Ejemplo n.º 1
def permutePrimes(prime, character):
    # Replaces each instance of character in prime with 0-9 and
    # returns a list of each resulting number that is also prime
    digits = [x for x in range(10)]
    digits = list(filter(lambda x: x != character, digits))
    answers = [prime]
    for x in digits:
        testnum = replaceDigit(prime, character, x)
        if Euler.isPrime(testnum) == True:
            if len(str(testnum)) == len(str(prime)):
    return answers
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main(limit):

	# Iterates through each number less than limit testing for primeness.
	# Counter is multiplied by each prime number for the a number of times
	# equal to the greatest number of times that prime divides a number less
	# than or equal to the limit.  For example, 2 divides 8 3 times (8 = 2*2*2),
	# so when limit == 10 counter is multiplied by 2^3.
	counter = 1
	for x in range(2, limit+1):
		if Euler.isPrime(x):
			counter *= (x ** math.floor(math.log(limit, x)))
	return counter
Ejemplo n.º 3
def naiveResilience(num):
    if(num==1): return 0/num
    if(Euler.isPrime(num,Euler.currPrimes)): return (num-1)/num
    count = 1
    for i in range(2,num):
        hit = False
        b = math.sqrt(num)
        for p in Euler.currPrimes:
            if(p>b): break
            if(i%p==0 and num%p==0):
                hit = True
        if(not hit): count+=1
    return count/num
Ejemplo n.º 4
        # Problem 58: Spiral primes

import time
import Euler

t1 = time.clock()

diagonal = 1
primes = []
non_primes = [1]
side_length = 3
ratio = 1

while ratio > 1/10:        # Change to: while found = False
    for x in range(4):
        diagonal += side_length - 1
        if Euler.isPrime(diagonal) == True:
    ratio = len(primes) / (len(primes) + len(non_primes))
    side_length += 2

t2 = time.clock()

print("Side length = ", side_length - 2)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def is_pair(x,y):
    # Returns True if xy and yx are each prime, else returns False
    test1 = int(str(x) + str(y))
    test2 = int(str(y) + str(x))
    return Euler.isPrime(test1) == True and Euler.isPrime(test2) == True        
Ejemplo n.º 6
            if is_pair(prime, candidate) == True:
            candidate -= 2
        if len(pairs) > 1:
            answer.append((len(pairs), pairs))
            candidate = Euler.previous_prime(pairs[-1])
            pairs = pairs[:-1]
        if len(pairs) < 2:
            finished = True
    if len(answer) == 0:
        prime_table[prime] = False
        prime_table[prime] = answer

for x in range(8, 700):
    if Euler.isPrime(x) == True:

t2 = time.clock()


Ejemplo n.º 7
        # Problem 50: Consecutive Prime Sum
import time
t1 = time.clock()
import Euler
limit = 4000
primes = [x for x in Euler.primeSieve(limit)]
answer = [(0,[])]
for x, prime1 in enumerate(primes):
    startprime = x
    sequence = []
    counter = 0
    for y, prime2 in enumerate(primes):
        if y >= x:
            counter += prime2
            if Euler.isPrime(counter) == True:
                if counter < 1000000:
                    sequentials = [x for x in primes[x:y+1]]
                    if len(answer[0][1]) < len(sequentials):
                        answer[0] = ((counter, sequentials))

print("Prime = " + str(answer[0][0]) + " ; Length of sequence: " + str(len(answer[0][1])))
print("Sequence start = " + str(answer[0][1][0]) + " ; Sequence end = " + str(answer[0][1][-1]))
t2 = time.clock()
print("Runtime = " + str(t2-t1)[:4] + " seconds")