def main(): """main options for program""" # command line options parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("--file", "-f", help="ROOT input file", dest="file") parser.add_option("--tree", "-t", help="Tree to parse, Default Event", dest="treeName") parser.add_option("--sizeCutoff", "-s", dest="read_cutoff", help="Read size cutoff, Default 100") parser.add_option("--output_directory", "-o", dest="output", help="The name of the output file") parser.add_option("--regex", "-r", dest="fileNameRegex", help="Regular expression to filter files") parser.add_option( "--window_size", "-w", dest="window_size", help="Size of the displayed data graphic in mb Default:20" ) parser.add_option("--begin_read", "-b", dest="beginning", help="Beeginning read to display in the file graphic") parser.add_option( "--raw_only", dest="raw_only", help="Create only the raw read graphics and not overlayed file usage", action="store_true", ) parser.add_option( "--even_check", "-c", dest="check_fun_file", help="File to import that contains checkEvent method to validate any event", ) parser.add_option("--top_n", "-n", dest="topN", help="Color only the top N branches in the file") parser.add_option("--prefix", "-p", dest="prefix", help="Prefix to append to files to search for file on system") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # # Handle command line options # # # If now file we have an error if options.file is None: print "File root file is required" parser.print_help() exit(0) if not options.file.upper().endswith(".ROOT"): print "Root file required" exit() try: with open(options.file) as f: pass except IOError as e: print "file does not exits" exit() # require the file name and tree if options.treeName is None: print "Using default tree of Events" treeName = "Events" else: treeName = options.treeName # output file name if options.output != None: outDir = options.output + "/" else: outDir = "./" # regular expression if options.fileNameRegex != None: frex = re.compile(options.fileNameRegex) else: frex = None # size expression if options.window_size != None: window_size = int(options.window_size) else: window_size = 20 if options.read_cutoff != None: size_cutoff = int(options.read_cutoff) else: size_cutoff = 50 if options.beginning: begin = int(options.beginning) else: begin = 0 if options.raw_only: raw_only = True else: raw_only = False if options.check_fun_file: check_fun_file = __import__(options.check_fun_file) else: check_fun_file = None topN = None # color only top ten files if options.topN: topN = int(options.topN) if topN > 30: topN = 30 else: topN = 30 # prefix for the file name prefix = "/mnt/hadoop/user/uscms01/pnfs/" if options.prefix: prefix = options.prefix # # End Command Line Stuff # # Load the needed c++ classes into here ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = 2500;") if os.path.exists("XrdFar"): ROOT.gSystem.Load("XrdFar/XrdFar") tf = ROOT.TFile(options.file) if not os.path.exists("XrdFar"): tf.MakeProject("XrdFar", "*", "new++") # Loop through all the events within the file for event in tf.XrdFar: if fileShouldBeRead(event, frex, size_cutoff, check_fun_file): print "\n\n" print "Starting on File: %s" % event.F.mName # get a bunch of needed info now that it has passed offsets = list(event.I.mOffsetVec) lengths = list(event.I.mLengthVec) name = event.F.mName uname = event.U.mServerUsername server = event.S.mHost readSize = event.F.mRTotalMB data = [] idx = name.rfind("/") shortName = name[idx + 1 :] idx = name.rfind("/", 0, idx) # Alsor removing /store from the front of them title = name[7:idx] file = prefix + name # trasform the data for i in range(len(offsets)): val = transformData(offsets[i], lengths[i], i) data = data + val arr = createArray(data) points = markPoints(data) usage, limits = fixFileUsage(arr, size=window_size, start=begin) try: print "\tCreating Usage Graph" HCCPlot.plotUsage( arr, name=title, outname=outDir + shortName + "_rawreads", points=points, subtitle=uname ) except Exception, e: print "Error Plotting Layout: %s" % str(e) if not raw_only: t1 = time() print "\tParsing layout" fileLayout = HCCRootParser.parseFileTool2(file, treeName, None, False, topN) t2 = time() print "\t\tParse Time: " + str(t2 - t1) tenBig = HCCTool1.getTenBig(fileLayout, topN) fileLayout = HCCPlot.transformByteToMB(fileLayout) fileLayout = cutToRange(fileLayout, limits) colorMap = HCCTool1.createColorMap(fileLayout, False, tenBig) try: print "\tPlotting layout overlay" HCCPlot.plotFileLayoutTool2( fileLayout, False, outDir + shortName + ".png", colorMap, tenBig, limits=limits, title=title, fileUsage=usage, ) except Exception, e: print "Error Plotting Layout: %s" % str(e)
def main(): '''main options for program''' #command line options parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('--file', '-f', help='ROOT input file',dest='file') parser.add_option('--tree', '-t', help='Tree to parse, Default Event', dest='treeName') parser.add_option('--sizeCutoff', '-s',dest='read_cutoff', help='Read size cutoff, Default 100') parser.add_option('--output_directory','-o', dest = 'output', help='The name of the output file') parser.add_option('--regex', '-r', dest='fileNameRegex', help='Regular expression to filter files') parser.add_option('--window_size', '-w', dest='window_size', help='Size of the displayed data graphic in mb Default:20') parser.add_option('--begin_read', '-b', dest='beginning', help='Beeginning read to display in the file graphic') parser.add_option('--raw_only', dest='raw_only', help='Create only the raw read graphics and not overlayed file usage', action='store_true') parser.add_option('--even_check', '-c', dest='check_fun_file', help='File to import that contains checkEvent method to validate any event') parser.add_option('--top_n','-n', dest = 'topN' , help='Color only the top N branches in the file') parser.add_option('--prefix','-p', dest = 'prefix' , help='Prefix to append to files to search for file on system') (options, args)= parser.parse_args() # # Handle command line options # # #If now file we have an error if options.file is None: print "File root file is required" parser.print_help() exit(0) if not options.file.upper().endswith('.ROOT'): print 'Root file required' exit() try: with open(options.file) as f: pass except IOError as e: print 'file does not exits' exit() #require the file name and tree if options.treeName is None: print "Using default tree of Events" treeName = 'Events' else: treeName = options.treeName #output file name if options.output != None: outDir = options.output + '/' else: outDir = './' #regular expression if options.fileNameRegex != None: frex = re.compile(options.fileNameRegex) else: frex = None #size expression if options.window_size != None: window_size = int(options.window_size) else: window_size = 20 if options.read_cutoff != None: size_cutoff = int(options.read_cutoff) else: size_cutoff = 50 if options.beginning: begin = int(options.beginning) else: begin = 0 if options.raw_only: raw_only = True else: raw_only = False if options.check_fun_file: check_fun_file = __import__(options.check_fun_file) else: check_fun_file = None topN = None #color only top ten files if options.topN: topN = int(options.topN) if topN > 30: topN = 30 else: topN = 30 #prefix for the file name prefix = '/mnt/hadoop/user/uscms01/pnfs/' if options.prefix: prefix = options.prefix # # End Command Line Stuff # #Load the needed c++ classes into here ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = 2500;") if os.path.exists("XrdFar"): ROOT.gSystem.Load("XrdFar/XrdFar") tf = ROOT.TFile(options.file) if not os.path.exists("XrdFar"): tf.MakeProject("XrdFar", "*", "new++") #Loop through all the events within the file for event in tf.XrdFar: if fileShouldBeRead(event, frex, size_cutoff, check_fun_file): print '\n\n' print 'Starting on File: %s' % event.F.mName #get a bunch of needed info now that it has passed offsets = list(event.I.mOffsetVec) lengths = list(event.I.mLengthVec) name = event.F.mName uname = event.U.mServerUsername server = event.S.mHost readSize = event.F.mRTotalMB data = [] idx = name.rfind('/') shortName = name[idx+1:] idx = name.rfind('/',0,idx) #Alsor removing /store from the front of them title = name[7:idx] file = prefix + name #trasform the data for i in range(len(offsets)): val = transformData(offsets[i], lengths[i], i) data = data + val arr = createArray(data) points = markPoints(data) usage, limits = fixFileUsage(arr,size = window_size, start = begin) try: print '\tCreating Usage Graph' HCCPlot.plotUsage(arr, name = title, outname = outDir + shortName+'_rawreads', points = points, subtitle = uname ) except Exception, e: print "Error Plotting Layout: %s" % str(e) if not raw_only: t1 = time() print '\tParsing layout' fileLayout = HCCRootParser.parseFile(file, treeName, None, False, topN) t2 = time(); print '\tTime: ' + str(t2-t1) tenBig= HCCTool1.getTenBig(fileLayout, topN) fileLayout = HCCPlot.transformByteToMB(fileLayout) fileLayout = cutToRange(fileLayout, limits) colorMap = HCCTool1.createColorMap(fileLayout, False, tenBig) try: print "\tPlotting layout overlay" HCCPlot.plotFileLayout(fileLayout, False,outDir + shortName + '.png', colorMap, tenBig,limits = limits, title = title, fileUsage = usage) except Exception, e: print "Error Plotting Layout: %s" % str(e)
def main(): """main options for program""" # command line options parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("--file", "-f", help="ROOT input file", dest="file") parser.add_option("--tree", "-t", help="Tree to parse", dest="treeName") parser.add_option( "--firstN", "-m", help="Display only the first N buckets of the file on the graph", dest="maxBranch" ) parser.add_option( "--display", "-d", dest="display", action="store_true", help="Show interactive matplotlib display" ) parser.add_option( "--top_level", "-b", dest="topLevel", action="store_true", help="Color by only the top level branch" ) parser.add_option("--output_file", "-o", dest="output", help="The name of the output file") parser.add_option("--top_n", "-n", dest="topN", help="Color only the top N branches in the file") parser.add_option( "--eventFilter", "-e", dest="events", help="Plot only up to this event number or this range of events in the display", ) parser.add_option("--list_trees", "-l", dest="list", action="store_true", help="List the available trees in file") parser.add_option("--branch_regex", "-r", dest="branchRegex", help="Regular expression to filter out branches") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # If now file we have an error if options.file is None: print "File root file is required" parser.print_help() exit(0) if not options.file.upper().endswith(".ROOT"): print "Root file required" exit() try: with open(options.file) as f: pass except IOError as e: print "file does not exits" exit() # if list just list trees and exit if options.list: HCCRootParser.listFileTrees(options.file) exit(0) # require the file name and tree if options.treeName is None: print "Tree Name is required" parser.print_help() exit(-1) numOfBranches = None if options.maxBranch: numOfBranches = int(options.maxBranch) # output file name if options.output != None: outName = options.output else: outName = getName(options.file) # interactive display if options.display: display = True else: display = False if options.topLevel: topLevel = True else: topLevel = False topN = None # color only top ten files if options.topN: topN = int(options.topN) if topN > 30: topN = 30 else: topN = 30 # regular expression if options.branchRegex != None: brex = re.compile(options.branchRegex) else: brex = None # get data data = HCCRootParser.parseFile(options.file, options.treeName, brex, topLevel) if data = filterByEvents(data, tenBig = getTenBig(data, topN) if numOfBranches != None: data = truncateData(data, numOfBranches) # no need to make graph if blank data if len(data) == 0: print "No Branches in that tree" exit(0) data = HCCPlot.transformByteToMB(data) # plot if brex != None: colorMap = {} HCCPlot.plotFileLayout(data, display, outName, colorMap, tenBig) else: colorMap = createColorMap(data, False, tenBig) HCCPlot.plotFileLayout(data, display, outName, colorMap, tenBig)
def main(): '''main options for program''' #command line options parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('--file', '-f', help='ROOT input file',dest='file') parser.add_option('--tree', '-t', help='Tree to parse', dest='treeName') parser.add_option('--firstN', '-m', help='Display only the first N buckets of the file on the graph', dest='maxBranch') parser.add_option('--display', '-d', dest='display', action='store_true' ,help='Show interactive matplotlib display') parser.add_option('--top_level', '-b', dest='topLevel', action='store_true' ,help='Color by only the top level branch') parser.add_option('--output_file','-o', dest = 'output', help='The name of the output file') parser.add_option('--top_n','-n', dest = 'topN' , help='Color only the top N branches in the file') parser.add_option('--eventFilter','-e' ,dest ='events', help='Plot only up to this event number or this range of events in the display') parser.add_option('--list_trees', '-l', dest='list', action='store_true', help='List the available trees in file') parser.add_option('--branch_regex', '-r', dest='branchRegex', help='Regular expression to filter out branches') (options, args)= parser.parse_args() #If now file we have an error if options.file is None: print "File root file is required" parser.print_help() exit(0) if not options.file.upper().endswith('.ROOT'): print 'Root file required' exit() try: with open(options.file) as f: pass except IOError as e: print 'file does not exits' exit() #if list just list trees and exit if(options.list): HCCRootParser.listFileTrees(options.file) exit(0) #require the file name and tree if options.treeName is None: print "Tree Name is required" parser.print_help() exit(-1) numOfBranches = None if options.maxBranch: numOfBranches = int(options.maxBranch) #output file name if options.output != None: outName = options.output else: outName = getName(options.file) #interactive display if options.display: display = True else: display = False if options.topLevel: topLevel = True else: topLevel = False topN = None #color only top ten files if options.topN: topN = int(options.topN) if topN > 30: topN = 30 else: topN = 30 #regular expression if options.branchRegex != None: brex = re.compile(options.branchRegex) else: brex = None print 'parsing data' #get data data = HCCRootParser.parseFile(options.file, options.treeName, brex, topLevel) if data = filterByEvents(data, tenBig= getTenBig(data, topN) if (numOfBranches != None): data = truncateData(data, numOfBranches) #no need to make graph if blank data if len(data) == 0: print 'No Branches in that tree' exit(0) data = HCCPlot.transformByteToMB(data) print 'plotting' #plot if brex != None: colorMap = {} HCCPlot.plotFileLayout(data, display, outName, colorMap, tenBig) else: colorMap = createColorMap(data, False, tenBig) HCCPlot.plotFileLayout(data, display, outName, colorMap, tenBig)