Ejemplo n.º 1
def populate_gmms(sample_vids, GMM_OUT, k_gmm, sample_size=400000, PCA=False):
    sample_size is the number of IDTFs that we sample from the total_lines number of IDTFs
    that were computed previously.

    GMM_OUT is the output file to save the list of GMMs.
    Saves the GMMs in the GMM_OUT file as the gmm_list attribute.

    Returns the list of gmms.
    #total_lines = 2488317, sample size=1500000
    #total_line (30 classes) = 686680, sample size = 400000
    total_lines = total_IDTF_lines()
    print total_lines
    sample_size = min(total_lines, sample_size)
    sample_indices = random.sample(xrange(total_lines), sample_size)
    sample_descriptors = IDT_feature.list_descriptors_sampled(
        GMM_dir, sample_vids, sample_indices)
    bm_list = IDT_feature.bm_descriptors(sample_descriptors)

    #Construct gmm models for each of the different descriptor types.

    gmm_list = [gmm_model(bm, k_gmm, PCA=PCA) for bm in bm_list]
    print "gmm_list complete"

    np.savez(GMM_OUT, gmm_list=gmm_list)
    print "Save gmm_list.npz"
    return gmm_list
Ejemplo n.º 2
def populate_gmms(PROJ_DIR,TMP_FEATURES,k_gmm,GMM_OUT,sample_size=1500000, PCA=False):
    sample_size is the number of IDTFs that we sample from the total_lines number of IDTFs
    that were computed previously.

    Saves the GMMs in the GMM_OUT file as the gmm_list attribute.

    PROJ_DIR is the directory of the project (directory where we save the gmm_list)
    TMP_FEATURES is the directory of the temporary .feature vectors

    Returns the list of gmms.
    feature_list = [filename for filename in os.listdir(TMP_FEATURES) if filename.endswith('.features')]
    #total_lines = 2488317
    total_lines = total_IDTF_lines(TMP_FEATURES)
    print "Total IDTFs constructed", total_lines
    sample_size = min(total_lines,sample_size)
    sample_indices = random.sample(xrange(total_lines),sample_size)

    sample_descriptors = IDT_feature.list_descriptors_sampled(TMP_FEATURES, feature_list, sample_indices)
    bm_list = IDT_feature.bm_descriptors(sample_descriptors)
    #Construct gmm models for each of the different descriptor types.
    gmm_list = [gmm_model(bm, k_gmm, PCA=PCA) for bm in bm_list]
    np.savez(GMM_OUT, gmm_list=gmm_list)
    return gmm_list
Ejemplo n.º 3
def populate_gmms(sample_vids, GMM_OUT, k_gmm, sample_size=1500000, PCA=False):
    sample_size is the number of IDTFs that we sample from the total_lines number of IDTFs
    that were computed previously.

    GMM_OUT is the output file to save the list of GMMs.
    Saves the GMMs in the GMM_OUT file as the gmm_list attribute.

    Returns the list of gmms.
    #total_lines = 2488317
    total_lines = total_IDTF_lines()
    print total_lines
    sample_size = min(total_lines,sample_size)
    sample_indices = random.sample(xrange(total_lines),sample_size)

    sample_descriptors = IDT_feature.list_descriptors_sampled(GMM_dir, sample_vids, sample_indices)
    bm_list = IDT_feature.bm_descriptors(sample_descriptors)
    #Construct gmm models for each of the different descriptor types.
    gmm_list = [gmm_model(bm, k_gmm, PCA=PCA) for bm in bm_list]
    np.savez(GMM_OUT, gmm_list=gmm_list)
    return gmm_list
Ejemplo n.º 4
def populate_gmms(IDT_DIR, sample_vids, gmm_file, k_gmm, sample_size=1500000, PCA=False):
    sample_size is the number of IDTFs that we sample from the total_lines number of IDTFs
    that were computed previously.

    gmm_file is the output file to save the list of GMMs.
    Saves the GMMs in the gmm_file file as the gmm_list attribute.

    Returns the list of gmms.
    nr_vids = len(sample_vids)
    nr_samples_pvid = int(np.ceil(sample_size/nr_vids))

    sample_descriptors = IDT_feature.list_descriptors_sampled(IDT_DIR, sample_vids, nr_samples_pvid)
    bm_list = IDT_feature.bm_descriptors(sample_descriptors)
    # save all sampled descriptors for learning gmm
    bm_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(gmm_file), 'bm_descriptors_%d' % (sample_size,))
    np.savez(bm_file, bm_list=bm_list)

    # why sqrt? just like root sift! already done!!
    # bm_list[0] = bm_list[0]
    # bm_list[1] = np.sqrt(bm_list[1])
    # bm_list[2] = np.sqrt(bm_list[2])
    # bm_list[3] = np.sqrt(bm_list[3])

    # Construct gmm models for each of the different descriptor types.
    gmm_list = [gmm_model(bm, k_gmm, PCA=PCA) for bm in bm_list]
    np.savez(gmm_file, gmm_list=gmm_list)

    return gmm_list
Ejemplo n.º 5
def populate_gmms(sample_vids, GMM_OUT, k_gmm, sample_size=256000, PCA=False):
    sample_size is the number of IDTFs that we sample from the total_lines number of IDTFs
    that were computed previously.

    GMM_OUT is the output file to save the list of GMMs.
    Saves the GMMs in the GMM_OUT file as the gmm_list attribute.

    Returns the list of gmms.
    # total_lines = 3000
    # total_lines = 158638780-787-1323 # ucf101
    total_lines = 8081693  # something
    # print('Counting all IDTF lines')
    # total_lines = total_IDTF_lines()
    print('All lines: ', str(total_lines))
    sample_size = min(total_lines, sample_size)
    sample_indices = random.sample(xrange(total_lines), sample_size)

    sample_descriptors = IDT_feature.list_descriptors_sampled(
        GMM_dir, sample_vids, sample_indices)
    bm_list = IDT_feature.bm_descriptors(sample_descriptors)
    #Construct gmm models for each of the different descriptor types.

    gmm_list = [gmm_model(bm, k_gmm, PCA=PCA) for bm in bm_list]
    np.savez(GMM_OUT, gmm_list=gmm_list)

    return gmm_list
Ejemplo n.º 6
def processVideo(vid,IDT_DIR,FV_DIR,gmm_list):
    Extracts the IDTFs, constructs a Fisher Vector, and saves the Fisher Vector at FV_DIR
    output_file: the full path to the newly constructed fisher vector.
    gmm_list: a list of gmms
    input_file = os.path.join(IDT_DIR, vid.split('.')[0]+'.bin')
    output_file = os.path.join(FV_DIR, vid.split('.')[0]+'.fv')

    if not os.path.exists(input_file):
        print '%s IDT Feature does not exist!' % vid
        return False

    if os.path.exists(output_file+'.mat'):
        print '%s Fisher Vector exists, skip!' % vid
        return False

    video_desc = IDT_feature.vid_descriptors(IDT_feature.read_IDTF_file(input_file))
    computeFV.create_fisher_vector(gmm_list, video_desc, output_file)
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 7
def processVideo(vid, IDT_DIR, FV_DIR, gmm_list):
    Extracts the IDTFs, constructs a Fisher Vector, and saves the Fisher Vector at FV_DIR
    output_file: the full path to the newly constructed fisher vector.
    gmm_list: a list of gmms
    input_file = os.path.join(IDT_DIR, vid.split('.')[0] + '.bin')
    output_file = os.path.join(FV_DIR, vid.split('.')[0] + '.fv')

    if not os.path.exists(input_file):
        print '%s IDT Feature does not exist!' % vid
        return False

    if os.path.exists(output_file + '.mat'):
        print '%s Fisher Vector exists, skip!' % vid
        return False

    video_desc = IDT_feature.vid_descriptors(
    computeFV.create_fisher_vector(gmm_list, video_desc, output_file)
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 8
def populate_gmms(IDT_DIR,
    sample_size is the number of IDTFs that we sample from the total_lines number of IDTFs
    that were computed previously.

    gmm_file is the output file to save the list of GMMs.
    Saves the GMMs in the gmm_file file as the gmm_list attribute.

    Returns the list of gmms.
    nr_vids = len(sample_vids)
    nr_samples_pvid = int(np.ceil(sample_size / nr_vids))

    sample_descriptors = IDT_feature.list_descriptors_sampled(
        IDT_DIR, sample_vids, nr_samples_pvid)
    bm_list = IDT_feature.bm_descriptors(sample_descriptors)
    # save all sampled descriptors for learning gmm
    bm_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(gmm_file),
                           'bm_descriptors_%d' % (sample_size, ))
    np.savez(bm_file, bm_list=bm_list)

    # why sqrt? just like root sift! already done!!
    # bm_list[0] = bm_list[0]
    # bm_list[1] = np.sqrt(bm_list[1])
    # bm_list[2] = np.sqrt(bm_list[2])
    # bm_list[3] = np.sqrt(bm_list[3])

    # Construct gmm models for each of the different descriptor types.
    gmm_list = [gmm_model(bm, k_gmm, PCA=PCA) for bm in bm_list]
    np.savez(gmm_file, gmm_list=gmm_list)

    return gmm_list
        svm = classify_library.load_model('../data/models/svm_nopca.sav')
    gmm_list = np.load(gmm_list + ".npz")['gmm_list']
    index_class = np.load(class_index)['index_class']
    index_class = index_class[()]

    points = []  # a list of IDT features.
    frame_lim = frame_step
    for line in sys.stdin:
        if line[0] != '[':  # avoid getting info message as data
            frame = int(line.split()[0])
            if frame_lim <= frame:
                frame_lim = frame_lim + frame_step
                # print frame_lim<=frame
                if points != []:
                    video_desc = IDT_feature.vid_descriptors(points)
                    fish = computeFV.create_fisher_vector_unsaved(
                        gmm_list, video_desc)
                    fish = np.array(fish).reshape(1, -1)
                    if args.no_pca:
                        result = svm.predict(fish)
                        fish_pca = pca.transform(fish)
                        result = svm.predict(fish_pca)

                    print '\n' + 'RESULT: ' + OKGREEN + BOLD + index_class[
                        result[0]] + ENDC + '\n'

                points = []
import numpy as np
from yael import ynumpy
import IDT_feature
from tempfile import TemporaryFile
import argparse
import computeFV

computes a Fisher vector given an input stream of IDTFs

	stream_of_IDTFs | python computeFVstream.py fisher_path gmm_list
   ./DenseTrackStab video_file | python computeFVstream.py fisher_path gmm_list

#The input is a stream of IDTFs associated with a single video.
if __name__ == '__main__':
   parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
   parser.add_argument("fisher_path", help="File to save the output Fisher Vector", type=str)
   parser.add_argument("gmm_list", help="File of saved list of GMMs", type=str)
   args = parser.parse_args()
   gmm_list = np.load(args.gmm_list+".npz")['gmm_list']
   points = [] # a list of IDT features.
   for line in sys.stdin:
   video_desc = IDT_feature.vid_descriptors(points)
   computeFV.create_fisher_vector(gmm_list, video_desc, args.fisher_path)