Ejemplo n.º 1
def resumeSession(runNumber):
    #raise Exception("Not properly integrated with new graphics!  Exiting...")
    population, params = loadSession(runNumber)

    path = "./Data/Run " + str(runNumber)

    #Get the iteration number
        os.remove(path + "/.DS_Store") #Try and get rid of .DS_Store

    iterNumber = int(sorted(os.listdir(path)[1:], key=lambda x: int(x.split(" ")[-1]))[-1].split(" ")[-1]) + 1

    #What that (^) line does
     - Gets a list of all files in the directory ./Data/Run # and get rid of evolution_parameters.pkl     os.listdir(path)[1]
     - Sorts the list based on the number after 'Iteration '                                              sorted(os.listdir(path), key=lambda x: int(x.split(" ")[-1])
     - Gets the last element and extracts its number                                                      [-1].split(" ")[-1])
     - Increments that number by 1                                                                         + 1
    #Startup the graphics window
    window = graphics.StatusWindow(params.iterations, params.popSize, params.trainingTimeout, params.trainingTarget)
    #Restart evolution
    GA.continuousEvolution(population, params, run_number = runNumber, start_iteration_number = iterNumber, graphicsWindow = window)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def createSession(popSize = 45, iterations = 10, mutate=0.2, extraParents=0.1, originalParents=0.2, hiddenLayers = 3, maxLayerSize = 15, trainingTimeout = 10, trainingTarget = 1.0):
    global window
    population = GA.networkLib.createPopulation(popSize, hiddenLayers, maxLayerSize)

    #Startup the graphics window
    window = graphics.StatusWindow(iterations, popSize, trainingTimeout, trainingTarget)
    #raise Exception("Program stopped!")
    #Set up an object to store evolutionary parameters
    params = GA.EvolutionObject()
    params.popSize = popSize
    params.iterations = iterations
    params.mutate = mutate
    params.extraParents = extraParents
    params.originalParents = originalParents
    params.trainingTimeout = trainingTimeout
    params.trainingTarget = trainingTarget

    #Start the program
    GA.continuousEvolution(population, params, graphicsWindow = window)