Ejemplo n.º 1
    def handle_data(self, data):
        if self._state == self.states.FOUND_CLUE:
            # look for the number in the data
            # if all is well, we should already have the number stored in currentClue
            # from the regex in IN_CLUE_CLASS state
            # this state is largely redundant, included for robustness
            number = re.compile(r"(\d+):\s*")
            match = re.match(number, data)
            if match:
                if match.group(1) != self._currentClue[0]:
                    raise HTMLParser.HTMLParseError(
                        'Inconsistent clue numbers')
                raise HTMLParser.HTMLParseError('Expected clue number')

            self._state = self.states.FOUND_CLUE_NUMBER
            #print 'entering FOUND_CLUE_NUMBER state'

        elif self._state == self.states.FOUND_CLUE_NUMBER:
            # look for the clue text, remove whitespace
            clue = re.compile(r"\s*(.+)\s*")
            match = re.match(clue, data)
            if match:
                self._currentClue[1] = match.group(1)
                self._state = self.states.FOUND_CLUE_TEXT
                #print 'entering FOUND_CLUE_TEXT state'
                raise HTMLParser.HTMLParseError('Expected clue')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
        if self._state == self.states.NEUTRAL:
            # look for <div id=<clueType>Clues
            if tag == 'div' and ('id', self._clueType + 'Clues') in attrs:
                self._state = self.states.IN_CLUE_CLASS
                #print 'entering IN_CLUE_CLASS state'

        elif self._state == self.states.IN_CLUE_CLASS:
            # look for <div id=divClue<clueNumber>>
            if tag == 'div':
                # all we know is that the id attribute should end in some number
                # since we don't know what the number is, use regex to parse and capture the number
                clueID = re.compile(r"divClue(\d+)")
                for attrib in attrs:
                    if attrib[0] == 'id':
                        #print 'looking for clue #: ' + attrib[1]
                        match = re.match(clueID, attrib[1])
                        if match:
                            # we have the number now, so add it to currentClue
                            self._currentClue[0] = match.group(1)
                            self._state = self.states.FOUND_CLUE
                            'entering FOUND_CLUE state'
                            raise HTMLParser.HTMLParseError(
                                'Expected clue number')
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def error(self, message):
     print >> sys.stderr, self.getpos()
     if self.error_count > 10 or self.started:
         raise HTMLParser.HTMLParseError(message, self.getpos())
     self.rawdata = '\n'.join(
         self.html.split('\n')[self.getpos()[0]:])  # skip one line
     self.error_count += 1
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def sacar_link_a_foto_instagram(self, url_completa):
     fichero = requests.get(url_completa, params=None, verify=False)
     html_source = fichero.content
     soup = BeautifulSoup(html_source)
     meta_tag = soup.findAll('meta', {'property': 'og:image'})
     if not meta_tag:
         raise HTMLParser.HTMLParseError(
             "No se ha podido parsear el html para sacar la url de la foto")
     img_url = meta_tag[0]['content']
     return img_url
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def error(self, message):
     """Override superclass' error() method to ignore errors."""
     # construct error message
     message += ', ' + self._location()
     # store error message
     logger.debug('problem parsing html: %s', message)
     if self.errmsg is None:
         self.errmsg = message
     # increment error count
     self.errcount += 1
     if self.errcount > 10:
         raise HTMLParser.HTMLParseError(message, self.getpos())
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def obtener_url_foto_de_tweet(self, tweet):
     url_imagen = None
         if self.tiene_foto(tweet):
             url_imagen = tweet['entities']['media'][0]['media_url']  #twimg
         elif self.tiene_foto_externa(tweet):
             url_completa = tweet['entities']['urls'][0][
                 'expanded_url']  #instagram
             url_imagen = self.sacar_link_a_foto_instagram(url_completa)
         return url_imagen
     except exceptions.ConnectionError as conerr:
         raise exceptions.ConnectionError(
             u'No se ha podido conectar para obtener la url de la foto. {0}'
     except HTMLParser.HTMLParseError as prserr:
         raise HTMLParser.HTMLParseError(prserr.message)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
     if DEBUG: print("starttag:", tag, attrs)
     tag = tag.lower()
     if (tag == "p") and (tag in self.stack):
         raise HTMLParser.HTMLParseError("nested <p> found")
     if not self.enabled: return
     if tag in ("b", "strong", "code"):
         self.data += "\\fB"
     if tag in ("i", "em"):
         self.data += "\\fI"
     if tag == "dt":
     if tag == "dd":
     if tag == "pre":
     if tag in ("h2", "h3"):
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def hit_pager(self):
		"""Process "显示<b>56</b>个问题中的 <b>1</b> 到 <b>50</b>"""
		nod = self._nodes[-1]

		if self._path.endswith(u'td.jiraformheader'):
			bs = [chld for chld in nod.childNodes if chld.tagName == u'b']
			if len(bs) != 3:
				return True

				self.pager = map(lambda chld: int(chld.text_data[0]), bs)
			except (ValueError, AttributeError):
				raise HTMLParser.HTMLParseError(
				  u"App detected: failed to parse N1, N2 and N3 in "
				  u"'显示<b>N1</b>个问题中的 <b>N2</b> 到 <b>N3</b>'",

			# Is it finished: disable this hit

			return True
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def handle_endtag(self, tag):
     if DEBUG: print("endtag:", tag)
     tag = tag.lower()
     if not(self.stack) or (self.stack[-1] != tag):
         raise HTMLParser.HTMLParseError("line %s: start/end tag mismatch\nstack is %r, got %r" % (self.getpos()[0], self.stack, tag))
     del self.stack[-1]
     if not self.enabled: return
     if tag == "p":
     if tag in ("b", "strong", "code", "i", "em"):
         self.data += "\\fR"
     if tag == "dd":
         if self.listspace and not("dd" in self.stack):
     if tag == "pre":
     if tag == "h2":
     if tag == "h3":
         self.endheading("Subsection", 4)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def handle_data(self, data):
        if self._state == self.states.NEUTRAL or self._state == self.states.ACCEPTING:
            namePat = re.compile(r"Crossword for.+")
            if re.match(namePat, data):
                self._grid.name = data

        elif self._state == self.states.WHITE_SQUARE:
            numPat = re.compile(r"\D*(\d*)")
            match = re.match(numPat, data)
            if match:
                #print 'Adding white square: ' + match.group(1)
                    self._row, self._col,
                self._state = self.states.IN_ROW
                #print 'reentering IN_ROW state'
                raise HTMLParser.HTMLParseError('Expected number or blank')
Ejemplo n.º 11
	def handle_endtag(self, tag):
		nod = self._nodes[-1]

		if nod.tagName != tag:
			try: # JIRA HTML page is really bad!! try auto merge
				top = len(self._nodes)-1
				for i in xrange(top-1, -1, -1):
					if self._nodes[i].tagName == tag:
					raise HTMLParser.HTMLParseError(u"App detected: Nested tags!"
					  u"(The opening tag is '%s', but close '%s', path='%s')"
					  % (nod.tagName, tag, self._path), self.getpos())

				for j in xrange(top, i, -1):
					_tag = self._nodes[-1].tagName
					if DEBUG:
						print >>sys.stderr, u"Malform HTML page detected! " \
						  u"Auto close tag '%s', path='%s'" \
						  u"(current tag is '%s' line %d, column %d)" \
						  % (_tag, self._path, tag,
						     self.getpos()[0], self.getpos()[1])
			except HTMLParser.HTMLParseError:
				if tag == 'tbody':
					if DEBUG:
						print >>sys.stderr, u"Malform HTML page detected! " \
						  u"Drop 'tbody' tag, path='%s'" \
						  u"(line %d, column %d)" \
						  % (self._path, self.getpos()[0], self.getpos()[1])


		self._path = self._path.rsplit(u'/', 1)[0]
Ejemplo n.º 12
class TestConfig(unittest.TestCase):
    fsock = None
    mockdate = "2017-09-06 00:44:47.7"

    def _redirectOut(self):  # pragma: no cover
        self.fsock = open('out.log', 'a+')
        sys.stdout = self.fsock

    def tearDown(self):  # pragma: no cover
        if self.fsock is not None:
            self.fsock = None
            sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__

    def setUp(self):
        self.config = Config()
        self.configXMLString = XMLString

        self.configFBXML = FBXML

    def test_timestamp(self):
         test getlogtime
        stamp = helpers.getLoggingTime()
        self.assertRegexpMatches(stamp, "\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}", "should have time stamp,\n" + stamp)

    def test_createdir(self):
         test dir with file
        self.assertEqual(os.path.isdir(helpers.RESULTS_DIR), True, "missing directory " + helpers.RESULTS_DIR)

    @patch('os.path.dirname', new=Mock(side_effect=OSError("fail to mock a write", errno.EACCES)))
    def test_createdir_raise(self):
         test dir raise error
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(OSError, "fail to mock", helpers.createResultsDir, "none")

    @patch('os.path.dirname', new=Mock(side_effect=OSError("fail to mock a write", errno.EEXIST)))
    def test_createdir_fail(self):
         test dir with failing oserror
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(OSError, "fail to mock", helpers.createResultsDir, "none")

    def test_dump_none(self):
         test none page to a file
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, "None", helpers.dumpErrorPage, None)

    def test_dump(self):
         test dump page to a file
        filename = helpers.dumpErrorPage(self.mockdate)
        output = ""
        with open("result/" + filename, "r") as fd:
            output += fd.readline()
        self.assertRegexpMatches(output, "\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}", "should have time stamp,\n" + output)

    def test_errorontext(self):
        test exception from helper's errorOnText
        err = 'Authentication has not been passed: Invalid password'

        # not found so no assertion
        output = helpers.errorOnText("", 'That password is incorrect.', err)

        # should raise if it sees an assertion
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(helpers.BingAccountError, "Invalid", helpers.errorOnText, 'That password is incorrect.',
                                'That password is incorrect.', err)

    def test_node(self):
        test node's children
        import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
        root = ET.fromstring(self.configXMLString)

        node = helpers.getXmlChildNodes(root)
        self.assertIsNotNone(node, "should not be null " + str(node))

    def test_node_fail(self, mockver):
        sys.version_info = [2, 1]

        import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
        root = ET.fromstring(self.configXMLString)

        node = helpers.getXmlChildNodes(root)
        self.assertIsNotNone(node, "should not be null " + str(node))

    def test_accounts(self):
        self.assertEqual(len(self.config.accounts), 1)
        accounts = dict()

        acc = Config.Account()
        acc.accountLogin = "******"
        acc.password = "******"
        acc.accountType = "Live"
        acc.disabled = False
        acc.ua_desktop = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2311.135 Safari/537.36 Edge/12.10136"
        acc.ua_mobile = "mozilla/5.0 (iphone; cpu iphone os 7_0_2 like mac os x) applewebkit/537.51.1 (khtml, like gecko) version/7.0 mobile/11a501 safari/9537.53"
        accounts[acc.getRef()] = acc

        self.assertEqual(accounts, self.config.accounts)

    def test_history(self):
        test history parsing
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, "None", bingHistory.parse, None)

        output = bingHistory.parse("")
        self.assertIsNotNone(output, "missing output " + str(output))

        page = '<span class="query_t">'
        page += '<div id="results_area"></div><div id="sidebar"></div>'
        output = bingHistory.parse(page)
        self.assertIsNotNone(output, "missing output " + str(output))

        page = '<span class="sh_item_qu_query">'
        page += '<ul class="sh_dayul"></ul>'
        page += ' value == 0'
        page += '</span>'
        output = bingHistory.parse(page)
        self.assertIsNotNone(output, "missing output " + str(output))

        page = '<ul class="sh_dayul"> </ul>'
        output = bingHistory.parse(page)
        self.assertIsNotNone(output, "missing output " + str(output))

        output = bingHistory.getBingHistoryTodayURL()
        self.assertRegexpMatches(output, "https", "missing url " + str(output))

    @patch('helpers.getResponseBody', return_value='"WindowsLiveId":""     "WindowsLiveId":""')
    @patch('time.sleep', return_value='')
    def test_auth_url(self, timemock, helpmock):  # pragma: no cover
        test authentication decoding error
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "unknown url type", run, self.config)

           new=Mock(side_effect=SocketError(errno.ECONNREFUSED, "errno.ECONNREFUSED")))
    def test_auth_exceptionSock(self):
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(SocketError, "", run, self.config)

    @patch('bingAuth.BingAuth.authenticate', new=Mock(side_effect=SocketError(errno.ECONNRESET, "errno.ECONNRESET")))
    def test_auth_exceptionSockReset(self):
        self.assertIsNone(run(self.config), "should not return anything")

    @patch('bingAuth.BingAuth.authenticate', new=Mock(side_effect=helpers.BingAccountError(None)))
    def test_auth_exceptionBing(self):
        self.assertIsNone(run(self.config), "should not return anything")

    @patch('bingAuth.BingAuth.authenticate', new=Mock(side_effect=urllib2.URLError("")))
    def test_auth_exceptionURL(self):
        self.assertIsNone(run(self.config), "should not return anything")

    @patch('bingAuth.BingAuth.authenticate', new=Mock(side_effect=HTMLParser.HTMLParseError("error")))
    def test_auth_exceptionParser(self):
        self.assertIsNone(run(self.config), "should not return anything")

    @patch('bingAuth.BingAuth.authenticate', new=Mock(side_effect=urllib2.HTTPError("", "", "", "", open("tmp", "a+"))))
    def test_auth_exceptionHTTP(self):
        self.assertIsNone(run(self.config), "should not return anything")

    def test_stringify(self):
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "too small", stringify, None, -1)

    @patch('urllib2.Request', return_value="")
    @patch('helpers.getResponseBody', return_value="")
    @patch('urllib2.Request.add_header', return_value=urllib2.Request(bingCommon.BING_URL, bingCommon.HEADERS))
    def test_auth_url(self, headermock, helpmock, urlmock):
        test auth class
        :param headermock:
        :param helpmock:
        :param urlmock:
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, "opener is not", bingAuth.BingAuth, bingCommon.HEADERS, None)

        auth = bingAuth.BingAuth(bingCommon.HEADERS, urllib2.OpenerDirector())
        self.assertIsNotNone(auth, "should return class")

    def test_config(self):
        test config module
        configobj = Config()
        self.assertIsNotNone(configobj, "should return class")
        self.assertIsNotNone(Config.General(), "should return class")
        self.assertIsNotNone(ConfigError("ok"), "should return exception")
        self.assertIsNotNone(Config.Proxy(), "should return class")

        self.assertIsNotNone(Config.EventAccount(), "should return class")
        self.assertIsNotNone(Config.Event.Notify(), "should return class")
        ifs = Config.Event.IfStatement()
        ifs.op = lambda x, y: x
        ifs.lhs = lambda x: x
        ifs.rhs = "b"
        self.assertIsNotNone(str(ifs), "should return class")
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "None", ifs.evaluate, None)
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, "is not of", ifs.evaluate, [])

        spec = Config.Event.Specifier()
        self.assertIsNotNone(spec, "should return class")
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "is None", spec.evaluate, None, BingRewardsReportItem())
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, "list", spec.evaluate, [], BingRewardsReportItem())
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "is None", spec.evaluate, [], None)
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, "not of BingRewardsReportItem type", spec.evaluate, [], self.config)
        self.assertIsNotNone(spec.evaluate("%a", BingRewardsReportItem()), "should return string")

        dist = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "config.xml")
        self.assertIsNone(configobj.parseFromFile(dist), "should be none")
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "_configFile_ is None", configobj.parseFromFile, None)
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "is None", self.config.parseFromString, None)
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, "Invalid subnode", configobj.parseFromString, InvalidXML)
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, "is not found", configobj.parseFromString, LOGINXML)
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, "is not found", configobj.parseFromString, PWDXML)
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, "should be either set", self.config.parseFromString, PROXYLOGINXML)
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(KeyError, "_specifier_ is not", validateSpecifier, "%not")
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, "Invalid subnode", self.config.parseFromString, FBXML)

    def test_config_attr(self):
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, "MUST", self.config.parseFromString, FLOAT)
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, "MUST", self.config.parseFromString, INT)
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, "must", self.config.parseFromString, NONFLOAT)
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, "must", self.config.parseFromString, NONINT)

    def test_config_notify(self):
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, "is not found", self.config.parseFromString, NONREF)
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, "is not found", self.config.parseFromString, NONACCREF)
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, "not supported", self.config.parseFromString, NONEV)

    def test_config_retry(self):
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, "is not found", self.config.parseFromString, RETRY)
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, "must be", self.config.parseFromString, INVRETRY)
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, "MUST BE", self.config.parseFromString, NEGRETRY)
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, "is not found", self.config.parseFromString, RETRYCNT)
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, "must be", self.config.parseFromString, INVRETRYCNT)
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, "MUST BE", self.config.parseFromString, NEGRETRYCNT)

    def test_config_if(self):
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, "is invalid", self.config.parseFromString, NONIF2)
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, "is invalid", self.config.parseFromString, NONIFRHS)
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, "is invalid", self.config.parseFromString, NONIFOP)

    def test_event(self):
        test event
        self.assertIsNone(EventsProcessor.onScriptFailure(self.config, Exception()), "should be none")
        self.assertIsNone(EventsProcessor.onScriptComplete(self.config), "should be none")
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, "not found", self.config.parseFromString, EVENT)
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(Exception, ".*", EventsProcessor.onScriptFailure, self.config, Exception())
        self.assertIsNone(EventsProcessor.onScriptComplete(self.config), "should be none")
        ep = EventsProcessor(self.config, BingRewardsReportItem())
        self.assertIsNotNone(ep.processReportItem(), "should not be none and be done")

    @patch('main.earnRewards', return_value=None)
    @patch('eventsProcessor.EventsProcessor.processReportItem', return_value=(-1, None))
    def test_event_dontcare(self, mockep, mockmain):
        # not retry nor ok with -1
        self.assertIsNone(processAccount(self.config), "should return nothing")

    def test_event_getEvent_returnsEvent(self):
        test onScriptFailure using echo from xml config string
        event = self.config.getEvent(Config.Event.onScriptFailure)
        self.assertTrue(len(event.notifies) == 1)
        self.assertEqual(event.notifies[0].cmd, "echo")

    def test_event_getEvent_returnsNoneIfEventDoesntExist(self):
        test no event call does not exist
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "None", self.config.getEvent, None)

    def test_reward_bfp_hit(self):

    def _rewards_hit(self, classobj, helpmock):
        test rewards object
        self.config.proxy = False
        reward = BingRewards(bingCommon.HEADERS, "", self.config)

        page = '"WindowsLiveId":""     "WindowsLiveId":"" '
        page += 'action="0" value="0" '
        page += 'value= "0" NAP value="0" '
        page += 'ANON value="0" '
        page += 'id="t" value="0" '
        page += '<div> 999 livetime points</div> '

        helpmock.return_value = page

        # if not login should have not found error for url
        self.assertIsNotNone(reward.getLifetimeCredits, "Should return int")

        page = "t.innerHTML='100'"
        helpmock.return_value = page
        self.assertIsNotNone(reward.getRewardsPoints(), "should not be None")
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, "not an instance", reward.process, None, True)

        # NONE case
        newbfp = classobj
        newbfp.tp = None
        rewards = [newbfp]
        self.assertIsNotNone(reward.process(rewards, True), "handle not none")

        # HIT case
        newbfp.tp = mock.Mock()
        newbfp.tp = [0, 1, 2, 3, bfp.RewardV1.Type.Action.HIT]

        # SEARCH case
        newbfp.tp = mock.Mock()
        newbfp.tp = [0, 1, 2, 3, bfp.RewardV1.Type.Action.SEARCH]
        newbfp.progressCurrent = 100
        rewards = [newbfp]
        self.assertIsNotNone(reward.process(rewards, True), "should return res")

        self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, "not an instance", reward.printResults, None, True)

        result = mock.Mock()
        result.action = bfp.RewardV1.Type.Action.SEARCH
        result.isError = True
        result.o = newbfp
        result.message = "done"
        newbfp.progressCurrent = 1
        newbfp.progressMax = 100
        newbfp.url = "http:"
        self.assertIsNone(reward.printResults([result], True), "should return None")
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, "rewards is not", reward.printRewards, None)
        rewards[0].isDone = True
        self.assertIsNone(reward.printRewards(rewards), "should return None")

        self.assertRaisesRegexp(TypeError, "reward is not", reward.RewardResult, None)
        self.assertIsNotNone(reward.RewardResult(newbfp), "should return class")

        proxy = mock.Mock()
        proxy.login = True
        proxy.password = "******"
        proxy.url = ""
        proxy.protocols = "http"
        self.config.proxy = proxy
        self.assertIsNotNone(BingRewards(bingCommon.HEADERS, "", self.config), "should return class")

        proxy.login = False
        self.config.proxy = proxy
        self.assertIsNotNone(BingRewards(bingCommon.HEADERS, "", self.config), "should return class")

        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, "not found", self.config.parseFromString, PROTXML)
        self.assertRaisesRegexp(ConfigError, "not found", self.config.parseFromString, URLXML)