Ejemplo n.º 1
	def testM44fPlugs( self ) :

		s = Gaffer.ScriptNode()
		s["n"] = Gaffer.Node()
		s["n"]["user"]["i"] = Gaffer.M44fPlug( flags = Gaffer.Plug.Flags.Default | Gaffer.Plug.Flags.Dynamic )
		s["n"]["user"]["o"] = Gaffer.M44fPlug( flags = Gaffer.Plug.Flags.Default | Gaffer.Plug.Flags.Dynamic )

		s["e"] = Gaffer.Expression()
		s["e"].setExpression( "parent.n.user.o = parent.n.user.i * 2;", "OSL" )

		s["n"]["user"]["i"].setValue( imath.M44f( *range( 16 ) ) )
		self.assertEqual( s["n"]["user"]["o"].getValue(), imath.M44f( *range( 0, 32, 2 ) ) )
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def testCanReadAndWriteMatrices( self ) :

		s = Gaffer.ScriptNode()

		p = GafferScene.Plane()
		p["divisions"].setValue( imath.V2i( 2, 2 ) )  # 2x2 plane = 4 quads & 9 vertices
		s.addChild( p )

		o = GafferOSL.OSLObject()
		s.addChild( o )

		o['in'].setInput( p["out"] )

		f = GafferScene.PathFilter( "PathFilter" )
		s.addChild( f )
		f["paths"].setValue( IECore.StringVectorData( ['/plane'] ) )
		o["filter"].setInput( f["out"] )

		outMatrix = GafferOSL.OSLShader( "OutMatrix" )
		s.addChild( outMatrix )
		outMatrix.loadShader( "ObjectProcessing/OutMatrix" )
		outMatrix['parameters']['name'].setValue( "out_foo" )

		inInt = GafferOSL.OSLShader( "InInt" )
		s.addChild( inInt )
		inInt.loadShader( "ObjectProcessing/InInt" )

		oslCode = GafferOSL.OSLCode( "OSLCode" )
		oslCode["code"].setValue( 'outMat = matrix(inIndex, inIndex, inIndex, inIndex, inIndex, inIndex, inIndex, inIndex, inIndex, inIndex, inIndex, inIndex, inIndex, inIndex, inIndex, inIndex);' )
		s.addChild( oslCode )
		inIntPlug = Gaffer.IntPlug( "inIndex", defaultValue = 0, flags = Gaffer.Plug.Flags.Default | Gaffer.Plug.Flags.Dynamic, )
		oslCode["parameters"].addChild( inIntPlug )
		inIntPlug.setInput( inInt['out']['value'] )
		oslCode["out"].addChild( Gaffer.M44fPlug( "outMat", direction = Gaffer.Plug.Direction.Out, defaultValue = imath.M44f( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ),
			flags = Gaffer.Plug.Flags.Default | Gaffer.Plug.Flags.Dynamic, ) )

		outMatrix["parameters"]["value"].setInput( oslCode['out']['outMat'] )

		outObject = GafferOSL.OSLShader( "OutObject" )
		s.addChild( outObject )
		outObject.loadShader( "ObjectProcessing/OutObject" )
		outObject["parameters"]["in0"].setInput( outMatrix["out"]["primitiveVariable"] )

		o["shader"].setInput( outObject["out"] )

		matrixPrimvar = o['out'].object( "/plane" )["out_foo"]
		for index, m in enumerate( matrixPrimvar.data ) :
			self.assertEqual( m, imath.M44f( index ) )

		# check we can read the matrix44 primvar by reading and writing as out_foo2
		inMatrix = GafferOSL.OSLShader( "InMatrix" )
		s.addChild( inMatrix  )
		inMatrix.loadShader( "ObjectProcessing/InMatrix" )
		inMatrix["parameters"]["name"].setValue( 'out_foo' )

		outMatrix2 = GafferOSL.OSLShader( "OutMatrix" )
		s.addChild( outMatrix2 )
		outMatrix2.loadShader( "ObjectProcessing/OutMatrix" )
		outMatrix2["parameters"]["name"].setValue( 'out_foo2' )
		outMatrix2["parameters"]["value"].setInput( inMatrix["out"]["value"] )

		outObject2 = GafferOSL.OSLShader( "OutObject" )
		s.addChild( outObject2 )
		outObject2.loadShader( "ObjectProcessing/OutObject" )
		outObject2["parameters"]["in0"].setInput( outMatrix2["out"]["primitiveVariable"] )

		o2 = GafferOSL.OSLObject()
		o2['in'].setInput( o["out"] )
		o2["shader"].setInput( outObject2["out"] )
		o2["filter"].setInput( f["out"] )

		matrixPrimvar = o2['out'].object( "/plane" )["out_foo2"]
		for index, m in enumerate( matrixPrimvar.data ) :
			self.assertEqual( m, imath.M44f( index ) )