Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
     self._log = fgLog.fgLog(IRUtil.getLogFile(), IRUtil.getLogLevel(), "getDistributions", False)
     self.returnCode = 0
     kernel = self.runCmd('uname -s')
     if kernel == "Darwin\n" :
         self._log.info("Using Darwin kernel ")
         self.openssl_dist = 'http://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.0d.tar.gz'
         self.openssl_dir = 'openssl-1.0.0d'
         self.cherrypy_dist = 'http://download.cherrypy.org/cherrypy/3.2.0/CherryPy-3.2.0.tar.gz'
         self.cherrypy_dir = 'CherryPy-3.2.0'
         cmdOutput = 'x86_64\n'#runCmd('uname -p')
     if cmdOutput == "i386\n" :
         self.mongo_dist = 'http://fastdl.mongodb.org/osx/mongodb-osx-i386-1.8.2.tgz'
         self.mongo_dir = 'mongodb-osx-i386-1.8.2'
     elif cmdOutput == 'x86_64\n' :
         self._log.info('Using osx x86_64')
         self.mongo_dist = 'http://fastdl.mongodb.org/osx/mongodb-osx-x86_64-1.8.2.tgz'
         self.mongo_dir = 'mongodb-osx-x86_64-1.8.2'            
     elif kernel == "Linux\n" :
         self.info('Using Linux kernel')
         self.openssl_dist = 'http://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.0d.tar.gz'
         self.openssl_dir = 'openssl-1.0.0d'
         self.cherrypy_dist = 'http://download.cherrypy.org/cherrypy/3.2.0/CherryPy-3.2.0.tar.gz'
         self.cherrypy_dir = 'CherryPy-3.2.0'
         cmdOutput = 'x86_64\n' #runCmd('uname -p')
         if cmdOutput == "i386\n" :
             self.mongo_dist = 'http://fastdl.mongodb.org/linux/mongodb-linux-i686-1.8.2.tgz'
             self.mongo_dir = 'mongodb-linux-i686-1.8.2'
         elif cmdOutput == "x86_64\n" :
             self.mongo_dist = 'http://fastdl.mongodb.org/linux/mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.8.2.tgz'
             self.mongo_dir = 'mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.8.2'
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def createIR(self):
     cfg_new = {}
     for id, node in self.cfg.items():
         cmd_l = []
         for cmd in node.cmdList:
             cmd_l += [IRUtil.parseCmd(cmd)]
         node_new = CFGNode(node.name, node.id, node.cmdList)
         node_new.cmdIR_l, node_new.edges, node_new.producers, node_new.consumers, node_new.isHead, node_new.isTBlock, node_new.isFBlock, node_new.isTail = cmd_l, node.edges, node.producers, node.consumers, node.isHead, node.isTBlock, node.isFBlock, node.isTail
         cfg_new.update({id: node_new})
    def __init__(self, address, userAdmin, configFile, log):
        Initialize object
        Keyword parameters:             
        _mongoaddress = mongos addresses and ports separated by commas (optional if config file exits)
        _items = list of imgEntry
        _dbName = name of the database
        super(IRUserStoreMysql, self).__init__()

        self._dbName = "imagesS"
        self._tabledata = "users"
        self._mysqlcfg = IRUtil.getMysqlcfg()
        self._iradminsuer = IRUtil.getMysqluser()
        self._log = log
        self._dbConnection = None        
        self._mysqlAddress = address
        self._userAdmin = userAdmin
        self._configFile = configFile
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self):
        super(IRService, self).__init__()

        #Config in IRUtil
        self._backend = IRUtil.getBackend()
        self._address = IRUtil.getAddress()
        self._fgirimgstore = IRUtil.getFgirimgstore()
        self._fgserverdir = IRUtil.getFgserverdir()
        #Setup log        
        self._log = fgLog.fgLog(IRUtil.getLogFile(), IRUtil.getLogLevel(), "Img Repo Server", True)

        if (self._backend == "mongodb"):
            self.metaStore = ImgMetaStoreMongo(self._address, self._fgserverdir, self._log)
            self.imgStore = ImgStoreMongo(self._address, self._fgserverdir, self._log)
            self.userStore = IRUserStoreMongo(self._address, self._fgserverdir, self._log)
        elif(self._backend == "mysql"):
            self.metaStore = ImgMetaStoreMysql(self._address, self._fgserverdir, self._log)
            self.imgStore = ImgStoreMysql(self._address, self._fgserverdir, self._log)
            self.userStore = IRUserStoreMysql(self._address, self._fgserverdir, self._log)
        elif(self._backend == "swiftmysql"):
            self.metaStore = ImgMetaStoreSwiftMysql(self._address, self._fgserverdir, self._log)
            self.imgStore = ImgStoreSwiftMysql(self._address, IRUtil.getAddressS(), self._fgserverdir, self._log)
            self.userStore = IRUserStoreSwiftMysql(self._address, self._fgserverdir, self._log)
        elif(self._backend == "swiftmongo"):
            self.metaStore = ImgMetaStoreSwiftMongo(self._address, self._fgserverdir, self._log)
            self.imgStore = ImgStoreSwiftMongo(self._address, IRUtil.getAddressS(), self._fgserverdir, self._log)
            self.userStore = IRUserStoreSwiftMongo(self._address, self._fgserverdir, self._log)
        elif(self._backend == "cumulusmysql"):
            self.metaStore = ImgMetaStoreCumulusMysql(self._address, self._fgserverdir, self._log)
            self.imgStore = ImgStoreCumulusMysql(self._address, IRUtil.getAddressS(), self._fgserverdir, self._log)
            self.userStore = IRUserStoreCumulusMysql(self._address, self._fgserverdir, self._log)
        elif(self._backend == "cumulusmongo"):
            self.metaStore = ImgMetaStoreCumulusMongo(self._address, self._fgserverdir, self._log)
            self.imgStore = ImgStoreCumulusMongo(self._address, IRUtil.getAddressS(), self._fgserverdir, self._log)
            self.userStore = IRUserStoreCumulusMongo(self._address, self._fgserverdir, self._log)
            self.metaStore = ImgMetaStoreFS()
            self.imgStore = ImgStoreFS()
            self.userStore = IRUserStoreFS()
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def put(self, userId, imgId, fileName, attributeString, size):
        if (str(size) == 0) :
            print("Error size is 0 ")
        else :
            print("Logging log info for put action- user  " + userId + " len(size) " + str(size))
            self._log.info("user:"******" command:put args={imgId:" + imgId + ", metadata:" + attributeString + ",\
                       size:" + str(size) + "}")
        Register the file in the database

        return imgId or 0 if something fails

        status = False
        if type(fileName) == cherrypy._cpreqbody.Part :
            if (size > 0):
                aMeta = self._createImgMeta(userId, imgId, attributeString, False)
                aImg = ImgEntry(imgId, aMeta, fileName.filename, size)
                statusImg = self.imgStore.addRequestItem(aImg, fileName)

                #put metadata into the image meta store

                #with MongoDB I put the metadata with the ImgEntry, so it skips meta add                    
                if(re.search("mongo", IRUtil.getBackend()) == None):
                    statusMeta = self.metaStore.addItem(aMeta)
                    statusMeta = True

                    #Add size and #imgs to user
                        statusAcc = self.userStore.updateAccounting(userId, size, 1)

                        if (statusAcc):
                            status = True

                            self._log.error("File size must be higher than 0")
            fileName = self._fgirimgstore + imgId
            if (os.path.isfile(fileName)):
                if (size > 0):
                    #parse attribute string and construct image metadata
                    aMeta = self._createImgMeta(userId, imgId, attributeString, False)
                    aImg = ImgEntry(imgId, aMeta, fileName, size)
                    statusImg = self.imgStore.addItem(aImg)

                        #put metadata into the image meta store

                        #with MongoDB I put the metadata with the ImgEntry, so it skips meta add                    
                        if(re.search("mongo", IRUtil.getBackend()) == None):
                            statusMeta = self.metaStore.addItem(aMeta)
                            statusMeta = True

                        #Add size and #imgs to user
                            statusAcc = self.userStore.updateAccounting(userId, size, 1)

                        if (statusAcc):
                            status = True

                            self._log.error("File size must be higher than 0")

            return aImg._imgId
            return 0
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def auth(self, userId):
     # to be implemented when integrating with the security framework
     return IRUtil.auth(userId, None)
Ejemplo n.º 7
import logging
from getopt import gnu_getopt, GetoptError
from datetime import datetime
from IRTypes import ImgMeta
from IRTypes import ImgEntry
from IRTypes import IRUser
from IRTypes import IRCredential
from cherrypy.lib import cptools

import IRUtil
import re
from IRDataAccess import AbstractImgStore
from IRDataAccess import AbstractImgMetaStore
from IRDataAccess import AbstractIRUserStore

if(IRUtil.getBackend() == "mongodb"):
    from IRDataAccessMongo import ImgStoreMongo
    from IRDataAccessMongo import ImgMetaStoreMongo
    from IRDataAccessMongo import IRUserStoreMongo
elif(IRUtil.getBackend() == "mysql"):
    from IRDataAccessMysql import ImgStoreMysql
    from IRDataAccessMysql import ImgMetaStoreMysql
    from IRDataAccessMysql import IRUserStoreMysql
elif(IRUtil.getBackend() == "swiftmysql"):
    from IRDataAccessMysql import ImgStoreMysql
    from IRDataAccessMysql import ImgMetaStoreMysql
    from IRDataAccessMysql import IRUserStoreMysql
    from IRDataAccessSwiftMysql import ImgStoreSwiftMysql
    from IRDataAccessSwiftMysql import ImgMetaStoreSwiftMysql
    from IRDataAccessSwiftMysql import IRUserStoreSwiftMysql
elif(IRUtil.getBackend() == "swiftmongo"):