Ejemplo n.º 1
    def ConcentrationsCalculator(self, Ce_MP = None, CeH2_MP = None, Ce_OB = None, CeH2_OB = None, DeltaOX = None):
        gibbsValues = GibbsEnergyClass.gibbs(self.Temperature)
        DeltaGFe_Fe2_MP = gibbsValues.getDeltaGFe_Fe2()
        DeltaGFe2p_Fe3O4_MP = gibbsValues.getDeltaGFe2p_Fe304()
        DeltaGFe2p_Fe3O4_OB = gibbsValues.getDeltaGFe2p_Fe304()
        DeltaGH2_Hp_MP = gibbsValues.getDeltaGfH2_Hp()
        DeltaGH2_Hp_OB = gibbsValues.getDeltaGfH2_Hp()
        kHenry = gibbsValues.getH2HenryConstant()
#         PHvalue = PHCalculator.equilibriumConstants(self.Temperature, self.ConcC4H9ONTotal)
#         pH = PHvalue.PHCalculation() 
        pH = 6.88 # for now not using the PHCalculator function
        CeHp = math.pow (10, -pH)
        #pH = 9.58
        value = Constants.Const()
        n = value.n()
        F = value.F()                 
        R = value.R()                  
        h = value.h()           
        kboltzman = value.kboltzman()   
        Beta = value.Beta()           
        PhiOX =  value.PhiOX()
        ChiOX =  value.ChiOX()
        RhoOX =  value.RhoOX()
        DFe =  value.DFe()
        kd_OB =  value.kd()
        hH2 =  value.km()  # for now equals to km 
        Temperature = value.Temperature()
        ConcC4H9ONTotal = value.ConcC4H9ONTotal() 
        FeMolarMass = value.FeMolarMass() 
        H2MolarMass = value.H2MolarMass() 
        RhoH2O = value.RhoH2O()
        CH2coolant = value.CH2coolant()          
        TKelvin = self.Temperature + 273.15;
        if Ce_MP == None:
                Ce_MP = self.Ce_MP
        if CeH2_MP == None:
                CeH2_MP = self.CeH2_MP
        if Ce_OB == None:
                Ce_OB = self.Ce_OB   
        if CeH2_OB == None:
                CeH2_OB = self.CeH2_OB
        if DeltaOX == None:
                DeltaOX = self.DeltaOX           
        # At the oxide-Bulk interface O_B
        # Corrosion reaction at the M_P interface; All the reaction are considered in the following direction:  O + ne- -> R
        #  2H+ +2e- + Fe(OH)2 =  Fe + 2H2O 
        # Fe concentration should be converted to mol/L from g/cm^3 in potential equations g/cm^3 * 1000 / Molar mass Fe = mol/L
        EeFe_Fe2p_MP = -1 * DeltaGFe_Fe2_MP* 1000 / (n * F) - math.log(10) * 2 * R * TKelvin / (n * F) * pH + R * TKelvin / (n * F) * math.log(Ce_MP * 1000 / FeMolarMass) # Equilibrium potential for the oxidation reaction at M_P interface
        #in i0 equationsthe unit of concentration should be mol/cm^3 according to Dr. Cookthesis and Olga program ( the power 2/3 is not clear and the units does not match the A/cm^2 )  but according to Lisa Lang program Concentration in mol/lit should be multiplied by diameter of pipe/4 (cm). This would make sense in terms of units. I tried all the variations and they make insignificant changes in the results
        i0Fe_Fe2p_MP = F * kboltzman * TKelvin / h * (math.exp(-1 * self.ActivationEFe_Fe2_MP  / (R * TKelvin)) * math.pow(Ce_MP  / FeMolarMass,0.67) * math.exp(-1 * Beta * n * F * EeFe_Fe2p_MP / (R * TKelvin)));
        #Precipitation of magnetite at M_P interface   Fe3O4 + 2H2O + 2H+ + 2e- = 3Fe(OH)2 
        EeFe2p_Fe3O4_MP = -1 * DeltaGFe2p_Fe3O4_MP * 1000 / (n * F ) - math.log(10) * 2 * R * TKelvin / (n * F) * pH - 3 * R * TKelvin / (n * F) * math.log(Ce_MP * 1000 / FeMolarMass);
        #Hydrogen production 2H+ + 2e- = H2 at M_P; 
        EeH2_Hp_MP = -1 * DeltaGH2_Hp_MP * 1000 / (n * F ) - math.log(10) * 2 * R * TKelvin / (n * F) * pH - R * TKelvin / (n * F) * math.log((CeH2_MP * 1000  / H2MolarMass) / kHenry) # At M_P interface, CH2_MP converted to mol/l, g/cm^3 * 1000/Molar mass H2 and then to atm: mol/l/KHenry(mol/l.atm) => atm
        i0H2_Hp_MP = F * kboltzman * TKelvin / h * (math.exp(-1 * self.ActivationEH2_Hp_MP / (R * TKelvin)) *  math.pow(CeHp/1000, 0.67) * math.exp(-1 * Beta * n * F * EeH2_Hp_MP / (R * TKelvin)))
        # Mixed Potential at the M_P interface
        Ecorr = R * TKelvin /( n * F) * math.log((i0H2_Hp_MP * math.exp(Beta * n * F * EeH2_Hp_MP / (R * TKelvin)) + i0Fe_Fe2p_MP * math.exp(Beta * n * F * EeFe_Fe2p_MP / (R * TKelvin)))/(i0H2_Hp_MP * math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F * EeH2_Hp_MP / (R * TKelvin)) + i0Fe_Fe2p_MP * math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F * EeFe_Fe2p_MP / (R * TKelvin))));
        # Current calculations at M_P interface
        iFe_Fe2p_MP = i0Fe_Fe2p_MP * (math.exp(Beta * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (Ecorr - EeFe_Fe2p_MP)) - math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (Ecorr - EeFe_Fe2p_MP)));
        iH2_Hp_MP = i0H2_Hp_MP * (math.exp(Beta * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (EeH2_Hp_MP - Ecorr)) - math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (EeH2_Hp_MP - Ecorr)));
        Corrosionrate = iFe_Fe2p_MP * FeMolarMass/ (n * F)
        #Adjusting Ce_MP for the Ecorr (in mol/l should be calculated back to g/cm^3)
        Ce_MPNew = (math.exp((Ecorr + DeltaGFe_Fe2_MP * 1000 / (n * F ) + math.log(10) * 2 * R * TKelvin / (n * F) * pH) * (n * F) / (R * TKelvin)))* FeMolarMass / 1000
        #Solubility at M-P: CMPsat assuming that the solubility at the M_P interface is summation of what is diffused at this interface and the equilibrium concentration considering the developed Ecorr
        CMP_Diffused = ((0.476 * (1.101 + PhiOX) * ChiOX * DeltaOX) * Corrosionrate / (PhiOX * DFe * RhoOX * (1 - PhiOX))) * FeMolarMass / 1000
        CSat_MPNew = CMP_Diffused +  Ce_MPNew
        #Dissolution of magnetite at O_B interface Fe3O4 + 2H2O + 2H+ + 2e- = 3 Fe(OH)2 
        EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB = -1 * DeltaGFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * 1000/ (n * F) - math.log(10) * 2 * R * TKelvin / (n * F) * pH - 3 * R * TKelvin / (n * F) * math.log(Ce_OB * 1000 / FeMolarMass); # Equilibrium potential for dissolution reaction at O_B interface
        i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OB = F * kboltzman * TKelvin / h * (math.exp(-1 * self.ActivationEFe2p_Fe3O4_OB  / (R * TKelvin )) * math.exp(-1 * Beta * n * F * EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB / (R * TKelvin)));
        #Hydrogen consumption at O_B interface 2H+ + 2e- =  H2 
        #Standard DeltaGH2_Hp is zero at any temperature
        EeH2_Hp_OB = -1 * DeltaGH2_Hp_OB * 1000 / (n * F ) - math.log(10) * 2 * R * TKelvin / (n * F) * pH - R * TKelvin / (n * F) * math.log((CeH2_OB * 1000 / H2MolarMass) / kHenry); # At O_B interface
        i0H2_Hp_OB = F * kboltzman * TKelvin / h * math.exp(-1 * self.ActivationEH2_Hp_OB / (R * TKelvin)) * math.pow(CeHp/1000 , .67) * math.exp(-1 * Beta * n * F * EeH2_Hp_OB/(R * TKelvin));
        # Mixed Potential at the O_B interface
        Emixed = R * TKelvin / ( n * F) * math.log((i0H2_Hp_OB * math.exp(Beta * n * F * EeH2_Hp_OB / (R * TKelvin)) + i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OB * math.exp(Beta * n * F * EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB / (R * TKelvin))) / (i0H2_Hp_OB * math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F * EeH2_Hp_OB / (R * TKelvin)) + i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OB * math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F * EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB / (R * TKelvin))));
        # Current calculations at O_B interface
        iFe3O4_Fe2p_OB = i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OB * (math.exp(Beta * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB - Emixed)) - math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB - Emixed)));
        iH2_Hp_OB = i0H2_Hp_OB * (math.exp(Beta * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (Emixed - EeH2_Hp_OB)) - math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (Emixed - EeH2_Hp_OB)));
        #Adjusting the concentration of iron species at O_B interface (in mol/l should be calculated back to g/cm^3)
        Ce_OBNew = ( math.exp((Emixed + DeltaGFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * 1000/ (n * F) + 2 * R * TKelvin * math.log(10) * pH / (n * F)) * (-1) * n * F / (3 * R * TKelvin)))* FeMolarMass / 1000
        CSat_OBNew = Ce_OBNew + CMP_Diffused
        #Adjusting the dissolution rate constant of magnetite
        ked_OB = kd_OB * math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F * (Emixed - EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB) / (R * TKelvin))
        #H2 concentration
        CH2generated = 0.005659 * Corrosionrate * (7.32 - PhiOX )
        #Diffusivity of H2
        DH2 = 0.0000222 * TKelvin * math.exp(-12400 / (R * TKelvin))
        # H2 concentration at M_P interface assuming high mass transfer to the bulk
        CH2coolant = CH2coolant * 1e-6 * H2MolarMass * 101325 * RhoH2O / (8.314 * 298.15 * 1000)  # cm^3/kg water *1e-6 * H2MolarMass *P/(RT) * rowater/1000 = g H2/cm^3 H2O
        CeH2_MPNew = CH2coolant + (0.005659 * Corrosionrate * (7.32 - PhiOX) * (hH2 * DeltaOX * ChiOX / (RhoOX * (1 - PhiOX)) + (DH2 * PhiOX))) / (DH2 * hH2 * PhiOX)
        # H2 concentration at O_B interface
        CeH2_OBNew = CH2coolant + (0.005659 * Corrosionrate * (7.32 - PhiOX ) / hH2)
        return CSat_MPNew, CSat_OBNew, CeH2_MPNew, CeH2_OBNew, Ce_OBNew , Ce_MPNew, ked_OB, Emixed, Ecorr
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def ConcentrationsCalculator(self,
        gibbsValues = GibbsEnergyClass.gibbs(self.Temperature)
        DeltaGFe_Fe2_MP = gibbsValues.getDeltaGFe_Fe2()
        DeltaGFe2p_Fe3O4_OP = 80.0  #gibbsValues.getDeltaGFe2p_Fe304() *.33 #( for one mole of Fe(OH)3 instead of 3)
        DeltaGFe2p_Fe3O4_OB = 80.0  #gibbsValues.getDeltaGFe2p_Fe304()* .33
        DeltaGH2_Hp_OP = gibbsValues.getDeltaGfH2_Hp()
        DeltaGH2_Hp_OB = gibbsValues.getDeltaGfH2_Hp()
        DeltaGH2_Hp_MP = gibbsValues.getDeltaGfH2_Hp()
        kHenry = gibbsValues.getH2HenryConstant()

        value = Constants.Const()
        n = value.n()
        F = value.F()
        R = value.R()
        h = value.h()
        kboltzman = value.kboltzman()
        Beta = value.Beta()
        PhiOX = value.PhiOX()
        ChiOX = value.ChiOX()
        RhoOX = value.RhoOX()
        DFe = value.DFe()
        PhiP = value.PhiP()
        ChiP = value.ChiP()
        RhoP = value.RhoP()
        DeltaP = value.DeltaP()
        DP = value.DP()
        kd_OB = value.kd()
        kd_OP = value.kd()
        hH2 = 0.3  #value.km()  # for now equals to km
        Temperature = value.Temperature()
        ConcC4H9ONTotal = value.ConcC4H9ONTotal()
        FeMolarMass = value.FeMolarMass()
        H2MolarMass = value.H2MolarMass()
        RhoH2O = value.RhoH2O()
        CH2coolant = value.CH2coolant()
        TKelvin = self.Temperature + 273.15

        if Ce_MP == None:
            Ce_MP = self.Ce_MP
        if Ce_OP == None:
            Ce_OP = self.Ce_OP
#         if CeH2_MP == None:
#                 CeH2_MP = self.CeH2_MP
        if Ce_OB == None:
            Ce_OB = self.Ce_OB
#         if CeH2_OB == None:
#                 CeH2_OB = self.CeH2_OB
        if DeltaOX == None:
            DeltaOX = self.DeltaOX
        if DMOX == None:
            DMOX = self.DMOX
#         if CSat_MP == None:
#                 CSat_MP = self.CSat_MP
#         if CSat_OB == None:
#                 CSat_OB = self.CSat_OB
        if pH == None:
            pH = self.pH
        CeHp = math.pow(10, -pH)
        #Diffusivity of H2
        DH2 = 0.0000222 * TKelvin * math.exp(-12400 / (R * TKelvin))

        Corrosionrate = DMOX
        AP = (RhoP * (1 - PhiP) * DH2 * PhiP) / (DeltaP * ChiP)
        AOX = (RhoOX * (1 - PhiOX) * DH2 * PhiOX) / (DeltaOX * ChiOX)

        # H2 concentration at M_P interface assuming high mass transfer to the bulk
        CH2coolant = CH2coolant * 1e-6 * H2MolarMass * 101325 * RhoH2O / (
            8.314 * 298.15 * 1000
        )  # cm^3/kg water *1e-6 * H2MolarMass *P/(RT) * rowater/1000 = g H2/cm^3 H2O

        CeH2_MP = CH2coolant + (
            0.005659 * Corrosionrate * (7.32 - PhiOX) *
            (1 / AOX + 1 / hH2)) + 3.58e-2 * Corrosionrate / AP
        CeH2_OP = CH2coolant + (0.005659 * Corrosionrate * (7.32 - PhiOX) *
                                (1 / AOX + 1 / hH2))

        # H2 concentration at O_B interface
        CeH2_OB = CH2coolant + (0.005659 * Corrosionrate *
                                (7.32 - PhiOX) / hH2)

        #Dissolution of magnetite at O_B interface Fe3O4 + 2H2O + 2H+ + 2e- = 3 Fe(OH)2
        nFe2p_Fe3O4_OB = 2.0
        EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB = -1 * DeltaGFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * 1000 / (
            nFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * F
        ) - math.log(10) * 2 * R * TKelvin / (
            nFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * F
        ) * pH - 3 * R * TKelvin / (nFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * F) * math.log(
            Ce_OB * 1000 / 90.0
        )  # Equilibrium potential for dissolution reaction at O_B interface
        i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OB = F * kboltzman * TKelvin / h * (
            math.exp(-1 * self.ActivationEFe2p_Fe3O4_OB /
                     (R * TKelvin)) * math.pow(Ce_OB * 1000 / 90.0, 1.0) *
            math.exp(-1 * Beta * nFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * F * EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB /
                     (R * TKelvin)))

        #Hydrogen consumption at O_B interface 2H+ + 2e- =  H2

        nH2_Hp_OB = 2.0
        EeH2_Hp_OB = -1 * DeltaGH2_Hp_OB * 1000 / (
            nH2_Hp_OB * F) - math.log(10) * 2 * R * TKelvin * pH / (
                nH2_Hp_OB * F) - R * TKelvin / (nH2_Hp_OB * F) * math.log(
                    (CeH2_OB * 1000 / 2.0))  # At O_B interface

        i0H2_Hp_OB = F * kboltzman * TKelvin / h * math.exp(
            -1 * self.ActivationEH2_Hp_OB / (R * TKelvin)) * math.pow(
                CeH2_OB * 1000 / H2MolarMass, 1.0) * math.exp(
                    -1 * Beta * nH2_Hp_OB * F * EeH2_Hp_OB / (R * TKelvin))

        # Mixed Potential at the O_B interface
        i0_H1 = i0H2_Hp_OB * math.exp(Beta * nH2_Hp_OB * F * EeH2_Hp_OB /
                                      (R * TKelvin))
        i0_H2 = i0H2_Hp_OB * math.exp(-1 *
                                      (1 - Beta) * nH2_Hp_OB * F * EeH2_Hp_OB /
                                      (R * TKelvin))
        i0_Fe1 = i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OB * math.exp(
            Beta * nFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * F * EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB / (R * TKelvin))
        i0_Fe2 = i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OB * math.exp(
            -1 * (1 - Beta) * nFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * F * EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB /
            (R * TKelvin))

        #just for Beta = 0.5
        Emixed = R * TKelvin / (nFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * F * Beta * 2) * math.log(
            (i0_H1 + i0_Fe1) / (i0_H2 + i0_Fe2))
        #         print EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB,i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OB,EeH2_Hp_OB,i0H2_Hp_OB, Emixed,Corrosionrate
        #Adjusting the concentration of iron species at O_B interface (in mol/l should be calculated back to g/cm^3)
        CSat_OBNew = (math.exp(
            (Emixed + DeltaGFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * 1000 /
             (nFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * F) + 2 * R * TKelvin * math.log(10) * pH /
             (nFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * F)) * (-1) * nFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * F /
            (3 * R * TKelvin))) * 90 / 1000
        #         print CSat_OBNew
        #Adjusting the dissolution rate constant of magnetite
        ked_OB = kd_OB * math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * nFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * F *
                                  (Emixed - EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB) / (R * TKelvin))

        #         # Fe concentration at M_P interface
        #         CMP_Diffused = ((0.476 * (1.101 + PhiOX) * ChiOX * DeltaOX) * Corrosionrate / (PhiOX * DFe * RhoOX * (1 - PhiOX))) * FeMolarMass / 1000
        #         Ce_MP = CSat_MP - CMP_Diffused

        # At O_P interface
        #Precipitation of magnetite at O_P interface   Fe3O4 + 2H2O + 2H+ + 2e- = 3Fe(OH)2
        # R * 6 is due to the fact that the n=1/3 in these equation instead of 2
        nFe2p_Fe3O4_OP = .33  #1/3
        EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OP = -1 * DeltaGFe2p_Fe3O4_OP * 1000 / (2 * F) - math.log(
            10) * R * TKelvin / (F) * pH - 3 * R * TKelvin / (
                2 * F) * math.log(Ce_OP * 1000 / FeMolarMass)
        i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OP = F * kboltzman * TKelvin / h * (
            math.exp(-1 * self.ActivationEFe2p_Fe3O4_OP /
                     (R * TKelvin)) * math.pow(Ce_OP * 1000 / 90.0, 1.0) *
            math.exp(-1 * Beta * nFe2p_Fe3O4_OP * F * EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OP /
                     (R * TKelvin)))

        #Hydrogen production 2H+ + 2e- = H2 at O_P;
        nH2_Hp_OP = .33  #1/3
        EeH2_Hp_OP = -1 * DeltaGH2_Hp_OP * 1000 / (2 * F) - math.log(
            10) * R * TKelvin * pH / (F) - R * TKelvin / (2 * F) * math.log(
                (CeH2_OP * 1000 / 2.0))

        i0H2_Hp_OP = F * kboltzman * TKelvin / h * (
            math.exp(-1 * self.ActivationEH2_Hp_OP / (R * TKelvin)) *
            math.pow(CeH2_OP * 1000 / H2MolarMass, 1.0) *
            math.exp(-1 * Beta * nH2_Hp_OP * F * EeH2_Hp_OP / (R * TKelvin)))

        # Mixed Potential at the O_P interface
        i0_H1OP = i0H2_Hp_OP * math.exp(Beta * nH2_Hp_OP * F * EeH2_Hp_OP /
                                        (R * TKelvin))
        i0_H2OP = i0H2_Hp_OP * math.exp(
            -1 * (1 - Beta) * nH2_Hp_OP * F * EeH2_Hp_OP / (R * TKelvin))
        i0_Fe1OP = i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OP * math.exp(
            Beta * nFe2p_Fe3O4_OP * F * EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OP / (R * TKelvin))
        i0_Fe2OP = i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OP * math.exp(
            -1 * (1 - Beta) * nFe2p_Fe3O4_OP * F * EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OP /
            (R * TKelvin))
        #just for Beta = 0.5
        EmixedOP = R * TKelvin / (nFe2p_Fe3O4_OP * F * Beta * 2) * math.log(
            (i0_H1OP + i0_Fe1OP) / (i0_H2OP + i0_Fe2OP))
        #Adjusting the dissolution rate constant of magnetite
        ked_OP = kd_OP * math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * nFe2p_Fe3O4_OP * F *
                                  (EmixedOP - EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OP) / (R * TKelvin))
        #Adjusting the concentration of iron species at O_P interface (in mol/l should be calculated back to g/cm^3)
        CSat_OPNew = (math.exp(
            (EmixedOP + DeltaGFe2p_Fe3O4_OP * 1000 /
             (2 * F) + R * TKelvin * math.log(10) * pH / (F)) * (-1) * 2 * F /
            (3 * R * TKelvin))) * 90 / 1000
        Ce_OPNew = CSat_OPNew + (0.476 * (1 - PhiOX) * Corrosionrate /
                                 ked_OP) * 90 / 1000
        Ce_MPNew = (Corrosionrate * (value.ChiP() * value.DeltaP()) /
                    (value.PhiP() * value.DP() * value.RhoP() *
                     (1 - value.PhiP())) + Ce_OPNew * 1000 / 90) * 56 / 1000
        #         print EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OP,i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OP,EeH2_Hp_OP,i0H2_Hp_OP, EmixedOP,Ce_MPNew,Ce_OP
        #         # At M-P interface
        #         EeFe_Fe2p_MP = -1 * DeltaGFe_Fe2_MP * 1000 / (n * F) - math.log(10) * 2 * R * TKelvin * pH / (n * F)  + R * TKelvin / (n * F) * math.log(Ce_MP * 1000 / FeMolarMass) # Equilibrium potential for the oxidation reaction at M_P interface, concentration unit changed from g/cm^3 to mol/L
        #         #in i0 equationsthe unit of concentration should be mol/cm^3 according to Dr. Cook thesis and Olga program ( the power 2/3 is not clear and the units does not match the A/cm^2 )  but according to Lisa Lang program Concentration in mol/lit should be multiplied by diameter of pipe/4 (cm). This would make sense in terms of units. I tried all the variations and they make insignificant changes in the results
        #         i0Fe_Fe2p_MP = (F * kboltzman * TKelvin / h) * (math.exp(-1 * self.ActivationEFe_Fe2_MP  / (R * TKelvin)) * math.pow(Ce_MP * 1000  / FeMolarMass,1.0) * math.exp(-1 * Beta * n * F * EeFe_Fe2p_MP / (R * TKelvin)));

        #Precipitation of magnetite at M_P interface   Fe3O4 + 2H2O + 2H+ + 2e- = 3Fe(OH)2

        #       EeFe2p_Fe3O4_MP = -1 * DeltaGFe2p_Fe3O4_MP * 1000 / (n * F ) - math.log(10) * 2 * R * TKelvin / (n * F) * pH - 3 * R * TKelvin / (n * F) * math.log(Ce_MP * 1000 / FeMolarMass);
        nFe_Fe2p_MP = 2
        EeFe_Fe2p_MP = -1 * DeltaGFe_Fe2_MP * 1000 / (
            nFe_Fe2p_MP * F
        ) - math.log(10) * 2 * R * TKelvin / (
            nFe_Fe2p_MP * F
        ) * pH + R * TKelvin / (nFe_Fe2p_MP * F) * math.log(
            Ce_MPNew * 1000 / FeMolarMass
        )  # Equilibrium potential for the oxidation reaction at M_P interface
        #in i0 equationsthe unit of concentration should be mol/cm^3 according to Dr. Cookthesis and Olga program ( the power 2/3 is not clear and the units does not match the A/cm^2 )  but according to Lisa Lang program Concentration in mol/lit should be multiplied by diameter of pipe/4 (cm). This would make sense in terms of units. I tried all the variations and they make insignificant changes in the results
        i0Fe_Fe2p_MP = F * kboltzman * TKelvin / h * (
            math.exp(-1 * self.ActivationEFe_Fe2_MP / (R * TKelvin)) *
            math.pow(Ce_MPNew * 1000 / FeMolarMass, 1.0) *
            math.exp(-1 * Beta * nFe_Fe2p_MP * F * EeFe_Fe2p_MP /
                     (R * TKelvin)))

        #Hydrogen production 2H+ + 2e- = H2 at M_P;
        nH2_Hp_MP = 2
        EeH2_Hp_MP = -1 * DeltaGH2_Hp_MP * 1000 / (
            nH2_Hp_MP * F
        ) - math.log(10) * 2 * R * TKelvin * pH / (
            nH2_Hp_MP * F
        ) - R * TKelvin / (nH2_Hp_MP * F) * math.log(
            (CeH2_MP * 1000 / 2.0)
        )  # At M_P interface, CH2_MP converted to mol/l, g/cm^3 * 1000/Molar mass H2 and then to atm: mol/l/KHenry(mol/l.atm) => atm

        i0H2_Hp_MP = F * kboltzman * TKelvin / h * (
            math.exp(-1 * self.ActivationEH2_Hp_MP / (R * TKelvin)) *
            math.pow(CeH2_MP * 1000 / H2MolarMass, 1.0) *
            math.exp(-1 * Beta * nH2_Hp_MP * F * EeH2_Hp_MP / (R * TKelvin)))

        # having the corrosion rate, the Ecorr can be calculated by solving the following equation:
        # Corrosionrate = iFe_Fe2p_MP * FeMolarMass/ (n * F)
        # iFe_Fe2p_MP = i0Fe_Fe2p_MP * (math.exp(Beta * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (Ecorr - EeFe_Fe2p_MP)) - math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (Ecorr - EeFe_Fe2p_MP)))
        # i0Fe_Fe2p_MP * (math.exp(Beta * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (Ecorr - EeFe_Fe2p_MP)) - math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (Ecorr - EeFe_Fe2p_MP)))* FeMolarMass/ (n * F) - Corrosionrate =0.0
        A1 = Corrosionrate * (n * F) / (FeMolarMass * i0Fe_Fe2p_MP)
        C1 = Beta * n * F / (R * TKelvin)
        C2 = math.exp(C1 * (EeFe_Fe2p_MP))
        X1 = (A1 + math.pow(math.pow(A1, 2) + 4, 0.5)) / 2
        X2 = (A1 - math.pow(math.pow(A1, 2) + 4, 0.5)) / 2

        #         C1 = Beta * n * F / (R * TKelvin)
        #         C2 = (1-Beta) * n * F / (R * TKelvin)
        #         C3 = math.exp(C1 * (EeFe_Fe2p_MP))
        #         C4 = math.exp(C2 * (EeFe_Fe2p_MP))
        #         print C1+C2, A1*C3, C2, C3*C4

        if X2 > 0:
            Ecorr = math.log(X2) / C1 + EeFe_Fe2p_MP
        elif X1 > 0:
            Ecorr = math.log(X1) / C1 + EeFe_Fe2p_MP
        if (X1 > 0 and X2 > 0):
            Ecorr = math.log(X1) / C1 + EeFe_Fe2p_MP

#         print A1,C1, C2, X1, X2, Ecorr, Emixed,
#         print EeFe_Fe2p_MP,i0Fe_Fe2p_MP,EeH2_Hp_MP,i0H2_Hp_MP,Ecorr

# Current calculations at M_P interface
# iH2_Hp_MP = i0H2_Hp_MP * (math.exp(Beta * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (EeH2_Hp_MP - Ecorr)) - math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (EeH2_Hp_MP - Ecorr)))

#Adjusting Ce_MP for the Ecorr (in mol/l should be calculated back to g/cm^3)
        CSat_MPNew = (math.exp(
            (Ecorr - EeFe_Fe2p_MP + DeltaGFe_Fe2_MP * 1000 /
             (n * F) + math.log(10) * 2 * R * TKelvin * pH / (n * F)) *
            (1) * n * F / (R * TKelvin))) * FeMolarMass / 1000

        #         CSat_MPNew = Ce_MPNew + CMP_Diffused
        #Solubility at M-P: CMPsat assuming that the solubility at the M_P interface is summation of what is diffused at this interface and the equilibrium concentration considering the developed Ecorr

        # Current calculations at O_B interface
        # iFe3O4_Fe2p_OB = i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OB * (math.exp(Beta * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB - Emixed)) - math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB - Emixed)));
        # iH2_Hp_OB = i0H2_Hp_OB * (math.exp(Beta * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (Emixed - EeH2_Hp_OB)) - math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (Emixed - EeH2_Hp_OB)));

        return CSat_MPNew, CSat_OPNew, CSat_OBNew, ked_OB, ked_OP, Emixed, EmixedOP, Ecorr, CeH2_MP, CeH2_OP, CeH2_OB, Corrosionrate, Ce_MPNew, Ce_OPNew
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def ConcentrationsCalculator(self,
        gibbsValues = GibbsEnergyClass.gibbs(self.Temperature)
        DeltaGFe_Fe2_MP = gibbsValues.getDeltaGFe_Fe2()
        DeltaGFe2p_Fe3O4_MP = gibbsValues.getDeltaGFe2p_Fe304()
        DeltaGFe2p_Fe3O4_OB = gibbsValues.getDeltaGFe2p_Fe304()
        DeltaGH2_Hp_MP = gibbsValues.getDeltaGfH2_Hp()
        DeltaGH2_Hp_OB = gibbsValues.getDeltaGfH2_Hp()
        kHenry = gibbsValues.getH2HenryConstant()
        #         PHvalue = PHCalculator.equilibriumConstants(self.Temperature, self.ConcC4H9ONTotal)
        #         pH = PHvalue.PHCalculation()
        pH = 6.88  # for now not using the PHCalculator function
        CeHp = math.pow(10, -pH)

        #pH = 9.58
        value = Constants.Const()
        n = value.n()
        F = value.F()
        R = value.R()
        h = value.h()
        kboltzman = value.kboltzman()
        Beta = value.Beta()
        PhiOX = value.PhiOX()
        ChiOX = value.ChiOX()
        RhoOX = value.RhoOX()
        DFe = value.DFe()
        kd_OB = value.kd()
        hH2 = value.km()  # for now equals to km
        Temperature = value.Temperature()
        ConcC4H9ONTotal = value.ConcC4H9ONTotal()
        FeMolarMass = value.FeMolarMass()
        H2MolarMass = value.H2MolarMass()
        RhoH2O = value.RhoH2O()
        CH2coolant = value.CH2coolant()
        TKelvin = self.Temperature + 273.15

        if Ce_MP == None:
            Ce_MP = self.Ce_MP
        if CeH2_MP == None:
            CeH2_MP = self.CeH2_MP
        if Ce_OB == None:
            Ce_OB = self.Ce_OB
        if CeH2_OB == None:
            CeH2_OB = self.CeH2_OB
        if DeltaOX == None:
            DeltaOX = self.DeltaOX

        # At the oxide-Bulk interface O_B
        # Corrosion reaction at the M_P interface; All the reaction are considered in the following direction:  O + ne- -> R
        #  2H+ +2e- + Fe(OH)2 =  Fe + 2H2O
        # Fe concentration should be converted to mol/L from g/cm^3 in potential equations g/cm^3 * 1000 / Molar mass Fe = mol/L
        EeFe_Fe2p_MP = -1 * DeltaGFe_Fe2_MP * 1000 / (n * F) - math.log(
        ) * 2 * R * TKelvin / (n * F) * pH + R * TKelvin / (n * F) * math.log(
            Ce_MP * 1000 / FeMolarMass
        )  # Equilibrium potential for the oxidation reaction at M_P interface
        #in i0 equationsthe unit of concentration should be mol/cm^3 according to Dr. Cookthesis and Olga program ( the power 2/3 is not clear and the units does not match the A/cm^2 )  but according to Lisa Lang program Concentration in mol/lit should be multiplied by diameter of pipe/4 (cm). This would make sense in terms of units. I tried all the variations and they make insignificant changes in the results
        i0Fe_Fe2p_MP = F * kboltzman * TKelvin / h * (
            math.exp(-1 * self.ActivationEFe_Fe2_MP /
                     (R * TKelvin)) * math.pow(Ce_MP / FeMolarMass, 0.67) *
            math.exp(-1 * Beta * n * F * EeFe_Fe2p_MP / (R * TKelvin)))

        #Precipitation of magnetite at M_P interface   Fe3O4 + 2H2O + 2H+ + 2e- = 3Fe(OH)2

        EeFe2p_Fe3O4_MP = -1 * DeltaGFe2p_Fe3O4_MP * 1000 / (n * F) - math.log(
            10) * 2 * R * TKelvin / (n * F) * pH - 3 * R * TKelvin / (
                n * F) * math.log(Ce_MP * 1000 / FeMolarMass)

        #Hydrogen production 2H+ + 2e- = H2 at M_P;

        EeH2_Hp_MP = -1 * DeltaGH2_Hp_MP * 1000 / (n * F) - math.log(
        ) * 2 * R * TKelvin / (n * F) * pH - R * TKelvin / (n * F) * math.log(
            (CeH2_MP * 1000 / H2MolarMass) / kHenry
        )  # At M_P interface, CH2_MP converted to mol/l, g/cm^3 * 1000/Molar mass H2 and then to atm: mol/l/KHenry(mol/l.atm) => atm

        i0H2_Hp_MP = F * kboltzman * TKelvin / h * (
            math.exp(-1 * self.ActivationEH2_Hp_MP /
                     (R * TKelvin)) * math.pow(CeHp / 1000, 0.67) *
            math.exp(-1 * Beta * n * F * EeH2_Hp_MP / (R * TKelvin)))

        # Mixed Potential at the M_P interface
        Ecorr = R * TKelvin / (n * F) * math.log(
            (i0H2_Hp_MP * math.exp(Beta * n * F * EeH2_Hp_MP / (R * TKelvin)) +
             i0Fe_Fe2p_MP * math.exp(Beta * n * F * EeFe_Fe2p_MP /
                                     (R * TKelvin))) /
            (i0H2_Hp_MP * math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F * EeH2_Hp_MP /
                                   (R * TKelvin)) +
             i0Fe_Fe2p_MP * math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F * EeFe_Fe2p_MP /
                                     (R * TKelvin))))

        # Current calculations at M_P interface
        iFe_Fe2p_MP = i0Fe_Fe2p_MP * (math.exp(Beta * n * F / (R * TKelvin) *
                                               (Ecorr - EeFe_Fe2p_MP)) -
                                      math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F /
                                               (R * TKelvin) *
                                               (Ecorr - EeFe_Fe2p_MP)))
        iH2_Hp_MP = i0H2_Hp_MP * (math.exp(Beta * n * F / (R * TKelvin) *
                                           (EeH2_Hp_MP - Ecorr)) -
                                  math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F /
                                           (R * TKelvin) *
                                           (EeH2_Hp_MP - Ecorr)))

        Corrosionrate = iFe_Fe2p_MP * FeMolarMass / (n * F)

        #Adjusting Ce_MP for the Ecorr (in mol/l should be calculated back to g/cm^3)
        Ce_MPNew = (math.exp(
            (Ecorr + DeltaGFe_Fe2_MP * 1000 /
             (n * F) + math.log(10) * 2 * R * TKelvin / (n * F) * pH) *
            (n * F) / (R * TKelvin))) * FeMolarMass / 1000

        #Solubility at M-P: CMPsat assuming that the solubility at the M_P interface is summation of what is diffused at this interface and the equilibrium concentration considering the developed Ecorr

        CMP_Diffused = ((0.476 *
                         (1.101 + PhiOX) * ChiOX * DeltaOX) * Corrosionrate /
                        (PhiOX * DFe * RhoOX *
                         (1 - PhiOX))) * FeMolarMass / 1000

        CSat_MPNew = CMP_Diffused + Ce_MPNew

        #Dissolution of magnetite at O_B interface Fe3O4 + 2H2O + 2H+ + 2e- = 3 Fe(OH)2

        EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB = -1 * DeltaGFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * 1000 / (n * F) - math.log(
            10) * 2 * R * TKelvin / (n * F) * pH - 3 * R * TKelvin / (
                n * F) * math.log(Ce_OB * 1000 / FeMolarMass)
        # Equilibrium potential for dissolution reaction at O_B interface
        i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OB = F * kboltzman * TKelvin / h * (math.exp(
            -1 * self.ActivationEFe2p_Fe3O4_OB /
            (R * TKelvin)) * math.exp(-1 * Beta * n * F * EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB /
                                      (R * TKelvin)))

        #Hydrogen consumption at O_B interface 2H+ + 2e- =  H2
        #Standard DeltaGH2_Hp is zero at any temperature

        EeH2_Hp_OB = -1 * DeltaGH2_Hp_OB * 1000 / (
            n * F) - math.log(10) * 2 * R * TKelvin / (
                n * F) * pH - R * TKelvin / (n * F) * math.log(
                    (CeH2_OB * 1000 / H2MolarMass) / kHenry)
        # At O_B interface

        i0H2_Hp_OB = F * kboltzman * TKelvin / h * math.exp(
            -1 * self.ActivationEH2_Hp_OB / (R * TKelvin)) * math.pow(
                CeHp / 1000, .67) * math.exp(-1 * Beta * n * F * EeH2_Hp_OB /
                                             (R * TKelvin))

        # Mixed Potential at the O_B interface
        Emixed = R * TKelvin / (n * F) * math.log(
            (i0H2_Hp_OB * math.exp(Beta * n * F * EeH2_Hp_OB / (R * TKelvin)) +
             i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OB * math.exp(Beta * n * F * EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB /
                                        (R * TKelvin))) /
            (i0H2_Hp_OB * math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F * EeH2_Hp_OB /
                                   (R * TKelvin)) +
             i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OB * math.exp(-1 *
                                        (1 - Beta) * n * F * EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB /
                                        (R * TKelvin))))

        # Current calculations at O_B interface
        iFe3O4_Fe2p_OB = i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OB * (math.exp(
            Beta * n * F / (R * TKelvin) *
            (EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB - Emixed)) - math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F /
                                                   (R * TKelvin) *
                                                   (EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB - Emixed)))
        iH2_Hp_OB = i0H2_Hp_OB * (math.exp(Beta * n * F / (R * TKelvin) *
                                           (Emixed - EeH2_Hp_OB)) -
                                  math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F /
                                           (R * TKelvin) *
                                           (Emixed - EeH2_Hp_OB)))

        #Adjusting the concentration of iron species at O_B interface (in mol/l should be calculated back to g/cm^3)
        Ce_OBNew = (math.exp(
            (Emixed + DeltaGFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * 1000 /
             (n * F) + 2 * R * TKelvin * math.log(10) * pH / (n * F)) *
            (-1) * n * F / (3 * R * TKelvin))) * FeMolarMass / 1000
        CSat_OBNew = Ce_OBNew + CMP_Diffused

        #Adjusting the dissolution rate constant of magnetite
        ked_OB = kd_OB * math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F *
                                  (Emixed - EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB) / (R * TKelvin))

        #H2 concentration

        CH2generated = 0.005659 * Corrosionrate * (7.32 - PhiOX)

        #Diffusivity of H2
        DH2 = 0.0000222 * TKelvin * math.exp(-12400 / (R * TKelvin))

        # H2 concentration at M_P interface assuming high mass transfer to the bulk
        CH2coolant = CH2coolant * 1e-6 * H2MolarMass * 101325 * RhoH2O / (
            8.314 * 298.15 * 1000
        )  # cm^3/kg water *1e-6 * H2MolarMass *P/(RT) * rowater/1000 = g H2/cm^3 H2O

        CeH2_MPNew = CH2coolant + (0.005659 * Corrosionrate * (7.32 - PhiOX) *
                                   (hH2 * DeltaOX * ChiOX / (RhoOX *
                                                             (1 - PhiOX)) +
                                    (DH2 * PhiOX))) / (DH2 * hH2 * PhiOX)

        # H2 concentration at O_B interface

        CeH2_OBNew = CH2coolant + (0.005659 * Corrosionrate *
                                   (7.32 - PhiOX) / hH2)

        return CSat_MPNew, CSat_OBNew, CeH2_MPNew, CeH2_OBNew, Ce_OBNew, Ce_MPNew, ked_OB, Emixed, Ecorr
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def ConcentrationsCalculator(self, DeltaOX=None, DMOX=None, Ce_MP=None, Ce_OP=None, Ce_OB=None, pH=None):
        gibbsValues = GibbsEnergyClass.gibbs(self.Temperature)
        DeltaGFe_Fe2_MP = gibbsValues.getDeltaGFe_Fe2()
        DeltaGFe2p_Fe3O4_OP = 80.0  # gibbsValues.getDeltaGFe2p_Fe304() *.33 #( for one mole of Fe(OH)3 instead of 3)
        DeltaGFe2p_Fe3O4_OB = 80.0  # gibbsValues.getDeltaGFe2p_Fe304()* .33
        DeltaGH2_Hp_OP = gibbsValues.getDeltaGfH2_Hp()
        DeltaGH2_Hp_OB = gibbsValues.getDeltaGfH2_Hp()
        DeltaGH2_Hp_MP = gibbsValues.getDeltaGfH2_Hp()
        kHenry = gibbsValues.getH2HenryConstant()

        value = Constants.Const()
        n = value.n()
        F = value.F()
        R = value.R()
        h = value.h()
        kboltzman = value.kboltzman()
        Beta = value.Beta()
        PhiOX = value.PhiOX()
        ChiOX = value.ChiOX()
        RhoOX = value.RhoOX()
        DFe = value.DFe()
        PhiP = value.PhiP()
        ChiP = value.ChiP()
        RhoP = value.RhoP()
        DeltaP = value.DeltaP()
        DP = value.DP()
        kd_OB = value.kd()
        kd_OP = value.kd()
        hH2 = 0.3  # value.km()  # for now equals to km
        Temperature = value.Temperature()
        ConcC4H9ONTotal = value.ConcC4H9ONTotal()
        FeMolarMass = value.FeMolarMass()
        H2MolarMass = value.H2MolarMass()
        RhoH2O = value.RhoH2O()
        CH2coolant = value.CH2coolant()
        TKelvin = self.Temperature + 273.15

        if Ce_MP == None:
            Ce_MP = self.Ce_MP
        if Ce_OP == None:
            Ce_OP = self.Ce_OP
        #         if CeH2_MP == None:
        #                 CeH2_MP = self.CeH2_MP
        if Ce_OB == None:
            Ce_OB = self.Ce_OB
        #         if CeH2_OB == None:
        #                 CeH2_OB = self.CeH2_OB
        if DeltaOX == None:
            DeltaOX = self.DeltaOX
        if DMOX == None:
            DMOX = self.DMOX
        #         if CSat_MP == None:
        #                 CSat_MP = self.CSat_MP
        #         if CSat_OB == None:
        #                 CSat_OB = self.CSat_OB
        if pH == None:
            pH = self.pH
        CeHp = math.pow(10, -pH)
        # Diffusivity of H2
        DH2 = 0.0000222 * TKelvin * math.exp(-12400 / (R * TKelvin))

        Corrosionrate = DMOX
        AP = (RhoP * (1 - PhiP) * DH2 * PhiP) / (DeltaP * ChiP)
        AOX = (RhoOX * (1 - PhiOX) * DH2 * PhiOX) / (DeltaOX * ChiOX)

        # H2 concentration at M_P interface assuming high mass transfer to the bulk
        CH2coolant = (
            CH2coolant * 1e-6 * H2MolarMass * 101325 * RhoH2O / (8.314 * 298.15 * 1000)
        )  # cm^3/kg water *1e-6 * H2MolarMass *P/(RT) * rowater/1000 = g H2/cm^3 H2O

        CeH2_MP = (
            + (0.005659 * Corrosionrate * (7.32 - PhiOX) * (1 / AOX + 1 / hH2))
            + 3.58e-2 * Corrosionrate / AP
        CeH2_OP = CH2coolant + (0.005659 * Corrosionrate * (7.32 - PhiOX) * (1 / AOX + 1 / hH2))

        # H2 concentration at O_B interface
        CeH2_OB = CH2coolant + (0.005659 * Corrosionrate * (7.32 - PhiOX) / hH2)

        # Dissolution of magnetite at O_B interface Fe3O4 + 2H2O + 2H+ + 2e- = 3 Fe(OH)2
        nFe2p_Fe3O4_OB = 2.0
        EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB = (
            -1 * DeltaGFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * 1000 / (nFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * F)
            - math.log(10) * 2 * R * TKelvin / (nFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * F) * pH
            - 3 * R * TKelvin / (nFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * F) * math.log(Ce_OB * 1000 / 90.0)
        )  # Equilibrium potential for dissolution reaction at O_B interface
        i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OB = (
            * kboltzman
            * TKelvin
            / h
            * (
                math.exp(-1 * self.ActivationEFe2p_Fe3O4_OB / (R * TKelvin))
                * math.pow(Ce_OB * 1000 / 90.0, 1.0)
                * math.exp(-1 * Beta * nFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * F * EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB / (R * TKelvin))

        # Hydrogen consumption at O_B interface 2H+ + 2e- =  H2

        nH2_Hp_OB = 2.0
        EeH2_Hp_OB = (
            -1 * DeltaGH2_Hp_OB * 1000 / (nH2_Hp_OB * F)
            - math.log(10) * 2 * R * TKelvin * pH / (nH2_Hp_OB * F)
            - R * TKelvin / (nH2_Hp_OB * F) * math.log((CeH2_OB * 1000 / 2.0))
        )  # At O_B interface

        i0H2_Hp_OB = (
            * kboltzman
            * TKelvin
            / h
            * math.exp(-1 * self.ActivationEH2_Hp_OB / (R * TKelvin))
            * math.pow(CeH2_OB * 1000 / H2MolarMass, 1.0)
            * math.exp(-1 * Beta * nH2_Hp_OB * F * EeH2_Hp_OB / (R * TKelvin))

        # Mixed Potential at the O_B interface
        i0_H1 = i0H2_Hp_OB * math.exp(Beta * nH2_Hp_OB * F * EeH2_Hp_OB / (R * TKelvin))
        i0_H2 = i0H2_Hp_OB * math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * nH2_Hp_OB * F * EeH2_Hp_OB / (R * TKelvin))
        i0_Fe1 = i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OB * math.exp(Beta * nFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * F * EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB / (R * TKelvin))
        i0_Fe2 = i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OB * math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * nFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * F * EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB / (R * TKelvin))

        # just for Beta = 0.5
        Emixed = R * TKelvin / (nFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * F * Beta * 2) * math.log((i0_H1 + i0_Fe1) / (i0_H2 + i0_Fe2))
        #         print EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB,i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OB,EeH2_Hp_OB,i0H2_Hp_OB, Emixed,Corrosionrate
        # Adjusting the concentration of iron species at O_B interface (in mol/l should be calculated back to g/cm^3)
        CSat_OBNew = (
                        + DeltaGFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * 1000 / (nFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * F)
                        + 2 * R * TKelvin * math.log(10) * pH / (nFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * F)
                    * (-1)
                    * nFe2p_Fe3O4_OB
                    * F
                    / (3 * R * TKelvin)
            * 90
            / 1000
        #         print CSat_OBNew
        # Adjusting the dissolution rate constant of magnetite
        ked_OB = kd_OB * math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * nFe2p_Fe3O4_OB * F * (Emixed - EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB) / (R * TKelvin))

        #         # Fe concentration at M_P interface
        #         CMP_Diffused = ((0.476 * (1.101 + PhiOX) * ChiOX * DeltaOX) * Corrosionrate / (PhiOX * DFe * RhoOX * (1 - PhiOX))) * FeMolarMass / 1000
        #         Ce_MP = CSat_MP - CMP_Diffused

        # At O_P interface
        # Precipitation of magnetite at O_P interface   Fe3O4 + 2H2O + 2H+ + 2e- = 3Fe(OH)2
        # R * 6 is due to the fact that the n=1/3 in these equation instead of 2
        nFe2p_Fe3O4_OP = 0.33  # 1/3
        EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OP = (
            -1 * DeltaGFe2p_Fe3O4_OP * 1000 / (2 * F)
            - math.log(10) * R * TKelvin / (F) * pH
            - 3 * R * TKelvin / (2 * F) * math.log(Ce_OP * 1000 / FeMolarMass)
        i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OP = (
            * kboltzman
            * TKelvin
            / h
            * (
                math.exp(-1 * self.ActivationEFe2p_Fe3O4_OP / (R * TKelvin))
                * math.pow(Ce_OP * 1000 / 90.0, 1.0)
                * math.exp(-1 * Beta * nFe2p_Fe3O4_OP * F * EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OP / (R * TKelvin))

        # Hydrogen production 2H+ + 2e- = H2 at O_P;
        nH2_Hp_OP = 0.33  # 1/3
        EeH2_Hp_OP = (
            -1 * DeltaGH2_Hp_OP * 1000 / (2 * F)
            - math.log(10) * R * TKelvin * pH / (F)
            - R * TKelvin / (2 * F) * math.log((CeH2_OP * 1000 / 2.0))

        i0H2_Hp_OP = (
            * kboltzman
            * TKelvin
            / h
            * (
                math.exp(-1 * self.ActivationEH2_Hp_OP / (R * TKelvin))
                * math.pow(CeH2_OP * 1000 / H2MolarMass, 1.0)
                * math.exp(-1 * Beta * nH2_Hp_OP * F * EeH2_Hp_OP / (R * TKelvin))

        # Mixed Potential at the O_P interface
        i0_H1OP = i0H2_Hp_OP * math.exp(Beta * nH2_Hp_OP * F * EeH2_Hp_OP / (R * TKelvin))
        i0_H2OP = i0H2_Hp_OP * math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * nH2_Hp_OP * F * EeH2_Hp_OP / (R * TKelvin))
        i0_Fe1OP = i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OP * math.exp(Beta * nFe2p_Fe3O4_OP * F * EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OP / (R * TKelvin))
        i0_Fe2OP = i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OP * math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * nFe2p_Fe3O4_OP * F * EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OP / (R * TKelvin))
        # just for Beta = 0.5
        EmixedOP = R * TKelvin / (nFe2p_Fe3O4_OP * F * Beta * 2) * math.log((i0_H1OP + i0_Fe1OP) / (i0_H2OP + i0_Fe2OP))
        # Adjusting the dissolution rate constant of magnetite
        ked_OP = kd_OP * math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * nFe2p_Fe3O4_OP * F * (EmixedOP - EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OP) / (R * TKelvin))
        # Adjusting the concentration of iron species at O_P interface (in mol/l should be calculated back to g/cm^3)
        CSat_OPNew = (
                    (EmixedOP + DeltaGFe2p_Fe3O4_OP * 1000 / (2 * F) + R * TKelvin * math.log(10) * pH / (F))
                    * (-1)
                    * 2
                    * F
                    / (3 * R * TKelvin)
            * 90
            / 1000
        Ce_OPNew = CSat_OPNew + (0.476 * (1 - PhiOX) * Corrosionrate / ked_OP) * 90 / 1000
        Ce_MPNew = (
                * (value.ChiP() * value.DeltaP())
                / (value.PhiP() * value.DP() * value.RhoP() * (1 - value.PhiP()))
                + Ce_OPNew * 1000 / 90
            * 56
            / 1000
        #         print EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OP,i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OP,EeH2_Hp_OP,i0H2_Hp_OP, EmixedOP,Ce_MPNew,Ce_OP
        #         # At M-P interface
        #         EeFe_Fe2p_MP = -1 * DeltaGFe_Fe2_MP * 1000 / (n * F) - math.log(10) * 2 * R * TKelvin * pH / (n * F)  + R * TKelvin / (n * F) * math.log(Ce_MP * 1000 / FeMolarMass) # Equilibrium potential for the oxidation reaction at M_P interface, concentration unit changed from g/cm^3 to mol/L
        #         #in i0 equationsthe unit of concentration should be mol/cm^3 according to Dr. Cook thesis and Olga program ( the power 2/3 is not clear and the units does not match the A/cm^2 )  but according to Lisa Lang program Concentration in mol/lit should be multiplied by diameter of pipe/4 (cm). This would make sense in terms of units. I tried all the variations and they make insignificant changes in the results
        #         i0Fe_Fe2p_MP = (F * kboltzman * TKelvin / h) * (math.exp(-1 * self.ActivationEFe_Fe2_MP  / (R * TKelvin)) * math.pow(Ce_MP * 1000  / FeMolarMass,1.0) * math.exp(-1 * Beta * n * F * EeFe_Fe2p_MP / (R * TKelvin)));

        # Precipitation of magnetite at M_P interface   Fe3O4 + 2H2O + 2H+ + 2e- = 3Fe(OH)2

        #       EeFe2p_Fe3O4_MP = -1 * DeltaGFe2p_Fe3O4_MP * 1000 / (n * F ) - math.log(10) * 2 * R * TKelvin / (n * F) * pH - 3 * R * TKelvin / (n * F) * math.log(Ce_MP * 1000 / FeMolarMass);
        nFe_Fe2p_MP = 2
        EeFe_Fe2p_MP = (
            -1 * DeltaGFe_Fe2_MP * 1000 / (nFe_Fe2p_MP * F)
            - math.log(10) * 2 * R * TKelvin / (nFe_Fe2p_MP * F) * pH
            + R * TKelvin / (nFe_Fe2p_MP * F) * math.log(Ce_MPNew * 1000 / FeMolarMass)
        )  # Equilibrium potential for the oxidation reaction at M_P interface
        # in i0 equationsthe unit of concentration should be mol/cm^3 according to Dr. Cookthesis and Olga program ( the power 2/3 is not clear and the units does not match the A/cm^2 )  but according to Lisa Lang program Concentration in mol/lit should be multiplied by diameter of pipe/4 (cm). This would make sense in terms of units. I tried all the variations and they make insignificant changes in the results
        i0Fe_Fe2p_MP = (
            * kboltzman
            * TKelvin
            / h
            * (
                math.exp(-1 * self.ActivationEFe_Fe2_MP / (R * TKelvin))
                * math.pow(Ce_MPNew * 1000 / FeMolarMass, 1.0)
                * math.exp(-1 * Beta * nFe_Fe2p_MP * F * EeFe_Fe2p_MP / (R * TKelvin))

        # Hydrogen production 2H+ + 2e- = H2 at M_P;
        nH2_Hp_MP = 2
        EeH2_Hp_MP = (
            -1 * DeltaGH2_Hp_MP * 1000 / (nH2_Hp_MP * F)
            - math.log(10) * 2 * R * TKelvin * pH / (nH2_Hp_MP * F)
            - R * TKelvin / (nH2_Hp_MP * F) * math.log((CeH2_MP * 1000 / 2.0))
        )  # At M_P interface, CH2_MP converted to mol/l, g/cm^3 * 1000/Molar mass H2 and then to atm: mol/l/KHenry(mol/l.atm) => atm

        i0H2_Hp_MP = (
            * kboltzman
            * TKelvin
            / h
            * (
                math.exp(-1 * self.ActivationEH2_Hp_MP / (R * TKelvin))
                * math.pow(CeH2_MP * 1000 / H2MolarMass, 1.0)
                * math.exp(-1 * Beta * nH2_Hp_MP * F * EeH2_Hp_MP / (R * TKelvin))

        # having the corrosion rate, the Ecorr can be calculated by solving the following equation:
        # Corrosionrate = iFe_Fe2p_MP * FeMolarMass/ (n * F)
        # iFe_Fe2p_MP = i0Fe_Fe2p_MP * (math.exp(Beta * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (Ecorr - EeFe_Fe2p_MP)) - math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (Ecorr - EeFe_Fe2p_MP)))
        # i0Fe_Fe2p_MP * (math.exp(Beta * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (Ecorr - EeFe_Fe2p_MP)) - math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (Ecorr - EeFe_Fe2p_MP)))* FeMolarMass/ (n * F) - Corrosionrate =0.0
        A1 = Corrosionrate * (n * F) / (FeMolarMass * i0Fe_Fe2p_MP)
        C1 = Beta * n * F / (R * TKelvin)
        C2 = math.exp(C1 * (EeFe_Fe2p_MP))
        X1 = (A1 + math.pow(math.pow(A1, 2) + 4, 0.5)) / 2
        X2 = (A1 - math.pow(math.pow(A1, 2) + 4, 0.5)) / 2

        #         C1 = Beta * n * F / (R * TKelvin)
        #         C2 = (1-Beta) * n * F / (R * TKelvin)
        #         C3 = math.exp(C1 * (EeFe_Fe2p_MP))
        #         C4 = math.exp(C2 * (EeFe_Fe2p_MP))
        #         print C1+C2, A1*C3, C2, C3*C4

        if X2 > 0:
            Ecorr = math.log(X2) / C1 + EeFe_Fe2p_MP
        elif X1 > 0:
            Ecorr = math.log(X1) / C1 + EeFe_Fe2p_MP
        if X1 > 0 and X2 > 0:
            Ecorr = math.log(X1) / C1 + EeFe_Fe2p_MP

        #         print A1,C1, C2, X1, X2, Ecorr, Emixed,
        #         print EeFe_Fe2p_MP,i0Fe_Fe2p_MP,EeH2_Hp_MP,i0H2_Hp_MP,Ecorr

        # Current calculations at M_P interface
        # iH2_Hp_MP = i0H2_Hp_MP * (math.exp(Beta * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (EeH2_Hp_MP - Ecorr)) - math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (EeH2_Hp_MP - Ecorr)))

        # Adjusting Ce_MP for the Ecorr (in mol/l should be calculated back to g/cm^3)
        CSat_MPNew = (
                        - EeFe_Fe2p_MP
                        + DeltaGFe_Fe2_MP * 1000 / (n * F)
                        + math.log(10) * 2 * R * TKelvin * pH / (n * F)
                    * (1)
                    * n
                    * F
                    / (R * TKelvin)
            * FeMolarMass
            / 1000

        #         CSat_MPNew = Ce_MPNew + CMP_Diffused
        # Solubility at M-P: CMPsat assuming that the solubility at the M_P interface is summation of what is diffused at this interface and the equilibrium concentration considering the developed Ecorr

        # Current calculations at O_B interface
        # iFe3O4_Fe2p_OB = i0Fe2p_Fe3O4_OB * (math.exp(Beta * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB - Emixed)) - math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (EeFe2p_Fe3O4_OB - Emixed)));
        # iH2_Hp_OB = i0H2_Hp_OB * (math.exp(Beta * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (Emixed - EeH2_Hp_OB)) - math.exp(-1 * (1 - Beta) * n * F / (R * TKelvin) * (Emixed - EeH2_Hp_OB)));

        return (