Ejemplo n.º 1
def fetchActiveUsers(bot, all_employees):
    # Check for new members
    params = {"token": USER_TOKEN_STRING, "channel": bot.channel_id}
    response = requests.get("https://slack.com/api/channels.info", params=params)
    print "fetchActiveUsers response: " + response.text
    parsed_message, isMessageOkay = Http.parseSlackJSON(response)

    if isMessageOkay:
        user_ids = parsed_message["channel"]["members"]

    active_users = []

    for user_id in user_ids:
        # Don't add hudl_workout
        if user_id != bot.user_id:
            # Add user to the cache if not already
            if user_id not in bot.user_cache:
                bot.user_cache[user_id] = User(user_id, all_employees)
                if not bot.first_run:
                    # Push our new users near the front of the queue!
            if bot.user_cache[user_id].isActive():

    if bot.first_run:
        bot.first_run = False

    return active_users
Ejemplo n.º 2
def initiateThrowdown(bot, all_employees, message):

    text = message['text'].lower()
    words = text.split()
    challengerId = message['user']

    active_users = fetchActiveUsers(bot, all_employees)
    challengees = []
    challenger = None

    for user in active_users:
        if user.id == challengerId:
            challenger = user

    exercise = findExerciseInText(bot, text)
    exercise_reps = findIntInText(bot, words)

    if challenger is not None and challenger.has_challenged_today == True:
        already_challenged_text = 'You can only give out a challenge once a day ' + challenger.real_name
        requests.post(bot.post_message_URL + "&text=" + already_challenged_text)

    if exercise_reps != False and exercise != False and exercise_reps > exercise['maxReps']:
        too_many_reps_text = 'Please select a number under ' + str(exercise['maxReps']) + ' for that exercise, ' + challenger.real_name
        requests.post(bot.post_message_URL + "&text=" + too_many_reps_text)

    if challenger is not None and exercise != False and exercise_reps != False:
        for user in active_users:
            for word in words:
                if user.id.lower() in word:
                    print "Found a challengee"

        if len(challengees) > 0:

            for challengee in challengees:
                challengee.addExercise(exercise, exercise_reps)

            challenger.has_challenged_today = True
            challenge_text = "You hear that, " + challengees[0].real_name + "? " + challenger.real_name + " is challenging you, " + str(exercise_reps) + " " + str(exercise["units"]) + " " + exercise['name'] + " now!"
            response = requests.post(bot.post_message_URL + "&text=" + challenge_text)
            print "initiateThrowdown response: " + response.text

            parsed_message, isMessageOkay = Http.parseSlackJSON(response)
            if isMessageOkay:
                last_message_timestamp = parsed_message["ts"]
                requests.post("https://slack.com/api/reactions.add?token=" + USER_TOKEN_STRING + "&name=yes&channel=" + bot.channel_id + "&timestamp=" + last_message_timestamp +  "&as_user=true")
                requests.post("https://slack.com/api/reactions.add?token="+ USER_TOKEN_STRING + "&name=no&channel=" + bot.channel_id + "&timestamp=" + last_message_timestamp +  "&as_user=true")
                requests.post("https://slack.com/api/reactions.add?token="+ USER_TOKEN_STRING + "&name=sleeping&channel=" + bot.channel_id + "&timestamp=" + last_message_timestamp +  "&as_user=true")

            exercise_obj = Exercises(exercise, exercise_reps, challengees, last_message_timestamp)

            print challenge_text
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def isActive(self):
     params = {"token": USER_TOKEN_STRING, "user": self.id}
     response = requests.get("https://slack.com/api/users.getPresence",params=params)
     parsed_message, isMessageOkay = Http.parseSlackJSON(response)
     if isMessageOkay:
         status = parsed_message["presence"]
         return status == "active"
         return False
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def fetchNames(self):
        params = {"token": USER_TOKEN_STRING, "user": self.id}
        response = requests.get("https://slack.com/api/users.info", params=params)

        parsed_message, isMessageOkay = Http.parseSlackJSON(response)
        if isMessageOkay:
            user_obj = parsed_message["user"]

            username = user_obj["name"]
            real_name = user_obj["profile"]["real_name"]

            return username, real_name
Ejemplo n.º 5
def announceExercise(bot, minute_interval):

    exercise = selectExercise(bot)

    # Announcement String of next lottery time
    lottery_announcement = "NEXT LOTTERY FOR " + exercise["name"].upper() + " IS IN " + str(minute_interval) + (" MINUTES" if minute_interval != 1 else " MINUTE")

    # Announce the exercise to the thread
    if not bot.debug:
        response = requests.post(bot.post_message_URL + "&text=" + lottery_announcement)
        print "announceExercise response: " + response.text
        if bot.last_listen_ts == '0':
            parsed_message, isMessageOkay = Http.parseSlackJSON(response)
            if isMessageOkay:
                bot.last_listen_ts = parsed_message["ts"]
    print lottery_announcement
    return exercise
Ejemplo n.º 6
def listenForReactions(bot):

    if not bot.debug:
        for exercise in EXERCISES_FOR_DAY:

            timestamp = exercise.timestamp
            response = requests.get("https://slack.com/api/reactions.get?token=" + USER_TOKEN_STRING + "&channel=" + bot.channel_id + "&full=1&timestamp=" + timestamp)
            parsed_message, isMessageOkay = Http.parseSlackJSON(response)

            if isMessageOkay:
                reactions = parsed_message["message"]["reactions"]
                for reaction in reactions:
                    if reaction["name"] == "yes":
                        users_who_have_reacted_with_yes = reaction["users"]
                    elif reaction["name"] == "no":
                        users_who_have_reacted_with_no = reaction["users"]
                    elif reaction["name"] == "sleeping":
                        users_who_have_reacted_with_sleeping = reaction["users"]

                for user in exercise.users:
                    if user.id in users_who_have_reacted_with_yes and user not in exercise.completed_users:
                        exercise_name = exercise.exercise["name"]
                        print user.real_name + " has completed their " + exercise_name + " after " + str((time.time() - exercise.time_assigned)) + " seconds"
                        exercise.count_of_acknowledged += 1
                        if bot.database:
                            query = dict(username='******'+user.username, exercise=exercise_name, assigned_at=exercise.time_assigned, completed_at=time.time())
                    elif user.id in users_who_have_reacted_with_no and user not in exercise.refused_users and user not in exercise.completed_users:
                        exercise_name = exercise.exercise["name"]
                        print user.real_name + " refuses to complete their " + exercise_name
                        exercise.count_of_acknowledged += 1
                    elif not isReminderInReminderList(user.id, exercise) and user.id in users_who_have_reacted_with_sleeping:
                        exercise.snoozed_users.append(Reminder(timestamp, datetime.datetime.now(), user, exercise))

                if exercise.count_of_acknowledged == len(exercise.users):
                    print "Removing Exercise"
Ejemplo n.º 7
def listenForCommands(bot, all_employees):
    response = requests.get("https://slack.com/api/channels.history?token=" + USER_TOKEN_STRING + "&channel=" + bot.channel_id + "&oldest=" + bot.last_listen_ts)
    parsed_message, isMessageOkay = Http.parseSlackJSON(response)

    if isMessageOkay:
        messages = parsed_message["messages"]
        if not messages:

        last_time = messages[-1]['ts']
        bot.last_listen_ts = last_time
        command_start = '<@'+bot.user_id.lower()+'>'
        for message in messages:
            text = message['text'].lower()
            if text.startswith(command_start):

                if 'challenge' in text:
                    initiateThrowdown(bot, all_employees, message)

                exercise = findExerciseInText(bot, text)
                if exercise != False:
                    requests.post(bot.post_message_URL + "&text=" + exercise['tutorial'])

                # Check for help command
                if 'help' in text:
                    help_message = 'Just send me a name of an exercise, and I will teach you how to do it.'
                    for exercise in bot.exercises:
                        help_message += '\n ' + exercise['name']
                    help_message += '\n If you want to issue a challenge say `@hudl_workout I challenge @PERSON to 15 EXERCISE`'
                    requests.post(bot.post_message_URL + "&text=" + help_message)

                    prompt_actual_command = "I'm sorry, I can't understand you"
                    requests.post(bot.post_message_URL + "&text=" + prompt_actual_command)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def assignExercise(bot, exercise, all_employees):
    # Select number of reps
    exercise_reps = random.randrange(exercise["minReps"], exercise["maxReps"]+1)

    winner_announcement = str(exercise_reps) + " " + str(exercise["units"]) + " " + exercise["name"] + " RIGHT NOW "

    active_users = fetchActiveUsers(bot, all_employees)

    winners = []

    num_active_users = len(active_users)
    if num_active_users < 3:
        num_people_to_callout = 0
    elif num_active_users < 6:
        num_people_to_callout = 1
    elif num_active_users < 10:
        num_people_to_callout = 2
    elif num_active_users < 20:
        num_people_to_callout = 3
        num_people_to_callout = 5

    print "num active users: " + str(num_active_users) + ", choosing " + str(num_people_to_callout) + " people"

    if num_people_to_callout > 0:

        if random.random() < bot.group_callout_chance:
            winner_announcement += "@channel!"

            # only add active users to the exercise list. This will mean if someone is active later and marks :yes: they won't get credit.
            for user in active_users:
                user.addExercise(exercise, exercise_reps)
            for i in range(num_people_to_callout):
                winners.append(selectUser(bot, exercise, all_employees, winners, active_users))

            for i in range(num_people_to_callout):
                winner_announcement += str(winners[i].getUserHandle())
                if i == num_people_to_callout - 2:
                    winner_announcement += ", and "
                elif i == num_people_to_callout - 1:
                    winner_announcement += "!"
                    winner_announcement += ", "

                winners[i].addExercise(exercise, exercise_reps)

        last_message_timestamp = str(datetime.datetime.now())
        # Announce the user
        if not bot.debug:
            response = requests.post(bot.post_message_URL + "&text=" + winner_announcement)
            print "assignExercise response: " + response.text
            parsed_message, isMessageOkay = Http.parseSlackJSON(response)
            if isMessageOkay:
                last_message_timestamp = parsed_message["ts"]
                requests.post("https://slack.com/api/reactions.add?token=" + USER_TOKEN_STRING + "&name=yes&channel=" + bot.channel_id + "&timestamp=" + last_message_timestamp +  "&as_user=true")
                requests.post("https://slack.com/api/reactions.add?token="+ USER_TOKEN_STRING + "&name=no&channel=" + bot.channel_id + "&timestamp=" + last_message_timestamp +  "&as_user=true")
                requests.post("https://slack.com/api/reactions.add?token="+ USER_TOKEN_STRING + "&name=sleeping&channel=" + bot.channel_id + "&timestamp=" + last_message_timestamp +  "&as_user=true")

            exercise_obj = Exercises(exercise, exercise_reps, winners, last_message_timestamp)

            print winner_announcement

        are_you_scared = "Not enough of you maggots are active! What are you all scared? GET BACK IN HERE!"
        requests.post(bot.post_message_URL + "&text=" + are_you_scared)