Ejemplo n.º 1
def Import(modid, modid1):
    global nofmod
    if modid1 == "SYSTEM":
        thismod = ThisModule(modid, modid1, True,
                             key=0)  # FIXME I added the 0 SPF
        nofmod -= 1
        thismod.lev = 0
        thismod.dsc = system
        thismod.rdo = True
        fname = MakeFileName(modid1, ".smb")
        R = Files.Old(fname)
        if R != None:
            #      Files.Set(R, F, 0)
            Files.ReadInt(R)  # discard.
            key = Files.ReadInt(R)
            modname = Files.ReadString(R)
            thismod = ThisModule(modid, modid1, True, key)
            thismod.rdo = True

            class_ = Read(R)  # (*version key*)
            if class_ != versionkey:
                ORS.Mark("wrong version")

            class_ = Read(R)
            while class_ != 0:
                obj = Object()
                obj.class_ = class_
                obj.name = Files.ReadString(R)
                obj.type_ = InType(R, thismod)
                obj.lev = -thismod.lev
                if class_ == Typ:
                    t = obj.type_
                    t.typobj = obj
                    k = Read(
                    )  # (*fixup bases of previously declared pointer types*)
                    while k != 0:
                        typtab[k].base = t
                        k = Read(R)
                    if class_ == Const:
                        if obj.type_.form == Real:
                            obj.val = Files.ReadInt(R)
                            obj.val = Files.ReadNum(R)
                    elif class_ == Var:
                        obj.val = Files.ReadNum(R)
                        obj.rdo = True
                obj.next = thismod.dsc
                thismod.dsc = obj
                class_ = Read(R)

            ORS.Mark("import not available")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def InType(R, thismod):
    ref = Read(R)
    if ref < 0:
        T = typtab[-ref]  # (*already read*)
        t = Type()
        T = t
        typtab[ref] = t
        t.mno = thismod.lev
        form = Read(R)
        t.form = form

        if form == Pointer:
            t.base = InType(R, thismod)
            t.size = 4

        elif form == Array:
            t.base = InType(R, thismod)
            t.len_ = Files.ReadNum(R, )
            t.size = Files.ReadNum(R, )

        elif form == Record:
            t.base = InType(R, thismod)
            if t.base.form == NoTyp:
                t.base = None
                obj = None
                obj = t.base.dsc
            t.len_ = Files.ReadNum(R)  # (*TD adr/exno*)
            t.nofpar = Files.ReadNum(R)  #  (*ext level*)
            t.size = Files.ReadNum(R)
            class_ = Read(R)
            while class_ != 0:  # (*fields*)
                fld = Object()
                fld.class_ = class_
                fld.name = Files.ReadString(R)
                if fld.name[0] != 0x0:
                    fld.expo = True
                    fld.type_ = InType(R, thismod)
                    fld.expo = False
                    fld.type_ = nilType
                fld.val = Files.ReadNum(R)
                fld.next = obj
                obj = fld
                class_ = Read(R)
            t.dsc = obj

        elif form == Proc:
            t.base = InType(R, thismod)
            obj = None
            np = 0
            class_ = Read(R)
            while class_ != 0:  # (*parameters*)
                par = Object()
                par.class_ = class_
                readonly = Read(R)
                par.rdo = readonly == 1
                par.type_ = InType(R, thismod)
                par.next = obj
                obj = par
                np += 1
                class_ = Read(R)
            t.dsc = obj
            t.nofpar = np
            t.size = 4

        modname = Files.ReadString(R)

        if modname:  # [0] != 0x0: # (*re-import*)
            key = Files.ReadInt(R)
            name = Files.ReadString(R)
            mod = ThisModule(modname, modname, False, key)
            obj = mod.dsc  # (*search type*)
            while (obj != None) and (obj.name != name):
                obj = obj.next
            if obj != None:
                T = obj.type_  # (*type object found in object list of mod*)
            else:  # (*insert new type object in object list of mod*)
                obj = Object()
                obj.name = name
                obj.class_ = Typ
                obj.next = mod.dsc
                mod.dsc = obj
                obj.type_ = t
                t.mno = mod.lev
                T = t

            typtab[ref] = T
    return T