Ejemplo n.º 1
def summary(state):
    Provides a summary of selected player

    :param state: current state of variables
    :return: prints a summary of the player

    # Initialize variables
    stat_rankings = defaultdict(lambda: (defaultdict(float)))
    for player in state.normalized_player_statistics[state.iteration]:
        for statistic_name in state.normalized_player_statistics[state.iteration][player]:
            stat_rankings[statistic_name][player] = \

    # Decide which player to view the stats of
    while state.player_to_obtain is None:
        desired_player = raw_input("Enter a player name: ").lower()

        # If the input is valid, remove player from draft and add them to a team
        if desired_player in state.cumulative_player_statistics[state.iteration]:

        # Suggests player names if input is incorrect
            Helper.check_incorrect_input(desired_player, state.normalized_player_statistics[state.iteration].keys())

    return Helper.calculate_player_summary(stat_rankings, state.player_to_obtain)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def swap(state):
    Shows the change in statistics if a player is swapped from your team

    :param state: current state of variables
    :return: prints statistic changes

    # Initialize variables
    for user in state.teams:
        state.teams[user] = Helper.lowercase(state.teams[user])
    state.teams_storage = copy.deepcopy(state.teams)

    if state.player_to_obtain is None and state.player_to_trade is None:
        state.update_player_to_trade(raw_input("Enter the player you want to remove from your team: ").lower())
        state.update_player_to_obtain(raw_input("Enter the player you want to add to your team: ").lower())
        print ""

    # If the input is valid, analyze statistic changes
    if state.player_to_trade in state.cumulative_player_statistics[state.iteration] \
            and state.player_to_trade in state.teams[state.current_user] \
            and state.player_to_obtain in state.cumulative_player_statistics[state.iteration] \
            and state.player_to_obtain not in state.teams[state.current_user]:
        state.teams = copy.deepcopy(state.teams_storage)
        return Helper.evaluate_player_swap(state.teams, state.player_to_trade, state.player_to_obtain,
                                           state.normalized_player_statistics[state.iteration], state)

    # Notifies user if player is not in their team
    elif state.player_to_trade not in state.teams[state.current_user]:
        print state.player_to_trade.title(), "is not on your team"
    elif state.player_to_obtain in state.teams["Chris S"]:
        print state.player_to_obtain.title(), "is already on your team"

    # Suggests player names if input is incorrect
    elif state.player_to_trade not in state.cumulative_player_statistics[state.iteration]:
        Helper.check_incorrect_input(state.player_to_trade, state.normalized_player_statistics[state.iteration].keys())
        Helper.check_incorrect_input(state.player_to_obtain, state.normalized_player_statistics[state.iteration].keys())
Ejemplo n.º 3
def trade(state):
    Suggests players on your team to trade for a given player

    :param state: current state of variables
    :return: prints players to trade and their rankings

    # Initialize variables
    players_on_team = Helper.lowercase(state.teams[state.current_user])
    for x in state.teams:
        state.teams[x] = Helper.lowercase(state.teams[x])

    while state.player_to_obtain is None:
        desired_player = raw_input("Enter the player you are trying to move: ").lower()

        if desired_player in state.cumulative_player_statistics[state.iteration]:
            Helper.check_incorrect_input(desired_player, state.normalized_player_statistics[state.iteration].keys())

    return Helper.find_trade_possibilities(state.cumulative_player_statistics[state.iteration],
                                           state.player_to_obtain, players_on_team, state)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def draft(state):
    Suggests draft picks to user and creates a file containing all drafted state.teams

    :param state: current state of variables
    :return: .txt file containing players on every team

    # Establish database connection
    connection = sqlite3.connect("FantasyBasketball.db")
    cursor = connection.cursor()

    # Get user-inputted variables
    pick_num = int(raw_input("What is your first round pick?: "))
    rounds_num = int(raw_input("How many rounds are in the draft?: "))
    participants = int(raw_input("How many players are in the league?: "))

    # Determine which pick numbers a user has
    pick_numbers = [(participants * (r - 1)) + (pick_num if r % 2 else (participants + 1 - pick_num))
                    for r in range(1, rounds_num + 1)]

    # Initialize variables
    taken = []
    removed = []
    all_users = []
    my_team = {}
    end = False
    contribution = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(float))
    ME = 'chris'

    # Use only top players to speed up integer linear program
    top_players = []
    row_names = [stat_name[0] for stat_name in cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM Contributions;""").description][1:]
    for row in cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM Contributions ORDER BY contribution DESC LIMIT {};""".format(
            str(participants * rounds_num))).fetchall():
        name = str(row[0]).lower()
        for i, stat in enumerate(row[1:]):
            contribution[name][row_names[i]] = stat

    # Store player names for input error checking
    all_players = [str(row[0]).lower() for row in cursor.execute("""SELECT name FROM Contributions;""")]

    # Determine where players are projected to be picked
    projected = defaultdict(int)
    with open('files/draft/projected_picks.txt') as f2:
        for i, line in enumerate(f2.readlines()):
            name = line.lower().rstrip()
            projected[name] = i + 1

    for pick in range(1, (participants * rounds_num) + 1):

        # Breaks upon user request
        if end:

        # Re-initialize success variable
        success = False

        print '\nPick {} in progress...'.format(pick)

        while not success:

            # Print draft recommendations on user's pick
            if pick in pick_numbers or pick == 1:
                print ''
                for draft_pick in Helper.optimize_draft(pick_numbers, projected, contribution, top_players, my_team,
                                                        taken + removed + my_team.keys(), pick):
                    if draft_pick[1] == '0':
                        print '{}. {} - DRAFTED'.format(str(my_team[draft_pick[0]]), draft_pick[0].title())
                        print '{}. {}'.format(draft_pick[1], draft_pick[0].title())

            # \ before a name indicates a new player
            player = raw_input("\nEnter a player name: ").lower()

            # Allows user to end function
            if player == "end":
                end = True
                success = True

            # Removes players from optimal draft calculation
            elif player == 'remove':
                removed.append(raw_input('Who would you like to remove?: '))
                print ''

            # Allows user to swap picks
            elif player == 'swap':
                old_pick = int(raw_input('Which pick are you losing?: '))
                new_pick = int(raw_input('Which pick are you getting?: '))
                print ''

                if old_pick in pick_numbers:

            # Calculates optimal draft upon request
            elif player == 'draft' and pick not in pick_numbers and pick != 1:
                print ''
                for draft_pick in Helper.optimize_draft(pick_numbers, projected, contribution, top_players, my_team,
                                                        taken + removed + my_team.keys(), pick):
                    if draft_pick[1] == '0':
                        print '{}. {} - DRAFTED'.format(str(my_team[draft_pick[0]]), draft_pick[0].title())
                        print '{}. {}'.format(draft_pick[1], draft_pick[0].title())

                # If the input is valid, remove player from draft and add them to a team
                if (player in all_players or player[0] == '\\') and player not in taken:
                    player = player.replace('\\', '')
                    success = True

                    if pick in pick_numbers:
                        # Update which players are on user's team
                        my_team[player] = pick

                        # Add the player to the team database
                        cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO Teams VALUES ("{}", "{}")""".format(player, ME))
                        user = raw_input(("Who drafted " + player.title() + "?: ")).lower()

                        # If the user is new, add them to the database
                        if user not in all_users:
                            cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO Participants VALUES ("{}");""".format(user))

                        # Add the player to the team database
                        cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO Teams VALUES ("{}", "{}")""".format(player, user))

                elif player in taken:
                    print '{} has already been drafted'.format(player.title())

                # Suggests player names if input is incorrect
                    Helper.check_incorrect_input(player, set(all_players) - set(taken))

    # Close database connection