Ejemplo n.º 1
    def cook(self, location, interface, attrs):
        if not self.useFrame(interface.frame(), attrs['frameRange']): return
        x3ds = interface.attr('x3ds')
        if x3ds is None:
            self.logger.error('No x3ds found at: %s' % location)

        x3ds_labels = interface.attr('x3ds_labels')
        if x3ds_labels is None:
            self.logger.error('No 3D labels found at: %s' % location)

        x2dsLocation = attrs['x2ds']
        x2ds, splits = interface.attr('x2ds',
                                      atLocation=x2dsLocation), interface.attr(
        if x2ds is None or splits is None:
            self.logger.error('No detections found at: %s' % x2dsLocation)

        calLocation = attrs['calibration']
        Ps = interface.attr('Ps', atLocation=calLocation)
        if Ps is None:
            self.logger.error('No calibration data found at: %s' % calLocation)

        import ISCV
        x2d_threshold, pred_2d_threshold = 6. / 2000., 100. / 2000
        clouds = ISCV.HashCloud2DList(x2ds, splits,
                                      max(pred_2d_threshold, x2d_threshold))
        sc, labels, _ = clouds.project_assign(
            np.ascontiguousarray(x3ds, dtype=np.float32), x3ds_labels, Ps,

        mats = interface.attr('mats', atLocation=calLocation)
        camPositions = np.array([m[4] for m in mats], dtype=np.float32)
        normals = np.zeros_like(x3ds)
        for xi, (x3d, label3d) in enumerate(zip(x3ds, x3ds_labels)):
            camIds = [
                interface.findCameraIdFromRayId(rayId, splits)
                for rayId in np.where(labels == label3d)[0]
            if not camIds: continue
            # camPos = Ps[camIds][:, :3, 3]
            camPos = camPositions[camIds]
            rays = camPos - [x3d] * len(camPos)
            rays = np.float32([ray / np.linalg.norm(ray) for ray in rays])
            raysDps = np.dot(rays, rays.T)
            bestRay = np.sum(raysDps > 0, axis=0).argmax()
            # goodRays = np.where(raysDps[bestRay] > 0.05)[0]
            normals[xi] = rays[bestRay]

        interface.setAttr('normals', normals)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_2D(frames, x3ds, detections, mats, x2d_threshold=0.025):
    '''Test the labelling of a 2d point sequence by propagating the labels to the next frame.'''
    import IO
    print 'loading 2d'
    print 'num frames', len(frames)
    prev_x2ds, prev_splits = detections[frames[0]]
    prev_vels = np.zeros_like(prev_x2ds)
    clouds = ISCV.HashCloud2DList(prev_x2ds, prev_splits, 6. / 2000.)
    x3ds_labels = np.arange(len(x3ds), dtype=np.int32)
    Ps = np.array([m[2] / (m[0][0, 0]) for m in mats], dtype=np.float32)
    sc, prev_labels, _ = Label.project_assign(clouds, x3ds, x3ds_labels, Ps,
                                              6. / 2000.)

    ret = []
    for fi in frames:
        x2ds, splits = detections[fi]
        clouds = ISCV.HashCloud2DList(x2ds, splits, x2d_threshold)
        sc, labels, vels = clouds.assign_with_vel(prev_x2ds, prev_vels,
                                                  prev_splits, prev_labels,
        prev_x2ds, prev_splits, prev_labels, prev_vels = x2ds, splits, labels, vels
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_labels(frames, x3ds_seq, detections_seq, mats, x2d_threshold=0.01):
    '''Project all the 3d points in all the views and label the detections.'''
    num_cameras = len(mats)
    ret = {}
    Ps = np.array([m[2] / (m[0][0, 0]) for m in mats], dtype=np.float32)
    for fi in frames:
        print fi, '\r',
        x3ds, x3ds_labels = x3ds_seq[fi]
        x2ds_raw_data, splits = detections_seq[fi][0]
        assert (num_cameras + 1 == len(splits))
        x2ds_labels = -np.ones(len(x2ds_raw_data), dtype=np.int32)
        x2ds_data, _ = Calibrate.undistort_dets(x2ds_raw_data, splits, mats)
        if len(x2ds_data):
            clouds = ISCV.HashCloud2DList(x2ds_data, splits, x2d_threshold)
            sc, x2ds_labels, x2ds_vels = Label.project_assign(
                clouds, x3ds, x3ds_labels, Ps, x2d_threshold)
            zeros = np.where(x2ds_labels == -1)[0]
            # these lines remove all the data for the unlabelled points
            x2ds_data[zeros] = -1
            x2ds_raw_data[zeros] = -1
        ret[fi] = x2ds_raw_data, splits, x2ds_labels
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 4
def intersect_rays(x2ds,
	Given 2D detections, we would like to find bundles of rays from different cameras that have a common solution.
	For each pair of rays, we can solve for a 3D point. Each such solve has a residual: we want to find low residual pairs.

	Closer together camera pairs and cameras with more unlabelled markers should have more matches.
	Visit the camera pairs by order of distance-per-unlabelled-marker score (lower is better).

	For a given camera pair, each ray can be given an order which is the tilt (angle between the ray from the camera to
	that ray and a line perpendicular to a reference plain containing both camera centres).

	tilt = asin(norm(raydir^(c2-c1)).ocdir))
	TODO: compare atan2(raydir^(c2-c1).ocdir,|raydir^(c2-c1)^ocdir|)

	Precisely the rays with the same tilt (within tolerance) intersect.
	This fails only if the first camera is looking directly at the second.

	For each pair of cameras, sort the unassigned rays by tilt and read off the matches.
	(DON'T match if there are two candidates with the same tilt on the same camera.)
	For each match, solve the 3D point.
	Naively, this costs ~NumDetections^2.
	However, if we project the point in all the cameras and assign rays then we can soak up all the rays in the other cameras.
	The maximum number of matches should be ~NumPoints.
	So the dominant cost becomes project assign (NumPoints * NumCameras using hash).

	Polish all the 3D points.
	Check for any 3D merges (DON'T merge if there are two rays from the same camera).
	Project all the points in all the cameras and reassign.
	Cull any points with fewer than 2 rays.
	Potentially repeat for the remaining unassigned rays.

		x2ds (float[][2]): 2D Detections.
		splits (int): Indices of ranges of 2Ds per camera.
		Ps (?): Projection matrices of the cameras?
		mats (GcameraMat[]): Camera Matrices.
		seed_x3ds (float[][3]): existing 3D data? Default = None.
		tilt_threshold (float): Slack factor for tilt pairing = 0.0002
		x2d_threshold (float): What's this? Default = 0.01
		x3d_threshold (float): What's this? = 30.0
		min_rays (int): Min number of rays to reconstruct. Default = 3.

		float[][3]: (x3ds_ret) List of 3D points produced as a result of intersecting the 2Ds
		int[]: (labels) List of labels corresponding to the x3ds.


    Ks = np.array(zip(*mats)[0], dtype=np.float32)
    RTs = np.array(zip(*mats)[1], dtype=np.float32)
    Ts = np.array(zip(*mats)[4], dtype=np.float32)
    if visibility is not None:
        ret2 = ISCV.intersect_rays_base(x2ds, splits, Ps, Ks, RTs, Ts,
                                        seed_x3ds, tilt_threshold,
                                        x2d_threshold, x3d_threshold, min_rays,
                                        numPolishIts, forceRayAgreement,
        ret2 = ISCV.intersect_rays2(x2ds, splits, Ps, Ks, RTs, Ts, seed_x3ds,
                                    tilt_threshold, x2d_threshold,
                                    x3d_threshold, min_rays, numPolishIts,
    return ret2

    import itertools
    numCameras = len(splits) - 1
    numDets = splits[-1]
    labels = -np.ones(numDets, dtype=np.int32)
    E = ISCV.compute_E(x2ds, splits, Ps)
    rays = dets_to_rays(x2ds, splits, mats)
    Ts = np.array([m[4] for m in mats], dtype=np.float32)

    def norm(a):
        return a / (np.sum(a**2)**0.5)

    tilt_axes = np.array([
        norm(np.dot([-m[0][0, 2], -m[0][1, 2], m[0][0, 0]], m[1][:3, :3]))
        for m in mats
    corder = np.array(list(itertools.combinations(range(numCameras), 2)),
                      dtype=np.int32)  # all combinations ci < cj
    #corder = np.array(np.concatenate([zip(range(ci),[ci]*ci) for ci in xrange(1,numCameras)]),dtype=np.int32)
    clouds = ISCV.HashCloud2DList(x2ds, splits, x2d_threshold)
    x3ds_ret = []
    if seed_x3ds is not None:
        x3ds_ret = list(seed_x3ds)
        # initialise labels from seed_x3ds
        _, labels, _ = clouds.project_assign_visibility(
            seed_x3ds, np.arange(len(x3ds_ret), dtype=np.int32), Ps,
            x2d_threshold, visibility)
    # visit the camera pairs by distance-per-unlabelledmarker
    #camDists = np.array([np.sum((Ts - Ti)**2, axis=1) for Ti in Ts],dtype=np.float32)
    #for oit in range(10):
    #if len(corder) == 0: break
    #urcs = np.array([1.0/(np.sum(labels[splits[ci]:splits[ci+1]]==-1)+1e-10) for ci in xrange(numCameras)],dtype=np.float32)
    #scmat = camDists*np.array([np.maximum(urcs,uci) for uci in urcs],dtype=np.float32)
    #scores = scmat[corder[:,0],corder[:,1]]
    #so = np.argsort(scores)
    #corder = corder[so]
    #for it in range(10):
    #if len(corder) == 0: break
    #ci,cj = corder[0]
    #corder = corder[1:]
    for ci in xrange(numCameras):
        for cj in xrange(ci + 1, numCameras):
            ui, uj = np.where(
                labels[splits[ci]:splits[ci + 1]] == -1)[0], np.where(
                    labels[splits[cj]:splits[cj + 1]] == -1)[0]
            if len(ui) == 0 or len(uj) == 0: continue
            ui += splits[ci]
            uj += splits[cj]
            axis = Ts[cj] - Ts[ci]
            tilt_i = np.dot(map(norm, np.cross(rays[ui], axis)), tilt_axes[ci])
            tilt_j = np.dot(map(norm, np.cross(rays[uj], axis)),
                            tilt_axes[ci])  # NB tilt_axes[ci] not a bug
            io = np.argsort(tilt_i)
            jo = np.argsort(tilt_j)
            ii, ji = 0, 0
            data = []
            while ii < len(io) and ji < len(jo):
                d0, d1 = tilt_i[io[ii]], tilt_j[jo[ji]]
                diff = d0 - d1
                if abs(diff) < tilt_threshold:
                    # test for colliding pairs
                    # if ii+1 < len(io) and tilt_i[io[ii+1]]-d0 < tilt_threshold: ii+=2; continue
                    # if ji+1 < len(jo) and tilt_j[jo[ji+1]]-d1 < tilt_threshold: ji+=2; continue
                    # test for colliding triples
                    # if ii > 0 and d0-tilt_i[io[ii-1]] < tilt_threshold: ii+=1; continue
                    # if ji > 0 and d1-tilt_j[jo[ji-1]] < tilt_threshold: ji+=1; continue
                    d = [ui[io[ii]], uj[jo[ji]]]
                    ii += 1
                    ji += 1
                elif diff < 0:
                    ii += 1
                    ji += 1
            if len(data) != 0:
                # intersect rays
                for d in data:
                    E0, e0 = E[d, :, :3].reshape(-1, 3), E[d, :, 3].reshape(-1)
                    x3d = np.linalg.solve(
                        np.dot(E0.T, E0) + np.eye(3) * 1e-7, -np.dot(E0.T, e0))
                    sc, labels_out, _ = clouds.project_assign_visibility(
                        np.array([x3d], dtype=np.float32),
                        np.array([0], dtype=np.int32), Ps, x2d_threshold,
                    tmp = np.where(labels_out == 0)[0]
                    if len(tmp) >= min_rays:
                        tls_empty = np.where(labels[tmp] == -1)[0]
                        if len(tls_empty) >= min_rays:
                            labels[tmp[tls_empty]] = len(x3ds_ret)
    # TODO: polish, merge, reassign, cull, repeat
    # merge
    if False:
        x3ds_ret = np.array(x3ds_ret, dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 3)
        cloud = ISCV.HashCloud3D(x3ds_ret, x3d_threshold)
        scores, matches, matches_splits = cloud.score(x3ds_ret)
        mergers = np.where(matches_splits[1:] - matches_splits[:-1] > 1)[0]
        for li in mergers:
            i0, i1 = matches_splits[li:li + 2]
            collisions = np.where(scores[i0:i1] < x3d_threshold**2)[0]
            if len(collisions) > 1:
                collisions += i0
                #print 'merger',li,i0,i1,scores[i0:i1] # TODO merge these (frame 7854)

    # now cull the seed_x3ds, because they could confuse matters
    if seed_x3ds is not None:
        labels[np.where(labels < len(seed_x3ds))] = -1

    minNumRays1 = np.min(
        [len(np.where(labels == l)[0]) for l in np.unique(labels)])
    maxNumRays1 = np.max(
        [len(np.where(labels == l)[0]) for l in np.unique(labels) if l != -1])

    # final polish
    x3ds_ret, x3ds_labels, E_x2ds_single, x2ds_single_labels = solve_x3ds(
        x2ds, splits, labels, Ps)
    # throw away the single rays and their 3d points by renumbering the generated 3d points
    # _,labels,_ = clouds.project_assign_visibility(x3ds_ret, None, Ps, x2d_threshold, visibility)
    minNumRays3 = np.min(
        [len(np.where(labels == l)[0]) for l in np.unique(labels)])
    maxNumRays3 = np.max(
        [len(np.where(labels == l)[0]) for l in np.unique(labels) if l != -1])
    _, labels, _ = clouds.project_assign(x3ds_ret, None, Ps, x2d_threshold)
    minNumRays2 = np.min(
        [len(np.where(labels == l)[0]) for l in np.unique(labels)])
    maxNumRays2 = np.max(
        [len(np.where(labels == l)[0]) for l in np.unique(labels) if l != -1])
    x3ds_ret, x3ds_labels, E_x2ds_single, x2ds_single_labels = solve_x3ds(
        x2ds, splits, labels, Ps)
    ret = x3ds_ret, labels
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def cook(self, location, interface, attrs):
		# Get x3ds and 3D labels from the cooked location
		x3ds = interface.attr('x3ds')
		if x3ds is None:
			self.logger.error('Could not find attribute: x3ds')

		x3ds_labels = interface.attr('x3ds_labels')
		if x3ds_labels is None:
			self.logger.error('Could not find attribute: x3ds_labels')

		normals = interface.attr('normals')

		x2d_threshold = attrs['x2d_threshold']

		# Set the detections and calibration locations as the cook location if not defined
		x2ds_location = attrs['x2ds']
		if not x2ds_location: x2ds_location = location

		calibrationLocation = attrs['calibration']
		if not calibrationLocation: calibrationLocation = interface.root()

		# Fetch 2D and calibration data
		x2ds = interface.attr('x2ds', atLocation=x2ds_location)
		x2ds_splits = interface.attr('x2ds_splits', atLocation=x2ds_location)
		Ps = interface.attr('Ps', atLocation=interface.root() + '/cameras')

		if x2ds is None or x2ds_splits is None:
			self.logger.error('2D detection data at %s is not valid' % x2ds_location)

		if Ps is None:
			mats = interface.attr('mats', atLocation=interface.root())
			if mats:
				Ps = np.array([m[2] / (np.sum(m[2][0, :3] ** 2) ** 0.5) for m in mats], dtype=np.float32)
				self.logger.error('Attribute mats not found at %s' % calibrationLocation)
				self.logger.error('Attribute Ps not found at %s' % calibrationLocation)

		# Check if we've got visibility lods
		if 'skeleton' in attrs and attrs['skeleton']:
			skeletonLoc = attrs['skeleton']
			skelDict = interface.attr('skelDict', atLocation=skeletonLoc)
			visibilityLod = interface.getChild('visibilityLod', parent=skeletonLoc)
			if visibilityLod is None:
				self.logger.error('No visibility LODs found at skeleton: %s' % attrs['skeleton'])

			lodNames = visibilityLod['names']
			lodTris = visibilityLod['tris']
			lodVerts = visibilityLod['verts']
			lodNormals = visibilityLod['faceNormals']
			tris = lodVerts[lodTris]

			mats = interface.attr('mats', atLocation=attrs['calibration'])
			cameraPositions = np.array([m[4] for m in mats], dtype=np.float32)

		clouds = ISCV.HashCloud2DList(x2ds, x2ds_splits, x2d_threshold)
		if self.visibility is None: self.visibility = ISCV.ProjectVisibility.create()
		proj_x2ds = None

		if attrs['useVisibility'] and normals is not None:
			self.visibility.setNormalsAndLods(normals, tris, cameraPositions, np.concatenate((lodNormals)), attrs['intersect_threshold'], attrs['generateNormals'])
			# proj_x2ds, proj_splits, proj_labels = ISCV.project_visibility(x3ds, x3ds_labels, Ps, self.visibility)
			# score, x2d_labels, residuals = clouds.assign(proj_x2ds, proj_splits, proj_labels, x2d_threshold)
			score, x2d_labels, residuals = clouds.project_assign_visibility(x3ds, x3ds_labels, Ps, x2d_threshold, self.visibility)
		elif attrs['useNormals'] and normals is not None:
			proj_x2ds, proj_splits, proj_labels = ISCV.project_visibility(x3ds, x3ds_labels, Ps, self.visibility)
			score, x2d_labels, residuals = clouds.assign(proj_x2ds, proj_splits, proj_labels, x2d_threshold)
			proj_x2ds, proj_splits, proj_labels = ISCV.project(x3ds, x3ds_labels, Ps)
			score, x2d_labels, vels = clouds.assign(proj_x2ds, proj_splits, proj_labels, x2d_threshold)

		if proj_x2ds is not None:
			projectedLocsAttrs = {
				'x2ds': proj_x2ds, 'x2ds_splits': proj_splits, 'labels': proj_labels,
				'x2ds_colour': (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7), 'x2ds_pointSize': 10,
				'score': score
			if 'showProjected' in attrs and attrs['showProjected']:
				interface.createChild('projected', 'points2d', attrs=projectedLocsAttrs)
				interface.createChild('projected', 'group', attrs=projectedLocsAttrs)

		if attrs['newLocation']:
			locAttrs = {
				'x2ds': x2ds, 'x2ds_splits': x2ds_splits, 'labels': x2d_labels,
				'x2ds_colour': eval(attrs['colour']), 'x2ds_pointSize': attrs['pointSize'],
				'score': score

			labelColours = interface.getLabelColours(x2d_labels, eval(attrs['colour']))
			if labelColours.any():
				locAttrs['x2ds_colours'] = labelColours

			interface.createChild('assigned', 'points2d', attrs=locAttrs)
			interface.setAttr('labels', x2d_labels, atLocation=x2ds_location)
			interface.setAttr('score', score)

			labelColours = interface.getLabelColours(x2d_labels, interface.attr('x2ds_colour', atLocation=x2ds_location))
			if labelColours.any():
				interface.setAttr('x2ds_colours', labelColours, atLocation=x2ds_location)
Ejemplo n.º 6
        pts0 = pts1 = []
    return (pts0, pts1)

def tighten_calibration(
    (x3s, x3s_labels), (x2s, x2s_splits, x2s_labels), mats):
    x3s_original = x3s.copy()
    x2s_labels_original = x2s_labels.copy()
    for it in range(10):
        x2d_threshold = 0.08  # - it * 0.04/50.
        Ps = np.array([m[2] / (m[0][0, 0]) for m in mats], dtype=np.float32)
        u2s, _ = Calibrate.undistort_dets(x2s, x2s_splits, mats)
        x3s, x3s_labels, E, x2d_labels = Recon.solve_x3ds(
            u2s, x2s_splits, x2s_labels_original, Ps, True)
        clouds = ISCV.HashCloud2DList(u2s, x2s_splits, x2d_threshold)
        sc, x2s_labels, _ = Label.project_assign(clouds, x3s, x3s_labels, Ps,
        print 'it', it, sc
        tiara_xis = np.where(x3s_labels < len(VICON_tiara_x3ds))[0]
        tiara_lis = x3s_labels[tiara_xis]
        tiara_true = VICON_tiara_x3ds[tiara_lis] + [0, 1000, 0]
        tiara_xs = x3s[tiara_xis]
        # now solve the tiara into place by finding a rigid transform
        RT, inliers = Calibrate.rigid_align_points_inliers(tiara_xs,
        x3s = np.dot(x3s, RT[:3, :3].T) + RT[:, 3]
        x3s[tiara_xis] = tiara_true
        singles = np.where([x in list(x2d_labels) for x in x2s_labels])[0]
        x2s_labels[singles] = -1
Ejemplo n.º 7
def intersectRaysCB(fi):
    global x2d_frames, mats, Ps, c3d_frames, view, primitives, primitives2D, track3d, prev_frame, track_orn, orn_graph, boot, g_all_skels, md, orn_mapper, mar_mapper
    skipping = prev_frame is None or np.abs(fi - prev_frame) > 10
    prev_frame = fi
    view = QApp.view()
    points, altpoints = primitives
    g2d = primitives2D[0]
    frame = x2d_frames[fi]
    x2ds_data, x2ds_splits = ViconReader.frameCentroidsToDets(frame, mats)
    g2d.setData(x2ds_data, x2ds_splits)
    if skipping:
        x3ds, x3ds_labels = track3d.boot(x2ds_data, x2ds_splits)
        #trackGraph = Label.TrackGraph()
        boot = -10
        x3ds, x3ds_labels = track3d.push(x2ds_data, x2ds_splits)
    if False:
        boot = boot + 1
        if boot == 0:
            x2d_threshold_hash = 0.01
            penalty = 10.0  # the penalty for unlabelled points. this number should be about 10. to force more complete labellings, set it higher.
            maxHyps = 500  # the number of hypotheses to maintain.
            print "booting:"
            numLabels = len(orn_graph[0])
            l2x = -np.ones(numLabels, dtype=np.int32)
            label_score = ISCV.label_from_graph(x3ds, orn_graph[0],
                                                orn_graph[1], orn_graph[2],
                                                orn_graph[3], maxHyps, penalty,
            clouds = ISCV.HashCloud2DList(x2ds_data, x2ds_splits,
            which = np.array(np.where(l2x != -1)[0], dtype=np.int32)
            pras_score, x2d_labels, vels = Label.project_assign(
            print fi, label_score, pras_score
            labelled_x3ds = x3ds[l2x[which]]
            print track_orn.bootPose(x2ds_data, x2ds_splits, x2d_labels)
        if boot > 0:
            track_orn.push(x2ds_data, x2ds_splits, its=4)
    #x3ds,x2ds_labels = Recon.intersect_rays(x2ds_data, x2ds_splits, Ps, mats, seed_x3ds = None)
    if c3d_frames != None:
        c3ds = c3d_frames[(fi - 832) / 2]
        true_labels = np.array(np.where(c3ds[:, 3] == 0)[0], dtype=np.int32)
        x3ds_true = c3ds[true_labels, :3]

    ci = view.cameraIndex() - 1
    if True:  #ci == -1:
        MovieReader.readFrame(md, seekFrame=max((fi - 14) / 4, 0))
    (orn_skel_dict, orn_t) = g_all_skels['orn']
    orn_mesh_dict, orn_skel_mesh, orn_geom_mesh = orn_t
    orn_anim_dict = orn_skel_dict['anim_dict']
    orn_skel_dict['chanValues'][:] = orn_anim_dict['dofData'][fi]
    Character.updatePoseAndMeshes(orn_skel_dict, orn_skel_mesh, orn_geom_mesh)
    (mar_skel_dict, mar_t) = g_all_skels['mar']
    mar_anim_dict = mar_skel_dict['anim_dict']
    mar_mesh_dict, mar_skel_mesh, mar_geom_mesh = mar_t
    Character.updatePoseAndMeshes(mar_skel_dict, mar_skel_mesh, mar_geom_mesh,

    from PIL import Image

    w, h = 1024, 1024
    cam = view.cameras[0]
    aspect = float(max(1, cam.bindImage.width())) / float(
        cam.bindImage.height()) if cam.bindImage is not None else 1.0
    orn_mapper.project(orn_skel_dict['geom_Vs'], aspect)
    data = Opengl.renderGL(w, h, orn_mapper.render, cam.bindId)
    mar_mapper.project(mar_skel_dict['geom_Vs'], aspect)
    data = Opengl.renderGL(w, h, mar_mapper.render, cam.bindId)
    #image = Image.fromstring(mode='RGB', size=(w, h), data=data)
    #image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)

    if 0:
        global g_screen
        image = Opengl.renderGL(1920, 1080, Opengl.quad_render,
                                (cam.bindId, g_screen))
        import pylab as pl