def append(self, pair, value, bw_id):
     Mapping the traffic data of the route to the edges (channels) of the route
     (src, dst) = pair
     route = self.route_matrix[src][dst].route
     ei = Edge.EdgeInfo(value, bw_id)
     for i in range(0,
                    len(route) -
                    1):  # iterate through route from src to dst
         (v1, v2) = (route[i], route[i + 1])
         if self.edge_dict.has_key(
             (v1, v2)):  # cause we might keep them vice versa
             self.edge_dict[(v1, v2)].append_bandwidth(
                 ei)  # accumulate info on the edges
             self.edge_dict[(v2, v1)].append_bandwidth(ei)