Ejemplo n.º 1
	def process(self, image):
		yield 'Start...', image
		simage = ImageOps.autocontrast(image, 20)
		s_width, s_height = image.size[0] / 2, image.size[1] / 2
		simage = image.resize((s_width, s_height))
		simage = simage.filter(ImageFilter.SMOOTH)
		yield 'Mask...', simage
		mask = ImageEnhance.Brightness(simage).enhance(2)
		mask = ImageOps.posterize(mask, 2)
		mask = ImageOps.autocontrast(mask, 20)
		yield 'posterize...', mask
		simage = ImageEnhance.Brightness(simage).enhance(2)
		simage = ImageOps.equalize(simage)
		simage = simage.filter(ImageFilter.SMOOTH_MORE)
		simage = ImageOps.posterize(simage, 1)
		yield 'Red...', simage
		red_img = self._apply_color(simage, 0.25, mask)
		yield 'green...', red_img
		green_img = self._apply_color(simage, 0.75, mask)
		yield 'blue...', green_img
		blue_img = self._apply_color(simage, 1, mask)
		yield 'yellow...', blue_img
		yellow_img = self._apply_color(simage, 0.5, mask)
		yield 'Merge...', yellow_img
		image = image.copy()
		image.paste(red_img, (0, 0, s_width, s_height))
		image.paste(green_img, (s_width, 0, s_width * 2, s_height))
		image.paste(yellow_img, (0, s_height, s_width, s_height * 2))
		image.paste(blue_img, (s_width, s_height, s_width * 2, s_height * 2))
		yield 'Done', image
Ejemplo n.º 2
def render(meshes, fileName, wireFrame=False):
  global initialized, SIZE
  assert initialized

  for mesh in meshes:
    glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, (GL_LINE if wireFrame else GL_FILL))

    # apply transformations
    glRotatef(mesh.getRotation()[2], 0, 0, 1)
    glRotatef(mesh.getRotation()[1], 0, 1, 0)
    glRotatef(mesh.getRotation()[0], 1, 0, 0)

    # send triangles
    for triangle in mesh.getTriangles():
      for vertex in triangle:
        glVertex3f(vertex[0], vertex[1], vertex[2])



  # save the framebuffer to disk
  data = glReadPixels(0, 0, SIZE[0], SIZE[1], GL_RGB, GL_BYTE)
  img = Image.frombuffer('RGB', SIZE, data, 'raw', 'RGB')
  flipped = ImageOps.mirror(ImageOps.flip(img))
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: motion.py Proyecto: owad/guard
def green_key(canvas,key_image,img_source,mtype=KEY_REG):
    s3 = key_image.split()
    mask = (s3[1].point(lambda i: (i > 254 or 256))) # cut out green area (overlay)
    if(mtype == KEY_BLUR or mtype == KEY_BLUR_BRIGHT or mtype == KEY_BLUR_BRIGHT_MORE):
        mask = mask.filter(ImageFilter.SMOOTH_MORE)
        mask = mask.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR)
        mask = mask.filter(ImageFilter.SMOOTH_MORE)
    if(mtype == KEY_BLUR_BRIGHT):
        mask = (mask.point(lambda k: (k*2)))    
    elif(mtype == KEY_BLUR_BRIGHT_MORE):
        mask = (mask.point(lambda k: k > 20 and (k*k)))
#   mask.show()
#   mask.save("images/saved/mask.jpg")
#   canvas.convert("RGBA") # needed?

    if(canvas.size != img_source.size): # fix image size
        if(canvas.size < img_source.size):
            print "resizing canvas", canvas.size, img_source.size, key_image.size
            canvas = ImageOps.fit(canvas,img_source.size)
            print "resizing img_source and mask", canvas.size, img_source.size, key_image.size
            img_source = ImageOps.fit(img_source,canvas.size)
            mask = ImageOps.fit(mask,canvas.size)
    image = Image.composite(img_source,canvas,mask)
    return image
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def process(self, image):
		yield 'Start...', image
		simage = ImageOps.autocontrast(image, 20)
		s_width, s_height = image.size[0] / 2, image.size[1] / 2
		simage = image.resize((s_width, s_height))
		simage = colors.convert_to_luminosity(simage)
		simage = simage.filter(ImageFilter.SMOOTH)
		yield 'Mask...', simage
		mask = ImageEnhance.Brightness(simage).enhance(2)
		mask = ImageOps.posterize(mask, 2)
		mask = ImageOps.autocontrast(mask, 20)
		yield 'Curves...', mask
		simage = ImageEnhance.Contrast(simage).enhance(2)
		yield 'posterize...', simage
		simage = ImageOps.posterize(simage, 2)
		yield 'Red...', simage
		red_img = self._apply_color(simage, (255, 0, 0), mask)
		yield 'green...', red_img
		green_img = self._apply_color(simage, (0, 255, 0), mask)
		yield 'blue...', green_img
		blue_img = self._apply_color(simage, (0, 0, 255), mask)
		yield 'yellow...', blue_img
		yellow_img = self._apply_color(simage, (255, 255, 0), mask)
		yield 'Merge...', yellow_img
		image = image.copy()
		image.paste(red_img, (0, 0, s_width, s_height))
		image.paste(green_img, (s_width, 0, s_width * 2, s_height))
		image.paste(yellow_img, (0, s_height, s_width, s_height * 2))
		image.paste(blue_img, (s_width, s_height, s_width * 2, s_height * 2))
		yield 'Done', image
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main(argv):
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process some integers.')
    parser.add_argument('--mirror-x', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--mirror-y', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--no-display', action='store_false', dest='display')
    parser.add_argument('--no-click', action='store_false', dest='clicks')
    args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])

    am = AutoMeta()

    print "Getting images..."
    pos, im1, im2 = get_images(am)
    if args.mirror_x:
        im2 = ImageOps.mirror(im2)
    if args.mirror_y:
        im2 = ImageOps.flip(im2)
    print "got"

    print "Aligning..."
    pix = get_difference_image(im1, im2)
    print "done"

    print "Finding differences...",
    diffs = get_difference_spots(pix)
    print "done"

    if args.clicks:
        # TODO: if two diffs are very close, only click one
        for diff in diffs:
            am.move_mouse(pos[0] + diff[1], pos[1] + diff[0])

    if args.display:
Ejemplo n.º 6
def symbols_in(image):
	symbols = []
	cut = []
	pixels = 0
	for i in range(image.size[0]):
		whitespace = True
		for j in range(image.size[1]):
			if image.getpixel((i, j)) != (255, 255, 255):
				whitespace = False
		if whitespace:
			if pixels > 0:
				cut = cut + [i]
				pixels = 0
			pixels = pixels + 1
	if pixels > 0:
		cut = cut + [i]
		pixels = 0
	x = 0
	for i in range(len(cut)):
		image = ImageOps.invert(image)
		crop = image.crop([x, 0, cut[i], image.size[1]])
		image = ImageOps.invert(image)
		x = cut[i]
		symbols = symbols + [ImageOps.invert(crop)]
	return symbols
Ejemplo n.º 7
def geticonshape(shape, dim_horiz, dim_vert):
  iconimage = ''.join([shape, '_icon.png'])
  img = Image.open(iconimage)
  img = ImageOps.grayscale(img)
  img = ImageOps.autocontrast(img)
  img = img.resize((dim_horiz, dim_vert), Image.BILINEAR)
  return img
Ejemplo n.º 8
def put_contour(image, size=1, offset=0, contour_color=0, fill_color=0,
        opacity=100, include_image=True):
    if not has_transparency(image):
        return put_border(
                    image, size, offset, contour_color, fill_color,
                    opacity, include_image)
    image = image.convert('RGBA')
    mask = imtools.get_alpha(image)

    w, h = image.size
    outer_mask = mask.resize(
        (w + 2 * (size + offset), h + 2 * (size + offset)),

    inner_mask = mask.resize(
        (w + 2 * offset, h + 2 * offset),
    inner_mask = ImageOps.expand(inner_mask, border=size, fill=0)
    paste(outer_mask, (255 * opacity) / 100, mask=inner_mask)
    if include_image:
        image = ImageOps.expand(image, border=size + offset, fill=(0, 0, 0, 0))
        mask = ImageOps.expand(mask, border=size + offset, fill=0)
        paste(outer_mask, 255, mask=mask)

    contour = ImageOps.colorize(outer_mask, (255, 255, 255), contour_color)
    paste(contour, fill_color, mask=inner_mask)
    if include_image:
        paste(contour, image, mask=image)
    return contour
Ejemplo n.º 9
def resize(relative_path, size, method):
    image_file = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, relative_path)
    relative_resized_path = resized_path(relative_path, size, method)
    resized_file = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, relative_resized_path)
    relative_url = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_URL, relative_resized_path)
    # Parse size string 'WIDTHxHEIGHT'
    width, height = [int(i) for i in size.split('x')]
    if os.path.exists(resized_file):
        return relative_url
        image = Image.open(image_file)
        return settings.STATIC_URL + 'g/blank.png'
    if image.mode != 'RGB':
        image = image.convert('RGB')

    # use PIL methods to edit images
    if method == 'scale':
        image.thumbnail((width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
        image.save(resized_file, FORMAT, quality=QUALITY)
    elif method == 'crop':
        ImageOps.fit(image, (width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS).save(
            resized_file, FORMAT, quality=QUALITY)

    return relative_url
Ejemplo n.º 10
def draw_mask(angle,width,height,offset_init,offset_A,offset_focus,offset_B):
	offset = height*offset_init/100
	vectorA = offset+offset_A*height/100
	focus = vectorA+offset_focus*height/100
	vectorB = focus+offset_B*height/100

	mask = Image.new('L', (width,height))
	mask_1px = Image.new('L', (1,height))
	draw_1px = ImageDraw.Draw(mask_1px)
	for y in range (0,offset): # draw white zone
	for y in range (offset,vectorA): # draw vectorA
	for y in range (vectorA,focus):	# draw white zone
	for y in range (focus,vectorB):	# draw vectorB
	for y in range (vectorB,height): # draw white zone
	m_width,m_height = mask.size
	mask_1px = mask_1px.resize((int(m_width*3),m_height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
	mask_1px = ImageOps.invert(mask_1px)
	mask_top = mask_1px.rotate(angle,Image.NEAREST,1)
	mask_top = ImageOps.invert(mask_top)

	n_width,n_height = mask_top.size
	return mask
Ejemplo n.º 11
def create_photo_strips():
    '''using the original images we build a color and black and white photo strip and save it to photos/strips'''

    for i in range(PHOTO_COUNT):
        photo = Image.open(PHOTO_FOLDER + str(i+1) + '.' + PHOTO_FILE_EXTENSION)
        w, h = map(lambda x: x/2, photo.size)
        photo = ImageOps.fit(photo, (PHOTO_WIDTH, PHOTO_HEIGHT), centering=(0.5, 0.5))
        photo = photo.rotate(270)
        photo = ImageOps.autocontrast(photo, cutoff=0)
        strip.paste(photo, (FOOTER_HEIGHT, (i * PHOTO_WIDTH) + (i * BORDER_WIDTH)))

    #append footer

    font = ImageFont.truetype('font_1.ttf', 40)

    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(footer_img)
    draw.text((220, 40), "ashley & david's wedding, july 28, 2012", font=font, fill=(100,100,0))
    strip.paste(footer_img.rotate(270), (0,0))

    strip.save(COLOR_FOLDER + current_timestamp() + '.png', PHOTO_FORMAT)
    ImageOps.grayscale(strip).save(GREYSCALE_FOLDER + current_timestamp() + '.png', PHOTO_FORMAT)

    strip_to_print = Image.new('RGB', (PAGE_WIDTH, PAGE_HEIGHT), BG_COLOR)
    strip_to_print.paste(ImageOps.grayscale(strip), (-BORDER_WIDTH, -BORDER_WIDTH))

    strip_to_print.save('to_print.png', PHOTO_FORMAT)
    return 'to_print.png'
Ejemplo n.º 12
def tats(image):
    image = image.convert('RGB')
    colours = util.get_dominant_colours(image, 9)
    colours = util.order_colours_by_brightness(colours)

    bg = random.choice(colours[:3])
    light = random.choice(colours[3:6])
    dark = random.choice(colours[6:])

    dist = math.sqrt(sum(map(lambda (a, b): math.pow(a - b, 2), zip(light, dark))))
    if dist < 100:
        light = util.modify_hls(light, l=lambda l: l + 100)

    light = util.modify_hls(light, s=lambda s: s + 100)
    dark = util.modify_hls(dark, s=lambda s: s + 100)

    layer = Image.open(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/' +
    r, g, b, a = layer.split()
    layer = layer.convert('RGB')
    layer = ImageOps.grayscale(layer)
    layer = ImageOps.colorize(layer, tuple(dark), tuple(light))
    im = Image.new('RGB', layer.size, tuple(bg))
    im.paste(layer, mask=layer)
    return im
Ejemplo n.º 13
	def process(self, image):
		yield 'Start...', image
		s_width, s_height = image.size[0] / 3, image.size[1] / 3
		simage = image.resize((s_width, s_height))
		yield 'posterize...', simage
		simage = simage.convert("L")
		simage = ImageEnhance.Brightness(simage).enhance(2)
		simage = ImageOps.equalize(simage)
		simage = ImageOps.autocontrast(simage, 20)
		simage = ImageOps.posterize(simage, 1)
		yield 'colors...', simage
		colormap = []
		colormap.extend([255] * 128)
		colormap.extend([0] * 128)
		colormap.extend([0] * 128)
		colormap.extend([255] * 128)
		colormap.extend([0] * 256)
		simage = simage.convert("RGB").point(colormap)
		image = image.copy()
		for x in xrange(3):
			for y in xrange(3):
				yield 'Img %d...' % (x * 3 + y + 1), simage
				simg = colors.apply_hue_lightness_saturation(simage,
						((x * 3 + (2.9 - y)) / 10.), 0, 1, True)
				image.paste(simg, (x * s_width, y * s_height,
						(x + 1) * s_width, (y + 1) * s_height))
		yield 'Done', image
Ejemplo n.º 14
def generate_thumbnail(path, size, method):
        import Image
    except ImportError:
            from PIL import Image
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError('Cannot import the Python Image Library.')

    image = Image.open(path)

    # normalize image mode
    if image.mode != 'RGB':
        image = image.convert('RGB')

    # parse size string 'WIDTHxHEIGHT'
    width, height = [int(i) for i in size.split('x')]

    # use PIL methods to edit images
    if method == 'scale':
        image.thumbnail((width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
        image.save(thumbnail_path(path, size, method), MEDIA_IMAGE_FORMAT, quality=MEDIA_IMAGE_QUALITY)

    elif method == 'crop':
            import ImageOps
        except ImportError:
            from PIL import ImageOps

            image, (width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS
        ).save(thumbnail_path(path, size, method), MEDIA_IMAGE_FORMAT, quality=MEDIA_IMAGE_QUALITY)
 def update(self, control):
     Effect.update(self, control)
     img = Image.new("RGB", self.providers[0].size)
     src_img = self.providers[0].getImage(self.currentFrame)
     size = self.providers[0].size
     x = 0
     for i in range(self.sliceCount):
         w = int(size[0] * (float(self.percentages[i]) / float(100)))
         l = x
         x += w
         r = x
         if i > self.__current_slice:
             tmpimg = ImageOps.fit(src_img, (w,img.size[1]))
             img.paste(tmpimg, (l,0,r,tmpimg.size[1]))
         if i == self.__current_slice + 1:
             self.__end_x = l 
     if self.__current_slice >= 0:
         start_x = int(self.__x)
         # paste left half
         tmpimg = ImageOps.fit(src_img, (start_x, img.size[1]))
         img.paste(tmpimg, (0,0,start_x, tmpimg.size[1]))
         # paste right half
         tmpimg = ImageOps.fit(src_img, ((self.__end_x - start_x), img.size[1]))
         img.paste(tmpimg, (start_x, 0, self.__end_x, tmpimg.size[1]))
         #self.__x += int(self.step_size[self.__current_slice])
         self.__x += self.__step_size
         if self.__x >= self.pixels[self.__current_slice]:
             self.__x = 0.00
             self.__current_slice -= 1
    def load_image(self, idx):
        filename = self.X[idx]

        import Image
        import ImageOps
        # print "loading ", self.X[idx]
        image = Image.open(self.X[idx])

        width, height = image.size
        if width > height:
            delta2 = int((width - height)/2)
            image = ImageOps.expand(image, border=(0, delta2, 0, delta2))
            delta2 = int((height - width)/2)
            image = ImageOps.expand(image, border=(delta2, 0, delta2, 0))
        image = image.resize((self.width, self.width), resample=Image.BICUBIC)

            imagenp = np.array(image.getdata()).reshape((self.width,self.width,3))
            imagenp = imagenp.transpose((2,0,1)) # move color channels to beginning
            # print "reshape failure (black and white?)"
            imagenp = self.load_image(np.random.randint(len(self.X)))

        return imagenp.astype(theano.config.floatX)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def addUniqueData(self, filename, inputType, normalized=False):
        import os
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            raise Exception("addUniqueData : \"" + filename + "\" is not a file")
        if inputType >= DataCategory.TRAIN and inputType <= DataCategory.TEST:
            im = Normalize(self.Size(), filename, offset=self.__offset)
            array = []
            import ImageOps
            if self.__grayScale:
                im = ImageOps.grayscale(im)
                if self.__negate:
                    im = ImageOps.invert(im)
                if normalized:
                   array = [float(x) / 255. for x in list(im.getdata())]
                   array = [x for x in list(im.getdata())]
                for p in list(im.getdata()):
#                    array.append(zip([float(x)/255. for x in p]))
                    for i in xrange(len(p)):
                        if normalized:
                            array.append(float(p[i]) / 255.)
                    array = [x for x in array]
            import string
            groundTruth = string.split(os.path.splitext(os.path.split(filename)[1])[0], '-')[0]
            raise Exception("Incorrect DataCategory")
Ejemplo n.º 18
	def resizeImage(self, file_path, th_width = 200, th_height = 200, or_width = 1000, or_height = 800):
		image = Image.open(file_path)

		# Crop and make thumbnails
		thumb = ImageOps.fit(image, (th_width, th_height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
		thumb64 = ImageOps.fit(image, (64, 64), Image.ANTIALIAS)

		# Resize original
		image.thumbnail((or_width, or_height), Image.ANTIALIAS)

		old_filename = file_path.rsplit('/', 1)[1]
		thumb_filename = old_filename.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + "_thumb.jpg"

		thumb_filename = thumb_filename.replace(" ", "_")
		new_filename = thumb_filename.replace(" ", "_")

		thumb.save(self.THUMB_DIR + thumb_filename, "JPEG", quality=100)
		thumb64.save(self.THUMB64_DIR + thumb_filename, "JPEG", quality=100)

		image.save(self.NEW_ORIGINAL_DIR + new_filename, "JPEG", quality=100)

		return {
			'original': old_filename,
		    'new_original': new_filename,
		    'thumbnail': thumb_filename
Ejemplo n.º 19
	def process(self, image):
		yield 'Start...', image
		s_width, s_height = image.size[0] / 2, image.size[1] / 2
		simage = image.resize((s_width, s_height))
		yield 'posterize...', simage
		simage = simage.convert("L")
		yield 'posterize 2...', simage
		simage = ImageEnhance.Brightness(simage).enhance(2)
		simage = ImageOps.equalize(simage)
		yield 'posterize 3...', simage
		simage = ImageOps.autocontrast(simage, 20)
		yield 'posterize 4...', simage
		simage = ImageOps.posterize(simage, 1)
		colors = []
		colors.extend([255] * 128)
		colors.extend([0] * 128)
		colors.extend([0] * 128)
		colors.extend([255] * 128)
		colors.extend([0] * 256)
		simage = simage.convert("RGB").point(colors)
		yield 'Red...', simage
		red_img = self._apply_color(simage, 0.82)
		yield 'green...', red_img
		green_img = self._apply_color(simage, 0.75)
		yield 'blue...', green_img
		blue_img = self._apply_color(simage, 0)
		yield 'yellow...', blue_img
		yellow_img = self._apply_color(simage, 0.6)
		yield 'Merge...', yellow_img
		image = image.copy()
		image.paste(red_img, (0, 0, s_width, s_height))
		image.paste(green_img, (s_width, 0, s_width * 2, s_height))
		image.paste(yellow_img, (0, s_height, s_width, s_height * 2))
		image.paste(blue_img, (s_width, s_height, s_width * 2, s_height * 2))
		yield 'Done', image
Ejemplo n.º 20
def triangles(original, n=30, size=150, width=700,
              height=700, min_distance=70, opacity=220):
    original = original.convert('RGB')
    colours = util.get_dominant_colours(original, 8)
    colours_ordered = util.order_colours_by_brightness(colours)
    brightest_colour = list(random.choice(colours_ordered[:3]))

    new = Image.new('RGBA', (width, height), tuple(brightest_colour))

    draw = aggdraw.Draw(new)

    centres = []

    def is_too_close(x, y):
        for centre in centres:
            if math.sqrt(math.pow(centre[0] - x, 2) + 
                         math.pow(centre[1] - y, 2)) < min_distance:
                return True
        return False

    for i in xrange(n):

        colour = tuple(colours[int(random.randint(0, len(colours) - 1))])
        x = random.randint(size / 2, width - 1 - size / 2)
        y = random.randint(size / 2, height - 1 - size / 2)

        if is_too_close(x, y):

        centres.append((x, y))

        brush = aggdraw.Brush(colour, opacity)
        points = get_triangle_path(x, y, size / 2, size / 2)
        draw.polygon(points, None, brush)

    brightest_colour = brightest_colour[0:3]

    texture = Image.open(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/' +
    texture = texture.convert('RGBA')
    r, g, b, a = texture.split()
    texture = ImageOps.grayscale(texture)
    texture = ImageOps.colorize(texture, (0, 0, 0), tuple(brightest_colour))
    texture = texture.convert('RGBA')

    r, g, b, a = new.split()

    texture = texture.crop((0, 0, width, height))
    texture_layer = Image.new('RGBA', (width, height), (0, 0, 0, 0))
    texture_layer.paste(texture, mask=new)
    new.paste(texture_layer, mask=texture_layer)

    im = Image.new('RGB', (width, height), tuple(brightest_colour))
    im.paste(new, mask=a)

    return im
Ejemplo n.º 21
def make_image_square(image, img_sz, outfile=None, overwrite=False):
    Will resize an image.
    image : Image.Image or str
        The image to transform. If str it is interpreted to be a path.
    img_sz : int
        New size for that image.
    image : Image.image
        The transformed image.
    if isinstance(image, basestring):
        image = Image.open(image)
    #image = image.resize((img_sz, img_sz), resample=Image.BICUBIC)

    width, height = image.size
    if width > height:
       delta2 = int((width - height)/2)
       image = ImageOps.expand(image, border=(0, delta2, 0, delta2))
       delta2 = int((height - width)/2)
       image = ImageOps.expand(image, border=(delta2, 0, delta2, 0))
    image = image.resize((img_sz, img_sz), resample=Image.BICUBIC)
    if not outfile is None:
        if image.mode == 'P':
            fbase, ext = os.path.splitext(outfile)
            if ext == '.jpg' or ext == '.jpeg':
                orig_out = outfile
                outfile = '%s.png' % fbase
                logging.info('%s renamed to %s because jpg '
                             'does not support palletes', 
                             orig_out, outfile)
        if os.path.isfile(outfile):
            if not overwrite:
                logging.info('%s exists; skipping', outfile)
                return image
        orig_out = outfile
        for ext in ('%s.png', '%s.jpg', '%s.bmp', '%s.tiff', '%s'):
            except (KeyError, IOError):
                fbase, old_ext = os.path.splitext(outfile)
                outfile = ext % fbase
        if ext == '%s':
            logging.error('unable to save %s', orig_out)
    return image
Ejemplo n.º 22
def scale(imagefield, method='scale'):
    Template filter used to scale an image
    that will fit inside the defined area.

    Returns the url of the resized image.

    {% load image_tags %}
    {{ profile.picture|scale }}

    if not imagefield:
		return None

    # imagefield can be a dict with "path" and "url" keys
    if imagefield.__class__.__name__ == 'dict':
        imagefield = type('imageobj', (object,), imagefield)

    image_path = resized_path(imagefield.path, method)

    #thumb_path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, "%s_%s_%s.%s" % (imagefield.name.rsplit('.', 1)[0], method, EXT))
    #thumb_url = "%s_%s_%s.%s" % (imagefield.url.rsplit('.', 1)[0], method, EXT)

    #print thumb_path, thumb_url

    if not os.path.exists(image_path):
            import Image
        except ImportError:
                from PIL import Image
            except ImportError:
                raise ImportError('Cannot import the Python Image Library.')

        image = Image.open(imagefield.path)

        # normalize image mode
        if image.mode != 'RGB':
            image = image.convert('RGB')

        # use PIL methods to edit images
        if method == 'scale':
            width, height = [int(i) for i in IMAGE_SIZE.split('x')]
            image.thumbnail((width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
            image.save(image_path, FMT, quality=QUAL)

        elif method == 'crop':
                import ImageOps
            except ImportError:
                from PIL import ImageOps

            width, height = [int(i) for i in THUMBNAIL_SIZE.split('x')]
            ImageOps.fit(image, (width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS
                        ).save(image_path, FMT, quality=QUAL)
    return resized_path(imagefield.url, method)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def process(self, _edObject=None):
        This is the main method of the plugin, it does the job, not the EDNA name conversions which were done in the preprocess. 

        if self.inputFilename:
            #        Read the image using FABIO
            fabioImage = openimage(self.inputFilename)
            # Convert an FabioImage to a PIL image
            npaImageRaw = fabioImage.data

            iMinLevel = 2
            iMaxLevel = 1000
            npaImageRaw = numpy.minimum(npaImageRaw, iMaxLevel * numpy.ones_like(npaImageRaw))
            npaImageRaw = numpy.maximum(npaImageRaw, iMinLevel * numpy.ones_like(npaImageRaw))

            npaImage = scipy.ndimage.morphology.grey_dilation(npaImageRaw, size=(5, 5))
            npaImageThumb = scipy.ndimage.morphology.grey_dilation(npaImageRaw, size=(10, 10))

            dtype = str(npaImage.dtype)
            if dtype == "uint8":
                NPAImageFloat = npaImage.astype("float") / 255.0
                NPAImageFloatThumb = npaImageThumb.astype("float") / 255.0
            elif dtype == "uint16":
                NPAImageFloat = npaImage.astype("float") / 65535.0
                NPAImageFloatThumb = npaImageThumb.astype("float") / 65535.0
            else: #for float or whatever
                vmin = npaImage.min()
                vmax = npaImage.max()
                NPAImageFloat = (npaImage.astype(float) - vmin) / (vmax - vmin)
                vminThumb = npaImageThumb.min()
                vmaxThumb = npaImageThumb.max()
                NPAImageFloatThumb = (npaImageThumb.astype(float) - vminThumb) / (vmax - vminThumb)

            NPAImageInt = (255.0 * (NPAImageFloat ** 0.3)).astype("uint8")
            NPAImageIntThumb = (255.0 * (NPAImageFloatThumb ** 0.3)).astype("uint8")

            pilImage = Image.fromarray(NPAImageInt, 'L')
            pilImageThumb = Image.fromarray(NPAImageIntThumb, 'L')
            # For ISPyB we use for the moment only 1024x1024 and 256x256
            pilImage.thumbnail((1024, 1024), Image.ANTIALIAS)
            pilImageThumb.thumbnail((256, 256), Image.ANTIALIAS)

            pilImage = ImageOps.invert(pilImage)
            pilImageThumb = ImageOps.invert(pilImageThumb)

            if 1024 * 1024 > ImageFile.MAXBLOCK:
                ImageFile.MAXBLOCK = 1024 * 1024

            pilImage.save(self.strOutputPath, "JPEG", quality=50, optimize=True)
            pilImageThumb.save(self.strOutputPathThumb, "JPEG", quality=85, optimize=True)

def ConvertToBitifiedImage(file_location,
  """Loads image from filename, generates bitified Image and returns it."""
  # Load image from file location
  image = Image.open(file_location).convert('RGB')

  # If image is JPG/GIF perform extra processing to image
  if image.format == 'JPG':
    image = ImageOps.autocontrast(image)
  elif image.format == 'GIF':
    # Need to equalize to change gif to something that can be converted.
    image = ImageOps.equalize(image)

  # Blur image and reduce number of colors to bit_depth
  image = image.convert('P',

  processed_image = image.copy()

  # Keep only most common color in large area
  processed_image = processed_image.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR)

  # Low-pass filter
  for x in xrange(processed_image.size[0]):
    for y in xrange(processed_image.size[1]):
      r, g, b = processed_image.getpixel((x, y))
      if r < 50 and g < 50 and b < 50:
        processed_image.putpixel((x, y), (0, 0, 0))
        processed_image.putpixel((x, y), (r, g, b))

  # Set final width to at most final_width
  width, height = processed_image.size
  final_width = min(width, final_width)

  # Add border to image before shrinking
  processed_image = AddBorderToImage(processed_image)

  thumbnail_size = thumbnail_width, thumbnail_width * height/width
  final_size = final_width, final_width * height/width
  # Shrink image while keeping aspect ratio
  processed_image.thumbnail(thumbnail_size, Image.ADAPTIVE)
  # Resize back, resulting in pixelized image
  processed_image = processed_image.resize(final_size, Image.NEAREST)
  # Back to RGB format
  processed_image = processed_image.convert('RGB',

  # Add a random quote to the image
  processed_image = AddRandomTextToImage(processed_image)

  return processed_image
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def _derotationTest(self, imageName):
        image = samples.getSample("algorithmTests", imageName)[0]
        inverted = ImageOps.invert(image.convert("L"))
        before = derotate._getAngle(inverted)

        derotated = derotate.derotate(image)
        invertedDerotated = ImageOps.invert(derotated)
        after = derotate._getAngle(invertedDerotated)

        self.assertLessEqual(abs(after), abs(before))
        self.assertLessEqual(abs(after), 10.0)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def threshold(img, thresh):
        """Threshold an image"""

        pilIMG1 = Image.fromarray(img)
        pilInverted1 = ImageOps.invert(pilIMG1)
        inverted = numpy.asarray(pilInverted1)
        r, t = cv2.threshold(inverted, thresh, 0, type=cv.CV_THRESH_TOZERO)
        pilIMG2 = Image.fromarray(t)
        pilInverted2 = ImageOps.invert(pilIMG2)
        thresholded = numpy.asarray(pilInverted2)
        return thresholded
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def __call__(self, img_ref):
     img = img_ref.get_image()
     if img.mode == '1':
         img = ImageOps.grayscale(img)
     elif img.mode != 'L':
         return img_ref
     h = img.histogram()
     if sum(h[:64]) < img.size[0] * img.size[1] / 2:
         return img_ref
     img = ImageOps.invert(img)
     return ImageRef(img)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def draw_histogram(pixbuf, height=170, fill=170, text=True):
    """Draw a histogram from <pixbuf> and return it as another pixbuf.

    The returned prixbuf will be 262x<height> px.

    The value of <fill> determines the colour intensity of the filled graphs,
    valid values are between 0 and 255.

    If <text> is True a label with the maximum pixel value will be added to
    one corner.
    im = Image.new('RGB', (258, height - 4), (30, 30, 30))
    hist_data = image.pixbuf_to_pil(pixbuf).histogram()
    maximum = max(hist_data[:768] + [1])
    y_scale = float(height - 6) / maximum
    r = [int(hist_data[n] * y_scale) for n in xrange(256)]
    g = [int(hist_data[n] * y_scale) for n in xrange(256, 512)]
    b = [int(hist_data[n] * y_scale) for n in xrange(512, 768)]
    im_data = im.getdata()
    # Draw the filling colours
    for x in xrange(256):
        for y in xrange(1, max(r[x], g[x], b[x]) + 1):
            r_px = y <= r[x] and fill or 0
            g_px = y <= g[x] and fill or 0
            b_px = y <= b[x] and fill or 0
            im_data.putpixel((x + 1, height - 5 - y), (r_px, g_px, b_px))
    # Draw the outlines
    for x in xrange(1, 256):
        for y in range(r[x-1] + 1, r[x] + 1) + [r[x]] * (r[x] != 0):
            r_px, g_px, b_px = im_data.getpixel((x + 1, height - 5 - y))
            im_data.putpixel((x + 1, height - 5 - y), (255, g_px, b_px))
        for y in range(r[x] + 1, r[x-1] + 1):
            r_px, g_px, b_px = im_data.getpixel((x, height - 5 - y))
            im_data.putpixel((x, height - 5 - y), (255, g_px, b_px))
        for y in range(g[x-1] + 1, g[x] + 1) + [g[x]] * (g[x] != 0):
            r_px, g_px, b_px = im_data.getpixel((x + 1, height - 5 - y))
            im_data.putpixel((x + 1, height - 5 - y), (r_px, 255, b_px))
        for y in range(g[x] + 1, g[x-1] + 1):
            r_px, g_px, b_px = im_data.getpixel((x, height - 5 - y))
            im_data.putpixel((x, height - 5 - y), (r_px, 255, b_px))
        for y in range(b[x-1] + 1, b[x] + 1) + [b[x]] * (b[x] != 0):
            r_px, g_px, b_px = im_data.getpixel((x + 1, height - 5 - y))
            im_data.putpixel((x + 1, height - 5 - y), (r_px, g_px, 255))
        for y in range(b[x] + 1, b[x-1] + 1):
            r_px, g_px, b_px = im_data.getpixel((x, height - 5 - y))
            im_data.putpixel((x, height - 5 - y), (r_px, g_px, 255))
    if text:
        maxstr = 'max: ' + str(maximum)
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
        draw.rectangle((0, 0, len(maxstr) * 6 + 2, 10), fill=(30, 30, 30))
        draw.text((2, 0), maxstr, fill=(255, 255, 255))
    im = ImageOps.expand(im, 1, (80, 80, 80))
    im = ImageOps.expand(im, 1, (0, 0, 0))
    return image.pil_to_pixbuf(im)
Ejemplo n.º 29
	def threshold(img, thresh):
		"""Threshold an image"""
		pilIMG1 = Image.fromarray(img);
		pilInverted1 = ImageOps.invert(pilIMG1);
		inverted = np.asarray(pilInverted1);
		r, t = cv2.threshold(inverted, thresh, 0, type=cv.CV_THRESH_TOZERO);
		pilIMG2 = Image.fromarray(t);
		pilInverted2 = ImageOps.invert(pilIMG2);
		thresholded = np.asarray(pilInverted2);
		return thresholded;
Ejemplo n.º 30
	def resizeImage(self, buffer_filepath, local_filepath, params, cropped_image = False):

		image = Image.open(buffer_filepath)

		width, height = image.size
		imgData = {
			"width" : width,
			"height": height

		need_resize = False

		createSmallItemSpell = False
		if "type_of_form" in params and params['type_of_form'] == "create_artwork":
			checkWidth = self.core.MAX_ARTWORK_WIDTH
			checkHeight = self.core.MAX_ARTWORK_HEIGHT

		elif "type_of_form" in params and (params['type_of_form'] == "create_item" or params['type_of_form'] == "create_spell"):
			checkWidth = self.core.MAX_ITEM_SPELL_WIDTH
			checkHeight = self.core.MAX_ITEM_SPELL_HEIGHT
			createSmallItemSpell = True
			checkWidth = self.core.MAX_AVA_WIDTH
			checkHeight = self.core.MAX_AVA_HEIGHT

		if width > checkWidth:
			width = checkWidth
			need_resize = True

		if height > checkHeight:
			height = checkHeight
			need_resize = True

		#need_resize = False

		if need_resize:
			if params['type_of_form'] == "create_artwork":
				thumb = ImageOps.fit(cropped_image, (self.core.THUMB_ARTWORK_WIDTH, self.core.THUMB_ARTWORK_HEIGHT), Image.ANTIALIAS)
				thumb = ImageOps.fit(cropped_image, (width,height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
			thumb.save(local_filepath+"_fit.png", "PNG")
		elif params['type_of_form'] == "create_artwork":
			thumb = ImageOps.fit(cropped_image, (self.core.THUMB_ARTWORK_WIDTH, self.core.THUMB_ARTWORK_HEIGHT), Image.ANTIALIAS)
			thumb.save(local_filepath+"_fit.png", "PNG")
			image.save(local_filepath+"_fit.png", "PNG")

		if createSmallItemSpell:
			thumb = ImageOps.fit(cropped_image, (self.core.THUMB_ITEM_SPELL_WIDTH, self.core.THUMB_ITEM_SPELL_HEIGHT), Image.ANTIALIAS)
			thumb_local_filpath = local_filepath+"_thumb.png"
		return imgData
Ejemplo n.º 31
import os
import Image, ImageOps
This parser requires ImageMagick (http://www.imagemagick.org/) library.
You can install it by typing:
    sudo apt-get install imagemagick

commands =[\
    'wget http://www.ini.uzh.ch/~acardona/data/membranes-neurites-glia.tif.tar.bz2 -O atlases/tem/src/membranes-neurites-glia.tif.tar.bz2',
    'bunzip2 -f atlases/tem/src/membranes-neurites-glia.tif.tar.bz2',
    'tar -xvvf atlases/tem/src/membranes-neurites-glia.tif.tar -C atlases/tem/src/',
    'convert atlases/tem/src/membranes-neurites-glia.tif -level 0,255 -depth 8 -type grayscale atlases/tem/src/membranes-neurites-glia.png']

map(os.system, commands)

for index in range(30):
    filename = 'atlases/tem/src/membranes-neurites-glia-%d.png' % index
    frame = Image.open(filename)
    frame = ImageOps.expand(frame, border=4, fill=168)
Ejemplo n.º 32
def resize_image_fit(img, target_width, target_height, dir):
  img = ImageOps.fit(img, (target_width, target_height), Image.ANTIALIAS)

  if not os.path.exists(dir + fname):
    print " + generated new image", dir + fname
    img.save(dir + fname)
Ejemplo n.º 33

import PIL
import Image
import io
import ImageOps
import ImageFilter

image = Image.open("Cartilagini.png")

a=ImageOps.solarize(image, threshold=128) 
b=ImageOps.posterize(image, bits) 

imout1 = image.filter(ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE)

imout2 = image.filter(ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE_MORE)

imout3 = image.filter(ImageFilter.EMBOSS)

imout4 = image.filter(ImageFilter.FIND_EDGES)
Ejemplo n.º 34
def counting(c_std, a_std, imageFile):
    image_list = [imageFile]
    c_std = float(c_std)
    if image_list[0][-3:] == 'tif':
        for f, filename in enumerate(image_list):
            subprocess.call(["convert", filename, filename + '.png'])
            image_list[f] = filename + '.png'
    output_filename_hash = (datetime.datetime.now().minute * 60 +

    images = [
        for filename in image_list
    #correlation_matrix = np.array([[-1, -1, -1, -1, -1],
    #                               [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1],
    #                               [-1, -1, 24, -1, -1],
    #                               [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1],
    #                               [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]])
    correlation_matrix = np.array([[-5935, -5935, -5935, -5935, -5935],
                                   [-5935, 8027, 8027, 8027, -5935],
                                   [-5935, 8027, 30742, 8027, -5935],
                                   [-5935, 8027, 8027, 8027, -5935],
                                   [-5935, -5935, -5935, -5935, -5935]])
    median_diameter = 5
    local_max = 3
    #c_std = 1
    processed_images = [np.copy(image).astype(np.int64) for image in images]
    processed_images = \
 [np.subtract(image, np.minimum(spf.median_filter(image, median_diameter),
    for image in images]
    processed_images  = \
 [np.maximum(scipy.signal.correlate(image, correlation_matrix, mode='same'),
    for image in processed_images]
    thresholded_images = [
        image > np.mean(image) + c_std * np.std(image)
        #images[i] > np.mean(images[i]) + a_std * np.std(images[i])
        #images[i] > a_std
        for i, image in enumerate(processed_images)
    for i, mask in enumerate(thresholded_images):
        for (h, w), valid in np.ndenumerate(mask):
            if valid:
                local_slice = \
                    np.copy(processed_images[i][h - local_max:h + local_max + 1,
                    w - local_max:w + local_max + 1])
                if (h + local_max >= mask.shape[0]
                        or w + local_max >= mask.shape[1] or h - local_max < 0
                        or w - local_max < 0):
                    mask[h, w] = False
                local_slice[local_max, local_max] = 0
                if np.amax(local_slice) >= processed_images[i][h, w]:
                    mask[h, w] = False
    size = 4
    for i, image in enumerate(images):
        i_std = np.std(image)
        i_median = np.median(image) - i_std
        i_max = np.amax(image)
        for (h, w), value in np.ndenumerate(image):
            if image[h, w] > i_median:
                image[h, w] = int(
                        math.sqrt(image[h, w] - i_median) /
                        math.sqrt(i_max - i_median) * float(2**8 - 1)))
                image[h, w] = 0
    output_images = [
            Image.fromstring('L', image.shape, image.astype(np.uint8)),
            (0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255)) for image in images
    for i, image in enumerate(images):
        for (h, w), value in np.ndenumerate(image):
            if thresholded_images[i][h, w]:
                box = ((w - size, h - size), (w + size, h + size))
                draw = ImageDraw.Draw(output_images[i])
                draw.rectangle(box, fill=None, outline='blue')
    # Editing the output file name; Will have the same as the filename + png
            str(i).zfill(int(np.ceil(math.log(len(output_images), 10)))) +
            ' SIMPLE ' + str(output_filename_hash) + '.png')
        for i, image in enumerate(output_images)
    for i, image in enumerate(thresholded_images):
            str(i).zfill(int(np.ceil(math.log(len(thresholded_images), 10)))) +
            ' ' + str(np.sum(np.sum(image))))
def move(delta, face_ind=0, run_model=False):
    global current, image_list
    if not (0 <= current + delta < len(image_list)):
        tkMessageBox.showinfo('End', 'No more image.')
    current += delta
    orig_img = Image.open(image_list[current])
    orig_img = np.array(ImageOps.fit(orig_img, size, Image.ANTIALIAS))

    # ready for processing with model

    if run_model:
        print("Running Facial Landmarks for ", image_list[current])
        def create_flat_list(list, ind):
            o = []
            if len(list) == 0:
				print("No face detected.")
            fields = list[0].keys()
            for f in fields:

            flat_list = np.asarray([item for sublist in o for item in sublist])

            return flat_list

        # extract facial landmarks
        face_landmarks_list = face_recognition.face_landmarks(orig_img)
        flfl = create_flat_list(face_landmarks_list, face_ind)

        # create binary image
        bw_img = np.zeros(orig_img.shape[0:2])
        bw_img[tuple(np.vstack((flfl[:, 1], flfl[:, 0])))] = 1  # [255, 0, 0]
        bw_img = np.array(ndimage.grey_dilation(bw_img, size=(dilation_size, dilation_size)), dtype=np.uint8)
        bw_img = cv2.cvtColor(bw_img, cv.CV_GRAY2RGB) * 255

        f_img = bw_img#np.ones((256,256, 3), dtype=np.uint8) * 255
        print("Finished face recognition.")
        print("Running Generator for ", image_list[current])

        pre = (f_img.astype(np.float32) / 255) * 2 - 1 # ! important or the output will be corrupted
        feed[b] = np.reshape(pre, (1, size[0], size[1], 3))
        r = sess.run(op, feed)
        gen_img = np.reshape(r, (size[0], size[1], 3)).astype(np.uint8)
        print("Finished generation.")
        gen_img = np.zeros((size))
        f_img = np.zeros((size))

    # prepare for visualization in GUI
    orig_img = Image.fromarray(orig_img)
    gen_img = Image.fromarray(gen_img)
    f_img = Image.fromarray(f_img)
    orig_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(orig_img)
    gen_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(gen_img)
    f_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(f_img)
    label['text'] = "Original"
    label['image'] = orig_img
    label.photo = orig_img
    label_gen["text"] = "Generated"
    label_gen["image"] = gen_img
    label_gen.photo = gen_img
    label_f["text"] = "Facial Landmarks"
    label_f["image"] = f_img
    label_f.photo = f_img
Ejemplo n.º 36
def horizontal_symmetry(digit, features, prefix=''):
    width,height = digit.image.size
    first_half = numpy.array(digit.image.crop((0, 0, width, height/2)).getdata())
    second_half = numpy.array(ImageOps.flip(digit.image.crop((0, height/2, width, height))).getdata())
    second_half = second_half[:len(first_half)]
    features[prefix+'horizontal_symmetry'] = numpy.linalg.norm(first_half-second_half)
#rgb_pil = ((1-rgb[:,:,:3])*(2**8))
#rgb_pil -= (256*rgb[:,:,3])[:,:,newaxis]
#rgb_pil[rgb_pil>255] = 255
#rgb_pil = rgb_pil.astype('uint8')
#im1 = PIL.Image.fromarray(rgb_pil)
print "Saving WISE mosaic with white bg ",time.time()-t0
wbackground = PIL.Image.new("RGB", im1.size, (255, 255, 255))
wbackground.paste(im1, mask=im1.split()[3])
kbackground = PIL.Image.new("RGB", im1.size, (0, 0, 0))
kbackground.paste(im1, mask=im1.split()[3])
print "Saving WISE mosaic with black bg ",time.time()-t0
kbackground_contrast = ImageOps.autocontrast(kbackground)
kbackground_bright = ImageEnhance.Brightness(kbackground_contrast).enhance(1.5)

print "doing Bolocam PIL stuff ",time.time()-t0
v2pil = (v2img*255).astype('uint8')[pilslice,:,:]
v2pil = v2pil[::-1,:,:]
boloim = PIL.Image.fromarray(v2pil)
kbackground.paste(boloim, mask=boloim.split()[3])
print "Saving Bolocam + WISE mosaic with black bg (PIL) ",time.time()-t0

print "Done ",time.time()-t0
Ejemplo n.º 38
def imagetogcode(image, f):

    img = ImageOps.invert(image)
    width, height = img.size

    f.write("; Image pixel size: " + str(width) + "x" + str(height) + "\n")
    f.write("M649 S11 B2 D0 R0.0846 F6000\nG28\nG0 X70 Y45 F6000\n")

    pixels = list(img.getdata())
    pixels = [pixels[i * width:(i + 1) * width] for i in xrange(height)]
    forward = True

    #    def get_chunks(arr, chunk_size = 51):
    def get_chunks(arr, chunk_size=51):
        chunks = [
            arr[start:start + chunk_size]
            for start in range(0, len(arr), chunk_size)
        return chunks

#   return the last pixel that holds data.

    def last_in_list(arr):
        end = 0
        for i in range(len(arr)):
            if (arr[i] > 0):
                end = i

        return end

#   return the last pixel that holds data.

    def first_in_list(arr):
        end = 0
        for i in range(len(arr)):
            if (arr[i] == 0):
                end = i
            if (arr[i] > 0):

        return end

    first = True
    row = pixels[::-1]

    previousRight = 99999999999
    previousLeft = 0
    firstRow = True

    for index, rowData in enumerate(row):
        print "Line " + str(index + 1) + " ="
        #print rowData

        splitRight = 0
        splitLeft = 0

        if (index + 1 < len(row)):
            # Determine where to split the lines.

            #If the left most pixel of the next row is earlier than the current row, then extend.
            if (first_in_list(row[index + 1]) > first_in_list(rowData)):
                splitLeft = first_in_list(rowData)
                splitLeft = first_in_list(row[index + 1])

            #If the end pixel of the next line is later than the current line, extend.
            if (last_in_list(row[index + 1]) > last_in_list(rowData)):
                splitRight = last_in_list(row[index + 1])
                splitRight = last_in_list(rowData)

            print "Prior Left cut = " + str(
                splitLeft) + " Right Cut == " + str(splitRight)
            splitLeft = first_in_list(rowData)
            splitRight = last_in_list(rowData)

        #Positive direction
        if forward:
            print "Forward!"

            #Split the right side.

            #Don't split more than the start of the last row as we print in reverse for alternate lines
            splitLeft = previousLeft
            previousRight = splitRight

        #Negative direction
            print "Backward!"

            #Split the left side.

            #Don't split more than the end of the last row as we print in reverse for alternate lines
            splitRight = previousRight
            previousLeft = splitLeft

        #Exception to the rule : Don't split the left of the first row.
        if (firstRow):
            splitLeft = (previousLeft)

        firstRow = False
        print "After : Left cut = " + str(splitLeft) + " Right Cut == " + str(

        row2 = rowData[(splitLeft + 1):(splitRight + 1)]
        print row2

        #if(index == 5):
        #    raise Exception('End')

        if not forward:
            result_row = row2[::-1]
            result_row = row2

        for chunk in get_chunks(result_row, 51):
            if first:
                if forward:
                    f.write("\nG7 $1 ")
#                    f.write("G7 $1\nG7 ")
                    f.write("\nG7 $0 ")

#                    f.write("G7 $0\nG7 ")
                first = not first
                f.write("G7 ")

            b64 = base64.b64encode("".join(chr(y) for y in chunk))
            f.write("L" + str(len(b64)) + " ")
            f.write("D" + b64 + "\n")
        forward = not forward
        first = not first

    f.write("M5 \n")
Ejemplo n.º 39
def cropped_thumbnail(image, size):
    return ImageOps.fit(image, size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
Ejemplo n.º 40
#input argument check
if (len(sys.argv) != 2):
    print "Usage: python bmp2array.py <Image.bmp>"
    inputImage = Image.open(sys.argv[1], 'r')

#convert the image to gray scale image, 8 bit per pixel
inputImage = inputImage.convert('L')

#resize the image to 512 by 512 pixels
inputImage = inputImage.resize((512, 512), Image.ANTIALIAS)

#create 4-pixel border
inputImage = ImageOps.expand(inputImage, border=4, fill='black')

#convert image to pixel array
imageArray = numpy.array(inputImage)

#inputArray = open('inputArray','w')



#open the pixel array file to write to
outputArray = open('pixelArray', 'w')

row_number = 0
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def makepilimage(self, scale="log", negative=False):
		Makes a PIL image out of the array, respecting the z1 and z2 cutoffs.
		By default we use a log scaling identical to iraf's, and produce an image of mode "L", i.e. grayscale.
		But some drawings or colourscales will change the mode to "RGB" later, if you choose your own colours.
		If you choose scale = "clog" or "clin", you get hue values (aka rainbow colours).

        if scale == "log" or scale == "lin":
            self.negative = negative
            numpyarrayshape = self.numpyarray.shape
            calcarray = self.numpyarray.copy()
            #calcarray.ravel() # does not change in place in fact !
            calcarray = calcarray.clip(min=self.z1, max=self.z2)

            if scale == "log":
                calcarray = np.array(
                    map(lambda x: loggray(x, self.z1, self.z2), calcarray))
                calcarray = np.array(
                    map(lambda x: lingray(x, self.z1, self.z2), calcarray))

            calcarray.shape = numpyarrayshape
            bwarray = np.zeros(numpyarrayshape, dtype=np.uint8)
            if negative:
                if self.verbose:
                    print "Using negative scale"
                bwarray = 255 - bwarray

            if self.verbose:
                print "PIL range : [%i, %i]" % (np.min(bwarray),

            # We flip it so that (0, 0) is back in the bottom left corner as in ds9
            # We do this here, so that you can write on the image from left to right :-)

            self.pilimage = imop.flip(im.fromarray(bwarray.transpose()))
            if self.verbose:
                print "PIL image made with scale : %s" % scale
            return 0

        if scale == "clog" or scale == "clin":
			rainbow !
			Algorithm for HSV to RGB from http://www.cs.rit.edu/~ncs/color/t_convert.html, by Eugene Vishnevsky
			Same stuff then for f2n in C
			h is from 0 to 360 (hue)
			s from 0 to 1 (saturation)
			v from 0 to 1 (brightness)	

            self.negative = False
            calcarray = self.numpyarray.transpose()
            if scale == "clin":
                calcarray = (calcarray.clip(min=self.z1, max=self.z2) -
                             self.z1) / (self.z2 - self.z1)  # 0 to 1
            if scale == "clog":
                calcarray = 10.0 + 990.0 * (
                    calcarray.clip(min=self.z1, max=self.z2) - self.z1) / (
                        self.z2 - self.z1)  # 10 to 1000
                calcarray = (np.log10(calcarray) - 1.0) * 0.5  # 0 to 1

            #calcarray = calcarray * 359.0 # This is now our "hue value", 0 to 360
            calcarray = (1.0 - calcarray
                         ) * 300.0  # I limit this to not go into red again
            # The order of colours is Violet < Blue < Green < Yellow < Red

            # We prepare the output arrays
            rcalcarray = np.ones(calcarray.shape)
            gcalcarray = np.ones(calcarray.shape)
            bcalcarray = np.ones(calcarray.shape)

            h = calcarray / 60.0  # sector 0 to 5
            i = np.floor(h).astype(np.int)

            v = 1.0 * np.ones(calcarray.shape)
            s = 1.0 * np.ones(calcarray.shape)

            f = h - i  # factorial part of h, this is an array
            p = v * (1.0 - s)
            q = v * (1.0 - s * f)
            t = v * (1.0 - s * (1.0 - f))

            # sector 0:
            indices = (i == 0)
            rcalcarray[indices] = 255.0 * v[indices]
            gcalcarray[indices] = 255.0 * t[indices]
            bcalcarray[indices] = 255.0 * p[indices]

            # sector 1:
            indices = (i == 1)
            rcalcarray[indices] = 255.0 * q[indices]
            gcalcarray[indices] = 255.0 * v[indices]
            bcalcarray[indices] = 255.0 * p[indices]

            # sector 2:
            indices = (i == 2)
            rcalcarray[indices] = 255.0 * p[indices]
            gcalcarray[indices] = 255.0 * v[indices]
            bcalcarray[indices] = 255.0 * t[indices]

            # sector 3:
            indices = (i == 3)
            rcalcarray[indices] = 255.0 * p[indices]
            gcalcarray[indices] = 255.0 * q[indices]
            bcalcarray[indices] = 255.0 * v[indices]

            # sector 4:
            indices = (i == 4)
            rcalcarray[indices] = 255.0 * t[indices]
            gcalcarray[indices] = 255.0 * p[indices]
            bcalcarray[indices] = 255.0 * v[indices]

            # sector 5:
            indices = (i == 5)
            rcalcarray[indices] = 255.0 * v[indices]
            gcalcarray[indices] = 255.0 * p[indices]
            bcalcarray[indices] = 255.0 * q[indices]

            rarray = np.zeros(calcarray.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
            garray = np.zeros(calcarray.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
            barray = np.zeros(calcarray.shape, dtype=np.uint8)

            carray = np.dstack((rarray, garray, barray))

            self.pilimage = imop.flip(im.fromarray(carray, "RGB"))
            if self.verbose:
                print "PIL image made with scale : %s" % scale
            return 0

        raise RuntimeError, "I don't know your colourscale, choose lin log clin or clog !"
Ejemplo n.º 42
 def getBoxImage(self, image):
     invert_im = ImageOps.invert(image)
     return invert_im.getbbox()
Ejemplo n.º 43
def send_file(request, id, size=settings.DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE):
    size = int(size)
    uploaded_file = get_object_or_404(UploadedFile, id=id)
    if uploaded_file.group and not uploaded_file.group in request.user.groups.all():
        raise Http403

    original_filename = settings.FILE_SERVE_ROOT + "originals/" + uploaded_file.file.name
    filetype = uploaded_file.content_type.split('/')[0]

    if filetype != "image":
        filename = original_filename
        filename = settings.FILE_SERVE_ROOT + "cache/" + uploaded_file.file.name + "/" + str(size)

        if not os.path.exists(filename):
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename)):

                import Image
                image = Image.open(original_filename)
            except ImportError:
                    from PIL import Image
                    image = Image.open(original_filename)
                except ImportError:
                    raise ImportError('Cannot import the Python Image Library.')

            exif = pyexiv2.ImageMetadata(original_filename)

            if 'Exif.Image.Orientation' in exif.exif_keys:
                orientation = exif['Exif.Image.Orientation'].value
                if orientation == 1:
                    # Nothing
                elif orientation == 2:
                    # Vertical Mirror
                    image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
                elif orientation == 3:
                    # Rotation 180
                    image = image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_180)
                elif orientation == 4:
                    # Horizontal Mirror
                    image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
                elif orientation == 5:
                    # Horizontal Mirror + Rotation 270
                    image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM).transpose(Image.ROTATE_270)
                elif orientation == 6:
                    # Rotation 270
                    image = image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_270)
                elif orientation == 7:
                    # Vertical Mirror + Rotation 270
                    image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT).transpose(Image.ROTATE_270)
                elif orientation == 8:
                    # Rotation 90
                    image = image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_90)

            # normalize image mode
            if image.mode != 'RGB':
                image = image.convert('RGB')

            method = "crop"
            delete_exif_thumbnail = True
            if size == 1:
                width, height = 40, 40
            elif size == 2:
                width, height = 100, 100
            elif size == 3:
                width, height = 160, 160
            elif size == 4:
                width, height = 220, 220
            elif size == 5:
                if image.size[0] > image.size[1]:
                    width, height = 280, 210
                    width, height = 210, 280
            elif size == 6:
                if image.size[0] > image.size[1]:
                    width, height = 340, 255
                    width, height = 255, 340
            elif size == 7:
                if image.size[0] > image.size[1]:
                    width, height = 400, 300
                    width, height = 300, 400
            elif size == 8:
                if image.size[0] > image.size[1]:
                    width, height = 460, 345
                    width, height = 345, 460
            elif size == 9:
                if image.size[0] > image.size[1]:
                    width, height = 520, 390
                    width, height = 390, 520
            elif size == 10:
                if image.size[0] > image.size[1]:
                    width, height = 580, 435
                    width, height = 435, 580
            elif size == 11:
                if image.size[0] > image.size[1]:
                    width, height = 640, 480
                    width, height = 480, 640
            elif size == 0:
                width, height = 520, 520
                method = "scale"
                delete_exif_thumbnail = False

            # use PIL methods to edit images
            if method == 'scale':
                image.thumbnail((width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
                image.save(filename, FORMAT, quality=QUALITY)

            elif method == 'crop':
                    import ImageOps
                    ImageOps.fit(image, (width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS).save(
                            filename, FORMAT, quality=QUALITY)
                except ImportError:
                    from PIL import ImageOps
                    ImageOps.fit(image, (width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS).save(
                            filename, FORMAT, quality=QUALITY)

            if exif:
                if delete_exif_thumbnail:
                    # delete thumbnail before copy. the changed original is not saved.
                    thumb = pyexiv2.exif.ExifThumbnail(exif)

                new_file_exif = pyexiv2.ImageMetadata(filename)

                # reset image orientation for new image
                new_file_exif['Exif.Image.Orientation'] = 1
                new_file_exif['Exif.Image.ExifImageWidth'] = width
                new_file_exif['Exif.Image.ExifImageHeight'] = height


    f = open(filename, 'r')
    output = f.read()
    response = HttpResponse(content_type=uploaded_file.content_type)
    response['Content-Length'] = os.path.getsize(filename)
    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'filename=%s' % (uploaded_file.filename.encode('utf-8'),)
    return response
Ejemplo n.º 44
def sketch(img):
	edge_img = img.filter(ImageFilter.CONTOUR)
	return ImageOps.grayscale(edge_img)
Ejemplo n.º 45
def array2png(array, filename, ztrans="log", cutoffs=(None, None)):
    #    You need to generate the pilimage first !
    import ImageOps, AImage
    pil = makepilimage(AImage.Image(array.copy()), ztrans, cutoffs)
    flippilimage = ImageOps.flip(pil)
    flippilimage.save(filename, "PNG")
Ejemplo n.º 46
screenshot3 = photos.pick_image(show_albums=True)

mode = console.alert('Create or Clean', 'Select a mode below.', 'Create Now',
                     'Clean First')

if mode == 2:
    from Cleanbar import cleanbar

# Creates final image
print "Creating final image..."
background = Image.new('RGBA', (1850, 1275), (255, 255, 255, 255))
file1 = screenshot1.resize((545, 969), Image.ANTIALIAS)
file2 = screenshot2.resize((700, 1245), Image.ANTIALIAS)
file3 = screenshot3.resize((545, 969), Image.ANTIALIAS)

file1 = ImageOps.expand(file1, border=1, fill='gray')
file2 = ImageOps.expand(file2, border=1, fill='gray')
file3 = ImageOps.expand(file3, border=1, fill='gray')

background.paste(file1, (10, 138))
background.paste(file2, (575, 15))
background.paste(file3, (1295, 138))

print "\n\n Image created"
Ejemplo n.º 47
def vertical_symmetry(digit, features, prefix=''):
    width,height = digit.image.size
    first_half = numpy.array(digit.image.crop((0, 0, width/2, height)).getdata())
    second_half = numpy.array(ImageOps.mirror(digit.image.crop((width/2, 0, width, height)).getdata()))
    second_half = second_half[:len(first_half)]
    features[prefix+'vertical_symmetry'] = numpy.linalg.norm(first_half-second_half)
Ejemplo n.º 48
def processImage(indir, filename, cam, master_image=None):
    global images_to_process
    logging.info("Starting processImage()")
    images_to_process = True  # only for testing purposes
        infilepathfilename = inpath(indir, filename)
        thumbpathfilename = thumbpath(indir, filename)
        mediumpathfilename = mediumpath(indir, filename)
        logging.info("Processing %s" % (infilepathfilename))

        thumbexists = os.path.exists(thumbpathfilename)
        mediumexists = os.path.exists(mediumpathfilename)

        cropped_img = None

        if not (thumbexists and mediumexists):
            img = None

                img = Image.open(infilepathfilename)
            except IOError, e:
                logging.error("Cannot open file %s: %s" %
                              (infilepathfilename, repr(e)))

            if img:
                cropped_img = crop_image(img, cam.croparea)
                del img  # close img

            if cropped_img == None:
                logging.error("Failed to crop image %s, croparea: %s" %
                              (infilepathfilename, str(cam.croparea)))
                # crop failure is likely due to attempting to process the
                # incoming image while it is still being uploaded. Return from
                # processImage() here and leave image in incoming dir--don't
                # mark it "done" by moving it to the hires dir. When we get
                # around to processing this image again, it will probably work
                # correctly.  However, if the image mod time is more than an
                # hour old, it's not likely to still be uploading, so assume
                # it's just broken and let the normal code move it to hires
                # so we don't try to process it again
                if os.path.getmtime(infilepathfilename) >= (time.time() -
                    logging.info("Returning from processImage()" \
                                 + ", leaving original image in place")
                    return cropped_img

            if (not mediumexists) and (not cropped_img == None):
                cropped_img.thumbnail(mediumsize, Image.ANTIALIAS)
                    cropped_img.save(mediumpathfilename, "JPEG")
                except IOError:
                    logging.error("Cannot save mediumres image %s" %

            if (not thumbexists) and (not cropped_img == None):
                    cropped_img.thumbnail(thumbsize, Image.ANTIALIAS)
                except IOError:
                    logging.error("Cannot make thumbnail %s" %

                if master_image != None:
                    #compare current image with Master and make a box around the change
                    diff_image = ImageOps.posterize(
                            ImageChops.difference(master_image, cropped_img)),
                    rect = diff_image.getbbox()
                    if rect != None:
                    cropped_img.save(thumbpathfilename, "JPEG")
                except IOError:
                    logging.error("Cannot save thumbnail %s" %

        # done processing, move raw file to storage, so we won't process it again.
        infilepathfilename = inpath(indir, filename)
        hirespathfilename = hirespath(indir, filename)

        shutil.move(infilepathfilename, hirespathfilename)
Ejemplo n.º 49
def sphereToPicture(sphere):
    picture = normalize(sphere)
    picture = ImageOps.colorize(picture, (10, 0, 100), (0, 256, 0))
    picture = imageToPygame(picture)
    return picture
Ejemplo n.º 50
def Segmentacao(caminho, diretorio):

    # cria o direotorio novo para a captura
        os.stat('Imagens/Cortes/' + diretorio)
        os.mkdir('Imagens/Cortes/' + diretorio)

    imagem = cv2.imread(caminho)  #le a imagem resultante do resultado anterior

    peb = cv2.cvtColor(imagem, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)  # tons de cinza
    _, segmentacao = cv2.threshold(
        peb, 150, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)  # segmentacao threshold
    holding = cv2.getStructuringElement(
        cv2.MORPH_RECT, (1, 2))  #1 e 2 sao porporcoes de descoberta
    dilated = cv2.dilate(segmentacao, holding,
                         iterations=2)  #dilatacao dos resultados encontrados
    contornos, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(
        dilated, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,
        cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)  # gera array de contornos

    media = 0

    b = 0

    for cont in contornos:  # para cada contorno gerado

        [x, y, w,
         h] = cv2.boundingRect(cont)  #gera um retangulo da area dos contornos

        largimg, altimg = imagem.shape[:2]

        contorno = int(largimg / 110)

        corte = imagem[y:y + h, x:x +
                       w]  #gera a imagem de corte com margens de 3 e 4 px

        largura, altura = corte.shape[:
                                      2]  #pega a largura e altura da imagem de corte

        if altura == 0:  #caso nao haja altura, se atribui 0,001 para evitar divisao por 0
            altura = 0.001

        proporcao = largura / altura  #gera a proporcao entre largura e altura

        min = largimg / 15

        if (largura >= TamanhoMinimo) and (largura <= TamanhoMaximo) and (
            (proporcao >= Proporcao1 and proporcao <= Proporcao2) or
            (proporcao >= Proporcao3 and proporcao <= Proporcao4)):

            print(str(x + y) + ".jpg " + str(proporcao) + " " + str(largura)
                  )  #printa a proporcao e largura da imagem de corte atual

            media = media + altura

            if largura > b:
                b = largura

            cv2.imwrite('Imagens/Cortes/' + diretorio + '/' + str(y + x) +
                        '.jpg', corte)  #salva imagem de corte
            imag = Image.open('Imagens/Cortes/' + diretorio + '/' +
                              str(y + x) + '.jpg')
            img_borda = ImageOps.expand(imag, border=3, fill='white')
            img_borda.save('Imagens/Cortes/' + diretorio + '/' + str(y + x) +


            cv2.imwrite(caminho, imagem)

Ejemplo n.º 51
def image_to_thumbnail(image):
    return ImageOps.fit(image, (size, size), Image.ANTIALIAS)
Ejemplo n.º 52
def normalize(image):
    image = image.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR)
    picture = ImageChops.blend(ImageOps.equalize(image), image, .5)
    return ImageChops.multiply(picture, picture)
Ejemplo n.º 53
 def loadFile(self,fileName):
     self.image = Image.eval(ImageOps.grayscale(Image.open(fileName)), lambda a: 1 if a <128 else 0)
     x,y = self.image.size
     self.x = x
     self.y = y
Ejemplo n.º 54
src_file = 'lena.tif'

#hozon image
dst_file = 'lena2.tif'

#patch size
patch_size = (8, 8)

#load dictionary
V = np.load('Dictionaries.npy')

#image read
im = Image.open(src_file)

#guresuke hennkann
gray_im = ImageOps.grayscale(im)

#output image syokika
dst_array = np.zeros((gray_im.size[1], gray_im.size[0]))

#image patch_size bunkatu to syori
w = gray_im.size[0] - patch_size[0]
h = gray_im.size[1] - patch_size[1]
y = 0
while y <= h:
    x = 0
    while x <= w:
        #patchsize kiritori
        box = (x, y, x + patch_size[0], y + patch_size[1])
        crop_im = gray_im.crop(box)
Ejemplo n.º 55
import os
import Image
import ImageOps
import numpy as np
path = '/Users/oli/Dropbox/Photos/Sample Album/'
imgs = os.listdir(path)

# Creating images (fake only 3 real images) just for demonstration
X = np.zeros((100, 3, PIXELS, PIXELS), dtype='float32')
y = np.zeros(100)
for i in range(0, 100):
    d = i % 3
    y[i] = d
    img = Image.open(path + imgs[d])
    img = ImageOps.fit(img, (PIXELS, PIXELS), Image.ANTIALIAS)
    img = np.asarray(img, dtype='float32') / 255.
    img = img.transpose(2, 0, 1).reshape(3, PIXELS, PIXELS)
    X[i] = img

net1 = NeuralNet(
        ('input', layers.InputLayer),
        ('hidden1', layers.DenseLayer),
        ('hidden2', layers.DenseLayer),
        ('output', layers.DenseLayer),
        None, 3, PIXELS, PIXELS
    ),  #None in the first axis indicates that the batch size can be set later
Ejemplo n.º 56
def triangles(original,
    original = original.convert('RGB')
    colours = util.get_dominant_colours(original, 8)
    colours_ordered = util.order_colours_by_brightness(colours)
    brightest_colour = list(random.choice(colours_ordered[:3]))

    new = Image.new('RGBA', (width, height), tuple(brightest_colour))

    draw = aggdraw.Draw(new)

    centres = []

    def is_too_close(x, y):
        for centre in centres:
            if math.sqrt(
                    math.pow(centre[0] - x, 2) +
                    math.pow(centre[1] - y, 2)) < min_distance:
                return True
        return False

    for i in xrange(n):

        colour = tuple(colours[int(random.randint(0, len(colours) - 1))])
        x = random.randint(size / 2, width - 1 - size / 2)
        y = random.randint(size / 2, height - 1 - size / 2)

        if is_too_close(x, y):

        centres.append((x, y))

        brush = aggdraw.Brush(colour, opacity)
        points = get_triangle_path(x, y, size / 2, size / 2)
        draw.polygon(points, None, brush)

    brightest_colour = brightest_colour[0:3]

    texture = Image.open(
        os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/' +
    texture = texture.convert('RGBA')
    r, g, b, a = texture.split()
    texture = ImageOps.grayscale(texture)
    texture = ImageOps.colorize(texture, (0, 0, 0), tuple(brightest_colour))
    texture = texture.convert('RGBA')

    r, g, b, a = new.split()

    texture = texture.crop((0, 0, width, height))
    texture_layer = Image.new('RGBA', (width, height), (0, 0, 0, 0))
    texture_layer.paste(texture, mask=new)
    new.paste(texture_layer, mask=texture_layer)

    im = Image.new('RGB', (width, height), tuple(brightest_colour))
    im.paste(new, mask=a)

    return im
def getSeatOne():

    im = ImageOps.grayscale(ImageGrab.grab
    a = array(im.getcolors())
Ejemplo n.º 58
# https://gist.github.com/752f2591ee2b3d0e702b
# make an array of icons to act as a decision aid

import Image, ImageChops, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageOps

dimension = 64
dimension_vert = 92
n_horiz = 10
n_vert = 10
n_switch = 7

img = Image.open('green_icon.png')
img = ImageOps.grayscale(img)
img = img.resize((dimension, dimension_vert), Image.BILINEAR)
#img_alt = ImageChops.invert(img)
img_alt = Image.open('red_icon.png')
img_alt = img_alt.resize((dimension, dimension_vert), Image.BILINEAR)

blank_image = Image.new("RGB",
                        (dimension * n_horiz, dimension_vert * (n_vert + 1)),
counter = n_horiz * n_vert

for vert in range(n_vert):
    for hor in range(n_horiz):
        if counter > n_switch:
            blank_image.paste(img, (hor * dimension, vert * dimension_vert))
                              (hor * dimension, vert * dimension_vert))
        counter -= 1
Ejemplo n.º 59
def generate_thumb(img, thumb_size, format):
    Generates a thumbnail image and returns a ContentFile object with the thumbnail

    img         File object

    thumb_size  desired thumbnail size, ie: (200,120)

    format      format of the original image ('jpeg','gif','png',...)
                (this format will be used for the generated thumbnail, too)

    img.seek(0)  # see http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/8222 for details
    image = Image.open(img)

    # Convert to RGB if necessary
    if image.mode not in ('L', 'RGB', 'RGBA'):
        image = image.convert('RGB')

    #comprobar que la imagen no es mas alta que ancha
    #ancho, alto = image.size
    #if alto > ancho:
    #    thumb_h, thumb_w = thumb_size
    #    thumb_w, thumb_h = thumb_size

    # get size
    thumb_w, thumb_h = thumb_size
    # If you want to generate a square thumbnail
    if thumb_w == thumb_h:
        # quad
        xsize, ysize = image.size
        # get minimum size
        minsize = min(xsize, ysize)
        # largest square possible in the image
        xnewsize = (xsize - minsize) / 2
        ynewsize = (ysize - minsize) / 2
        # crop it
        image2 = image.crop(
            (xnewsize, ynewsize, xsize - xnewsize, ysize - ynewsize))
        # load is necessary after crop
        # thumbnail of the cropped image (with ANTIALIAS to make it look better)
        image2.thumbnail(thumb_size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
        image2 = ImageOps.fit(image, thumb_size, Image.ANTIALIAS, 0,
                              (0.5, 0.5))
        # not quad
        #if image.size[0] > image.size[1]:
        #    ancho = thumb_w
        #    alto = (ancho*image.size[1])/image.size[0]
        #    #aqui ya he cambiado el valor del alto x el del alto en la linea  36
        #    alto = thumb_w
        #    ancho = (alto*image.size[0])/image.size[1]

        #image2 = image
        #image2 = image2.resize((ancho, alto), Image.ANTIALIAS)

    io = cStringIO.StringIO()
    # PNG and GIF are the same, JPG is JPEG
    if format.upper() == 'JPG':
        format = 'JPEG'

    image2.save(io, format)
    return ContentFile(io.getvalue())
Ejemplo n.º 60
    return 5 + ulpaste[1] + im.size[1] - slotwidth * (i + 1)

for i in xrange(slots):
    draw.text((ulpaste[0] - 6 * slotwidth, getrow(i)),
              "0x%08x" % (i * 0x02000000),

for row in xrange(32):
    txt = Image.new("L", (600, 60))
    d = ImageDraw.Draw(txt)
    d.text((0, 0), "0x%08x" % (row * 0x00100000), fill=255, font=dpf)
    del d
    rtxt = txt.rotate(17.5, expand=1)
    fim.paste(ImageOps.colorize(rtxt, "#ffffff", "#444444"),
              (ulpaste[0] +
               (row * (p_per_col / 32) * pheight), ulpaste[1] - 4 * slotwidth),
    del txt
    del rtxt

#draw.text ((ulpaste[0] + 0x00011000 * p_per_col*pheight / (32*1024*1024), ulpaste[1] + 65*slotwidth),
#           "Code/Data", fill="#000000", font=dpf)
#draw.text ((ulpaste[0] + 0x018C0000 * p_per_col*pheight / (32*1024*1024), ulpaste[1] + 65*slotwidth),
#           "Stack/Heap", fill="#000000", font=dpf)

def writerow(i, str):
    draw.text((10 * slotwidth, getrow(i)), str, fill="#000000", font=dpf)