def plot_autopilot(Data): Title = [ 'Speed', 'Active Speed', 'Delta', 'Regime', 'Yaw Rate', 'Comparison btw autopilot and drix speed' ] if not Data.autopilot: L = No_Data_Found_plots(Title) Red_line = True else: fig0 = normal_plot(Data.autopilot['Speed'], Title[0]) fig1 = normal_plot(Data.autopilot['ActiveSpeed'], Title[1]) fig2 = normal_plot(Data.autopilot['Delta'], Title[2]) fig3 = normal_plot(Data.autopilot['Regime'], Title[3]) fig4 = normal_plot(Data.autopilot['yawRate'], Title[4]) fig5 = several_plot(Data.autopilot['speed_autopilot'], Title[5], list_y=['y_gps', 'y_autopilot'], label_y=['Gps speed', 'Autopilot speed']) L = [fig0, fig1, fig2, fig3, fig4, fig5] Red_line = False # Fig = merge_plots(L,'Autopilot Data',red_line = Red_line) # plotly.offline.plot(Fig, filename = Data.ihm_path + '/autopilot/Bilan_autopilot3000.html', auto_open=False) IHM.html_page_creation(Data, 'Autopilot Data', L, '/autopilot/Bilan_autopilot3000.html')
def plot_trimmer_status(Data): Title = [ 'Primary Powersupply Consumption (A)', 'Secondary Powersupply Consumption (A)', 'Motor Temperature (deg)', 'PCB Temperature (deg)', 'Relative Humidity (%)' ] if not Data.gpu_state: L = No_Data_Found_plots(Title) Red_line = True else: fig0 = normal_plot( Data.trimmer_status['primary_powersupply_consumption_A'], Title[0]) fig1 = normal_plot( Data.trimmer_status['secondary_powersupply_consumption_A'], Title[1]) fig2 = normal_plot(Data.trimmer_status['motor_temperature_degC'], Title[2]) fig3 = normal_plot(Data.trimmer_status['pcb_temperature_degC'], Title[3]) fig4 = normal_plot(Data.trimmer_status['relative_humidity_percent'], Title[4]) L = [fig0, fig1, fig2, fig3, fig4] Red_line = False # Fig = merge_plots(L,'Trimmer Status', red_line = Red_line) # plotly.offline.plot(Fig, filename = Data.ihm_path + '/trimmer_status/Bilan_trimmer_status3000.html', auto_open=False) IHM.html_page_creation(Data, 'Trimmer status', L, '/trimmer_status/Bilan_trimmer_status3000.html')
def plot_gpu_state(Data): Title = [ 'GPU Temperature (deg)', 'GPU Utilization (deg)', 'GPU memory utilization (%)', 'GPU Total Memory (GB)', 'GPU Power Consumption (W)', 'GPU Power Consumption (W)' ] if not Data.gpu_state: L = No_Data_Found_plots(Title) Red_line = True else: fig0 = normal_plot(Data.gpu_state['temperature_deg_c'], Title[0]) fig1 = normal_plot(Data.gpu_state['gpu_utilization_percent'], Title[1]) fig2 = normal_plot(Data.gpu_state['mem_utilization_percent'], Title[2]) fig3 = normal_plot(Data.gpu_state['total_mem_GB'], Title[3]) fig4 = normal_plot(Data.gpu_state['power_consumption_W'], Title[4]) fig5 = normal_plot(Data.gpu_state['power_consumption_W'], Title[5]) L = [fig0, fig1, fig2, fig3, fig4, fig5] Red_line = False # Fig = merge_plots(L,'Gpu State', red_line = Red_line) # plotly.offline.plot(Fig, filename = Data.ihm_path + '/gpu_state/Bilan_gpu_state3000.html', auto_open=False) IHM.html_page_creation(Data, 'Gpu State', L, '/gpu_state/Bilan_gpu_state3000.html')
def placement_pion(grille, joueur, num_ligne, num_colonne): ''' Cette fonction place le pion du joueur passé en paramètre dans la case dont le numéro de ligne et de colonne sont eux aussi passés en paramètre. La gravité et l'affichage de la grille dans la console sont appliqués si le module gravite a été complété. ''' cl = case_libre_la_plus_basse(grille, num_colonne) if cl is not None: num_ligne, num_colonne = cl grille[num_ligne][num_colonne] = joueur affichage_console(grille) IHM.collage_du_pion(joueur, num_ligne, num_colonne)
def plot_iridium_status(Data): Title = [ 'Iridium link state', 'Signal strength', 'Registration status', 'MO = mobile originated = outgoing messages from modem to sattelites (GSS), mo_status_code', 'last_mo_msg_sequence_number', 'MT = Mobile Terminated = incoming messages from modem to sattelites (GSS), mt_status_code', 'Mobile Terminated Message Sequence Number is assigned by the GSS when forwarding a message to the ISU', 'length in bytes of the mobile terminated SBD message received from the GSS, mt_length', 'MT queued is a count of mobile terminated SBD messages waiting at the GSS to be transferred to the ISU (modem), mt_length', 'cmd_queue', 'Failed transaction (%)' ] if not Data.iridium_status: L = No_Data_Found_plots(Title) Red_line = True else: fig0 = Binary_plot(Data.iridium_status['is_iridium_link_ok'], Title[0], default_value=True) fig1 = normal_plot(Data.iridium_status['signal_strength'], Title[1]) fig2 = normal_plot(Data.iridium_status['registration_status'], Title[2], y_axis={ "detached": 0, "not registered": 1, "registered": 2, "registration denied": 3 }) fig3 = normal_plot(Data.iridium_status['mo_status_code'], Title[3]) fig4 = normal_plot(Data.iridium_status['last_mo_msg_sequence_number'], Title[4]) fig5 = normal_plot(Data.iridium_status['mt_status_code'], Title[5]) fig6 = normal_plot(Data.iridium_status['mt_msg_sequence_number'], Title[6]) fig7 = normal_plot(Data.iridium_status['mt_length'], Title[7]) fig8 = normal_plot(Data.iridium_status['gss_queued_msgs'], Title[8]) fig9 = normal_plot(Data.iridium_status['cmd_queue'], Title[9]) fig10 = normal_plot(Data.iridium_status['failed_transaction_percent'], Title[10]) L = [fig0, fig1, fig2, fig3, fig4, fig5, fig6, fig7, fig8, fig9, fig10] Red_line = False # Fig = merge_plots(L,'Iridium Status',red_line = Red_line) # plotly.offline.plot(Fig, filename = Data.ihm_path + '/iridium/Bilan_iridium_status3000.html', auto_open=False) IHM.html_page_creation(Data, 'Iridium Status', L, '/iridium/Bilan_iridium_status3000.html')
def plot_diagnostics(Data): L = [] Diags = Data.diagnostics for k in list(Diags.keys()): L.append(normal_plot(Data.diagnostics[k], k)) # Fig = merge_plots(L,'Diagnostics Data',Height = 200) # plotly.offline.plot(Fig, filename = Data.ihm_path + '/diagnostics/Bilan_diagnostics3000.html', auto_open=False) IHM.html_page_creation(Data, 'Diagnostics Data', L, '/diagnostics/Bilan_diagnostics3000.html')
def main(): listColumns = [] with open('panorama-des-festivals.csv', encoding="utf8") as csv_file: csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file, delimiter=';') for row in csv_reader: listColumns.append(Manifestation(row['Nom de la manifestation'], row['Code postal'], row['Site web'], row['Commune principale'], [ row['Date de début'], row['Date de fin'] ], Domaines(row['Domaine'], row['Complément domaine']))) csv_file.close() root = Tk() window = IHM(listColumns, root) window.init_window()
def plot_phins(Data): Title = ['Heading (deg)', 'Pitch (deg)', 'Roll (deg)'] if not Data.phins: L = No_Data_Found_plots(Title) Red_line = True else: fig0 = normal_plot(Data.phins['headingDeg'], Title[0]) fig1 = normal_plot(Data.phins['pitchDeg'], Title[1]) fig2 = normal_plot(Data.phins['rollDeg'], Title[2]) L = [fig0, fig1, fig2] Red_line = False Fig = merge_plots(L, 'Phins Data', Height=350, red_line=Red_line) # Fig.update_layout(hovermode='y unified') # plotly.offline.plot(Fig, filename = Data.ihm_path + '/phins/Bilan_phins3000.html', auto_open=False) IHM.html_phins(Data, 'Drix status', L, '/phins/Bilan_phins3000.html')
def plot_rc_command(Data): Title = ['Reception Mode'] if not Data.rc_command: L = No_Data_Found_plots(Title) Fig = L[0] else: Fig = normal_plot(Data.rc_command['reception_mode'], Title[0], y_axis={ "UNKNOWN": 0, "HF": 1, "WIFI": 2, "WIFI_VIRTUAL": 3 }) # plotly.offline.plot(Fig, filename = Data.ihm_path + '/rc_command/Bilan_rc_command3000.html', auto_open=False) IHM.html_page_creation(Data, 'RC Command', [Fig], '/rc_command/Bilan_rc_command3000.html')
df = df.assign(Time=list_t) return (df) if __name__ == '__main__': date_d = "01-02-2021-09-00-00" date_f = "01-02-2021-15-00-00" path_zip = '../../data.tar.xz' Data = recup_data(path_zip, date_d, date_f) IHM.generate_ihm3000(Data) print("Done") # embedable_chart = plotly.offline.plot(fig, include_plotlyjs=False, output_type='div') # self.gps_encoder = ['dist', 'gps', 'speed'] # self.autopilot_encoder = ['ActiveSpeed', 'Delta', 'Regime', 'Speed', 'speed_autopilot', 'yawRate'] # self.drix_status_encoder = ['emergency_mode', 'drix_mode', 'reboot_requested', 'drix_clutch', 'remoteControlLost', 'gasolineLevel_percent', 'keel_state', 'rudderAngle_deg', 'thruster_RPM', 'shutdown_requested'] # self.gpu_state_encoder = ['total_mem_GB', 'power_consumption_W', 'gpu_utilization_percent', 'mem_utilization_percent', 'temperature_deg_c'] # self.iridium_encoder = ['is_iridium_link_ok', 'mt_length', 'cmd_queue', 'mt_status_code', 'signal_strength', 'last_mo_msg_sequence_number', 'gss_queued_msgs', 'failed_transaction_percent', 'mo_status_code', 'mt_msg_sequence_number', 'registration_status'] # self.phins_encoder = ['phins'] # self.rc_command_encoder = ['reception_mode'] # self.telemetry_encoder = ['engineon_hours_h', 'current_backup_battery_A', 'is_fans_on', 'is_oil_pressure_alarm_on', 'electronics_water_ingress', 'consumed_current_backup_battery_Ah', 'is_foghorn_on', 'backup_battery_voltage_V', 'is_water_in_fuel_on', 'electronics_fire_on_board', 'engine_battery_voltage_V', 'engine_water_ingress', 'percent_main_battery', 'time_left_main_battery_mins', 'is_navigation_lights_on', # 'engine_temperature_deg', 'percent_backup_battery', 'main_battery_voltage_V', 'time_left_backup_battery_mins', 'is_drix_started', 'electronics_temperature_deg', 'electronics_hygrometry_percent', 'current_main_battery_A', 'engine_hygrometry_percent', 'engine_water_temperature_deg', 'consumed_current_main_battery_Ah', 'engine_fire_on_board', 'is_water_temperature_alarm_on', 'oil_pressure_Bar'] # self.trimmer_status_encoder = ['power_consumption_A', 'relative_humidity_percent', 'motor_temperature_degC', 'pcb_temperature_degC']
import csv from IHM import * interface = IHM(Tk()) interface.mainloop() interface.destroy()
import pygame, sys import model import IHM #====================================================================== pygame.init() pygame.display.set_caption("My Connect-4 Game!") platoJeu = model.Plateau(2) #Data of the Game gameState = 0 closeGame = False while not closeGame: IHM.showScreen( platoJeu, gameState) #Blit the elements on screen (depending on the state) #===================== EVENT Loop =================================== for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: closeGame = True elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: #==== State 0 : Title Screen if gameState == 0: if IHM.CheckRectCollide(platoJeu, gameState, "play"): gameState = 1 #Capacities Screen elif IHM.CheckRectCollide(platoJeu, gameState, "stop"): closeGame = True #Exit the While Loop #==== State 1 : Select the capacities elif gameState == 1: if IHM.CheckRectCollide(platoJeu, gameState, "capInvLine"): platoJeu.ChangeCap("capInvLine")
def plot_telemetry(Data): Title = [ 'Drix is started', 'Navigation lights', 'Foghorn', "Fans", 'Water temperature alarm', 'Oil pressure alarm', 'Water in fuel', 'Electronics water ingress', 'Electronics fire on board', 'Engine Water Ingress', 'Engine fire on board', 'Oil Pressure (Bar)', 'Engine water temperature (deg)', 'Engine on hours', 'Main battery voltage (V)', 'Backup battery voltage (V)', 'Engine Battery Voltage (V)', 'Main battery (%)', 'Backup battery (%)', 'Consumed current main battery (Ah)', 'Consumed current backup battery (Ah)', 'Current Main Battery (A)', 'Current Backup Battery (A)', 'Time Left Main Battery (mins)', 'Time Left Backup Battery (mins)', 'Electronics Temperature (deg)', 'Electronics Hygrometry (%)', 'Electronics Hygrometry (%)', 'Engine Hygrometry (%)' ] if not Data.telemetry: L = No_Data_Found_plots(Title) Red_line = True else: print('-------------------') print("Data.telemetry : ", Data.telemetry.keys()) print('-------------------') fig0 = Binary_plot(Data.telemetry['is_drix_started'], Title[0], default_value=True) fig1 = Binary_plot(Data.telemetry['is_navigation_lights_on'], Title[1], default_value=False) fig2 = Binary_plot(Data.telemetry['is_foghorn_on'], Title[2], default_value=False) fig3 = Binary_plot(Data.telemetry['is_fans_on'], Title[3], default_value=True) fig4 = Binary_plot(Data.telemetry['is_water_temperature_alarm_on'], Title[4], default_value=False) fig5 = Binary_plot(Data.telemetry['is_oil_pressure_alarm_on'], Title[5], default_value=False) fig6 = Binary_plot(Data.telemetry['is_water_in_fuel_on'], Title[6], default_value=False) fig7 = Binary_plot(Data.telemetry['electronics_water_ingress'], Title[7], default_value=False) fig8 = Binary_plot(Data.telemetry['electronics_fire_on_board'], Title[8], default_value=False) fig9 = Binary_plot(Data.telemetry['engine_water_ingress'], Title[9], default_value=False) fig10 = Binary_plot(Data.telemetry['engine_fire_on_board'], Title[10], default_value=False) fig11 = normal_plot(Data.telemetry['oil_pressure_Bar'], Title[11]) fig12 = normal_plot(Data.telemetry['engine_water_temperature_deg'], Title[12]) fig13 = normal_plot(Data.telemetry['engineon_hours_h'], Title[13]) fig14 = normal_plot(Data.telemetry['main_battery_voltage_V'], Title[14]) fig15 = normal_plot(Data.telemetry['backup_battery_voltage_V'], Title[15]) fig16 = normal_plot(Data.telemetry['engine_battery_voltage_V'], Title[16]) fig17 = normal_plot(Data.telemetry['percent_main_battery'], Title[17]) fig18 = normal_plot(Data.telemetry['percent_backup_battery'], Title[18]) fig19 = normal_plot(Data.telemetry['consumed_current_main_battery_Ah'], Title[19]) fig20 = normal_plot( Data.telemetry['consumed_current_backup_battery_Ah'], Title[20]) fig21 = normal_plot(Data.telemetry['current_main_battery_A'], Title[21]) fig22 = normal_plot(Data.telemetry['current_backup_battery_A'], Title[22]) fig23 = normal_plot(Data.telemetry['time_left_main_battery_mins'], Title[23]) fig24 = normal_plot(Data.telemetry['time_left_backup_battery_mins'], Title[24]) fig25 = normal_plot(Data.telemetry['electronics_temperature_deg'], Title[25]) fig26 = normal_plot(Data.telemetry['electronics_hygrometry_percent'], Title[26]) fig27 = normal_plot(Data.telemetry['engine_temperature_deg'], Title[27]) fig28 = normal_plot(Data.telemetry['engine_hygrometry_percent'], Title[28]) L = [ fig0, fig1, fig2, fig3, fig4, fig5, fig6, fig7, fig8, fig9, fig10, fig11, fig12, fig13, fig14, fig15, fig16, fig17, fig18, fig19, fig20, fig21, fig22, fig23, fig24, fig25, fig26, fig27, fig28 ] Red_line = False # Fig = merge_plots(L,'Telemetry Data', red_line = Red_line) # plotly.offline.plot(Fig, filename = Data.ihm_path + '/telemetry/Bilan_telemetry3000.html', auto_open=False) IHM.html_page_creation(Data, 'Telemetry', L, '/telemetry/Bilan_telemetry3000.html')
def nouvelle_partie(): ''' Cette fonction renvoie une grille vide et le joueur de départ. Elle déclenche aussi l'affichage du plateau vide sur l'IHM. ''' IHM.affichage_plateau_vide() return [[0] * 7 for _ in range(6)], 1
def placement_pion(grille, joueur, num_ligne, num_colonne): ''' Cette fonction place le pion du joueur passé en paramètre dans la case dont le numéro de ligne et de colonne sont eux aussi passés en paramètre. La gravité et l'affichage de la grille dans la console sont appliqués si le module gravite a été complété. ''' cl = case_libre_la_plus_basse(grille, num_colonne) if cl is not None: num_ligne, num_colonne = cl grille[num_ligne][num_colonne] = joueur affichage_console(grille) IHM.collage_du_pion(joueur, num_ligne, num_colonne) # On affiche la fenêtre d'interface graphique du jeu IHM.chargement_jeu() continuer_jeu = True # On démarre une nouvelle partie grille, joueur = nouvelle_partie() # Tant que le jeu continue ... while continuer_jeu == True: # Pour chaque évènement, sur la fenêtre d'interface graphiqe for event in IHM.pygame.event.get(): # Si cet évènement est un clic sur la croix rouge, on stoppe le jeu if event.type == IHM.pygame.locals.QUIT: continuer_jeu = False # Si cet évènement est un clic gauche, on vérifie la zone cliquée if event.type == IHM.pygame.locals.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1: pion_x, pion_y = event.pos[0], event.pos[1] # Si la zone cliquée est "Nouvelle partie", on démarre une partie partie if 0 <= pion_x <= 349 and 600 <= pion_y <= 700:
def main(stdscr): menu=menu_accueil #turn off cursor blinking curses.curs_set(0) #color scheme for selected row curses.init_pair(1,curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE) #specify the current selected row current_row = 0 #print the menu IHM.print_menu(stdscr, current_row, menu) #create_command_db() #check_command_db() #create_command_tb() #check_command_tb() while 1: key=stdscr.getch() # monte si la flèche du haut est pressée if key == curses.KEY_UP and current_row>0: current_row -= 1 # descend si la flèche du bas est pressée elif key == curses.KEY_DOWN and current_row < len(menu)-1: current_row +=1 # sort du menu si la touche echap est pressée elif key == 27: break # valide le choix si la touche entrée est pressée elif key in [10,13]: stdscr.clear() stdscr.refresh() #Pour chaque appui sur un choix on lance la publication d'un msg à l'aide du python if menu[current_row] == "Prise de commande (table1)": publish(ipsuperviseur, port, "Commande/Envoi", "table1", 2) elif menu[current_row] == "Prise de commande (table2)": publish(ipsuperviseur, port, "Commande/Envoi", "table2", 2) elif menu[current_row] == "Prise de commande (table3)": publish(ipsuperviseur, port, "Commande/Envoi", "table3", 2) elif menu[current_row] == "Prise de commande (bar)": publish(ipsuperviseur, port, "Commande/Envoi", "bar", 2) elif menu[current_row] == "Prise de commande (recharge)": publish(ipsuperviseur, port, "Commande/Envoi", "recharge", 2) IHM.print_menu(stdscr, current_row, menu)
def plot_gps(Data): dic_color = { 'IdleBoot': 'blue', 'Idle': 'cyan', 'goto': 'magenta', 'follow_me': "#636efa", 'box-in': "#00cc96", "path_following": "#66AA00", "dds": "darkred", "gaps": "turquoise", "backseat": "blueviolet", "control_calibration": "teal", "auv_following": "seagreen", "hovering": "sienna", "auto_survey": "grey" } # - - - - - GNSS position graph - - - - - - df1 = Data.gps['gps'] list_hover_data1 = [ 'time', 'action_type_str', 'list_dist_mship', 'list_dist', 'fix_quality' ] title1 = "Gnss positions" fig1 = px.scatter(df1, x='l_long', y='l_lat', hover_data=list_hover_data1, color="action_type_str", title=title1, color_discrete_map=dic_color, labels={ "l_long": "Longitude (rad)", "l_lat": "Latitude (rad)", "fix_quality": "GPS quality", "action_type_str": "action type", "list_dist_mship": "Dist Drix/ship", 'list_dist': 'Travelled distance', 'time': 'Time', "color": 'Mission type' }) fig1.update_yaxes(scaleanchor="x", scaleratio=1) # - - - - - Distance travelled graph - - - - - - df2 = Data.gps['dist'] title2 = 'Distance evolution' fig2 = px.line(df2, x="Time", y="y", title=title2, labels={ "y": "Travelled distance (km)", 'time': 'Time' }) fig2.update_layout(hovermode="y") # - - - - - Speed Bar chart - - - - - - df3 = Data.gps['speed'] title3 = 'Speed history' fig3 =, y='y_speed', x='list_index', hover_data=['action_type_str', 'list_knots'], color='action_type_str', color_discrete_map=dic_color, title=title3, labels={ "y_speed": "Drix speed (m/s)", "list_knots": "Drix speed (knot)", "action_type_str": "Action type", 'list_index': 'Time' }) fig3.update_layout(xaxis=dict( tickmode='array', tickvals=df3['list_index'], ticktext=df3['time'])) # - - - - - Mission Distance Bar graph - - - - - - title4 = 'Mission Distance history' fig4 =, y='y_dist', x='list_index', hover_data=['action_type_str', 'y_speed'], color='action_type_str', color_discrete_map=dic_color, title=title4, labels={ "y_dist": "Mission distance (kms)", "y_speed": "Drix speed (m/s)", "action_type_str": "Action type", 'list_index': 'Time' }) fig4.update_layout(xaxis=dict( tickmode='array', tickvals=df3['list_index'], ticktext=df3['time'])) # - - - - - Distance Pie chart - - - - - - title5 = "Mission distance" df4 = Data.gps['pie_chart'] fig5 = px.pie(df4, values='L_dist', names='Name', color='Name', color_discrete_map=dic_color, title=title5, labels={ "L_dist": "Mission distance (kms)", "Name": "Action type" }) plotly.offline.plot(fig5, filename=Data.ihm_path + '/gps/pie3000.html', auto_open=False) # - - - - - Global Plot - - - - - - Fig = make_subplots(rows=4, cols=1, shared_xaxes=False, subplot_titles=[title1, title2, title3, title4], row_width=[0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.5]) for f in fig1["data"]: Fig.add_trace(f, row=1, col=1) for f in fig2["data"]: Fig.add_trace(f, row=2, col=1) for f in fig3["data"]: Fig.add_trace(f, row=3, col=1) for f in fig4["data"]: Fig.add_trace(f, row=4, col=1) # - - - - - names = set() Fig.for_each_trace(lambda trace: trace.update(showlegend=False) if ( in names) else names.add( # - - - - - Fig.update_layout(height=1400, width=1400, title_text="GPS Data") Fig.update_layout(legend_traceorder="reversed") Fig.update_layout(showlegend=True) Fig.layout.legend.itemsizing = 'constant' # - - - Fig.update_layout(yaxis1=dict(title="Latitude (rad)")) Fig.update_layout(xaxis1=dict(title="Longitude (rad)")) Fig.update_layout(yaxis2=dict(title="Travelled distance (km)")) Fig.update_layout(xaxis2=dict(title="Time")) Fig.update_layout(yaxis3=dict(title="Travelled distance (km)")) Fig.update_layout(xaxis3=dict(tickangle=45, tickmode='array', tickvals=df3['list_index'], ticktext=df3['time']), uniformtext_minsize=8, uniformtext_mode='hide', title='Time') Fig.update_layout(yaxis4=dict(title="Drix speed (m/s)")) Fig.update_layout(xaxis4=dict(tickangle=45, tickmode='array', tickvals=df3['list_index'], ticktext=df3['time']), uniformtext_minsize=8, uniformtext_mode='hide', title='Time') # - - - - - # # # # # # # - - - - - # plotly.offline.plot(Fig, filename= Data.ihm_path + '/gps/Bilan_gps3000.html', auto_open=False) IHM.html_gps(Data, 'GPS Data', [Fig, fig5], '/gps/Bilan_gps3000.html')
date_fin = data['fields'].get('date_de_fin', "") commune = data['fields'].get('commune_principale', "") domaine = data['fields'].get('domaine', "") manifestation = m.Manifestation(nom_manif, code_postal, site_web, date_debut, date_fin, commune, domaine) # On fais une liste des options pour les comboBox if(not domaine in liste_domaines): liste_domaines.append(domaine) if(not commune in liste_communes): liste_communes.append(commune) if(not date_debut in liste_date_debut): liste_date_debut.append(date_debut) if(not date_fin in liste_date_fin): liste_date_fin.append(date_fin) liste.append(manifestation) racine = tk.Tk() racine.title("Projet Arnaud Lieveaux") # On tri les liste liste_domaines.sort() liste_communes.sort() liste_date_debut.sort() liste_date_fin.sort() # On ajoute une option pour le retour en arrière d'un choix liste_domaines.insert(0, "Aucun") liste_communes.insert(0, "Aucune") liste_date_debut.insert(0, "Aucune") liste_date_fin.insert(0, "Aucune") app = ihm.IHM(liste, liste_domaines, liste_communes, liste_date_debut, liste_date_fin, racine) racine.mainloop()
def plot_drix_status(Data): Title = [ 'Thruster RPM', 'rudderAngle_deg', 'Gasoline Level (%)', 'Emergency mode', 'Remote Control Lost RPM', 'Shutdown requested', 'Reboot requested', 'Drix Mode', 'Drix Clutch', 'Keel state' ] if not Data.drix_status: L = No_Data_Found_plots(Title) Red_line = True else: fig0 = normal_plot(Data.drix_status['thruster_RPM'], Title[0]) fig1 = normal_plot(Data.drix_status['rudderAngle_deg'], Title[1]) fig2 = normal_plot(Data.drix_status['gasolineLevel_percent'], Title[2]) fig3 = Binary_plot(Data.drix_status['emergency_mode'], Title[3], default_value=False) fig4 = Binary_plot(Data.drix_status['remoteControlLost'], Title[4], default_value=False) fig5 = Binary_plot(Data.drix_status['shutdown_requested'], Title[5], default_value=False) fig6 = Binary_plot(Data.drix_status['reboot_requested'], Title[6], default_value=False) fig7 = normal_plot(Data.drix_status['drix_mode'], Title[7], y_axis={ "DOCKING": 0, "MANUAL": 1, "AUTO": 2 }) fig8 = normal_plot(Data.drix_status['drix_clutch'], Title[8], y_axis={ "FORWARD": 0, "NEUTRAL": 1, "BACKWARD": 2, "ERROR": 4 }) fig9 = normal_plot(Data.drix_status['keel_state'], Title[9], y_axis={ "DOWN": 0, "MIDDLE": 1, "UP": 2, "ERROR": 4, "GOING UP ERROR": 5, "GOING DOWN ERROR": 6, "UP AND DOWN ERROR": 7 }) L = [fig0, fig1, fig2, fig3, fig4, fig5, fig6, fig7, fig8, fig9] Red_line = False IHM.html_page_creation(Data, 'Drix status', L, '/drix_status/Bilan_drix_status3000.html')