Ejemplo n.º 1
def schedulePackage(path,
	Schedules a package to start at <at>.
	If script is provided, the package's default-script attribute is ignored
	and script is used instead.
	@since: 1.3
    getLogger().info(">> schedulePackage(%s, script = %s)" % (path, script))
    if not path.startswith('/'): path = '/' + path

        metadata = Package.getPackageMetadata(path)

        if not script:
            script = metadata['default-script']

        scriptFilename = "%s/src/%s" % (path, script)
        scriptPath = scriptFilename

        label = "%s:%s" % ('/'.join(path.split('/')[2:]), script)

        getLogger().info("Using package script filename %s, path %s" %
                         (scriptFilename, scriptPath))

        if script.endswith(".campaign"):
            res = scheduleCampaign(FileSystemManager.instance().read(
        elif script.endswith(".ats"):
            res = scheduleAts(FileSystemManager.instance().read(
            raise Exception(
                "Invalid script/default script for package execution (unrecognized job type based on extension - %s)"
                % script)

    except Exception as e:
        e = Exception("Scheduling error: %s" % (str(e)))
        getLogger().info("<< schedulePackage(...): Fault:\n%s" %
        raise (e)

    getLogger().info("<< schedulePackage(...): %s" % str(res))
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def _packageFolder(tfile, relbasepath, docrootbasepath):
		getLogger().debug("Walking folder %s..." % docrootbasepath)
		for entry in FileSystemManager.instance().getdir(docrootbasepath):
			name, apptype = entry['name'], entry['type']
			if apptype == FileSystemManager.APPTYPE_DIR:
				relpath = "%s%s/" % (relbasepath, name) # the name of the current item within the package
				docrootpath = "%s%s/" % (docrootbasepath, name) # the name of the current item within the docroot
				getLogger().debug("Adding directory %s..." % relpath)
				tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo(relpath)
				tarinfo.type = tarfile.DIRTYPE
				tarinfo.mode = 0755
				tarinfo.uid = os.getuid()
				tarinfo.gid = os.getgid()
				tarinfo.mtime = time.time()
				_packageFolder(tfile, relbasepath = relpath, docrootbasepath = docrootpath)
				relname = "%s%s" % (relbasepath, name) # the name of the current item within the package
				docrootname = "%s%s" % (docrootbasepath, name) # the name of the current item within the docroot
				getLogger().debug("Adding file %s..." % relname)
				tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo(relname)
				tarinfo.type = tarfile.AREGTYPE
				tarinfo.mode = 0644
				tarinfo.uid = os.getuid()
				tarinfo.gid = os.getgid()
				tarinfo.mtime = time.time()
				content = FileSystemManager.instance().read(docrootname)
				tarinfo.size = len(content)
				contentObj = StringIO.StringIO(content)
				tfile.addfile(tarinfo, contentObj)
				getLogger().debug("File %s added to package file (%s bytes)" % (relname, tarinfo.size))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def removeFile(path):
	Removes a file.
	@since: 1.0

	@type  path: string
	@param path: the docroot-path to the file to delete
	@rtype: bool
	@returns: True if OK, False if nothing deleted. (? to check)
    getLogger().info(">> removeFile(%s)" % path)
    if not path.startswith('/'):
        path = '/' + path

    res = False
        res = FileSystemManager.instance().unlink(path)
    except Exception as e:
        e = Exception("Unable to perform operation: %s\n%s" %
                      (str(e), Tools.getBacktrace()))
        getLogger().info("<< removeFile(...): Fault:\n" + str(e))
        raise (e)

    getLogger().info("<< removeFile(): %s" % str(res))
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 4
def removeDirectory(path, recursive=False):
	Removes an empty directory, unless recursive is set to True.
	@since: 1.1

	@type  path: string
	@param path: the docroot-path to the directory to delete
	@type  recursive: bool
	@param recursive: True if we should delete files and directories in it. DANGEROUS.
	@rtype: bool
	@returns: True if OK, False if nothing deleted. (? to check)
    getLogger().info(">> removeDirectory(%s)" % path)
    if not path.startswith('/'): path = '/' + path

    res = False
        res = FileSystemManager.instance().rmdir(path, recursive)
    except Exception as e:
        e = Exception("Unable to perform operation: %s\n%s" %
                      (str(e), Tools.getBacktrace()))
        getLogger().info("<< removeDirectory(...): Fault:\n" + str(e))
        raise (e)

    getLogger().info("<< removeDirectory(): %s" % str(res))
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 5
def getDirectoryListing(path):
	Returns the contents of a directory.
	Also filters some 'internal' files (in particular __init__.py files)
	@since: 1.0

	@type  path: string
	@param path: the path of the directory within the docroot
	@rtype: list of dict{'name': string, 'type': string in [ ats, campaign, module, log, directory, package, ... ] }
	@returns: the dir contents, with a name (with extension) relative to the dir,
	          and an associated application type.
	          Returns None if the directory was not accessible or in case of an error.
    getLogger().info(">> getDirectoryListing(%s)" % path)
    if not path.startswith('/'):
        path = '/' + path

    res = []
        res = FileSystemManager.instance().getdir(path)
        if res is None:
            raise Exception("Unable to get directory contents through backend")

        # Sort the entries, so that it is useless to implement it in all clients ?
    except Exception, e:
        e = Exception("Unable to perform operation: %s\n%s" %
                      (str(e), Tools.getBacktrace()))
        getLogger().info("<< getDirectoryListing(...): Fault:\n%s" % str(e))
        # Well, actually, we do not return a fault in this case...
        res = None
Ejemplo n.º 6
def makeDirectory(path):
	Creates a directory and all the needed directories to it, if any.
	@since: 1.3
	@type  path: string
	@param path: the docroot-path to the directory to create
	@rtype: bool
	@returns: True if the directory was created, False otherwise.
    getLogger().info(">> makeDirectory(%s)" % (path))
    if not path.startswith('/'): path = '/' + path

    res = False
        res = FileSystemManager.instance().mkdir(path)
    except Exception as e:
        e = Exception("Unable to perform operation: %s\n%s" %
                      (str(e), Tools.getBacktrace()))
        getLogger().info("<< makeDirectory(...): Fault:\n" + str(e))
        raise (e)

    getLogger().info("<< makeDirectory(): %s" % str(res))
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 7
def getDirectoryListing(path):
	Returns the contents of a directory.
	Also filters some 'internal' files (in particular __init__.py files)
	@since: 1.0

	@type  path: string
	@param path: the path of the directory within the docroot
	@rtype: list of dict{'name': string, 'type': string in [ ats, campaign, module, log, directory, package, ... ] }
	@returns: the dir contents, with a name (with extension) relative to the dir,
	          and an associated application type.
	          Returns None if the directory was not accessible or in case of an error.
	getLogger().info(">> getDirectoryListing(%s)" % path)
	if not path.startswith('/'):
		path = '/' + path

	res = []
		res = FileSystemManager.instance().getdir(path)
		if res is None:
			raise Exception("Unable to get directory contents through backend")

		# Sort the entries, so that it is useless to implement it in all clients ?
		res.sort(key = operator.itemgetter('name'))
	except Exception, e:
		e =  Exception("Unable to perform operation: %s\n%s" % (str(e), Tools.getBacktrace()))
		getLogger().info("<< getDirectoryListing(...): Fault:\n%s" % str(e))
		# Well, actually, we do not return a fault in this case...
		res = None
Ejemplo n.º 8
def getFileInfo(path):
	Gets some info about a file.
	Returns a dict{ 'size': integer, 'timestamp': float }
	where the size is optional (in bytes, if provided), and timestamp is
	the file modification time.

	@since: 1.0

	@type  path: string
	@param path: the path to the file whose info we want to get
	@rtype: a dict, or None
	@returns: None on error, or the dict of attributes.
	getLogger().info(">> getFileInfo(%s)" % path)
	if not path.startswith('/'):
		path = '/' + path

	res = None
		attributes = FileSystemManager.instance().attributes(path)
		if attributes:
			res = {}
			if attributes.size is not None:
				res['size'] = attributes.size
			if attributes.mtime is not None:
				res['timestamp'] = attributes.mtime
	except Exception, e:
		e =  Exception("Unable to perform operation: %s\n%s" % (str(e), Tools.getBacktrace()))
		getLogger().info("<< getFileInfo(...): Fault:\n" + str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def rename(path, newName):
	Renames a file or a directory to newName, in the same folder.
	@since: 1.3

	@type  path: string
	@param path: the docroot-path to the object to rename
	@type  newName: string
	@param newName: the new name (basename) of the object, including extension,
	                if applicable.
	@rtype: bool
	@returns: False if newName already exists. True otherwise.
	getLogger().info(">> rename(%s, %s)" % (path, newName))
	if not path.startswith('/'): path = '/' + path

	res = False
		res = FileSystemManager.instance().rename(path, newName)
	except Exception, e:
		e =  Exception("Unable to perform operation: %s\n%s" % (str(e), Tools.getBacktrace()))
		getLogger().info("<< rename(...): Fault:\n" + str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def getFileInfo(path):
	Gets some info about a file.
	Returns a dict{ 'size': integer, 'timestamp': float }
	where the size is optional (in bytes, if provided), and timestamp is
	the file modification time.

	@since: 1.0

	@type  path: string
	@param path: the path to the file whose info we want to get
	@rtype: a dict, or None
	@returns: None on error, or the dict of attributes.
    getLogger().info(">> getFileInfo(%s)" % path)
    if not path.startswith('/'):
        path = '/' + path

    res = None
        attributes = FileSystemManager.instance().attributes(path)
        if attributes:
            res = {}
            if attributes.size is not None:
                res['size'] = attributes.size
            if attributes.mtime is not None:
                res['timestamp'] = attributes.mtime
    except Exception, e:
        e = Exception("Unable to perform operation: %s\n%s" %
                      (str(e), Tools.getBacktrace()))
        getLogger().info("<< getFileInfo(...): Fault:\n" + str(e))
        raise (e)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def rename(path, newName):
	Renames a file or a directory to newName, in the same folder.
	@since: 1.3

	@type  path: string
	@param path: the docroot-path to the object to rename
	@type  newName: string
	@param newName: the new name (basename) of the object, including extension,
	                if applicable.
	@rtype: bool
	@returns: False if newName already exists. True otherwise.
    getLogger().info(">> rename(%s, %s)" % (path, newName))
    if not path.startswith('/'): path = '/' + path

    res = False
        res = FileSystemManager.instance().rename(path, newName)
    except Exception as e:
        e = Exception("Unable to perform operation: %s\n%s" %
                      (str(e), Tools.getBacktrace()))
        getLogger().info("<< rename(...): Fault:\n" + str(e))
        raise (e)

    getLogger().info("<< rename(): %s" % str(res))
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 12
def createPackage(path):
	Creates a new package structure with path as package root folder.
	if FileSystemManager.instance().isfile(path):
		getLogger().info("Cannot create package as %s: is a file" % path)
		raise Exception("Invalid package path: is a file")
	if FileSystemManager.instance().isdir(path):
		getLogger().info("Cannot create package as %s: path already exist" % path)
		raise Exception("Invalid package path: this path already exist")

	FileSystemManager.instance().mkdir("%s/profiles" % path, False)
	FileSystemManager.instance().mkdir("%s/src" % path, False)
	FileSystemManager.instance().write("%s/package.xml" % path, DEFAULT_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION, notify = False)
	return True		
Ejemplo n.º 13
def importPackageFile(content, path):
	Expand a package file to a docroot folder.
    except Exception as e:
        getLogger().info("Invalid package file: %s" % e)
        raise Exception("Invalid package file: %s" % e)

    if FileSystemManager.instance().isfile(path):
        getLogger().info("Cannot import package to %s: not a path to package" %
        raise Exception("Invalid destination package path: is a file")

    if FileSystemManager.instance().isdir(path):
            "Cannot import package from %s: destination path already exist" %
        raise Exception(
            "Invalid destination package path: this path already exist")

    # Minimal package tree
    FileSystemManager.instance().mkdir("%s/profiles" % path, False)
    FileSystemManager.instance().mkdir("%s/src" % path, False)

    # First unpack the package, then notify the package dir creation so that it is seen as a package folder.
    tpk = StringIO.StringIO(content)
    tfile = tarfile.open("tpk", "r:gz", tpk)
    contents = tfile.getmembers()
    for c in contents:
        # TODO
        if c.name.startswith('src/') or c.name.startswith(
                'profiles/') or c.name in ['package.xml']:
            dst = "%s/%s" % (path, c.name)
            if c.isfile():
                getLogger().info("Importing %s to %s..." % (c.name, dst))
                content = tfile.extractfile(c).read()
                FileSystemManager.instance().write(dst, content, notify=False)
            getLogger().info("Discarding importation of %s" % c.name)

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 14
def getDependencies(path, recursive=False):
	Computes the file dependencies of the file referenced by path.
	If recursive is set to True, also searches for additional dependencies
	recursively; otherwise only direct dependencies are computed.
	A dependency for an ATS is a module it imports.
	A depencendy for a module is a module it imports.
	A dependency for a campaign is a a script (ats or campaign) it calls.
	This method may be used by a client to create a package.
	@since: 1.3

	@type  path: string
	@param path: a docroot path to a module, ats or campaign
	@type  recursive: boolean
	@param recursive: False for direct depencencies only. True for all
	@rtype: list of strings
	@returns: a list of dependencies as docroot-path to filenames.
	A dependency is only listed once (no duplicate).
    getLogger().info(">> getDependencies(%s, %s)" % (path, recursive))
    if not path.startswith('/'): path = '/' + path

    res = []
        source = FileSystemManager.instance().read(path)
        if source is None:
            raise Exception('Cannot find %s' % path)

        if path.endswith('.py'):
            res = DependencyResolver.python_getDependencyFilenames(
                source, path, recursive)
        elif path.endswith('.ats'):
            res = DependencyResolver.python_getDependencyFilenames(
                source, path, recursive)
        elif path.endswith('.campaign'):
            res = DependencyResolver.campaign_getDependencyFilenames(
                os.path.split(path)[0], recursive, path)
            raise Exception(
                'Unsupported file format, cannot resolve dependencies')

    except Exception as e:
        e = Exception("Unable to perform operation: %s\n%s" %
                      (str(e), Tools.getBacktrace()))
        getLogger().info("<< getDependencies(...): Fault:\n" + str(e))
        raise (e)

    getLogger().info("<< getDependencies(): %s" % str(res))
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 15
def createPackageFile(path):
	Creates a testerman package file from a docroot package root folder.
	def _packageFolder(tfile, relbasepath, docrootbasepath):
		getLogger().debug("Walking folder %s..." % docrootbasepath)
		for entry in FileSystemManager.instance().getdir(docrootbasepath):
			name, apptype = entry['name'], entry['type']
			if apptype == FileSystemManager.APPTYPE_DIR:
				relpath = "%s%s/" % (relbasepath, name) # the name of the current item within the package
				docrootpath = "%s%s/" % (docrootbasepath, name) # the name of the current item within the docroot
				getLogger().debug("Adding directory %s..." % relpath)
				tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo(relpath)
				tarinfo.type = tarfile.DIRTYPE
				tarinfo.mode = 0755
				tarinfo.uid = os.getuid()
				tarinfo.gid = os.getgid()
				tarinfo.mtime = time.time()
				_packageFolder(tfile, relbasepath = relpath, docrootbasepath = docrootpath)
				relname = "%s%s" % (relbasepath, name) # the name of the current item within the package
				docrootname = "%s%s" % (docrootbasepath, name) # the name of the current item within the docroot
				getLogger().debug("Adding file %s..." % relname)
				tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo(relname)
				tarinfo.type = tarfile.AREGTYPE
				tarinfo.mode = 0644
				tarinfo.uid = os.getuid()
				tarinfo.gid = os.getgid()
				tarinfo.mtime = time.time()
				content = FileSystemManager.instance().read(docrootname)
				tarinfo.size = len(content)
				contentObj = StringIO.StringIO(content)
				tfile.addfile(tarinfo, contentObj)
				getLogger().debug("File %s added to package file (%s bytes)" % (relname, tarinfo.size))
	getLogger().info("Creating package file from %s..." % path)
	if not FileSystemManager.instance().isdir(path):
		getLogger().info("Cannot create package from %s: not a path to package" % path)
		return None
	tpk = StringIO.StringIO()
	tfile = tarfile.open("tpk", "w:gz", tpk)
	# Now, traverse the files into path
	if not path.endswith('/'):
		path = "%s/" % path
	_packageFolder(tfile, '', path)

	contents = tpk.getvalue()
	getLogger().info("Package file for %s created, %s bytes" % (path, len(contents)))
	return contents
Ejemplo n.º 16
def getReverseDependencies(path):
	Computes the reverse file dependencies of the file referenced by path,
	i.e. the list of files in the repository that reference this path (which
	is typically a module - campaigns referencing an ats or a campaign won't
	be retrieved for now).

	A reverse dependency for a module is another module or ATS that imports it.

	This method may be used by a client to check if a module is currently in use
	or not.

	Only reverse dependencies at call time are searched - if older revisions
	of files reference this module, it won't be checked.

	@type  path: string
	@param path: a docroot path to a module

	@rtype: list of strings
	@returns: a list of reverse dependencies as docroot-path to filenames.
	A dependency is only listed once (no duplicate).
    getLogger().info(">> getReverseDependencies(%s)" % (path))
    if not path.startswith('/'): path = '/' + path

    res = []
        source = FileSystemManager.instance().read(path)
        if source is None:
            raise Exception('Cannot find %s' % path)

        if path.endswith('.py'):
            # Well, we need to scan all our python and ATS files into our repository (the candidate)
            # do a:
            # candidateSource = getFile(candidatePath)
            # try:
            # 	deps = DependencyResolver.python_getDependencyFilenames(candidateSource, candidatePath, recursive = False)
            # except:
            #		deps = []
            # if path in deps and candidatePath not in res:
            #  res.append(candidatePath)
            res = []
            # Reverse dependencies is not supported on something that is not a module
            res = []

    except Exception as e:
        e = Exception("Unable to perform operation: %s\n%s" %
                      (str(e), Tools.getBacktrace()))
        getLogger().info("<< getReverseDependencies(...): Fault:\n" + str(e))
        raise (e)

    getLogger().info("<< getReverseDependencies(): %s" % str(res))
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 17
def getReverseDependencies(path):
	Computes the reverse file dependencies of the file referenced by path,
	i.e. the list of files in the repository that reference this path (which
	is typically a module - campaigns referencing an ats or a campaign won't
	be retrieved for now).

	A reverse dependency for a module is another module or ATS that imports it.

	This method may be used by a client to check if a module is currently in use
	or not.

	Only reverse dependencies at call time are searched - if older revisions
	of files reference this module, it won't be checked.

	@type  path: string
	@param path: a docroot path to a module

	@rtype: list of strings
	@returns: a list of reverse dependencies as docroot-path to filenames.
	A dependency is only listed once (no duplicate).
	getLogger().info(">> getReverseDependencies(%s)" % (path))
	if not path.startswith('/'): path = '/' + path

	res = []
		source = FileSystemManager.instance().read(path)
		if source is None:
			raise Exception('Cannot find %s' % path)
		if path.endswith('.py'):
			# Well, we need to scan all our python and ATS files into our repository (the candidate)
			# do a:
			# candidateSource = getFile(candidatePath)
			# try:
			# 	deps = DependencyResolver.python_getDependencyFilenames(candidateSource, candidatePath, recursive = False)
			# except:
			#		deps = []
			# if path in deps and candidatePath not in res:
			#  res.append(candidatePath)
			res = []
			# Reverse dependencies is not supported on something that is not a module
			res = []
	except Exception, e:
		e =  Exception("Unable to perform operation: %s\n%s" % (str(e), Tools.getBacktrace()))
		getLogger().info("<< getReverseDependencies(...): Fault:\n" + str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 18
def schedulePackage(path, username, session, at, script = None, profileName = None):
	Schedules a package to start at <at>.
	If script is provided, the package's default-script attribute is ignored
	and script is used instead.
	@since: 1.3
	getLogger().info(">> schedulePackage(%s, script = %s)" % (path, script))
	if not path.startswith('/'): path = '/' + path

		metadata = Package.getPackageMetadata(path)
		if not script:
			script = metadata['default-script']

		scriptFilename = "%s/src/%s" % (path, script)
		scriptPath = os.path.split(scriptFilename)[0]
		label = "%s:%s" % ('/'.join(path.split('/')[2:]), script)
		getLogger().info("Using package script filename %s, path %s" % (scriptFilename, scriptPath))
		if script.endswith(".campaign"):
			res = scheduleCampaign(FileSystemManager.instance().read(scriptFilename).decode('utf-8'), label, username, session, at = at, path = scriptPath)
		elif script.endswith(".ats"):
			res = scheduleAts(FileSystemManager.instance().read(scriptFilename).decode('utf-8'), label, username, session, at = at, path = scriptPath)
			raise Exception("Invalid script/default script for package execution (unrecognized job type based on extension - %s)" % script)
	except Exception, e:
		e =  Exception("Scheduling error: %s" % (str(e)))
		getLogger().info("<< schedulePackage(...): Fault:\n%s" % Tools.getBacktrace())
Ejemplo n.º 19
def move(source, destination):
	Moves a file or a directory to destination.
	Recursive operation: if the source is a directory, the whole
	tree will be moved. 

	Logs associated to a scripts, if any, are
	NOT moved. They are kept available in the archives,
	but not associated to the script any more.
	FIXME: Revisions should be moved, however. 
	source is a docroot to an existing path or directory.
	destination is a docroot path to a destination:
	- if source is a dir, destination can be an existing dir
	  (will create a new dir in it) or a new directory name
	  (will rename the directory).
	- if source is a file, destination can be an existing dir
	  (will create the file in it, without renaming it), or
		a new file name (will rename the file).
	@since: 1.3

	@type  source: string
	@param source: docroot-path to the object to move
	@type  destination: string
	@param destination: docroot-path to the destination
	(if existing: must be a directory; if not existing, will rename
	the object on the fly)

	@rtype: bool
	@returns: True if the move was OK, False otherwise.
    getLogger().info(">> move(%s, %s)" % (source, destination))
    if not source.startswith('/'): source = '/' + source
    if not destination.startswith('/'): destination = '/' + destination

    res = False
        res = FileSystemManager.instance().move(source, destination)
    except Exception as e:
        e = Exception("Unable to perform operation: %s\n%s" %
                      (str(e), Tools.getBacktrace()))
        getLogger().info("<< move(...): Fault:\n" + str(e))
        raise (e)

    getLogger().info("<< move(): %s" % str(res))
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 20
def getDependencies(path, recursive = False):
	Computes the file dependencies of the file referenced by path.
	If recursive is set to True, also searches for additional dependencies
	recursively; otherwise only direct dependencies are computed.
	A dependency for an ATS is a module it imports.
	A depencendy for a module is a module it imports.
	A dependency for a campaign is a a script (ats or campaign) it calls.
	This method may be used by a client to create a package.
	@since: 1.3

	@type  path: string
	@param path: a docroot path to a module, ats or campaign
	@type  recursive: boolean
	@param recursive: False for direct depencencies only. True for all
	@rtype: list of strings
	@returns: a list of dependencies as docroot-path to filenames.
	A dependency is only listed once (no duplicate).
	getLogger().info(">> getDependencies(%s, %s)" % (path, recursive))
	if not path.startswith('/'): path = '/' + path

	res = []
		source = FileSystemManager.instance().read(path)
		if source is None:
			raise Exception('Cannot find %s' % path)
		if path.endswith('.py'):
			res = DependencyResolver.python_getDependencyFilenames(source, path, recursive)
		elif path.endswith('.ats'):
			res = DependencyResolver.python_getDependencyFilenames(source, path, recursive)
		elif path.endswith('.campaign'):	
			res = DependencyResolver.campaign_getDependencyFilenames(source, os.path.split(path)[0], recursive, path)
			raise Exception('Unsupported file format, cannot resolve dependencies')
	except Exception, e:
		e =  Exception("Unable to perform operation: %s\n%s" % (str(e), Tools.getBacktrace()))
		getLogger().info("<< getDependencies(...): Fault:\n" + str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 21
def move(source, destination):
	Moves a file or a directory to destination.
	Recursive operation: if the source is a directory, the whole
	tree will be moved. 

	Logs associated to a scripts, if any, are
	NOT moved. They are kept available in the archives,
	but not associated to the script any more.
	FIXME: Revisions should be moved, however. 
	source is a docroot to an existing path or directory.
	destination is a docroot path to a destination:
	- if source is a dir, destination can be an existing dir
	  (will create a new dir in it) or a new directory name
	  (will rename the directory).
	- if source is a file, destination can be an existing dir
	  (will create the file in it, without renaming it), or
		a new file name (will rename the file).
	@since: 1.3

	@type  source: string
	@param source: docroot-path to the object to move
	@type  destination: string
	@param destination: docroot-path to the destination
	(if existing: must be a directory; if not existing, will rename
	the object on the fly)

	@rtype: bool
	@returns: True if the move was OK, False otherwise.
	getLogger().info(">> move(%s, %s)" % (source, destination))
	if not source.startswith('/'): source = '/' + source
	if not destination.startswith('/'): destination = '/' + destination

	res = False
		res = FileSystemManager.instance().move(source, destination)
	except Exception, e:
		e =  Exception("Unable to perform operation: %s\n%s" % (str(e), Tools.getBacktrace()))
		getLogger().info("<< move(...): Fault:\n" + str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 22
def getFile(path, useCompression=False):
	Retrieves a file according to the path.
	The path is relative to the document root.
	If useCompression is set, compress the output before encoding it to mime64.
	@since: 1.0

	@type  path: string
	@param path: a path to a file
	@type  useCompression: bool
	@param useCompression: if True, the output is gziped before being mime64-encoded
	@rtype: string (utf-8 or buffer, encoded in base64), or None
	@returns: None if the file was not found,
	          or the file contents in base64 encoding, optionally compressed
    getLogger().info(">> getFile(%s, %s)" % (path, useCompression))
    if not path.startswith('/'):
        path = '/' + path

    ret = None
        contents = FileSystemManager.instance().read(path)
        if contents is None:
            ret = None
            if useCompression:
                ret = base64.encodestring(zlib.compress(contents))
                ret = base64.encodestring(contents)
    except Exception as e:
        e = Exception("Unable to perform operation: %s\n%s" %
                      (str(e), Tools.getBacktrace()))
        getLogger().info("<< getFile(...): Fault:\n%s" % str(e))
        ret = None

    if ret is not None:
        getLogger().info("<< getFile(%s): %d bytes returned" %
                         (path, len(ret)))
        getLogger().info("<< getFile(%s): file not found" % (path))
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 23
def copy(source, destination):
	Copies a file or a directory to destination.
	Recursive operation: if the source is a directory, the whole
	tree will be copied. 
	Meta children (Revisions and logs, if any) are NOT copied.
	source is a docroot to an existing path or directory.
	destination is a docroot path to a destination:
	- if source is a dir, destination can be an existing dir
	  (will create a new dir in it) or a new directory name
	  (will rename the directory).
	- if source is a file, destination can be an existing dir
	  (will create the file in it, without renaming it), or
		a new file name (will rename the file).
	@since: 1.3

	@type  source: string
	@param source: docroot-path to the object to move
	@type  destination: string
	@param destination: docroot-path to the destination
	(if existing: must be a directory; if not existing, will rename
	the object on the fly)

	@rtype: bool
	@returns: True if the move was OK, False otherwise.
    getLogger().info(">> copy(%s, %s)" % (source, destination))
    if not source.startswith('/'): source = '/' + source
    if not destination.startswith('/'): destination = '/' + destination

    res = False
        res = FileSystemManager.instance().copy(source, destination)
    except Exception as e:
        e = Exception("Unable to perform operation: %s\n%s" %
                      (str(e), Tools.getBacktrace()))
        getLogger().info("<< copy(...): Fault:\n" + str(e))
        raise (e)

    getLogger().info("<< copy(): %s" % str(res))
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 24
def putFile(content, path, useCompression=False, username=None):
	Writes a file to docroot/path
	@since: 1.0

	@type  content: utf-8 encoded (or buffer) string, encoded in mime64
	@param content: the content of the file
	@type  path: string
	@param path: a complete path, with filename and extension, relative to the document root.
	@type  useCompression: bool
	@param useCompression: (since 1.3) if set to True, the content is gziped before being mime64-encoded.
	@type  username: string
	@param username: (since 1.7) the committer/writer
	@rtype: bool
	@returns: True if OK, False otherwise
    getLogger().info(">> putFile(%s, %s)" % (path, useCompression))
    if not path.startswith('/'):
        path = '/' + path

    res = False
        content = base64.decodestring(content)
        if useCompression:
            content = zlib.decompress(content)
        revision = FileSystemManager.instance().write(path,
        # No revision handling for now
        # We should return the new filepath in case of a success
        # /repository/samples/[email protected]
        # etc
        res = True
    except Exception as e:
        e = Exception("Unable to perform operation: %s\n%s" %
                      (str(e), Tools.getBacktrace()))
        getLogger().info("<< putFile(...): Fault:\n" + str(e))
        raise (e)

    getLogger().info("<< putFile(): %s" % str(res))
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 25
def getPackageMetadata(path):
	Extracts the different package metadata contained into the package.xml root folder.
	@type  path: string
	@param path: the docroot path to the package's root folder
	@rtype: dict[string] of unicode string
	@returns: the metadata, as a dict containing the following keys:
	          author, description, default-script, status
	descriptionFile = "%s/package.xml" % path
		content = FileSystemManager.instance().read(descriptionFile)
		if content is None:
			raise Exception("Unable to read the package description file for package %s" % path)
		# Now, parse the document
		return parsePackageDescription(content)
	except Exception, e:
		raise e
Ejemplo n.º 26
def copy(source, destination):
	Copies a file or a directory to destination.
	Recursive operation: if the source is a directory, the whole
	tree will be copied. 
	Meta children (Revisions and logs, if any) are NOT copied.
	source is a docroot to an existing path or directory.
	destination is a docroot path to a destination:
	- if source is a dir, destination can be an existing dir
	  (will create a new dir in it) or a new directory name
	  (will rename the directory).
	- if source is a file, destination can be an existing dir
	  (will create the file in it, without renaming it), or
		a new file name (will rename the file).
	@since: 1.3

	@type  source: string
	@param source: docroot-path to the object to move
	@type  destination: string
	@param destination: docroot-path to the destination
	(if existing: must be a directory; if not existing, will rename
	the object on the fly)

	@rtype: bool
	@returns: True if the move was OK, False otherwise.
	getLogger().info(">> copy(%s, %s)" % (source, destination))
	if not source.startswith('/'): source = '/' + source
	if not destination.startswith('/'): destination = '/' + destination

	res = False
		res = FileSystemManager.instance().copy(source, destination)
	except Exception, e:
		e =  Exception("Unable to perform operation: %s\n%s" % (str(e), Tools.getBacktrace()))
		getLogger().info("<< copy(...): Fault:\n" + str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 27
def makeDirectory(path):
	Creates a directory and all the needed directories to it, if any.
	@since: 1.3
	@type  path: string
	@param path: the docroot-path to the directory to create
	@rtype: bool
	@returns: True if the directory was created, False otherwise.
	getLogger().info(">> makeDirectory(%s)" % (path))
	if not path.startswith('/'): path = '/' + path

	res = False
		res = FileSystemManager.instance().mkdir(path)
	except Exception, e:
		e =  Exception("Unable to perform operation: %s\n%s" % (str(e), Tools.getBacktrace()))
		getLogger().info("<< makeDirectory(...): Fault:\n" + str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 28
def removeFile(path):
	Removes a file.
	@since: 1.0

	@type  path: string
	@param path: the docroot-path to the file to delete
	@rtype: bool
	@returns: True if OK, False if nothing deleted. (? to check)
	getLogger().info(">> removeFile(%s)" % path)
	if not path.startswith('/'):
		path = '/' + path

	res = False
		res = FileSystemManager.instance().unlink(path)
	except Exception, e:
		e =  Exception("Unable to perform operation: %s\n%s" % (str(e), Tools.getBacktrace()))
		getLogger().info("<< removeFile(...): Fault:\n" + str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 29
def putFile(content, path, useCompression = False, username = None):
	Writes a file to docroot/path
	@since: 1.0

	@type  content: utf-8 encoded (or buffer) string, encoded in mime64
	@param content: the content of the file
	@type  path: string
	@param path: a complete path, with filename and extension, relative to the document root.
	@type  useCompression: bool
	@param useCompression: (since 1.3) if set to True, the content is gziped before being mime64-encoded.
	@type  username: string
	@param username: (since 1.7) the committer/writer
	@rtype: bool
	@returns: True if OK, False otherwise
	getLogger().info(">> putFile(%s, %s)" % (path, useCompression))
	if not path.startswith('/'):
		path = '/' + path

	res = False
		content = base64.decodestring(content)
		if useCompression:
			content = zlib.decompress(content)
		revision = FileSystemManager.instance().write(path, content, username = username)
		# No revision handling for now
		# We should return the new filepath in case of a success
		# /repository/samples/[email protected]
		# etc
		res = True
	except Exception, e:
		e =  Exception("Unable to perform operation: %s\n%s" % (str(e), Tools.getBacktrace()))
		getLogger().info("<< putFile(...): Fault:\n" + str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 30
def removeDirectory(path, recursive = False):
	Removes an empty directory, unless recursive is set to True.
	@since: 1.1

	@type  path: string
	@param path: the docroot-path to the directory to delete
	@type  recursive: bool
	@param recursive: True if we should delete files and directories in it. DANGEROUS.
	@rtype: bool
	@returns: True if OK, False if nothing deleted. (? to check)
	getLogger().info(">> removeDirectory(%s)" % path)
	if not path.startswith('/'): path = '/' + path

	res = False
		res = FileSystemManager.instance().rmdir(path, recursive)
	except Exception, e:
		e =  Exception("Unable to perform operation: %s\n%s" % (str(e), Tools.getBacktrace()))
		getLogger().info("<< removeDirectory(...): Fault:\n" + str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 31
def getFile(path, useCompression = False):
	Retrieves a file according to the path.
	The path is relative to the document root.
	If useCompression is set, compress the output before encoding it to mime64.
	@since: 1.0

	@type  path: string
	@param path: a path to a file
	@type  useCompression: bool
	@param useCompression: if True, the output is gziped before being mime64-encoded
	@rtype: string (utf-8 or buffer, encoded in base64), or None
	@returns: None if the file was not found,
	          or the file contents in base64 encoding, optionally compressed
	getLogger().info(">> getFile(%s, %s)" % (path, useCompression))
	if not path.startswith('/'):
		path = '/' + path

	ret = None
		contents = FileSystemManager.instance().read(path)
		if contents is None:
			ret = None
			if useCompression:
				ret = base64.encodestring(zlib.compress(contents))
				ret = base64.encodestring(contents)
	except Exception, e:
		e =  Exception("Unable to perform operation: %s\n%s" % (str(e), Tools.getBacktrace()))
		getLogger().info("<< getFile(...): Fault:\n%s" % str(e))
		ret = None
Ejemplo n.º 32
    mode_input = input("Please enter 1 (Train model) or 2 (Prediction): ")

if int(mode_input) == 1:

    clean_run = input(
        "Destroy existing resources and train from scratch " +
        "(WARNING: this is memory intensive and may take considerable time)? Enter Y/N: "

    while clean_run.upper() not in ['Y', 'N']:
        clean_run = input(
            "Please enter Y (clean run) or N (retrain existing resources): ")

    if clean_run.upper() == 'Y':

        file_manager = FileSystemManager(image_directory, model_directory)

        extract_dir = file_manager.extract_archive(source_archive)
        file_manager.data_science_fs(category0='benign', category1='malignant')
                                        'benign': 'SOB_B_.*.png',
                                        'malignant': 'SOB_M_.*.png'

    elif clean_run.upper() == 'N':

Ejemplo n.º 33
		raise Exception("Missing profiles folder (profiles)")
	# Now we should check the package.xml file, too
	return True

def importPackageFile(content, path):
	Expand a package file to a docroot folder.
	except Exception, e:
		getLogger().info("Invalid package file: %s" % e)
		raise Exception("Invalid package file: %s" % e)
	if FileSystemManager.instance().isfile(path):
		getLogger().info("Cannot import package to %s: not a path to package" % path)
		raise Exception("Invalid destination package path: is a file")
	if FileSystemManager.instance().isdir(path):
		getLogger().info("Cannot import package from %s: destination path already exist" % path)
		raise Exception("Invalid destination package path: this path already exist")

	# Minimal package tree
	FileSystemManager.instance().mkdir("%s/profiles" % path, False)
	FileSystemManager.instance().mkdir("%s/src" % path, False)

	# First unpack the package, then notify the package dir creation so that it is seen as a package folder.
	tpk = StringIO.StringIO(content)
	tfile = tarfile.open("tpk", "r:gz", tpk)
Ejemplo n.º 34
def campaign_getDependencyFilenames(source, sourcePath = None, recursive = False, sourceFilename = "<local>", moduleRootDir = '/repository'):
	Returns a list of userland module filenames
	(including their own dependencies) the campaign depends on.
	Calls pythong_getDependencyFilenames on ats files if recursive is True,
	and thus only userland dependencies are searched.

	NB: this works only because user modules are files only, not packages.
	@type  source: utf-8 string
	@param source: a Python source file (module or ATS)
	@type  sourcePath: string
	@param sourcePath: docroot path used as a 'working dir' to search for
	relative dependencies. Typically the path where the source has been extracted
	@type  recursive: bool
	@param recursive: if True, search recursively for dependencies in imported modules.
	@type  sourceFilename: string
	@param sourceFilename: a string to help identify the file that yielded the source. 
	For non-repository files, use <local>, by convention.
	@type  moduleRootDir: string
	@param moduleRootDir: the docroot directory we should start looking modules from.
	For a normal file, this is /repository. For a file contained in a package, this is the package src dir.
	@rtype: list of strings
	@returns: a list of docroot-path to dependencies (no duplicate).
	currentDependencies = []
	getLogger().info("%s: parsing campaign file to look for its dependencies" % sourceFilename)

	# The path of the campaign within the docroot.
	path = sourcePath

	# Based on a file parsing.
	indent = 0
	parentPresent = True
	lc = 0
	for line in source.splitlines():
		lc += 1
		# Remove comments
		line = line.split('#', 1)[0].rstrip()
		if not line:
			continue # empty line
		m = re.match(r'(?P<indent>\s*)((?P<branch>\w+|\*)\s+)?(?P<type>\w+)\s+(?P<filename>[^\s]+)(\s+with\s+(?P<mapping>.*)\s*)?', line)
		if not m:
			raise Exception('%s: parse error at line %s: invalid line format' % (sourceFilename, lc))

		type_ = m.group('type')
		filename = m.group('filename')
		indentDiff = len(m.group('indent')) - indent
		indent = indent + indentDiff

		# Filename creation within the docroot
		if filename.startswith('/'):
			# absolute path within the *repository*
			filename = '/%s%s' % (cm.get_transient('constants.repository'), filename)
			# just add the local campaign path
			filename = '%s/%s' % (path, filename)               

		# Type validation
		if not type_ in [ 'ats', 'campaign' ]:
			raise Exception('%s: error at line %s: invalid job type (%s)' % (sourceFilename, lc, type_))

		# Indentation validation
		if indentDiff > 1:
			raise Exception('%s: parse error at line %s: invalid indentation (too deep)' % (sourceFilename, lc))

		elif indentDiff == 1:
			if not parentPresent:
				raise Exception('%s: parse error at line %s: invalid indentation (invalid initial indentation)' % (sourceFilename, lc))

		elif indentDiff == 0:
			# the current parent remains the parent

			# negative indentation. 

		# OK, now we have at least one parent.
		parentPresent = True

		# Branch validation: ignored for dependency resolver

		# Now handle the dependency.
		if not filename in currentDependencies:
			getLogger().info('%s: campaign direct dependency added: %s' % (sourceFilename, filename))
			if recursive and type_ in ['ats', 'campaign']:
				nextDependencies = []
				nextPath, nextFilename = os.path.split(filename)
				nextSource = FileSystemManager.instance().read(filename)
				if nextSource is None:
					raise Exception('%s: missing dependency: file %s is not in the repository' % (sourceFilename, filename))
				if type_ == 'campaign':
					nextDependencies = campaign_getDependencyFilenames(nextSource, nextPath, True, filename, moduleRootDir = moduleRootDir)
				elif type_ == 'ats':
					nextDependencies = python_getDependencyFilenames(nextSource, sourceFilename = filename, recursive = True, moduleRootDir = moduleRootDir)
				for dep in nextDependencies:
					if not dep in currentDependencies:
						getLogger().info('%s: campaign indirect dependency added: %s' % (sourceFilename, dep))
	return currentDependencies
Ejemplo n.º 35
def campaign_getDependencyFilenames(source,
	Returns a list of userland module filenames
	(including their own dependencies) the campaign depends on.
	Calls pythong_getDependencyFilenames on ats files if recursive is True,
	and thus only userland dependencies are searched.

	NB: this works only because user modules are files only, not packages.
	@type  source: utf-8 string
	@param source: a Python source file (module or ATS)
	@type  sourcePath: string
	@param sourcePath: docroot path used as a 'working dir' to search for
	relative dependencies. Typically the path where the source has been extracted
	@type  recursive: bool
	@param recursive: if True, search recursively for dependencies in imported modules.
	@type  sourceFilename: string
	@param sourceFilename: a string to help identify the file that yielded the source. 
	For non-repository files, use <local>, by convention.
	@type  moduleRootDir: string
	@param moduleRootDir: the docroot directory we should start looking modules from.
	For a normal file, this is /repository. For a file contained in a package, this is the package src dir.
	@rtype: list of strings
	@returns: a list of docroot-path to dependencies (no duplicate).

    currentDependencies = []

    getLogger().info("%s: parsing campaign file to look for its dependencies" %

    # The path of the campaign within the docroot.
    path = sourcePath

    # Based on a file parsing.
    indent = 0
    parentPresent = True
    lc = 0
    for line in source.splitlines():
        lc += 1
        # Remove comments
        line = line.split('#', 1)[0].rstrip()
        if not line:
            continue  # empty line
        m = re.match(
        if not m:
            raise Exception('%s: parse error at line %s: invalid line format' %
                            (sourceFilename, lc))

        type_ = m.group('type')
        filename = m.group('filename')
        indentDiff = len(m.group('indent')) - indent
        indent = indent + indentDiff

        # Filename creation within the docroot
        if filename.startswith('/'):
            # absolute path within the *repository*
            filename = '/%s%s' % (cm.get_transient('constants.repository'),
            # just add the local campaign path
            filename = '%s/%s' % (path, filename)

        # Type validation
        if not type_ in ['ats', 'campaign']:
            raise Exception('%s: error at line %s: invalid job type (%s)' %
                            (sourceFilename, lc, type_))

        # Indentation validation
        if indentDiff > 1:
            raise Exception(
                '%s: parse error at line %s: invalid indentation (too deep)' %
                (sourceFilename, lc))

        elif indentDiff == 1:
            if not parentPresent:
                raise Exception(
                    '%s: parse error at line %s: invalid indentation (invalid initial indentation)'
                    % (sourceFilename, lc))

        elif indentDiff == 0:
            # the current parent remains the parent

            # negative indentation.

        # OK, now we have at least one parent.
        parentPresent = True

        # Branch validation: ignored for dependency resolver

        # Now handle the dependency.
        if not filename in currentDependencies:
            getLogger().info('%s: campaign direct dependency added: %s' %
                             (sourceFilename, filename))

            if recursive and type_ in ['ats', 'campaign']:
                nextDependencies = []
                nextPath, nextFilename = os.path.split(filename)
                nextSource = FileSystemManager.instance().read(filename)
                if nextSource is None:
                    raise Exception(
                        '%s: missing dependency: file %s is not in the repository'
                        % (sourceFilename, filename))
                if type_ == 'campaign':
                    nextDependencies = campaign_getDependencyFilenames(
                elif type_ == 'ats':
                    nextDependencies = python_getDependencyFilenames(

                for dep in nextDependencies:
                    if not dep in currentDependencies:
                            '%s: campaign indirect dependency added: %s' %
                            (sourceFilename, dep))

    return currentDependencies
Ejemplo n.º 36
def python_getDependencyFilenames(source,
	Returns a list of userland module filenames
	(including their own dependencies) the ATS/module depends on.
	Only userland dependencies are searched, i.e. modules below $docroot/repository.
	Non-userland dependencies, such as Testerman and Python std modules,
	are not reported.

	NB: this works only because user modules are files only, not packages.
	@type  source: utf-8 string
	@param source: a Python source file (module or ATS)
	@type  sourceFilename: string
	@param sourceFilename: the full docroot path to the source file. 
	For non-repository files, should be set to something like /repository/<anonymous.ats>
	so that we can deduce the docroot "working dir" dependencies should be searched from.
	@type  recursive: bool
	@param recursive: if True, search recursively for dependencies in imported modules.
	@type  moduleRootDir: string
	@param moduleRootDir: the docroot directory we should start looking modules from.
	For a normal file, this is /repository. For a file contained in a package, this is the package src dir.
	@rtype: list of strings
	@returns: a list of docroot-path to dependencies (no duplicate).
    getLogger().info("Resolving dependencies for file %s" % sourceFilename)

    # This is the PYTHONPATH that will be used to run the TE.
    # Will be used as a fallback if an import cannot be found in userland (ie in the repo)
    pythonPath = '%(root)s/modules' % dict(
    additionalPythonPath = cm.get("testerman.te.python.additional_pythonpath")
    if additionalPythonPath:
        pythonPath += ':' + additionalPythonPath
    pythonPath = pythonPath.split(':')

    # Will only include userland dependencies. System dependencies found in PYTHONPATH won't be included.
    ret = []

    # Bootstrap the deps (stored as (list of imported modules, path of the importing file) )
    toResolve = [(d, sourceFilename)
                 for d in python_getImportedUserlandModules(
                     source, sourceFilename=sourceFilename)]

    # the list of resolved dependencies,
    # as a map (import, fromFilename): resolvedFilename
    resolvedSoFar = {}

    # For each deps to resolve (a list of (import, fromFilename)),
    # we need to resolve the filename that will provide this import for this file.
    while len(toResolve):
        getLogger().debug("List of imports to resolve for script %s:\n%s" %
                          (sourceFilename, "\n".join(
                              ["%s (used in %s)" % x for x in toResolve])))
        dep, fromFilename = toResolve.pop()
        # Some non-userland files - not resolved to build the TE userland package
        # How can we detect standard Python includes ?
        # fromFilePath starts with the "python home" ? something else ?
        getLogger().debug("Resolving import %s from %s..." %
                          (dep, fromFilename))

        # Skip some dependencies provided by the Testerman infrastructure
        #if dep in [ ]:
        #	getLogger().info("Resolving import %s from %: skipped, not userland" % (dep, fromFilename))
        #	continue

        # Skip already resolved dependencies
        if (dep, fromFilename) in resolvedSoFar:
                "Resolving import %s from %s: already resolved as %s" %
                (dep, fromFilename, resolvedSoFar[(dep, fromFilename)]))

        # Ordered list of filenames within the docroot that could provide the dependency:
        # (module path)
        # - first search from the local file path, if provided,
        # - then search from the userland module paths (limited to '/repository/' for now)
        modulePaths = []
        # First, try a local module (relative path) (same dir as the currently analyzed file)
        sourcePath = os.path.split(fromFilename)[0]
        # Then fall back to standard "testerman userland paths"
        # If the filename was in a package, look from the package's root dir
        # Otherwise this the repository root.
        for modulePath in [moduleRootDir]:
            if modulePath and not modulePath in modulePaths:

            "Resolving import %s from %s: searching in paths:\n%s" %
            (dep, fromFilename, "\n".join(modulePaths)))

        found = None
        depSource = None
        for path in modulePaths:
            depFilename = '%s/%s.py' % (path, dep.replace('.', '/'))
                depSource = FileSystemManager.instance().read(depFilename)
            except Exception:
            if depSource is not None:
                found = depFilename
        if not found:
                "Resolving import %s from %s: not available in repository, searched in paths:\n%s"
                % (dep, fromFilename, "\n".join(modulePaths)))
                imp.find_module(dep, pythonPath)
                    "Resolving import %s from %s: not available in PYTHONPATH either, searched paths:\n%s"
                    % (dep, fromFilename, "\n".join(pythonPath)))
                raise Exception(
                    'Missing module: %s (imported from %s) is not available in userland (repository, searched paths: %s) or in TE PYTHONPATH (searched paths: %s)'
                    % (dep, fromFilename, modulePaths, pythonPath))
                "Resolving import %s from %s: OK, found in PYTHONPATH, won't be included in userland dependencies"

        if found:
            # OK, we resolved a file.
            resolvedSoFar[(dep, fromFilename)] = depFilename
            getLogger().debug("Resolving import %s from %s: resolved as %s" %
                              (dep, fromFilename, depFilename))
            if not depFilename in ret:
                    "Script %s is now using the following files:\n%s" %
                    (sourceFilename, "\n".join(ret)))

            # Now, analyze the resolved file and add its own dependencies to the list to resolve,
            # if not already resolved
            if recursive:
                importedModules = python_getImportedUserlandModules(
                    depSource, depFilename)
                for im in importedModules:
                    if not (im, depFilename) in resolvedSoFar:
                        toResolve.append((im, depFilename))
                            "Resolving import %s from %s: already resolved" %
                            (im, depFilename))

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 37
def python_getDependencyFilenames(source, sourceFilename, recursive = True, moduleRootDir = '/repository'):
	Returns a list of userland module filenames
	(including their own dependencies) the ATS/module depends on.
	Only userland dependencies are searched, i.e. modules below $docroot/repository.
	Non-userland dependencies, such as Testerman and Python std modules,
	are not reported.

	NB: this works only because user modules are files only, not packages.
	@type  source: utf-8 string
	@param source: a Python source file (module or ATS)
	@type  sourceFilename: string
	@param sourceFilename: the full docroot path to the source file. 
	For non-repository files, should be set to something like /repository/<anonymous.ats>
	so that we can deduce the docroot "working dir" dependencies should be searched from.
	@type  recursive: bool
	@param recursive: if True, search recursively for dependencies in imported modules.
	@type  moduleRootDir: string
	@param moduleRootDir: the docroot directory we should start looking modules from.
	For a normal file, this is /repository. For a file contained in a package, this is the package src dir.
	@rtype: list of strings
	@returns: a list of docroot-path to dependencies (no duplicate).
	getLogger().info("Resolving dependencies for file %s" % sourceFilename)

	# This is the PYTHONPATH that will be used to run the TE.
	# Will be used as a fallback if an import cannot be found in userland (ie in the repo)
	pythonPath = '%(root)s/modules' % dict(
		root = cm.get_transient("ts.server_root"))
	additionalPythonPath = cm.get("testerman.te.python.additional_pythonpath")
	if additionalPythonPath:
		pythonPath += ':' + additionalPythonPath
	pythonPath = pythonPath.split(':')

	# Will only include userland dependencies. System dependencies found in PYTHONPATH won't be included.
	ret = []

	# Bootstrap the deps (stored as (list of imported modules, path of the importing file) )
	toResolve = [ (d, sourceFilename) for d in python_getImportedUserlandModules(source, sourceFilename = sourceFilename) ]
	# the list of resolved dependencies,
	# as a map (import, fromFilename): resolvedFilename
	resolvedSoFar = {}
	# For each deps to resolve (a list of (import, fromFilename)),
	# we need to resolve the filename that will provide this import for this file.
	while len(toResolve):
		getLogger().debug("List of imports to resolve for script %s:\n%s" % (sourceFilename, "\n".join(["%s (used in %s)" % x for x in toResolve])))
		dep, fromFilename = toResolve.pop()
		# Some non-userland files - not resolved to build the TE userland package
		# How can we detect standard Python includes ?
		# fromFilePath starts with the "python home" ? something else ?
		getLogger().debug("Resolving import %s from %s..." % (dep, fromFilename))

		# Skip some dependencies provided by the Testerman infrastructure
		#if dep in [ ]:
		#	getLogger().info("Resolving import %s from %: skipped, not userland" % (dep, fromFilename))
		#	continue

		# Skip already resolved dependencies
		if (dep, fromFilename) in resolvedSoFar:
			getLogger().debug("Resolving import %s from %s: already resolved as %s" % (dep, fromFilename, resolvedSoFar[(dep, fromFilename)]))

		# Ordered list of filenames within the docroot that could provide the dependency:
		# (module path)
		# - first search from the local file path, if provided,
		# - then search from the userland module paths (limited to '/repository/' for now)
		modulePaths = []
		# First, try a local module (relative path) (same dir as the currently analyzed file)
		sourcePath = os.path.split(fromFilename)[0] 
		# Then fall back to standard "testerman userland paths"
		# If the filename was in a package, look from the package's root dir
		# Otherwise this the repository root.
		for modulePath in [ moduleRootDir ]:
			if modulePath and not modulePath in modulePaths:

		getLogger().debug("Resolving import %s from %s: searching in paths:\n%s" % (dep, fromFilename, "\n".join(modulePaths)))

		found = None
		depSource = None
		for path in modulePaths:
			depFilename = '%s/%s.py' % (path, dep.replace('.', '/'))
				depSource = FileSystemManager.instance().read(depFilename)
			except Exception:
			if depSource is not None:
				found = depFilename
		if not found:
			getLogger().debug("Resolving import %s from %s: not available in repository, searched in paths:\n%s" % (dep, fromFilename, "\n".join(modulePaths)))
				imp.find_module(dep, pythonPath)
				getLogger().debug("Resolving import %s from %s: not available in PYTHONPATH either, searched paths:\n%s" % (dep, fromFilename, "\n".join(pythonPath)))
				raise Exception('Missing module: %s (imported from %s) is not available in userland (repository, searched paths: %s) or in TE PYTHONPATH (searched paths: %s)' % (dep, fromFilename, modulePaths, pythonPath))
			getLogger().debug("Resolving import %s from %s: OK, found in PYTHONPATH, won't be included in userland dependencies")

		if found:
			# OK, we resolved a file.
			resolvedSoFar[(dep, fromFilename)] = depFilename
			getLogger().debug("Resolving import %s from %s: resolved as %s" % (dep, fromFilename, depFilename))
			if not depFilename in ret:
				getLogger().debug("Script %s is now using the following files:\n%s" % (sourceFilename, "\n".join(ret)))

			# Now, analyze the resolved file and add its own dependencies to the list to resolve,
			# if not already resolved
			if recursive:
				importedModules = python_getImportedUserlandModules(depSource, depFilename)
				for im in importedModules:
					if not (im, depFilename) in resolvedSoFar:
						toResolve.append((im, depFilename))
						getLogger().debug("Resolving import %s from %s: already resolved" % (im, depFilename))

	return ret	
Ejemplo n.º 38
		getLogger().info("Using %s = %s" % (str(k), cm.get(k)))

	# Now we can daemonize if needed
	if cm.get("ts.daemonize"):
		if pidfile:
			getLogger().info("Daemonizing, using pid file %s..." % pidfile)
		Tools.daemonize(pidFilename = pidfile, displayPid = True)

	# Main start
	cm.set_transient("ts.pid", os.getpid())
		serverThread = XmlRpcServerThread() # Ws server
		EventManager.initialize() # Xc server, Ih server [TSE:CH], Il server [TSE:TL]
		ProbeManager.initialize() # Ia client
		JobManager.initialize() # Job scheduler
		while 1:
	except KeyboardInterrupt:
		getLogger().info("Shutting down Testerman Server...")
	except Exception, e:
		sys.stderr.write("Unable to start server: %s\n" % str(e))
		getLogger().critical("Unable to start server: " + str(e))

Ejemplo n.º 39
    for k in items:
        getLogger().info("Using %s = %s" % (str(k), cm.get(k)))

    # Now we can daemonize if needed
    if cm.get("ts.daemonize"):
        if pidfile:
            getLogger().info("Daemonizing, using pid file %s..." % pidfile)
        Tools.daemonize(pidFilename=pidfile, displayPid=True)

    # Main start
    cm.set_transient("ts.pid", os.getpid())
        serverThread = XmlRpcServerThread()  # Ws server
        )  # Xc server, Ih server [TSE:CH], Il server [TSE:TL]
        ProbeManager.initialize()  # Ia client
        JobManager.initialize()  # Job scheduler
        while 1:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        getLogger().info("Shutting down Testerman Server...")
    except Exception, e:
        sys.stderr.write("Unable to start server: %s\n" % str(e))
        getLogger().critical("Unable to start server: " + str(e))

Ejemplo n.º 40
def main():
    server_root = os.path.abspath(
    testerman_home = os.path.abspath("%s/.." % server_root)
    # Set transient values
    cm.set_transient("testerman.testerman_home", testerman_home)
    cm.set_transient("ts.server_root", server_root)
    # standard paths within the document root.
    cm.set_transient("constants.repository", "repository")
    cm.set_transient("constants.archives", "archives")
    cm.set_transient("constants.modules", "modules")
    cm.set_transient("constants.components", "components")
    cm.set_transient("ts.version", Versions.getServerVersion())

    # Register persistent variables
    expandPath = lambda x: x and os.path.abspath(
    splitPaths = lambda paths: [expandPath(x) for x in paths.split(',')]
    cm.register("interface.ws.ip", "")
    cm.register("interface.ws.port", 8080)
    cm.register("interface.xc.ip", "")
    cm.register("interface.xc.port", 8081)
    cm.register("interface.il.ip", "")
    cm.register("interface.il.port", 8082)
    cm.register("interface.ih.ip", "")
    cm.register("interface.ih.port", 8083)
    cm.register("interface.xa.ip", "")
    cm.register("interface.xa.port", 40000)
    cm.register("tacs.ip", "")
    cm.register("tacs.port", 8087)
    cm.register("ts.daemonize", False)
    cm.register("ts.debug", False)
    cm.register("ts.log_filename", "")
    cm.register("ts.pid_filename", "")
    cm.register("ts.name", socket.gethostname(), dynamic=True)
    cm.register("ts.jobscheduler.interval", 1000, dynamic=True)
    cm.register("testerman.var_root", "", xform=expandPath)
                "%s/web" % testerman_home,
                "%s/webclient" % testerman_home,
    cm.register("testerman.administrator.name", "administrator", dynamic=True)
    # testerman.te.*: test executable-related variables
                "%s/plugins/codecs" % testerman_home,
                "%s/plugins/probes" % testerman_home,
        "testerman.te.python.ttcn3module", "TestermanTTCN3", dynamic=True
    )  # TTCN3 adaptation lib (enable the easy use of previous versions to keep script compatibility)
        "testerman.te.python.additional_pythonpath", "", dynamic=True
    )  # Additional search paths for system-wide modules (non-userland/in repository)
        "testerman.te.log.max_payload_size", 64 * 1024, dynamic=True
    )  # the maximum dumpable payload in log (as a single value). Bigger payloads are truncated to this size, in bytes.
    cm.register("ts.webui.theme", "default", dynamic=True)
    cm.register("wcs.webui.theme", "default", dynamic=True)

    parser = optparse.OptionParser(version=getVersion())

    group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Basic Options")
                     help="turn debug traces on")
                     help="use PATH as document root (default: %s)" %
                     help="write logs to FILENAME instead of stdout")
        "write the process PID to FILENAME when daemonizing (default: no pidfile)"

    group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "IPs and Ports Options")
        "set listening Ws IP address to ADDRESS (default: listening on all interfaces)"
                     help="set listening Ws port to PORT (default: %s)" %
        "set Xc service IP address to ADDRESS (default: Ws IP if set, fallback to hostname resolution)"
                     help="set Xc service port to PORT (default: %s)" %
        "set Il IP address to ADDRESS (default: listening on all interfaces)")
                     help="set Il port address to PORT (default: %s)" %
        "set Ih IP address to ADDRESS (default: listening o all interfaces)")
                     help="set Ih port address to PORT (default: %s)" %
        help="set TACS Ia target IP address to ADDRESS (default: %s)" %
        help="set TACS Ia target port address to PORT (default: %s)" %

    group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Advanced Options")
        "use PATH to persist Testerman Server runtime variables, such as the job queue. If not provided, no persistence occurs between restarts."
        "path to a configuration file. You may still use the command line options to override the values it contains."
        "path to the configuration file that contains authorized webclient users."
        "path to the configuration file that contains supported language apis."
        "search for codec modules in PATHS, which is a comma-separated list of paths"
        "search for probe modules in PATHS, which is a comma-separated list of paths"
        help="set additional variables as VARS (format: key=value[,key=value]*)"

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    # Configuration

    # Read the settings from the saved configuration, if any
    configFile = None
    # Provided on the command line ?
    if options.configurationFile is not None:
        configFile = options.configurationFile
    # No config file provided - fallback to $TESTERMAN_HOME/conf/testerman.conf if set and exists
    elif Tools.fileExists("%s/conf/testerman.conf" % testerman_home):
        configFile = "%s/conf/testerman.conf" % testerman_home
    cm.set_transient("ts.configuration_filename", configFile)

    usersFile = None
    # Provided on the command line ?
    if options.usersFile is not None:
        usersFile = options.usersFile
    # No config file provided - fallback to $TESTERMAN_HOME/conf/webclient-users.conf if set and exists
    elif Tools.fileExists("%s/conf/webclient-users.conf" % testerman_home):
        usersFile = "%s/conf/webclient-users.conf" % testerman_home
    cm.set_transient("wcs.users_filename", usersFile)

    apisFile = None
    # Provided on the command line ?
    if options.apisFile is not None:
        apisFile = options.apisFile
    # No config file provided - fallback to $TESTERMAN_HOME/conf/language-apis.conf if set and exists
    elif Tools.fileExists("%s/conf/language-apis.conf" % testerman_home):
        apisFile = "%s/conf/language-apis.conf" % testerman_home
    cm.set_transient("ts.apis_filename", apisFile)

        if configFile: cm.read(configFile)
        if usersFile: cm.read(usersFile, autoRegister=True)
        if apisFile: cm.read(apisFile, autoRegister=True)
    except Exception as e:
        return 1

    # Now, override read settings with those set on explicit command line flags
    # (or their default values inherited from the ConfigManager default values)
    cm.set_user("interface.ws.ip", options.wsIp)
    cm.set_user("interface.ws.port", options.wsPort)
    cm.set_user("interface.xc.ip", options.xcIp)
    cm.set_user("interface.xc.port", options.xcPort)
    cm.set_user("interface.il.ip", options.ilIp)
    cm.set_user("interface.il.port", options.ilPort)
    cm.set_user("interface.ih.ip", options.ihIp)
    cm.set_user("interface.ih.port", options.ihPort)
    cm.set_user("tacs.ip", options.tacsIp)
    cm.set_user("tacs.port", options.tacsPort)
    cm.set_user("ts.daemonize", options.daemonize)
    cm.set_user("ts.debug", options.debug)
    cm.set_user("ts.log_filename", options.logFilename)
    cm.set_user("ts.pid_filename", options.pidFilename)
    cm.set_user("testerman.document_root", options.docRoot)
    cm.set_user("testerman.te.codec_paths", options.codecPaths)
    cm.set_user("testerman.te.probe_paths", options.probePaths)
    cm.set_user("testerman.var_root", options.varDir)
    if options.variables:
        for var in options.variables.split(','):
                (key, val) = var.split('=')
                cm.set_user(key, val)

    # Commit all provided values (construct actual values via registered xforms)

    # Compute/adjust actual variables where applies
    # Actual Xc IP address: if not explictly set, fallback to ws.ip, then to hostname().
    ip = cm.get("interface.xc.ip")
    if not ip or ip == '':
        ip = cm.get("interface.ws.ip")
        cm.set_actual("interface.xc.ip", ip)
    if not ip or ip == '':
            "interface.xc.ip", socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname(
            )))  # Not fully qualified ? defaults to the hostname resolution.

    # Set the TACS IP address that can be used by agents
    # Normally, we should ask the TACS the server is connected to to get this value.
    tacs = cm.get("interface.xa.ip")
    if not tacs or tacs == '':
        # We'll publish the XC as XA IP address. If it was also set to localhost, it's unlikely agents are deployed outside localhost too.
        cm.set_actual("interface.xa.ip", cm.get("interface.xc.ip"))

    # If an explicit pid file was provided, use it. Otherwise, fallback to the var_root/ts.pid if possible.
    pidfile = cm.get("ts.pid_filename")
    if not pidfile and cm.get("testerman.var_root"):
        # Set an actual value
        pidfile = cm.get("testerman.var_root") + "/ts.pid"
        cm.set_actual("ts.pid_filename", pidfile)

#	print (Tools.formatTable([ ('key', 'Name'), ('format', 'Type'), ('dynamic', 'Dynamic'), ('default', 'Default value'), ('user', 'User value'), ('actual', 'Actual value')], cm.getVariables(), order = "key"))

# Logger initialization
    if cm.get("ts.debug"):
        level = logging.DEBUG
        level = logging.INFO
        '%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(thread)d %(levelname)-8s %(name)-20s %(message)s',
        datefmt='%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S',

    # Display startup info
    getLogger().info("Starting Testerman Server %s" %
    getLogger().info("Web Service       (Ws) listening on tcp://%s:%s" %
                     (cm.get("interface.ws.ip"), cm.get("interface.ws.port")))
    getLogger().info("Client events     (Xc) listening on tcp://%s:%s" %
                     (cm.get("interface.xc.ip"), cm.get("interface.xc.port")))
    getLogger().info("Log manager       (Il) listening on tcp://%s:%s" %
                     (cm.get("interface.il.ip"), cm.get("interface.il.port")))
    getLogger().info("Component manager (Ih) listening on tcp://%s:%s" %
                     (cm.get("interface.ih.ip"), cm.get("interface.ih.port")))
    getLogger().info("Using TACS at tcp://%s:%s" %
                     (cm.get("tacs.ip"), cm.get("tacs.port")))
    items = cm.getKeys()
    for k in items:
        getLogger().info("Using %s = %s" % (str(k), cm.get(k)))

    # Now we can daemonize if needed
    if cm.get("ts.daemonize"):
        if pidfile:
            getLogger().info("Daemonizing, using pid file %s..." % pidfile)
        Tools.daemonize(pidFilename=pidfile, displayPid=True)

    # Main start
    cm.set_transient("ts.pid", os.getpid())
        serverThread = XmlRpcServerThread()  # Ws server
        )  # Xc server, Ih server [TSE:CH], Il server [TSE:TL]
        ProbeManager.initialize()  # Ia client
        JobManager.initialize()  # Job scheduler
        while 1:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        getLogger().info("Shutting down Testerman Server...")
    except Exception as e:
        sys.stderr.write("Unable to start server: %s\n" % str(e))
        getLogger().critical("Unable to start server: " + str(e))

    getLogger().info("Shut down.")