        cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, Main.SCALAR_WHITE)
        cv2.imshow("2b", imgContours)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    # given a list of all possible chars, find groups of matching chars
    # in the next steps each group of matching chars will attempt to be recognized as a plate
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(

    if Main.showSteps == True:  # show steps #######################################################
        print("step 3 - listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene.Count = " + str(
            len(listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene)))  # 13 with MCLRNF1 image

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
            intRandomBlue = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomGreen = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomRed = random.randint(0, 255)

            contours = []

            for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:
            # end for

            cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1,
                             (intRandomBlue, intRandomGreen, intRandomRed))
        # end for

        cv2.imshow("3", imgContours)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:  # for each group of matching chars
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(
            imgOriginalScene, listOfMatchingChars)  # attempt to extract plate

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:  # if plate was found
                possiblePlate)  # add to list of possible plates
        # end if
    # end for

    print("\n" + str(len(listOfPossiblePlates)) +
          " possible plates found")  # 13 with MCLRNF1 image

    if Main.showSteps == True:  # show steps #######################################################
        cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

        for i in range(0, len(listOfPossiblePlates)):
            p2fRectPoints = cv2.boxPoints(

            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)

            cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

            print("possible plate " + str(i) +
                  ", click on any image and press a key to continue . . .")

            cv2.imshow("4b", listOfPossiblePlates[i].imgPlate)
        # end for

            "\nplate detection complete, click on any image and press a key to begin char recognition . . .\n"
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    return listOfPossiblePlates
Ejemplo n.º 28
def detectPlatesInScene(imgOriginalScene):
    listOfPossiblePlates = []  # this will be the return value

    height, width, numChannels = imgOriginalScene.shape

    imgGrayscaleScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgThreshScene = np.zeros((height, width, 1), np.uint8)
    imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

    imgGrayscaleScene, imgThreshScene = Preprocess.preprocess(
        imgOriginalScene)  # preprocess to get grayscale and threshold images

    listOfPossibleCharsInScene = findPossibleCharsInScene(imgThreshScene)

    if Main.showSteps == True:

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        contours = []

        for possibleChar in listOfPossibleCharsInScene:
        # end for

        cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1, Main.SCALAR_WHITE)
        cv2.imshow("2b", imgContours)

        # given a list of all possible chars, find groups of matching chars
        # in the next steps each group of matching chars will attempt to be recognized as a plate
    listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene = DetectChars.findListOfListsOfMatchingChars(

    if Main.showSteps == True:  # show steps #######################################################

        imgContours = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

        for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:
            intRandomBlue = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomGreen = random.randint(0, 255)
            intRandomRed = random.randint(0, 255)

            contours = []

            for matchingChar in listOfMatchingChars:
            # end for

            cv2.drawContours(imgContours, contours, -1,
                             (intRandomBlue, intRandomGreen, intRandomRed))
        # end for

        cv2.imshow("3", imgContours)
    # end if # show steps #########################################################################

    for listOfMatchingChars in listOfListsOfMatchingCharsInScene:  # for each group of matching chars
        possiblePlate = extractPlate(
            imgOriginalScene, listOfMatchingChars)  # attempt to extract plate

        if possiblePlate.imgPlate is not None:  # if plate was found
                possiblePlate)  # add to list of possible plates
        # end if
    # end for

    # print("\n" + str(len(listOfPossiblePlates)) + " possible plates found")  # 13 with MCLRNF1 image

    if Main.showSteps == True:
        #cv2.imshow("4a", imgContours)

        for i in range(0, len(listOfPossiblePlates)):
            p2fRectPoints = cv2.boxPoints(

            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[1]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[2]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)
            cv2.line(imgContours, tuple(p2fRectPoints[3]),
                     tuple(p2fRectPoints[0]), Main.SCALAR_RED, 2)

        text = pytesseract.image_to_string(listOfPossiblePlates[i].imgPlate,
        # print("Number is:", text)
        print("\nplate detection complete...\n")

    return listOfPossiblePlates