Ejemplo n.º 1
def keymatchChains(imagePath):
    # KeyMatchFull, KeyMatchGPU
    imageSource = Sources.ImageSource(imagePath, "pgm")
    sift = FeatureExtraction.Sift(imageSource, False, "SiftHess")
    keyMatch = FeatureMatch.KeyMatch(sift, True, "KeyMatchFull", forceRun=True)
    print Chain.Render(keyMatch,"UnitTest-keymatchChains-KeyMatchFull-log.txt")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def sfmChainBuild(chainFilePath, imagePath):

    # build chain
    imageSource = Sources.ImageSource(imagePath, "jpg")
    sift = FeatureExtraction.Sift(imageSource, False, "SiftHess")
    keyMatch = FeatureMatch.KeyMatch(sift, False, "KeyMatchFull")
    bundler = BundleAdjustment.Bundler([keyMatch, imageSource])
    radialUndistort = Cluster.RadialUndistort([bundler, imageSource])
    prepCmvsPmvs = Cluster.PrepCmvsPmvs(radialUndistort,
                                        os.path.join(imagePath, "pmvs"))
    cmvs = Cluster.CMVS(prepCmvsPmvs)
    pmvs = Cluster.PMVS(cmvs)

    # persist chain
Ejemplo n.º 3
def siftChains(imagePath):
    #SiftWin32, SiftHess, SiftGPU, VLFeat
    imageSource = Sources.ImageSource(imagePath, "pgm")
    sift = FeatureExtraction.Sift(imageSource, False, "SiftWin32", forceRun=True)
    # SiftWin32 only on windows
    if (Common.Utility.OSName=="Windows"):
        print Chain.Render(sift,"UnitTest-siftChains-SiftWin32-log.txt")
	sift.SetProperty("Sift Method", "VLFeat")
	print Chain.Render(sift,"UnitTest-siftChains-VLFeat-log.txt")

    # daisy only on windows (note: this should not be the last test, as the descriptors are for ROIs)
    if (Common.Utility.OSName=="Windows"):
        imageSource = Sources.ImageSource(imagePath, "jpg")
        daisy = FeatureExtraction.Daisy(imageSource, False, roi="0,0,50,50", forceRun=True)
        print Chain.Render(daisy,"UnitTest-siftChains-daisy-log.txt")    
    sift.SetProperty("Sift Method", "SiftHess")
    print Chain.Render(sift,"UnitTest-siftChains-SiftHess-log.txt")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def bundlerChain(imagePath):
    # PMVS path
    pmvsPath = os.path.join(imagePath,"pmvs")

    # build chain
    imageSource = Sources.ImageSource(imagePath, "jpg")
    sift = FeatureExtraction.Sift(imageSource, False, "SiftHess")
    keyMatch = FeatureMatch.KeyMatch(sift, False, "KeyMatchFull")
    bundler = BundleAdjustment.Bundler([keyMatch, imageSource], forceRun=True)
    radialUndistort = Cluster.RadialUndistort([bundler, imageSource], forceRun=True)
    prepCmvsPmvs = Cluster.PrepCmvsPmvs(radialUndistort, pmvsPath, forceRun=True)
    # cmvs not build on 32bit Linux yet
    if (Common.Utility.PlatformName != "Linux32bit"):
        cmvs = Cluster.CMVS(prepCmvsPmvs, forceRun=True)
        pmvs = Cluster.PMVS(cmvs, forceRun=True)
        pmvs = Cluster.PMVS(prepCmvsPmvs, forceRun=True)
    # render chain
    print Chain.Render(pmvs,"UnitTest-bundlerChain-log.txt")
Ejemplo n.º 5
# Copyright (c) 2012, Adam J. Rossi. All rights reserved. See README for licensing details.
import sys, os
import Chain  # Chain must be imported first, requirement of registry
import Sources, FeatureExtraction, Common

# path to images
imagePath = os.path.abspath("../Datasets/ET")

# build chain
imageSource = Sources.ImageSource(imagePath, "jpg")

# insert tap point stage with print function
tap = Common.TapPoint(
    imageSource, {Common.sfmImages: lambda x: "Image Path: " + x.GetPath()})

# insert tap point stage without print function
tap = Common.TapPoint(tap)

sift = FeatureExtraction.Sift(tap, False, "SiftHess")

# render chain
print Chain.Render(sift, "tapPoint.txt")
Ejemplo n.º 6
# Copyright (c) 2014, Adam J. Rossi. All rights reserved. See README for licensing details.
import sys, os
import Chain  # Chain must be imported first, requirement of registry
import Sources, FeatureExtraction, FeatureMatch, BundleAdjustment, Cluster

# path to images / PMVS
imagePath = os.path.abspath("../Datasets/ET")
pmvsPath = os.path.join(imagePath, "pmvs")

# build chain
imageSource = Sources.ImageSource(imagePath, "jpg")
sift = FeatureExtraction.Sift(imageSource, False, "SiftHess")
keyMatch = FeatureMatch.KeyMatch(sift, False, "KeyMatchFull")
bundler = BundleAdjustment.Bundler([keyMatch, imageSource])
radialUndistort = Cluster.RadialUndistort([bundler, imageSource])
prepCmvsPmvs = Cluster.PrepCmvsPmvs(radialUndistort, pmvsPath)
cmvs = Cluster.CMVS(prepCmvsPmvs)
pmvs = Cluster.PMVS(cmvs)

# render chain
print Chain.Render(pmvs, "sfm.txt")