Ejemplo n.º 1
 def random(self, odin):
     if self._random == None:
         import GaudiPython
         self._random = GaudiPython.Bindings.gbl.Random
     if not self._initialRandom:
         self._initialRandom = self._random.mixString(
             len(self._extra), self._extra)
     x = self._initialRandom
     x = self._random.mix64(x, odin.gpsTime())
     x = self._random.mix32(x, odin.runNumber())
     x = self._random.mix64(x, odin.eventNumber())
     return float(x) / float(0xFFFFFFFF)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        'EventSelector.PrintFreq   =  10 ',
        'EventSelector.OutputLevel = 1',
        'ApplicationMgr.TopAlg.OutputLevel = 1 '
        #,'ApplicationMgr.TopAlg.RootInTES = "/Event/microDST" '
        #,'ApplicationMgr.TopAlg                += { "StoreExplorerAlg" }'
        #,'StoreExplorerAlg.Load                = 1'
        #,'StoreExplorerAlg.PrintFreq           = 1.0'
        #,'StoreExplorerAlg.Outputlevel         = 1'
        'ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"ParticlePropertySvc"}',
        'ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += { "DataOnDemandSvc" }',
        'DataOnDemandSvc.Nodes += { "DATA=\'/Event/MC\' TYPE=\'DataObject\'" }',
        'DataOnDemandSvc.Algorithms += {"DATA=\'/Event/MC/Particles\'  TYPE=\'UnpackMCParticle\'",  "DATA=\'/Event/MC/Vertices\' TYPE=\'UnpackMCVertex\'"}'


## access to the EventService, EventSelector
sel = appMgr.evtsel()
evt = appMgr.evtsvc()

## access to tools, etc
OfflineVertexFitter = appMgr.toolsvc().create('OfflineVertexFitter',

## open microDST
Ejemplo n.º 3
from ROOT import gROOT, TCanvas
from ROOT import RooRealVar, RooArgSet, RooFit

gROOT.SetStyle( 'Plain' )
gROOT.SetBatch( False )

import GaudiPython
GaudiPython.loaddict( 'B2DXFittersDict' )
from ROOT import CombBkgPTPdf

# Parameters for the combinatorial background PDF in time
CombBkgPdf_a      =  0.1209
CombBkgPdf_f      =  0.996
CombBkgPdf_alpha  =  4.149
CombBkgPdf_beta   =  1.139

time = RooRealVar( 'time', 'time', 0., 10., 'ps' )

combBkgPdf_a     = RooRealVar( 'CombBkgPdf_a'    , 'CombBkgPdf_a'    , CombBkgPdf_a     )
combBkgPdf_f     = RooRealVar( 'CombBkgPdf_f'    , 'CombBkgPdf_f'    , CombBkgPdf_f     )
combBkgPdf_alpha = RooRealVar( 'CombBkgPdf_alpha', 'CombBkgPdf_alpha', CombBkgPdf_alpha )
combBkgPdf_beta  = RooRealVar( 'CombBkgPdf_beta' , 'CombBkgPdf_beta' , CombBkgPdf_beta  )

bkgPDF = CombBkgPTPdf( 'CombBkgPTPdf', 'CombBkgPTPdf',
                       combBkgPdf_a, combBkgPdf_f, combBkgPdf_alpha, combBkgPdf_beta )

fr = time.frame()
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, gaudi, triggers):
        from GaudiPython import InterfaceCast
        tmpSvc = gaudi.service("IncidentSvc")
        self.incidentSvc = InterfaceCast("IIncidentSvc")(tmpSvc.getInterface())

        self.gaudi = gaudi
        self.TES = gaudi.evtSvc()

        import GaudiPython
        from GaudiPython import InterfaceCast
        from GaudiPython.Bindings import gbl
        svc = gaudi.service('Swimming::Service')
        self.GaudiPython = GaudiPython
        self.service = InterfaceCast(gbl.Swimming.Interfaces.IService)(

        self.distanceTool = gaudi.toolsvc().create(
            Swimming().getProp('DistCalc'), interface='IDistanceCalculator')
        DTFconstraints = []
        for configname, constraints in Swimming().getProp(
            tmpconstraints = {}
            for constraint, value in constraints.iteritems():
                newid = None
                if type(constraint) == int:
                    newid = constraint
                elif isinstance(constraint, basestring):
                        newid = gaudi.ppSvc().find(
                        print "ERROR: failed to convert", constraint, "to LHCb::ParticleID"
                    print "ERROR: currently can't handle conversion of ", constraint, "to LHCb::ParticleID"
                if newid:
                    print "Storing DTF constraint: (%d, %f)" % (newid, value)
                    tmpconstraints[newid] = value
                    tmpconstraints[-newid] = value
            DTFconstraints += [(configname, tmpconstraints)]

        from SwimmingUtils import LifetimeFitter, DTFFitter, BestPVFinder
        self.relatedPVFinder = BestPVFinder(self)

        self.lifetimeFitter = []
        for lifetimefitter in Swimming().getProp('LifetimeFitter'):
            if lifetimefitter == "LifetimeFitter":
                self.lifetimeFitter += [LifetimeFitter(self)]
                # DecayTreeFitter
                # examine the constraints we have been given, and add DTFFitter objects as appropriate
                for configname, constraints in DTFconstraints:
                    self.lifetimeFitter += [
                        DTFFitter(self, configname, constraints)

        self.tistostool = gaudi.toolsvc().create('TriggerTisTos',
        self.debugtistos = gaudi.toolSvc().create(
            'TriggerTisTos/SwimmingDebugTisTos', interface='ITriggerTisTos')
        self.tistosbools = [
            self.tistostool.kAnything, self.tistostool.kTrueRequired,
        self.triggers = triggers

        self.hlt1recoline = Swimming().getProp('Hlt1RecoLine')
        self.hlt2recoline = Swimming().getProp('Hlt2RecoLine')

        self.granularityRefinement = Swimming().getProp(
        self.DEBUGMODE = Swimming().getProp('Debug')
        self.startingEvent = Swimming().getProp('SkipEvents')
        self.swimStripping = Swimming().getProp('SwimStripping')
        self.swimOffline = Swimming().getProp('SwimOffSel')
        self.offSelName = Swimming().getProp('OffSelModuleName')
        self.offCands = Swimming().getProp('OffCands')
        self.offlinePVs = Swimming().getProp('OfflinePV')
        self.refitPVs = Swimming().getProp('RefitPVs')
        self.matchCandsUsingPID = Swimming().getProp(
        self.storeExtraTPs = Swimming().getProp('StoreExtraTPs')
Ejemplo n.º 5
#This file holds utility functions for the swimming job
from Configuration import Swimming
from collections import defaultdict
from GaudiKernel.PhysicalConstants import c_light

__all__ = [
    'getCandidateinfo', 'runSwimmingStep', 'hashParticle', 'intHashParticle',
    'matchParticles', 'createObject', 'getSelector'

# Load Swimming dictionaries
import GaudiPython
from GaudiPython.Bindings import gbl
hashParticle = gbl.Swimming.Helpers.hashParticle
intHashParticle = gbl.Swimming.Helpers.intHashParticle
matchParticles = gbl.Swimming.Helpers.matchParticles
import ROOT

def createObject(t, *args):
    Function to create objects which are not owned by python.
    These objects will not be garbage collected and can therefore be put in the
    TES, which always takes ownership.
    i = t(*args)
    ROOT.SetOwnership(i, False)
    return i
Ejemplo n.º 6
* algorithm  base class for N-Tuple manipulations                             *
*                                                                             *
# =============================================================================
__author__ = 'Vanya BELYAEV [email protected]'
# =============================================================================

import GaudiPython, math

Rndm        = GaudiPython.gbl.Rndm
Math        = GaudiPython.gbl.ROOT.Math
SUCCESS     = GaudiPython.SUCCESS
Gaudi       = GaudiPython.gbl.Gaudi


from GaudiKernel import ROOT6WorkAroundEnabled
is_root6 = GaudiPython.gbl.gROOT.GetVersionCode() >= ((5 << 16) + (99 << 8))
if not (ROOT6WorkAroundEnabled('SPI-385') and is_root6):

vct1        = GaudiPython.gbl.vector('double')

vct2        = GaudiPython.gbl.CLHEP.HepVector

from   GaudiPython.GaudiAlgs   import TupleAlgo
Ejemplo n.º 7
    from Configurables import MessageSvc, LHCbApp

    MessageSvc().Format = "% F%60W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"

    from Gaudi.Configuration import EventSelector
    EventSelector().PrintFreq = 100

    lhcbApp = LHCbApp()
    lhcbApp.DDDBtag = 'default'
    lhcbApp.CondDBtag = 'default'

    # GaudiPython

    from GaudiPython.Bindings import AppMgr
    import GaudiPython
    appMgr = AppMgr(outputlevel=3)
    appMgr.ExtSvc += ['DataOnDemandSvc']

    evtSvc = appMgr.evtSvc()
    evtSel = appMgr.evtSel()
    tsvc = appMgr.toolsvc()

    from AnalysisPython import Functors
    nextEvent = Functors.NextEvent(appMgr, EvtMax=nevents)

    # open a DST or MicroDST
Ejemplo n.º 8
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from collections import defaultdict
from math import atan2, sqrt

import GaudiPython
import ROOT
from LHCbMath import XYZPoint, XYZVector
import LoKiAlgo.decorators
from LoKiPhys.decorators import VIPCHI2
from LinkerInstances.eventassoc import linkedTo

LHCb = GaudiPython.gbl.LHCb
LineTraj = LHCb.LineTraj
Range = GaudiPython.gbl.std.pair('double', 'double')

# LHCb Tracks appear to have the following states
# > Downstream BegRich2               FirstMeasurement
# > Long       BegRich2 ClosestToBeam FirstMeasurement
# > Ttrack     BegRich2               FirstMeasurement
# > Upstream            ClosestToBeam FirstMeasurement
# > Velo                ClosestToBeam
state_to_use = {
    LHCb.Track.Velo: LHCb.State.ClosestToBeam,
    LHCb.Track.Downstream: LHCb.State.FirstMeasurement,
    LHCb.Track.Long: LHCb.State.FirstMeasurement,
    LHCb.Track.Ttrack: LHCb.State.FirstMeasurement,
    LHCb.Track.Upstream: LHCb.State.FirstMeasurement,
Ejemplo n.º 9
def SwimmingEventLoop(gaudi, nEvents):
    import GaudiPython
    #import PartProp.PartPropAlg
    import PartProp.decorators
    import PartProp.Service
    #from GaudiPython.Bindings import AppMgr
    #from PartProp.Nodes import *

    StatusCode = GaudiPython.gbl.StatusCode
    if gaudi.targetFSMState() < 2:
    TES = gaudi.evtsvc()
    SEL = gaudi.evtSel()
    SEL.OutputLevel = 6
    SEL.firstEvent = startingEvent

    #Now after the initialize some more job dependent stuff
    if swimStripping:
        dod = gaudi.service('DataOnDemandSvc')
        svc = gaudi.service('Swimming::Service')
        outputs = gaudi.algorithm('killStripping').Nodes
        for l in dod.AlgMap.keys():
            if l.find('Phys') == -1:
            l = '/'.join(l.split('/')[:-1])
        gaudi.algorithm('killStripping').Nodes = outputs
        gaudi.algorithm('killStrippingSeq').Enable = False
        gaudi.algorithm('StrippingGlobal').Enable = False
        gaudi.algorithm(writerName).Enable = False
        triggers = Swimming().getProp('StripCands')
    #Tools needed for for tistosing
        for algo in [
                'killHltSeq', 'seqL0', 'Hlt', 'HltSelReportsWriter',
                writerName, 'HltDecReportsWriter', 'HltVertexReportsWriter',
                'HltLumiWriter', 'HltLumiStripper', 'HltRoutingBitsWriter'
            gaudi.algorithm(algo).Enable = False
        hlt1triggers = Swimming().getProp('Hlt1Triggers')
        hlt2triggers = Swimming().getProp('Hlt2Triggers')
        triggers = [hlt1triggers, hlt2triggers]
        # Disable the FSR writer if FSR writing is enabled.
        if Swimming().getProp('WriteFSR'):
            gaudi.algorithm('FSRInputCopyStreamWriter').Enable = False

    #Make the class of globals for passing information around
    from Swimming.Globals import GlobalParams
    myGlobs = GlobalParams(gaudi, triggers)
    gaudi.__dict__['globs'] = myGlobs

    def __next__():
        # Emit special end event Incident.
            GaudiPython.gbl.Incident("SwimmingLoop", "SwimmingEndEvent"))

    # Import the utilities
    from Swimming.SwimmingUtils import (getCandidateInfo, runSwimmingStep,
                                        createObject, getSelector, movePVs)
    from Swimming.RefineTPs import refine
    from Swimming.SwimmingTisTos import evaluateTisTos

    # The turning points contain the following information
    # The raw position of the turning point in mm (relative to the
    # point at which the B/D was measured), the lifetime of the B/D
    # at the turning point, the IP of the B/D at the turning point,
    # and of course the trigger decision at that turning point.
    # In addition we store information about individual tracks in the
    # signal, in order to deal with inclusive triggers which only require
    # a part of the signal to fire.
    # The information on which triggers were TOS at which stage
    # If a logical OR of the triggers is being requested, then
    # a new turning point is set every time that either one of the trigger
    # decisions changes.
    # The information on which tracks were TOS in
    # HLT1. To save space this is stored as an integer,
    # whose first and last digits are 9 and the digits
    # inbetween are 1 or 0 depending on whether the
    # given track was TOS in HLT1 or not. This is relevant
    # for swimming the 1Track trigger only.
    # The information on which tracks played a part in the
    # HLT2 decision. Important for swimming inclusive HLT2
    # triggers or swimming multiple triggers in the same job.
    # Which tracks were Reco'd in HLT1 and HLT2
    # again this is given in the format specified above
    # Which tracks were Rec'ible in the VELO, offline (3 hits) or
    # in HLT1 (5 hits)
    # Get the candidate selector.
    if Swimming().getProp('SelectMethod') != 'all':
        selector = getSelector(Swimming().getProp('SelectMethod'))(myGlobs)

    # Initialize at -1 so the eventNumber can be incremented at the top of the loop.
    eventNumber = -1

    from GaudiPython.Bindings import gbl
    SwimmingReport = gbl.LHCb.SwimmingReport
    SwimmingReports = gbl.KeyedContainer(
    P2TPRelation = gbl.LHCb.Relation2D('LHCb::Particle',
    SharedParticles = gbl.SharedObjectsContainer('LHCb::Particle')

    while True:
        # Increment event number
        eventNumber += 1

        # Check if we've hit the maximum
        if (nEvents != -1 and eventNumber >= nEvents):
            print "Finished processing events"
        elif (eventNumber % 100) == 0:
            print "Processing event", eventNumber

        if not TES["/Event/Rec/Header"]:
            print "Reached end of file, we're done!"

        odin = TES['/Event/DAQ/ODIN']
        if DEBUGMODE:
            print "Processing %d %d" % (odin.runNumber(), odin.eventNumber())

        if onlyEvents and not (odin.runNumber(),
                               odin.eventNumber()) in onlyEvents:

        if not swimStripping and not Swimming().getProp('Simulation') and \
               odin.triggerConfigurationKey() != int(Swimming().getProp('TCK'), 16):
            print "WARNING, TCK 0x%08x does not match configured TCK %s, skipping event." \
                  % (odin.triggerConfigurationKey(), Swimming().getProp('TCK'))

        # Safety checks
        if skipIfNoMuDSTCand:
            skipEventBools = []
            for candloc in muDSTCands:
                skipEvent = False
                mdstcands = TES[candloc + "/Particles"]
                if not mdstcands:
                    if DEBUGMODE:
                        print "Incident while processing event number", startingEvent + eventNumber
                        print "No container of muDST candidates " + candloc + " found!"
                    skipEvent = True
                elif mdstcands.size() == 0:
                    if DEBUGMODE:
                        print "Incident while processing event number", startingEvent + eventNumber
                        print "Empty container of muDST candidates " + candloc + " found!"
                    skipEvent = True
                skipEventBools += [skipEvent]
            # skipIfNoMuDSTCandsAnywhere is a new flag to decide whether skipIfNoMuDSTCand means *all* MuDSTCand locations have to
            # be populated or just *some*
            if (skipIfNoMuDSTCandsAnywhere and not any(skipEventBools)) or (
                    not skipIfNoMuDSTCandsAnywhere and all(skipEventBools)):
                if DEBUGMODE:
                    print "Skipping the event"

        # Create a list of unique candidates
        from Swimming.SwimmingUtils import Candidate
        candidates = defaultdict(list)
        for loc in offCands.keys():
            particles = TES[loc + '/Particles']
            if not particles:
                if DEBUGMODE:
                    print "No particles found at %s" % loc
            elif DEBUGMODE:
                print "Found %d particles at %s" % (particles.size(), loc)

            for particle in particles:
                candidates[Candidate(myGlobs, particle)].append(
                    (loc, particle))
        candidates = [Candidate(myGlobs, c.particle(), dict(selections)) for \
                      c, selections in candidates.iteritems()]
        if DEBUGMODE:
            print "Found %s unique candidates:" % len(candidates)
            for c in candidates:
                print c

        #if len(candidates) < 2:
        #    print "debug: skipping"
        #    __next__()
        #    continue

        turningPoints = {}

        if len(candidates) == 0:
            if DEBUGMODE:
                print "Problem while processing event number", startingEvent + eventNumber
                print "Container of offline candidates empty!"
                print "Skipping the event but this is bad, check what you are doing!!"

        if DEBUGMODE:
            print "Passed the safety checks OK"
            print "Candidates in event =", len(candidates)

        # Fire BeginSwimming to signal the swimming service to clear its internal PV container
            GaudiPython.gbl.Incident("SwimmingLoop", "BeginSwimming"))

        # Select the candidate to swim
        if Swimming().getProp('SelectMethod') != 'all':
            candidates = [selector(candidates)]

        for i, candidate in enumerate(candidates):
            # Containers to store the turningpoints
            roughTurningPoints = []
            finalTurningPointsForWriting = []

            if not candidate:
                print "Somehow there is no candidate!!! This should never happen."
                print "Skipping this event."

            if DEBUGMODE and not swimStripping:
                # Use the debugging TisTos tool to dump info on what the TisTos is
                # wrt all the trigger lines before the swimming starts.
                lines = []
                for level in triggers:
                for trigger in lines:
                    print myGlobs.debugtistos.analysisReportTrigger(trigger)

            # If we are swimming the trigger and have a non-trivial selection method,
            # put the selected candidate in a separate location.
            if not swimStripping and Swimming().getProp(
                    'SelectMethod') != 'none':
                swimmingParticles = createObject(SharedParticles)
                TES.unregisterObject(swimCands + '/Particles')
                TES.registerObject(swimCands + '/Particles', swimmingParticles)

            HltDecLast = None
            HltDec = None
            swimLoop = int(-1. * maxSwimDistance + -1. * extraSwimDistance)
            while (swimLoop <= (maxSwimDistance + extraSwimDistance)):
                if DEBUGMODE:
                    print "Running over event", startingEvent + eventNumber, "swimming step", swimLoop \
                          , "candidate", i
                # We got this far now get the candidate and, for the "zero" step only
                # fill the corresponding event variables for it
                # Note that this function call also executes the stripping algorithm
                # having moved the primary vertices around first
                runSwimmingStep(myGlobs, candidate.particle(), swimLoop)

                # Now get the trigger decision for this swimming step
                HltDec = evaluateTisTos(myGlobs, candidate.particle(),
                if DEBUGMODE:
                    print "Retrieved HLT decision", HltDec, "OK for this event"

                # If this is the very first swimming step, set HltDecLast to the global
                # HltDec at this point, otherwise get it from the previous step.
                if swimLoop == int(-1. * maxSwimDistance +
                                   -1. * extraSwimDistance):
                    HltDecLast = HltDec
                elif roughTurningPoints != []:
                    # before we had [raw, tau, ip, dec, declast ]
                    # now we have [raw, {info}, dec, declast ]
                    # hence 3->2 for index
                    HltDecLast = roughTurningPoints[-1][2]

                # The first and last point are a special case for the bookkeeping
                # as we want to record the limits of our swimming and the trigger
                # decisions at these limits
                if (abs(swimLoop) == int(1. * maxSwimDistance + 1. * extraSwimDistance)) or \
                   (HltDec != HltDecLast):
                    # Get the lifetime and IP of the B/D with respect to its favourite PV
                    info = getCandidateInfo(myGlobs, candidate.particle())
                        [swimLoop, info, HltDec, HltDecLast])

                # Now the granularity varies with the position
                # We swim more finely close to the actual decay point
                if ((swimLoop >= -int(maxSwimDistance))
                        and (swimLoop < int(maxSwimDistance))):
                    swimLoop += int(initialGranularity)
                    swimLoop += int(extraGranularity)
            # Now the refinement step
            # We have to refine every turning point, but the first and last
            # ones which we save don't count as they are just there to
            # demarcate the limits of our search, so we don't use them
            if roughTurningPoints == []:
                # no __next__() because this is continuing from the loop over candidates
            if DEBUGMODE:
                print "****************************"
                print "The rough turning points are"
                print "****************************"
            for thisturn in roughTurningPoints:
                # Write the first and last as is, no refinement
                if (thisturn == roughTurningPoints[0]) or (
                        thisturn == roughTurningPoints[-1]):
                if DEBUGMODE:
                    print "****************************"
                    print "About to refine TP"
                    print "****************************"
                if ((thisturn[0] > -int(maxSwimDistance))
                        and (thisturn[0] <= int(maxSwimDistance))):
                    finalTurningPointsForWriting += refine(
                        myGlobs, candidate.particle(),
                        candidate.selectedParticles().keys(), thisturn,
                        initialGranularity, numberOfRefinements)
                    finalTurningPointsForWriting += refine(
                        myGlobs, candidate.particle(),
                        candidate.selectedParticles().keys(), thisturn,
                        extraGranularity, numberOfRefinements)
            if DEBUGMODE:
                print "****************************"
                print "The final turning points for writing are:"
                print "****************************"
            turningPoints[candidate] = finalTurningPointsForWriting
            # Reset the PV positions so we don't end up with junk on the DST
            movePVs(myGlobs, candidate.particle(), 0.0)
        # End of loop over candidates

        # Which stage are we swimming
        stage = None
        if len(overrideStageName):
            stage = overrideStageName
        elif swimStripping:
            stage = 'Stripping'
            stage = 'Trigger'

        # Get or Create the KeyedContainer for the SwimmingReports
        reportLocation = Swimming().getProp('SwimmingPrefix') + '/Reports'
        reports = TES[reportLocation]
        hadreports = True
        if not reports:
            reports = createObject(SwimmingReports)
            hadreports = False
            if DEBUGMODE:
                print "Created new SwimmingReports object, storing it at " + reportLocation
            # Put the container in the TES
            sc = TES.registerObject(reportLocation, reports)
            if not sc.isSuccess():
                print "Failed to register SwimmingReports in TES"
                return StatusCode(False)

        if DEBUGMODE:
            print turningPoints
        for candidate, tps in turningPoints.iteritems():
            # Look if there is already a report present for one of the locations
            # of a candidate.
            report = reports(candidate.intHash())

            if not report:
                report = createObject(SwimmingReport)
                if DEBUGMODE:
                    print "Created new SwimmingReport object, inserting it into the SwimmingReports"
                reports.insert(report, candidate.intHash())
            elif report.hasStage(stage):
                # I think this would be the outcome if the intHash method had a collision.
                print "WARNING, stage %s already present, this is unsupported and will fail!"
                return StatusCode(False)

            if myGlobs.storeExtraTPs:
                # Loop over the existing TPs + RAW=0.0 and evaluate our own decision and candidate info.
                oldtps = [0.0]
                for oldstage in report.stages():
                    oldtps = [0.0]
                    for tp in report.turningPoints(oldstage):
                        oldtps += [tp.raw()]
                oldtps = list(set(oldtps).difference([tp[0] for tp in tps]))
                extratps = []
                for oldraw in oldtps:
                    runSwimmingStep(myGlobs, candidate.particle(), oldraw)
                    HltDec = evaluateTisTos(
                        myGlobs, candidate.particle(),
                        candidate.selectedParticles().keys(), oldraw)
                    info = getCandidateInfo(myGlobs, candidate.particle())
                    extratps.append([oldraw, info, HltDec])
                movePVs(myGlobs, candidate.particle(), 0.0)

                if DEBUGMODE:
                    print "TPs for writing:", tps
                    print "Extra TPs from old stages:", extratps
                tps += extratps
                )  # sort operates on the first element of each list element, i.e. the RAW value

            if DEBUGMODE:
                print candidate.selectedParticles()

            # Now that we have a report, relate the particles
            for loc, particle in candidate.selectedParticles().iteritems():
                p2tploc = offCands[loc] + '/P2TPRelations'
                relations = TES[p2tploc]
                if not relations:
                    relations = createObject(P2TPRelation)
                    if DEBUGMODE:
                        print "Created new P2TPRelation object, storing it at", p2tploc
                    # Put it in the TES
                    if not TES.registerObject(p2tploc, relations).isSuccess():
                        print "Failed to register relations table in TES at", p2tploc
                        return StatusCode(False)

                rel = relations.relations(particle)
                if rel.empty():
                    relations.relate(particle, report)
                elif not hadreports:
                    print "Found", rel.size(
                    ), "relations already for", particle, "from", loc
                    print "WARNING: already have relations for one of our offline candidates, this should only happen for FSPs"
                    #return StatusCode(False)

                # get the list of final state particles
                fsps = []
                from Swimming.SwimmingTisTos import appendToFSP
                appendToFSP(0, particle, fsps)

                for fsp in fsps:
                    #rel = relations.relations(fsp['child'])
                    # a track can be related to more than one report if more than one candidate is swum
                    # this should do nothing if we've already related, which will happen for each swimming
                    # stage after the first (i.e. stripping, or 2nd trigger swimming)
                    relations.relate(fsp['child'], report)
                    #    print "WARNING: Attempted to relate the same FSP to the same report more than once..."
                    #    return StatusCode(False)

            # I guess this still makes sense, sort of. To use the information
            # you would have to try and relate a track with all of the different
            # P2TPRelations, and deal with the fact you may find it was part of
            # more than one B/D candidate which was swum.
            #from Swimming.SwimmingTisTos import appendToFSP
            #rel = relations.relations(mycand)
            #particles = [{"child" : mycand, "parent" : 0}]
            #appendToFSP(0, mycand, particles)
            #for particle in particles:
            #    if rel.empty():
            #        relations.relate(particle["child"], report)
            #    elif rel(0).to().key() != report.key():
            #        print "There is a relation, but it points to another swimming report, this is very bad!!"
            #        return StatusCode(False)
            # END TODO

            # symbols for std::map; create them here the first time we pass by. They
            # used to be in Swimming.decorators, but something goes pear-shaped with
            # the dictionary loading in that case...
            if 'std_map_sb' not in locals():
                from GaudiPython import gbl
                std_map_sinfo = gbl.std.map('string',
                                            'map<unsigned long,bool>')
                std_map_ulb = gbl.std.map('unsigned long', 'bool')
                pair_ulb = gbl.std.pair('const unsigned long', 'bool')
                std_map_ulb.__pair = pair_ulb
                std_map_sb = gbl.std.map('std::string', 'bool')
                pair_sb = gbl.std.pair('const std::string', 'bool')
                std_map_sb.__pair = pair_sb
                #std_map_sd = gbl.std.map('std::string', 'double')
                #pair_sd = gbl.std.pair('std::string', 'double') # Not const according to comment in v2r4b python/Swimming/decorators.py
                #std_map_sd.__pair = pair_sd

                pair_sd = gbl.std.pair('std::string', 'double')
                std_vec_sd = gbl.std.vector('std::pair<std::string,double>')

                def set_map(self, k, v):
                    p = self.__pair(k, v)
                    it = self.find(k)
                    if it != self.end():

                std_map_ulb.__setitem__ = set_map
                std_map_sb.__setitem__ = set_map
                #std_map_sd.__setitem__ = set_map

                createTurningPoint = gbl.SwimmingHacks.createTurningPoint

            # Create the TurningPoint objects and put them in the report
            for turn in tps:
                d = std_map_sb()
                for decision, value in turn[2][1].iteritems():
                    d[decision] = value
                m = std_map_sinfo()
                for decision, info in turn[2][2].iteritems():
                    i = std_map_ulb()
                    for k, v in info.iteritems():
                        i[k] = v
                    m[decision] = i
                tau = turn[1].pop('tau')
                mip = turn[1].pop(
                    'mip')  # TODO make sure this is actually consistet
                # and we call ipchi2 ipchi2...
                e = std_vec_sd()
                for info, value in turn[1].iteritems():
                    e.push_back(pair_sd(info, float(value)))
                #tp = LHCb.TurningPoint(turn[0], tau, mip, turn[2][0], d, m, e)
                tp = createTurningPoint(turn[0], tau, mip, turn[2][0], d, m, e)
                report.addTurningPoint(stage, tp)

        # Write the Output
        if not swimStripping and Swimming().getProp('WriteFSR'):

    # re-enable the output algorithms to allow correct finalisation
    gaudi.algorithm(writerName).Enable = True
    if not swimStripping and Swimming().getProp('WriteFSR'):
        gaudi.algorithm('FSRInputCopyStreamWriter').Enable = True

    # Print the number of events processed
    print Swimming().getProp('EventPrint') % eventNumber
    return StatusCode(True)